******************************************************************************** * Asteroids (rev 4) * * Copyright 1979 Atari, Inc. * * * * By Lyle Rains and Ed Logg. * ******************************************************************************** * Disassembly by Nick Mikstas (https://www.nicholasmikstas.com/asteroids- * * fimrware) and Lonnie Howell / Mark McDougall * * (http://computerarcheology.com/Arcade/Asteroids/). * * * * The binary used is a concatenation of the four ROMs that are addressable by * * the 6502. The DVG ROM was placed at the end. * ******************************************************************************** * Project created by Andy McFadden, using 6502bench SourceGen v1.8. This is a * * fairly straight conversion from the listings on nicholasmikstas.com, which * * in turn drew heavily on the material at computerarcheology.com. I have done * * some reformatting and correction of typographical errors. * * * * Last updated 2021/11/04 * ******************************************************************************** * General memory map: * * * * $0000-03ff: RAM (1KB) * * $2000-3fff: various I/O * * $4000-47ff: vector RAM * * $5000-57ff: vector ROM * * $6800-7fff: game ROM * * * * The memory from $0200-02ff and $0300-03ff hold state for player 1 and player * * 2. The hardware allows the two to be swapped, so the current player's state * * can always be found at $0200. * * * * I/O port definitions: * * * * IN0/IN1 bits are mapped to the high bit of a unique address. Some things * * aren't as simple. * * * * DSW1 ($2800-2803): * * $2800: coinage: 0=free play, 1=1 coin 2 credits, 2=1/1, 3=2/1 * * $2801: right coin mult: 0=1x, 1=4x, 2=5x, 3=6x * * $2802: center coin mult & lives (%00=1x/4, %01=1x/3, %10=2x/4, %11=2x/3) * * $2803: language: 0=en, 1=de, 2=fr, 3=es * * * * OUTLATCH ($3200): UURCLP12 * * UU=unused * * R=right coin counter enable * * C=center coin counter enable * * L=left coin counter enable * * P=active player; swaps RAM at $200-2ff with $300-3ff * * 1=player 1 button LED * * 2=player 2 button LED * * * * For a "cocktail" cabinet, the "active player" bit also rotates the screen * * 180 degrees when player 2 is active. * ******************************************************************************** PlyrText .eq $01 {const} ;PLAYER YrScrText .eq $02 {const} ;YOUR SCORE IS ONE OF THE TEN BEST InitText .eq $03 {const} ;PLEASE ENTER YOUR INITIALS PlyrLamps .eq $03 {const} ;Illuminate both player button lamps. LargeAst .eq $04 {const} ;Large asteroid. MpuRamPages .eq $04 {const} ;four pages = 1k MPU RAM. PshRtText .eq $04 {const} ;PUSH ROTATE TO SELECT LETTER RamSwap .eq $04 {const} ;Swap RAM banks 2 and 3. PshHypText .eq $05 {const} ;PUSH HYPERSPACE WHEN LETTER IS CORRECT PshStrtText .eq $06 {const} ;PUSH START CoinCtrLeft .eq $08 {const} ;Enable left coin counter. OneTwoText .eq $08 {const} ;1 COIN 2 PLAYS CoinCtrCntr .eq $10 {const} ;Enable center coin counter. GoodRamFreq .eq $14 {const} ;Thump frequency setting for good RAM. MaxAsteroids .eq $1a {const} ;Max number of asteroids(26+1 = 27). ShipIndex .eq $1b {const} ;Index to ship status. ScrIndex .eq $1c {const} ;Index to saucer status. BadRamFreq .eq $1d {const} ;Thump frequency setting for bad RAM. CoinCtrRght .eq $20 {const} ;Enable right coin counter. LargeScrPnts .eq $20 {const} ;200 points for a large saucer hit. SelfTestWait .eq $24 {const} ;36 3Khz clock wait (.144 seconds). LValidCoin .eq $74 {const} ;Indicate left coin mechanism valid coin. CValidCoin .eq $75 {const} ;Indicate center coin mechanism valid coin. RValidCoin .eq $76 {const} ;Indicate right coin mechanism valid coin. EnableBit .eq $80 {const} ;The MSB is used to check/set hardware enables. SmallScrPnts .eq $99 {const} ;990 points for a small saucer hit. LabsOpcode .eq $a0 {const} ;LABS vector state machine opcode. HaltOpcode .eq $b0 {const} ;HALT vector state machine opcode. JsrlOpcode .eq $c0 {const} ;JSRL vector state machine opcode. RtslOpcode .eq $d0 {const} ;RTSL vector state machine opcode. JmplOpcode .eq $e0 {const} ;JMPL vector state machine opcode. SvecOpcode .eq $f0 {const} ;SVEC vector state machine opcode. ZeroPageRam .eq $00 {addr/256} ;Through $00FF. VecRamPtr .eq $02 {addr/2} ;Pointer to current vector RAM location. TestSFXInit_ .eq $09 ;Used to start SFX during self test routines. GenByte0B .eq $0b ;General use byte. GenByte0C .eq $0c ;General use byte. GenByte0D .eq $0d ;General use byte. InitialIndex .eq $10 ;Current index to initial in high scores being processed. BCDAddress .eq $15 ;Stored address of BCD data byte(can only be zero page address). BCDIndex .eq $16 ;Index to BCD data byte. ShipDrawUnused .eq $17 ;Always #$00. Was used for something in ship drawing routines. ZeroBlankBypass .eq $17 ;Fag to determine if zero blanking should be overridden. CurrentPlyr .eq $18 ;Current active player. #$00=Player 1, #$01=Player 2. ScoreIndex .eq $19 ;Offset to current player's score registers. PrevGamePlyrs .eq $1a ;Number of players in the game that just ended. NumPlayers .eq $1c ;Indicates if there is 1 or 2 players. HighScores .eq $1d {addr/20} ;Through $30. Top 10 high scores. 2 bytes each. ThisInitial .eq $31 ;Current initial selected on high score entry screen(0-2). Plyr1Rank .eq $32 ;Player 1 rank in top score list*3 (0,3,6,9, etc). Plyr2Rank .eq $33 ;Player 2 rank in top score list*3 (0,3,6,9, etc). HighScoreIntls .eq $34 {addr/30} ;Through $51. High score initials. 3 bytes each. PlayerScores .eq $52 {addr/4} ;Base address of the player's scores. Plr1ScoreBase .eq $52 ;Base address of Player 1's score. Plr2ScoreBase .eq $54 ;Base address of Player 2's score. ShipsPerGame .eq $56 ;Number of ships a player starts with. Plyr1Ships .eq $57 ;Current number of player 1 ships. Plyr2Ships .eq $58 ;Current number of player 2 ships. HyprSpcFlag .eq $59 ;#$00=No hyperspace, #$01=Jump successful, #$80=Jump unsuccessful. PlyrDispTimer .eq $5a ;Timer to display Player 1/Player 2 between waves. FrameCounter .eq $5b ;Increments every 4 NMIs. If game loop not running, causes reset. FrameTimer .eq $5c {addr/2} ;16-bit timer increments every frame, lower byte. NmiCounter .eq $5e ;Increments every NMI period. RandNum .eq $5f {addr/2} ;High byte of random number word. ShipDir .eq $61 ;Player's ship direction. ScrBulletDir .eq $62 ;Saucer bullet direction. ShipBulletSR .eq $63 ;Shift register for limiting ship fire rate. ShipXAccel .eq $64 ;Ship acceleration in the X direction. ShipYAccel .eq $65 ;Ship acceleration in the Y direction. SFXTimers .eq $66 {addr/6} ;Starting address for SFX timers. FireSFXTimer .eq $66 ;Time to play fire SFX. ScrFrSFXTimer .eq $67 ;Time to play saucer fire SFX. ExLfSFXTimer .eq $68 ;Time to play extra life SFX. ExplsnSFXTimer .eq $69 ;Time to play explosion SFX. ShipFireSFX_ .eq $6a ;Controls the ship fire SFX. ThisVolFreq .eq $6c ;Current settings for the thump frequency and volume. ThmpOnTime .eq $6d ;Time thump SFX stays on. ThumpOffTime .eq $6e ;Time thump SFX stays off. MultiPurpBits .eq $6f ;Storage for bits to set in the MultiPurp register. NumCredits .eq $70 ;Current number of credits. DipSwitchBits .eq $71 ;Storage for dip switch values. SlamTimer .eq $72 ;Decrements from #$0F if slam detected during coin insertion. CoinMult .eq $73 ;Number of coins after multipliers. ValidCoins .eq $74 {addr/3} ;Base address for valid coin registers below. WaitCoinTimers .eq $77 {addr/3} ;Base address for timers below. CoinDropTimers .eq $7a {addr/3} ;Base address for timers below. ShpDebrisXVel .eq $7d {addr/12} ;Through $88. X velocity of ship debris pieces, lower byte. ShpDebrisYVel .eq $89 {addr/12} ;Through $94. Y velocity of ship debris pieces, lower byte. OnePageRam .eq $0100 {addr/256} ;Through $01FF. The stack resides here. StackTop .eq $01d0 ;The stack should never grow past this point. StackBottom .eq $01ff ;The stack should never shrink to this point. Player1Ram .eq $0200 {addr/256} ;Through $02FF. A total of 1K MCU RAM. AstStatus .eq $0200 {addr/27} ;Through $021A. 17 asteroids max-their current status: ShipStatus .eq $021b ;0=No Ship Or In Hyperspace, 1=Alive, $A0-$FF=Ship Exploding. ScrStatus .eq $021c ;0=No Saucer, 1=Small Saucer, 2=Large Saucer, MSB set=Exploding. ShpShotTimer .eq $021f {addr/4} ;Through $0222. Timers for current ship bullets. AstXSpeed .eq $0223 {addr/27} ;Through $023D. Asteroid horiz speed. 255-192=Left, 1-63=Right. ShipXSpeed .eq $023e ;Ship horizontal speed. SaucerXSpeed .eq $023f ;Saucer horizontal speed. AstYSpeed .eq $0246 {addr/27} ;Through $0260. Asteroid vert speed. 255-192=Down, 1-63=Up. ShipYSpeed .eq $0261 ;Ship vertical speed. SaucerYSpeed .eq $0262 ;Saucer vertical speed. AstXPosHi .eq $0269 ;Through $0283. Asteroid horz position, high byte. ShipXPosHi .eq $0284 ;Ship X position, high byte. ScrXPosHi .eq $0285 ;Saucer X position, high byte. AstYPosHi .eq $028c ;Through $02A6. Asteroid vert position, high byte. ShipYPosHi .eq $02a7 ;Ship Y position, high byte. ScrYPosHi .eq $02a8 ;Saucer Y position, high byte. AstXPosLo .eq $02af ;Through $02C9. Asteroid horz position, low byte. ShipXPosLo .eq $02ca ;Ship X position, low byte. ScrXPosLo .eq $02cb ;Saucer X position, low byte. AstYPosLo .eq $02d2 ;Through $02EC. Asteroid vert position, low byte. ShipYPosLo .eq $02ed ;Ship Y position, low byte. ScrYPosLo .eq $02ee ;Saucer Y position, low byte. AstPerWave .eq $02f5 ;Asteroids per wave. CurAsteroids .eq $02f6 ;Current number of asteroids. ScrTimer .eq $02f7 ;Countdown timer for saucer spawn. ScrTmrReload .eq $02f8 ;Reload value for saucer timer. AstBreakTimer .eq $02f9 ;Set after asteroid hit. Prevents saucer spawn after last asteroid. ShipSpawnTmr .eq $02fa ;Ship spawn timer. #$81=waiting to re-spawn. ThmpSpeedTmr .eq $02fb ;Timer That controls thump SFX speed. ThmpOffReload .eq $02fc ;Reload value for ThumpOffTime register. ScrSpeedup .eq $02fd ;Saucer occurrences increase if asteroid count is below this value. Player2Ram .eq $0300 {addr/256} ;Through $03FF. Clk3Khz .eq $2001 ;3KHz clock. Halt .eq $2002 ;Halt gives the vector state machine status. 1=busy, 0=idle. HyprSpcSw .eq $2003 ;Hyperspace button status. FireSw .eq $2004 ;Fire button status. DiagStep .eq $2005 ;Diagnostic step. Draws diagonal lines on screen. SlamSw .eq $2006 ;Slam switch status. SelfTestSw .eq $2007 ;Self test DIP switch status. LeftCoinSw .eq $2400 ;Left coin switch status. Player1Sw .eq $2403 ;Player 1 button status. Player2Sw .eq $2404 ;Player 2 button status. ThrustSw .eq $2405 ;Thrust button status. RotRghtSw .eq $2406 ;Rotation right button status. RotLeftSw .eq $2407 ;Rotation left button status. DipSw .eq $2800 {addr/3} ;Base address for the DIP switches. PlayTypeSw .eq $2800 ;Play type DIP switches (switches 7 and 8); RghtCoinMechSw .eq $2801 ;Coin multiplier DIP switches for right coin mechanism. CentCMShipsSw .eq $2802 ;Coin multiplier center coin mechanism, ships per play DIP switches. LanguageSw .eq $2803 ;Language selection DIP switches. DmaGo .eq $3000 ;Writing this address starts the vector state machine. MultiPurp .eq $3200 ;Multipurpose write register. Below are the bit functions: WdClear .eq $3400 ;Clears the watchdog timer. ExpPitchVol .eq $3600 ;Controls the explosion SFX pitch and volume. ThumpFreqVol .eq $3a00 ;Controls the thump frequency and volume. SaucerSFX .eq $3c00 ;Controls the saucer sound. SaucerFireSFX .eq $3c01 ;Controls the saucer fire SFX. SaucerSFXSel .eq $3c02 ;Controls the frequency of the saucer SFX. ShipThrustSFX .eq $3c03 ;Controls the ship thrust SFX. ShipFireSFX .eq $3c04 ;Controls the ship fire SFX. LifeSFX .eq $3c05 ;Controls the life SFX. NoiseReset .eq $3e00 ;Resets the noise SFX. VectorRam .eq $4000 {addr/2048} ;Through $47FF. A total of 2K of vector RAM. VectorRom .eq $5000 {addr/2048} ;Through $57FF. A total of 2k of vector ROM. VectorRomEnd .eq $5800 ProgramRom .eq $6800 {addr/6144} ProgramRomEnd .eq $8000 ; ; Game entry point and main loop. ; .addrs $6800 6800: 4c f3 7c jmp RESET ;Initialize the game after power-up 6803: 20 fa 6e InitGame jsr SilenceSFX ;Turn off all SFX 6806: 20 d8 6e jsr InitGameVars ;Initialize various game variables 6809: 20 68 71 InitWaves jsr InitWaveVars ;Initialize variables for the current asteroid wave ; 680c: ad 07 20 GameRunningLoop lda SelfTestSw ;Get self test switch status 680f: 30 fe :Spin bmi :Spin ;Is self test active? If so, spin lock until watchdog reset 6811: 46 5b lsr FrameCounter ;Has a new frame started? 6813: 90 f7 bcc GameRunningLoop ;If not, no processing to do until next frame; branch to wait ; 6815: ad 02 20 VectorWaitLoop1 lda Halt ;Is the vector state machine busy? 6818: 30 fb bmi VectorWaitLoop1 ;If so, loop until it is idle 681a: ad 01 40 lda VectorRam+1 ;Swap which half of vector RAM is read and which half is 681d: 49 02 eor #$02 ; written. This is done by alternating the jump instruction 681f: 8d 01 40 sta VectorRam+1 ; at the beginning of the RAM between $4402 and $4002. 6822: 8d 00 30 sta DmaGo ;Start the vector state machine 6825: 8d 00 34 sta WdClear ;Clear the watchdog timer 6828: e6 5c inc FrameTimer 682a: d0 02 bne SetVecRamPtr ;Increment frame counter 682c: e6 5d inc FrameTimer+1 682e: a2 40 SetVecRamPtr ldx #>VectorRam ;Is vector RAM pointer currently pointing at $4400 range 6830: 29 02 and #$02 6832: d0 02 bne UpdateVecRamPtr ;If so, branch to switch to $4000 6834: a2 44 ldx #>VectorRam+$400 ;Prepare to switch to $4400 6836: a9 02 UpdateVecRamPtr lda #$02 6838: 85 02 sta VecRamPtr ;Swap vector RAM pointer 683a: 86 03 stx VecRamPtr+1 ; 683c: 20 85 68 jsr ChkPreGameStuff ;Check if non game play functions need to be run 683f: b0 c2 bcs InitGame ;Branch if attract mode is starting 6841: 20 5c 76 jsr CheckHighScore ;Check if player just got the high score 6844: 20 90 6d jsr ChkHighScrMsg ;Do high score and initial entry message if appropriate 6847: 10 1b bpl DoScreenText ;Is game not in progress? If not, branch 6849: 20 c4 73 jsr ChkHighScrList ;Check if high score list needs to be displayed 684c: b0 16 bcs DoScreenText ;Is high scores list being displayed? If so, branch 684e: a5 5a lda PlyrDispTimer ;Is player not active? 6850: d0 0c bne DoAsteroids ;If not, branch ; 6852: 20 d7 6c jsr UpdateShip ;Update ship firing and position 6855: 20 74 6e jsr EnterHyperspc ;Check if player entered hyperspace 6858: 20 3f 70 jsr ChkExitHprspc ;Check if coming out of hyperspace 685b: 20 93 6b jsr UpdateScr ;Update saucer status 685e: 20 57 6f DoAsteroids jsr UpdateObjects ;Update objects(asteroids, ship, saucer and bullets) 6861: 20 f0 69 jsr HitDetection ;Do hit detection calculations for all objects 6864: 20 4f 72 DoScreenText jsr UpdateScreenText ;Update in-game screen text and reserve lives 6867: 20 55 75 jsr ChkUpdateSFX ;Check if SFX needs to be updated ; 686a: a9 7f lda #$7f ;X beam coordinate 4 * $7F = $1D0 = 464 686c: aa tax ;Y beam coordinate 4 * $7F = $1D0 = 464 686d: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 6870: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 6873: 20 c0 7b jsr VecHalt ;Halt the vector state machine 6876: ad fb 02 lda ThmpSpeedTmr 6879: f0 03 beq ChkGameRunning ;Is thump speed timer running? If so, decrement it 687b: ce fb 02 dec ThmpSpeedTmr 687e: 0d f6 02 ChkGameRunning ora CurAsteroids ;Is the game running? 6881: d0 89 bne GameRunningLoop ;If so, branch to keep it going 6883: f0 84 beq InitWaves ;Game not running, branch to initialize variables ; ; Helper routines. ; 6885: a5 1c ChkPreGameStuff lda NumPlayers ;Are there players currently playing? 6887: f0 14 beq ChkCoinsPerCredit ;If not, branch 6889: a5 5a lda PlyrDispTimer ;Is the Player 1/Player 2 message being displayed? 688b: d0 03 bne DecPlyrTimer ;If so, branch to decrement timer 688d: 4c 60 69 jmp ChkThmpFaster ;Jump to check if the Thump SFX should be sped up 6890: c6 5a DecPlyrTimer dec PlyrDispTimer ;Decrement player text display timer 6892: 20 e2 69 jsr DrawPlyrNum ;Draw player number on the display 6895: 18 NoResetReturn1 clc ;Return without reinitializing the game 6896: 60 rts 6897: a9 02 DoFreePlay lda #$02 ;Load 2 credits always for free play 6899: 85 70 sta NumCredits 689b: d0 13 bne CheckCredits ;Branch always ChkCoinsPerCredit 689d: a5 71 lda DipSwitchBits ;Get the number of coins per credit 689f: 29 03 and #$03 ;Is free play active? 68a1: f0 f4 beq DoFreePlay ;If so, branch to add 2 credits 68a3: 18 clc 68a4: 69 07 adc #OneTwoText-1 ;Prepare to display the coins per play message on the display 68a6: a8 tay 68a7: a5 32 lda Plyr1Rank ;Is this the high score entry part? 68a9: 25 33 and Plyr2Rank ;If so, branch 68ab: 10 03 bpl CheckCredits 68ad: 20 f6 77 jsr WriteText ;Write coins per play text to the display ; 68b0: a4 70 CheckCredits ldy NumCredits ;Are credits available? 68b2: f0 e1 beq NoResetReturn1 ;If not, return 68b4: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;Has the Player 1 button been pressed? 68b6: ad 03 24 lda Player1Sw 68b9: 30 23 bmi Do1Player ;If so, branch to start 1 player game. 68bb: c0 02 cpy #$02 ;Are there at least 2 credits available? 68bd: 90 7c bcc ChkStartText ;If not, branch to skip 2 players check 68bf: ad 04 24 lda Player2Sw ;Is the Player 2 button being pressed? 68c2: 10 77 bpl ChkStartText ;If not, branch ; 68c4: a5 6f lda MultiPurpBits 68c6: 09 04 ora #RamSwap 68c8: 85 6f sta MultiPurpBits ;Switch to Player 2 RAM 68ca: 8d 00 32 sta MultiPurp 68cd: 20 d8 6e jsr InitGameVars ;Initialize various game variables 68d0: 20 68 71 jsr InitWaveVars ;Initialize variables for the current asteroid wave 68d3: 20 e8 71 jsr CenterShip ;Center ship on display and zero velocity. 68d6: a5 56 lda ShipsPerGame ;Initialize the Player's lives 68d8: 85 58 sta Plyr2Ships 68da: a2 02 ldx #$02 ;Indicate this is a 2 player game 68dc: c6 70 dec NumCredits ;Decrement credits for Player 2 ; 68de: 86 1c Do1Player stx NumPlayers ;Store number of players this game (1 or 2) 68e0: c6 70 dec NumCredits ;Decrement credits for player 1 68e2: a5 6f lda MultiPurpBits ;Clear Player 1 and 2 LEDs and RAM swap bit 68e4: 29 f8 and #%11111000 68e6: 45 1c eor NumPlayers ;Turn on LEDs indicating 1 or 2 player game 68e8: 85 6f sta MultiPurpBits 68ea: 8d 00 32 sta MultiPurp ; 68ed: 20 e8 71 jsr CenterShip ;Center ship on display and zero velocity 68f0: a9 01 lda #$01 68f2: 8d fa 02 sta ShipSpawnTmr ;Initialize ship spawn timer for both players 68f5: 8d fa 03 sta ShipSpawnTmr+$100 68f8: a9 92 lda #$92 68fa: 8d f8 02 sta ScrTmrReload 68fd: 8d f8 03 sta ScrTmrReload+$100 ;Initialize saucer timer and reload value 6900: 8d f7 03 sta ScrTimer+$100 6903: 8d f7 02 sta ScrTimer 6906: a9 7f lda #$7f 6908: 8d fb 02 sta ThmpSpeedTmr ;Initialize thump speed timer for both players 690b: 8d fb 03 sta ThmpSpeedTmr+$100 690e: a9 05 lda #$05 6910: 8d fd 02 sta ScrSpeedup ;Load initial asteroid count that causes more frequent saucers 6913: 8d fd 03 sta ScrSpeedup+$100 6916: a9 ff lda #$ff 6918: 85 32 sta Plyr1Rank ;Zero out both Player's rank 691a: 85 33 sta Plyr2Rank 691c: a9 80 lda #$80 ;Load time for displaying Player 1/2 691e: 85 5a sta PlyrDispTimer 6920: 0a asl A 6921: 85 18 sta CurrentPlyr ;Set current player to 1 and the score index for Player 1 6923: 85 19 sta ScoreIndex 6925: a5 56 lda ShipsPerGame ;Set Player 1 reserve lives 6927: 85 57 sta Plyr1Ships 6929: a9 04 lda #$04 692b: 85 6c sta ThisVolFreq 692d: 85 6e sta ThumpOffTime ;Set initial thump SFX values 692f: a9 30 lda #$30 6931: 8d fc 02 sta ThmpOffReload 6934: 8d fc 03 sta ThmpOffReload+$100 6937: 8d 00 3e sta NoiseReset ;Reset the noise SFX hardware 693a: 60 rts 693b: a5 32 ChkStartText lda Plyr1Rank ;Is this the high score entry part? 693d: 25 32 and Plyr1Rank 693f: 10 0b bpl CheckUpdateLeds ;If so, branch to move on 6941: a5 5c lda FrameTimer ;Is it time to display "PUSH START" on the display? 6943: 29 20 and #%00100000 6945: d0 05 bne CheckUpdateLeds ;If not, branch 6947: a0 06 ldy #PshStrtText ;Display "PUSH START" 6949: 20 f6 77 jsr WriteText ;Write text to the display ; 694c: a5 5c CheckUpdateLeds lda FrameTimer ;Update LEDs every 16 frames 694e: 29 0f and #$0f ;Is this the 16th frame? 6950: d0 0c bne NoResetReturn2 ;If not, branch to return from function ; 6952: a9 01 lda #$01 6954: c5 70 cmp NumCredits 6956: 69 01 adc #$01 ;Turn on Player 1/Player 2 button LEDs 6958: 49 01 eor #$01 695a: 45 6f eor MultiPurpBits 695c: 85 6f sta MultiPurpBits 695e: 18 NoResetReturn2 clc ;Return without reinitializing the game 695f: 60 rts 6960: a5 5c ChkThmpFaster lda FrameTimer ;Is it time to speed up the thump SFX? 6962: 29 3f and #$3f 6964: d0 0a bne ChkMoreShips ;If not, branch 6966: ad fc 02 lda ThmpOffReload ;Is the thump SFX at max speed? 6969: c9 08 cmp #$08 696b: f0 03 beq ChkMoreShips ;If so, branch 696d: ce fc 02 dec ThmpOffReload ;Speed up thump SFX by decreasing off time ; 6970: a6 18 ChkMoreShips ldx CurrentPlyr ;Does the player have any ship remaining? 6972: b5 57 lda Plyr1Ships,x 6974: d0 1c bne ChkShipStatus ;If so, branch 6976: ad 1f 02 lda ShpShotTimer ;Are there any ship bullets on the display? 6979: 0d 20 02 ora ShpShotTimer+1 697c: 0d 21 02 ora ShpShotTimer+2 697f: 0d 22 02 ora ShpShotTimer+3 6982: d0 0e bne ChkShipStatus ;If so, branch ; 6984: a0 07 ldy #$07 ;Write "GAME OVER" to the display 6986: 20 f6 77 jsr WriteText ;Write text to the display 6989: a5 1c lda NumPlayers ;Is this a 2 player game? 698b: c9 02 cmp #$02 698d: 90 03 bcc ChkShipStatus ;If not, branch 698f: 20 e2 69 jsr DrawPlyrNum ;Draw player number on the display 6992: ad 1b 02 ChkShipStatus lda ShipStatus ;Does a ship still exist on the display? 6995: d0 36 bne NoResetReturn3 ;If so, branch to exit 6997: ad fa 02 lda ShipSpawnTmr ;Is ship about to re-spawn? 699a: c9 80 cmp #$80 699c: d0 2f bne NoResetReturn3 ;If so, branch to exit 699e: a9 10 lda #$10 ;Start ship re-spawn timer 69a0: 8d fa 02 sta ShipSpawnTmr 69a3: a6 1c ldx NumPlayers ;Get number of players 69a5: a5 57 lda Plyr1Ships ;Are there any ships in Player 1 or 2 reserves? 