Electronic Component Replacement List

Star Castle Keltron Monitor Deflection Board:

The Cinematronics B&W vector monitor with digital input was first produced for Space Wars and Tail Gunner. An almost identical version was released for Vectorbeam Space War, Speed Freak, and Star Hawk. This early version of the design included the HV components on the deflection board. Later games such as Star Castle, Armor Attack, Rip Off, Solar Quest used a newer version of the monitor that was built with the HV section of the deflection board unpopulated and a separate HV box was bolted onto the monitor frame. The most popular HV box was referred to as the Keltron HV box, hence the term 'Keltron monitor'.

The following list of parts is specifically intended for the newer Keltron monitors. However most, if not all, of the same components would in fact be suitable for the older monitor boards that include the HV components. None of the components that appear in the HV section of the older monitors are listed.

Description Application Digikey # Alternate part # Qty $ USD each or /pkg
LF13331N, quad analog switch, 16-pin DIP IC1 see note #1   1 $13.50
DAC80, 12-bit digital to voltage converter. Note: Photos on Digikey and Newark sites show this part as 0.3" DIP but part ships as 0.6" wide DIP. IC101, IC201 ADDAC80NZ-CBI-V-ND

Newark #: 12M7687

2 $18.36
TL081, op-amp, 8-pin DIP, can replace with LF351 IC102, IC202 296-7202-5-ND 296-7203-5-ND,
2 $0.80
2N3906 PNP bipolar transistor, 40V, 200mA, case TO-92, general purpose Q107, Q207 MPSA56GOS-ND 2N3906FS-ND 2 $0.24
2N3904 NPN bipolar transistor, 40V, 200mA, case TO-92, general purpose Q2, Q7, Q8 MPSA06-ND 2N3904FS-ND 3 $0.28
2N5210 NPN bipolar transistor, 100V, 100mA, case TO-92, general purpose Q6, Q101, Q102, Q103, Q201, Q202, Q203 2N5210-ND   7 $0.11
2N2102 NPN bipolar transistor, 120V, 1A, case TO-39 Q105, Q106, Q205, Q206 497-2636-5-ND Newark 35C0687 4 $1.17
2N5550 NPN bipolar transistor, 140V, 600mA, case TO-92 Q1, Q3 2N5550GOS-ND Newark 42K3146 2 $0.12
SN7406N, hex inverter, driver, HV outputs, 14-pin DIP IC7 296-1435-5-ND   1 $1.05
7815, +15V fixed voltage regulator, 1.5A, case TO-220 IC4 497-1454-5-ND


1 $0.72
7915, -15V fixed voltage regulator, 1.5A, case TO-220 IC6 MC7915ACTGOS-ND


1 $0.59
7805, +5V fixed voltage regulator, 1.5A, case TO-220 IC8 LM7805ACT-ND


1 $0.66
1N914 switching diode, 90V, 100mA, axial: Replaced with 1N4148, 100V, 200mA, case DO-35

D17, D19, D20, D101, D102, D103, D104, D201, D202, D203, D204, D200

1N4148FS-ND 1N914CT-ND 12 $0.32/10
1N4003 diode, 200V, 1A, axial: Replaced with 1N4007, 1kV, 1A, axial, DO-41 D3, D4, D5, D12, D13, D15, D16, D18, D105, D106, D107, D108, D109, D110, D111, D112, D113, D114, D115, D205, D206, D207, D208, D209, D210, D211, D212, D213, D214, D215
Note: D3 on schematic may be marked on PCB as D8!
Note: Add 1 diode across IC8 as shown here.
1N4007FSCT-ND 1N4007DICT-ND 31 $0.11
100 ohm Pot, single turn, vertical adjust, staggered pins, mfr Murata R109, R209 3362P-101LF-ND 490-2693-ND 2 $0.83
5 k ohm Pot, single turn, vertical adjust, staggered pins, mfr Murata R102, R202 3362P-502LF-ND 490-2711-ND 2 $0.83
47uF,50V,elect,axial: Replaced with 47uF/63V,6.5mmDx18mmL, Vishay/BC Compmpn: 2222-021-38479 C205, C207 4071PHCT-ND 4070PHCT-ND 2 $0.85
100nF, 100V, Film: Replaced with 100nF, 100V, ceramic, radial, 0.2" lead spacing, AVX mpn: SR211C104KAR C102, C202 478-3185-ND   2 $0.26
100nF, 50V, ceramic: Replaced with 100nF, 100V, radial, 0.2" lead spacing, AVX mpn: SR211C104KAR C24, C27, C103, C104, C203, C204 478-3185-ND

BC1101CT-ND, 100nF, 50V, ceramic X7R, Vishay/BC Comp mpn: K104K15X7RF5TH5

6 $0.26
0.33uF, 50V film cap radial: Replaced with .33UF, 100V, METAL POLY, radial, +-5%, 10mm lead spacing, Epcos mpn: B32521C1334J C1 495-1159-ND

495-1111-ND, 0.47uF, 63V, mpn: B32521C474J

1 $0.46
1uF, 35V, tant, radial: Replaced with 1uF, 50V, alum. elect, radial, Panasonic mpn: ECE-A1HKG010

C12, C13, C16
Note: C16 may not be populated and is not marked on PCB but holes exist near IC201. Put C16- to IC201 pin 14 (-15V) and C16+ to ground. See pictures here.

