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Adventure.bin Disassembly

                   * Adventure for the Atari 2600, by Warren Robinett                             *
                   * Copyright 1979 Atari, Inc.                                                   *
                   * This disassembly was created by Joel D. Park in Jun 2002, based on an        *
                   * earlier disassembly from Nov 1994.  This is a fairly straight conversion to  *
                   * SourceGen format; very little has been changed other than corrections to     *
                   * spelling.                                                                    *
                   * Project created by Andy McFadden, using 6502bench SourceGen v1.5.            *
                   * Last updated 2020/01/17                                                      *
                   VSYNC           .eq     $00                 ;W 0000 00x0  Vertical Sync Set-Clear
                   VBLANK          .eq     $01                 ;W xx00 00x0  Vertical Blank Set-Clear
                   WSYNC           .eq     $02                 ;W ---- ----  Wait for Horizontal Blank
                   NUSIZ0          .eq     $04                 ;W 00xx 0xxx  Number-Size player/missile 0
                   NUSIZ1          .eq     $05                 ;W 00xx 0xxx  Number-Size player/missile 1
                   COLUP0          .eq     $06                 ;W xxxx xxx0  Color-Luminance Player 0
                   COLUP1          .eq     $07                 ;W xxxx xxx0  Color-Luminance Player 1
                   COLUPF          .eq     $08                 ;W xxxx xxx0  Color-Luminance Playfield
                   COLUBK          .eq     $09                 ;W xxxx xxx0  Color-Luminance Background
                   CTRLPF          .eq     $0a                 ;W 00xx 0xxx  Control Playfield, Ball, Collisions
                   PF0             .eq     $0d                 ;W xxxx 0000  Playfield Register Byte 0
                   PF1             .eq     $0e                 ;W xxxx xxxx  Playfield Register Byte 1
                   PF2             .eq     $0f                 ;W xxxx xxxx  Playfield Register Byte 2
                   RESP0           .eq     $10                 ;W ---- ----  Reset Player 0
                   AUDC0           .eq     $15                 ;W 0000 xxxx  Audio Control 0
                   AUDF0           .eq     $17                 ;W 000x xxxx  Audio Frequency 0
                   AUDV0           .eq     $19                 ;W 0000 xxxx  Audio Volume 0
                   AUDV1           .eq     $1a                 ;W 0000 xxxx  Audio Volume 1
                   GRP0            .eq     $1b                 ;W xxxx xxxx  Graphics Register Player 0
                   GRP1            .eq     $1c                 ;W xxxx xxxx  Graphics Register Player 1
                   ENAM0           .eq     $1d                 ;W 0000 00x0  Graphics Enable Missile 0
                   ENAM1           .eq     $1e                 ;W 0000 00x0  Graphics Enable Missile 1
                   ENABL           .eq     $1f                 ;W 0000 00x0  Graphics Enable Ball
                   HMP0            .eq     $20                 ;W xxxx 0000  Horizontal Motion Player 0
                   VDELP1          .eq     $26                 ;W 0000 000x  Vertical Delay Player 1
                   HMOVE           .eq     $2a                 ;W ---- ----  Apply Horizontal Motion
                   HMCLR           .eq     $2b                 ;W ---- ----  Clear Horizontal Move Registers
                   CXCLR           .eq     $2c                 ;W ---- ----  Clear Collision Latches
                   CXP0FB          .eq     $32                 ;R xx00 0000  Read Collision P0-PF P0-BL
                   CXP1FB          .eq     $33                 ;R xx00 0000  Read Collision P1-PF P1-BL
                   CXM0FB          .eq     $34                 ;R xx00 0000  Read Collision M0-PF M0-BL
                   CXM1FB          .eq     $35                 ;R xx00 0000  Read Collision M1-PF M1-BL
                   CXBLPF          .eq     $36                 ;R x000 0000  Read Collision BL-PF -----
                   CXPPMM          .eq     $37                 ;R xx00 0000  Read Collision P0-P1 M0-M1
                   INPT4           .eq     $3c                 ;R x000 0000  Read Input (Trigger) 0
                   SWCHA           .eq     $0280               ;RW Port A data register (joysticks...)
                   SWCHB           .eq     $0282               ;RW Port B data (console switches)
                   INTIM           .eq     $0284               ;R Timer output
                   TIM64T          .eq     $0296               ;W set 64 clock interval

                                   .org    $f000
f000: 4c ef f2     START           jmp     StartGame           ;3

                   ; alternate start
f003: 78                           sei                         ;2  setup for 6507, start with no
f004: d8                           cld                         ;2   variable initialization
f005: 4c 06 f3                     jmp     MainGameLoop        ;3

f008: 85 2b        PrintDisplay    sta     HMCLR               ;3  clear horizontal motion
f00a: a5 86                        lda     $86                 ;3  position Player00 sprite to
f00c: a2 00                        ldx     #$00                ;2   the X coordinate of Object1
f00e: 20 d2 f0                     jsr     PosSpriteX          ;6
f011: a5 88                        lda     $88                 ;3  position Player01 sprite to
f013: a2 01                        ldx     #$01                ;2   the X coordinate of Object2
f015: 20 d2 f0                     jsr     PosSpriteX          ;6
f018: a5 8b                        lda     $8b                 ;3  position ball sprite to
f01a: a2 04                        ldx     #$04                ;2   the X coordinate of the Man
f01c: 20 d2 f0                     jsr     PosSpriteX          ;6
f01f: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3  wait for horizontal blank
f021: 85 2a                        sta     HMOVE               ;3  apply horizontal motion
f023: 85 2c                        sta     CXCLR               ;3  clear collision latches
f025: a5 8c                        lda     $8c                 ;3  get the Y coordinate of the Man
f027: 38                           sec                         ;2
f028: e9 04                        sbc     #$04                ;2  and adjust it (by four scan lines)
f02a: 85 8d                        sta     $8d                 ;3   for printing (so Y coordinate specifies middle)
f02c: ad 84 02     @PrintDisplay_1 lda     INTIM               ;4  wait for end of the
f02f: d0 fb                        bne     @PrintDisplay_1     ;2+  current frame
f031: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2
f033: 85 90                        sta     $90                 ;3  set Player00 definition index
f035: 85 91                        sta     $91                 ;3  set Player01 definition index
f037: 85 8f                        sta     $8f                 ;3  set room definition index
f039: 85 1c                        sta     GRP1                ;3  clear any graphics for Player01
f03b: a9 01                        lda     #$01                ;2
f03d: 85 26                        sta     VDELP1              ;3  vertically delay Player01
f03f: a9 68                        lda     #$68                ;2
f041: 85 8e                        sta     $8e                 ;3  set scan line count
                   ; print top line of Room
f043: a4 8f                        ldy     $8f                 ;3  get room definition index
f045: b1 80                        lda     ($80),y             ;5+ get first room definition byte
f047: 85 0d                        sta     PF0                 ;3   and display
f049: c8                           iny                         ;2
f04a: b1 80                        lda     ($80),y             ;5+ get next room definition byte
f04c: 85 0e                        sta     PF1                 ;3   and display
f04e: c8                           iny                         ;2
f04f: b1 80                        lda     ($80),y             ;5+ get last room definition byte
f051: 85 0f                        sta     PF2                 ;3   and display
f053: c8                           iny                         ;2
f054: 84 8f                        sty     $8f                 ;3  save for next time
f056: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3  wait for horizontal blank
f058: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2
f05a: 85 01                        sta     VBLANK              ;3  clear any vertical blank
f05c: 4c 72 f0                     jmp     PrintPlayer00       ;3

                   ; print Player01 (Object2)
f05f: a5 8e        PrintPlayer01   lda     $8e                 ;3  get current scan line
f061: 38                           sec                         ;2  have we reached Object2's
f062: e5 89                        sbc     $89                 ;3   Y coordinate?
f064: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3  wait for horizontal blank
f066: 10 0a                        bpl     PrintPlayer00       ;2+ if not, branch
f068: a4 91                        ldy     $91                 ;3  get the Player01 definition index
f06a: b1 84                        lda     ($84),y             ;5+ get the next Player01 definition byte
f06c: 85 1c                        sta     GRP1                ;3   and display
f06e: f0 02                        beq     PrintPlayer00       ;2+ if zero then definition finished
f070: e6 91                        inc     $91                 ;5  goto next Player01 definition byte
                   ; print Player00 (Object1), Ball (Man), and Room
f072: a2 00        PrintPlayer00   ldx     #$00                ;2
f074: a5 8e                        lda     $8e                 ;3  get the current scan line
f076: 38                           sec                         ;2  have we reached the Object1's
f077: e5 87                        sbc     $87                 ;3   Y coordinate?
f079: 10 09                        bpl     @PrintPlayer00_1    ;2+ if not then branch
f07b: a4 90                        ldy     $90                 ;3  get Player00 definition index
f07d: b1 82                        lda     ($82),y             ;5+ get the next Player00 definition byte
f07f: aa                           tax                         ;2
f080: f0 02                        beq     @PrintPlayer00_1    ;2+ if zero then definition finished
f082: e6 90                        inc     $90                 ;5  go to next Player00 definition byte
f084: a0 00                        ldy     #$00                ;2  disable Ball graphic
f086: a5 8e                        lda     $8e                 ;3  get scan line count
f088: 38                           sec                         ;2  have we reached the Man's
f089: e5 8d                        sbc     $8d                 ;3   Y coordinate?
f08b: 29 fc                        and     #$fc                ;2  mask value to four either side (getting depth of 8)
f08d: d0 02                        bne     @PrintPlayer00_2    ;2+ if not, branch
f08f: a0 02                        ldy     #$02                ;2  enable Ball graphic
f091: a5 8e                        lda     $8e                 ;3  get scan line count
f093: 29 0f                        and     #$0f                ;2  have we reached a sixteenth scan line?
f095: d0 26                        bne     @PrintPlayer00_4    ;2+ if not, branch
f097: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3  wait for horizontal blank
f099: 84 1f                        sty     ENABL               ;3  enable Ball (if wanted)
f09b: 86 1b                        stx     GRP0                ;3  display Player00 definition byte (if wanted)
f09d: a4 8f                        ldy     $8f                 ;3  get room definition index
f09f: b1 80                        lda     ($80),y             ;5+ get first room definition byte
f0a1: 85 0d                        sta     PF0                 ;3   and display
f0a3: c8                           iny                         ;2
f0a4: b1 80                        lda     ($80),y             ;5+ get next room definition byte
f0a6: 85 0e                        sta     PF1                 ;3   and display
f0a8: c8                           iny                         ;2
f0a9: b1 80                        lda     ($80),y             ;5+ get next room definition byte
f0ab: 85 0f                        sta     PF2                 ;3   and display
f0ad: c8                           iny                         ;2
f0ae: 84 8f                        sty     $8f                 ;3  save for next time
f0b0: c6 8e                        dec     $8e                 ;5  goto next scan line
f0b2: a5 8e                        lda     $8e                 ;3  get the scan line
f0b4: c9 08                        cmp     #$08                ;2  have we reached to within 8 scanlines of the bottom?
f0b6: 10 a7                        bpl     PrintPlayer01       ;2+ if not, branch
f0b8: 85 01                        sta     VBLANK              ;3  turn on VBLANK
f0ba: 4c c6 f0                     jmp     TidyUp              ;3

                   ; print Player00 (Object1) and Ball (Man)
f0bd: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3  wait for horizontal blank
f0bf: 84 1f                        sty     ENABL               ;3  enable ball (if wanted)
f0c1: 86 1b                        stx     GRP0                ;3  display Player00 definition byte (if wanted)
f0c3: 4c b0 f0                     jmp     @PrintPlayer00_3    ;3

f0c6: a9 00        TidyUp          lda     #$00                ;2
f0c8: 85 1c                        sta     GRP1                ;3  clear any graphics for Player01
f0ca: 85 1b                        sta     GRP0                ;3  clear any graphics for Player00
f0cc: a9 20                        lda     #$20                ;2
f0ce: 8d 96 02                     sta     TIM64T              ;4  start timing this frame using
f0d1: 60                           rts                         ;6   the 64-bit counter

                   ; position sprite X horizontally
f0d2: a0 02        PosSpriteX      ldy     #$02                ;2  start with 10 clock cycles (to avoid HBLANK)
f0d4: 38                           sec                         ;2  divide the coordinate wanted
f0d5: c8           @loop           iny                         ;2   by fifteen, i.e. get coarse horizontal
f0d6: e9 0f                        sbc     #$0f                ;2   value (in multiples of 5 clock cycles
f0d8: b0 fb                        bcs     @loop               ;2+  therefore giving 15 color cycles)
f0da: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff                ;2  flip remainder to positive value (inverted)
f0dc: e9 06                        sbc     #$06                ;2  convert to left or right of current position
f0de: 0a                           asl     A                   ;2
f0df: 0a                           asl     A                   ;2
f0e0: 0a                           asl     A                   ;2  move to high nybble for TIA
f0e1: 0a                           asl     A                   ;2   horizontal motion
f0e2: 84 02                        sty     WSYNC               ;3  wait for horizontal blank
f0e4: 88           @loop           dey                         ;2  count down the color cycles
f0e5: 10 fd                        bpl     @loop               ;2+  (these are 5 machine / 15 color cycles)
f0e7: 95 10                        sta     RESP0,x             ;4  reset the sprite, thus positioning it coarsely
f0e9: 95 20                        sta     HMP0,x              ;4  set horizontal (fine) motion of sprite
f0eb: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; perform VSYNC
f0ec: ad 84 02     DoVSYNC         lda     INTIM               ;4  get timer output
f0ef: d0 fb                        bne     DoVSYNC             ;2+ wait for time-out
f0f1: a9 02                        lda     #$02                ;2
f0f3: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3  wait for horizontal blank
f0f5: 85 01                        sta     VBLANK              ;3  start vertical blanking
f0f7: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3
f0f9: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3
f0fb: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3
f0fd: 85 00                        sta     VSYNC               ;3
f0ff: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3
f101: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3
f103: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2
f105: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3  wait for horizontal blank
f107: 85 00                        sta     VSYNC               ;3  end vertical sync
f109: a9 2a                        lda     #$2a                ;2  set clock interval to
f10b: 8d 96 02                     sta     TIM64T              ;4   count down next frame
f10e: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; set up a room for print
f10f: a5 8a        SetupRoomPrint  lda     $8a                 ;3  get current room number
f111: 20 71 f2                     jsr     RoomNumToAddress    ;6  convert it to an address
f114: a0 00                        ldy     #$00                ;2
f116: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get low pointer to room graphics
f118: 85 80                        sta     $80                 ;3
f11a: a0 01                        ldy     #$01                ;2
f11c: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get high pointer to room graphics
f11e: 85 81                        sta     $81                 ;3
                   ; checdk B&W switch for room graphics
f120: ad 82 02                     lda     SWCHB               ;4  get console switches
f123: 29 08                        and     #$08                ;2  check black and white switch
f125: f0 0c                        beq     UseBW               ;2+ branch if B&W
                   ; use color
f127: a0 02                        ldy     #$02                ;2
f129: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get room color
f12b: 20 d3 f2                     jsr     ChangeColor         ;6  change if necessary
f12e: 85 08                        sta     COLUPF              ;3  put in playfield color register
f130: 4c 3c f1                     jmp     UseColor            ;3

f133: a0 03        UseBW           ldy     #$03                ;2
f135: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get B&W color
f137: 20 d3 f2                     jsr     ChangeColor         ;6  change if necessary
f13a: 85 08                        sta     COLUPF              ;3  put in the playfield color register
                   ; color background
f13c: a9 08        UseColor        lda     #$08                ;2  get light grey background
f13e: 20 d3 f2                     jsr     ChangeColor         ;6  change if necessary
f141: 85 09                        sta     COLUBK              ;3  put it in the background color register
                   ; playfield control
f143: a0 04                        ldy     #$04                ;2
f145: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get the playfield control value
f147: 85 0a                        sta     CTRLPF              ;3   and put in the playfield control register
f149: 29 c0                        and     #$c0                ;2  get the "this wall" flag
f14b: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
f14c: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
f14d: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2  get the first bit into position
f14e: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
f14f: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
f150: 85 1e                        sta     ENAM1               ;3  enable right hand thin wall (if wanted - Missile01)
f152: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
f153: 85 1d                        sta     ENAM0               ;3  enable left hand thin wall (if wanted - Missile00)
                   ; get objects to display
f155: 20 35 f2                     jsr     CacheObjects        ;6  get next two objects to display
                   ; sort out their order
f158: a5 95                        lda     $95                 ;3  if the Object1 is the
f15a: c9 00                        cmp     #$00                ;2   invisible surround
f15c: f0 0a                        beq     SwapPrintObjects    ;2+  then branch to swap (we want it was Player01)
f15e: c9 5a                        cmp     #$5a                ;2  if the first object is the bridge then
f160: d0 12                        bne     SetupObjectPrint    ;2+  swap the objects (we want it as Player01)
f162: a5 96                        lda     $96                 ;3  if the Object2 is the
f164: c9 00                        cmp     #$00                ;2   invisible surround then branch to leave
f166: f0 0c                        beq     SetupObjectPrint    ;2+  it (we want it as Player01)
f168: a5 95                        lda     $95                 ;3
f16a: 85 d8                        sta     $d8                 ;3
f16c: a5 96                        lda     $96                 ;3
f16e: 85 95                        sta     $95                 ;3  swap the objects to print
f170: a5 d8                        lda     $d8                 ;3
f172: 85 96                        sta     $96                 ;3
                   ; setup Object1 to print
f174: a6 95                        ldx     $95                 ;3  get Object1
f176: bd 44 ff                     lda     Store1,x            ;4+ get low pointer to its dynamic information
f179: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3
f17b: bd 45 ff                     lda     Store2,x            ;4+ get high pointer to its dynamic information
f17e: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3
f180: a0 01                        ldy     #$01                ;2
f182: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get Object1's X coordinate
f184: 85 86                        sta     $86                 ;3   and store for print
f186: a0 02                        ldy     #$02                ;2
f188: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get Object1's Y coordinate
f18a: 85 87                        sta     $87                 ;3   and store for print
f18c: bd 46 ff                     lda     Store3,x            ;4+ get low pointer to state value
f18f: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3
f191: bd 47 ff                     lda     Store4,x            ;4+ get high pointer to state value
f194: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3
f196: a0 00                        ldy     #$00                ;2
f198: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ retrieve Object1's current state
f19a: 85 dc                        sta     $dc                 ;3
f19c: bd 48 ff                     lda     Store5,x            ;4+ get low pointer to state information
f19f: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3
f1a1: bd 49 ff                     lda     Store6,x            ;4+ get high pointer to state information
f1a4: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3
f1a6: 20 a1 f2                     jsr     GetObjectState      ;6  find current state in the state information
f1a9: c8                           iny                         ;2  index to the state's corresponding graphic pointer
f1aa: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get Object1's low graphic address
f1ac: 85 82                        sta     $82                 ;3   and store for print
f1ae: c8                           iny                         ;2
f1af: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get Object1's high graphic address
f1b1: 85 83                        sta     $83                 ;3   and store for print
                   ; check B&W for Object01
f1b3: ad 82 02                     lda     SWCHB               ;4  get console switches
f1b6: 29 08                        and     #$08                ;2  check B&W switches
f1b8: f0 0b                        beq     MakeObjectBW        ;2+ branch if B&W
                   ; color
f1ba: bd 4a ff                     lda     Store7,x            ;4+ get Object1's color
f1bd: 20 d3 f2                     jsr     ChangeColor         ;6  change if necessary
f1c0: 85 06                        sta     COLUP0              ;3   and set color luminance00
f1c2: 4c cd f1                     jmp     ResizeObject        ;3