69a7: 05 58 ora Plyr2Ships 69a9: f0 24 beq NoCurntGame ;If not, branch; a game is not currently being played 69ab: 20 2d 70 jsr SaucerReset ;Reset saucer variables 69ae: ca dex ;Is this a 1 player game? 69af: f0 1c beq NoResetReturn3 ;If so, branch to exit 69b1: a9 80 lda #$80 ;Load player display timer for Player 2 69b3: 85 5a sta PlyrDispTimer ; 69b5: a5 18 lda CurrentPlyr ;Change to next player 69b7: 49 01 eor #$01 69b9: aa tax ;Does the new player have any lives remaining? 69ba: b5 57 lda Plyr1Ships,x 69bc: f0 0f beq NoResetReturn3 ;If not, branch to exit 69be: 86 18 stx CurrentPlyr 69c0: a9 04 lda #$04 69c2: 45 6f eor MultiPurpBits ;RAM swap to new player RAM 69c4: 85 6f sta MultiPurpBits 69c6: 8d 00 32 sta MultiPurp 69c9: 8a txa 69ca: 0a asl A ;Get index to new player score 69cb: 85 19 sta ScoreIndex 69cd: 18 NoResetReturn3 clc ;Return without reinitializing the game 69ce: 60 rts 69cf: 86 1a NoCurntGame stx PrevGamePlyrs ;Keep track of any previous players 69d1: a9 ff lda #$ff ;Set no current players 69d3: 85 1c sta NumPlayers 69d5: 20 fa 6e jsr SilenceSFX ;Turn off all SFX 69d8: a5 6f lda MultiPurpBits 69da: 29 f8 and #%11111000 ;Turn on both player button LEDs 69dc: 09 03 ora #PlyrLamps 69de: 85 6f sta MultiPurpBits 69e0: 18 clc ;Return without reinitializing the game 69e1: 60 rts 69e2: a0 01 DrawPlyrNum ldy #PlyrText ;Prepare to write "PLAYER" on the display 69e4: 20 f6 77 jsr WriteText ;Write text to the display 69e7: a4 18 ldy CurrentPlyr ;Get the current player number 69e9: c8 iny ;Set it to the proper index for drawing 69ea: 98 tya 69eb: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 69ee: 60 rts 69ef: 62 .dd1 $62 ;checksum byte ; ; Hit detection. ; ; Need to check hit detection between all the on-screen objects. Object 1 is ; either a bullet (from either the ship or saucer), the player's ship, or the ; saucer. Object 2 is either an asteroid, the player's ship or the saucer. ; Object 1 is the outer loop of the check and each object 1 is checked against ; all of the object 2s. The hit box value extends in both the positive and ; negative directions in both the X and Y directions. ; • Clear variables ]ObjXDiff .var $08 {addr/1} ]ObjYDiff .var $09 {addr/1} ]Obj2Status .var $0b {addr/1} 69f0: a2 07 HitDetection ldx #$07 ;Prepare to check hit detection on bullets, ship and saucer 69f2: bd 1b 02 HitDetObj1Loop lda ShipStatus,x ;Is the current object 1 slot active? 69f5: f0 02 beq HitDetNextObj1 ;If not, branch to increment to the next object 1 69f7: 10 04 bpl HitDetObj2 ;If MSB clear, this object needs hit detection, branch if so 69f9: ca HitDetNextObj1 dex ;Move to next object to check 69fa: 10 f6 bpl HitDetObj1Loop ;More object to check? if so, branch to do another 69fc: 60 rts ;Done checking hit detection, exit 69fd: a0 1c HitDetObj2 ldy #28 ;Prepare to check hits against asteroids, ship and saucer 69ff: e0 04 cpx #$04 ;Are we checking hit detection against a ship bullet? 6a01: b0 07 bcs HitDetObj2Loop ;If so, branch to check hit detection 6a03: 88 dey ;Skip checking object 2 as a saucer, will be checked as object 1 6a04: 8a txa ;Is object 1 not the player's ship? 6a05: d0 03 bne HitDetObj2Loop ;If not, branch to do hit detection 6a07: 88 HitDetNextObj2 dey ;Have we checked all the object 2s? 6a08: 30 ef bmi HitDetNextObj1 ;If so, branch to increment to the next object 1 ; 6a0a: b9 00 02 HitDetObj2Loop lda AstStatus,y ;Is the current object 2 slot active? 6a0d: f0 f8 beq HitDetNextObj2 ;If not, branch to increment to the next object 2 6a0f: 30 f6 bmi HitDetNextObj2 ;If MSB clear, this object needs hit detection, branch if not 6a11: 85 0b sta ]Obj2Status ;Store a copy of object 2's current status ; 6a13: b9 af 02 lda AstXPosLo,y 6a16: 38 sec ;Subtract objects 1 and 2 lower byte of 6a17: fd ca 02 sbc ShipXPosLo,x ; their X positions and save the result 6a1a: 85 08 sta ]ObjXDiff 6a1c: b9 69 02 lda AstXPosHi,y ;Subtract objects 1 and 2 upper byte of their X positions 6a1f: fd 84 02 sbc ShipXPosHi,x 6a22: 4a lsr A ;Keep bit 8 in the difference. XDiff holds bits 8 to 1 6a23: 66 08 ror ]ObjXDiff 6a25: 0a asl A ;Is the MSB of the positions the same? 6a26: f0 0c beq CalcObjYDiff ;If so, possible hit. Branch to calculate the Y difference 6a28: 10 6d bpl HitDetNextObj2_ ;Distance too great, no chance of a hit; move to next object 6a2a: 49 fe eor #%11111110 ;Negative value calculated; get ABS 6a2c: d0 69 bne HitDetNextObj2_ ;Is MSB the same? IF not, distance too great; move to next object 6a2e: a5 08 lda ]ObjXDiff ;Need to convert XDiff to ABS since its negative 6a30: 49 ff eor #$ff ;Perform 1s compliment; it is now its ABS value-1 6a32: 85 08 sta ]ObjXDiff ; 6a34: b9 d2 02 CalcObjYDiff lda AstYPosLo,y 6a37: 38 sec ;Subtract objects 1 and 2 lower byte of 6a38: fd ed 02 sbc ShipYPosLo,x ; their X positions and save the result 6a3b: 85 09 sta ]ObjYDiff 6a3d: b9 8c 02 lda AstYPosHi,y ;Subtract objects 1 and 2 upper byte of their Y positions 6a40: fd a7 02 sbc ShipYPosHi,x 6a43: 4a lsr A ;Keep bit 8 in the difference; YDiff holds bits 8 to 1 6a44: 66 09 ror ]ObjYDiff 6a46: 0a asl A ;Is the MSB of the positions the same? 6a47: f0 0c beq HitDetPart2 ;If so, possible hit; branch to calculate further 6a49: 10 4c bpl HitDetNextObj2_ ;Distance too great; no chance of a hit; move to next object 6a4b: 49 fe eor #%11111110 ;Negative value calculated; get ABS 6a4d: d0 48 bne HitDetNextObj2_ ;Is MSB the same? IF not, distance too great; move to next object 6a4f: a5 09 lda ]ObjYDiff ;Need to convert YDiff to ABS since its negative 6a51: 49 ff eor #$ff ;Perform 1s compliment. It is now its ABS value-1. 6a53: 85 09 sta ]ObjYDiff ; 6a55: a9 2a HitDetPart2 lda #42 ;Small asteroid hit box 42 X 42 from center 6a57: 46 0b lsr ]Obj2Status ;Is this a small asteroid, ship or saucer? 6a59: b0 08 bcs HitDetShip ;If so, branch 6a5b: a9 48 lda #72 ;Medium asteroid hit box 72 X 72 from center 6a5d: 46 0b lsr ]Obj2Status ;Is this a medium asteroid or a saucer? 6a5f: b0 02 bcs HitDetShip ;If so, branch 6a61: a9 84 lda #132 ;Large asteroid hit box 132 X 132 from center ; 6a63: e0 01 HitDetShip cpx #$01 ;Is object 1 not the player's ship? 6a65: b0 02 bcs HitDetSaucer ;If not, branch. 6a67: 69 1c adc #28 ;Ship hit box 42+28 = 70 X 70 from center 6a69: d0 0c HitDetSaucer bne CheckObjHit ;Is object a saucer? If not, branch 6a6b: 69 12 adc #18 ;Small saucer hit box 42+18 = 60 X 60 from center 6a6d: ae 1c 02 ldx ScrStatus 6a70: ca dex ;Is the object a small saucer? 6a71: f0 02 beq HitDetFinishScr ;If so, branch 6a73: 69 12 adc #18 ;Large saucer hit box 42+18+18 = 78 X 78 from center 6a75: a2 01 HitDetFinishScr ldx #$01 ;Reload object 1 as a saucer ; ]ObjHitBox .var $0b {addr/1} 6a77: c5 08 CheckObjHit cmp ]ObjXDiff ;Is object 1 X difference smaller than the hit box? 6a79: 90 1c bcc HitDetNextObj2_ ;If not, no hit detected. Branch to check next object 6a7b: c5 09 cmp ]ObjYDiff ;Is object 1 Y difference smaller than the hit box? 6a7d: 90 18 bcc HitDetNextObj2_ ;If not, no hit detected. Branch to check next object 6a7f: 85 0b sta ]ObjHitBox ;Store hit box value 6a81: 4a lsr A ;/2 6a82: 18 clc ;Add two hit box values together 6a83: 65 0b adc ]ObjHitBox ;Hit box value is now 1.5 X value set above, about sqrt(2) 6a85: 85 0b sta ]ObjHitBox ;This has the effect of making the hit box more circular 6a87: a5 09 lda ]ObjYDiff ;Add the two difference values together 6a89: 65 08 adc ]ObjXDiff ;If it causes a carry, The distance is too great 6a8b: b0 0a bcs HitDetNextObj2_ ;Branch to move to next object 6a8d: c5 0b cmp ]ObjHitBox ;Is combined difference values greater than the hit box? 6a8f: b0 06 bcs HitDetNextObj2_ ;If so, branch to move to the next object 6a91: 20 0f 6b jsr DoObjHit ;Update object that got hit. 6a94: 4c f9 69 HitDetNextObj1_ jmp HitDetNextObj1 ;Check next object 1 for a hit 6a97: 88 HitDetNextObj2_ dey ;Are there more object 2s to check? 6a98: 30 fa bmi HitDetNextObj1_ ;If not, branch to move to the next object 1 6a9a: 4c 0a 6a jmp HitDetObj2Loop ;Check next object 2 for a hit ; ; Asteroid update routine. ; ]GenByte08 .var $08 {addr/1} 6a9d: b9 00 02 UpdateAsteroid lda AstStatus,y 6aa0: 29 07 and #%00000111 ;Save current asteroid size. 6aa2: 85 08 sta ]GenByte08 6aa4: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 6aa7: 29 18 and #%00011000 ;Use it to set the asteroid type. 6aa9: 05 08 ora ]GenByte08 6aab: 9d 00 02 sta AstStatus,x ;Save asteroid size and type. ; 6aae: b9 af 02 lda AstXPosLo,y 6ab1: 9d af 02 sta AstXPosLo,x ;Save asteroid X position 6ab4: b9 69 02 lda AstXPosHi,y 6ab7: 9d 69 02 sta AstXPosHi,x 6aba: b9 d2 02 lda AstYPosLo,y 6abd: 9d d2 02 sta AstYPosLo,x ;Save asteroid Y position 6ac0: b9 8c 02 lda AstYPosHi,y 6ac3: 9d 8c 02 sta AstYPosHi,x 6ac6: b9 23 02 lda AstXSpeed,y 6ac9: 9d 23 02 sta AstXSpeed,x ;Save asteroid velocity 6acc: b9 46 02 lda AstYSpeed,y 6acf: 9d 46 02 sta AstYSpeed,x 6ad2: 60 rts ; ; Ship draw routine. ; • Clear variables ]ShipDrawXInv .var $08 {addr/1} ]ShipDrawYInv .var $09 {addr/1} ]VecPtr .var $0b {addr/2} 6ad3: 85 0b DrawShip sta ]VecPtr ;Save the pointer to the ship vector data 6ad5: 86 0c stx ]VecPtr+1 6ad7: a0 00 SetVecRAMData ldy #$00 ;Start at beginning of vector data 6ad9: c8 GetShipOpCode iny ;Get opcode byte from vector ROM 6ada: b1 0b lda (]VecPtr),y 6adc: 45 09 eor ]ShipDrawYInv 6ade: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Invert Y axis of VCTR data, if necessary 6ae0: 88 dey 6ae1: c9 f0 cmp #SvecOpcode ;Is this a SVEC vector opcode? 6ae3: b0 1e bcs DrawShipSVEC ;If so, branch to get the next SVEC byte 6ae5: c9 a0 cmp #LabsOpcode ;Is this a LABS opcode? 6ae7: b0 16 bcs DrawShipRTSL ;If not, branch because it must be an RTSL opcode ; 6ae9: b1 0b lda (]VecPtr),y ;Load second byte of VCTR data into vector RAM 6aeb: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 6aed: c8 iny 6aee: c8 iny ;Move to 3rd byte of VCTR data and store in vector RAM 6aef: b1 0b lda (]VecPtr),y 6af1: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 6af3: c8 iny 6af4: b1 0b lda (]VecPtr),y ;Move to 4th byte of VCTR data 6af6: 45 08 eor ]ShipDrawXInv ;Invert X axis of VCTR data, if necessary 6af8: 65 17 adc ShipDrawUnused 6afa: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Store 4th byte in vector RAM 6afc: c8 NextShipOpCode iny 6afd: d0 da bne GetShipOpCode ;Branch always 6aff: 88 DrawShipRTSL dey ;Done with this segment of ship vector data 6b00: 4c 39 7c jmp VecPtrUpdate ;Update Vector RAM pointer 6b03: b1 0b DrawShipSVEC lda (]VecPtr),y ;Load second byte of SVEC data into vector RAM 6b05: 45 08 eor ]ShipDrawXInv ;Invert X axis of SVEC data, if necessary 6b07: 18 clc 6b08: 65 17 adc ShipDrawUnused 6b0a: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 6b0c: c8 iny ;Branch always 6b0d: d0 ed bne NextShipOpCode ; ; Update hit object. ; 6b0f: e0 01 DoObjHit cpx #$01 ;Is object 1 that hit object 2 a saucer? 6b11: d0 08 bne ChkObj1Ship ;If not, branch 6b13: c0 1b cpy #ShipIndex ;Is object 2 that got hit the ship? 6b15: d0 12 bne ObjExplode ;If not, branch 6b17: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;Set object 1 as the ship 6b19: a0 1c ldy #ScrIndex ;Set object 2 as the saucer 6b1b: 8a ChkObj1Ship txa ;Is object 1 the ship? 6b1c: d0 1e bne ClearObjRAM ;If not, branch ; 6b1e: a9 81 lda #$81 ;Indicate the ship is waiting to re-spawn 6b20: 8d fa 02 sta ShipSpawnTmr 6b23: a6 18 ldx CurrentPlyr ;Remove a life from the current player 6b25: d6 57 dec Plyr1Ships,x 6b27: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;Indicate ship is object 1 ; 6b29: a9 a0 ObjExplode lda #$a0 ;Indicate object is exploding 6b2b: 9d 1b 02 sta ShipStatus,x 6b2e: a9 00 lda #$00 6b30: 9d 3e 02 sta ShipXSpeed,x ;Zero out the ship's velocity 6b33: 9d 61 02 sta ShipYSpeed,x 6b36: c0 1b cpy #$1b ;Is object 2 an asteroid? 6b38: 90 0d bcc ObjAsteroid ;If so, branch 6b3a: b0 37 bcs SaucerHit ;Must have been a saucer hit; branch always 6b3c: a9 00 ClearObjRAM lda #$00 ;Remove the hit object from RAM 6b3e: 9d 1b 02 sta ShipStatus,x 6b41: c0 1b cpy #ShipIndex ;Is object 2 the ship? 6b43: f0 21 beq Obj2ShipHit ;If so, branch 6b45: b0 2c bcs SaucerHit ;Was object 2 a saucer? If so, branch ; 6b47: 20 ec 75 ObjAsteroid jsr BreakAsteroid ;Break down a hit asteroid 6b4a: b9 00 02 ObjHitSFX lda AstStatus,y ;Change length of hit SFX based on object size 6b4d: 29 03 and #%00000011 6b4f: 49 02 eor #%00000010 6b51: 4a lsr A 6b52: 6a ror A 6b53: 6a ror A 6b54: 09 3f ora #$3f ;Set hit SFX minimum time 6b56: 85 69 sta ExplsnSFXTimer ;Set hit SFX time 6b58: a9 a0 lda #$a0 ;Indicate object is exploding 6b5a: 99 00 02 sta AstStatus,y 6b5d: a9 00 lda #$00 6b5f: 99 23 02 sta AstXSpeed,y ;Zero out object velocity. 6b62: 99 46 02 sta AstYSpeed,y 6b65: 60 rts 6b66: 8a Obj2ShipHit txa ;Get index to current player's reserve ships 6b67: a6 18 ldx CurrentPlyr 6b69: d6 57 dec Plyr1Ships,x ;Remove a life from the current player 6b6b: aa tax 6b6c: a9 81 lda #$81 ;Indicate the ship is waiting to re-spawn 6b6e: 8d fa 02 sta ShipSpawnTmr 6b71: d0 d7 bne ObjHitSFX ;Branch always 6b73: ad f8 02 SaucerHit lda ScrTmrReload ;Reset the saucer timer. 6b76: 8d f7 02 sta ScrTimer 6b79: a5 1c lda NumPlayers ;Is someone playing the game? 6b7b: f0 cd beq ObjHitSFX ;If not, branch to skip updating score 6b7d: 86 0d stx GenByte0D ;Save object 1 index 6b7f: a6 19 ldx ScoreIndex ;Get index to current player's score 6b81: ad 1c 02 lda ScrStatus ;Check to see if a small saucer was hit 6b84: 4a lsr A 6b85: a9 99 lda #SmallScrPnts ;Prepare to add small saucer points to score 6b87: b0 02 bcs AddSaucerPoints ;Was a small saucer hit? If so, branch 6b89: a9 20 lda #LargeScrPnts ;A large saucer was hit. Load large saucer points. 6b8b: 20 97 73 AddSaucerPoints jsr UpdateScore ;Add points to the current player's score 6b8e: a6 0d ldx GenByte0D ;Restore object 1 index 6b90: 4c 4a 6b jmp ObjHitSFX ;Set SFX for object being hit based on object size ; ; Update saucer routines. ; • Clear variables ]GenByte08 .var $08 {addr/1} 6b93: a5 5c UpdateScr lda FrameTimer ;Update saucers only every 4th frame 6b95: 29 03 and #$03 ;Is this the 4th frame? 6b97: f0 01 beq ChkScrExplode ;If so, branch to continue processing 6b99: 60 EndUpdateScr rts ;End update saucer routines 6b9a: ad 1c 02 ChkScrExplode lda ScrStatus ;Is the saucer currently exploding? 6b9d: 30 fa bmi EndUpdateScr ;If so, branch to exit 6b9f: f0 03 beq DoScrTimers ;Is no saucer active? if so, branch to update saucer timers 6ba1: 4c 34 6c jmp ScrYVelocity ;Saucer active. Update saucer Y velocity 6ba4: a5 1c DoScrTimers lda NumPlayers ;Is a game currently being played? 6ba6: f0 07 beq DoScrTmrUpdate ;If not, branch to continue 6ba8: ad 1b 02 lda ShipStatus ;Is the player's ship exploding or in hyperspace? 6bab: f0 ec beq EndUpdateScr ;If so, branch to exit saucer update routines 6bad: 30 ea bmi EndUpdateScr 6baf: ad f9 02 DoScrTmrUpdate lda AstBreakTimer ;Was an asteroid just hit? 6bb2: f0 03 beq UpdateScrTimer ;If not, branch to update saucer timer 6bb4: ce f9 02 dec AstBreakTimer ;Decrement asteroid hit timer 6bb7: ce f7 02 UpdateScrTimer dec ScrTimer ;Is it time to re-spawn a saucer? 6bba: d0 dd bne EndUpdateScr ;If not, branch to exit ; 6bbc: a9 01 lda #$01 ;Time to re-spawn a saucer. set timer just above 0 6bbe: 8d f7 02 sta ScrTimer ; Just in case another factor keeps it from spawning 6bc1: ad f9 02 lda AstBreakTimer ;Was an asteroid just hit? 6bc4: f0 0a beq GenNewSaucer ;If not, branch to spawn a saucer 6bc6: ad f6 02 lda CurAsteroids ;If an asteroid was just hit and it was the last asteroid, 6bc9: f0 ce beq EndUpdateScr ; branch to end function; no saucer spawn on an empty screen 6bcb: cd fd 02 cmp ScrSpeedup ;Has the asteroid number hit the saucer spawn speedup threshold? 6bce: b0 c9 bcs EndUpdateScr ;If not, branch to end. ; 6bd0: ad f8 02 GenNewSaucer lda ScrTmrReload 6bd3: 38 sec ;Saucer spawn speedup threshold hit. decrement saucer timer by 6 6bd4: e9 06 sbc #$06 6bd6: c9 20 cmp #32 ;Is spawn timer below minimum value of 32? 6bd8: 90 03 bcc InitNewSaucer ;If so, branch to initialize the new saucer 6bda: 8d f8 02 sta ScrTmrReload ;Maintain a minimum saucer spawn timer ; 6bdd: a9 00 InitNewSaucer lda #$00 6bdf: 8d cb 02 sta ScrXPosLo ;Start saucer at left edge of the display 6be2: 8d 85 02 sta ScrXPosHi 6be5: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 6be8: 4a lsr A 6be9: 6e ee 02 ror ScrYPosLo 6bec: 4a lsr A ;Use three of the random bits to set the saucer Y position 6bed: 6e ee 02 ror ScrYPosLo 6bf0: 4a lsr A 6bf1: 6e ee 02 ror ScrYPosLo 6bf4: c9 18 cmp #$18 ;Is remaining random bits greater than limit? 6bf6: 90 02 bcc SetScrYPosHi ;If not, branch 6bf8: 29 17 and #$17 ;Limit max Y position high byte. 6bfa: 8d a8 02 SetScrYPosHi sta ScrYPosHi ;Set high byte of saucer Y starting position 6bfd: a2 10 ldx #$10 ;Randomly set saucer X movement direction 6bff: 24 60 bit RandNum+1 ;Is saucer moving from left to right? 6c01: 70 0c bvs ScrXVelocity ;If so, branch 6c03: a9 1f lda #$1f 6c05: 8d 85 02 sta ScrXPosHi ;Start saucer at right edge of the display 6c08: a9 ff lda #$ff 6c0a: 8d cb 02 sta ScrXPosLo 6c0d: a2 f0 ldx #$f0 ;Set saucer X velocity for a negative direction(right to left) 6c0f: 8e 3f 02 ScrXVelocity stx SaucerXSpeed ;Save final saucer X velocity ; 6c12: a2 02 ldx #$02 ;Prepare to make a large saucer 6c14: ad f8 02 lda ScrTmrReload ;Is it still early in the asteroid wave? 6c17: 30 17 bmi SetScrStatus ;If so, branch to create a large saucer 6c19: a4 19 ldy ScoreIndex ;Is the player's score above 3000? 6c1b: b9 53 00 lda PlayerScores+1,y 6c1e: c9 30 cmp #$30 6c20: b0 0d bcs SetSmallScr ;If so, branch to create a small saucer 6c22: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number. 6c25: 85 08 sta ]GenByte08 6c27: ad f8 02 lda ScrTmrReload ;Is the random number smaller than the saucer timer 6c2a: 4a lsr A ; reload value / 2? If so, create a small saucer 6c2b: c5 08 cmp ]GenByte08 6c2d: b0 01 bcs SetScrStatus ;Else branch to create a large saucer. 6c2f: ca SetSmallScr dex ;X=1; create a small saucer 6c30: 8e 1c 02 SetScrStatus stx ScrStatus ;Store size of saucer and exit 6c33: 60 rts ; ; For the routines below, a saucer is already active. These routines update the ; active saucer. ; 6c34: a5 5c ScrYVelocity lda FrameTimer ;Randomly change saucer Y velocity every 128 frames 6c36: 0a asl A ;Is it time to change the saucer's Y velocity? 6c37: d0 0c bne ChkScrUpdate ;If not, branch 6c39: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 6c3c: 29 03 and #%00000011 ;Keep the lower 2 bits for index into table below 6c3e: aa tax 6c3f: bd d1 6c lda ScrYSpeedTbl,x ;Load new Y velocity value for the saucer 6c42: 8d 62 02 sta SaucerYSpeed 6c45: a5 1c ChkScrUpdate lda NumPlayers ;Is a game being played? 6c47: f0 05 beq ChkScrFire ;If not, branch to check saucer fire timer 6c49: ad fa 02 lda ShipSpawnTmr ;Is the player actively playing? 6c4c: d0 05 bne ScrUpdateEnd ;If not, branch to exit 6c4e: ce f7 02 ChkScrFire dec ScrTimer ;Is it time for the saucer's next action? 6c51: f0 01 beq ScrUpdateAction ;If so, branch to do saucer's next action 6c53: 60 ScrUpdateEnd rts 6c54: a9 0a ScrUpdateAction lda #$0a ;Reload saucer timer for next saucer action 6c56: 8d f7 02 sta ScrTimer 6c59: ad 1c 02 lda ScrStatus ;Is this a big of small saucer? 6c5c: 4a lsr A ;If its a large saucer, prepare to shoot a random shot 6c5d: f0 06 beq GetScrShpDistance ;If its a small saucer, prepare to shoot an aimed shot 6c5f: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 6c62: 4c c2 6c jmp ScrShoot ;Prepare to generate a saucer bullet GetScrShpDistance 6c65: ad 3f 02 lda SaucerXSpeed ;Get saucer X direction velocity 6c68: c9 80 cmp #$80 6c6a: 6a ror A ;/2 with sign extension 6c6b: 85 0c sta GenByte0C ;Save result 6c6d: ad ca 02 lda ShipXPosLo 6c70: 38 sec ;Get difference between saucer and ship X position low byte 6c71: ed cb 02 sbc ScrXPosLo 6c74: 85 0b sta GenByte0B ;Save result 6c76: ad 84 02 lda ShipXPosHi ;Get difference between saucer and ship X position high byte 6c79: ed 85 02 sbc ScrXPosHi 6c7c: 20 ec 77 jsr NextScrShpDist ;Calculate next frame saucer/ship X distance 6c7f: c9 40 cmp #$40 ;Is the saucer to the left of the ship? 6c81: 90 06 bcc SetSmallScrShotDir ;If so, branch to shoot bullet to the right 6c83: c9 c0 cmp #$c0 ;Is saucer to the far right of the ship? 6c85: b0 02 bcs SetSmallScrShotDir ;If so, branch to shoot bullet to right so it can screen wrap 6c87: 49 ff eor #$ff ;Change sign so bullet can shoot left SetSmallScrShotDir 6c89: aa tax ;Save X distance data for bullet ; 6c8a: ad 62 02 lda SaucerYSpeed ;Get saucer Y velocity and set carry if traveling 6c8d: c9 80 cmp #$80 ; in a negative direction 6c8f: 6a ror A ;Divide speed by 2 and set MSB based on Y direction 6c90: 85 0c sta GenByte0C 6c92: ad ed 02 lda ShipYPosLo 6c95: 38 sec ;Get difference between saucer and ship X position low byte 6c96: ed ee 02 sbc ScrYPosLo 6c99: 85 0b sta GenByte0B ;Save result 6c9b: ad a7 02 lda ShipYPosHi ;Get difference between saucer and ship X position high byte 6c9e: ed a8 02 sbc ScrYPosHi 6ca1: 20 ec 77 jsr NextScrShpDist ;Calculate next frame saucer/ship Y distance 6ca4: a8 tay ;Save Y distance data for bullet ; 6ca5: 20 f0 76 jsr CalcScrShotDir ;Calculate the small saucer's shot direction 6ca8: 85 62 sta ScrBulletDir ;Saucer shot direction is the same type of data as ship direction 6caa: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 6cad: a6 19 ldx ScoreIndex 6caf: b4 53 ldy PlayerScores+1,x ;Is the player's score less than 35,000? 