Gorf Power Regulator:
Practically all arcade video games built before 1985 had linear power regulator boards. Each game manufacturer designed their own regulator circuit boards and there were usually several different models. The Gorf regulator board is shown below. I don't know why, but this model has two numbers on it as shown:
Midway used the same board for a few other games as well such as Wizard of War. Other models such as those used in Galaga and Tron were similar looking and even similar in how they work but they are different enough so as not to be interchangeable.
Power Regulator Board After Rebuild: (click images to enlarge)
As with most of my machines, I like to clean and repopulate the circuit boards in order to repair damage and to make them more reliable. Most very large axial capacitors are no longer manufactured so I had to replace them with radial type capacitors as you can see in the pictures below.
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