                   ; B&W
f1c5: bd 4b ff     MakeObjectBW    lda     Store8,x            ;4+ get object's B&W color
f1c8: 20 d3 f2                     jsr     ChangeColor         ;6  change if necessary
f1cb: 85 06                        sta     COLUP0              ;3  set color luminance00
                   ; Object1 size
f1cd: bd 4c ff     ResizeObject    lda     Store9,x            ;4+ get Object1's size
f1d0: 09 10                        ora     #$10                ;2  and set to larger size if necessary
f1d2: 85 04                        sta     NUSIZ0              ;3  (used by bridge and invisible surround)
                   ; set up Object2 to print
f1d4: a6 96                        ldx     $96                 ;3  get Object2
f1d6: bd 44 ff                     lda     Store1,x            ;4+ get low pointer to its dynamic information
f1d9: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3
f1db: bd 45 ff                     lda     Store2,x            ;4+ get high pointer to its dynamic information
f1de: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3
f1e0: a0 01                        ldy     #$01                ;2
f1e2: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get Object2's X coordinate
f1e4: 85 88                        sta     $88                 ;3   and store for print
f1e6: a0 02                        ldy     #$02                ;2
f1e8: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get Object2's Y coordinate
f1ea: 85 89                        sta     $89                 ;3   and store for print
f1ec: bd 46 ff                     lda     Store3,x            ;4+ get low pointer to state value
f1ef: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3
f1f1: bd 47 ff                     lda     Store4,x            ;4+ get high pointer to state value
f1f4: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3
f1f6: a0 00                        ldy     #$00                ;2
f1f8: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ retrieve Object2's current state
f1fa: 85 dc                        sta     $dc                 ;3
f1fc: bd 48 ff                     lda     Store5,x            ;4+ get low pointer to state information
f1ff: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3
f201: bd 49 ff                     lda     Store6,x            ;4+ get high pointer to state information
f204: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3
f206: 20 a1 f2                     jsr     GetObjectState      ;6  find the current state in the state information
f209: c8                           iny                         ;2  index to the state's corresponding graphic pointer
f20a: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+
f20c: 85 84                        sta     $84                 ;3  get Object2's low graphic address
f20e: c8                           iny                         ;2
f20f: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get Object2's high graphic address
f211: 85 85                        sta     $85                 ;3
                   ; check B&W for Object2
f213: ad 82 02                     lda     SWCHB               ;4  get console switches
f216: 29 08                        and     #$08                ;2  check B&W switch
f218: f0 0b                        beq     MakeObject2BW       ;2+ if B&W then branch
                   ; color
f21a: bd 4a ff                     lda     Store7,x            ;4+ get Object2's color
f21d: 20 d3 f2                     jsr     ChangeColor         ;6  change if necessary
f220: 85 07                        sta     COLUP1              ;3  and set color luminance01
f222: 4c 2d f2                     jmp     ResizeObject2       ;3

                   ; B&W
f225: bd 4b ff     MakeObject2BW   lda     Store8,x            ;4+ get Object's B&W color
f228: 20 d3 f2                     jsr     ChangeColor         ;6  change if necessary
f22b: 85 07                        sta     COLUP1              ;3  and set color luminance01
                   ; Object2 size
f22d: bd 4c ff     ResizeObject2   lda     Store9,x            ;4+ get Object2's size
f230: 09 10                        ora     #$10                ;2  and set to large size if necessary
f232: 85 05                        sta     NUSIZ1              ;3  (used by bridge and invisible surround)
f234: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; fill cache with two objects in this room
f235: a4 9c        CacheObjects    ldy     $9c                 ;3  get last object
f237: a9 a2                        lda     #$a2                ;2  set cache to no-objects
f239: 85 95                        sta     $95                 ;3
f23b: 85 96                        sta     $96                 ;3
f23d: 98           MoveNextObject  tya                         ;2
f23e: 18                           clc                         ;2  goto the next object to
f23f: 69 09                        adc     #$09                ;2   check (add nine)
f241: c9 a2                        cmp     #162                ;2  check if over maximum (9*18)
f243: 90 02                        bcc     GetObjectsInfo      ;2+
f245: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  if so, wrap to zero
f247: a8           GetObjectsInfo  tay                         ;2
f248: b9 44 ff                     lda     Store1,y            ;4+ get low byte of object info
f24b: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3
f24d: b9 45 ff                     lda     Store2,y            ;4+ get high byte of object info
f250: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3
f252: a2 00                        ldx     #$00                ;2
f254: a1 93                        lda     ($93,x)             ;6  get object's current room
f256: c5 8a                        cmp     $8a                 ;3  is it in this room?
f258: d0 10                        bne     CheckForMoreObjects ;2+ if not lets try next object (branch)
f25a: a5 95                        lda     $95                 ;3  check first slot
f25c: c9 a2                        cmp     #162                ;2  if not default (no-object)
f25e: d0 05                        bne     StoreObjectToPrint  ;2+  then branch
f260: 84 95                        sty     $95                 ;3  store this object's number to print
f262: 4c 6a f2                     jmp     CheckForMoreObjects ;3   and try for more

f265: 84 96                        sty     $96                 ;3  store this object's number to print
f267: 4c 6e f2                     jmp     StoreCount          ;3   and then give up - no slots free

f26a: c4 9c                        cpy     $9c                 ;3  have we done all the objects?
f26c: d0 cf                        bne     MoveNextObject      ;2+ if not, continue
f26e: 84 9c        StoreCount      sty     $9c                 ;3  if so, store current count
f270: 60                           rts                         ;6   for next time

                   ; convert room number to address
f271: 85 d8                        sta     $d8                 ;3  store room number wanted
f273: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3
f275: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  zero the high byte of the
f277: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3   offset
f279: 18                           clc                         ;2
f27a: 26 93                        rol     $93                 ;5
f27c: 26 94                        rol     $94                 ;5  multiply room number by eight
f27e: 26 93                        rol     $93                 ;5
f280: 26 94                        rol     $94                 ;5
f282: 26 93                        rol     $93                 ;5
f284: 26 94                        rol     $94                 ;5
f286: a5 d8                        lda     $d8                 ;3  get the original room number
f288: 18                           clc                         ;2
f289: 65 93                        adc     $93                 ;3
f28b: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3  and add it to the offset
f28d: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2
f28f: 65 94                        adc     $94                 ;3  in effect the room number is
f291: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3   multiplied by nine
f293: a9 1b                        lda     #<RoomDataTable     ;2
f295: 18                           clc                         ;2
f296: 65 93                        adc     $93                 ;3  add the room data base address
f298: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3   to the offset therefore getting
f29a: a9 fe                        lda     #>RoomDataTable     ;2   the final room data address
f29c: 65 94                        adc     $94                 ;3
f29e: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3
f2a0: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; get pointer to current state
f2a1: a0 00        GetObjectState  ldy     #$00                ;2
f2a3: a5 dc                        lda     $dc                 ;3  get the current object state
f2a5: d1 93                        cmp     ($93),y             ;5+ have we found it in the list of states?
f2a7: 90 08                        bcc     @GetObjectState_2   ;2+ if nearing it then found it and return
f2a9: f0 06                        beq     @GetObjectState_2   ;2+ if found it then return
f2ab: c8                           iny                         ;2
f2ac: c8                           iny                         ;2  goto next state in list of states
f2ad: c8                           iny                         ;2
f2ae: 4c a5 f2                     jmp     @GetObjectState_1   ;3

f2b1: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; check for input
f2b2: e6 e5        CheckInput      inc     $e5                 ;5  increment low count
f2b4: d0 08                        bne     GetJoystick         ;2+
f2b6: e6 e6                        inc     $e6                 ;5  increment high count if
f2b8: d0 04                        bne     GetJoystick         ;2+  needed
f2ba: a9 80                        lda     #$80                ;2  wrap the high count (indicating
f2bc: 85 e6                        sta     $e6                 ;3   timeout) if needed
f2be: ad 80 02     GetJoystick     lda     SWCHA               ;4  get joystick values
f2c1: c9 ff                        cmp     #$ff                ;2  if any movement then branch
f2c3: d0 09                        bne     @GetJoystick_2      ;2+
f2c5: ad 82 02                     lda     SWCHB               ;4  get the console switches
f2c8: 29 03                        and     #$03                ;2  mask for the reset/select switches
f2ca: c9 03                        cmp     #$03                ;2  have either of them been used?
f2cc: f0 04                        beq     @GetJoystick_3      ;2+ if not branch
f2ce: a9 00        @GetJoystick_2  lda     #$00                ;2  zero the high count of the
f2d0: 85 e6                        sta     $e6                 ;3   switches or joystick have been used
f2d2: 60           @GetJoystick_3  rts                         ;6

                   ; change color if necessary
f2d3: 4a           ChangeColor     lsr     A                   ;2  if bit 0 of the color is set
f2d4: 90 04                        bcc     @ChangeColor2       ;2+  then the room is to flash
f2d6: a8                           tay                         ;2  use color as an index (usually E5 - the low counter)
f2d7: b9 80 00                     lda     $0080,y             ;4+ get flash color (usually the low counter)
f2da: a4 e6        @ChangeColor2   ldy     $e6                 ;3  get the input counter
f2dc: 10 04                        bpl     @ChangeColor3       ;2+ if console/joystick moved recently then branch
f2de: 45 e6                        eor     $e6                 ;3  merge the high counter with the color wanted
f2e0: 29 fb                        and     #$fb                ;2  keep this color bug merge down the luminance
f2e2: 0a           @ChangeColor3   asl     A                   ;2  and restore original color if necessary
f2e3: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; get the address of the dynamic information for an object
f2e4: bd 44 ff                     lda     Store1,x            ;4+
f2e7: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3  get and store the low address
f2e9: bd 45 ff                     lda     Store2,x            ;4+
f2ec: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3  get and store the high address
f2ee: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; game start entry point
f2ef: 78           StartGame       sei                         ;2  disable interrupts
f2f0: d8                           cld                         ;2
f2f1: a2 28                        ldx     #$28                ;2  clear TIA registers
f2f3: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2   $04-$2c i.e. blank
f2f5: 95 04        ResetAll        sta     NUSIZ0,x            ;4   everything and turn
f2f7: ca                           dex                         ;2   everything off
f2f8: 10 fb                        bpl     ResetAll            ;2+
f2fa: 9a                           txs                         ;2  reset stack to $ff
f2fb: 95 00        SetupVars       sta     $00,x               ;4  clear $80 to $ff user vars
f2fd: ca                           dex                         ;2
f2fe: 30 fb                        bmi     SetupVars           ;2+
f300: 20 71 f3                     jsr     ThinWalls           ;6  position the thin walls (missiles)
f303: 20 d3 f3                     jsr     SetupRoomObjects    ;6  set up objects rooms and positions
f306: 20 84 f3     MainGameLoop    jsr     CheckGameStart      ;6  check for game start
f309: 20 23 fa                     jsr     MakeSound           ;6  make noise if necessary
f30c: 20 b2 f2                     jsr     CheckInput          ;6  check for input
f30f: a5 de                        lda     $de                 ;3  is the game active?
f311: d0 52                        bne     NonActiveLoop       ;2+ if not branch
f313: a5 b9                        lda     $b9                 ;3  get the room the chalice is in
f315: c9 12                        cmp     #$12                ;2  is it in the yellow castle?
f317: d0 0a                        bne     @MainGameLoop_2     ;2+ if not branch
f319: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff                ;2
f31b: 85 df                        sta     $df                 ;3  set the note count to maximum
f31d: 85 de                        sta     $de                 ;3  set the game to inactive
f31f: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  set the noise type to end-noise
f321: 85 e0                        sta     $e0                 ;3
f323: a0 00        @MainGameLoop_2 ldy     #$00                ;2  allow joystick read - all movement
f325: 20 c2 f4                     jsr     BallMovement        ;6  check ball collisions and move ball
f328: 20 d4 f5                     jsr     MoveCarriedObject   ;6  move the carried object
f32b: 20 ec f0                     jsr     DoVSYNC             ;6  wait for VSYNC
f32e: 20 0f f1                     jsr     SetupRoomPrint      ;6  set up the room and objects for display
f331: 20 08 f0                     jsr     PrintDisplay        ;6  display the room and objects
f334: 20 56 f5                     jsr     PickupPutdown       ;6  deal with object pickup and putdown
f337: a0 01                        ldy     #$01                ;2  disallow joystick read - move vertically only
f339: 20 c2 f4                     jsr     BallMovement        ;6  check ball collisions and move ball
f33c: 20 e7 f9                     jsr     Surround            ;6  deal with invisible surround moving
f33f: 20 ec f0                     jsr     DoVSYNC             ;6  wait for VSYNC
f342: 20 a5 f8                     jsr     MoveBat             ;6  move and deal with bat
f345: 20 3c f9                     jsr     Portals             ;6  move and deal with portcullises
f348: 20 08 f0                     jsr     PrintDisplay        ;6  display the room and objects
f34b: 20 cb f7                     jsr     MoveGreenDragon     ;6  move and deal with the green dragon
f34e: 20 b0 f7                     jsr     MoveYellowDragon    ;6  move and deal with the yellow dragon
f351: 20 ec f0                     jsr     DoVSYNC             ;6  wait for VSYNC
f354: a0 02                        ldy     #$02                ;2  disallow joystick read/bridge check - move horizontally only
f356: 20 c2 f4                     jsr     BallMovement        ;6  check ball collisions and move ball
f359: 20 95 f7                     jsr     MoveRedDragon       ;6  move and deal with red dragon
f35c: 20 b3 f9                     jsr     Mag                 ;6  deal with the magnet
f35f: 20 08 f0                     jsr     PrintDisplay        ;6  display the room and objects
f362: 4c 06 f3                     jmp     MainGameLoop        ;3

                   ; non-active game loop
f365: 20 ec f0     NonActiveLoop   jsr     DoVSYNC             ;6  wait for VSYNC
f368: 20 08 f0                     jsr     PrintDisplay        ;6  display the room and objects
f36b: 20 0f f1                     jsr     SetupRoomPrint      ;6  set up room and objects for display
f36e: 4c 06 f3                     jmp     MainGameLoop        ;3