6cb1: c0 35 cpy #$35 ;If so, add inaccuracy to small saucer's bullet 6cb3: a2 00 ldx #$00 6cb5: 90 01 bcc ScrShotAddOffset 6cb7: e8 inx ;Player's score is high, make saucer shot more accurate ScrShotAddOffset 6cb8: 3d cd 6c and ShotRndAddTbl,x ;Mask random value to randomize saucer bullet 6cbb: 10 03 bpl RandomizeScrShot 6cbd: 1d cf 6c ora ShotRndAddTbl+2,x ;Is random value negative? If so, adjust bullet velocity. RandomizeScrShot 6cc0: 65 62 adc ScrBulletDir ;Add randomized value to small saucer shot 6cc2: 85 62 ScrShoot sta ScrBulletDir ;Prepare to fire a bullet if a slot is available ]NumBulletSlots .var $0e {addr/1} 6cc4: a0 03 ldy #$03 ;Start index for saucer bullet slots 6cc6: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;2 bullet slots for the saucer 6cc8: 86 0e stx ]NumBulletSlots 6cca: 4c f2 6c jmp FindBulletSlot ;Find an empty saucer bullet slot 6ccd: 8f 87 ShotRndAddTbl .bulk $8f,$87 ;Mask for random value to add to small saucer shot 6ccf: 70 78 .bulk $70,$78 ;If negative random, set bits to bring it close to the ship ; This table sets the saucer Y velocity. It is randomly set and moves the ; saucer diagonally across the screen. 6cd1: f0 ScrYSpeedTbl .dd1 $f0 ;-16 moving down 6cd2: 00 .dd1 $00 ; 0 no Y velocity 6cd3: 00 .dd1 $00 ; 0 no Y velocity 6cd4: 10 .dd1 $10 ;+16 moving up 6cd5: 00 00 .junk 2 ;unused ; ; Update ship routine. ; 6cd7: a5 1c UpdateShip lda NumPlayers ;Is a game currently being played? 6cd9: f0 21 beq EndUpdateShip ;If not, branch to exit 6cdb: 0e 04 20 asl FireSw ;Shift current state of fire button into shift register 6cde: 66 63 ror ShipBulletSR 6ce0: 24 63 bit ShipBulletSR ;Is MSB of bullet shift register set? 6ce2: 10 18 bpl EndUpdateShip ;If not, branch to exit; limits fire rate 6ce4: 70 16 bvs EndUpdateShip ;Is bit 6 set? If so, branch to exit; prevents auto fire 6ce6: ad fa 02 lda ShipSpawnTmr ;Is ship waiting to spawn? 6ce9: d0 11 bne EndUpdateShip ;If so, branch to exit 6ceb: aa tax ;Zero out X; indicates ship is updating in following functions 6cec: a9 03 lda #$03 ;Prepare to check 4 bullet slots 6cee: 85 0e sta ]NumBulletSlots 6cf0: a0 07 ldy #$07 ;Set index to ship bullet slots. ; Bullet generation routine. The functions below are used for both ship bullets ; and saucer bullets. 6cf2: b9 1b 02 FindBulletSlot lda ShipStatus,y ;Get ship/saucer bullet status 6cf5: f0 06 beq BulletSlotFound ;Is slot available? If so, branch to continue 6cf7: 88 dey ;Move to next bullet slot 6cf8: c4 0e cpy ]NumBulletSlots ;Is there more bullet slots to check? 6cfa: d0 f6 bne FindBulletSlot ;If so, branch check next bullet slot 6cfc: 60 EndUpdateShip rts ;Done updating bullets • Clear variables ]ObjectXPosNeg .var $08 {addr/1} ]ShotXDir .var $09 {addr/1} ]ObjectYPosNeg .var $0b {addr/1} ]ShotYDir .var $0c {addr/1} ]ShipScrShot .var $0d {addr/1} 6cfd: 86 0d BulletSlotFound stx ]ShipScrShot ;Store index to bullet type being processed 6cff: a9 12 lda #18 ;Set bullet to last for 18 frames 6d01: 99 1b 02 sta ShipStatus,y 6d04: b5 61 lda ShipDir,x ;Get ship direction/saucer bullet direction 6d06: 20 d2 77 jsr CalcXThrust ;Calculate X velocity for the bullet 6d09: a6 0d ldx ]ShipScrShot ;Reload index to ship direction/saucer bullet direction 6d0b: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;Is ship/bullet facing left? If so, set carry bit 6d0d: 6a ror A ;Divide direction value by 2 and save carry bit in MSB 6d0e: 85 09 sta ]ShotXDir 6d10: 18 clc ;Add X velocity change to existing velocity 6d11: 7d 3e 02 adc ShipXSpeed,x ;Is this a right to left traveling object? 6d14: 30 08 bmi ChkMaxNegXVel ;If so, branch to set a velocity limit 6d16: c9 70 cmp #112 ;Must be a left to right moving object 6d18: 90 0a bcc SaveObjXVel ;Has max X velocity been reached? if so, branch 6d1a: a9 6f lda #111 ;Set maximum X velocity (111 pixels per frame) 6d1c: d0 06 bne SaveObjXVel ;Branch always 6d1e: c9 91 ChkMaxNegXVel cmp #145 ;Has max X velocity been reached (right to left)? 6d20: b0 02 bcs SaveObjXVel ;If not, branch 6d22: a9 91 lda #$91 ;Maximum negative X velocity (-111 pixels per frame) 6d24: 99 3e 02 SaveObjXVel sta ShipXSpeed,y ;Save updated X velocity. Done only once for bullets 6d27: b5 61 lda ShipDir,x ;Get ship direction/saucer bullet direction 6d29: 20 d5 77 jsr CalcThrustDir ;Calculate Y velocity for the bullet 6d2c: a6 0d ldx ]ShipScrShot ;Reload index to ship direction/saucer bullet direction 6d2e: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;Is ship/bullet facing downward? If so, set carry bit 6d30: 6a ror A ;Divide direction value by 2 and save carry bit in MSB 6d31: 85 0c sta ]ShotYDir 6d33: 18 clc ;Add Y velocity change to existing velocity 6d34: 7d 61 02 adc ShipYSpeed,x ;Is this a top to bottom traveling object? 6d37: 30 08 bmi ChkMaxNegYVel ;If so, branch to set a velocity limit 6d39: c9 70 cmp #112 ;Must be a bottom to top moving object 6d3b: 90 0a bcc SaveObjYVel ;Has max Y velocity been reached? if so, branch 6d3d: a9 6f lda #111 ;Set maximum Y velocity (111 pixels per frame) 6d3f: d0 06 bne SaveObjYVel 6d41: c9 91 ChkMaxNegYVel cmp #145 ;Has max Y velocity been reached (top to bottom)? 6d43: b0 02 bcs SaveObjYVel ;If not, branch 6d45: a9 91 lda #145 ;Maximum negative Y velocity (-111 pixels per frame) 6d47: 99 61 02 SaveObjYVel sta ShipYSpeed,y ;Save updated Y velocity; done only once for bullets 6d4a: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;Assume shot moving left to right 6d4c: a5 09 lda ]ShotXDir ;Is shot moving left to right? 6d4e: 10 01 bpl SetShotXPos ;If so, branch 6d50: ca dex ;Shot is moving right to left 6d51: 86 08 SetShotXPos stx ]ObjectXPosNeg ;Store value used for properly updating shot X position ; 6d53: a6 0d ldx ]ShipScrShot ;Reload index to ship direction/saucer bullet direction 6d55: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;Is ship/bullet facing left? If so, set carry bit 6d57: 6a ror A ;Divide direction value by 2 and save carry bit in MSB 6d58: 18 clc ;Add value to the bullet X direction 6d59: 65 09 adc ]ShotXDir 6d5b: 18 clc 6d5c: 7d ca 02 adc ShipXPosLo,x ;Update lower byte of shot X position 6d5f: 99 ca 02 sta ShipXPosLo,y 6d62: a5 08 lda ]ObjectXPosNeg 6d64: 7d 84 02 adc ShipXPosHi,x ;Update upper byte of shot X position with proper sign 6d67: 99 84 02 sta ShipXPosHi,y 6d6a: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;Assume shot moving bottom to top 6d6c: a5 0c lda ]ShotYDir ;Is shot moving bottom to top? 6d6e: 10 01 bpl SetShotYPos ;If so, branch 6d70: ca dex ;Shot is moving top to bottom 6d71: 86 0b SetShotYPos stx ]ObjectYPosNeg ;Store value used for properly updating shot Y position ; 6d73: a6 0d ldx ]ShipScrShot ;Reload index to ship direction/saucer bullet direction 6d75: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;Is ship/bullet facing down? If so, set carry bit 6d77: 6a ror A ;Divide direction value by 2 and save carry bit in MSB 6d78: 18 clc ;Add value to the bullet Y direction 6d79: 65 0c adc ]ShotYDir 6d7b: 18 clc 6d7c: 7d ed 02 adc ShipYPosLo,x ;Update lower byte of shot Y position 6d7f: 99 ed 02 sta ShipYPosLo,y 6d82: a5 0b lda ]ObjectYPosNeg 6d84: 7d a7 02 adc ShipYPosHi,x ;Update upper byte of shot Y position with proper sign 6d87: 99 a7 02 sta ShipYPosHi,y 6d8a: a9 80 lda #$80 6d8c: 95 66 sta FireSFXTimer,x ;Turn on SFX for the shot fired 6d8e: 60 rts 6d8f: d6 .dd1 $d6 ;checksum byte ; ; High score message routines. ; • Clear variables ]GlobalScale .var $00 {addr/1} ]SelInitial .var $0c {addr/1} ]InitialDebounce .var $63 {addr/1} 6d90: a5 32 ChkHighScrMsg lda Plyr1Rank ;Did one of the players get a ranking in the top 10? 6d92: 25 33 and Plyr2Rank 6d94: 10 01 bpl GetPrevPlayers ;If so, branch to keep going 6d96: 60 rts ;Else exit 6d97: a5 1a GetPrevPlayers lda PrevGamePlyrs ;Get the number of players in the game that just ended 6d99: 4a lsr A ;Was last game a single player game? 6d9a: f0 18 beq DoHighScrMsg ;If so, branch 6d9c: a0 01 ldy #PlyrText ;PLAYER 6d9e: 20 f6 77 jsr WriteText ;Write text to the display 6da1: a0 02 ldy #$02 ;Prepare to indicate player 2 high score 6da3: a6 33 ldx Plyr2Rank ;Did player 2 get a high score? 6da5: 10 01 bpl DoPlayerDigits ;If so, branch 6da7: 88 dey ;Indicate player 1 got high score ; 6da8: 84 18 DoPlayerDigits sty CurrentPlyr ;Indicate which player got the high score 6daa: a5 5c lda FrameTimer 6dac: 29 10 and #$10 ;Should the player number be displayed? 6dae: d0 04 bne DoHighScrMsg ;If not, branch 6db0: 98 tya ;Set player's digit(1 or 2) 6db1: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display ; 6db4: 46 18 DoHighScrMsg lsr CurrentPlyr ;Get current player 6db6: 20 b2 73 jsr SwapRAM ;Set RAM for current player 6db9: a0 02 ldy #YrScrText ;YOUR SCORE IS ONE OF THE TEN BEST 6dbb: 20 f6 77 jsr WriteText ;Write text to the display 6dbe: a0 03 ldy #InitText ;PLEASE ENTER YOUR INITIALS 6dc0: 20 f6 77 jsr WriteText ;Write text to the display 6dc3: a0 04 ldy #PshRtText ;PUSH ROTATE TO SELECT LETTER 6dc5: 20 f6 77 jsr WriteText ;Write text to the display 6dc8: a0 05 ldy #PshHypText ;PUSH HYPERSPACE WHEN LETTER IS CORRECT 6dca: 20 f6 77 jsr WriteText ;Write text to the display ; 6dcd: a9 20 lda #$20 ;Set global scale=2(*4) 6dcf: 85 00 sta ]GlobalScale 6dd1: a9 64 lda #$64 ;X beam coordinate 4 * $64 = $190 = 400 6dd3: a2 39 ldx #$39 ;Y beam coordinate 4 * $39 = $E4 = 228 6dd5: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 6dd8: a9 70 lda #$70 ;Set scale 7(/4) 6dda: 20 de 7c jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen ; 6ddd: a6 18 ldx CurrentPlyr 6ddf: b4 32 ldy Plyr1Rank,x ;Save the offset to the current player's initials 6de1: 84 0b sty GenByte0B 6de3: 98 tya ;Save index to player's current initial being changed 6de4: 18 clc 6de5: 65 31 adc ThisInitial 6de7: 85 0c sta ]SelInitial 6de9: 20 1a 6f jsr DrawInitial ;Draw a single initial on the display 6dec: a4 0b ldy GenByte0B ;Draw second initial 6dee: c8 iny 6def: 20 1a 6f jsr DrawInitial ;Draw a single initial on the display 6df2: a4 0b ldy GenByte0B ;Draw third initial 6df4: c8 iny 6df5: c8 iny 6df6: 20 1a 6f jsr DrawInitial ;Draw a single initial on the display ; 6df9: ad 03 20 lda HyprSpcSw ;Get hyperspace button status 6dfc: 2a rol A 6dfd: 26 63 rol ]InitialDebounce ;Roll value into debounce register 6dff: a5 63 lda ]InitialDebounce 6e01: 29 1f and #%00011111 ;Keep only lower 5 bits of debounce register 6e03: c9 07 cmp #%00000111 ;Hyperspace button must be pressed for 3 frames to register 6e05: d0 27 bne ChkScoreTimeUp ;Did player select an initial? If not, branch 6e07: e6 31 inc ThisInitial ;Move to the next initial 6e09: a5 31 lda ThisInitial 6e0b: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;Has the last initial been selected? 6e0d: 90 13 bcc NextInitial ;If not, branch 6e0f: a6 18 ldx CurrentPlyr 6e11: a9 ff lda #$ff ;Zero out the current player's rank 6e13: 95 32 sta Plyr1Rank,x 6e15: a2 00 FinishHighScore ldx #$00 6e17: 86 18 stx CurrentPlyr ;Move to player 1 and zero out initial index 6e19: 86 31 stx ThisInitial 6e1b: a2 f0 ldx #$f0 ;Reset frame timer 6e1d: 86 5d stx FrameTimer+1 6e1f: 4c b2 73 jmp SwapRAM ;Set RAM for current player 6e22: e6 0c NextInitial inc ]SelInitial ;Increment initial index 6e24: a6 0c ldx ]SelInitial 6e26: a9 f4 lda #$f4 ;Reset frame timer 6e28: 85 5d sta FrameTimer+1 6e2a: a9 0b lda #$0b ;Set value of new initial to A 6e2c: 95 34 sta HighScoreIntls,x 6e2e: a5 5d ChkScoreTimeUp lda FrameTimer+1 ;Has initial entry time expired? 6e30: d0 08 bne ScoreTimeRemain ;If not, branch 6e32: a9 ff lda #$ff 6e34: 85 32 sta Plyr1Rank ;Zero out player's ranks and finish 6e36: 85 33 sta Plyr2Rank 6e38: 30 db bmi FinishHighScore 6e3a: a5 5c ScoreTimeRemain lda FrameTimer ;Only update displayed initial every 8th frame 6e3c: 29 07 and #$07 ;Is this the 8th frame? 6e3e: d0 31 bne HighScoreEnd ;If not, branch 6e40: ad 07 24 lda RotLeftSw ;Has rotate left button been pressed? 6e43: 10 04 bpl ChkScoreRightBtn ;If not, branch 6e45: a9 01 lda #$01 ;Increment initial 6e47: d0 07 bne ChangeInitial ;Branch always ChkScoreRightBtn 6e49: ad 06 24 lda RotRghtSw ;Has rotate right button been pressed? 6e4c: 10 23 bpl HighScoreEnd ;If not, branch to end 6e4e: a9 ff lda #$ff ;Decrement initial ; 6e50: a6 0c ChangeInitial ldx ]SelInitial ;Update the selected initial 6e52: 18 clc 6e53: 75 34 adc HighScoreIntls,x ;Does value need to wrap around to Z? 6e55: 30 10 bmi SetInitialMax ;If so, branch 6e57: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;Is initial less than the index for A? 6e59: b0 0e bcs ChkInitialMax ;If so, branch to force index to SPACE 6e5b: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;Is index for a number? 6e5d: f0 04 beq SetInitialMin ;If so, branch to force index to A 6e5f: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Set initial index to SPACE 6e61: f0 0c beq SetInitial ;Branch always 6e63: a9 0b SetInitialMin lda #$0b ;Set initial index to A 6e65: d0 08 bne SetInitial ;Branch always 6e67: a9 24 SetInitialMax lda #$24 ;Set selected initial to Z 6e69: c9 25 ChkInitialMax cmp #$25 ;Does initial index need to wrap to SPACE? 6e6b: 90 02 bcc SetInitial ;If not, branch 6e6d: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Set initial index to SPACE 6e6f: 95 34 SetInitial sta HighScoreIntls,x ;Store new initial value 6e71: a9 00 HighScoreEnd lda #$00 ;Done processing high score for this frame 6e73: 60 rts ; ; Enter hyperspace routine. ; 6e74: a5 1c EnterHyperspc lda NumPlayers ;Is a game currently being played? 6e76: f0 5f beq ChkHyprspcEnd ;If not, branch to exit 6e78: ad 1b 02 lda ShipStatus ;Is the player's ship currently exploding? 6e7b: 30 5a bmi ChkHyprspcEnd ;If so, branch to exit 6e7d: ad fa 02 lda ShipSpawnTmr ;Is the ship currently waiting to spawn? 6e80: d0 55 bne ChkHyprspcEnd ;If so, branch to exit 6e82: ad 03 20 lda HyprSpcSw ;Has the hyperspace button been pressed? 6e85: 10 50 bpl ChkHyprspcEnd ;If not, branch to exit ; 6e87: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Indicate the ship has entered hyperspace 6e89: 8d 1b 02 sta ShipStatus 6e8c: 8d 3e 02 sta ShipXSpeed ;Zero out ship velocity. 6e8f: 8d 61 02 sta ShipYSpeed 6e92: a9 30 lda #$30 ;Set ship spawn timer 6e94: 8d fa 02 sta ShipSpawnTmr 6e97: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 6e9a: 29 1f and #%00011111 ;Get lower 5 bits for new ship X position 6e9c: c9 1d cmp #$1d ;Make sure value is capped 6e9e: 90 02 bcc MinHyprspcXPos ;Is value greater than the maximum allowed? If not, branch 6ea0: a9 1c lda #$1c ;Set X position to max value 6ea2: c9 03 MinHyprspcXPos cmp #$03 ;Is value less than the minimum allowed? If not, branch 6ea4: b0 02 bcs SetHyprspcXPos 6ea6: a9 03 lda #$03 ;Set X position to min value 6ea8: 8d 84 02 SetHyprspcXPos sta ShipXPosHi ;Set the new X position for the ship ; 6eab: a2 05 ldx #$05 ;Prepare to get a random number 5 times. 6ead: 20 b5 77 HyprspcRandLoop jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 6eb0: ca dex ;finished getting random numbers? 6eb1: d0 fa bne HyprspcRandLoop ;If not, branch to get another one 6eb3: 29 1f and #%00011111 ;Get lower 5 bits of random number 6eb5: e8 inx ;Assume a successful hyperspace jump 6eb6: c9 18 cmp #24 ;Check if random number causes a failed hyperspace jump 6eb8: 90 0c bcc MaxHyprspcYPos ;Jump failed? If not, branch 6eba: 29 07 and #%00000111 ;Take lower 3 bits of random number *2 + 4 6ebc: 0a asl A ;Is the resulting value < current number of asteroids? 6ebd: 69 04 adc #$04 ;If so, jump was unsuccessful 6ebf: cd f6 02 cmp CurAsteroids 6ec2: 90 02 bcc MaxHyprspcYPos ;Was jump successful? If so, branch ; 6ec4: a2 80 ldx #$80 ;Indicate an unsuccessful hyperspace jump. 6ec6: c9 15 MaxHyprspcYPos cmp #$15 ;Make sure value is capped. 6ec8: 90 02 bcc MinHyprspcYPos ;Is value greater than the maximum allowed? If not, branch 6eca: a9 14 lda #$14 ;Set Y position to max value 6ecc: c9 03 MinHyprspcYPos cmp #$03 ;Is value less than the minimum allowed? If not, branch 6ece: b0 02 bcs SetHyprspcYPos 6ed0: a9 03 lda #$03 ;Set Y position to min value 6ed2: 8d a7 02 SetHyprspcYPos sta ShipYPosHi ;Set the new Y position for the ship 6ed5: 86 59 stx HyprSpcFlag ;Set the success or failure of the hyperspace jump 6ed7: 60 ChkHyprspcEnd rts ; ; Initialize game variables. ; 6ed8: a9 02 InitGameVars lda #$02 ;Prepare to start wave 1 with 4 asteroids (+2 later) 6eda: 8d f5 02 sta AstPerWave 6edd: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;Is the DIP switches set for 3 ships per game? 6edf: 4e 02 28 lsr CentCMShipsSw 6ee2: b0 01 bcs InitShipsPerGame ;If so, branch 6ee4: e8 inx ;4 ships per game InitShipsPerGame 6ee5: 86 56 stx ShipsPerGame ;Load initial ships to start this game with 6ee7: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Prepare to zero variables 6ee9: a2 03 ldx #$03 6eeb: 9d 1b 02 VarZeroLoop sta ShipStatus,x 6eee: 9d 1f 02 sta ShpShotTimer,x 6ef1: 95 52 sta Plr1ScoreBase,x ;Zero out ship status, saucer status and player scores 6ef3: ca dex 6ef4: 10 f5 bpl VarZeroLoop 6ef6: 8d f6 02 sta CurAsteroids ;Zero out current number of asteroids 6ef9: 60 rts ; ; Silence sound effects. ; 6efa: a9 00 SilenceSFX lda #$00 6efc: 8d 00 36 sta ExpPitchVol 6eff: 8d 00 3a sta ThumpFreqVol 6f02: 8d 00 3c sta SaucerSFX 6f05: 8d 01 3c sta SaucerFireSFX ;Zero out SFX control registers 6f08: 8d 03 3c sta ShipThrustSFX 6f0b: 8d 04 3c sta ShipFireSFX 6f0e: 8d 05 3c sta LifeSFX ; 6f11: 85 69 sta ExplsnSFXTimer 6f13: 85 66 sta FireSFXTimer 6f15: 85 67 sta ScrFrSFXTimer ;Zero out SFX timers 6f17: 85 68 sta ExLfSFXTimer 6f19: 60 rts ; ; Draw initial. ; 6f1a: b9 34 00 DrawInitial lda HighScoreIntls,y ;Get value of currently selected initial 6f1d: 0a asl A 6f1e: a8 tay ;Does it have a value? 6f1f: d0 14 bne DrawChar ;If so, branch to draw the initial 6f21: a5 32 lda Plyr1Rank ;Is one of the players in the top 10? 6f23: 25 33 and Plyr2Rank 6f25: 30 0e bmi DrawChar ;If not, branch to write the existing initial 6f27: a9 72 lda #$72 ;SVEC for drawing most of the underline 6f29: a2 f8 ldx #$f8 6f2b: 20 45 7d jsr VecWriteWord ;Write 2 bytes to vector RAM 6f2e: a9 01 lda #$01 ;SVEC for drawing the rest of the underline 6f30: a2 f8 ldx #$f8 6f32: 4c 45 7d jmp VecWriteWord ;Write 2 bytes to vector RAM 6f35: be d5 56 DrawChar ldx CharPtrTbl+1,y ;Draw the initial on the display 6f38: b9 d4 56 lda CharPtrTbl,y 6f3b: 4c 45 7d jmp VecWriteWord ;Write 2 bytes to vector RAM ; ; Draw reserve ship on display. ; • Clear variables ]GlobalScale .var $00 {addr/1} ]GenByte08 .var $08 {addr/1} 6f3e: f0 16 DrawExtraLives beq EndDrawLives ;Does payer have ships in reserve? If not, branch to exit 6f40: 84 08 sty ]GenByte08 ;Create counter value for number of ships to draw 6f42: a2 d5 ldx #$d5 ;Y beam coordinate 4 * $D5 = $354 = 852 6f44: a0 e0 ldy #$e0 ;Set global scale=14(/4) 6f46: 84 00 sty ]GlobalScale 6f48: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 6f4b: a2 da DrawLivesLoop ldx #$da ;Load JSRL to reserve ship vector data into vector RAM 6f4d: a9 54 lda #$54 6f4f: 20 fc 7b jsr VecRomJSRL ;Load JSRL command in vector RAM to vector ROM 6f52: c6 08 dec ]GenByte08 ;More ships to draw? 6f54: d0 f5 bne DrawLivesLoop ;If so, branch 6f56: 60 EndDrawLives rts ; ; Update objects routine. ; • Clear variables ]ThisObjX .var $04 {addr/2} ]ThisObjY .var $06 {addr/2} 6f57: a2 22 UpdateObjects ldx #34 ;Prepare to check every object 6f59: bd 00 02 UpdateObjLoop lda AstStatus,x ;Is the current object active? 6f5c: d0 04 bne UpdateCurObject ;If so, branch to update it 6f5e: ca NextObjUpdate dex ;Move to next object 6f5f: 10 f8 bpl UpdateObjLoop ;Done checking objects? If not, branch to do the next one 6f61: 60 rts ;Done updating objects 6f62: 10 63 UpdateCurObject bpl UpdateObjPos ;Is current object exploding? If not, branch 6f64: 20 08 77 jsr TwosCompliment ;Calculate the 2's compliment of the value in A 6f67: 4a lsr A 6f68: 4a lsr A ;Move upper nibble to lower nibble 6f69: 4a lsr A 6f6a: 4a lsr A 6f6b: e0 1b cpx #ShipIndex ;Is it the ship that is exploding? If not, branch 6f6d: d0 07 bne IncExplosion 6f6f: a5 5c lda FrameTimer ;Update ship explosion once every other frame 6f71: 29 01 and #$01 ;Ship explosion is twice as slow as other objects 6f73: 4a lsr A ;Time to update ship explosion? 6f74: f0 01 beq SaveIncExplosion ;If not, branch 6f76: 38 IncExplosion sec ;Prepare to increment to next explosion state SaveIncExplosion 6f77: 7d 00 02 adc AstStatus,x ;Save updated explosion timer 6f7a: 30 25 bmi ObjectExploding ;Is object still exploding? If so, branch 6f7c: e0 1b cpx #ShipIndex ;Did the ship just finish exploding? 6f7e: f0 13 beq ResetShip ;If so, branch 6f80: b0 17 bcs ResetSaucer ;Did the saucer just finish exploding? If so, branch 6f82: ce f6 02 dec CurAsteroids ;Must have been an asteroid that finished exploding 6f85: d0 05 bne ClearObjSlot ;Decrement number of asteroids. Any left? If so, branch 6f87: a0 7f ldy #$7f ;No more asteroids this wave 6f89: 8c fb 02 sty ThmpSpeedTmr ;Reset thump speed to slowest speed 6f8c: a9 00 ClearObjSlot lda #$00 ;Free up asteroid slot 6f8e: 9d 00 02 sta AstStatus,x 6f91: f0 cb beq NextObjUpdate ;Branch always to move to the next object slot 6f93: 20 e8 71 ResetShip jsr CenterShip ;Center ship on display and zero velocity 6f96: 4c 8c 6f jmp ClearObjSlot ;Set ship status to 0 6f99: ad f8 02 ResetSaucer lda ScrTmrReload ;Reset saucer timer 6f9c: 8d f7 02 sta ScrTimer 6f9f: d0 eb bne ClearObjSlot ;Branch always 6fa1: 9d 00 02 ObjectExploding sta AstStatus,x ;Save updated exploding timer 6fa4: 29 f0 and #$f0 6fa6: 18 clc ;Get scale to use for exploding object. 6fa7: 69 10 adc #$10 6fa9: e0 1b cpx #ShipIndex ;Special case. Is ship exploding? 6fab: d0 02 bne SetObjExplodeScale ;If not, branch to save exploding scale 6fad: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Prepare to set ship explode scale to 7(/4) SetObjExplodeScale 6faf: a8 tay ;Save scale to use for object debris 6fb0: bd af 02 lda AstXPosLo,x 6fb3: 85 04 sta ]ThisObjX 6fb5: bd 69 02 lda AstXPosHi,x 6fb8: 85 05 sta ]ThisObjX+1 ;Make a copy of the object position in preparation for drawing 6fba: bd d2 02 lda AstYPosLo,x 6fbd: 85 06 sta ]ThisObjY 6fbf: bd 8c 02 lda AstYPosHi,x 6fc2: 85 07 sta ]ThisObjY+1 6fc4: 4c 27 70 jmp DoDrawObject ;Prepare to draw current object on the display 6fc7: 18 UpdateObjPos clc ;Assume object is moving from left to right 6fc8: a0 00 ldy #$00 6fca: bd 23 02 lda AstXSpeed,x ;Is object moving from left to right? 