I,Robot Gameplay

Each level of I,Robot is actually composed of 2 "waves": the terrain wave and the space wave. All levels begin on a terrain, and the space wave leads you to the terrain on the next level. The terrains are fairly straightforward, you have to collect all the "reds" in order to defeat the Evil Eye's shield. To collect the reds you simply touch them. Each touch of a red "fires" it into the Eye's shield. The shield displays the number of reds left on the terrain, but you must always collect every single red so this is unimportant. The Evil Eye will check upon I,Robot every few seconds as determined by the level (usually 7 seconds). If I,Robot is jumping while the Eye is open, I,Robot will be killed.

To score big in I,Robot, you must use a low viewpoint. There are 12 different viewpoints in the game, selectable up/down from the start buttons. In the lowest view the score is multiplied by 2. The higher the view, the less the score multiplier (increments of 2, 1.5, 1, and .5). If you are in the highest view, you actually lose potential points with a .5 score multiplier.

Terrain Wave
Many of the early terrains are simple, but as the game progresses, they become MUCH more difficult. Some of them are basically puzzles, as it takes some clever playing to find the best way to collect all the reds and avoid the enemies. This makes I,Robot a very playable game, because each of the terrains vastly differ from each other, they each must be played with completely different strageties.
This is the level 1 terrain. Move about the terrain and collect all the reds. I,Robot may jump across areas of equal level and in doing so fill in parts of the terrain. This is crucial in later levels as some areas are not accessable until you have filled in an areas to jump from.
I,Robot has collected every red except the one that stands at the base of the Evil Eye's pyramid. I,Robot may not jump to the Eye until all the other reds have been obtained.
Once I,Robot jumps to the last red he eliminates the eye and begins the space wave.

Space Wave
The space wave is the glue that holds the terrains together. You simply fly through space and blast the tetras and polygons in your way until you get to the next level. Thats it. One thing that is not instantly apparent is that you must stay within the area of the "enemies." If you fly off to the left or right polygons or saucers will home in and kill you.

I,Robot begins the space wave off of the Evil Eye's pyramid.
Shoot all the tetras (triangular objects) for a 999 point bonus, all other enemies are polygons (yes thats the "official" name). All polygons in I,Robot require 7 hits to kill.
Collect letters to spell "I,ROBOT" for a bonus life. You can see the terrain for level 3 beginning to appear.
Landing zone. After the first few levels, the landing zone is only wide enough for I,Robot so it becomes quite tricky.
If you stray out of the space wave, saucers (which cannot be shot) will home in and kill I,Robot.
Every 4th space wave is the Spiking Head. If the head faces you he will open his mouth and send spikes sailing to you. A spike is actually a "star" polygon missing 5 of its spines, so it requires 2 shots to kill.
You can keep the head from spiking you if you shoot it on its cheeks. Each shot on a cheek will make the head spin. Shoot once and it will turn all the way around, if you can keep juggling it back and forth you can avoid the spikes and concentrate on shooting tetras and I,ROBOT letters that fly your way.

The transporter appears in the lower left of the first level. It allows the player to transport to any level up to 5, or doodle city. if the player has gotten to a level higher than 5, the transporter can also be used to continue where you left off. You can only continue to the last odd-numbered level that you completed.
The transporter at level 1. The Transporter also appears on Level 3 only if you do not transport from level 1.
The transporter screen. Move up or down to select the level or doodle city.

There are several bonuses available in I,Robot. The terrain of each level is timed, the timer and the best time are always displayed in the lower left corner of the screen. There is an additional bonus available in the space wave, best space score. Space score and best space score are displayed in the lower left.
Beating the best terrain time wins this screen with brightly flashing colors.
If you shoot every tetra in the space wave, when landing on the next terrain you receive this bonus.
Best space score bonus screen
All terrains are timed. If the timer runs out I,Robot falls over and explodes :(
The timer isn't something you should be worried about in the early levels, but in the later levels you have to be very aware of the time, there is never enough.

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