                   ; position missiles to "thin wall" areas
f371: a9 0d        ThinWalls       lda     #$0d                ;2  position missile 00 to
f373: a2 02                        ldx     #$02                ;2   (0d,00) - left thin wall
f375: 20 d2 f0                     jsr     PosSpriteX          ;6
f378: a9 96                        lda     #$96                ;2  position missile 01 to
f37a: a2 03                        ldx     #$03                ;2   (96,00) - right thin wall
f37c: 20 d2 f0                     jsr     PosSpriteX          ;6
f37f: 85 02                        sta     WSYNC               ;3  wait for horizontal blank
f381: 85 2a                        sta     HMOVE               ;3  apply the horizontal move
f383: 60                           rts                         ;6

f384: ad 82 02     CheckGameStart  lda     SWCHB               ;4  get the console switches
f387: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff                ;2  flip (as reset active low)
f389: 25 92                        and     $92                 ;3  compare with what was before
f38b: 29 01                        and     #$01                ;2  and check only the reset switch
f38d: f0 26                        beq     CheckReset          ;2+ if no reset then branch
f38f: a5 de                        lda     $de                 ;3  has the game started?
f391: c9 ff                        cmp     #$ff                ;2  if not then branch
f393: f0 3e                        beq     SetupRoomObjects    ;2+
f395: a9 11                        lda     #$11                ;2  get the yellow castle room
f397: 85 8a                        sta     $8a                 ;3  make it the current room
f399: 85 e2                        sta     $e2                 ;3  make it the previous room
f39b: a9 50                        lda     #$50                ;2  get the X coordinate
f39d: 85 8b                        sta     $8b                 ;3  make it the current ball X coordinate
f39f: 85 e3                        sta     $e3                 ;3  make it the previous ball X coordinate
f3a1: a9 20                        lda     #$20                ;2  get the Y coordinate
f3a3: 85 8c                        sta     $8c                 ;3  make it the current ball Y coordinate
f3a5: 85 e4                        sta     $e4                 ;3  make it the previous ball Y coordinate
f3a7: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2
f3a9: 85 a8                        sta     $a8                 ;3  set the red dragon's state to OK
f3ab: 85 ad                        sta     $ad                 ;3  set the yellow dragon's state to OK
f3ad: 85 b2                        sta     $b2                 ;3  set the green dragon's state to OK
f3af: 85 df                        sta     $df                 ;3  set the note count to zero (ops!??)
f3b1: a9 a2                        lda     #$a2                ;2
f3b3: 85 9d                        sta     $9d                 ;3  set no object being carried
f3b5: ad 82 02     CheckReset      lda     SWCHB               ;4  get the console switches
f3b8: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff                ;2  flip (as select active low)
f3ba: 25 92                        and     $92                 ;3  compare with what was before
f3bc: 29 02                        and     #$02                ;2  and check only the select switch
f3be: f0 4c                        beq     StoreSwitches       ;3+ branch if select not being used
f3c0: a5 8a                        lda     $8a                 ;3  get the current room
f3c2: c9 00                        cmp     #$00                ;2  is it the "number" room?
f3c4: d0 0d                        bne     SetupRoomObjects    ;2+ branch if not
f3c6: a5 dd                        lda     $dd                 ;3  increment the level
f3c8: 18                           clc                         ;2   number (by two)
f3c9: 69 02                        adc     #$02                ;2
f3cb: c9 06                        cmp     #$06                ;2  have we reached the maximum?
f3cd: 90 02                        bcc     ResetSetup          ;2+
f3cf: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  if yep then set back to zero
f3d1: 85 dd        ResetSetup      sta     $dd                 ;3  store the new level number
f3d3: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  set the current room to the
f3d5: 85 8a                        sta     $8a                 ;3   "number" room
f3d7: 85 e2                        sta     $e2                 ;3  and the previous room
f3d9: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  set the ball's Y coordinate to zero
f3db: 85 8c                        sta     $8c                 ;3  and the previous Y coordinate
f3dd: 85 e4                        sta     $e4                 ;3  (so can't be seen)
f3df: a4 dd                        ldy     $dd                 ;3  get the level number
f3e1: b9 5a f4                     lda     Loc_4,y             ;4+ get the low pointer to object locations
f3e4: 85 93                        sta     $93                 ;3
f3e6: b9 5b f4                     lda     Loc_5,y             ;4+ get the high pointer to object locations
f3e9: 85 94                        sta     $94                 ;3
f3eb: a0 30                        ldy     #$30                ;2  copy all the objects dynamic information
f3ed: b1 93        @loop           lda     ($93),y             ;5+  (the rooms and positions) into
f3ef: 99 a1 00                     sta     $00a1,y             ;5   the working area
f3f2: 88                           dey                         ;2
f3f3: 10 f8                        bpl     @loop               ;2+
f3f5: a5 dd                        lda     $dd                 ;3  get the level number
f3f7: c9 04                        cmp     #$04                ;2  branch if level one
f3f9: 90 09                        bcc     SignalGameStart     ;3+ or two (where all objects are in defined areas)
f3fb: 20 12 f4                     jsr     RandomizeLevel3     ;6  put some objects in random rooms
f3fe: 20 ec f0                     jsr     DoVSYNC             ;6  wait for VSYNC
f401: 20 08 f0                     jsr     PrintDisplay        ;6  display rooms and objects
f404: a9 00        SignalGameStart lda     #$00                ;2  signal that the game has started
f406: 85 de                        sta     $de                 ;3
f408: a9 a2                        lda     #$a2                ;2  set no object being carried
f40a: 85 9d                        sta     $9d                 ;3
f40c: ad 82 02     StoreSwitches   lda     SWCHB               ;4  store the current console switches
f40f: 85 92                        sta     $92                 ;3
f411: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; put objects in random rooms for level 3
f412: a0 1e        RandomizeLevel3 ldy     #30                 ;2  for each of the eleven objects...
f414: a5 e5        @loop           lda     $e5                 ;3  get the low input counter as seed
f416: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
f417: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
f418: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2  generate a pseudo-random
f419: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2   room number
f41a: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
f41b: 38                           sec                         ;2
f41c: 65 e5                        adc     $e5                 ;3  store the low input counter
f41e: 85 e5                        sta     $e5                 ;3
f420: 29 1f                        and     #$1f                ;2  trim so represents a room value
f422: d9 3a f4                     cmp     Loc_2,y             ;4+ if it is less than the
f425: 90 ed                        bcc     @loop               ;2+  lower bound for object then get another
f427: d9 3b f4                     cmp     Loc_3,y             ;4+ if it equals or is
f42a: f0 02                        beq     @obj_le             ;2+  less than the higher bound for object
f42c: b0 e6                        bcs     @loop               ;2+  then continue (branch if higher)
f42e: be 39 f4     @obj_le         ldx     Loc_1,y             ;4+ get the dynamic data index for this object
f431: 95 00                        sta     $00,x               ;4  store the new room value
f433: 88                           dey                         ;2
f434: 88                           dey                         ;2  goto the next object
f435: 88                           dey                         ;2
f436: 10 dc                        bpl     @loop               ;2+ until all done
f438: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; Room bounds data.
                   ; e.g. the chalice at location $B9 can only exist in rooms 13-1A for level 3.
f439: b9           Loc_1           .dd1    $b9                 ;chalice
f43a: 13           Loc_2           .dd1    $13
f43b: 1a           Loc_3           .dd1    $1a
f43c: a4 01 1d                     .bulk   $a4,$01,$1d         ;red dragon
f43f: a9 01 1d                     .bulk   $a9,$01,$1d         ;yellow dragon
f442: ae 01 1d                     .bulk   $ae,$01,$1d         ;green dragon
f445: b6 01 1d                     .bulk   $b6,$01,$1d         ;sword
f448: bc 01 1d                     .bulk   $bc,$01,$1d         ;bridge
f44b: bf 01 1d                     .bulk   $bf,$01,$1d         ;yellow key
f44e: c2 01 16                     .bulk   $c2,$01,$16         ;white key
f451: c5 01 12                     .bulk   $c5,$01,$12         ;black key
f454: cb 01 1d                     .bulk   $cb,$01,$1d         ;bat
f457: b3 01 1d                     .bulk   $b3,$01,$1d         ;magnet
f45a: 60           Loc_4           .dd1    <Game1Objects       ;pointer to object locations for game 01
f45b: f4           Loc_5           .dd1    >Game1Objects
f45c: 91 f4                        .dd2    Game2Objects        ;pointer to object locations for game 02
f45e: 91 f4                        .dd2    Game2Objects        ;pointer to object locations for game 03
                   ; object locations (room and coordinate) for game 01
f460: 15 51 12     Game1Objects    .bulk   $15,$51,$12         ;black dot (room, X, Y)
f463: 0e 50 20 00+                 .bulk   $0e,$50,$20,$00,$00 ;red dragon (room, X, Y, movement, state)
f468: 01 50 20 00+                 .bulk   $01,$50,$20,$00,$00 ;yellow dragon (room, X, Y, movement, state)
f46d: 1d 50 20 00+                 .bulk   $1d,$50,$20,$00,$00 ;green dragon (room, X, Y, movement, state)
f472: 1b 80 20                     .bulk   $1b,$80,$20         ;magnet (room, X, Y)
f475: 12 20 20                     .bulk   $12,$20,$20         ;sword (room, X, Y)
f478: 1c 30 20                     .bulk   $1c,$30,$20         ;chalice (room, X, Y)
f47b: 04 29 37                     .bulk   $04,$29,$37         ;bridge (room, X, Y)
f47e: 11 20 40                     .bulk   $11,$20,$40         ;yellow key (room, X, Y)
f481: 0e 20 40                     .bulk   $0e,$20,$40         ;white key (room, X, Y)
f484: 1d 20 40                     .bulk   $1d,$20,$40         ;black key (room, X, Y)
f487: 1c                           .dd1    $1c                 ;portcullis state
f488: 1c                           .dd1    $1c                 ;portcullis state
f489: 1c                           .dd1    $1c                 ;portcullis state
f48a: 1a 20 20 00+                 .bulk   $1a,$20,$20,$00,$00 ;bat (room, X, Y, movement, state)
f48f: 78 00                        .bulk   $78,$00             ;bat (carrying, fed-up)
                   ; object locations (room and coordinate) for games 02 and 03
f491: 15 51 12     Game2Objects    .bulk   $15,$51,$12         ;black dot (room, X, Y)
f494: 14 50 20 a0+                 .bulk   $14,$50,$20,$a0,$00 ;red dragon (room, X, Y, movement, state)
f499: 19 50 20 a0+                 .bulk   $19,$50,$20,$a0,$00 ;yellow dragon (room, X, Y, movement, state)
f49e: 04 50 20 a0+                 .bulk   $04,$50,$20,$a0,$00 ;green dragon (room, X, Y, movement, state)
f4a3: 0e 80 20                     .bulk   $0e,$80,$20         ;magnet (room, X, Y)
f4a6: 11 20 20                     .bulk   $11,$20,$20         ;sword (room, X, Y)
f4a9: 14 30 20                     .bulk   $14,$30,$20         ;chalice (room, X, Y)
f4ac: 0b 40 40                     .bulk   $0b,$40,$40         ;bridge (room, X, Y)
f4af: 09 20 40                     .bulk   $09,$20,$40         ;yellow key (room, X, Y)
f4b2: 06 20 40                     .bulk   $06,$20,$40         ;white key (room, X, Y)
f4b5: 19 20 40                     .bulk   $19,$20,$40         ;black key (room, X, Y)
f4b8: 1c                           .dd1    $1c                 ;portcullis state
f4b9: 1c                           .dd1    $1c                 ;portcullis state
f4ba: 1c                           .dd1    $1c                 ;portcullis state
f4bb: 02 20 20 90+                 .bulk   $02,$20,$20,$90,$00 ;bat (room, X, Y, movement, state)
f4c0: 78 00                        .bulk   $78,$00             ;bat (carrying, fed-up)

                   ; check ball collisions and move ball
f4c2: a5 36        BallMovement    lda     CXBLPF              ;3
f4c4: 29 80                        and     #$80                ;2  get ball-playfield collision
f4c6: d0 2d                        bne     PlayerCollision     ;2+ branch if collision (player-wall)
f4c8: a5 34                        lda     CXM0FB              ;3
f4ca: 29 40                        and     #$40                ;2  get ball-missile00 collision
f4cc: d0 27                        bne     PlayerCollision     ;2+ branch if collision (player-left thin)
f4ce: a5 35                        lda     CXM1FB              ;3
f4d0: 29 40                        and     #$40                ;2  get ball-missile01 collision
f4d2: f0 06                        beq     @BallMove_1         ;2+ branch if no collision
f4d4: a5 96                        lda     $96                 ;3  if Object2 (to print) is
f4d6: c9 87                        cmp     #$87                ;2   not the black dot then collide
f4d8: d0 1b                        bne     PlayerCollision     ;2+
f4da: a5 32        @BallMove_1     lda     CXP0FB              ;3
f4dc: 29 40                        and     #$40                ;2  get ball-player00 collision
f4de: f0 06                        beq     @BallMove_2         ;2+ if no collision then branch
f4e0: a5 95                        lda     $95                 ;3  if Object1 (to print is)
f4e2: c9 00                        cmp     #$00                ;2   not the invisible surround then
f4e4: d0 0f                        bne     PlayerCollision     ;2+  branch (collision)
f4e6: a5 33        @BallMove_2     lda     CXP1FB              ;3
f4e8: 29 40                        and     #$40                ;2  get ball-player01 collision
f4ea: f0 33                        beq     NoCollision         ;3+ if no collision then branch
f4ec: a5 96                        lda     $96                 ;3  if player 01 to print is
f4ee: c9 00                        cmp     #$00                ;2   not the invisible surround then
f4f0: d0 03                        bne     PlayerCollision     ;2+  branch (collision)
f4f2: 4c 1f f5                     jmp     NoCollision         ;3

                   ; player collided (with something)
f4f5: c0 02        PlayerCollision cpy     #$02                ;2  are we checking for the bridge?
f4f7: d0 36                        bne     ReadStick           ;3+ if not, branch
f4f9: a5 9d                        lda     $9d                 ;3  get the object being carried
f4fb: c9 5a                        cmp     #$5a                ;2  branch if it is the bridge
f4fd: f0 30                        beq     ReadStick           ;3+
f4ff: a5 8a                        lda     $8a                 ;3  get the current room
f501: c5 bc                        cmp     $bc                 ;3  is the bridge in this room?
f503: d0 2a                        bne     ReadStick           ;2+ if not branch
                   ; check going through the bridge
f505: a5 8b                        lda     $8b                 ;3  get the ball's X coordinate
f507: 38                           sec                         ;2
f508: e5 bd                        sbc     $bd                 ;3  subtract the bridge's X coordinate
f50a: c9 0a                        cmp     #$0a                ;2  if less than $0A then forget it
f50c: 90 21                        bcc     ReadStick           ;2+
f50e: c9 17                        cmp     #$17                ;2  if more than $17 then forget it
f510: b0 1d                        bcs     ReadStick           ;2+
f512: a5 be                        lda     $be                 ;3  get the bridge's Y coordinate
f514: 38                           sec                         ;2
f515: e5 8c                        sbc     $8c                 ;3  subtract the ball's Y coordinate
f517: c9 fc                        cmp     #$fc                ;2
f519: b0 04                        bcs     NoCollision         ;2+ if more than $FC then going through bridge
f51b: c9 19                        cmp     #$19                ;2  if more than $19 then forget it
f51d: b0 10                        bcs     ReadStick           ;2+
                   ; no collision (and going through bridge)
f51f: a9 ff        NoCollision     lda     #$ff                ;2  reset the joystick input
f521: 85 99                        sta     $99                 ;3
f523: a5 8a                        lda     $8a                 ;3  get the current room
f525: 85 e2                        sta     $e2                 ;3   and store temporarily
f527: a5 8b                        lda     $8b                 ;3  get the ball's X coordinate
f529: 85 e3                        sta     $e3                 ;3   and store temporarily
f52b: a5 8c                        lda     $8c                 ;3  get the ball's Y coordinate
f52d: 85 e4                        sta     $e4                 ;3   and store temporarily
                   ; read sticks
f52f: c0 00        ReadStick       cpy     #$00                ;2  ???is game in first phase?
f531: d0 05                        bne     @ReadStick_2        ;2+ if not, don't bother with joystick read
f533: ad 80 02                     lda     SWCHA               ;4  read joysticks
f536: 85 99                        sta     $99                 ;3   and store value
f538: a5 e2        @ReadStick_2    lda     $e2                 ;3  get temporary room
f53a: 85 8a                        sta     $8a                 ;3   and make it the current room
f53c: a5 e3                        lda     $e3                 ;3  get temporary X coordinate
f53e: 85 8b                        sta     $8b                 ;3   and make it the man's X coordinate
f540: a5 e4                        lda     $e4                 ;3  get temporary Y coordinate
f542: 85 8c                        sta     $8c                 ;3   and make it the man's Y coordinate
f544: a5 99                        lda     $99                 ;3  get the joystick position
f546: 19 53 f5                     ora     ReadStick_3,y       ;4+ merge out movement not allowed in this phase
f549: 85 9b                        sta     $9b                 ;3  and store cooked movement
f54b: a0 03                        ldy     #$03                ;2  set the delta for the ball
f54d: a2 8a                        ldx     #$8a                ;2  point to ball's coordinates
f54f: 20 ff f5                     jsr     MoveGroundObject    ;6  move the ball
f552: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; joystick merge values
f553: 00 c0 30     ReadStick_3     .bulk   $00,$c0,$30         ;no change, no horizontal, no vertical