6fcd: 10 01 bpl UpdateObjXPos ;If so, branch 6fcf: 88 dey ;Indicate object moving from right to left 6fd0: 7d af 02 UpdateObjXPos adc AstXPosLo,x ;Add X velocity to current X position 6fd3: 9d af 02 sta AstXPosLo,x 6fd6: 85 04 sta ]ThisObjX ;Make a copy of location for drawing the object 6fd8: 98 tya ;Update the signed upper byte of the object X position 6fd9: 7d 69 02 adc AstXPosHi,x 6fdc: c9 20 cmp #$20 ;Is the object off the X edge of the display? 6fde: 90 0c bcc SaveObjXPos ;If not, branch 6fe0: 29 1f and #$1f ;Wrap object to the other X edge of the display 6fe2: e0 1c cpx #ScrIndex ;Is the object a saucer? 6fe4: d0 06 bne SaveObjXPos ;If not, branch 6fe6: 20 2d 70 jsr SaucerReset ;Reset saucer variables 6fe9: 4c 5e 6f jmp NextObjUpdate ;Check next object slot 6fec: 9d 69 02 SaveObjXPos sta AstXPosHi,x ;Save the updated object X position 6fef: 85 05 sta ]ThisObjX+1 6ff1: 18 clc ;Assume object is moving from top to bottom 6ff2: a0 00 ldy #$00 6ff4: bd 46 02 lda AstYSpeed,x ;Is object moving from top to bottom? 6ff7: 10 02 bpl UpdateObjYPos ;If so, branch 6ff9: a0 ff ldy #$ff ;Indicate object moving from top to bottom 6ffb: 7d d2 02 UpdateObjYPos adc AstYPosLo,x ;Add Y velocity to current Y position 6ffe: 9d d2 02 sta AstYPosLo,x 7001: 85 06 sta ]ThisObjY ;Make a copy of location for drawing the object 7003: 98 tya ;Update the signed upper byte of the object Y position 7004: 7d 8c 02 adc AstYPosHi,x 7007: c9 18 cmp #$18 ;Is the object off the Y edge of the display? 7009: 90 08 bcc SaveObjYPos ;If not, branch 700b: f0 04 beq WrapObjYPos ;Is object on Y edge border? If so, branch to wrap object 700d: a9 17 lda #$17 ;Place object at the upper edge of the display 700f: d0 02 bne SaveObjYPos ;Branch always 7011: a9 00 WrapObjYPos lda #$00 ;Put object at the bottom edge of the display 7013: 9d 8c 02 SaveObjYPos sta AstYPosHi,x ;Save the updated object Y position 7016: 85 07 sta ]ThisObjY+1 7018: bd 00 02 lda AstStatus,x ;Reload the object status for further processing 701b: a0 e0 ldy #$e0 ;Prepare to set scale to 9(/1) 701d: 4a lsr A ;Does object exist? 701e: b0 07 bcs DoDrawObject ;If so, branch to prepare to draw current object on the display 7020: a0 f0 ldy #$f0 ;Prepare to set scale to 8(/2) 7022: 4a lsr A ;Does object exist? 7023: b0 02 bcs DoDrawObject ;If so, branch to prepare to draw current object on the display 7025: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Prepare to set scale to 7(/4) 7027: 20 fe 72 DoDrawObject jsr DrawObject ;Draw asteroid, ship, saucer 702a: 4c 5e 6f jmp NextObjUpdate ;Check next object slot ; ; Saucer reset. ; 702d: ad f8 02 SaucerReset lda ScrTmrReload ;Reset saucer timer 7030: 8d f7 02 sta ScrTimer 7033: a9 00 lda #$00 7035: 8d 1c 02 sta ScrStatus 7038: 8d 3f 02 sta SaucerXSpeed ;Clear other saucer variables 703b: 8d 62 02 sta SaucerYSpeed 703e: 60 rts ; ; Ship status updates. ; 703f: a5 1c ChkExitHprspc lda NumPlayers ;Is a game being played? 7041: f0 42 beq ShipStsExit1 ;If not, branch to exit. 7043: ad 1b 02 lda ShipStatus ;Is the Player's ship exploding? 7046: 30 3d bmi ShipStsExit1 ;If so, branch to exit 7048: ad fa 02 lda ShipSpawnTmr ;Is the ship currently waiting to respawn? 704b: f0 39 beq ChkPlyrInput ;If not, branch 704d: ce fa 02 dec ShipSpawnTmr ;Decrement the spawn timer. Still waiting to respawn? 7050: d0 33 bne ShipStsExit1 ;If so, branch to exit 7052: a4 59 ldy HyprSpcFlag ;Did a hyperspace jump just fail? 7054: 30 19 bmi HyprspcFailed ;If so, branch 7056: d0 10 bne HyprspcSuccess ;Is ship in hyperspace? If so, branch 7058: 20 39 71 jsr IsReturnSafe ;Check to see if safe for ship to exit hyperspace 705b: d0 24 bne ResetHyprspc ;Did safety check succeed? If not, branch 705d: ac 1c 02 ldy ScrStatus ;Is a saucer on the screen? 7060: f0 06 beq HyprspcSuccess ;If not, branch to bring player out of hyperspace 7062: a0 02 ldy #$02 ;Make sure spawn timer is not 0 7064: 8c fa 02 sty ShipSpawnTmr ;Not safe to return from hyperspace 7067: 60 rts 7068: a9 01 HyprspcSuccess lda #$01 ;Indicate ship is no longer in hyperspace 706a: 8d 1b 02 sta ShipStatus 706d: d0 12 bne ResetHyprspc ;Branch always 706f: a9 a0 HyprspcFailed lda #$a0 ;Indicate the ship is exploding 7071: 8d 1b 02 sta ShipStatus 7074: a2 3e ldx #$3e ;Set the explosion SFX timer 7076: 86 69 stx ExplsnSFXTimer 7078: a6 18 ldx CurrentPlyr ;Decrement the player's extra lives 707a: d6 57 dec Plyr1Ships,x 707c: a9 81 lda #$81 ;Set the ship spawn timer 707e: 8d fa 02 sta ShipSpawnTmr 7081: a9 00 ResetHyprspc lda #$00 ;Clear the hyperspace status 7083: 85 59 sta HyprSpcFlag 7085: 60 ShipStsExit1 rts ;Exit ship status update routines 7086: ad 07 24 ChkPlyrInput lda RotLeftSw ;Is rotate left being pressed? 7089: 10 04 bpl ChkRotRight ;If not, branch 708b: a9 03 lda #$03 ;Prepare to add 3 to ship direction 708d: d0 07 bne UpdateShipDir ;Branch always 708f: ad 06 24 ChkRotRight lda RotRghtSw ;Is rotate right being pressed? 7092: 10 07 bpl ChkThrust 7094: a9 fd lda #$fd ;Prepare to subtract 3 to ship direction 7096: 18 UpdateShipDir clc 7097: 65 61 adc ShipDir ;Update ship direction 7099: 85 61 sta ShipDir ; 709b: a5 5c ChkThrust lda FrameTimer ;Update ship velocity only every other frame 709d: 4a lsr A ;Time to update ship velocity? 709e: b0 e5 bcs ShipStsExit1 ;If not, branch to exit 70a0: ad 05 24 lda ThrustSw ;Is thrust being pressed? 70a3: 10 3c bpl ShipDecelerate ;If not, branch 70a5: a9 80 lda #$80 ;Enable the ship thrust SFX 70a7: 8d 03 3c sta ShipThrustSFX 70aa: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Assume ship is facing right (positive X direction) 70ac: a5 61 lda ShipDir ;Get ship direction in preparation for thrust calculation 70ae: 20 d2 77 jsr CalcXThrust ;Calculate thrust in X direction 70b1: 10 01 bpl UpdateShipXVel ;Is ship facing right? If so, branch 70b3: 88 dey ;Ship is facing left; set X for negative direction 70b4: 0a UpdateShipXVel asl A ;Multiply thrust value by 2 70b5: 18 clc 70b6: 65 64 adc ShipXAccel ;Add thrust to ship's X acceleration 70b8: aa tax ;Save the acceleration in X 70b9: 98 tya 70ba: 6d 3e 02 adc ShipXSpeed ;Add the acceleration to the ship's X velocity 70bd: 20 25 71 jsr ChkShipMaxVel ;Ensure ship does not exceed maximum velocity 70c0: 8d 3e 02 sta ShipXSpeed ;Save current ship X velocity and acceleration 70c3: 86 64 stx ShipXAccel ; 70c5: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Assume ship is facing up (positive Y direction) 70c7: a5 61 lda ShipDir ;Get ship direction in preparation for thrust calculation 70c9: 20 d5 77 jsr CalcThrustDir ;Calculate thrust in Y direction 70cc: 10 01 bpl UpdateShipYVel ;Is ship facing up? If so, branch 70ce: 88 dey ;Ship is facing down; set Y for negative direction 70cf: 0a UpdateShipYVel asl A ;Multiply thrust value by 2 70d0: 18 clc 70d1: 65 65 adc ShipYAccel ;Add thrust to ship's Y acceleration 70d3: aa tax ;Save the acceleration in X 70d4: 98 tya 70d5: 6d 61 02 adc ShipYSpeed ;Add the acceleration to the ship's Y velocity 70d8: 20 25 71 jsr ChkShipMaxVel ;Ensure ship does not exceed maximum velocity 70db: 8d 61 02 sta ShipYSpeed ;Save current ship Y velocity and acceleration 70de: 86 65 stx ShipYAccel 70e0: 60 rts ;Done calculating ship acceleration 70e1: a9 00 ShipDecelerate lda #$00 ;Turn off ship thrust SFX 70e3: 8d 03 3c sta ShipThrustSFX 70e6: ad 3e 02 lda ShipXSpeed ;Does ship need to be decelerated in the X direction? 70e9: 05 64 ora ShipXAccel 70eb: f0 18 beq DecelerateY ;If not, branch to check Y deceleration 70ed: ad 3e 02 lda ShipXSpeed ;Get ship X velocity and multiply by 2 70f0: 0a asl A 70f1: a2 ff ldx #$ff ;Assume positive X velocity; X acceleration = -1 70f3: 18 clc 70f4: 49 ff eor #$ff ;Is ship traveling in the positive X direction? 70f6: 30 02 bmi SetXDecelerate ;If so, branch 70f8: e8 inx ;Ship traveling in negative X direction 70f9: 38 sec ;Set X deceleration to +1 70fa: 65 64 SetXDecelerate adc ShipXAccel ;Update ship X acceleration 70fc: 85 64 sta ShipXAccel 70fe: 8a txa 70ff: 6d 3e 02 adc ShipXSpeed ;Update ship X velocity 7102: 8d 3e 02 sta ShipXSpeed ; 7105: a5 65 DecelerateY lda ShipYAccel ;Does ship need to be decelerated in the Y direction? 7107: 0d 61 02 ora ShipYSpeed 710a: f0 18 beq DecelerateExit ;If not, branch to exit 710c: ad 61 02 lda ShipYSpeed ;Get ship Y velocity and multiply by 2 710f: 0a asl A 7110: a2 ff ldx #$ff ;Assume positive Y velocity; Y acceleration = -1 7112: 18 clc 7113: 49 ff eor #$ff ;Is ship traveling in the positive Y direction? 7115: 30 02 bmi SetYDecelerate ;If so, branch 7117: 38 sec ;Ship traveling in negative Y direction 7118: e8 inx ;Set Y deceleration to +1 7119: 65 65 SetYDecelerate adc ShipYAccel ;Update ship Y acceleration 711b: 85 65 sta ShipYAccel 711d: 8a txa 711e: 6d 61 02 adc ShipYSpeed ;Update ship Y velocity 7121: 8d 61 02 sta ShipYSpeed 7124: 60 DecelerateExit rts 7125: 30 09 ChkShipMaxVel bmi ChkMaxNegVel ;Is ship traveling left/down (negative direction)? If so, branch 7127: c9 40 cmp #$40 ;Is ship moving less than max velocity in positive direction? 7129: 90 0d bcc ChkMaxExit ;If so, branch to exit 712b: a2 ff ldx #$ff ;Max positive velocity reached; set acceleration to -1 712d: a9 3f lda #$3f ;Set velocity to max positive value 712f: 60 rts 7130: c9 c0 ChkMaxNegVel cmp #$c0 ;Is ship moving less than max velocity in negative direction? 7132: b0 04 bcs ChkMaxExit ;If so, branch to exit 7134: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;Max negative velocity reached; set acceleration to +1 7136: a9 c0 lda #$c0 ;Set velocity to max negative value 7138: 60 ChkMaxExit rts ;Done checking maximum ship velocity ; ; Safe hyperspace return routine. ; 7139: a2 1c IsReturnSafe ldx #ScrIndex ;Prepare to check all asteroids and saucer. 713b: bd 00 02 SafeCheckLoop lda AstStatus,x ;Is current object slot active? 713e: f0 1e beq NextSafeCheck ;If not, branch to move to next object 7140: bd 69 02 lda AstXPosHi,x ;Get object X position and compare to ship X position 7143: 38 sec 7144: ed 84 02 sbc ShipXPosHi 7147: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;Is object within +4 pixels of ship? 7149: 90 04 bcc SafeCheckY ;If so, branch to check object's Y position 714b: c9 fc cmp #$fc ;Is object within -4 pixels of ship? 714d: 90 0f bcc NextSafeCheck ;If not, branch to check next object's position 714f: bd 8c 02 SafeCheckY lda AstYPosHi,x ;Get object Y position and compare to ship Y position 7152: 38 sec 7153: ed a7 02 sbc ShipYPosHi 7156: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;Is object within +4 pixels of ship? 7158: 90 09 bcc SafeCheckFail ;If so, branch; not safe to exit hyperspace 715a: c9 fc cmp #$fc ;Is object within -4 pixels of ship? 715c: b0 05 bcs SafeCheckFail ;If so, branch; not safe to exit hyperspace 715e: ca NextSafeCheck dex ;Is there another object to check? 715f: 10 da bpl SafeCheckLoop ;If so, branch to check the object 7161: e8 inx ;Safe to exit hyperspace; sets X to zero 7162: 60 rts 7163: ee fa 02 SafeCheckFail inc ShipSpawnTmr ;Not safe to exit hyperspace; ensures spawn timer is not zero 7166: 60 rts 7167: 90 .dd1 $90 ;checksum byte ; ; Initialize asteroid wave variables. ; • Clear variables ]GenByte08 .var $08 {addr/1} 7168: a2 1a InitWaveVars ldx #MaxAsteroids ;Start at highest asteroid status slot 716a: ad fb 02 lda ThmpSpeedTmr ;Is wave about to start? 716d: d0 70 bne ZeroAstStatuses ;If so, branch to skip most of this routine 716f: ad 1c 02 lda ScrStatus ;Is a saucer active? 7172: d0 73 bne EndInitWave ;If so, branch to skip this routine 7174: 8d 3f 02 sta SaucerXSpeed ;Zero out saucer speed. 7177: 8d 62 02 sta SaucerYSpeed 717a: ee fd 02 inc ScrSpeedup ;Increment the min number of asteroids that triggers saucers 717d: ad fd 02 lda ScrSpeedup ; appearing more frequently 7180: c9 0b cmp #11 ;Max value is 11 asteroids 7182: 90 03 bcc InitAstPerWave 7184: ce fd 02 dec ScrSpeedup ;Make sure value does not exceed 11 asteroids ; 7187: ad f5 02 InitAstPerWave lda AstPerWave ;Increase number of asteroids by 2 every wave 718a: 18 clc 718b: 69 02 adc #$02 718d: c9 0b cmp #11 ;Ensure 11 asteroids max per wave 718f: 90 02 bcc SetWaveAst 7191: a9 0b lda #11 ;Max initial asteroids per wave is 11 7193: 8d f6 02 SetWaveAst sta CurAsteroids ;Set the number of asteroids for the current wave 7196: 8d f5 02 sta AstPerWave 7199: 85 08 sta ]GenByte08 ;Create a counter for decrementing through all asteroid slots ; 719b: a0 1c ldy #ScrIndex ;Offset to saucer speed X and Y values InitWaveAsteroids 719d: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 71a0: 29 18 and #$18 ;Randomly select asteroid type 71a2: 09 04 ora #LargeAst ;Make it a large asteroid 71a4: 9d 00 02 sta AstStatus,x ;Store the results 71a7: 20 03 72 jsr SetAstVel ;Set asteroid X and Y velocities 71aa: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 71ad: 4a lsr A ;Shift right to save LSB in carry 71ae: 29 1f and #%00011111 ;Keep lower 5 bits 71b0: 90 13 bcc AstPosScrBot ;Is carry clear? If so, start asteroid at top/bottom of screen 71b2: c9 18 cmp #$18 ;Is value beyond max Y position(6144/8=768) 71b4: 90 02 bcc AstPosScrRight ;If not, branch to set Y position 71b6: 29 17 and #$17 ;Limit Y position to < 768 71b8: 9d 8c 02 AstPosScrRight sta AstYPosHi,x ;Set asteroid Y position 71bb: a9 00 lda #$00 71bd: 9d 69 02 sta AstXPosHi,x ;Set X to 0; asteroid originates at left/right of screen 71c0: 9d af 02 sta AstXPosLo,x 71c3: f0 0b beq NextAstPos ;Branch always 71c5: 9d 69 02 AstPosScrBot sta AstXPosHi,x ;Set asteroid X position 71c8: a9 00 lda #$00 71ca: 9d 8c 02 sta AstYPosHi,x ;Set Y to 0; asteroid originates at top/bottom of screen 71cd: 9d d2 02 sta AstYPosLo,x 71d0: ca NextAstPos dex ;Move to next asteroid index 71d1: c6 08 dec ]GenByte08 ;Are there more asteroid positions to process? 71d3: d0 c8 bne InitWaveAsteroids ;If so, branch to do another one 71d5: a9 7f lda #$7f 71d7: 8d f7 02 sta ScrTimer ;Set initial saucer timer and thump SFX values 71da: a9 30 lda #$30 71dc: 8d fc 02 sta ThmpOffReload 71df: a9 00 ZeroAstStatuses lda #$00 ;Zero out the asteroid statuses 71e1: 9d 00 02 :Loop sta AstStatus,x 71e4: ca dex ;More asteroid statuses to zero? 71e5: 10 fa bpl :Loop ;If so, branch to do another 71e7: 60 EndInitWave rts ; ; Center ship on screen. ; 71e8: a9 60 CenterShip lda #$60 71ea: 8d ca 02 sta ShipXPosLo ;Set lower XY ship position bytes for screen center 71ed: 8d ed 02 sta ShipYPosLo 71f0: a9 00 lda #$00 71f2: 8d 3e 02 sta ShipXSpeed ;Set ship XY speed to 0. 71f5: 8d 61 02 sta ShipYSpeed 71f8: a9 10 lda #$10 71fa: 8d 84 02 sta ShipXPosHi 71fd: a9 0c lda #$0c ;Set upper XY ship position bytes for screen center 71ff: 8d a7 02 sta ShipYPosHi 7202: 60 rts ; ; Set asteroid velocities. ; 7203: 20 b5 77 SetAstVel jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 7206: 29 8f and #$8f ;Keep the sign bit and lower nibble 7208: 10 02 bpl SetAstXVel ;Is this a negative number? 720a: 09 f0 ora #$f0 ;If so, sign extend the byte 720c: 18 SetAstXVel clc ;Add the new X velocity to the old velocity 720d: 79 23 02 adc AstXSpeed,y 7210: 20 33 72 jsr GetAstVelocity ;Get an X velocity to assign to the asteroid 7213: 9d 23 02 sta AstXSpeed,x 7216: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 7219: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 721c: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 721f: 20 b5 77 jsr GetRandNum ;Get a random number 7222: 29 8f and #%10001111 ;Keep the sign bit and lower nibble 7224: 10 02 bpl SetAstYVel ;Is this a negative number? 7226: 09 f0 ora #$f0 ;If so, sign extend the byte 7228: 18 SetAstYVel clc ;Add the new Y velocity to the old velocity 7229: 79 46 02 adc AstYSpeed,y 722c: 20 33 72 jsr GetAstVelocity ;Get a Y velocity to assign to the asteroid 722f: 9d 46 02 sta AstYSpeed,x 7232: 60 rts 7233: 10 0d GetAstVelocity bpl SetPosVel ;Is speed faster than max speed of -31? 7235: c9 e1 cmp #$e1 ;If so, branch to check min negative speed 7237: b0 02 bcs ChkNegTooSlow 7239: a9 e1 lda #$e1 ;Set max negative speed to -31 723b: c9 fb ChkNegTooSlow cmp #$fb ;Is value faster than -6? 723d: 90 0f bcc AstVelExit ;If so, branch to exit 723f: a9 fa lda #$fa ;Set minimum negative speed to -6 7241: 60 rts 7242: c9 06 SetPosVel cmp #6 ;Is speed above min speed of +6? 7244: b0 02 bcs ChkPosTooFast ;If so, branch to check max speed 7246: a9 06 lda #6 ;Set min positive speed to +6 7248: c9 20 ChkPosTooFast cmp #32 ;Is value greater than +31? 724a: 90 02 bcc AstVelExit ;If not, branch to exit 724c: a9 1f lda #31 ;Set max positive speed to +31 724e: 60 AstVelExit rts ;Return the velocity in A ; ; Update screen text. ; • Clear variables ]GlobalScale .var $00 {addr/1} UpdateScreenText 724f: a9 10 lda #$10 ;Set global scale=1(*2) 7251: 85 00 sta ]GlobalScale 7253: a9 50 lda #>VecCredits ;Draw copyright text at bottom of the display 7255: a2 a4 ldx #<VecCredits 7257: 20 fc 7b jsr VecRomJSRL ;Load JSRL command in vector RAM to vector ROM 725a: a9 19 lda #$19 ;X beam coordinate 4 * $19 = $64 = 100 725c: a2 db ldx #$db ;Y beam coordinate 4 * $DB = $36C = 876. 725e: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location. 7261: a9 70 lda #$70 ;Set scale 7(/4) 7263: 20 de 7c jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen ; 7266: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;Indicate number string should be drawn on the display 7268: a5 1c lda NumPlayers ;Is this a 2 player game? 726a: c9 02 cmp #$02 726c: d0 18 bne DrawPlr1Score ;If not, branch to draw just player 1's score without blinking 726e: a5 18 lda CurrentPlyr ;Is player 2 playing? 7270: d0 14 bne DrawPlr1Score ;If so, branch to draw player 1's score without blinking 7272: a2 20 ldx #$20 ;Override the zero blanking function 7274: ad 1b 02 lda ShipStatus ;Is player 1's ship in play or in hyperspace? 7277: 05 59 ora HyprSpcFlag ;If so, branch to draw player 1's score without blinking 7279: d0 0b bne DrawPlr1Score 727b: ad fa 02 lda ShipSpawnTmr ;Is player 1 waiting to respawn? 727e: 30 06 bmi DrawPlr1Score ;If so, branch to draw player 1's score without blinking 7280: a5 5c lda FrameTimer ;Blink player 1's score every 16 frames. This occurs 7282: 29 10 and #$10 ; when switching from one player to the next 7284: f0 0d beq DrawShipLives ;Time to draw the score? If not, branch to turn it off ; 7286: a9 52 DrawPlr1Score lda #Plr1ScoreBase ;Prepare to draw Player 1's score on the display 7288: a0 02 ldy #$02 ;2 bytes for player 1's score 728a: 38 sec ;Blank leading zeros 728b: 20 3f 77 jsr DrawNumberString ;Draw a string of numbers on the display 728e: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Draw a trailing zero 7290: 20 8b 77 jsr ChkSetDigitPntr ;Prepare to draw a trailing zero after the score 7293: a9 28 DrawShipLives lda #$28 ;X beam coordinate 4 * $28 = $A0 = 160 7295: a4 57 ldy Plyr1Ships ;Get current number of reserve ships for Player 1 7297: 20 3e 6f jsr DrawExtraLives ;Draw player's reserve ships on the display 729a: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Set global scale to 0(*1) 729c: 85 00 sta ]GlobalScale 729e: a9 78 lda #$78 ;X beam coordinate 4 * $78 = $1E0 = 480 72a0: a2 db ldx #$db ;Y beam coordinate 4 * $DB = $36C = 876 72a2: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 72a5: a9 50 lda #$50 ;Set scale 5(/16) 72a7: 20 de 7c jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen ; 72aa: a9 1d lda #HighScores ;Prepare to draw the high score on the display 72ac: a0 02 ldy #$02 ;2 bytes for the high score 72ae: 38 sec ;Blank leading zeros 72af: 20 3f 77 jsr DrawNumberString ;Draw a string of numbers on the display. 72b2: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Draw a trailing zero 72b4: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 72b7: a9 10 lda #$10 ;Set global scale=1(*2) 72b9: 85 00 sta ]GlobalScale 72bb: a9 c0 lda #$c0 ;X beam coordinate 4 * $C0 = $300 = 768 72bd: a2 db ldx #$db ;Y beam coordinate 4 * $DB = $36C = 876 72bf: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 72c2: a9 50 lda #$50 ;Set scale 5(/16) 72c4: 20 de 7c jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen ; 72c7: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;Indicate number string should be drawn on the display 72c9: a5 1c lda NumPlayers ;Is this a 2 player game? 72cb: c9 01 cmp #$01 72cd: f0 2e beq EndScreenText ;If not, branch to exit 72cf: 90 18 bcc DrawPlr2Score ;Is a game active? If not, branch to draw player 2's score 72d1: a5 18 lda CurrentPlyr ;Is player 1 playing? 72d3: f0 14 beq DrawPlr2Score ;If so, branch to draw player 2's score without blinking 72d5: a2 20 ldx #$20 ;Override the zero blanking function 72d7: ad 1b 02 lda ShipStatus ;Is player 2's ship in play or in hyperspace? 72da: 05 59 ora HyprSpcFlag ;If so, branch to draw player 2's score without blinking 72dc: d0 0b bne DrawPlr2Score 72de: ad fa 02 lda ShipSpawnTmr ;Is player 2 waiting to respawn? 