P931-ND   3 $0.19
2.2uF, 35V, tant, radial: Replaced with 33uF, 50V, alum. elect, radial, Panasonic mpn: EEU-FC1H330 C4, C10, C23 P10320-ND   3 $0.29
2.2uF, 35V tant, radial: Replaced with 2.2uF, 50V, alum. elect, radial, Panasonic mpn:
C15, C105, C211
Note: C211 may not be populated and is not marked on PCB but holes exist near IC201. Put C211+ to IC201 pin 13 and C211- to ground. See pictures here.
P14506-ND   3 $0.19
0.47uF, 35V, tant, radial: Replaced with 0.47uF, 63V, metal poly, radial, 10mm lead spacing, Epcos mpn: B32521C474J C25 495-1111-ND P929-ND, 0.47uF,50V,alum. elect, radial, Panasonic mpn: ECE-A1HKGR47 1 $0.49
4.7uF, 35V, tant, radial: Replaced with 4.7uF, 50V, alum. elect, radial, Panasonic mpn:
C26 P14508-ND   1 $0.21
8.2 kohm, 1/2W, 5%, resistor: Replaced with 2W part Vishay/BC Comp mpn: PR02000208201JR500
Note: These resistors are a common failure item. Original parts are often burned brown and can become open at any time. An open resistor causes loss of associated half of picture. The replacements suggested here are higher power devices appropriate for long life in this location.
Note: The Star Castle and Armor Attack monitor schematics show these parts as 82 kohm. It is an error. Do not use 82 kohm.
The Rip Off and Solar Quest monitor schematics show the correct 8.2 kohm value.
R111, R114, R211, R214 PPC8.2KW-2CT-ND Okay to use 10 kohm:
4 $0.38

2.7 ohm, 1W, 5%, resistor: Replaced with 2W part Koa Speer mpn: MOX2CT631R2R7J
2W, 5%, L:15.5mm x D: 6mm, 200ppm/C
Warning: This list previously listed a 1W part that was physically significantly smaller than the original part, the
Vishay PRO1000102708JR500,
Digikey# PPC2.7W-1CT-ND.
Although they work well and are cheap, in the event a fault develops, their small size can concentrate heat on the PCB leading to severe burning of the PCB.

R124, R125, R126, R127, R128, R129, R224, R225, R226, R227, R228, R229 660-MOX2CT631R2R7J

Alternate: Yageo mpn: RSF200JB-73-2R7
2W, 5%, L 15mm x D 5mm, 300ppm/C

12 $0.181
47 ohm, 1W, 5% resistor: Replaced with Yageo mpn: RSF100JB-73-47R R118, R119, R130, R131, R218, R219, R230, R231 47W-1-ND Note: Even better to use 2W parts:
Stackpole mpn: RSF2JT47R0, 2W, 5%, L 15mm x D 5mm, 200ppm/C
8 $0.36
Total: $80.31

Note #1: My best source for LF13331N is Arcadechips.

Description Application Newark # Alternate part # Qty $ USD each or /pkg
2N5876, PNP bipolar transistor, 10A, 80V, 150W, hfe=180, TO-3 case, mounted on large external heatsink: Replaced with 2N3792 by Multicomp Q111, Q211 01H1374 -see possible subs for 2N3792 in other list below 2 $1.72
2N5878, NPN bipolar transistor, 10A, 80V, 150W, hfe=180, TO-3 case, mounted on large external heatsink: Replaced with 2N3716 Q110, Q210 37C5219 -see possible subs for 2N3716 in other list below 2 $4.85
2N5322, PNP bipolar transistor, 75V, 2A, 10W, hfe=130, case TO-39 Q104, Q109, Q204, Q209 35C0722   4 $0.68
2N5320, NPN bipolar transistor, 75V, 2A, 10W, hfe=130, case TO-39 Q108, Q208 35C0721   2 $0.88
Total: $7.92


Description Application Supplier # Alternate part # Qty $ USD each or /pkg

2N5876, PNP bipolar transistor, 10A, 80V, 150W, hfe=180, TO-3 case, mounted on large external heatsink: Replaced with 2N3792 by Multicomp


Q111, Q211

Bob Roberts 2N3792

Newark 01H1374

-see possible subs for 2N3792 in other list below 2 $2.00
2N5878, NPN bipolar transistor, 10A, 80V, 150W, hfe=180, TO-3 case, mounted on large external heatsink: Replaced with 2N3716 Q110, Q210

Bob Roberts 2N3716

Newark 98K6247

-see possible subs for 2N3716 in other list below 2 $2.00
Total: $4.00


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Last update: Oct. 25, 2014