                   ; deal with object pickup and putdown
f556: 26 3c        PickupPutdown   rol     INPT4               ;5  get joystick trigger
f558: 66 d7                        ror     $d7                 ;5  merge into joystick record
f55a: a5 d7                        lda     $d7                 ;3  get joystick record
f55c: 29 c0                        and     #$c0                ;2  merge out previous presses
f55e: c9 40                        cmp     #$40                ;2  was it previously pressed?
f560: d0 10                        bne     @PickupPutdown_2    ;2+ if not branch
f562: a9 a2                        lda     #$a2                ;2
f564: c5 9d                        cmp     $9d                 ;3  if nothing is being carried
f566: f0 0a                        beq     @PickupPutdown_2    ;2+  then branch
f568: 85 9d                        sta     $9d                 ;3  drop object
f56a: a9 04                        lda     #$04                ;2  set noise type to four
f56c: 85 e0                        sta     $e0                 ;3
f56e: a9 04                        lda     #$04                ;2  set noise count to four
f570: 85 df                        sta     $df                 ;3
f572: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff                ;2  ????
f574: 85 98                        sta     $98                 ;3
                   ; check for collision
f576: a5 32                        lda     CXP0FB              ;3
f578: 29 40                        and     #$40                ;2  get Ball-Player00 collision
f57a: f0 07                        beq     @PickupPutdown_3    ;2+ if nothing occurred then branch
                   ; with Player00
f57c: a5 95                        lda     $95                 ;3  get type of Player00
f57e: 85 97                        sta     $97                 ;3   and store
f580: 4c 93 f5                     jmp     CollisionDetected   ;3  deal with collision

f583: a5 33                        lda     CXP1FB              ;3
f585: 29 40                        and     #$40                ;2  get Ball-Player01 collision
f587: f0 07                        beq     @PickupPutdown_4    ;2+ if nothing has happened, branch
f589: a5 96                        lda     $96                 ;3  get type of Player01
f58b: 85 97                        sta     $97                 ;3   and store
f58d: 4c 93 f5                     jmp     CollisionDetected   ;3  deal with collision

f590: 4c d3 f5                     jmp     NoObject            ;3  deal with no collision (return)

f593: a6 97                        ldx     $97                 ;3  get the object collided with
f595: 20 e4 f2                     jsr     GetObjectAddress    ;6  get its dynamic information
f598: a5 97                        lda     $97                 ;3  get the object collided with
f59a: c9 51                        cmp     #$51                ;2  is it carriable?
f59c: 90 35                        bcc     NoObject            ;2+ if not, branch
f59e: a0 00                        ldy     #$00                ;2
f5a0: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get the object's room
f5a2: c5 8a                        cmp     $8a                 ;3  is it in the current room?
f5a4: d0 2d                        bne     NoObject            ;2+ if not, branch
f5a6: a5 97                        lda     $97                 ;3  get the object collided with
f5a8: c5 9d                        cmp     $9d                 ;3  is it the object being carried?
f5aa: f0 08                        beq     PickupObject        ;2+ if so, branch (and actually pick it up)
f5ac: a9 05                        lda     #$05                ;2  set noise type to five
f5ae: 85 e0                        sta     $e0                 ;3
f5b0: a9 04                        lda     #$04                ;2  set noise count to four
f5b2: 85 df                        sta     $df                 ;3
f5b4: a5 97        PickupObject    lda     $97                 ;3  set the object as being
f5b6: 85 9d                        sta     $9d                 ;3   carried
f5b8: a6 93                        ldx     $93                 ;3  get the dynamic address low byte
f5ba: a0 06                        ldy     #$06                ;2
f5bc: a5 99                        lda     $99                 ;3  ????
f5be: 20 ac f6                     jsr     MoveObjectDelta     ;6  ????
f5c1: a0 01                        ldy     #$01                ;2
f5c3: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get the object's X coordinate
f5c5: 38                           sec                         ;2
f5c6: e5 8b                        sbc     $8b                 ;3  subtract the ball's X coordinate
f5c8: 85 9e                        sta     $9e                 ;3   and store the difference
f5ca: a0 02                        ldy     #$02                ;2
f5cc: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get the object's Y coordinate
f5ce: 38                           sec                         ;2
f5cf: e5 8c                        sbc     $8c                 ;3  subtract the Balls' Y coordinate
f5d1: 85 9f                        sta     $9f                 ;3   and store the difference
                   ; no collision
f5d3: 60           NoObject        rts                         ;6

                   ; move the carried object
f5d4: a6 9d                        ldx     $9d                 ;3  get the object being carried
f5d6: e0 a2                        cpx     #$a2                ;2  if nothing then branch (return)
f5d8: f0 24                        beq     @MoveCarriedObject_2 ;2+
f5da: 20 e4 f2                     jsr     GetObjectAddress    ;6  get its dynamic information
f5dd: a0 00                        ldy     #$00                ;2
f5df: a5 8a                        lda     $8a                 ;3  get the current room
f5e1: 91 93                        sta     ($93),y             ;6   and store the object's current room
f5e3: a0 01                        ldy     #$01                ;2
f5e5: a5 8b                        lda     $8b                 ;3  get the ball's X coordinate
f5e7: 18                           clc                         ;2
f5e8: 65 9e                        adc     $9e                 ;3  add the X difference
f5ea: 91 93                        sta     ($93),y             ;6   and store as the object's X coordinate
f5ec: a0 02                        ldy     #$02                ;2
f5ee: a5 8c                        lda     $8c                 ;3  get the ball's Y coordinate
f5f0: 18                           clc                         ;2
f5f1: 65 9f                        adc     $9f                 ;3  add the Y difference
f5f3: 91 93                        sta     ($93),y             ;6   and store as the object's Y coordinate
f5f5: a0 00                        ldy     #$00                ;2  set no delta
f5f7: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff                ;2  set no movement
f5f9: a6 93                        ldx     $93                 ;3  get the object's dynamic address
f5fb: 20 ff f5                     jsr     MoveGroundObject    ;6  move the object
f5fe: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; move the object
f5ff: 20 ac f6                     jsr     MoveObjectDelta     ;6  move the object by delta
f602: a0 02                        ldy     #$02                ;2  set to do the three
f604: 84 9a                        sty     $9a                 ;3   portcullises
f606: b9 c8 00                     lda     $00c8,y             ;4+ get the portal state
f609: c9 1c                        cmp     #$1c                ;2  is it in a closed state?
f60b: f0 22                        beq     GetPortal           ;2+ if not, next portal
                   ; deal with object moving out of a castle
f60d: a4 9a                        ldy     $9a                 ;3  get port number
f60f: b5 00                        lda     $00,x               ;4  get object's room number
f611: d9 ad f9                     cmp     EntryRoomOffsets,y  ;4+ is it in a castle entry room?
f614: d0 19                        bne     GetPortal           ;2+ if not, next portal
f616: b5 02                        lda     $02,x               ;4  get the object's Y coordinate
f618: c9 0d                        cmp     #$0d                ;2  is it above $0D i.e. at the bottom?
f61a: 10 13                        bpl     GetPortal           ;2+ if so then branch
f61c: b9 b0 f9                     lda     CastleRoomOffsets,y ;4+ get the castle room
f61f: 95 00                        sta     $00,x               ;4  and put the object in the castle room
f621: a9 50                        lda     #$50                ;2
f623: 95 01                        sta     $01,x               ;4  set the object's new X coordinate
f625: a9 2c                        lda     #$2c                ;2
f627: 95 02                        sta     $02,x               ;4  set the new object's Y coordinate
f629: a9 01                        lda     #$01                ;2
f62b: 99 c8 00                     sta     $00c8,y             ;5  set the portcullis state to 01
f62e: 60                           rts                         ;6

f62f: a4 9a        GetPortal       ldy     $9a                 ;3  get the portcullis number
f631: 88                           dey                         ;2   goto next,
f632: 10 d0                        bpl     @MoveGroundObject_2 ;2+  and continue
                   ; check and deal with Up
f634: b5 02                        lda     $02,x               ;4  get the object's Y coordinate
f636: c9 6a                        cmp     #$6a                ;2  has it reached above the top?
f638: 30 09                        bmi     DealWithLeft        ;2+ if not, branch
f63a: a9 0d                        lda     #$0d                ;2  set new Y coordinate to bottom
f63c: 95 02                        sta     $02,x               ;4
f63e: a0 05                        ldy     #$05                ;2  get the direction wanted
f640: 4c 9f f6                     jmp     GetNewRoom          ;3  go and get new room

                   ; check and deal with left
f643: b5 01        DealWithLeft    lda     $01,x               ;4  get the object's X coordinate
f645: c9 03                        cmp     #$03                ;2  is it three or less?
f647: 90 07                        bcc     @DealWithLeft_2     ;2+ if so, branch (off to left)
f649: c9 f0                        cmp     #$f0                ;2  is it $F0 or more?
f64b: b0 03                        bcs     @DealWithLeft_2     ;2+ if so, branch (off to right)
f64d: 4c 62 f6                     jmp     DealWithDown        ;3

f650: e0 8a        @DealWithLeft_2 cpx     #$8a                ;2  are we dealing with the ball?
f652: f0 05                        beq     @DealWithLeft_3     ;2+ if so, branch
f654: a9 9a                        lda     #$9a                ;2  set new X coordinate for the others
f656: 4c 5b f6                     jmp     @DealWithLeft_4     ;3

f659: a9 9e        @DealWithLeft_3 lda     #$9e                ;2  set new X coordinate for the ball
f65b: 95 01        @DealWithLeft_4 sta     $01,x               ;4  store the next X coordinate
f65d: a0 08                        ldy     #$08                ;2  and get the direction wanted
f65f: 4c 9f f6                     jmp     GetNewRoom          ;3  go and get new room

                   ; check and deal with Down
f662: b5 02        DealWithDown    lda     $02,x               ;4  get object's Y coordinate
f664: c9 0d                        cmp     #$0d                ;2  if it's greater than $0D then
f666: b0 09                        bcs     DealWithRight       ;2+  branch
f668: a9 69                        lda     #$69                ;2  set new Y coordinate
f66a: 95 02                        sta     $02,x               ;4
f66c: a0 07                        ldy     #$07                ;2  get the direction wanted
f66e: 4c 9f f6                     jmp     GetNewRoom          ;3  go and get new room

                   ; check and deal with right
f671: b5 01        DealWithRight   lda     $01,x               ;4  get the object's X coordinate
f673: e0 8a                        cpx     #$8a                ;2  are we dealing with the ball
f675: d0 1b                        bne     @DealWithRight_2    ;2+ branch if not
f677: c9 9f                        cmp     #$9f                ;2  has the object reached the right?
f679: 90 30                        bcc     MovementReturn      ;2+ branch if not
f67b: b5 00                        lda     $00,x               ;4  get the Ball's room
f67d: c9 03                        cmp     #$03                ;2  is it room #3 (right to secret room)
f67f: d0 15                        bne     @DealWithRight_3    ;2+ branch if not
f681: a5 a1                        lda     $a1                 ;3  check the room of the black dot
f683: c9 15                        cmp     #$15                ;2  is it in the hidden room area?
f685: f0 0f                        beq     @DealWithRight_3    ;2+ if so, branch
                   ; manually change to secret room
f687: a9 1e                        lda     #$1e                ;2  set room to secret room
f689: 95 00                        sta     $00,x               ;4  and make it current
f68b: a9 03                        lda     #$03                ;2  set the X coordinate
f68d: 95 01                        sta     $01,x               ;4
f68f: 4c ab f6                     jmp     MovementReturn      ;3  and exit

f692: c9 9b                        cmp     #$9b                ;2  has the object reached the right of the screen?
f694: 90 15                        bcc     MovementReturn      ;2+ branch if not (no room change)
f696: a9 03                        lda     #$03                ;2  set the next X coordinate
f698: 95 01                        sta     $01,x               ;4
f69a: a0 06                        ldy     #$06                ;2  and get the direction wanted
f69c: 4c 9f f6                     jmp     GetNewRoom          ;3  get the new room

                   ; get new room
f69f: b5 00        GetNewRoom      lda     $00,x               ;4  get the object's room
f6a1: 20 71 f2                     jsr     RoomNumToAddress    ;6  convert it to an address
f6a4: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get the adjacent room
f6a6: 20 d5 f6                     jsr     AdjustRoomLevel     ;6  deal with the level differences
f6a9: 95 00                        sta     $00,x               ;4   and store as new object's room
f6ab: 60           MovementReturn  rts                         ;6

                   ; move the object in direction by delta
f6ac: 85 9b        MoveObjectDelta sta     $9b                 ;3  store direction wanted
f6ae: 88           @MoveObject_2   dey                         ;2  count down the delta
f6af: 30 23                        bmi     @MoveObject_7       ;2+
f6b1: a5 9b                        lda     $9b                 ;3  get direction wanted
f6b3: 29 80                        and     #$80                ;2  check for right move
f6b5: d0 02                        bne     @MoveObject_3       ;2+ if no move right then branch
f6b7: f6 01                        inc     $01,x               ;6  increment the X coordinate
f6b9: a5 9b        @MoveObject_3   lda     $9b                 ;3  get the direction wanted
f6bb: 29 40                        and     #$40                ;2  check for left move
f6bd: d0 02                        bne     @MoveObject_4       ;2+ if no move left then branch
f6bf: d6 01                        dec     $01,x               ;6  decrement the X coordinate
f6c1: a5 9b        @MoveObject_4   lda     $9b                 ;3  get the direction wanted
f6c3: 29 10                        and     #$10                ;2  check for move up
f6c5: d0 02                        bne     @MoveObject_5       ;2+ if no move up then branch
f6c7: f6 02                        inc     $02,x               ;6
f6c9: a5 9b        @MoveObject_5   lda     $9b                 ;3  get direction wanted
f6cb: 29 20                        and     #$20                ;2  check for move down
f6cd: d0 02                        bne     @MoveObject_6       ;2+ if no move down then branch
f6cf: d6 02                        dec     $02,x               ;6  decrement the Y coordinate
f6d1: 4c ae f6     @MoveObject_6   jmp     @MoveObject_2       ;3  keep going until delta finished

f6d4: 60           @MoveObject_7   rts                         ;6

                   ; adjust room for different levels
f6d5: c9 80        AdjustRoomLevel cmp     #$80                ;2  is the room number
f6d7: 90 0f                        bcc     @AdjustRoomLevel_2  ;2+  above $80?
f6d9: 38                           sec                         ;2
f6da: e9 80                        sbc     #$80                ;2  remove the $80 flag and
f6dc: 85 d8                        sta     $d8                 ;3   store the room number
f6de: a5 dd                        lda     $dd                 ;3  get the level number
f6e0: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2  divide it by two
f6e1: 18                           clc                         ;2
f6e2: 65 d8                        adc     $d8                 ;3  add to the original room
f6e4: a8                           tay                         ;2
f6e5: b9 32 ff                     lda     RoomDiffs,y         ;4+ use as an offset to get the next room
f6e8: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; get player-ball collision
f6e9: c5 95        PBCollision     cmp     $95                 ;3  is it the first object?
f6eb: f0 07                        beq     @PBCollision_2      ;2+ yes, then branch
f6ed: c5 96                        cmp     $96                 ;3  is it the second object?
f6ef: f0 08                        beq     @PBCollision_3      ;2+ yes, then branch
f6f1: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  otherwise nothing
f6f3: 60                           rts                         ;6

f6f4: a5 32        @PBCollision_2  lda     CXP0FB              ;3  get player00-ball collision
f6f6: 29 40                        and     #$40                ;2
f6f8: 60                           rts                         ;6

f6f9: a5 33        @PBCollision_3  lda     CXP1FB              ;3  get player01-ball collision
f6fb: 29 40                        and     #$40                ;2
f6fd: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; find which object has hit object wanted
f6fe: a5 37        FindObjHit      lda     CXPPMM              ;3  get player00-player01
f700: 29 80                        and     #$80                ;2   collision
f702: f0 08                        beq     @FindObjHit_2       ;2+ if nothing, branch
f704: e4 95                        cpx     $95                 ;3  is object 1 the one being hit?
f706: f0 07                        beq     @FindObjHit_3       ;2+ if so, branch
f708: e4 96                        cpx     $96                 ;3  is object 2 the one being hit?
f70a: f0 06                        beq     @FindObjHit_4       ;2+ if so, branch
f70c: a9 a2        @FindObjHit_2   lda     #$a2                ;2  therefore select the other
f70e: 60                           rts                         ;6

f70f: a5 96        @FindObjHit_3   lda     $96                 ;3  therefore select the other
f711: 60                           rts                         ;6

f712: a5 95        @FindObjHit_4   lda     $95                 ;3  therefore select the other
f714: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; move object
f715: 20 28 f7     MoveGameObject  jsr     GetLinkedObject     ;6  get linked object and movement
f718: a6 d5                        ldx     $d5                 ;3  get dynamic data address
f71a: a5 9b                        lda     $9b                 ;3  get movement
f71c: d0 02                        bne     @MoveGameObject_2   ;2+ if movement then branch
f71e: b5 03                        lda     $03,x               ;4  use old movement
f720: 95 03                        sta     $03,x               ;4  store the new movement
f722: a4 d4                        ldy     $d4                 ;3  get the object's delta
f724: 20 ff f5                     jsr     MoveGroundObject    ;6  move the object
f727: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; find linked object and get movement
f728: a9 00        GetLinkedObject lda     #$00                ;2  set index to zero
f72a: 85 e1                        sta     $e1                 ;3
f72c: a4 e1        @GetLinkedObj_2 ldy     $e1                 ;3  get index
f72e: b1 d2                        lda     ($d2),y             ;5+ get first object
f730: aa                           tax                         ;2
f731: c8                           iny                         ;2
f732: b1 d2                        lda     ($d2),y             ;5+ get second object
f734: a8                           tay                         ;2
f735: b5 00                        lda     $00,x               ;4  get Object1's room
f737: d9 00 00                     cmp     $0000,y             ;4+ compare the Object2's room
f73a: d0 0c                        bne     @GetLinkedObj_3     ;2+ if not the same room then branch
f73c: c4 d6                        cpy     $d6                 ;3  have we matched the second object
f73e: f0 08                        beq     @GetLinkedObj_3     ;2+  for difficulty (if so, carry on)
f740: e4 d6                        cpx     $d6                 ;3  have we matched the first object
f742: f0 04                        beq     @GetLinkedObj_3     ;2+  for difficulty (if so, carry on)
f744: 20 57 f7                     jsr     @GetLinkedObj_4     ;6  get object's movement
f747: 60                           rts                         ;6