72e1: 30 06 bmi DrawPlr2Score ;If so, branch to draw player 2's score without blinking 72e3: a5 5c lda FrameTimer ;Blink player 2's score every 16 frames. This occurs 72e5: 29 10 and #$10 ; when switching from one player to the next 72e7: f0 0d beq DrawPlr2Ships ;Time to draw the score? If not, branch to turn it off 72e9: a9 54 DrawPlr2Score lda #Plr2ScoreBase ;Prepare to draw Player 2's score on the display 72eb: a0 02 ldy #$02 ;2 bytes for the high score 72ed: 38 sec ;Blank leading zeros 72ee: 20 3f 77 jsr DrawNumberString ;Draw a string of numbers on the display 72f1: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Draw a trailing zero 72f3: 20 8b 77 jsr ChkSetDigitPntr ;Prepare to draw a trailing zero after the score 72f6: a9 cf DrawPlr2Ships lda #$cf ;X beam coordinate 4 * $CF = $33C = 828 72f8: a4 58 ldy Plyr2Ships ;Get current number of reserve ships for Player 2 72fa: 4c 3e 6f jmp DrawExtraLives ;Draw player's reserve ships on the display 72fd: 60 EndScreenText rts ;Done drawing screen text ; ; Draw object routines. ; • Clear variables ]GlobalScale .var $00 {addr/1} ]ThisObjX .var $04 {addr/2} ]ThisObjY .var $06 {addr/2} 72fe: 84 00 DrawObject sty ]GlobalScale ;Save scale data 7300: 86 0d stx GenByte0D ;Save a copy of the index to the object to draw. 7302: a5 05 lda ]ThisObjX+1 7304: 4a lsr A 7305: 66 04 ror ]ThisObjX 7307: 4a lsr A ;Divide the object's X position by 8 7308: 66 04 ror ]ThisObjX 730a: 4a lsr A 730b: 66 04 ror ]ThisObjX 730d: 85 05 sta ]ThisObjX+1 ; 730f: a5 07 lda ]ThisObjY+1 7311: 18 clc 7312: 69 04 adc #$04 7314: 4a lsr A 7315: 66 06 ror ]ThisObjY 7317: 4a lsr A 7318: 66 06 ror ]ThisObjY ;Add 1024 object's Y position and divide by 8 731a: 4a lsr A 731b: 66 06 ror ]ThisObjY 731d: 85 07 sta ]ThisObjY+1 ; 731f: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;Prepare to write 4 bytes to vector RAM 7321: 20 1c 7c jsr SetLABSData ;Write LABS instruction in vector RAM 7324: a9 70 lda #$70 ;Set the scale of the object 7326: 38 sec 7327: e5 00 sbc ]GlobalScale 7329: c9 a0 cmp #$a0 ;Is the scale 9 or smaller? 732b: 90 0e bcc DrawSpotKill ;If so, branch DrawMultiSpotKill 732d: 48 pha ;Save A on the stack 732e: a9 90 lda #$90 ;Set scale 9(/1) 7330: 20 de 7c jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen 7333: 68 pla ;Restore A from the stack 7334: 38 sec ;Subtract #$10 from scale value 7335: e9 10 sbc #$10 ;Is value below #$A0? 7337: c9 a0 cmp #$a0 ;If not, branch to run the spot kill routine again. 7339: b0 f2 bcs DrawMultiSpotKill ; 733b: 20 de 7c DrawSpotKill jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen 733e: a6 0d ldx GenByte0D ;Restore index to object to draw 7340: bd 00 02 lda AstStatus,x ;Is the object exploding? 7343: 10 16 bpl DrawObjNoExplode ;If not, branch to draw the normal object 7345: e0 1b cpx #ShipIndex ;Is it the ship exploding? 7347: f0 0c beq DrawShipExplode ;If so, branch 7349: 29 0c and #$0c ;Get index into shrapnel table 734b: 4a lsr A 734c: a8 tay 734d: b9 f8 50 lda SharpPatPtrTbl,y ;Store JSRL data in vector RAM for the Shrapnel graphics 7350: be f9 50 ldx SharpPatPtrTbl+1,y 7353: d0 1b bne SaveObjVecData ;Branch always 7355: 20 65 74 DrawShipExplode jsr DoShipExplsn ;Draw the ship exploding 7358: a6 0d ldx GenByte0D ;Restore index to object being drawn 735a: 60 rts ;Exit after drawing ship fragments DrawObjNoExplode 735b: e0 1b cpx #ShipIndex ;Is it the ship that needs to be drawn? 735d: f0 17 beq DoDrawShip ;If so, branch 735f: e0 1c cpx #ScrIndex ;Is it the saucer that needs to be drawn? 7361: f0 19 beq DoDrawSaucer ;If so, branch 7363: b0 1f bcs DoDrawBullet ;Is it a bullet that needs to be drawn? If so, branch 7365: 29 18 and #$18 ;Must be an asteroid 7367: 4a lsr A 7368: 4a lsr A ;Get the asteroid type bits 7369: a8 tay 736a: b9 de 51 lda AstPtrnPtrTbl,y ;Get asteroid vector data and write it to vector RAM 736d: be df 51 ldx AstPtrnPtrTbl+1,y 7370: 20 45 7d SaveObjVecData jsr VecWriteWord ;Write 2 bytes to vector RAM. 7373: a6 0d ldx GenByte0D ;Restore index to object 7375: 60 rts ;Finished loading object data into vector RAM 7376: 20 0b 75 DoDrawShip jsr UpdateShipDraw ;Update the drawing of the player's ship 7379: a6 0d ldx GenByte0D ;Restore index to object 737b: 60 rts ;Finished loading ship data into vector RAM 737c: ad 50 52 DoDrawSaucer lda ScrPtrnPtrTbl ;Get saucer vector data and write it to vector RAM 737f: ae 51 52 ldx ScrPtrnPtrTbl+1 7382: d0 ec bne SaveObjVecData ;Branch always 7384: a9 70 DoDrawBullet lda #$70 ;Set scale 7(/4) 7386: a2 f0 ldx #$f0 ;Prepare to draw a dot at full brightness(bullet) 7388: 20 e0 7c jsr DrawDot ;Draw a dot on the screen 738b: a6 0d ldx GenByte0D ;Restore index to object 738d: a5 5c lda FrameTimer ;Decrement shot timer every 4th frame 738f: 29 03 and #$03 ;Is it time to decrement the shot timer? 7391: d0 03 bne DrawObjectDone ;If not, branch 7393: de 00 02 dec AstStatus,x ;Decrement shot timer 7396: 60 DrawObjectDone rts ;Done with object vector data ; ; Update score. ; 7397: f8 UpdateScore sed ;Put ALU into decimal mode 7398: 75 52 adc Plr1ScoreBase,x ;Add value in Accumulator to score 739a: 95 52 sta Plr1ScoreBase,x ;Does upper byte need to be updated? 739c: 90 12 bcc UpdateScoreExit ;If not, branch to exit 739e: b5 53 lda PlayerScores+1,x 73a0: 69 00 adc #$00 ;Increment upper score byte. 73a2: 95 53 sta PlayerScores+1,x 73a4: 29 0f and #$0f ;Check if extra life should be granted 73a6: d0 08 bne UpdateScoreExit ;Extra life granted at 10,000 points ; 73a8: a9 b0 lda #$b0 ;Play extra life SFX 73aa: 85 68 sta ExLfSFXTimer 73ac: a6 18 ldx CurrentPlyr ;Increment reserve ships 73ae: f6 57 inc Plyr1Ships,x 73b0: d8 UpdateScoreExit cld ;Put ALU back into binary mode 73b1: 60 rts ; ; Swap RAM. ; ]GenByte08 .var $08 {addr/1} 73b2: a5 18 SwapRAM lda CurrentPlyr ;Get current player (0 or 1 value) 73b4: 0a asl A 73b5: 0a asl A 73b6: 85 08 sta ]GenByte08 ;Move the LSB to the third bit position ; 73b8: a5 6f lda MultiPurpBits 73ba: 29 fb and #%11111011 73bc: 05 08 ora ]GenByte08 ;Set the player RAM based on the current player 73be: 85 6f sta MultiPurpBits 73c0: 8d 00 32 sta MultiPurp 73c3: 60 rts ; ; Draw high scores list. ; • Clear variables ]GlobalScale .var $00 {addr/1} ]HiScrRank .var $0d {addr/1} ]HiScrBeamYLoc .var $0e {addr/1} ]HiScrIndex .var $0f {addr/1} 73c4: a5 1c ChkHighScrList lda NumPlayers ;Is a game currently being played? 73c6: f0 02 beq ChkDrawScrList ;If not, branch to see if its time to show the high score list 73c8: 18 SkipScrList clc ;Indicate the high scores list is not being displayed 73c9: 60 rts ;Exit high score list drawing routines 73ca: a5 5d ChkDrawScrList lda FrameTimer+1 ;Is it time to draw the high scores list? 73cc: 29 04 and #$04 73ce: d0 f8 bne SkipScrList ;If not, branch to exit 73d0: a5 1d lda HighScores ;Is the high scores list empty? 73d2: 05 1e ora HighScores+1 73d4: f0 f2 beq SkipScrList ;If so, branch to exit ; 73d6: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Prepare to display HIGH SCORES text 73d8: 20 f6 77 jsr WriteText ;Write text to the display 73db: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;Start at the first high score index 73dd: 86 10 stx InitialIndex ;Start at the first initial index 73df: a9 01 lda #$01 ;Appears not to be used 73e1: 85 00 sta ]GlobalScale 73e3: a9 a7 lda #$a7 ;Y beam coordinate = 4 * $A7 = $29C = 668 73e5: 85 0e sta ]HiScrBeamYLoc ;Set top row of high score list 73e7: a9 10 lda #$10 ;Set global scale=1(*2) 73e9: 85 00 sta ]GlobalScale ; 73eb: b5 1d HighScoresLoop lda HighScores,x ;Is there a high score at the current location? 73ed: 15 1e ora HighScores+1,x 73ef: f0 67 beq HighScoreExit ;If not, done with high score list; branch to exit 73f1: 86 0f stx ]HiScrIndex ;Store index to the current high score 73f3: a9 5f lda #$5f ;X beam coordinate 4 * $5F = $17C = 380 73f5: a6 0e ldx ]HiScrBeamYLoc ;Set the Y beam coordinate based on current line being written 73f7: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 73fa: a9 40 lda #$40 ;Set scale 4(/32) 73fc: 20 de 7c jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen ; 73ff: a5 0f lda ]HiScrIndex ;Get index to current high score to draw 7401: 4a lsr A 7402: f8 sed 7403: 69 01 adc #$01 ;Increment by 1 (base 10) 7405: d8 cld 7406: 85 0d sta ]HiScrRank ;Get the rank number of the current high score 7408: a9 0d lda #GenByte0D ;[HiScrRank] 740a: 38 sec ;Blank leading zeros 740b: a0 01 ldy #$01 ;Single byte for player's rank 740d: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;No override of zero blanking 740f: 20 3f 77 jsr DrawNumberString ;Draw a string of numbers on the display 7412: a9 40 lda #$40 ;Set the brightness of the dot 7414: aa tax 7415: 20 e0 7c jsr DrawDot ;Draw a dot on the screen 7418: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Draw a SPACE on the display 741a: 20 35 6f jsr DrawChar ;Draw a single character on the display 741d: a5 0f lda ]HiScrIndex ;Move to next high score to draw 741f: 18 clc 7420: 69 1d adc #HighScores ;Prepare to draw next high score on the display 7422: a0 02 ldy #$02 ;2 bytes per high score 7424: 38 sec ;Blank leading zeros 7425: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;No override of zero blanking 7427: 20 3f 77 jsr DrawNumberString ;Draw a string of numbers on the display 742a: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Draw a trailing zero 742c: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 742f: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Draw a SPACE on the display 7431: 20 35 6f jsr DrawChar ;Draw a single character on the display 7434: a4 10 ldy InitialIndex ;Draw the first initial of this high score 7436: 20 1a 6f jsr DrawInitial ;Draw a single initial on the display. 7439: e6 10 inc InitialIndex ;Draw the second initial of this high score 743b: a4 10 ldy InitialIndex 743d: 20 1a 6f jsr DrawInitial ;Draw a single initial on the display. 7440: e6 10 inc InitialIndex ;Draw the third initial of this high score 7442: a4 10 ldy InitialIndex 7444: 20 1a 6f jsr DrawInitial ;Draw a single initial on the display. ; 7447: e6 10 inc InitialIndex ;Move to the next initial index 7449: a5 0e lda ]HiScrBeamYLoc 744b: 38 sec ;Move down to the next high score row on the display 744c: e9 08 sbc #$08 744e: 85 0e sta ]HiScrBeamYLoc 7450: a6 0f ldx ]HiScrIndex ;Move to the next high score slot 7452: e8 inx 7453: e8 inx ;Have all 10 high scores been drawn on the display? 7454: e0 14 cpx #20 ;If not, branch to draw the next one 7456: 90 93 bcc HighScoresLoop 7458: 38 HighScoreExit sec ;Indicate the high scores list is being displayed 7459: 60 rts ;Exit high score list drawing routines ; ; Find a free asteroid slot. ; 745a: a2 1a GetFreeAstSlot ldx #26 ;Prepare to check 27 asteroid slots 745c: bd 00 02 NextAstSlotLoop lda AstStatus,x ;Is this slot free? 745f: f0 03 beq EndFreeAstSlot ;If so, exit. A free slot is available 7461: ca dex ;More slots to test? 7462: 10 f8 bpl NextAstSlotLoop ;If so, branch to check the next slot 7464: 60 EndFreeAstSlot rts ;Asteroid slot found or no slot available ; ; Ship explosion routines. ; • Clear variables ]ThisDebrisX .var $04 {addr/2} ]ThisDebrisY .var $06 {addr/2} ]ShipDebrisPtr .var $09 {addr/1} ]VecPtrCopy .var $0b {addr/2} 7465: ad 1b 02 DoShipExplsn lda ShipStatus ;Is this the first frame of the ship explosion? 7468: c9 a2 cmp #$a2 ;If so, load the initial debris data 746a: b0 22 bcs GetNumDebris ;If not, branch to skip loading data ; 746c: a2 0a ldx #10 ;Prepare to load 12 values from ShipExpVelTbl LoadShipExplLoop 746e: bd ec 50 lda ShipExpVelTbl,x ;Get byte of ship debris X velocity 7471: 4a lsr A 7472: 4a lsr A 7473: 4a lsr A ;Save only the upper nibble and shift to lower nibble 7474: 4a lsr A 7475: 18 clc 7476: 69 f8 adc #$f8 ;Sign extend the nibble to fill the whole byte 7478: 49 f8 eor #$f8 747a: 95 7e sta ShpDebrisXVel+1,x ;Save signed value into RAM ; 747c: bd ed 50 lda ShipExpVelTbl+1,x ;Get byte of ship debris Y velocity 747f: 4a lsr A 7480: 4a lsr A 7481: 4a lsr A ;Save only the upper nibble and shift to lower nibble 7482: 4a lsr A 7483: 18 clc 7484: 69 f8 adc #$f8 ;Sign extend the nibble to fill the whole byte 7486: 49 f8 eor #$f8 7488: 95 8a sta ShpDebrisYVel+1,x ;Save signed value into RAM 748a: ca dex ;Move to next 2 bytes in the table 748b: ca dex ;Are there more bytes to load from the table? 748c: 10 e0 bpl LoadShipExplLoop ;if so, loop to load 2 more bytes ; 748e: ad 1b 02 GetNumDebris lda ShipStatus 7491: 49 ff eor #$ff 7493: 29 70 and #%01110000 ;Calculate the pointer into the ship debris data based 7495: 4a lsr A ; on the ship status counter. This has the effect of making 7496: 4a lsr A ; the debris disappear one by one over time 7497: 4a lsr A 7498: aa tax 7499: 86 09 ShipDebrisLoop stx ]ShipDebrisPtr ;Update ship debris index 749b: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Assume the X velocity for this debris piece is positive 749d: bd ec 50 lda ShipExpVelTbl,x ;Is the debris piece moving in a positive X direction? 74a0: 10 01 bpl GetDebrisXVel ;If so, branch 74a2: 88 dey ;The X velocity for this debris piece is negative 74a3: 18 GetDebrisXVel clc ;Update fractional part of debris X position 74a4: 75 7d adc ShpDebrisXVel,x 74a6: 95 7d sta ShpDebrisXVel,x 74a8: 98 tya 74a9: 75 7e adc ShpDebrisXVel+1,x ;Update integer part of debris X position 74ab: 95 7e sta ShpDebrisXVel+1,x 74ad: 85 04 sta ]ThisDebrisX ;Save current debris X position 74af: 84 05 sty ]ThisDebrisX+1 ;Save current debris X direction ; 74b1: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Assume the Y velocity for this debris piece is positive 74b3: bd ed 50 lda ShipExpVelTbl+1,x ;Is the debris piece moving in a positive Y direction? 74b6: 10 01 bpl GetDebrisYVel ;If so, branch 74b8: 88 dey ;The Y velocity for this debris piece is negative 74b9: 18 GetDebrisYVel clc ;Update fractional part of debris Y position 74ba: 75 89 adc ShpDebrisYVel,x 74bc: 95 89 sta ShpDebrisYVel,x 74be: 98 tya 74bf: 75 8a adc ShpDebrisYVel+1,x ;Update integer part of debris Y position 74c1: 95 8a sta ShpDebrisYVel+1,x 74c3: 85 06 sta ]ThisDebrisY ;Save current debris Y position 74c5: 84 07 sty ]ThisDebrisY+1 ;Save current debris Y direction ; 74c7: a5 02 lda VecRamPtr 74c9: 85 0b sta ]VecPtrCopy ;Save a copy of the vector RAM pointer 74cb: a5 03 lda VecRamPtr+1 74cd: 85 0c sta ]VecPtrCopy+1 74cf: 20 49 7c jsr CalcDebrisPos ;Calculate the position of the exploded ship pieces 74d2: a4 09 ldy ]ShipDebrisPtr ;Write the ship debris vector data to the vector RAM 74d4: b9 e0 50 lda ShipExpPtrTbl,y 74d7: be e1 50 ldx ShipExpPtrTbl+1,y 74da: 20 45 7d jsr VecWriteWord ;Write 2 bytes to vector RAM 74dd: a4 09 ldy ]ShipDebrisPtr ;Draw the exact same line from above except backwards 74df: b9 e1 50 lda ShipExpPtrTbl+1,y 74e2: 49 04 eor #$04 ;Backtrack in the Y direction 74e4: aa tax 74e5: b9 e0 50 lda ShipExpPtrTbl,y 74e8: 29 0f and #$0f ;Set the brightness of the backtracked vector to 0 74ea: 49 04 eor #$04 ;Backtrack in the X direction 74ec: 20 45 7d jsr VecWriteWord ;Write 2 bytes to vector RAM ; 74ef: a0 ff ldy #$ff ;Prepare to write 4 bytes to vector RAM 74f1: c8 VecBackTrack iny ;Get position of the data where this function first started 74f2: b1 0b lda (]VecPtrCopy),y ; writing to vector RAM 74f4: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Copy the data again into the current position in vector RAM 74f6: c8 iny ; except draw it backwards to backtrack the XY position to 74f7: b1 0b lda (]VecPtrCopy),y ; the starting point 74f9: 49 04 eor #$04 ;Draw the exact same line from CalcDebrisPos except backwards 74fb: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;This places the pointer back to the middle of the ship's position 74fd: c0 03 cpy #$03 ;Does the second word of the VCTR opcode need to be written 74ff: 90 f0 bcc VecBackTrack ;If so, branch to write second word ; 7501: 20 39 7c jsr VecPtrUpdate ;Update Vector RAM pointer 7504: a6 09 ldx ]ShipDebrisPtr ;Move to next pair of ship debris data 7506: ca dex 7507: ca dex ;Is there more ship debris data to process? 7508: 10 8f bpl ShipDebrisLoop ;If so, branch 750a: 60 rts ; ; Update the player's ship drawing. ; • Clear variables ]ShipDrawXInv .var $08 {addr/1} ]ShipDrawYInv .var $09 {addr/1} ]VecPtr .var $0b {addr/2} 750b: a2 00 UpdateShipDraw ldx #$00 ;Used for inverting index into ship direction table 750d: 86 17 stx ShipDrawUnused ;Always 0; not used for anything 750f: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Assume ship is pointing up 7511: a5 61 lda ShipDir ;Is ship pointing down? 7513: 10 06 bpl SaveShipDir ;If not, branch 7515: a0 04 ldy #$04 ;Set value indicating ship Y direction is inverted 7517: 8a txa 7518: 38 sec ;Subtract ship direction from #$00 to invert index into 7519: e5 61 sbc ShipDir ; ShipDirPtrTbl 751b: 85 08 SaveShipDir sta ]ShipDrawXInv ;Save current index calculations 751d: 24 08 bit ]ShipDrawXInv ;Is ship pointing down and left? 751f: 30 02 bmi InvertShipX ;If so, branch to invert X axis of ship 7521: 50 07 bvc SetShipInvAxes ;Is ship pointing up and left? If not, branch 7523: a2 04 InvertShipX ldx #$04 ;Set value indicating ship X direction is inverted. 7525: a9 80 lda #$80 7527: 38 sec ;Subtract modified ship direction from #$80 to get 7528: e5 08 sbc ]ShipDrawXInv ; proper index into ShipDirPtrTbl 752a: 86 08 SetShipInvAxes stx ]ShipDrawXInv ;Save the X and Y axis inversion indicators 752c: 84 09 sty ]ShipDrawYInv ; 752e: 4a lsr A 752f: 29 fe and #$fe ;Do final calculations on index for ShipDirPtrTbl 7531: a8 tay 7532: b9 6e 52 lda ShipDirPtrTbl,y ;Get pointer to ship vector data for current direction 7535: be 6f 52 ldx ShipDirPtrTbl+1,y 7538: 20 d3 6a jsr DrawShip ;Draw the Player's ship on the display 753b: ad 05 24 lda ThrustSw ;Is the thrust button being pressed? 753e: 10 14 bpl EndUpdShpDraw ;If not, branch to exit 7540: a5 5c lda FrameTimer ;Show thrust animation every 4th frame 7542: 29 04 and #$04 ;Is this the fourth frame? 7544: f0 0e beq EndUpdShpDraw ;If not, branch to exit 7546: c8 iny ;Prepare to move vector ROM pointer to thrust data 7547: c8 iny 7548: 38 sec 7549: a6 0c ldx ]VecPtr+1 ;Increment vector ROM pointer by 2 bytes 754b: 98 tya 754c: 65 0b adc ]VecPtr ;Pointer is now at thrust vector data 754e: 90 01 bcc DrawShipThrust ;Draw thrust vectors on the display 7550: e8 inx ;Increment the upper byte of the vector data pointer 7551: 20 d3 6a DrawShipThrust jsr DrawShip ;Draw the Player's ship on the display 7554: 60 EndUpdShpDraw rts ;Finished updating the ship and thrust graphics ; ; SFX control routines. ; 7555: a5 1c ChkUpdateSFX lda NumPlayers ;Is an active game in progress? 7557: d0 01 bne UpdateSFX ;If so, branch to update SFX 7559: 60 rts 755a: a2 00 UpdateSFX ldx #$00 ;Prepare to turn off saucer SFX if it is exploding or not present 755c: ad 1c 02 lda ScrStatus ;Is a saucer currently exploding? 755f: 30 0a bmi UpdateScrSFX ;If so, branch 7561: f0 08 beq UpdateScrSFX ;Is a saucer present? If not, branch to ensure the SFX is off 7563: 6a ror A 7564: 6a ror A ;Use saucer size to set proper saucer SFX 7565: 6a ror A 7566: 8d 02 3c sta SaucerSFXSel 7569: a2 80 ldx #$80 ;Turn on saucer SFX 756b: 8e 00 3c UpdateScrSFX stx SaucerSFX ;Enable/disable saucer SFX ; 756e: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;Select the saucer fire SFX 7570: 20 cd 75 jsr StartSFXTimer ;Start SFX timer, if applicable 7573: 8d 01 3c sta SaucerFireSFX ;Store updated status of the SFX ; 7576: ca dex ;Select the ship fire SFX 7577: 20 cd 75 jsr StartSFXTimer ;Start SFX timer, if applicable 757a: 8d 04 3c sta ShipFireSFX ;Store updated status of the SFX ; 757d: ad 1b 02 lda ShipStatus ;Is the ship currently on the screen? 7580: c9 01 cmp #$01 7582: f0 04 beq ChkNumAsteroids ;If so, branch 7584: 8a txa ;Load A with #$00. No ship on the screen 7585: 8d 03 3c sta ShipThrustSFX ;Turn off the thrust SFX ; 7588: ad f6 02 ChkNumAsteroids lda CurAsteroids ;Are there asteroids left in this wave? 758b: f0 11 beq ThumpSFXOff ;If not, branch to reset thump SFX 758d: ad 1b 02 lda ShipStatus ;Is the ship exploding? 7590: 30 0c bmi ThumpSFXOff ;If so, branch to reset the thump SFX 7592: 05 59 ora HyprSpcFlag ;Is the ship not active and not in hyperspace? 7594: f0 08 beq ThumpSFXOff ;If so, branch to reset the thump SFX 7596: a5 6d lda ThmpOnTime ;Is the thump SFX currently playing? 7598: f0 14 beq ChkThumpOffTime ;If not, branch 759a: c6 6d dec ThmpOnTime ;Decrement thump on timer 759c: d0 21 bne ChkExplTimer ;Is thump on timer still active? if so, branch ; 759e: a5 6c ThumpSFXOff lda ThisVolFreq 75a0: 29 0f and #$0f ;Turn off the thump SFX 75a2: 85 6c sta ThisVolFreq 75a4: 8d 00 3a sta ThumpFreqVol 75a7: ad fc 02 lda ThmpOffReload 75aa: 85 6e sta ThumpOffTime ;Set thump off timer to max value 75ac: 10 11 bpl ChkExplTimer 75ae: c6 6e ChkThumpOffTime dec ThumpOffTime ;Decrement the thump off timer 75b0: d0 0d bne ChkExplTimer ;Is it time to turn thump SFX back on? If not, branch 75b2: a9 04 lda #$04 ;Set the thump on timer 75b4: 85 6d sta ThmpOnTime 75b6: a5 6c lda ThisVolFreq 75b8: 49 14 eor #%00010100 ;Toggle the thump volume bit on and set the frequency 75ba: 85 6c sta ThisVolFreq 75bc: 8d 00 3a sta ThumpFreqVol 75bf: a5 69 ChkExplTimer lda ExplsnSFXTimer 75c1: aa tax ;Is the explosion SFX timer active? 75c2: 29 3f and #$3f ;If not, branch to skip decrementing it 75c4: f0 01 beq UpdateExplTimer 75c6: ca dex ;Decrement explosion SFX timer. 75c7: 86 69 UpdateExplTimer stx ExplsnSFXTimer 75c9: 8e 00 36 stx ExpPitchVol ;Update explosion timer, pitch and volume 75cc: 60 rts 75cd: b5 6a StartSFXTimer lda ShipFireSFX_,x ;Is the selected SFX active? 75cf: 30 0c bmi ChkSFXTimer ;If so, branch to check SFX timer status 75d1: b5 66 lda SFXTimers,x ;Is the selected SFX timer currently active? 75d3: 10 12 bpl TurnOffSFX ;If so, branch to turn it off 75d5: a9 10 lda #$10 ;Initialize the timer for the selected SFX 75d7: 95 66 sta SFXTimers,x 75d9: a9 80 TurnOnSFX lda #$80 ;Turn on the selected SFX 75db: 30 0c bmi UpdateSFXStatus ;Branch always 75dd: b5 66 ChkSFXTimer lda SFXTimers,x ;Get the tier value for the selected SFX 75df: f0 06 beq TurnOffSFX ;Is the timer expired? If so, branch to turn off 75e1: 30 04 bmi TurnOffSFX ;Has the timer gone negative, if so, branch to turn off 75e3: d6 66 dec SFXTimers,x ;Decrement the selected SFX timer 75e5: d0 f2 bne TurnOnSFX ;Is the timer still active? If so, branch to turn SFX on 75e7: a9 00 TurnOffSFX lda #$00 ;Turn off the selected SFX 75e9: 95 6a UpdateSFXStatus sta ShipFireSFX_,x ;Update the SFX status 75eb: 60 rts ; ; Split asteroid. ; • Clear variables ]GenByte0E .var $0e {addr/1} 75ec: 86 0d BreakAsteroid stx GenByte0D ;Save a copy of the object 1 index 75ee: a9 50 lda #80 ;Set asteroid break timer to 80 frames 75f0: 8d f9 02 sta AstBreakTimer 75f3: b9 00 02 lda AstStatus,y 75f6: 29 78 and #%01111000 ;Save the asteroid status except the size. 75f8: 85 0e sta ]GenByte0E 75fa: b9 00 02 lda AstStatus,y ;Reduce the asteroid size by 1 75fd: 29 07 and #%00000111 75ff: 4a lsr A 7600: aa tax ;Does the asteroid still exist? 7601: f0 02 beq SaveAstStatus ;If not, branch to skip combining size with status 7603: 05 0e ora ]GenByte0E ;Combine the other asteroid properties with the new size 7605: 99 00 02 SaveAstStatus sta AstStatus,y ;Save the status of the new asteroid back into RAM ; 7608: a5 1c lda NumPlayers ;Is a game currently being played? 760a: f0 11 beq SplitAsteroid ;If not, branch to skip updating score 760c: a5 0d lda GenByte0D ;Did the ship crash into the asteroid? 760e: f0 04 beq DoAstScore ;If so, branch to add points to score 7610: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;Was it a saucer or saucer bullet that hit the asteroid? 7612: 90 09 bcc SplitAsteroid ;If so, branch to skip updating the score 7614: bd 59 76 DoAstScore lda AstPointsTbl,x ;Get asteroid points from table based on asteroid size 7617: a6 19 ldx ScoreIndex 7619: 18 clc 761a: 20 97 73 jsr UpdateScore ;Add points to the current player's score ; 761d: be 00 02 SplitAsteroid ldx AstStatus,y ;Was the asteroid completely destroyed? 7620: f0 34 beq BreakAstEnd ;If so, branch to end; asteroid not split 7622: 20 5a 74 jsr GetFreeAstSlot ;Find a free asteroid slot 7625: 30 2f bmi BreakAstEnd ;Was a free slot available? If not, branch to end 7627: ee f6 02 inc CurAsteroids ;Increment total number of asteroids 762a: 20 9d 6a jsr UpdateAsteroid ;Update new asteroid 762d: 20 03 72 jsr SetAstVel ;Set asteroid X and Y velocities 7630: bd 23 02 lda AstXSpeed,x ;Get lower 5 bits asteroid X velocity and * 2 7633: 29 1f and #%00011111 7635: 0a asl A 7636: 5d af 02 eor AstXPosLo,x ;Use this value to offset the X position of the new asteroid 7639: 9d af 02 sta AstXPosLo,x 763c: 20 5c 74 jsr NextAstSlotLoop ;Find a free asteroid slot 763f: 30 15 bmi BreakAstEnd ;Was a free slot found? If not, branch to exit 7641: ee f6 02 inc CurAsteroids ;Increment total number of asteroids 7644: 20 9d 6a jsr UpdateAsteroid ;Update new asteroid 7647: 20 03 72 jsr SetAstVel ;Set asteroid X and Y velocities 764a: bd 46 02 lda AstYSpeed,x ;Get lower 5 bits asteroid Y velocity and * 2 764d: 29 1f and #%00011111 764f: 0a asl A 7650: 5d d2 02 eor AstYPosLo,x ;Use this value to offset the Y position of the new asteroid 7653: 9d d2 02 sta AstYPosLo,x 7656: a6 0d BreakAstEnd ldx GenByte0D ;Restore the object 1 index before exiting function 7658: 60 rts ; ; Points awarded for destroying asteroids of different sizes. These are BCD ; values divided by 10; the score increases will be 100, 50, 20. ; 7659: 10 05 02 AstPointsTbl .bulk $10,$05,$02 ; ; Check for high score. ; 765c: a5 1c CheckHighScore lda NumPlayers ;Is a game currently being played? 765e: 10 38 bpl ChkHghScrEnd ;If not, branch to end 7660: a2 02 ldx #$02 ;Start with player 2's score 7662: 85 5d sta FrameTimer+1 7664: 85 32 sta Plyr1Rank ;Reset the frame timer and player's ranks 7666: 85 33 sta Plyr2Rank 7668: a0 00 PlyrScoreLoop ldy #$00 ;Start at the beginning of the high scores list ChkHighScoreLoop 766a: b9 1d 00 lda HighScores,y ;Compare the player's score with each entry in the high 766d: d5 52 cmp PlayerScores,x ; score list 766f: b9 1e 00 lda HighScores+1,y 7672: f5 53 sbc PlayerScores+1,x ;Is the player's score higher than the current score entry? 7674: 90 23 bcc PlayerHighScore ;If so, branch to add player to the list 7676: c8 iny ;Move to next entry in the high score table 7677: c8 iny 7678: c0 14 cpy #$14 ;Have all 10 entries been checked(2 bytes per entry)? 767a: 90 ee bcc ChkHighScoreLoop ;If no, branch to check the next entry 767c: ca NextPlayerScore dex ;Move to next player to check their score 767d: ca dex ;Is there another player to check? 767e: 10 e8 bpl PlyrScoreLoop ;If so, branch ; 7680: a5 33 lda Plyr2Rank ;Did player 2 get a high score? 7682: 30 0e bmi FinishHghScore ;If not, branch to wrap up this routine 7684: c5 32 cmp Plyr1Rank ;Did player 1 get a better score than player 2? 7686: 90 0a bcc FinishHghScore ;If not, branch to wrap up this routine 7688: 69 02 adc #$02 ;Did player 1 make the last ranking? 768a: c9 1e cmp #30 768c: 90 02 bcc SetPlyrRank ;If not, branch so both players can enter scores 768e: a9 ff lda #$ff ;Player 2's score is scrubbed as it is 11th place. 7690: 85 33 SetPlyrRank sta Plyr2Rank ;Set player 2's rank 7692: a9 00 FinishHghScore lda #$00 7694: 85 1c sta NumPlayers ;Indicate game is over and prepare to enter high score initials 7696: 85 31 sta ThisInitial 7698: 60 ChkHghScrEnd rts ;Done checking for high a score 7699: 86 0b PlayerHighScore stx GenByte0B ;Store index to current player being processed 769b: 84 0c sty GenByte0C ;Store index into high scores table. 769d: 8a txa 769e: 4a lsr A ;Calculate player's rank(each rank increments by 3) 769f: aa tax 76a0: 98 tya 76a1: 4a lsr A ;Calculate index into high scores initials table 76a2: 65 0c adc GenByte0C 76a4: 85 0d sta GenByte0D ;Store index into high scores initials 76a6: 95 32 sta Plyr1Rank,x ;Store player's rank 76a8: a2 1b ldx #27 ;Start at lowest initials to preserve(rank 9) 76aa: a0 12 ldy #18 ;Start at lowest score to preserve(rank 9) 76ac: e4 0d ShiftScoresLoop cpx GenByte0D ;Has the the player's slot been reached in the high scores list? 76ae: f0 1f beq ClearInitials ;If so, branch to end shifting ranks 76b0: b5 31 lda ThisInitial,x 76b2: 95 34 sta HighScoreIntls,x 76b4: b5 32 lda Plyr1Rank,x ;Get initials in high score table and move them down a rank 76b6: 95 35 sta HighScoreIntls+1,x 76b8: b5 33 lda Plyr2Rank,x 76ba: 95 36 sta HighScoreIntls+2,x 76bc: b9 1b 00 lda HighScores-2,y 76bf: 99 1d 00 sta HighScores,y ;Get score in high score table and move it down a rank 76c2: b9 1c 00 lda HighScores-1,y 76c5: 99 1e 00 sta HighScores+1,y 76c8: 88 dey ;Move to next score in table 76c9: 88 dey 76ca: ca dex 76cb: ca dex ;Move to next initials in table 76cc: ca dex 76cd: d0 dd bne ShiftScoresLoop ;More scores to shift down the ranks? If so, branch ; 76cf: a9 0b ClearInitials lda #$0b ;Set first initial to A 76d1: 95 34 sta HighScoreIntls,x 76d3: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Set second and third initial to SPACE 76d5: 95 35 sta HighScoreIntls+1,x 76d7: 95 36 sta HighScoreIntls+2,x 76d9: a9 f0 lda #$f0 ;Set frame timer for displaying initials 76db: 85 5d sta FrameTimer+1 76dd: a6 0b ldx GenByte0B ;Load index to current player being processed 76df: a4 0c ldy GenByte0C ;Load player's index into high score table 76e1: b5 53 lda PlayerScores+1,x 76e3: 99 1e 00 sta HighScores+1,y ;Transfer player's score into the high score table 76e6: b5 52 lda PlayerScores,x 76e8: 99 1d 00 sta HighScores,y 76eb: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Branch always to check next player's score 76ed: f0 8d beq NextPlayerScore 76ef: 6e .dd1 $6e ;checksum byte ; ; Calculate small saucer shot velocity. ; 76f0: 98 CalcScrShotDir tya ;Load the Y distance between the saucer and the ship 76f1: 10 09 bpl ScrShotXDir ;Is Y direction positive? If so, branch to do X direction 76f3: 20 08 77 jsr TwosCompliment ;Calculate the 2's compliment of the Y distance 76f6: 20 fc 76 jsr ScrShotXDir ;Calculate the X direction of the saucer shot 76f9: 4c 08 77 jmp TwosCompliment ;Calculate the 2's compliment of the value in A 76fc: a8 ScrShotXDir tay ;Save the modified Y shot distance 76fd: 8a txa ;Get the the raw X shot distance 76fe: 10 0e bpl CalcScrShotAngle ;Is X direction positive? If so, branch to calculate shot angle 7700: 20 08 77 jsr TwosCompliment ;Calculate the 2's compliment of the value in A 7703: 20 0e 77 jsr CalcScrShotAngle ;Calculate the small saucer's shot angle 7706: 49 80 eor #$80 ;Set the appropriate quadrant for the bullet ; ; 2's compliment. ; 7708: 49 ff TwosCompliment eor #$ff 770a: 18 clc ;Calculate the 2's compliment of the value in A 770b: 69 01 adc #$01 770d: 60 rts ; ; Calculate small saucer shot angle. ; • Clear variables ]ShotXYDistance .var $0c {addr/1} CalcScrShotAngle 770e: 85 0c sta ]ShotXYDistance ;Store shot modified X distance 7710: 98 tya 7711: c5 0c cmp ]ShotXYDistance ;Is X and Y distance the same? 7713: f0 10 beq ShotAngle45 ;If so, angle is 45 degrees. Branch to set and exit 7715: 90 11 bcc LookUpAngle ;Is angle in lower 45 degrees of quadrant? if so, branch 7717: a4 0c ldy ]ShotXYDistance ;Swap X and Y components as the shot is 7719: 85 0c sta ]ShotXYDistance ; in the upper 45 degrees of the quadrant 771b: 98 tya 771c: 20 28 77 jsr LookUpAngle ;Look up angle but return to find proper quadrant 771f: 38 sec ;Set the appropriate quadrant for the bullet 7720: e9 40 sbc #$40 7722: 4c 08 77 jmp TwosCompliment ;Calculate the 2's compliment of the value in A 7725: a9 20 ShotAngle45 lda #$20 ;Player's ship is at a 45 degree angle to the saucer 7727: 60 rts 7728: 20 6c 77 LookUpAngle jsr FindScrAngleIndex ;Find the index in the table below for the shot angle 772b: bd 2f 77 lda ShotAngleTbl,x 772e: 60 rts ;Look up the proper angle and exit ; ; The following table divides 45 degrees of a circle into 16 pieces. Its used ; to calculate the direction of a bullet from a small saucer to the player's ; ship. The other angles in the circle are derived from this table. ; 772f: 00 02 05 07+ ShotAngleTbl .bulk $00,$02,$05,$07,$0a,$0c,$0f,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$1a,$1c,$1d,$1f ; ; Draw a string of numbers. ; • Clear variables ]ptr .var $00 {addr/2} DrawNumberString 773f: 08 php ;Save carry bit status 7740: 86 17 stx ZeroBlankBypass ;Save flag indicating if Zero blank should be overridden 7742: 88 dey ;Adjust index so it is a zero based index 7743: 84 16 sty BCDIndex 7745: 18 clc 7746: 65 16 adc BCDIndex ;Use index to calculate actual address of BCD data byte 7748: 85 15 sta BCDAddress 774a: 28 plp ;Restore carry bit status 774b: aa tax ;Get address to BCD byte to draw ; DrawNumStringLoop 774c: 08 php ;Save carry bit status. 774d: b5 00 lda ]ptr,x 774f: 4a lsr A 7750: 4a lsr A ;Get upper BCD digit to draw 7751: 4a lsr A 7752: 4a lsr A 7753: 28 plp ;Restore carry bit status 7754: 20 85 77 jsr SetDigitVecPtr ;Set vector RAM pointer to digit JSR 7757: a5 16 lda BCDIndex ;Is this the lower byte of the digit string? 7759: d0 01 bne DoLowerDigit ;If so, disable zero blank function 775b: 18 clc ;Draw zeros, if present ; 775c: a6 15 DoLowerDigit ldx BCDAddress ;Get lower BCD digit to draw 775e: b5 00 lda ]ptr,x 7760: 20 85 77 jsr SetDigitVecPtr ;Set vector RAM pointer to digit JSR 7763: c6 15 dec BCDAddress ;Decrement to next BCD data byte 7765: a6 15 ldx BCDAddress 7767: c6 16 dec BCDIndex ;Is there more digits to draw in the number string? 7769: 10 e1 bpl DrawNumStringLoop ;If so, branch to get next digit byte 776b: 60 rts ; ; Small saucer shot angle calculation. ; • Clear variables ]ShotAngleTemp .var $0b {addr/1} ]ShotXYDistance .var $0c {addr/1} FindScrAngleIndex 776c: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Zero out working variable 776e: 84 0b sty ]ShotAngleTemp 7770: a0 04 ldy #$04 ;Prepare to loop 4 times ScrAngleIndexLoop 7772: 26 0b rol ]ShotAngleTemp ;Roll upper bit of working variable into A 7774: 2a rol A 7775: c5 0c cmp ]ShotXYDistance ;Is A now larger than the given distance? 7777: 90 02 bcc UpdateAngleCount ;If not, branch to do next loop. 7779: e5 0c sbc ]ShotXYDistance ;Subtract Distance from A to get update proper angle index UpdateAngleCount 777b: 88 dey ;Does another loop need to be run? 777c: d0 f4 bne ScrAngleIndexLoop ;If so, branch to do another loop ; 777e: a5 0b lda ]ShotAngleTemp ;Move the final index bit into position 7780: 2a rol A 7781: 29 0f and #$0f ;Limit the index to 16 values 7783: aa tax 7784: 60 rts ;Done finding angle index ; ; Score pointer calculation. ; ; This function can do one of two things: ; 1) it can write a command in vector RAM to draw a digit, or ; 2) or set a pointer to the next data to process, overriding the zero blanking ; function. ; ; This function is used to blink a zero score at the beginning of a 2 player ; game. If $17 is #$00, draw digit. If it is any other value, get a pointer to ; the draw JSR. ; • Clear variables ]ShipDrawXInv .var $08 {addr/1} ]ShipDrawYInv .var $09 {addr/1} ]VecPtr .var $0b {addr/2} 7785: 90 04 SetDigitVecPtr bcc ChkSetDigitPntr ;Is zero blanking active? If not, branch 7787: 29 0f and #$0f ;Is the digit to draw 0? 7789: f0 27 beq DisplayDigit ;If so, branch 778b: a6 17 ChkSetDigitPntr ldx ZeroBlankBypass ;Is the zero blank override flag set? 778d: f0 23 beq DisplayDigit ;If not, branch to draw digit 778f: 29 0f and #$0f 7791: 18 clc ;Add 1 to digit index to skip the SPACE character. 7792: 69 01 adc #$01 7794: 08 php ;Save processor status 7795: 0a asl A ;Get lower byte of pointer 7796: a8 tay ;Manually set bits into the proper position. 7797: b9 d4 56 lda CharPtrTbl,y 779a: 0a asl A ;Store value in lower byte of vector pointer 779b: 85 0b sta ]VecPtr 779d: b9 d5 56 lda CharPtrTbl+1,y ;Get upper byte of pointer 77a0: 2a rol A ;Manually set bits into the proper position 77a1: 29 1f and #$1f ;Get rid of the opcode bits 77a3: 09 40 ora #$40 ;Set MSB of the address manually 77a5: 85 0c sta ]VecPtr+1 ;Store value in upper byte of vector pointer ; 77a7: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Disable XY axis inversion 77a9: 85 08 sta ]ShipDrawXInv 77ab: 85 09 sta ]ShipDrawYInv 77ad: 20 d7 6a jsr SetVecRAMData ;Update vector RAM with character data. 77b0: 28 plp ;Restore processor status and exit 77b1: 60 rts 77b2: 4c cb 7b DisplayDigit jmp PrepDrawDigit ;Draw a digit on the display ; ; Random number generator. ; 77b5: 06 5f GetRandNum asl RandNum 77b7: 26 60 rol RandNum+1 ;Use a shift register to store the random number 77b9: 10 02 bpl RandNumBit 77bb: e6 5f inc RandNum ;Increment lower byte 77bd: a5 5f RandNumBit lda RandNum ;If the second bit set in the random number? 77bf: 2c d1 77 bit RandNumBitTbl 77c2: f0 04 beq RandNumORUB ;If not, branch to move on 77c4: 49 01 eor #$01 ;Invert LSB of random number 77c6: 85 5f sta RandNum 77c8: 05 60 RandNumORUB ora RandNum+1 ;Is new random number = 0? 77ca: d0 02 bne RandNumDone ;If not, branch to exit 77cc: e6 5f inc RandNum ;Ensure random number is never 0 77ce: a5 5f RandNumDone lda RandNum ;Return lower byte or random number 77d0: 60 rts 77d1: 02 RandNumBitTbl .dd1 $02 ;Used by random number generator above ; ; Thrust calculation routines. ; 77d2: 18 CalcXThrust clc ;Adding #$40 to ship/bullet direction will set MSB if facing left 77d3: 69 40 adc #$40 77d5: 10 08 CalcThrustDir bpl GetVelocityVal ;Is ship/saucer bullet facing right/up? If so, branch 77d7: 29 7f and #$7f ;Ship/saucer bullet is facing left/down; cear direction MSB 77d9: 20 df 77 jsr GetVelocityVal ;Get ship/saucer bullet velocity for this XY component 77dc: 4c 08 77 jmp TwosCompliment ;Calculate the 2's compliment of the value in A 77df: c9 41 GetVelocityVal cmp #$41 ;Is ship/saucer bullet facing right/up? 77e1: 90 04 bcc LookupThrustVal ;If so, branch 77e3: 49 7f eor #$7f ;Ship/saucer bullet is facing left/down. Need to lookup 77e5: 69 00 adc #$00 ; table in reverse order 77e7: aa LookupThrustVal tax 77e8: bd b9 57 lda ThrustTbl,x ;Get velocity value from lookup table 77eb: 60 rts ; ; Next frame saucer/ship distance. ; • Clear variables 77ec: 06 0b NextScrShpDist asl GenByte0B 77ee: 2a rol A ;Get the signed difference between 77ef: 06 0b asl GenByte0B ; the ship and saucer upper 4 bits 77f1: 2a rol A 77f2: 38 sec ;Predict next location of saucer with respect to the ship 77f3: e5 0c sbc GenByte0C ; by subtracting the current saucer XY velocity from the 77f5: 60 rts ; from the saucer/ship distance ; ; Text writing routines. ; ]VecRomPtr .var $08 {addr/2} 77f6: ad 03 28 WriteText lda LanguageSw ;Get the language dip switch settings 77f9: 29 03 and #%00000011 77fb: 0a asl A ;*2; 2 bytes per entry in the pointer table below 77fc: aa tax ;Save index into table in X 77fd: a9 10 lda #$10 ;Appears to have no effect 77ff: 85 00 sta ZeroPageRam 7801: bd 88 78 lda LanguagePtrTbl+1,x 7804: 85 09 sta ]VecRomPtr+1 ;Get pointer to language data from the table below 7806: bd 87 78 lda LanguagePtrTbl,x 7809: 85 08 sta ]VecRomPtr 780b: 71 08 adc (]VecRomPtr),y ;Add offset to desired text message 780d: 85 08 sta ]VecRomPtr 780f: 90 02 bcc GetTextPos ;Does upper byte need to be incremented? 7811: e6 09 inc ]VecRomPtr+1 ;If not, branch to move on ; 7813: 98 GetTextPos tya 7814: 0a asl A ;*2; each entry in the table below is 2 bytes 7815: a8 tay 7816: b9 71 78 lda TextPosTbl,y ;Get the screen position for the desired text 7819: be 72 78 ldx TextPosTbl+1,y 781c: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 781f: a9 70 lda #$70 ;Set scale 7(/4) 7821: 20 de 7c jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen ; 7824: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Zero out index values 7826: a2 00 ldx #$00 7828: a1 08 TextWriteLoop lda (]VecRomPtr,x) ;Get the character byte from ROM 782a: 85 0b sta GenByte0B 782c: 4a lsr A ;Move the upper 5 bits into the proper position 782d: 4a lsr A 782e: 20 4d 78 jsr TextWriteIncPtr ;Increment the vector ROM pointer and write to RAM 7831: a1 08 lda (]VecRomPtr,x) ;Get the next character byte from ROM 7833: 2a rol A 7834: 26 0b rol GenByte0B ;Roll the 2 upper bits into the working variable 7836: 2a rol A 7837: a5 0b lda GenByte0B ;;Move the next 5 character bits into the proper position 7839: 2a rol A 783a: 0a asl A 783b: 20 53 78 jsr CheckNextChar ;Check if the next character is valid and write to RAM 783e: a1 08 lda (]VecRomPtr,x) ;Get the next text character byte 7840: 85 0b sta GenByte0B 7842: 20 4d 78 jsr TextWriteIncPtr ;Increment the vector ROM pointer 7845: 46 0b lsr GenByte0B ;Is the last bit 0? 7847: 90 df bcc TextWriteLoop ;If not, branch to write another character 7849: 88 TextWriteDone dey ;Last byte was end string character, compensate 784a: 4c 39 7c jmp VecPtrUpdate ;Update Vector RAM pointer 784d: e6 08 TextWriteIncPtr inc ]VecRomPtr 784f: d0 02 bne CheckNextChar ;Increment vector ROM pointer 7851: e6 09 inc ]VecRomPtr+1 7853: 29 3e CheckNextChar and #%00111110 ;Is the data empty? If so, end of string found 7855: d0 04 bne PrepWriteChar ;If not, branch to write character to display 7857: 68 pla ;Pull last return address from stack and update 7858: 68 pla ; the vector RAM pointer 7859: d0 ee bne TextWriteDone 785b: c9 0a PrepWriteChar cmp #$0a ;Is the character non-indexed? 785d: 90 02 bcc VecRamWriteChar ;;If so, add offset to get to the indexed characters 785f: 69 0d adc #$0d 7861: aa VecRamWriteChar tax 7862: bd d2 56 lda CharPtrTbl-2,x 7865: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7867: c8 iny 7868: bd d3 56 lda CharPtrTbl-1,x ;Store routine for writing desired character in vector RAM 786b: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 786d: c8 iny 786e: a2 00 ldx #$00 7870: 60 rts 7871: 64 b6 TextPosTbl .bulk $64,$b6 ;X=4*$64=$190=400. Y=4*$B6=$2D8=728 7873: 64 b6 .bulk $64,$b6 ;X=4*$64=$190=400. Y=4*$B6=$2D8=728 7875: 0c aa .bulk $0c,$aa ;X=4*$0C=$30 =48. Y=4*$AA=$2A8=680 7877: 0c a2 .bulk $0c,$a2 ;X=4*$0C=$30 =48. Y=4*$A2=$288=648 7879: 0c 9a .bulk $0c,$9a ;X=4*$0C=$30 =48. Y=4*$9A=$268=616 787b: 0c 92 .bulk $0c,$92 ;X=4*$0C=$30 =48. Y=4*$92=$248=584 787d: 64 c6 .bulk $64,$c6 ;X=4*$64=$190=400. Y=4*$C6=$318=792 787f: 64 9d .bulk $64,$9d ;X=4*$64=$190=400. Y=4*$9D=$274=628 7881: 50 39 .bulk $50,$39 ;X=4*$50=$140=320. Y=4*$39=$E4 =228 7883: 50 39 .bulk $50,$39 ;X=4*$50=$140=320. Y=4*$39=$E4 =228 7885: 50 39 .bulk $50,$39 ;X=4*$50=$140=320. Y=4*$39=$E4 =228 ; Text table pointers. 