f748: e6 e1        @GetLinkedObj_3 inc     $e1                 ;5  increment the index
f74a: e6 e1                        inc     $e1                 ;5
f74c: a4 e1                        ldy     $e1                 ;3  get the index number
f74e: b1 d2                        lda     ($d2),y             ;5+ check for end of sequence
f750: d0 da                        bne     @GetLinkedObj_2     ;2+ if not branch
f752: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  set no move if no
f754: 85 9b                        sta     $9b                 ;3   linked object is found
f756: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; work out object's movement
f757: a9 ff        @GetLinkedObj_4 lda     #$ff                ;2  set object movement to none
f759: 85 9b                        sta     $9b                 ;3
f75b: b9 00 00                     lda     $0000,y             ;4+ get Object2's room
f75e: d5 00                        cmp     $00,x               ;4  compare it with object's room
f760: d0 30                        bne     @GetLinkedObject_8  ;2+ if not the same, forget it
f762: b9 01 00                     lda     $0001,y             ;4+ get Object2's X coordinate
f765: d5 01                        cmp     $01,x               ;4  get Object1's X coordinate
f767: 90 0b                        bcc     @GetLinkedObject_5  ;2+ if Object2 to left of Object1 then branch
f769: f0 0f                        beq     @GetLinkedObject_6  ;2+ if Object2 on Object1 then branch
f76b: a5 9b                        lda     $9b                 ;3  get object movement
f76d: 29 7f                        and     #$7f                ;2  signal a move right
f76f: 85 9b                        sta     $9b                 ;3
f771: 4c 7a f7                     jmp     @GetLinkedObject_6  ;3  now try vertical

f774: a5 9b                        lda     $9b                 ;3  get object movement
f776: 29 bf                        and     #$bf                ;2  signal a move left
f778: 85 9b                        sta     $9b                 ;3
f77a: b9 02 00                     lda     $0002,y             ;4+ get Object2's Y coordinate
f77d: d5 02                        cmp     $02,x               ;4  get Object1's X coordinate
f77f: 90 0b                        bcc     @GetLinkedObject_7  ;2+ if Object2 below Object1 then branch
f781: f0 0f                        beq     @GetLinkedObject_8  ;2+ if Object2 on Object1 then branch
f783: a5 9b                        lda     $9b                 ;3  get object movement
f785: 29 ef                        and     #$ef                ;2  signal a move up
f787: 85 9b                        sta     $9b                 ;3
f789: 4c 92 f7                     jmp     @GetLinkedObject_8  ;3  jump to finish

f78c: a5 9b                        lda     $9b                 ;3  get object movement
f78e: 29 df                        and     #$df                ;2  signal a move down
f790: 85 9b                        sta     $9b                 ;3
f792: a5 9b                        lda     $9b                 ;3  get the move
f794: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; move the red dragon
f795: a9 a7        MoveRedDragon   lda     #<RedDragMatrix     ;2
f797: 85 d2                        sta     $d2                 ;3  set the low address of object store
f799: a9 f7                        lda     #>RedDragMatrix     ;2
f79b: 85 d3                        sta     $d3                 ;3  set the high address of object store
f79d: a9 03                        lda     #$03                ;2
f79f: 85 d4                        sta     $d4                 ;3  set the dragon's delta
f7a1: a2 36                        ldx     #$36                ;2  select dragon #1: red
f7a3: 20 ea f7                     jsr     MoveDragon          ;6
f7a6: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; red dragon's object matrix
f7a7: b6 a4        RedDragMatrix   .bulk   $b6,$a4             ;sword, red dragon
f7a9: a4 8a                        .bulk   $a4,$8a             ;red dragon, ball
f7ab: a4 b9                        .bulk   $a4,$b9             ;red dragon, chalice
f7ad: a4 c2                        .bulk   $a4,$c2             ;red dragon, white key
f7af: 00                           .bulk   $00

                   ; move the yellow dragon
f7b0: a9 c2                        lda     #<YelDragMatrix     ;2
f7b2: 85 d2                        sta     $d2                 ;3  set the low address of object store
f7b4: a9 f7                        lda     #>YelDragMatrix     ;2
f7b6: 85 d3                        sta     $d3                 ;3  set the high address of object store
f7b8: a9 02                        lda     #$02                ;2
f7ba: 85 d4                        sta     $d4                 ;3  set the dragon's delta
f7bc: a2 3f                        ldx     #$3f                ;2  select dragon #2: yellow
f7be: 20 ea f7                     jsr     MoveDragon          ;6
f7c1: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; yellow dragon's object matrix
f7c2: b6 a9        YelDragMatrix   .bulk   $b6,$a9             ;sword, yellow dragon
f7c4: bf a9                        .bulk   $bf,$a9             ;yellow key, yellow dragon
f7c6: a9 8a                        .bulk   $a9,$8a             ;yellow dragon, ball
f7c8: a9 b9                        .bulk   $a9,$b9             ;yellow dragon, chalice
f7ca: 00                           .bulk   $00

                   ; move the green dragon
f7cb: a9 dd        MoveGreenDragon lda     #<GreenDragMatrix   ;2
f7cd: 85 d2                        sta     $d2                 ;3  set low address of object store
f7cf: a9 f7                        lda     #>GreenDragMatrix   ;2
f7d1: 85 d3                        sta     $d3                 ;3  set high address of object store
f7d3: a9 02                        lda     #$02                ;2
f7d5: 85 d4                        sta     $d4                 ;3  set the green dragon's delta
f7d7: a2 48                        ldx     #$48                ;2  select dragon #3: green
f7d9: 20 ea f7                     jsr     MoveDragon          ;6
f7dc: 60                           rts                         ;6

f7dd: b6 ae        GreenDragMatrix .bulk   $b6,$ae             ;sword, green dragon
f7df: ae 8a                        .bulk   $ae,$8a             ;green dragon, ball
f7e1: ae b9                        .bulk   $ae,$b9             ;green dragon, chalice
f7e3: ae bc                        .bulk   $ae,$bc             ;green dragon, bridge
f7e5: ae b3                        .bulk   $ae,$b3             ;green dragon, magnet
f7e7: ae c5                        .bulk   $ae,$c5             ;green dragon, black key
f7e9: 00                           .bulk   $00

                   ; move a dragon
f7ea: 86 a0        MoveDragon      stx     $a0                 ;3  save object we're dealing with
f7ec: bd 44 ff                     lda     Store1,x            ;4+ get the object's dynamic data
f7ef: aa                           tax                         ;2
f7f0: b5 04                        lda     $04,x               ;4  get the object's state
f7f2: c9 00                        cmp     #$00                ;2  is it in state 00 (normal #1)
f7f4: d0 58                        bne     @MoveDragon_6       ;3+ branch if not
                   ; dragon normal (state 1)
f7f6: ad 82 02                     lda     SWCHB               ;4  read console switches
f7f9: 29 80                        and     #$80                ;2  check for P1 difficulty
f7fb: f0 05                        beq     @MoveDragon_2       ;3+ if amateur branch
f7fd: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  set hard - ignore nothing
f7ff: 4c 04 f8                     jmp     @MoveDragon_3       ;3

f802: a9 b6        @MoveDragon_2   lda     #$b6                ;2  set easy - ignore sword
f804: 85 d6        @MoveDragon_3   sta     $d6                 ;3  store difficulty
f806: 86 d5                        stx     $d5                 ;3  store dynamic data address
f808: 20 15 f7                     jsr     MoveGameObject      ;6
f80b: a5 a0                        lda     $a0                 ;3  get object
f80d: 20 e9 f6                     jsr     PBCollision         ;6   and get the player-ball collision
f810: f0 20                        beq     @MoveDragon_4       ;2+ if none then branch
f812: ad 82 02                     lda     SWCHB               ;4  get console switches
f815: 2a                           rol     A                   ;2  move P0 difficulty to
f816: 2a                           rol     A                   ;2   bit 01 position
f817: 2a                           rol     A                   ;2
f818: 29 01                        and     #$01                ;2  mask it out
f81a: 05 dd                        ora     $dd                 ;3  merge in the level number
f81c: a8                           tay                         ;2  create lookup
f81d: b9 9f f8                     lda     DragonDiff,y        ;4+ get new state
f820: 95 04                        sta     $04,x               ;4  store as dragon's state (open mouthed)
f822: a5 e3                        lda     $e3                 ;3
f824: 95 01                        sta     $01,x               ;4  get temp ball X coord and store as dragon's
f826: a5 e4                        lda     $e4                 ;3
f828: 95 02                        sta     $02,x               ;4  get temp ball Y coord and store as dragon's
f82a: a9 01                        lda     #$01                ;2
f82c: 85 e0                        sta     $e0                 ;3  set noise type to 01
f82e: a9 10                        lda     #$10                ;2
f830: 85 df                        sta     $df                 ;3  set noise count to $10 i.e. make roar noise
f832: 86 9a        @MoveDragon_4   stx     $9a                 ;3  store object's dynamic data address
f834: a6 a0                        ldx     $a0                 ;3  get the object number
f836: 20 fe f6                     jsr     FindObjHit          ;6  set if another object has hit the dragon
f839: a6 9a                        ldx     $9a                 ;3  get the object address
f83b: c9 51                        cmp     #$51                ;2  has the sword hit the dragon?
f83d: d0 0c                        bne     @MoveDragon_5       ;2+ if not, branch
f83f: a9 01                        lda     #$01                ;2  set the state to 01 (dead)
f841: 95 04                        sta     $04,x               ;4
f843: a9 03                        lda     #$03                ;2  set sound three
f845: 85 e0                        sta     $e0                 ;3
f847: a9 10                        lda     #$10                ;2  set a noise count of $10
f849: 85 df                        sta     $df                 ;3
f84b: 4c 9e f8     @MoveDragon_5   jmp     @MoveDragon_9       ;3  jump to finish

f84e: c9 01        @MoveDragon_6   cmp     #$01                ;2  is it in state 01 (dead)
f850: f0 4c                        beq     @MoveDragon_9       ;2+ branch if so (return)
f852: c9 02                        cmp     #$02                ;2  is it in state 02 (normal #2)
f854: d0 1b                        bne     @MoveDragon_7       ;2+ branch if not
                   ; normal dragon state 2 (eaten ball)
f856: b5 00                        lda     $00,x               ;4  get the dragon's current room
f858: 85 8a                        sta     $8a                 ;3  store as the ball's current room
f85a: 85 e2                        sta     $e2                 ;3   and previous room
f85c: b5 01                        lda     $01,x               ;4  get the dragon's X coordinate
f85e: 18                           clc                         ;2
f85f: 69 03                        adc     #$03                ;2  adjust
f861: 85 8b                        sta     $8b                 ;3   and store as the ball's X coordinate
f863: 85 e3                        sta     $e3                 ;3   and previous X coordinate
f865: b5 02                        lda     $02,x               ;4  get the dragon's Y coordinate
f867: 38                           sec                         ;2
f868: e9 0a                        sbc     #$0a                ;2  adjust
f86a: 85 8c                        sta     $8c                 ;3   and store as the ball's Y coordinate
f86c: 85 e4                        sta     $e4                 ;3   and the previous Y coordinate
f86e: 4c 9e f8                     jmp     @MoveDragon_9       ;3

                   ; dragon roaring
f871: f6 04        @MoveDragon_7   inc     $04,x               ;6  increment the dragon's state
f873: b5 04                        lda     $04,x               ;4  get its state
f875: c9 fc                        cmp     #$fc                ;2  is it near the end?
f877: 90 25                        bcc     @MoveDragon_9       ;2+ if not, branch
f879: a5 a0                        lda     $a0                 ;3  get the dragon's number
f87b: 20 e9 f6                     jsr     PBCollision         ;6  check if the ball is colliding
f87e: f0 1e                        beq     @MoveDragon_9       ;2+ if not, branch
f880: a9 02                        lda     #$02                ;2  set the state to state 02: eaten
f882: 95 04                        sta     $04,x               ;4
f884: a9 02                        lda     #$02                ;2  set noise two
f886: 85 e0                        sta     $e0                 ;3
f888: a9 10                        lda     #$10                ;2  set the count of noise to $10
f88a: 85 df                        sta     $df                 ;3
f88c: a9 9b                        lda     #$9b                ;2  get the maximum X coordinate
f88e: d5 01                        cmp     $01,x               ;4  compare with the dragon's X coordinate
f890: f0 04                        beq     @MoveDragon_8       ;2+
f892: b0 02                        bcs     @MoveDragon_8       ;2+
f894: 95 01                        sta     $01,x               ;4  if too large then use it
f896: a9 17        @MoveDragon_8   lda     #$17                ;2  set minimum Y coordinate
f898: d5 02                        cmp     $02,x               ;4  compare with the dragon's Y coordinate
f89a: 90 02                        bcc     @MoveDragon_9       ;2+
f89c: 95 02                        sta     $02,x               ;4  if too small, set as dragon's Y coordinate
f89e: 60           @MoveDragon_9   rts                         ;6

                   ; dragon difficulty
f89f: d0 e8        DragonDiff      .bulk   $d0,$e8             ;level 1: Am, Pro
f8a1: f0 f6                        .bulk   $f0,$f6             ;level 2: Am, Pro
f8a3: f0 f6                        .bulk   $f0,$f6             ;level 3: Am, Pro

                   ; move bat
f8a5: e6 cf        MoveBat         inc     $cf                 ;5  put bat in the next state
f8a7: a5 cf                        lda     $cf                 ;3  get the bat state
f8a9: c9 08                        cmp     #$08                ;2  has it reached the maximum?
f8ab: d0 04                        bne     @MoveBat_2          ;2+
f8ad: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  if so, reset the bat state
f8af: 85 cf                        sta     $cf                 ;3
f8b1: a5 d1        @MoveBat_2      lda     $d1                 ;3  get the bat fed-up value
f8b3: f0 0e                        beq     @MoveBat_3          ;2+ if bat fed-up then branch
f8b5: e6 d1                        inc     $d1                 ;5  increment its value for next time
f8b7: a5 ce                        lda     $ce                 ;3  get the bat's movement
f8b9: a2 cb                        ldx     #$cb                ;2  position to bat
f8bb: a0 03                        ldy     #$03                ;2  get the bat's deltas
f8bd: 20 ff f5                     jsr     MoveGroundObject    ;6  move the bat
f8c0: 4c 08 f9                     jmp     @MoveBat_4          ;3  update the bat's object

                   ; bat fed-up
f8c3: a9 cb        @MoveBat_3      lda     #$cb                ;2  store the bat's dynamic data address
f8c5: 85 d5                        sta     $d5                 ;3
f8c7: a9 03                        lda     #$03                ;2  set the bat's delta
f8c9: 85 d4                        sta     $d4                 ;3
f8cb: a9 27                        lda     #<BatMatrix         ;2  set the low address of object store
f8cd: 85 d2                        sta     $d2                 ;3
f8cf: a9 f9                        lda     #>BatMatrix         ;2  set the high address of object store
f8d1: 85 d3                        sta     $d3                 ;3
f8d3: a5 d0                        lda     $d0                 ;3  get object being carried by Bat,
f8d5: 85 d6                        sta     $d6                 ;3   and copy
f8d7: 20 15 f7                     jsr     MoveGameObject      ;6  move the Bat
f8da: a4 e1                        ldy     $e1                 ;3  get object linked index
f8dc: b1 d2                        lda     ($d2),y             ;5+ look up the object found in the table
f8de: f0 28                        beq     @MoveBat_4          ;3+ if nothing found then forget it
f8e0: c8                           iny                         ;2
f8e1: b1 d2                        lda     ($d2),y             ;5+ get the object wanted
f8e3: aa                           tax                         ;2
f8e4: b5 00                        lda     $00,x               ;4  get the object's room
f8e6: c5 cb                        cmp     $cb                 ;3  is it the same as the Bat's?
f8e8: d0 1e                        bne     @MoveBat_4          ;3+ if not forget it
                   ; see if bat can pick up an object
f8ea: b5 01                        lda     $01,x               ;4  get the object's X coordinate
f8ec: 38                           sec                         ;2
f8ed: e5 cc                        sbc     $cc                 ;3  find the difference with the Bat's
f8ef: 18                           clc                         ;2   X coordinate
f8f0: 69 04                        adc     #$04                ;2  adjust so Bat in middle of object
f8f2: 29 f8                        and     #$f8                ;2  is Bat within seven pixels?
f8f4: d0 12                        bne     @MoveBat_4          ;3+ if not, no pickup possible
f8f6: b5 02                        lda     $02,x               ;4  get the object's Y coordinate
f8f8: 38                           sec                         ;2
f8f9: e5 cd                        sbc     $cd                 ;3  find the difference with the Bat's
f8fb: 18                           clc                         ;2   Y coordinate
f8fc: 69 04                        adc     #$04                ;2  adjust
f8fe: 29 f8                        and     #$f8                ;2  is the Bat within seven pixels?
f900: d0 06                        bne     @MoveBat_4          ;2+ if not, no pickup possible
                   ; get object
f902: 86 d0                        stx     $d0                 ;3  store object as being carried
f904: a9 10                        lda     #$10                ;2  reset the bat fed-up time
f906: 85 d1                        sta     $d1                 ;3
                   ; move object being carried by bat
f908: a6 d0        @MoveBat_4      ldx     $d0                 ;3  get object being carried by Bat
f90a: a5 cb                        lda     $cb                 ;3  get the Bat's room
f90c: 95 00                        sta     $00,x               ;4  store this as the object's room
f90e: a5 cc                        lda     $cc                 ;3  get the Bat's X coordinate
f910: 18                           clc                         ;2
f911: 69 08                        adc     #$08                ;2  adjust to the right
f913: 95 01                        sta     $01,x               ;4  make it the object's X coordinate
f915: a5 cd                        lda     $cd                 ;3  get the Bat's Y coordinate
f917: 95 02                        sta     $02,x               ;4  store is as the object's Y coordinate
f919: a5 d0                        lda     $d0                 ;3  get the object being carried by the bat
f91b: a4 9d                        ldy     $9d                 ;3  get the object being carried by the ball
f91d: d9 44 ff                     cmp     Store1,y            ;4+ are they the same?
f920: d0 04                        bne     @MoveBat_5          ;2+ if not branch
f922: a9 a2                        lda     #$a2                ;2  set nothing being
f924: 85 9d                        sta     $9d                 ;3   carried
f926: 60           @MoveBat_5      rts                         ;6

                   ; bat object matrix
f927: cb b9        BatMatrix       .bulk   $cb,$b9             ;bat, chalice
f929: cb b6                        .bulk   $cb,$b6             ;bat, sword
f92b: cb bc                        .bulk   $cb,$bc             ;bat, bridge
f92d: cb bf                        .bulk   $cb,$bf             ;bat, yellow key
f92f: cb c2                        .bulk   $cb,$c2             ;bat, white key
f931: cb c5                        .bulk   $cb,$c5             ;bat, black key
f933: cb a4                        .bulk   $cb,$a4             ;bat, red dragon
f935: cb a9                        .bulk   $cb,$a9             ;bat, yellow dragon
f937: cb ae                        .bulk   $cb,$ae             ;bat, green dragon
f939: cb b3                        .bulk   $cb,$b3             ;bat, magnet
f93b: 00                           .bulk   $00

                   ; deal with portcullis and collisions
f93c: a0 02        Portals         ldy     #$02                ;2  for each portcullis
f93e: be a7 f9     @Portals_2      ldx     PortOffsets,y       ;4+ get the portcullis' offset number
f941: 20 fe f6                     jsr     FindObjHit          ;6  see if an object collided with it
f944: 85 97                        sta     $97                 ;3  store that object
f946: d9 aa f9                     cmp     KeyOffsets,y        ;4+ is it the associated key?
f949: d0 04                        bne     @Portals_3          ;2+ if not then branch
f94b: 98                           tya                         ;2  get the portcullis number
f94c: aa                           tax                         ;2
f94d: f6 c8                        inc     $c8,x               ;6  change its state to open it
f94f: 98           @Portals_3      tya                         ;2  get the portcullis number
f950: aa                           tax                         ;2
f951: b5 c8                        lda     $c8,x               ;4  get the state
f953: c9 1c                        cmp     #$1c                ;2  is it closed?
f955: f0 31                        beq     @Portals_7          ;2+ yes - then branch
f957: b9 a7 f9                     lda     PortOffsets,y       ;4+ get portcullis number
f95a: 20 e9 f6                     jsr     PBCollision         ;6  get the player-ball collision
f95d: f0 09                        beq     @Portals_4          ;2+ if not then branch
f95f: a9 01                        lda     #$01                ;2  set the portcullis to closed
f961: 95 c8                        sta     $c8,x               ;4
f963: a2 8a                        ldx     #$8a                ;2  set to the castle
f965: 4c 7f f9                     jmp     @Portals_6          ;3  put the ball in the castle

f968: a5 97        @Portals_4      lda     $97                 ;3  get the object that hit the portcullis
f96a: c9 a2                        cmp     #$a2                ;2  is it nothing?
f96c: f0 0e                        beq     @Portals_5          ;2+ if so, branch
f96e: a6 97                        ldx     $97                 ;3  get object
f970: 84 9a                        sty     $9a                 ;3  save Y
f972: 20 e4 f2                     jsr     GetObjectAddress    ;6  and find its dynamic address
f975: a4 9a                        ldy     $9a                 ;3  retrieve Y
f977: a6 93                        ldx     $93                 ;3  get object's address
f979: 4c 7f f9                     jmp     @Portals_6          ;3  put object in the castle

f97c: 4c 88 f9     @Portals_5      jmp     @Portals_7          ;3

f97f: b9 ad f9     @Portals_6      lda     EntryRoomOffsets,y  ;4+ look up castle entry room for this port
f982: 95 00                        sta     $00,x               ;4  make it the object's room
f984: a9 10                        lda     #$10                ;2  give the object a new Y coordinate
f986: 95 02                        sta     $02,x               ;4
f988: 98           @Portals_7      tya                         ;2  get the portcullis number
f989: aa                           tax                         ;2
f98a: b5 c8                        lda     $c8,x               ;4  get its state
f98c: c9 01                        cmp     #$01                ;2  is it open?
f98e: f0 10                        beq     @Portals_8          ;2+ yes - then branch
f990: c9 1c                        cmp     #$1c                ;2  is it closed?
f992: f0 0c                        beq     @Portals_8          ;2+ yes - then branch
f994: f6 c8                        inc     $c8,x               ;6  increment its state
f996: b5 c8                        lda     $c8,x               ;4  get the state
f998: c9 38                        cmp     #$38                ;2  has it reached the maximum state?
f99a: d0 04                        bne     @Portals_8          ;2+ if not, branch
f99c: a9 01                        lda     #$01                ;2  set to closed
f99e: 95 c8                        sta     $c8,x               ;4   state
f9a0: 88           @Portals_8      dey                         ;2  go to the next portcullis
f9a1: 30 03                        bmi     @Portals_9          ;2+ branch if finished
f9a3: 4c 3e f9                     jmp     @Portals_2          ;3  do next portcullis

f9a6: 60           @Portals_9      rts                         ;6

f9a7: 09 12 1b     PortOffsets     .bulk   $09,$12,$1b         ;portcullis #1, #2, #3
f9aa: 63 6c 75     KeyOffsets      .bulk   $63,$6c,$75         ;keys (yellow, white, black)
f9ad: 12 1a 1b                     .bulk   $12,$1a,$1b         ;castle entry rooms (yellow, white, black)
f9b0: 11 0f 10                     .bulk   $11,$0f,$10         ;castle rooms (yellow, white, black)

                   ; deal with magnet
f9b3: a5 b5        Mag             lda     $b5                 ;3  get magnet's Y coordinate
f9b5: 38                           sec                         ;2
f9b6: e9 08                        sbc     #$08                ;2  adjust to its "poles"
f9b8: 85 b5                        sta     $b5                 ;3
f9ba: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  con difficulty!
f9bc: 85 d6                        sta     $d6                 ;3
f9be: a9 da                        lda     #<MagnetMatrix      ;2  set low address of object store
f9c0: 85 d2                        sta     $d2                 ;3
f9c2: a9 f9                        lda     #>MagnetMatrix      ;2  set high address of object store
f9c4: 85 d3                        sta     $d3                 ;3
f9c6: 20 28 f7                     jsr     GetLinkedObject     ;6  get linked object and set movement
f9c9: a5 9b                        lda     $9b                 ;3  get movement
f9cb: f0 05                        beq     @Mag_2              ;2+ if none, then forget it
f9cd: a0 01                        ldy     #$01                ;2  set delta to one
f9cf: 20 ff f5                     jsr     MoveGroundObject    ;6  move object
f9d2: a5 b5        @Mag_2          lda     $b5                 ;3  reset the magnet's
f9d4: 18                           clc                         ;2   Y coordinate
f9d5: 69 08                        adc     #$08                ;2
f9d7: 85 b5                        sta     $b5                 ;3
f9d9: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; magnet object matrix
f9da: bf b3        MagnetMatrix    .bulk   $bf,$b3             ;yellow key, magnet
f9dc: c2 b3                        .bulk   $c2,$b3             ;white key, magnet
f9de: c5 b3                        .bulk   $c5,$b3             ;black key, magnet
f9e0: b6 b3                        .bulk   $b6,$b3             ;sword, magnet
f9e2: bc b3                        .bulk   $bc,$b3             ;bridge, magnet
f9e4: b9 b3                        .bulk   $b9,$b3             ;chalice, magnet
f9e6: 00                           .bulk   $00

                   ; deal with invisible surround moving
f9e7: a5 8a        Surround        lda     $8a                 ;3  set the current room
f9e9: 20 71 f2                     jsr     RoomNumToAddress    ;6  convert it to an address
f9ec: a0 02                        ldy     #$02                ;2
f9ee: b1 93                        lda     ($93),y             ;5+ get the room's color
f9f0: c9 08                        cmp     #$08                ;2  is it invisible?
f9f2: f0 07                        beq     @Surround_2         ;2+ if so branch
f9f4: a9 00                        lda     #$00                ;2  if not, signal the
f9f6: 85 db                        sta     $db                 ;3   invisible surround not
f9f8: 4c 22 fa                     jmp     @Surround_4         ;3   wanted

f9fb: a5 8a        @Surround_2     lda     $8a                 ;3  get the current room
f9fd: 85 d9                        sta     $d9                 ;3  and store as the invisible surround
f9ff: a5 8b                        lda     $8b                 ;3  get the ball's X coordinate
fa01: 38                           sec                         ;2
fa02: e9 0e                        sbc     #$0e                ;2  adjust for surround,
fa04: 85 da                        sta     $da                 ;3   and store as surround's X coordinate
fa06: a5 8c                        lda     $8c                 ;3  get the ball's Y coordinate
fa08: 18                           clc                         ;2
fa09: 69 0e                        adc     #$0e                ;2  adjust for surround
fa0b: 85 db                        sta     $db                 ;3   and store as surround's Y coordinate
fa0d: a5 da                        lda     $da                 ;3  get the surround's X coordinate
fa0f: c9 f0                        cmp     #$f0                ;2  is it close to the right edge?
fa11: 90 07                        bcc     @Surround_3         ;2+ branch if not
fa13: a9 01                        lda     #$01                ;2  flick surround to the
fa15: 85 da                        sta     $da                 ;3   other side of the screen
fa17: 4c 22 fa                     jmp     @Surround_4         ;3

fa1a: c9 82        @Surround_3     cmp     #$82                ;2  ???
fa1c: 90 04                        bcc     @Surround_4         ;2+ ???
fa1e: a9 81                        lda     #$81                ;2  ???
fa20: 85 da                        sta     $da                 ;3  ???
fa22: 60           @Surround_4     rts                         ;6

                   ; make a noise
fa23: a5 df        MakeSound       lda     $df                 ;3  check noise count
fa25: d0 05                        bne     @MakeSound_2        ;2+ branch if noise to be made
fa27: 85 19                        sta     AUDV0               ;3  turn off the volume
fa29: 85 1a                        sta     AUDV1               ;3
fa2b: 60                           rts                         ;6

fa2c: c6 df        @MakeSound_2    dec     $df                 ;5  go to the next note
fa2e: a5 e0                        lda     $e0                 ;3  get the noise type
fa30: f0 15                        beq     NoiseGameOver       ;2+ game over
fa32: c9 01                        cmp     #$01                ;2  roar
fa34: f0 1f                        beq     NoiseRoar           ;2+
fa36: c9 02                        cmp     #$02                ;2  man eaten
fa38: f0 32                        beq     EatenNoise          ;2+
fa3a: c9 03                        cmp     #$03                ;2  dying dragon
fa3c: f0 41                        beq     DragDieNoise        ;2+
fa3e: c9 04                        cmp     #$04                ;2  dropping object
fa40: f0 4a                        beq     NoiseDropObject     ;2+
fa42: c9 05                        cmp     #$05                ;2  pickup up object
fa44: f0 55                        beq     NoiseGetObject      ;2+
fa46: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; noise 0: game over
fa47: a5 df        NoiseGameOver   lda     $df                 ;3
fa49: 85 08                        sta     COLUPF              ;3  color-luminance playfield
fa4b: 85 15                        sta     AUDC0               ;3  audio-control 00
fa4d: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
fa4e: 85 19                        sta     AUDV0               ;3  audio-volume 00
fa50: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
fa51: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
fa52: 85 17                        sta     AUDF0               ;3  audio-frequency 00
fa54: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; noise 1: roar
fa55: a5 df        NoiseRoar       lda     $df                 ;3  get noise count
fa57: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
fa58: a9 03                        lda     #$03                ;2  if it was even then
fa5a: b0 02                        bcs     SetVolume           ;2+  branch
fa5c: a9 08                        lda     #$08                ;2  get a different audio control value
fa5e: 85 15        SetVolume       sta     AUDC0               ;3  set audio control 00
fa60: a5 df                        lda     $df                 ;3  set the volume to the noise count
fa62: 85 19                        sta     AUDV0               ;3
fa64: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2  divide by four
fa65: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
fa66: 18                           clc                         ;2
fa67: 69 1c                        adc     #$1c                ;2  set the frequency
fa69: 85 17                        sta     AUDF0               ;3
fa6b: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; noise 2: man eaten
fa6c: a9 06        EatenNoise      lda     #$06                ;2
fa6e: 85 15                        sta     AUDC0               ;3  audio-control 00
fa70: a5 df                        lda     $df                 ;3
fa72: 49 0f                        eor     #$0f                ;2
fa74: 85 17                        sta     AUDF0               ;3  audio-frequency 00
fa76: a5 df                        lda     $df                 ;3
fa78: 4a                           lsr     A                   ;2
fa79: 18                           clc                         ;2
fa7a: 69 08                        adc     #$08                ;2
fa7c: 85 19                        sta     AUDV0               ;3  audio-volume 00
fa7e: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; noise 3: dying dragon
fa7f: a9 04        DragDieNoise    lda     #$04                ;2  set the audio control
fa81: 85 15                        sta     AUDC0               ;3
fa83: a5 df                        lda     $df                 ;3  put the note count in
fa85: 85 19                        sta     AUDV0               ;3   the volume
fa87: 49 1f                        eor     #$1f                ;2
fa89: 85 17                        sta     AUDF0               ;3  flip the count as store
fa8b: 60                           rts                         ;6   as the frequency

                   ; noise 4: dropping object
fa8c: a5 df        NoiseDropObject lda     $df                 ;3  get not count
fa8e: 49 03                        eor     #$03                ;2  reverse it as noise does up
fa90: 85 17                        sta     AUDF0               ;3  store in frequency for channel 00
fa92: a9 05                        lda     #$05                ;2
fa94: 85 19                        sta     AUDV0               ;3  set volumen on channel 00
fa96: a9 06                        lda     #$06                ;2
fa98: 85 15                        sta     AUDC0               ;3  set a noise on channel 00
fa9a: 60                           rts                         ;6

                   ; noise 5: picking up an object
fa9b: a5 df        NoiseGetObject  lda     $df                 ;3  get not count
fa9d: 4c 90 fa                     jmp     NoiseDropObject_2   ;3   and make same noise as drop

faa0: f0 ff ff     LeftOfName      .bulk   $f0,$ff,$ff
faa3: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
faa6: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
faa9: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
faac: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
faaf: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00

fab2: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f         ;line shared with above
fab5: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fab8: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fabb: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fabe: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fac1: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fac4: f0 ff ff                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$ff

fac7: f0 ff 0f     SideCorridor    .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
faca: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
facd: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fad0: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fad3: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fad6: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fad9: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f

fadc: f0 ff ff     NumberRoom      .bulk   $f0,$ff,$ff
fadf: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fae2: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fae5: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fae8: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
faeb: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
faee: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
                   ; object #1 states (portcullis)
faf1: 04           PortStates      .dd1    $04                 ;state 04 - open
faf2: 24 fb                        .dd2    GfxPort07
faf4: 08                           .dd1    $08
faf5: 22 fb                        .dd2    GfxPort06
faf7: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
faf8: 20 fb                        .dd2    GfxPort05
fafa: 10                           .dd1    $10
fafb: 1e fb                        .dd2    GfxPort04
fafd: 14                           .dd1    $14
fafe: 1c fb                        .dd2    GfxPort03
fb00: 18                           .dd1    $18
fb01: 1a fb                        .dd2    GfxPort02
fb03: 1c                           .dd1    $1c                 ;state 1C - closed
fb04: 18 fb                        .dd2    GfxPort01
fb06: 20                           .dd1    $20
fb07: 1a fb                        .dd2    GfxPort02
fb09: 24                           .dd1    $24
fb0a: 1c fb                        .dd2    GfxPort03
fb0c: 28                           .dd1    $28
fb0d: 1e fb                        .dd2    GfxPort04
fb0f: 2c                           .dd1    $2c
fb10: 20 fb                        .dd2    GfxPort05
fb12: 30                           .dd1    $30
fb13: 22 fb                        .dd2    GfxPort06
fb15: ff                           .dd1    $ff                 ;state FF - open
fb16: 24 fb                        .dd2    GfxPort07