7887: 1e 57 LanguagePtrTbl .dd2 EnglishTextTbl 7889: 8f 78 .dd2 GermanTextTbl ;Text table pointers 788b: 46 79 .dd2 FrenchTextTbl 788d: f3 79 .dd2 SpanishTextTbl ; ; German message offsets. ; 788f: 0b GermanTextTbl .dd1 $0b 7890: 15 .dd1 $15 7891: 1b .dd1 $1b 7892: 35 .dd1 $35 7893: 4d .dd1 $4d 7894: 65 .dd1 $65 7895: 7f .dd1 $7f 7896: 8d .dd1 $8d 7897: 93 .dd1 $93 7898: 9f .dd1 $9f 7899: ab .dd1 $ab ; ; Message text, 5 bits per char. (See comments at $5729.) ; 789a: 64 d2 3b 2e+ .bulk $64,$d2,$3b,$2e,$c2,$6c,$5a,$4c,$93,$6f ;HOECHSTERGEBNIS 78a4: bd 1a 4c 12+ .bulk $bd,$1a,$4c,$12,$b0,$40 ;SPIELER 78aa: 6b 2c 0a 6c+ .bulk $6b,$2c,$0a,$6c,$5a,$4c,$93,$6e,$0b,$6e,$c0,$52,$6c,$92,$b8,$50 ;IHR ERGEBNIS IST EINES DER ZEHN BESTEN + $4d,$82,$f2,$58,$90,$4c,$4d,$f0,$4c,$80 78c4: 33 70 c2 42+ .bulk $33,$70,$c2,$42,$5a,$4c,$4c,$82,$bb,$52,$0b,$58,$b2,$42,$6c,$9a ;BITTE GEBEN SIE IHRE INITIALEN EIN + $c3,$4a,$82,$64,$0a,$5a,$90,$00 78dc: f6 6c 09 b2+ .bulk $f6,$6c,$09,$b2,$3b,$2e,$c1,$4c,$4c,$b6,$2b,$20,$0d,$a6,$c1,$70 ;ZUR BUCHSTABENWAHL ROTATE DRUECKEN + $48,$50,$b6,$52,$3b,$d2,$90,$00 78f4: da 64 90 4c+ .bulk $da,$64,$90,$4c,$c9,$d8,$be,$0a,$32,$42,$9b,$c2,$67,$68,$4d,$ae ;WENN BUCHSTABE OK HYPERSPACE DRUECKEN + $a1,$4e,$48,$50,$b6,$52,$3b,$d2,$90,$00 790e: be 0a b6 1e+ .bulk $be,$0a,$b6,$1e,$94,$d2,$a2,$92,$0a,$2c,$ca,$4e,$7a,$65 ;STARTKNOEPFE DRUECKEN 791c: bd 1a 4c 12+ .bulk $bd,$1a,$4c,$12,$92,$13 ;SPIELENDE 7922: 18 62 ca 64+ .bulk $18,$62,$ca,$64,$f2,$42,$20,$6e,$a3,$52,$82,$40 ;1 MUENZE 2 SPIELE 792e: 18 62 ca 64+ .bulk $18,$62,$ca,$64,$f2,$42,$18,$6e,$a3,$52,$80,$00 ;1 MUENZE 1 SPIEL 793a: 20 62 ca 64+ .bulk $20,$62,$ca,$64,$f2,$64,$08,$c2,$bd,$1a,$4c,$00 ;2 MUENZEN 1 SPIEL ; ; French message offsets. ; 7946: 0b FrenchTextTbl .dd1 $0b 7947: 15 .dd1 $15 7948: 19 .dd1 $19 7949: 31 .dd1 $31 794a: 41 .dd1 $41 794b: 57 .dd1 $57 794c: 73 .dd1 $73 794d: 7f .dd1 $7f 794e: 89 .dd1 $89 794f: 95 .dd1 $95 7950: a1 .dd1 $a1 ; ; Message text, 5 bits per char. ; 7951: 8a 5a 84 12+ .bulk $8a,$5a,$84,$12,$cd,$82,$b9,$e6,$b2,$40 ;MEILLEUR SCORE 795b: 74 f2 4d 83 .bulk $74,$f2,$4d,$83 ;JOUER 795f: d4 f0 b2 42+ .bulk $d4,$f0,$b2,$42,$b9,$e6,$b2,$42,$4d,$f0,$0e,$64,$0a,$12,$b8,$46 ;VOTRE SCORE EST UN DES 10 MEILLEURS + $10,$62,$4b,$60,$82,$72,$b5,$c0 7977: be a8 0a 64+ .bulk $be,$a8,$0a,$64,$c5,$92,$f0,$74,$9d,$c2,$6c,$9a,$c3,$4a,$82,$6f ;SVP ENTREZ VOS INITIALES 7987: a4 f2 bd d2+ .bulk $a4,$f2,$bd,$d2,$f0,$6c,$9e,$0a,$c2,$42,$a4,$f2,$b0,$74,$9d,$c2 ;POUSSEZ ROTATE POUR VOS INITIALES + $6c,$9a,$c3,$4a,$82,$6f 799d: a4 f2 bd d2+ .bulk $a4,$f2,$bd,$d2,$f0,$58,$ed,$12,$b5,$e8,$29,$d2,$0d,$72,$2c,$90 ;POUSSEZ HYPERSPACE QUAND LETTRE CORRECTE + $0c,$12,$c6,$2c,$48,$4e,$9d,$ac,$49,$f0,$48,$00 79b9: 2d 28 cf 52+ .bulk $2d,$28,$cf,$52,$b0,$6e,$cd,$82,$be,$0a,$b6,$00 ;APPUYER SUR START 79c5: 53 64 0a 12+ .bulk $53,$64,$0a,$12,$0d,$0a,$b6,$1a,$48,$00 ;FIN DE PARTIE 79cf: 18 68 6a 4e+ .bulk $18,$68,$6a,$4e,$48,$48,$0b,$a6,$ca,$72,$b5,$c0 ;1 PIECE 2 JOUEURS 79db: 18 68 6a 4e+ .bulk $18,$68,$6a,$4e,$48,$46,$0b,$a6,$ca,$72,$b0,$00 ;1 PIECE 1 JOUEUR 79e7: 20 68 6a 4e+ .bulk $20,$68,$6a,$4e,$4d,$c2,$18,$5c,$9e,$52,$cd,$80 ;2 PIECES 1 JOUEUR ; ; Spanish message offsets. ; 79f3: 0b SpanishTextTbl .dd1 $0b 79f4: 11 .dd1 $11 79f5: 17 .dd1 $17 79f6: 31 .dd1 $31 79f7: 45 .dd1 $45 79f8: 5f .dd1 $5f 79f9: 6b .dd1 $6b 79fa: 73 .dd1 $73 79fb: 7d .dd1 $7d 79fc: 89 .dd1 $89 79fd: 93 .dd1 $93 ; ; Message text, 5 bits per char. ; 79fe: b2 4e 9d 90+ .bulk $b2,$4e,$9d,$90,$b8,$00 ;RECORDS 7a04: 76 56 2a 26+ .bulk $76,$56,$2a,$26,$b0,$40 ;JUGADOR 7a0a: be 42 a6 64+ .bulk $be,$42,$a6,$64,$c1,$5c,$48,$52,$be,$0a,$0a,$64,$c5,$92,$0c,$26 ;SU PUNTAJE ESTA ENTRE LOS DIEZ MEJORES + $b8,$50,$6a,$7c,$0c,$52,$74,$ec,$4d,$c0 7a24: a4 ec 0a 8a+ .bulk $a4,$ec,$0a,$8a,$d4,$ec,$0a,$64,$c5,$92,$0d,$f2,$b8,$5a,$93,$4e ;POR FAVOR ENTRE SUS INICIALES + $69,$60,$4d,$c0 7a38: 9d 2c 6c 4a+ .bulk $9d,$2c,$6c,$4a,$0d,$a6,$c1,$70,$48,$68,$2d,$8a,$0d,$d2,$82,$4e ;OPRIMA ROTATE PARA SELECCIONAR LA LETRA + $3b,$66,$91,$6c,$0c,$0a,$0c,$12,$c5,$8b 7a52: 9d 2c 6c 4a+ .bulk $9d,$2c,$6c,$4a,$0b,$3a,$a2,$6c,$bd,$0a,$3a,$40 ;OPRIMA HYPERSPACE 7a5e: a6 60 b9 6c+ .bulk $a6,$60,$b9,$6c,$0d,$f0,$2d,$b1 ;PULSAR START 7a66: 76 52 5c c2+ .bulk $76,$52,$5c,$c2,$c2,$6c,$8b,$64,$2a,$27 ;JUEGO TERMINADO 7a70: 18 54 69 d8+ .bulk $18,$54,$69,$d8,$28,$48,$0b,$b2,$4a,$e6,$b8,$00 ;1 FICHA 2 JUEGOS 7a7c: 18 54 69 d8+ .bulk $18,$54,$69,$d8,$28,$46,$0b,$b2,$4a,$e7 ;1 FICHA 1 JUEGO 7a86: 20 54 69 d8+ .bulk $20,$54,$69,$d8,$2d,$c2,$18,$5c,$ca,$56,$98,$00 ;2 FICHAS 1 JUEGO ; 7a92: 52 .dd1 $52 ;checksum byte ; ; Check coin insertion routines. ; CheckCoinsInserted 7a93: a2 02 ldx #$02 ;Prepare to check all 3 coin mechanisms 7a95: bd 00 24 CheckCoinsLoop lda LeftCoinSw,x ;Get status of coin switch and store it in the carry bit 7a98: 0a asl A 7a99: b5 7a lda CoinDropTimers,x ;Get coin drop timer value 7a9b: 29 1f and #$1f ;Was a coin insertion detected? 7a9d: 90 37 bcc CheckDropTimerVal ;If not, branch to check coin drop timer 7a9f: f0 10 beq CheckSlamSw ;Has coin drop timer run until it hit 0? If so, branch 7aa1: c9 1b cmp #$1b ;Has timer just started with detected coin insertion? 7aa3: b0 0a bcs DecDropTimer ;If so, branch 7aa5: a8 tay ;Wait 7 NMI periods(28ms). During this time, the coin 7aa6: a5 5e lda NmiCounter ; switch should be active, the drop timer should be active 7aa8: 29 07 and #$07 ; and the slam switch should not be active. If these 7aaa: c9 07 cmp #$07 ; conditions are true, decrement the coin drop timer 7aac: 98 tya 7aad: 90 02 bcc CheckSlamSw ;Check slam switch during first 7 NMIs 7aaf: e9 01 DecDropTimer sbc #$01 ;Things check out so far, decrement coin drop timer 7ab1: 95 7a CheckSlamSw sta CoinDropTimers,x ;Update the coin drop timer. ; 7ab3: ad 06 20 lda SlamSw ;Get the slam switch status 7ab6: 29 80 and #$80 ;Was a slam detected? 7ab8: f0 04 beq CheckSlamTimer ;If not, branch to move on 7aba: a9 f0 lda #$f0 ;Slam detected. Set slam timer 7abc: 85 72 sta SlamTimer 7abe: a5 72 CheckSlamTimer lda SlamTimer ;Is the slam timer active? 7ac0: f0 08 beq CheckWaitTimer ;If not, branch to move on 7ac2: c6 72 dec SlamTimer 7ac4: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Decrement the slam timer and hold the other timers 7ac6: 95 7a sta CoinDropTimers,x ; in their zero state until the slam timer clears 7ac8: 95 77 sta WaitCoinTimers,x 7aca: 18 CheckWaitTimer clc ;Is this wait timer finished? 7acb: b5 77 lda WaitCoinTimers,x 7acd: f0 23 beq CheckNextMech ;If so, branch to see if another mechanism needs to be checked 7acf: d6 77 dec WaitCoinTimers,x ;Is this timer still active? decrement and branch if done 7ad1: d0 1f bne CheckNextMech 7ad3: 38 sec ;Branch always 7ad4: b0 1c bcs CheckNextMech CheckDropTimerVal 7ad6: c9 1b cmp #$1b ;If timer is a high value, the coin switch cleared too 7ad8: b0 09 bcs ResetDropTimer ; soon. False flag. Branch to reset the drop timer 7ada: b5 7a lda CoinDropTimers,x ;Max value after add is #$3F 7adc: 69 20 adc #$20 7ade: 90 d1 bcc CheckSlamSw ;Branch always 7ae0: f0 01 beq ResetDropTimer ;This code does not appear to be accessed 7ae2: 18 clc 7ae3: a9 1f ResetDropTimer lda #$1f ;Prepare to reset the coin drop timer 7ae5: b0 ca bcs CheckSlamSw ;If carry is set, something funny happened, check slam switch 7ae7: 95 7a sta CoinDropTimers,x ;Reset the coin drop timer 7ae9: b5 77 lda WaitCoinTimers,x ;is this the first transition of the wait timer? 7aeb: f0 01 beq SetWaitTimer ;If so, branch to set timer and move to next coin mech 7aed: 38 sec ;Timer transition already happened, prepare to do more processing 7aee: a9 78 SetWaitTimer lda #$78 ;Load the wait timer 7af0: 95 77 sta WaitCoinTimers,x 7af2: 90 23 CheckNextMech bcc DoNextCoinMech ;Branch to check next coin mech if timer transition just happened 7af4: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Is this the left coin mech? 7af6: e0 01 cpx #$01 7af8: 90 16 bcc CalcMult ;If so, branch to increment coins; no multipliers this coin mech 7afa: f0 0c beq CCoinMechMult ;Is this the center coin mech? If so, branch to calc multiplier ; 7afc: a5 71 lda DipSwitchBits ;Only option left is the right coin mechanism 7afe: 29 0c and #$0c 7b00: 4a lsr A ;Get the Dip switch values and /4 7b01: 4a lsr A 7b02: f0 0c beq CalcMult ;If no multiplier active, branch to increment coins 7b04: 69 02 adc #$02 ;Multiplier active on the right coin mech. Get the shifted 7b06: d0 08 bne CalcMult ; DIP switch value and add 2 for a range between 4-6; Branch always 7b08: a5 71 CCoinMechMult lda DipSwitchBits ;Check if there is a multiplier active on the center coin mech. 7b0a: 29 10 and #$10 7b0c: f0 02 beq CalcMult ;If not, branch to increment the coins 7b0e: a9 01 lda #$01 ;Multiplier active; add an additional coin 7b10: 38 CalcMult sec ;Add at least one coin 7b11: 65 73 adc CoinMult ;Add the any others from multipliers 7b13: 85 73 sta CoinMult ;Update the total coins 7b15: f6 74 inc ValidCoins,x ;Indicate a valid coin; used for incrementing coin counter 7b17: ca DoNextCoinMech dex ;Are there coin mechanisms left to check? 7b18: 30 03 bmi CalcCoinsPerPlay ;If not, next step is to update coins 7b1a: 4c 95 7a jmp CheckCoinsLoop ;Check next coin mechanism CalcCoinsPerPlay 7b1d: a5 71 lda DipSwitchBits ;Get the coins per play value; On = 0, Off = 1 7b1f: 29 03 and #$03 7b21: a8 tay ;Is free play active? 7b22: f0 12 beq UpdateCoinMult ;If so, branch to add 0 coins 7b24: 4a lsr A 7b25: 69 00 adc #$00 ;Get the number of coins required to get a credit 7b27: 49 ff eor #$ff ; and subtract the number of current coins; if more 7b29: 38 sec ; coins are needed, branch to finish for this frame 7b2a: 65 73 adc CoinMult ;Else add up to 2 credits this frame 7b2c: 90 0a bcc CreditUpdateDone 7b2e: c0 02 cpy #$02 ;Do 2 credits need to be added? 7b30: b0 02 bcs Add1Credit ;If not, branch to add only 1 7b32: e6 70 inc NumCredits ;Add the first of 2 credits 7b34: e6 70 Add1Credit inc NumCredits ;Increment the credits 7b36: 85 73 UpdateCoinMult sta CoinMult ;Store updated coin value ; CreditUpdateDone 7b38: a5 5e lda NmiCounter ;Is this an odd NMI period? 7b3a: 4a lsr A 7b3b: b0 27 bcs EndCoinCheck ;If so, branch to end, if not, keep processing 7b3d: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Prepare to check all 3 valid coin indicators 7b3f: a2 02 ldx #$02 7b41: b5 74 ValidCoinLoop1 lda ValidCoins,x 7b43: f0 09 beq NextValidCoin1 7b45: c9 10 cmp #$10 ;This function continues a valid coin timer 7b47: 90 05 bcc NextValidCoin1 ;During this time, the coin counters are enabled 7b49: 69 ef adc #$ef ;The counter will last for 16 NMIs when a single 7b4b: c8 iny ; coin is inserted; the counter will last longer 7b4c: 95 74 sta ValidCoins,x ; if more coins are added 7b4e: ca NextValidCoin1 dex 7b4f: 10 f0 bpl ValidCoinLoop1 7b51: 98 tya ;Is a valid coin counter active from above? 7b52: d0 10 bne EndCoinCheck ; 7b54: a2 02 ldx #$02 ;Prepare to check all 3 valid coin indicators 7b56: b5 74 ValidCoinLoop2 lda ValidCoins,x 7b58: f0 07 beq NextValidCoin2 7b5a: 18 clc 7b5b: 69 ef adc #$ef ;This function will initiate a valid coin 7b5d: 95 74 sta ValidCoins,x ; timer; the coin counters will be enabled 7b5f: 30 03 bmi EndCoinCheck ; at this time 7b61: ca NextValidCoin2 dex 7b62: 10 f2 bpl ValidCoinLoop2 7b64: 60 EndCoinCheck rts ;Done checking coin insertion ; ; NMI handler. These arrive at 3000/12 = 250Hz. ; 7b65: 48 NMI pha ;Push A, Y and X onto the stack 7b66: 98 tya 7b67: 48 pha 7b68: 8a txa 7b69: 48 pha 7b6a: d8 cld ;Set processor to binary mode 7b6b: ad ff 01 lda StackBottom ;Has the stack overflowed or underflowed? 7b6e: 0d d0 01 ora StackTop ;If so, spin lock until watchdog reset 7b71: d0 fe :Spin bne :Spin ; 7b73: e6 5e inc NmiCounter ;Is it time to start a new frame(every 4th NMI)? 7b75: a5 5e lda NmiCounter 7b77: 29 03 and #$03 7b79: d0 08 bne CheckCoins ;If not, branch to skip frame counter increment 7b7b: e6 5b inc FrameCounter ;Start a new frame. 62.5 frames per second 7b7d: a5 5b lda FrameCounter ;Have more than 3 frames passed without being acknowledged? 7b7f: c9 04 cmp #$04 7b81: b0 fe :Spin bcs :Spin ;If so, something is wrong. Spin lock until watchdog reset ; 7b83: 20 93 7a CheckCoins jsr CheckCoinsInserted ;Check if player inserted any coins 7b86: a5 6f lda MultiPurpBits ;Get the multipurpose bits and discard the coin 7b88: 29 c7 and #%11000111 ; counter enable bits. They will be set next 7b8a: 24 74 bit LValidCoin ;Was a valid coin detected in the left coin mech? 7b8c: 10 02 bpl CheckCValidCoin ;If not, branch to check the next coin mech 7b8e: 09 08 ora #CoinCtrLeft ;Activate the left coin counter 7b90: 24 75 CheckCValidCoin bit CValidCoin ;Was a valid coin detected in the center coin mech? 7b92: 10 02 bpl CheckRValidCoin ;If not, branch to check the next coin mech 7b94: 09 10 ora #CoinCtrCntr ;Activate the center coin counter. 7b96: 24 76 CheckRValidCoin bit RValidCoin ;Was a valid coin detected in the right coin mech? 7b98: 10 02 bpl UpdateCoinCounters ;If not, branch to update the active coin counters 7b9a: 09 20 ora #CoinCtrRght ;Activate the right coin counter UpdateCoinCounters 7b9c: 85 6f sta MultiPurpBits ;Update the current states of the coin counters 7b9e: 8d 00 32 sta MultiPurp ; 7ba1: a5 72 lda SlamTimer ;Is slam timer active? 7ba3: f0 04 beq UpdateSlamSFX ;If not, branch 7ba5: a9 80 lda #$80 ;Slam detected; start the slam SFX 7ba7: d0 0e bne EnDisSlamSFX 7ba9: a5 68 UpdateSlamSFX lda ExLfSFXTimer ;Slam has not recently been active; disable slam SFX 7bab: f0 0a beq EnDisSlamSFX 7bad: a5 5c lda FrameTimer ;Is this an odd frame? 7baf: 6a ror A 7bb0: 90 02 bcc FrameTimerRoll3 ;If not, branch to skip decrementing SFX timer 7bb2: c6 68 dec ExLfSFXTimer ;Decrement SFX timer every other frame 7bb4: 6a FrameTimerRoll3 ror A 7bb5: 6a ror A ;Rolling the value creates a unique SFX 7bb6: 6a ror A 7bb7: 8d 05 3c EnDisSlamSFX sta LifeSFX ;Enables or disables slam SFX 7bba: 68 pla ;Pull A, Y and X from the stack 7bbb: aa tax 7bbc: 68 pla 7bbd: a8 tay 7bbe: 68 pla 7bbf: 40 rti ;Return from interrupt ; ; Vector drawing routines. ; 7bc0: a9 b0 VecHalt lda #HaltOpcode ;Write HALT command to vector RAM 7bc2: a0 00 VecRam2Write ldy #$00 ;Write 2 bytes to vector RAM 7bc4: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7bc6: c8 iny 7bc7: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7bc9: d0 6e bne VecPtrUpdate ;Branch always; update Vector RAM pointer 7bcb: 90 04 PrepDrawDigit bcc DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 7bcd: 29 0f and #$0f ;Is a blank space to be drawn? 7bcf: f0 05 beq PrepDigitPointer ;If so, branch 7bd1: 29 0f DrawDigit and #$0f ;Save lower nibble and add 1 to it 7bd3: 18 clc 7bd4: 69 01 adc #$01 ;Adding 1 skips the "space" character. ; PrepDigitPointer 7bd6: 08 php ;Save the processor status on the stack 7bd7: 0a asl A ;*2; the digit pointers are 2 bytes 7bd8: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Start at current vector RAM pointer position 7bda: aa tax 7bdb: bd d4 56 lda CharPtrTbl,x ;Load the JSRL command that draws the appropriate digit 7bde: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7be0: bd d5 56 lda CharPtrTbl+1,x 7be3: c8 iny 7be4: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7be6: 20 39 7c jsr VecPtrUpdate ;Update Vector RAM pointer 7be9: 28 plp ;Restore the processor status from the stack 7bea: 60 rts 7beb: 4a UnusedFunc00 lsr A 7bec: 29 0f and #$0f ;Appears to be an unused function 7bee: 09 e0 ora #$e0 ; 7bf0: a0 01 VecRamPtrUpdate ldy #$01 ;Load upper byte of JSRL word into vector RAM 7bf2: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7bf4: 88 dey ;Decrement index to load lower byte 7bf5: 8a txa 7bf6: 6a ror A ;Convert byte into proper address format 7bf7: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Store lower byte 7bf9: c8 iny ;Increment index for proper JSRL return address 7bfa: d0 3d bne VecPtrUpdate ;Update Vector RAM pointer 7bfc: 4a VecRomJSRL lsr A ;Shift right to preserve JSRL upper address bit 7bfd: 29 0f and #$0f ;Keep upper address nibble 7bff: 09 c0 ora #JsrlOpcode ;Add JSRL opcode 7c01: d0 ed bne VecRamPtrUpdate ;Branch always; update vector RAM with JSR • Clear variables ]GlobalScale .var $00 {addr/1} ]MovBeamX .var $04 {addr/2} ]MovBeamY .var $06 {addr/2} 7c03: a0 00 MoveBeam ldy #$00 7c05: 84 05 sty ]MovBeamX+1 ;Zero out X and Y upper address bytes 7c07: 84 07 sty ]MovBeamY+1 7c09: 0a asl A 7c0a: 26 05 rol ]MovBeamX+1 7c0c: 0a asl A ;Break X address byte into the proper opcode format 7c0d: 26 05 rol ]MovBeamX+1 7c0f: 85 04 sta ]MovBeamX 7c11: 8a txa ;Move Y address byte into A 7c12: 0a asl A 7c13: 26 07 rol ]MovBeamY+1 7c15: 0a asl A ;Break Y address byte into the proper opcode format 7c16: 26 07 rol ]MovBeamY+1 7c18: 85 06 sta ]MovBeamY ; 7c1a: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;Prepare to load 4 bytes into vector RAM 7c1c: b5 02 SetLABSData lda VecRamPtr,x ;Get lower byte of upper LABS word 7c1e: a0 00 ldy #$00 7c20: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Store it in vector RAM 7c22: b5 03 lda VecRamPtr+1,x ;Get upper byte of upper LABS word 7c24: 29 0f and #$0f 7c26: 09 a0 ora #LabsOpcode ;Add LABS opcode to the LABS instruction 7c28: c8 iny 7c29: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Store it in vector RAM 7c2b: b5 00 lda VecRamPtr-2,x ;Get lower byte of lower LABS word 7c2d: c8 iny 7c2e: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Store it in vector RAM 7c30: b5 01 lda VecRamPtr-1,x ;Get upper byte of lower LABS word 7c32: 29 0f and #$0f 7c34: 05 00 ora ]GlobalScale ;Add global scale data to the CUR instruction 7c36: c8 iny 7c37: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Store it in vector RAM 7c39: 98 VecPtrUpdate tya ;Y has the number of bytes to increment vector ROM pointer by 7c3a: 38 sec 7c3b: 65 02 adc VecRamPtr ;Update vector ROM pointer 7c3d: 85 02 sta VecRamPtr 7c3f: 90 02 bcc :Return ;Does upper byte of pointer need to increment? if not, branch 7c41: e6 03 inc VecRamPtr+1 ;Increment upper pointer byte 7c43: 60 :Return rts ; Unused? 7c44: a9 d0 VecRamRTS lda #RtslOpcode ;Prepare to write RTSL opcode to vector RAM 7c46: 4c c2 7b jmp VecRam2Write ;Write the same byte twice to vector RAM ; ; Calculate ship debris position. ; ; The purpose of this function is to calculate the proper starting point for the ; selected piece of ship debris. It needs to take into account any out of ; bounds conditions if the ship is close to any of the 4 edges of the display. ; It draws a VCTR with zero brightness to the proper starting position. ; • Clear variables ]GenByte01 .var $01 {addr/1} ]ThisDebrisX .var $04 {addr/2} ]ThisDebrisY .var $06 {addr/2} ]GenByte08 .var $08 {addr/1} 7c49: a5 05 CalcDebrisPos lda ]ThisDebrisX+1 ;Is the debris traveling in a negative X direction? 7c4b: c9 80 cmp #$80 7c4d: 90 11 bcc ChkYDebris ;If not, branch 7c4f: 49 ff eor #$ff ;Convert negative direction into a positive 7c51: 85 05 sta ]ThisDebrisX+1 ; number by using two's compliment 7c53: a5 04 lda ]ThisDebrisX 7c55: 49 ff eor #$ff ;Lower byte contains debris absolute value position 7c57: 69 00 adc #$00 ;Upper byte contains debris direction 7c59: 85 04 sta ]ThisDebrisX 7c5b: 90 02 bcc :NoInc 7c5d: e6 05 inc ]ThisDebrisX+1 7c5f: 38 :NoInc sec ;Set bit to indicate debris is moving in negative X direction 7c60: 26 08 ChkYDebris rol ]GenByte08 ;Save X direction bit 7c62: a5 07 lda ]ThisDebrisY+1 ;Is the debris traveling in a negative Y direction? 7c64: c9 80 cmp #$80 7c66: 90 11 bcc ChkPosXYUB ;If not, branch 7c68: 49 ff eor #$ff ;Convert negative direction into a positive 7c6a: 85 07 sta ]ThisDebrisY+1 ; number by using two's compliment 7c6c: a5 06 lda ]ThisDebrisY 7c6e: 49 ff eor #$ff ;Lower byte contains debris absolute value position 7c70: 69 00 adc #$00 ;Upper byte contains debris direction 7c72: 85 06 sta ]ThisDebrisY 7c74: 90 02 bcc :NoInc 7c76: e6 07 inc ]ThisDebrisY+1 7c78: 38 :NoInc sec ;Set bit to indicate debris is moving in negative Y direction 7c79: 26 08 ChkPosXYUB rol ]GenByte08 ;Save Y direction bit 7c7b: a5 05 lda ]ThisDebrisX+1 ;Is debris piece close to the lowest X or Y border? 7c7d: 05 07 ora ]ThisDebrisY+1 7c7f: f0 0a beq ChkPosXYLB ;If so, branch to check lower byte for edge proximity 7c81: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;Prepare to clip debris if at max XY position 7c83: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;Is debris at maximum XY edge of screen? 7c85: b0 24 bcs SetScaleAndDirBits ;If so, branch 7c87: a0 01 ldy #$01 ;Not at edge of screen; prepare to calculate proper scaling 7c89: d0 10 bne PrepXYMult2 7c8b: a0 02 ChkPosXYLB ldy #$02 ;Prepare to set scaling if not at screen edge 7c8d: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;Prepare to clip debris if at min XY position 7c8f: a5 04 lda ]ThisDebrisX 7c91: 05 06 ora ]ThisDebrisY ;Is debris at minimum XY edge of screen? 