                   ; object 1 states 940FF (graphic)
fb18: fe           GfxPort01       .dd1    $fe
fb19: aa                           .dd1    $aa
fb1a: fe           GfxPort02       .dd1    $fe
fb1b: aa                           .dd1    $aa
fb1c: fe           GfxPort03       .dd1    $fe
fb1d: aa                           .dd1    $aa
fb1e: fe           GfxPort04       .dd1    $fe
fb1f: aa                           .dd1    $aa
fb20: fe           GfxPort05       .dd1    $fe
fb21: aa                           .dd1    $aa
fb22: fe           GfxPort06       .dd1    $fe
fb23: aa                           .dd1    $aa
fb24: fe           GfxPort07       .dd1    $fe
fb25: aa                           .dd1    $aa
fb26: fe           GfxPort08       .dd1    $fe
fb27: aa                           .dd1    $aa
fb28: 00           GfxPort09       .dd1    $00

fb29: f0 ff 0f     TwoExitRoom     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
fb2c: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fb2f: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fb32: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fb35: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fb38: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fb3b: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f

fb3e: f0 ff 0f     BlueMazeTop     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
fb41: 00 0c 0c                     .bulk   $00,$0c,$0c
fb44: f0 0c 3c                     .bulk   $f0,$0c,$3c
fb47: f0 0c 00                     .bulk   $f0,$0c,$00
fb4a: f0 ff 3f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$3f
fb4d: 00 30 30                     .bulk   $00,$30,$30
fb50: f0 33 3f                     .bulk   $f0,$33,$3f

fb53: f0 ff ff     BlueMaze1       .bulk   $f0,$ff,$ff
fb56: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fb59: f0 fc ff                     .bulk   $f0,$fc,$ff
fb5c: f0 00 c0                     .bulk   $f0,$00,$c0
fb5f: f0 3f cf                     .bulk   $f0,$3f,$cf
fb62: 00 30 cc                     .bulk   $00,$30,$cc
fb65: f0 f3 cc                     .bulk   $f0,$f3,$cc

fb68: f0 f3 0c     BlueMazeBottom  .bulk   $f0,$f3,$0c
fb6b: 00 30 0c                     .bulk   $00,$30,$0c
fb6e: f0 3f 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$3f,$0f
fb71: f0 00 00                     .bulk   $f0,$00,$00
fb74: f0 f0 00                     .bulk   $f0,$f0,$00
fb77: 00 30 00                     .bulk   $00,$30,$00
fb7a: f0 ff ff                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$ff

fb7d: f0 33 3f     BlueMazeCenter  .bulk   $f0,$33,$3f
fb80: 00 30 3c                     .bulk   $00,$30,$3c
fb83: f0 ff 3c                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$3c
fb86: 00 03 3c                     .bulk   $00,$03,$3c
fb89: f0 33 3c                     .bulk   $f0,$33,$3c
fb8c: 00 33 0c                     .bulk   $00,$33,$0c
fb8f: f0 f3 0c                     .bulk   $f0,$f3,$0c

fb92: f0 f3 cc     BlueMazeEntry   .bulk   $f0,$f3,$cc
fb95: 00 33 0c                     .bulk   $00,$33,$0c
fb98: f0 33 fc                     .bulk   $f0,$33,$fc
fb9b: 00 33 00                     .bulk   $00,$33,$00
fb9e: f0 f3 ff                     .bulk   $f0,$f3,$ff
fba1: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fba4: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f

fba7: f0 ff cc     MazeMiddle      .bulk   $f0,$ff,$cc
fbaa: 00 00 cc                     .bulk   $00,$00,$cc
fbad: f0 03 cf                     .bulk   $f0,$03,$cf
fbb0: 00 03 00                     .bulk   $00,$03,$00
fbb3: f0 f3 fc                     .bulk   $f0,$f3,$fc
fbb6: 00 33 0c                     .bulk   $00,$33,$0c

fbb9: f0 33 cc     MazeSide        .bulk   $f0,$33,$cc         ;line shared with above room
fbbc: 00 30 cc                     .bulk   $00,$30,$cc
fbbf: 00 3f cf                     .bulk   $00,$3f,$cf
fbc2: 00 00 c0                     .bulk   $00,$00,$c0
fbc5: 00 3f c3                     .bulk   $00,$3f,$c3
fbc8: 00 30 c0                     .bulk   $00,$30,$c0
fbcb: f0 ff ff                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$ff

fbce: f0 ff 0f     MazeEntry       .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
fbd1: 00 30 00                     .bulk   $00,$30,$00
fbd4: f0 30 ff                     .bulk   $f0,$30,$ff
fbd7: 00 30 c0                     .bulk   $00,$30,$c0
fbda: f0 f3 c0                     .bulk   $f0,$f3,$c0
fbdd: 00 03 c0                     .bulk   $00,$03,$c0
fbe0: f0 ff cc                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$cc

fbe3: f0 fe 15     CastleDef       .bulk   $f0,$fe,$15
fbe6: 30 03 1f                     .bulk   $30,$03,$1f
fbe9: 30 03 ff                     .bulk   $30,$03,$ff
fbec: 30 00 ff                     .bulk   $30,$00,$ff
fbef: 30 00 3f                     .bulk   $30,$00,$3f
fbf2: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fbf5: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
                   ; Object Data
                   ; offset 0: room number of object
                   ; offset 1: X coordinate of object
                   ; offset 2: Y coordinate of object
                   ; object #1: portcullis
fbf8: 11 4d 31     PortInfo1       .bulk   $11,$4d,$31         ;room 11 (4D, 31)
fbfb: 0f 4d 31     PortInfo2       .bulk   $0f,$4d,$31         ;room 0F (4D, 31)
fbfe: 10 4d 31     PortInfo3       .bulk   $10,$4d,$31         ;room 10 (4D, 31)
                   ; object #0: state
fc01: 00           SurroundCurr    .dd1    $00
fc02: ff           SurroundStates  .dd1    $ff
fc03: 05 fc                        .dd2    GfxSurround

                   ; object #1: graphic
fc05: ff ff ff ff+ GfxSurround     .fill   32,$ff
fc25: 00                           .dd1    $00

fc26: f0 ff ff     RedMaze1        .bulk   $f0,$ff,$ff
fc29: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fc2c: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
fc2f: 00 00 0c                     .bulk   $00,$00,$0c
fc32: f0 ff 0c                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0c
fc35: f0 03 cc                     .bulk   $f0,$03,$cc

fc38: f0 33 cf     RedMazeBottom   .bulk   $f0,$33,$cf         ;line shared with room above
fc3b: f0 30 00                     .bulk   $f0,$30,$00
fc3e: f0 33 ff                     .bulk   $f0,$33,$ff
fc41: 00 33 00                     .bulk   $00,$33,$00
fc44: f0 ff 00                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$00
fc47: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fc4a: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f

fc4d: f0 ff ff     RedMazeTop      .bulk   $f0,$ff,$ff
fc50: 00 00 c0                     .bulk   $00,$00,$c0
fc53: f0 ff cf                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$cf
fc56: 00 00 cc                     .bulk   $00,$00,$cc
fc59: f0 33 ff                     .bulk   $f0,$33,$ff
fc5c: f0 33 00                     .bulk   $f0,$33,$00

fc5f: f0 3f 0c                     .bulk   $f0,$3f,$0c         ;line shared with room above
fc62: f0 00 0c                     .bulk   $f0,$00,$0c
fc65: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
fc68: 00 30 00                     .bulk   $00,$30,$00
fc6b: f0 30 00                     .bulk   $f0,$30,$00
fc6e: 00 30 00                     .bulk   $00,$30,$00
fc71: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f

fc74: f0 ff 0f     TopEntryRoom    .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
fc77: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fc7a: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fc7d: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fc80: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fc83: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fc86: f0 ff ff                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$ff

fc89: f0 f0 ff     BlackMaze1      .bulk   $f0,$f0,$ff
fc8c: 00 00 03                     .bulk   $00,$00,$03
fc8f: f0 ff 03                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$03
fc92: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fc95: 30 3f ff                     .bulk   $30,$3f,$ff
fc98: 00 30 00                     .bulk   $00,$30,$00

fc9b: f0 f0 ff     BlackMaze3      .bulk   $f0,$f0,$ff         ;line shared with room above; mirrored
fc9e: 30 00 00                     .bulk   $30,$00,$00
fca1: 30 3f ff                     .bulk   $30,$3f,$ff
fca4: 00 30 00                     .bulk   $00,$30,$00
fca7: f0 f0 ff                     .bulk   $f0,$f0,$ff
fcaa: 30 00 03                     .bulk   $30,$00,$03
fcad: f0 f0 ff                     .bulk   $f0,$f0,$ff

fcb0: f0 ff ff     BlackMaze2      .bulk   $f0,$ff,$ff
fcb3: 00 00 c0                     .bulk   $00,$00,$c0
fcb6: f0 ff cf                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$cf
fcb9: 00 00 0c                     .bulk   $00,$00,$0c
fcbc: f0 0f ff                     .bulk   $f0,$0f,$ff
fcbf: 00 0f c0                     .bulk   $00,$0f,$c0

fcc2: 30 cf cc     BlackMazeEntry  .bulk   $30,$cf,$cc         ;line shared with room above; mirrored
fcc5: 00 c0 cc                     .bulk   $00,$c0,$cc
fcc8: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
fccb: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fcce: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
fcd1: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
fcd4: f0 ff 0f                     .bulk   $f0,$ff,$0f
                   ; object #0a: state
fcd7: 00           BridgeCurr      .bulk   $00
                   ; object #0a: list of states
fcd8: ff           BridgeStates    .dd1    $ff
fcd9: db fc                        .dd2    GfxBridge

                   ; object #0a: state FF: graphic
fcdb: c3           GfxBridge       .dd1    $c3
fcdc: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fcdd: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fcde: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fcdf: 42                           .dd1    $42
fce0: 42                           .dd1    $42
fce1: 42                           .dd1    $42
fce2: 42                           .dd1    $42
fce3: 42                           .dd1    $42
fce4: 42                           .dd1    $42
fce5: 42                           .dd1    $42
fce6: 42                           .dd1    $42
fce7: 42                           .dd1    $42
fce8: 42                           .dd1    $42
fce9: 42                           .dd1    $42
fcea: 42                           .dd1    $42
fceb: 42                           .dd1    $42
fcec: 42                           .dd1    $42
fced: 42                           .dd1    $42
fcee: 42                           .dd1    $42
fcef: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fcf0: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fcf1: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fcf2: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fcf3: 00                           .dd1    $00

                   ; object #5 state #1 graphic
fcf4: 04           GfxNum1         .dd1    $04
fcf5: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
fcf6: 04                           .dd1    $04
fcf7: 04                           .dd1    $04
fcf8: 04                           .dd1    $04
fcf9: 04                           .dd1    $04
fcfa: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fcfb: 00                           .dd1    $00
                   ; object #0B: state
fcfc: 00           KeyCurr         .dd1    $00
                   ; object #0b: list of states
fcfd: ff           KeyStates       .dd1    $ff
fcfe: 00 fd                        .dd2    GfxKey

                   ; object #0b: state FF: graphic
fd00: 07           GfxKey          .dd1    $07
fd01: fd                           .dd1    $fd
fd02: a7                           .dd1    $a7
fd03: 00                           .dd1    $00

                   ; object #5 state #2 graphic
fd04: 0e           GfxNum2         .dd1    $0e
fd05: 11                           .dd1    $11
fd06: 01                           .dd1    $01
fd07: 02                           .dd1    $02
fd08: 04                           .dd1    $04
fd09: 08                           .dd1    $08
fd0a: 1f                           .dd1    $1f
fd0b: 00                           .dd1    $00

                   ; object #5 state #3 graphic
fd0c: 0e           GfxNum3         .dd1    $0e
fd0d: 11                           .dd1    $11
fd0e: 01                           .dd1    $01
fd0f: 06                           .dd1    $06
fd10: 01                           .dd1    $01
fd11: 11                           .dd1    $11
fd12: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fd13: 00                           .dd1    $00
                   ; object #0E: list of states
fd14: 03           BatStates       .dd1    $03
fd15: 1a fd                        .dd2    GfxBat1
fd17: ff                           .dd1    $ff
fd18: 22 fd                        .dd2    GfxBat2

                   ; object #0E: state 03
fd1a: 81           GfxBat1         .dd1    $81
fd1b: 81                           .dd1    $81
fd1c: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fd1d: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fd1e: ff                           .dd1    $ff
fd1f: 5a                           .dd1    $5a
fd20: 66                           .dd1    $66
fd21: 00                           .dd1    $00

                   ; object #0e: state FF: graphic
fd22: 01           GfxBat2         .dd1    $01
fd23: 80                           .dd1    $80
fd24: 01                           .dd1    $01
fd25: 80                           .dd1    $80
fd26: 3c                           .dd1    $3c
fd27: 5a                           .dd1    $5a
fd28: 66                           .dd1    $66
fd29: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fd2a: 81                           .dd1    $81
fd2b: 81                           .dd1    $81
fd2c: 81                           .dd1    $81
fd2d: 00                           .dd1    $00
                   ; object #6: states
fd2e: 00           DragonStates    .dd1    $00
fd2f: 3a fd                        .dd2    GfxDrag0
fd31: 01                           .dd1    $01
fd32: 66 fd                        .dd2    GfxDrag2
fd34: 02                           .dd1    $02
fd35: 3a fd                        .dd2    GfxDrag0
fd37: ff                           .dd1    $ff
fd38: 4f fd                        .dd2    GfxDrag1

                   ; object #6: state #00: graphic
fd3a: 06           GfxDrag0        .dd1    $06
fd3b: 0f                           .dd1    $0f
fd3c: f3                           .dd1    $f3
fd3d: fe                           .dd1    $fe
fd3e: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fd3f: 04                           .dd1    $04
fd40: 04                           .dd1    $04
fd41: 1e                           .dd1    $1e
fd42: 3f                           .dd1    $3f
fd43: 7f                           .dd1    $7f
fd44: e3                           .dd1    $e3
fd45: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fd46: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fd47: c7                           .dd1    $c7
fd48: ff                           .dd1    $ff
fd49: 3c                           .dd1    $3c
fd4a: 08                           .dd1    $08
fd4b: 8f                           .dd1    $8f
fd4c: e1                           .dd1    $e1
fd4d: 3f                           .dd1    $3f
fd4e: 00                           .dd1    $00

                   ; object #6: state FF: graphic
fd4f: 80           GfxDrag1        .dd1    $80
fd50: 40                           .dd1    $40
fd51: 26                           .dd1    $26
fd52: 1f                           .dd1    $1f
fd53: 0b                           .dd1    $0b
fd54: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fd55: 1e                           .dd1    $1e
fd56: 24                           .dd1    $24
fd57: 44                           .dd1    $44
fd58: 8e                           .dd1    $8e
fd59: 1e                           .dd1    $1e
fd5a: 3f                           .dd1    $3f
fd5b: 7f                           .dd1    $7f
fd5c: 7f                           .dd1    $7f
fd5d: 7f                           .dd1    $7f
fd5e: 7f                           .dd1    $7f
fd5f: 3e                           .dd1    $3e
fd60: 1c                           .dd1    $1c
fd61: 08                           .dd1    $08
fd62: f8                           .dd1    $f8
fd63: 80                           .dd1    $80
fd64: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fd65: 00                           .dd1    $00

                   ; object #6: state 02: graphic
fd66: 0c           GfxDrag2        .dd1    $0c
fd67: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
fd68: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
fd69: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fd6a: 1b                           .dd1    $1b
fd6b: 7f                           .dd1    $7f
fd6c: ce                           .dd1    $ce
fd6d: 80                           .dd1    $80
fd6e: fc                           .dd1    $fc
fd6f: fe                           .dd1    $fe
fd70: fe                           .dd1    $fe
fd71: 7e                           .dd1    $7e
fd72: 78                           .dd1    $78
fd73: 20                           .dd1    $20
fd74: 6e                           .dd1    $6e
fd75: 42                           .dd1    $42
fd76: 7e                           .dd1    $7e
fd77: 00                           .dd1    $00
                   ; object #9: current state
fd78: 00           SwordCurr       .dd1    $00
                   ; object #9: list of states
fd79: ff           SwordStates     .dd1    $ff
fd7a: 7c fd                        .dd2    GfxSword

                   ; object #9: state FF: graphics
fd7c: 20           GfxSword        .dd1    $20
fd7d: 40                           .dd1    $40
fd7e: ff                           .dd1    $ff
fd7f: 40                           .dd1    $40
fd80: 20                           .dd1    $20
fd81: 00                           .dd1    $00
fd82: 00           DotCurr         .dd1    $00
fd83: ff           DotStates       .dd1    $ff
fd84: 86 fd                        .dd2    GfxDot

fd86: 80           GfxDot          .dd1    $80
fd87: 00                           .dd1    $00

                   ; object #4: state FF: graphic
fd88: f0           GfxAuthor       .dd1    $f0
fd89: 80                           .dd1    $80
fd8a: 80                           .dd1    $80
fd8b: 80                           .dd1    $80
fd8c: f4                           .dd1    $f4
fd8d: 04                           .dd1    $04
fd8e: 87                           .dd1    $87
fd8f: e5                           .dd1    $e5
fd90: 87                           .dd1    $87
fd91: 80                           .dd1    $80
fd92: 05                           .dd1    $05
fd93: e5                           .dd1    $e5
fd94: a7                           .dd1    $a7
fd95: e1                           .dd1    $e1
fd96: 87                           .dd1    $87
fd97: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fd98: 01                           .dd1    $01
fd99: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fd9a: a0                           .dd1    $a0
fd9b: f0                           .dd1    $f0
fd9c: 01                           .dd1    $01
fd9d: 40                           .dd1    $40
fd9e: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fd9f: 40                           .dd1    $40
fda0: 40                           .dd1    $40
fda1: 40                           .dd1    $40
fda2: 01                           .dd1    $01
fda3: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fda4: a0                           .dd1    $a0
fda5: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fda6: 80                           .dd1    $80
fda7: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fda8: 01                           .dd1    $01
fda9: 20                           .dd1    $20
fdaa: 20                           .dd1    $20
fdab: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fdac: a0                           .dd1    $a0
fdad: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fdae: 01                           .dd1    $01
fdaf: 01                           .dd1    $01
fdb0: 01                           .dd1    $01
fdb1: 88                           .dd1    $88
fdb2: a8                           .dd1    $a8
fdb3: a8                           .dd1    $a8
fdb4: a8                           .dd1    $a8
fdb5: f8                           .dd1    $f8
fdb6: 01                           .dd1    $01
fdb7: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fdb8: a0                           .dd1    $a0
fdb9: f0                           .dd1    $f0
fdba: 01                           .dd1    $01
fdbb: 80                           .dd1    $80
fdbc: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fdbd: 8f                           .dd1    $8f
fdbe: 89                           .dd1    $89
fdbf: 0f                           .dd1    $0f
fdc0: 8a                           .dd1    $8a
fdc1: e9                           .dd1    $e9
fdc2: 80                           .dd1    $80
fdc3: 8e                           .dd1    $8e
fdc4: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
fdc5: ee                           .dd1    $ee
fdc6: a0                           .dd1    $a0
fdc7: e8                           .dd1    $e8
fdc8: 88                           .dd1    $88
fdc9: ee                           .dd1    $ee
fdca: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
fdcb: 8e                           .dd1    $8e
fdcc: e0                           .dd1    $e0
fdcd: a4                           .dd1    $a4
fdce: a4                           .dd1    $a4
fdcf: 04                           .dd1    $04
fdd0: 80                           .dd1    $80
fdd1: 08                           .dd1    $08
fdd2: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fdd3: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
fdd4: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
fdd5: 80                           .dd1    $80
fdd6: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fdd7: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
fdd8: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fdd9: 08                           .dd1    $08
fdda: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fddb: 80                           .dd1    $80
fddc: 04                           .dd1    $04
fddd: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fdde: 04                           .dd1    $04
fddf: 04                           .dd1    $04
fde0: 04                           .dd1    $04
fde1: 80                           .dd1    $80
fde2: 04                           .dd1    $04
fde3: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
fde4: 04                           .dd1    $04
fde5: 04                           .dd1    $04
fde6: 04                           .dd1    $04
fde7: 00                           .dd1    $00
                   ; object #4: author's name
fde8: 1e 50 69     AuthorInfo      .bulk   $1e,$50,$69         ;room 1E (50, 69)
                   ; object #4: current state
fdeb: 00           AuthorCurr      .dd1    $00
                   ; object #4: states
fdec: ff           AuthorStates    .dd1    $ff
fded: 88 fd                        .dd2    GfxAuthor
                   ; object #10: state
fdef: 00           ChaliceCurr     .dd1    $00
                   ; object #10: list of states
fdf0: ff           ChaliceStates   .dd1    $ff
fdf1: f3 fd                        .dd2    GfxChalice

                   ; object #10: state FF: graphic
fdf3: 81           GfxChalice      .dd1    $81
fdf4: 81                           .dd1    $81
fdf5: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fdf6: 7e                           .dd1    $7e
fdf7: 7e                           .dd1    $7e
fdf8: 3c                           .dd1    $3c
fdf9: 18                           .dd1    $18
fdfa: 18                           .dd1    $18
fdfb: 7e                           .dd1    $7e
fdfc: 00                           .dd1    $00
                   ; object #12: state
fdfd: 00           NullCurr        .dd1    $00
                   ; object #12: list of states
fdfe: ff           NullStates      .dd1    $ff
fdff: 01 fe                        .dd2    GfxNull
fe01: 00           GfxNull         .dd1    $00
                   ; object #5: number
fe02: 00 50 40     NumberInfo      .bulk   $00,$50,$40         ;room 00 (50,40)
                   ; object #5 states
fe05: 01           NumberStates    .dd1    $01
fe06: f4 fc                        .dd2    GfxNum1
fe08: 03                           .dd1    $03
fe09: 04 fd                        .dd2    GfxNum2
fe0b: ff                           .dd1    $ff
fe0c: 0c fd                        .dd2    GfxNum3
                   ; object #11: state
fe0e: 00           MagnetCurr      .dd1    $00
                   ; object #11: list of states
fe0f: ff           MagnetStates    .dd1    $ff
fe10: 12 fe                        .dd2    GfxMagnet

fe12: 3c           GfxMagnet       .dd1    $3c
fe13: 7e                           .dd1    $7e
fe14: e7                           .dd1    $e7
fe15: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fe16: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fe17: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fe18: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fe19: c3                           .dd1    $c3
fe1a: 00                           .dd1    $00
                   ; Room Data
                   ; offset 0: low byte room graphics data
                   ; offset 1: high byte room graphics data
                   ; offset 2: color
                   ; offset 3: B&W color
                   ; offset 4: bits 5-0: playfield control
                   ;           bit 6: true if right thin wall wanted
                   ;           bit 7: true if left thin wall wanted
                   ; offset 5: room above
                   ; offset 6: room left
                   ; offset 7: room down
                   ; offset 8: room right
fe1b: dc fa        RoomDataTable   .dd2    NumberRoom          ;00 number room; purple
fe1d: 66 0a 21 00+                 .bulk   $66,$0a,$21,$00,$00,$00,$00
fe24: b2 fa                        .dd2    BelowYellowCastle   ;01 (top access) reflected / 8 clock ball
fe26: d8 0a a1 08+                 .bulk   $d8,$0a,$a1,$08,$02,$80,$03
fe2d: b2 fa                        .dd2    BelowYellowCastle   ;02 (top access); green
fe2f: c8 0a 21 11+                 .bulk   $c8,$0a,$21,$11,$03,$83,$01
fe36: a0 fa                        .dd2    LeftOfName          ;03 left of name
fe38: e8 0a 61 06+                 .bulk   $e8,$0a,$61,$06,$01,$86,$02
fe3f: 3e fb                        .dd2    BlueMazeTop         ;04 top of blue maze; blue
fe41: 86 0a 21 10+                 .bulk   $86,$0a,$21,$10,$05,$07,$06
fe48: 53 fb                        .dd2    BlueMaze1           ;05 blue maze #1; blue
fe4a: 86 0a 21 1d+                 .bulk   $86,$0a,$21,$1d,$06,$08,$04
fe51: 68 fb                        .dd2    BlueMazeBottom      ;06 bottom of blue maze; blue
fe53: 86 0a 21 07+                 .bulk   $86,$0a,$21,$07,$04,$03,$05
fe5a: 7d fb                        .dd2    BlueMazeCenter      ;07 center of blue maze; blue
fe5c: 86 0a 21 04+                 .bulk   $86,$0a,$21,$04,$08,$06,$08
fe63: 92 fb                        .dd2    BlueMazeEntry       ;08 blue maze entry; blue
fe65: 86 0a 21 05+                 .bulk   $86,$0a,$21,$05,$07,$01,$07
fe6c: a7 fb                        .dd2    MazeMiddle          ;09 maze middle; invisible
fe6e: 08 08 25 0a+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$25,$0a,$0a,$0b,$0a
fe75: ce fb                        .dd2    MazeEntry           ;0a maze entry; invisible
fe77: 08 08 25 03+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$25,$03,$09,$09,$09
fe7e: b9 fb                        .dd2    MazeSide            ;0b maze side; invisible/re
fe80: 08 08 25 09+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$25,$09,$0c,$1c,$0d
fe87: c7 fa                        .dd2    SideCorridor        ;0c (side corridor)
fe89: 98 0a 61 1c+                 .bulk   $98,$0a,$61,$1c,$0d,$1d,$0b
fe90: c7 fa                        .dd2    SideCorridor        ;0d (side corridor)
fe92: b8 0a a1 0f+                 .bulk   $b8,$0a,$a1,$0f,$0b,$0e,$0c
fe99: 74 fc                        .dd2    TopEntryRoom        ;0e (top entry room)
fe9b: a8 0a 21 0d+                 .bulk   $a8,$0a,$21,$0d,$10,$0f,$10
fea2: e3 fb                        .dd2    CastleDef           ;0f white castle; white
fea4: 0c 0c 21 0e+                 .bulk   $0c,$0c,$21,$0e,$0f,$0d,$0f
feab: e3 fb                        .dd2    CastleDef           ;10 black castle; black
fead: 00 02 21 01+                 .bulk   $00,$02,$21,$01,$1c,$04,$1c
feb4: e3 fb                        .dd2    CastleDef           ;11 yellow castle; yellow
feb6: 1a 0a 21 06+                 .bulk   $1a,$0a,$21,$06,$03,$02,$01
febd: dc fa                        .dd2    NumberRoom          ;12 yellow castle entry; yellow
febf: 1a 0a 21 12+                 .bulk   $1a,$0a,$21,$12,$12,$12,$12
fec6: 89 fc                        .dd2    BlackMaze1          ;13 black maze #1; invisible/re
fec8: 08 08 25 15+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$25,$15,$14,$15,$16
fecf: b0 fc                        .dd2    BlackMaze2          ;14 black maze #2; invisible/dupl
fed1: 08 08 24 16+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$24,$16,$15,$16,$13
fed8: 9b fc                        .dd2    BlackMaze3          ;15 black maze #3; invisible/dupl
feda: 08 08 24 13+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$24,$13,$16,$13,$14
fee1: c2 fc                        .dd2    BlackMazeEntry      ;16 black maze entry; invisible/re
fee3: 08 08 25 14+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$25,$14,$13,$1b,$15
feea: 26 fc                        .dd2    RedMaze1            ;17 red maze #1; red
feec: 36 0a 21 19+                 .bulk   $36,$0a,$21,$19,$18,$19,$18
fef3: 4d fc                        .dd2    RedMazeTop          ;18 top of red maze; red
fef5: 36 0a 21 1a+                 .bulk   $36,$0a,$21,$1a,$17,$1a,$17
fefc: 38 fc                        .dd2    RedMazeBottom       ;19 bottom of red maze; red
fefe: 36 0a 21 17+                 .bulk   $36,$0a,$21,$17,$1a,$17,$1a
ff05: 5f fc                        .dd2    WhiteCastleEntry    ;1a white castle entry; red
ff07: 36 0a 21 18+                 .bulk   $36,$0a,$21,$18,$19,$18,$19
ff0e: 29 fb                        .dd2    TwoExitRoom         ;1b black castle entry; red
ff10: 36 0a 21 89+                 .bulk   $36,$0a,$21,$89,$89,$89,$89
ff17: dc fa                        .dd2    NumberRoom          ;1c other purple room; purple
ff19: 66 0a 21 1d+                 .bulk   $66,$0a,$21,$1d,$07,$8c,$08
ff20: 74 fc                        .dd2    TopEntryRoom        ;1d (top entry room); red
ff22: 36 0a 21 8f+                 .bulk   $36,$0a,$21,$8f,$01,$10,$03
ff29: b2 fa                        .dd2    BelowYellowCastle   ;1e name room; purple
ff2b: 66 0a 21 06+                 .bulk   $66,$0a,$21,$06,$01,$06,$03
                   ; room differences for different levels (level 1, 2, 3)
ff32: 10 0f 0f     RoomDiffs       .bulk   $10,$0f,$0f         ;down from room 01
ff35: 05 11 11                     .bulk   $05,$11,$11         ;down from room 02
ff38: 1d 0a 0a                     .bulk   $1d,$0a,$0a         ;down from room 03
ff3b: 1c 16 16                     .bulk   $1c,$16,$16         ;U/L/R/D from room 1b (black castle room)
ff3e: 1b 0c 0c                     .bulk   $1b,$0c,$0c         ;down from room 1c
ff41: 03 0c 0c                     .bulk   $03,$0c,$0c         ;up from room 1d (top entry room)
                   ; Objects
                   ; offset 0: low byte object information (moveable stuff)
                   ; offset 1: high byte object information (moveable stuff)
                   ; offset 2: low byte to object's current state
                   ; offset 3: high byte to object's current state
                   ; offset 4: low byte list of states
                   ; offset 5: high byte list of states
                   ; offset 6: color
                   ; offset 7: color in B&W
                   ; offset 8: size of object
                   ; 00 invisible surround offsets
ff44: d9           Store1          .dd1    $d9
ff45: 00           Store2          .dd1    $00
ff46: 01           Store3          .dd1    <SurroundCurr
ff47: fc           Store4          .dd1    >SurroundCurr
ff48: 02           Store5          .dd1    <SurroundStates
ff49: fc           Store6          .dd1    >SurroundStates
ff4a: 28           Store7          .dd1    $28
ff4b: 0c           Store8          .dd1    $0c
ff4c: 07           Store9          .dd1    $07
                   ; 01 portcullis #1; black
ff4d: f8 fb                        .dd2    PortInfo1
ff4f: c8 00                        .bulk   $c8,$00
ff51: f1 fa                        .dd2    PortStates
ff53: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
                   ; 02 portcullis #2; black
ff56: fb fb                        .dd2    PortInfo2
ff58: c9 00                        .bulk   $c9,$00
ff5a: f1 fa                        .dd2    PortStates
ff5c: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
                   ; 03 portcullis #3; black
ff5f: fe fb                        .dd2    PortInfo3
ff61: ca 00                        .bulk   $ca,$00
ff63: f1 fa                        .dd2    PortStates
ff65: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
                   ; 04 name; flash
ff68: e8 fd                        .dd2    AuthorInfo
ff6a: eb fd                        .dd2    AuthorCurr
ff6c: ec fd                        .dd2    AuthorStates
ff6e: cb 00 00                     .bulk   $cb,$00,$00
                   ; 05 number; green
ff71: 02 fe                        .dd2    NumberInfo
ff73: dd 00                        .bulk   $dd,$00
ff75: 05 fe                        .dd2    NumberStates
ff77: c8 00 00                     .bulk   $c8,$00,$00
                   ; 06 dragon #1; red
ff7a: a4 00 a8 00                  .bulk   $a4,$00,$a8,$00
ff7e: 2e fd                        .dd2    DragonStates
ff80: 36 0e 00                     .bulk   $36,$0e,$00
                   ; 07 dragon #2; yellow
ff83: a9 00 ad 00                  .bulk   $a9,$00,$ad,$00
ff87: 2e fd                        .dd2    DragonStates
ff89: 1a 06 00                     .bulk   $1a,$06,$00
                   ; 08 dragon #3; green
ff8c: ae 00 b2 00                  .bulk   $ae,$00,$b2,$00
ff90: 2e fd                        .dd2    DragonStates
ff92: c8 00 00                     .bulk   $c8,$00,$00
                   ; 09 sword; yellow
ff95: b6 00                        .bulk   $b6,$00
ff97: 78 fd                        .dd2    SwordCurr
ff99: 79 fd                        .dd2    SwordStates
ff9b: 1a 06 00                     .bulk   $1a,$06,$00
                   ; 0a bridge; purple
ff9e: bc 00                        .bulk   $bc,$00
ffa0: d7 fc                        .dd2    BridgeCurr
ffa2: d8 fc                        .dd2    BridgeStates
ffa4: 66 02 07                     .bulk   $66,$02,$07
                   ; 0b key #01; yellow
ffa7: bf 00                        .bulk   $bf,$00
ffa9: fc fc                        .dd2    KeyCurr
ffab: fd fc                        .dd2    KeyStates
ffad: 1a 06 00                     .bulk   $1a,$06,$00
                   ; 0c key #02; white
ffb0: c2 00                        .bulk   $c2,$00
ffb2: fc fc                        .dd2    KeyCurr
ffb4: fd fc                        .dd2    KeyStates
ffb6: 0e 0e 00                     .bulk   $0e,$0e,$00
                   ; 0d key #03; black
ffb9: c5 00                        .bulk   $c5,$00
ffbb: fc fc                        .dd2    KeyCurr
ffbd: fd fc                        .dd2    KeyStates
ffbf: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
                   ; 0e bat; black
ffc2: cb 00 cf 00                  .bulk   $cb,$00,$cf,$00
ffc6: 14 fd                        .dd2    BatStates
ffc8: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
                   ; 0f black dot; light gray
ffcb: a1 00                        .bulk   $a1,$00
ffcd: 82 fd                        .dd2    DotCurr
ffcf: 83 fd                        .dd2    DotStates
ffd1: 08 08 00                     .bulk   $08,$08,$00
                   ; 10 chalice; flash
ffd4: b9 00                        .bulk   $b9,$00
ffd6: ef fd                        .dd2    ChaliceCurr
ffd8: f0 fd                        .dd2    ChaliceStates
ffda: cb 06 00                     .bulk   $cb,$06,$00
                   ; 11 magnet; black
ffdd: b3 00                        .bulk   $b3,$00
ffdf: 0e fe                        .dd2    MagnetCurr
ffe1: 0f fe                        .dd2    MagnetStates
ffe3: 00 06 00                     .bulk   $00,$06,$00
                   ; 12 null; black
ffe6: bc 00                        .bulk   $bc,$00
ffe8: fd fd                        .dd2    NullCurr
ffea: fe fd                        .dd2    NullStates
ffec: 00 00 00                     .bulk   $00,$00,$00
                   ; not used
ffef: 00 00 00 00+                 .junk   11
                   ; 6502 vectors
fffa: 00 f0                        .dd2    $f000
fffc: 00 f0                        .dd2    $f000
fffe: 00 f0                        .dd2    $f000

Symbol Table