7c93: f0 16 beq SetScaleAndDirBits ;If so, branch 7c95: 30 04 bmi PrepXYMult2 ;Is proper scaling already set? If so, branch 7c97: c8 CalcShiftVal iny 7c98: 0a asl A ;Calculate proper scaling value for displacing this debris 7c99: 10 fc bpl CalcShiftVal ; 7c9b: 98 PrepXYMult2 tya ;Transfer scaling value to X 7c9c: aa tax 7c9d: a5 05 lda ]ThisDebrisX+1 ;Move debris X direction into A RestoreDebrisPos 7c9f: 06 04 asl ]ThisDebrisX 7ca1: 2a rol A 7ca2: 06 06 asl ]ThisDebrisY ;Restore the debris position from a single byte back to 2 bytes 7ca4: 26 07 rol ]ThisDebrisY+1 7ca6: 88 dey 7ca7: d0 f6 bne RestoreDebrisPos 7ca9: 85 05 sta ]ThisDebrisX+1 ;Save restored upper byte of debris X position ; SetScaleAndDirBits 7cab: 8a txa 7cac: 38 sec 7cad: e9 0a sbc #$0a ;Compute scaling bits 7caf: 49 ff eor #$ff 7cb1: 0a asl A 7cb2: 66 08 ror ]GenByte08 ;Get Y direction bit 7cb4: 2a rol A 7cb5: 66 08 ror ]GenByte08 7cb7: 2a rol A ;Get X direction bit 7cb8: 0a asl A 7cb9: 85 08 sta ]GenByte08 ;Save the completed configuration bits back to RAM ; 7cbb: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Write the Y position lower byte to vector RAM 7cbd: a5 06 lda ]ThisDebrisY 7cbf: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7cc1: a5 08 lda ]GenByte08 7cc3: 29 f4 and #%11110100 ;Get the scale and Y direction bits for the VCTR opcode 7cc5: 05 07 ora ]ThisDebrisY+1 ;Combine the Y position upper byte 7cc7: c8 iny 7cc8: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Write the byte to vector RAM 7cca: a5 04 lda ]ThisDebrisX 7ccc: c8 iny 7ccd: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Write the X position lower byte to vector RAM 7ccf: a5 08 lda ]GenByte08 7cd1: 29 02 and #$02 ;Get the X direction bit 7cd3: 0a asl A 7cd4: 05 01 ora ]GenByte01 ;Set brightness for this vector(should be 0) 7cd6: 05 05 ora ]ThisDebrisX+1 ;Combine the X position upper byte 7cd8: c8 iny 7cd9: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Write the byte to vector RAM 7cdb: 4c 39 7c jmp VecPtrUpdate ;Update Vector RAM pointer ; ; Spot kill. ; 7cde: a2 00 SpotKill ldx #$00 ;Prepare to draw a dot with brightness 0 7ce0: a0 01 DrawDot ldy #$01 ;Store scale in vector RAM 7ce2: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7ce4: 88 dey 7ce5: 98 tya 7ce6: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y ;Set X and Y delta values to 0 7ce8: c8 iny 7ce9: c8 iny 7cea: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7cec: c8 iny 7ced: 8a txa ;Store dot brightness in vector RAM 7cee: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7cf0: 4c 39 7c jmp VecPtrUpdate ;Update Vector RAM pointer ; ; Reset. ; 7cf3: a2 fe RESET ldx #$fe ;Set stack pointer to #$FE 7cf5: 9a txs 7cf6: d8 cld ;Set processor to binary mode 7cf7: a9 00 lda #$00 ;Prepare to clear the RAM 7cf9: aa tax 7cfa: ca RamClearLoop dex ;Loop until all RAM is zeroed 7cfb: 9d 00 03 sta Player2Ram,x 7cfe: 9d 00 02 sta Player1Ram,x 7d01: 9d 00 01 sta OnePageRam,x 7d04: 95 00 sta ZeroPageRam,x 7d06: d0 f2 bne RamClearLoop ;More bytes to clear? If so, loop to write more ; 7d08: ac 07 20 ldy SelfTestSw ;Is the self test switch set for test mode? 7d0b: 30 43 bmi DoSelfTest ;If so, branch to do self test routine 7d0d: e8 inx ;Write JUMP to RAM address $4402 opcode to vector RAM 7d0e: 8e 00 40 stx VectorRam ;The vector RAM is divided in half and one half is written to 7d11: a9 e2 lda #JmplOpcode+2 ; while the other half is read. The read/write halves are 7d13: 8d 01 40 sta VectorRam+1 ; swapped every frame 7d16: a9 b0 lda #HaltOpcode 7d18: 8d 03 40 sta VectorRam+3 ;Write HALT opcode to vector RAM address $4002 ; 7d1b: 85 32 sta Plyr1Rank ;Write some initial data to player's rank 7d1d: 85 33 sta Plyr2Rank 7d1f: a9 03 lda #PlyrLamps 7d21: 85 6f sta MultiPurpBits ;Turn on the Player 1 and 2 LEDs 7d23: 8d 00 32 sta MultiPurp 7d26: 2d 00 28 and PlayTypeSw ;Get how many coins to play a game 7d29: 85 71 sta DipSwitchBits 7d2b: ad 01 28 lda RghtCoinMechSw 7d2e: 29 03 and #%00000011 7d30: 0a asl A ;Get the coin multiplier for the Right coin mech 7d31: 0a asl A 7d32: 05 71 ora DipSwitchBits 7d34: 85 71 sta DipSwitchBits 7d36: ad 02 28 lda CentCMShipsSw 7d39: 29 02 and #$02 7d3b: 0a asl A 7d3c: 0a asl A ;Get the coin multiplier for the center coin mech 7d3d: 0a asl A 7d3e: 05 71 ora DipSwitchBits 7d40: 85 71 sta DipSwitchBits 7d42: 4c 03 68 jmp InitGame ;Initialize the game after reset 7d45: a0 00 VecWriteWord ldy #$00 ;Write 2 bytes into vector RAM 7d47: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7d49: c8 iny 7d4a: 8a txa 7d4b: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7d4d: 4c 39 7c jmp VecPtrUpdate ;Update Vector RAM pointer ; ; Self test routines. ; 7d50: 9d 00 40 DoSelfTest sta VectorRam,x ;Loop and clear all 2K of vector RAM 7d53: 9d 00 41 sta VectorRam+$100,x 7d56: 9d 00 42 sta VectorRam+$200,x 7d59: 9d 00 43 sta VectorRam+$300,x 7d5c: 9d 00 44 sta VectorRam+$400,x 7d5f: 9d 00 45 sta VectorRam+$500,x 7d62: 9d 00 46 sta VectorRam+$600,x 7d65: 9d 00 47 sta VectorRam+$700,x 7d68: e8 inx 7d69: d0 e5 bne DoSelfTest ;More RAM to clear? If so, branch 7d6b: 8d 00 34 sta WdClear ;Clear the watchdog timer ; 7d6e: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;Prepare for RAM check test RamPage0TestLoop 7d70: b5 00 lda ZeroPageRam,x ;RAM address to check should always start out as 0 7d72: d0 47 bne RamPage0Fail 7d74: a9 11 lda #$11 ;Four bit RAM; load a single bit per RAM RamPage0ByteTest 7d76: 95 00 sta ZeroPageRam,x ;Store the bit pattern in RAM 7d78: a8 tay ;Read the value back out of RAM 7d79: 55 00 eor ZeroPageRam,x ;Compare it with itself 7d7b: d0 3e bne RamPage0Fail ;Is the value the same? If not, branch to failure 7d7d: 98 tya ;Rotate the bit pattern in the RAM 7d7e: 0a asl A 7d7f: 90 f5 bcc RamPage0ByteTest ;More bits to test at this address? If so, branch 7d81: e8 inx ;Done testing that RAM address 7d82: d0 ec bne RamPage0TestLoop ;More addresses in Page 0 to test? If so, branch 7d84: 8d 00 34 sta WdClear ;Clear the watchdog timer. ; • Clear variables ]GenPtr00 .var $00 {addr/2} 7d87: 8a txa ;Clear A by transferring the #$00 in X 7d88: 85 00 sta ]GenPtr00 ;Clear address $00 7d8a: 2a rol A ;Get the set carry bit and put in A; A = #$01 7d8b: 85 01 RamTestNextPage sta ]GenPtr00+1 ;Load the next bank upper address ; 7d8d: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;Start at beginning of the bank RamPageNTestLoop 7d8f: a2 11 ldx #$11 ;Four bit RAM; load a single bit per RAM 7d91: b1 00 lda (]GenPtr00),y ;Byte read should be equal to 0 at first 7d93: d0 2a bne RamPageNFail ;If not 0, branch; bad RAM found RamPageNByteTest 7d95: 8a txa ;Store the bit pattern in RAM 7d96: 91 00 sta (]GenPtr00),y 7d98: 51 00 eor (]GenPtr00),y ;Read the value back out and compare to the original 7d9a: d0 23 bne RamPageNFail ;Do the values match? If not, branch; bad RAM 7d9c: 8a txa ;Shift the bit pattern left by one 7d9d: 0a asl A 7d9e: aa tax 7d9f: 90 f4 bcc RamPageNByteTest ;Done writing to this address? If not branch 7da1: c8 iny ;Increment to next address 7da2: d0 eb bne RamPageNTestLoop ;Done with this page? If not, branch to write another byte 7da4: 8d 00 34 sta WdClear ;Clear the watchdog timer. ; 7da7: e6 01 inc ]GenPtr00+1 ;Increment to the next page 7da9: a6 01 ldx ]GenPtr00+1 7dab: e0 04 cpx #MpuRamPages ;Have the 4 MPU RAM pages been checked? 7dad: 90 e0 bcc RamPageNTestLoop ;If not, branch to check next page ; 7daf: a9 40 lda #$40 ;MPU RAM check complete; move on to vector RAM. 7db1: e0 40 cpx #$40 ;More vector RAM to check? 7db3: 90 d6 bcc RamTestNextPage ;If so, branch to check more 7db5: e0 48 cpx #$48 ;Have all the vector RAM pages been checked? 7db7: 90 d6 bcc RamPageNTestLoop ;If not, branch to check the next one 7db9: b0 69 bcs RomTest ;RAM test passed; move to the ROM/PROM test 7dbb: a0 00 RamPage0Fail ldy #$00 ;Zero page RAM failed, Y = #$00 7dbd: f0 0e beq MakeRamList ;Branch always 7dbf: a0 00 RamPageNFail ldy #$00 ;MPU RAM failed, Y = #$00 7dc1: a6 01 ldx ]GenPtr00+1 ;Get RAM page that failed 7dc3: e0 04 cpx #MpuRamPages ;Was it MPU RAM that failed? 7dc5: 90 06 bcc MakeRamList ;If so, branch 7dc7: c8 iny ;Lower vector RAM failed, Y = #$01 7dc8: e0 44 cpx #>VectorRam+$400 ;Was it lower vector RAM half that failed? 7dca: 90 01 bcc MakeRamList ;If so, branch 7dcc: c8 iny ;Upper vector RAM failed, Y = #$02 7dcd: c9 10 MakeRamList cmp #$10 ;Detected difference stored in A. If difference was in upper 7dcf: 2a rol A ; nibble, upper RAM is bad and bit is rolled into LSB A 7dd0: 29 1f and #%00011111 ;Check for lower nibble difference 7dd2: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;If one exists, a bit will be rolled into LSB A 7dd4: 2a rol A 7dd5: 29 03 and #$03 ;Keep only two lower bits as they are the failure bits 7dd7: 88 ShiftRamPairs dey ;Decrement Y to move to next RAM pairs 7dd8: 30 04 bmi BadRamToneLoop ;Finished shifting? If so, play RAM tones 7dda: 0a asl A ;Need to move the bad RAM pairs up in memory 7ddb: 0a asl A ; to make room for the next RAM pairs 7ddc: 90 f9 bcc ShiftRamPairs ;More Ram pairs to shift? If so, branch ; 7dde: 4a BadRamToneLoop lsr A ;Move RAM good/bad bit to carry 7ddf: a2 14 ldx #GoodRamFreq ;Assume RAM is good and prepare to play good RAM tone 7de1: 90 02 bcc LoadRamThump ;Is good/bad bit cleared? If so, branch; RAM is good 7de3: a2 1d ldx #BadRamFreq ;This is bad RAM; load bad RAM thump frequency ; 7de5: 8e 00 3a LoadRamThump stx ThumpFreqVol ;Play RAM tone 7de8: a2 00 ldx #$00 7dea: a0 08 ldy #$08 ;Play tone for 256*8 3KHz periods (.68 seconds) 7dec: 2c 01 20 BadRamPlayTone bit Clk3Khz 7def: 10 fb bpl BadRamPlayTone ;Wait for 1 3KHz period (333us) 7df1: 2c 01 20 :Loop bit Clk3Khz 7df4: 30 fb bmi :Loop 7df6: ca dex ;One more 3KHz period has passed 7df7: 8d 00 34 sta WdClear ;Clear the watchdog timer 7dfa: d0 f0 bne BadRamPlayTone ;Has 256 3KHz periods elapsed? If not, branch to wait more 7dfc: 88 dey ;Another 256 3KHz periods have passed 7dfd: d0 ed bne BadRamPlayTone ;More time left to play RAM tone? If so, branch ; 7dff: 8e 00 3a stx ThumpFreqVol ;Turn off thump SFX 7e02: a0 08 ldy #$08 ;Prepare to wait another .68 seconds 7e04: 2c 01 20 BadRamWaitTone bit Clk3Khz 7e07: 10 fb bpl BadRamWaitTone ;Wait for 1 3KHz period (333us) 7e09: 2c 01 20 :Loop2 bit Clk3Khz 7e0c: 30 fb bmi :Loop2 7e0e: ca dex ;One more 3KHz period has passed 7e0f: 8d 00 34 sta WdClear ;Clear the watchdog timer 7e12: d0 f0 bne BadRamWaitTone ;Has 256 3KHz periods elapsed? If not, branch to wait more 7e14: 88 dey ;Another 256 3KHz periods have passed 7e15: d0 ed bne BadRamWaitTone ;More time left to play RAM tone? If so, branch 7e17: aa tax ;Are there still more RAMs to play tones for? 7e18: d0 c4 bne BadRamToneLoop ;If so, branch to do the next RAM chip 7e1a: 8d 00 34 BadRamCheckTest sta WdClear ;Clear the watchdog timer ; 7e1d: ad 07 20 lda SelfTestSw ;Is self test still enabled? 7e20: 30 f8 bmi BadRamCheckTest ;If so, loop until it is disabled 7e22: 10 fe BadRamSpinLock bpl BadRamSpinLock ;Self test released; spin lock until watchdog reset • Clear variables ]GenByte00 .var $00 {addr/1} ]VecRomPtr .var $08 {addr/2} ]RomChecksum .var $0d {addr/8} ]DiagStepState .var $15 {addr/1} ]RamSwapResults .var $16 {addr/1} 7e24: a9 00 RomTest lda #<VectorRom 7e26: a8 tay 7e27: aa tax ;Point to the start of the vector ROM 7e28: 85 08 sta ]VecRomPtr 7e2a: a9 50 lda #>VectorRom 7e2c: 85 09 RomTestKBLoop sta ]VecRomPtr+1 ;Prepare to test 1Kb of ROM (#$0400 bytes) 7e2e: a9 04 lda #$04 7e30: 85 0b sta GenByte0B ; 7e32: a9 ff lda #$ff ;Prepare to invert all the bits 7e34: 51 08 RomTestBankLoop eor (]VecRomPtr),y ;Keep a running checksum on ROM contents 7e36: c8 iny ;Move to the next address 7e37: d0 fb bne RomTestBankLoop ;Is this page done? If not, branch to get another byte 7e39: e6 09 inc ]VecRomPtr+1 ;Move to next ROM page 7e3b: c6 0b dec GenByte0B ;Is 1 KB of ROM done? 7e3d: d0 f5 bne RomTestBankLoop ;If not, branch to start next page 7e3f: 95 0d sta ]RomChecksum,x ;Store checksum for this 1Kb of ROM 7e41: e8 inx ;Move to next checksum storage byte 7e42: 8d 00 34 sta WdClear ;Clear the watchdog timer ; 7e45: a5 09 lda ]VecRomPtr+1 ;Are we at the end of the vector ROM? 7e47: c9 58 cmp #>VectorRomEnd ;If not, branch to get checksum of another Kb 7e49: 90 e1 bcc RomTestKBLoop 7e4b: d0 02 bne RomChecksumDone ;Are checking the program ROM? If so, branch 7e4d: a9 68 lda #>ProgramRom ;Start checking the program ROM 7e4f: c9 80 RomChecksumDone cmp #>ProgramRomEnd ;Are we done checking the program ROM? 7e51: 90 d9 bcc RomTestKBLoop ;If not, branch to do another Kb 7e53: 8d 00 03 sta Player2Ram ;Store ProgramRomEndUB(#$80) into RAM location $0300 7e56: a2 04 ldx #RamSwap ;Swap RAM locations $0200-$02FF with $0300-$03FF 7e58: 8e 00 32 stx MultiPurp 7e5b: 86 15 stx ]DiagStepState ;Initialize DiagStepState with #$04; draws initial 7e5d: a2 00 ldx #$00 ; line on screen if DiagStep is active 7e5f: cd 00 02 cmp AstStatus ;The value of A stored in Player2Ram should now be here. 7e62: f0 01 beq CheckPlr2Ram ;Did the RAM swap successfully? If so, branch 7e64: e8 inx ;There was a RAM swap problem; increment X 7e65: ad 00 03 CheckPlr2Ram lda Player2Ram ;The final bit pattern written in the RAM test routine 7e68: c9 88 cmp #$88 ; should be here 7e6a: f0 01 beq CheckSwapDone 7e6c: e8 inx ;There was a RAM swap problem; increment X 7e6d: 86 16 CheckSwapDone stx ]RamSwapResults ;Store the results of the RAM swap test 7e6f: a9 10 lda #$10 ;Written but not read 7e71: 85 00 sta ]GenByte00 ; SelfTestMainLoop 7e73: a2 24 ldx #SelfTestWait ;Wait for 36 3KHz periods(12 ms) SelfTestWaitLoop 7e75: ad 01 20 lda Clk3Khz 7e78: 10 fb bpl SelfTestWaitLoop ;Wait for 1 3KHz period (333us) 7e7a: ad 01 20 :Loop lda Clk3Khz 7e7d: 30 fb bmi :Loop 7e7f: ca dex ;Has 12 ms elapsed? 7e80: 10 f3 bpl SelfTestWaitLoop ;If not, branch to wait some more ; 7e82: 2c 02 20 VectorWaitLoop2 bit Halt ;Is the vector state machine busy? 7e85: 30 fb bmi VectorWaitLoop2 ;If so, loop until it is idle 7e87: 8d 00 34 sta WdClear ; 7e8a: a9 00 lda #<VectorRam 7e8c: 85 02 sta VecRamPtr ;Set vector RAM pointer to start of RAM 7e8e: a9 40 lda #>VectorRam 7e90: 85 03 sta VecRamPtr+1 7e92: ad 05 20 lda DiagStep ;Is diagnostic step active? 7e95: 10 5b bpl ShowDipStatus ;If not, branch to next test 7e97: a6 15 ldx ]DiagStepState ;Get current diagnostic step state 7e99: ad 03 20 lda HyprSpcSw ;Has the hyperspace button been pressed? 7e9c: 10 0a bpl LoadDiagVects ;If so, update diagnostic step 7e9e: 4d 09 00 eor: TestSFXInit_ ;Was hyperspace button just pressed? 7ea1: 10 05 bpl LoadDiagVects ;If not, branch to display current DiagStep lines 7ea3: ca dex ;Hyperspace was pressed; can anymore DiagStep lines be added? 7ea4: f0 02 beq LoadDiagVects ;If not, branch to draw existing DiagStep lines 7ea6: 86 15 stx ]DiagStepState ;Add another DiagStep line to the display ; 7ea8: bc bb 7e LoadDiagVects ldy DiagStepIdxTbl-1,x ;Get the current address into the vector RAM 7eab: a9 b0 lda #HaltOpcode ;Add a HALT to the last addresses 7ead: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7eaf: 88 dey ;Move down to the next word in the vector RAM 7eb0: 88 dey DiagStepWriteLoop 7eb1: b9 c0 7e lda DiagStepDatTbl,y ;Get next byte from the table below and write to vector RAM 7eb4: 91 02 sta (VecRamPtr),y 7eb6: 88 dey ;Any more bytes to write to vector RAM? 7eb7: 10 f8 bpl DiagStepWriteLoop ;If so, branch to get another byte 7eb9: 4c 9d 7f jmp GetTestButtons ;Jump to get user inputs ; ; The values in the table are indexes to the data tables below. The actual ; index is the value in the table - 2. Must account for $B000 (HALT) written to ; the end of each segment. The $B000 is overwritten by the next segment allowing ; drawing continuation. ; 7ebc: 33 1d 17 0d DiagStepIdxTbl .bulk $33,$1d,$17,$0d ; Draws the first line. Written to vector RAM at $4000. 7ec0: 80 a0 DiagStepDatTbl .dd2 $a080 ;LABS x=0 y=128 sc=0 7ec2: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 7ec4: 00 70 .dd2 $7000 ;VCTR x=+0 y=+0 sc=7 b=0 7ec6: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 7ec8: ff 92 .dd2 $92ff ;VCTR x=+1023 y=+767 sc=9 b=7 7eca: ff 73 .dd2 $73ff ; Draws the second line. Written to vector RAM at $400C. 7ecc: d0 a1 .dd2 $a1d0 ;LABS x=560 y=464 sc=0 7ece: 30 02 .dd2 $0230 7ed0: 00 70 .dd2 $7000 ;VCTR x=+0 y=+0 sc=7 b=0 7ed2: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 7ed4: 7f fb .dd2 $fb7f ;SVEC x=+-3 y=+3 sc=3 b=7 ; Draws the third line. Written to vector RAM at $4016. 7ed6: 0d e0 .dd2 $e00d ;JMPL a=$000d ($401a) 7ed8: 00 b0 .dd2 $b000 ;HALT 7eda: 7e fa .dd2 $fa7e ;SVEC x=+-2 y=+2 sc=3 b=7 ; Draws the last triangle. Written to vector RAM at $401C. 7edc: 11 c0 .dd2 $c011 ;JSRL a=$0011 ($4022) 7ede: 78 fe .dd2 $fe78 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+-2 sc=3 b=7 7ee0: 00 b0 .dd2 $b000 ;HALT 7ee2: 13 c0 .dd2 $c013 ;JSRL a=$0013 ($4026) 7ee4: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 7ee6: 15 c0 .dd2 $c015 ;JSRL a=$0015 ($402a) 7ee8: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 7eea: 17 c0 .dd2 $c017 ;JSRL a=$0017 ($402e) 7eec: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 7eee: 7a f8 .dd2 $f87a ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 7ef0: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL ]tmp_08 .var $08 {addr/1} ]TestSFXInit .var $09 {addr/1} ]tmp_0a .var $0a {addr/1} 7ef2: a9 50 ShowDipStatus lda #>VectorRom ;Prepare to load cross-hatch pattern on the screen 7ef4: a2 00 ldx #<VectorRom 7ef6: 20 fc 7b jsr VecRomJSRL ;Load JSRL command in vector RAM to vector ROM 7ef9: a9 69 lda #$69 ;X beam coordinate 4 * $69 = $1A4 = 420 7efb: a2 93 ldx #$93 ;Y beam coordinate 4 * $93 = $24C = 588 7efd: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 7f00: a9 30 lda #$30 ;Set scale 3(/64) 7f02: 20 de 7c jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen ; 7f05: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;Prepare to read the 4 pairs of DIP switches DrawDipStatusLoop 7f07: bd 00 28 lda DipSw,x ;Get selected DIP switch pair status 7f0a: 29 01 and #%00000001 ;Keep only lower DIP switch status 7f0c: 86 0b stx GenByte0B ;Save a copy of the DIP pair currently being checked 7f0e: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 7f11: a6 0b ldx GenByte0B ;Restore a copy of the DIP pair currently being checked 7f13: bd 00 28 lda DipSw,x ;Reload the selected DIP switch pair status 7f16: 29 02 and #%00000010 ;Keep only upper DIP switch status 7f18: 4a lsr A ;Move it to the LSB 7f19: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 7f1c: a6 0b ldx GenByte0B ;Reload the selected DIP switch pair status 7f1e: ca dex ;Does another DIP switch pair need to be checked? 7f1f: 10 e6 bpl DrawDipStatusLoop ;If so, branch to get the next pair ; 7f21: a9 7a lda #$7a ;X beam coordinate 4 * $7A = $1E8 = 488 7f23: a2 9d ldx #$9d ;Y beam coordinate 4 * $9D = $274 = 628 7f25: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 7f28: a9 10 lda #$10 ;Set scale 1(/256) 7f2a: 20 de 7c jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen ; 7f2d: ad 02 28 lda CentCMShipsSw ;Get the center coin mechanism switch status and display it 7f30: 29 02 and #%00000010 7f32: 4a lsr A 7f33: 69 01 adc #$01 7f35: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 7f38: ad 01 28 lda RghtCoinMechSw ;Get the right coin mechanism switches status 7f3b: 29 03 and #%00000011 7f3d: aa tax ;Use the switches status to display the coin multiplier value 7f3e: bd f5 7f lda CoinMultTbl,x 7f41: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 7f44: a5 16 lda ]RamSwapResults ;Was there a RAM swap error? 7f46: f0 07 beq VerifyChecksum ;If not, branch to move to the next test 7f48: a2 88 ldx #<VecBankErr ;Prepare to write bank error message to the display 7f4a: a9 50 lda #>VecBankErr 7f4c: 20 fc 7b jsr VecRomJSRL ;Load JSR command in vector RAM to vector ROM. ; 7f4f: a2 96 VerifyChecksum ldx #$96 ;Y beam coordinate 4 * $96 = $258 = 600 7f51: 8e 0c 00 stx: GenByte0C ;Store base value for Y beam coordinate 7f54: a2 07 ldx #$07 ;Prepare to check all 8 checksum values 7f56: b5 0d ChecksumLoop lda ]RomChecksum,x ;Is this checksum correct? 7f58: f0 37 beq NextChecksum ;If so, branch to get next checksum 7f5a: 48 pha ;Incorrect checksum; save checksum value on stack 7f5b: 8e 0b 00 stx: GenByte0B ;Save current checksum index 7f5e: ae 0c 00 ldx: GenByte0C ;Prepare to move the Y beam position to display failure info 7f61: 8a txa ;Move the Y bean position down by 32 7f62: 38 sec 7f63: e9 08 sbc #$08 7f65: 8d 0c 00 sta: GenByte0C ;Save new beam position 7f68: a9 20 lda #$20 ;X beam coordinate 4 * $20 = $80 = 128 7f6a: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 7f6d: a9 70 lda #$70 ;Set scale 7(/4) 7f6f: 20 de 7c jsr SpotKill ;Draw zero vector to prevent spots on the screen ; 7f72: ad 0b 00 lda: GenByte0B ;Write failing checksum index to the display 7f75: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 7f78: ad d4 56 lda CharPtrTbl ;Point to first entry in character pointer table (space) 7f7b: ae d5 56 ldx CharPtrTbl+1 ;Prepare to write a space to the display 7f7e: 20 45 7d jsr VecWriteWord ;Write 2 bytes to vector RAM 7f81: 68 pla ;Get the incorrect checksum value again 7f82: 48 pha ;Store it right back on the stack 7f83: 4a lsr A 7f84: 4a lsr A ;Prepare to write the upper nibble to the display 7f85: 4a lsr A 7f86: 4a lsr A 7f87: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 7f8a: 68 pla ;Prepare to write the lower nibble to the display 7f8b: 20 d1 7b jsr DrawDigit ;Draw a single digit on the display 7f8e: ae 0b 00 ldx: GenByte0B ;Get the next checksum index to check 7f91: ca NextChecksum dex ;Is there another checksum to check? 7f92: 10 c2 bpl ChecksumLoop ;If so, branch ; 7f94: a9 7f lda #$7f ;X beam coordinate 4 * $7F = $1FC = 508 7f96: aa tax ;Y beam coordinate 4 * $7F = $1FC = 508 7f97: 20 03 7c jsr MoveBeam ;Move the CRT beam to a new location 7f9a: 20 c0 7b jsr VecHalt ;Halt the vector state machine ; 7f9d: a9 00 GetTestButtons lda #$00 ;Prepare to get the statuses of 5 switches 7f9f: a2 04 ldx #$04 7fa1: 3e 03 20 GetBtnsLoop1 rol HyprSpcSw,x ;Get the status of: self test, slam, diagnostic step, 7fa4: 6a ror A ; fire and hyperspace switches 7fa5: ca dex ;More switches to get the status of? 7fa6: 10 f9 bpl GetBtnsLoop1 ;If so, branch 7fa8: a8 tay ;Prepare to get the statuses of 8 switches 7fa9: a2 07 ldx #$07 7fab: 3e 00 24 GetBtnsLoop2 rol LeftCoinSw,x ;Get the status of: rotate left, rotate right, thrust, 7fae: 2a rol A ; 2 player start, 1 player start, right coin, center coin 7faf: ca dex ; left coin switches 7fb0: 10 f9 bpl GetBtnsLoop2 ;More switches to get the status of? If so, branch ; 7fb2: aa tax 7fb3: 45 08 eor ]tmp_08 ;Store bits indicating button changes 7fb5: 86 08 stx ]tmp_08 7fb7: 08 php ;Save processor status. 7fb8: a9 04 lda #RamSwap ;Swap RAM pages 7fba: 8d 00 32 sta MultiPurp 7fbd: 2e 03 20 rol HyprSpcSw 7fc0: 2a rol A 7fc1: 2e 04 20 rol FireSw 7fc4: 2a rol A 7fc5: 2e 07 24 rol RotLeftSw ;Save the statuses of the player inputs into X 7fc8: 2a rol A 7fc9: 2e 06 24 rol RotRghtSw 7fcc: 2a rol A 7fcd: 2e 05 24 rol ThrustSw 7fd0: 2a rol A 7fd1: aa tax 7fd2: 28 plp ;Restore processor status 7fd3: d0 09 bne ButtonChanged ;Were buttons changed? if so, branch 7fd5: 45 0a eor ]tmp_0a ;Was a button change detected? 7fd7: d0 05 bne ButtonChanged ;If so, branch to make a sound 7fd9: 98 tya ;Was a button changed detected? 7fda: 45 09 eor ]TestSFXInit 7fdc: f0 02 beq DoHardwareWrite ;If not, branch to turn off the SFX ; 7fde: a9 80 ButtonChanged lda #EnableBit ;Button change detected, set the MSB 7fe0: 8d 05 3c DoHardwareWrite sta LifeSFX ;Play/halt SFX 7fe3: 8d 00 32 sta MultiPurp ;No effect 7fe6: 8d 00 30 sta DmaGo ;Start/stop the vector state machine 7fe9: 86 0a stx ]tmp_0a ;Store current button statuses 7feb: 84 09 sty ]TestSFXInit 7fed: ad 07 20 lda SelfTestSw ;Is self test switch still on? If so, loop 7ff0: 10 fe :Spin bpl :Spin ;self test released; spin lock until watchdog reset 7ff2: 4c 73 7e jmp SelfTestMainLoop ;Stay in self test loop ; ; The table below sets the right coin mechanism multiplier based on the settings ; of DIP switches 5 and 6. ; 7ff5: 01 04 05 06 CoinMultTbl .bulk $01,$04,$05,$06 ; 7ff9: 4e .dd1 $4e ;checksum byte ; 7ffa: 65 7b .dd2 NMI ;NMI vector 7ffc: f3 7c .dd2 RESET ;RESET vector 7ffe: f3 7c .dd2 RESET ;IRQ vector .adrend ↑ $6800 ******************************************************************************** * * * Start of vector ROM. * * * * The first item is a test pattern: diamond grid with a series of horizontal * * lines of varying brightness in the center. * * * ********************************************************************************.addrs $5000 5000: 80 a0 .dd2 $a080 ;LABS x=0 y=128 sc=0 5002: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 5004: 00 70 .dd2 $7000 ;VCTR x=+0 y=+0 sc=7 b=0 5006: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 5008: 00 90 .dd2 $9000 ;VCTR x=+1023 y=+0 sc=9 b=7 500a: ff 73 .dd2 $73ff 500c: ff 92 .dd2 $92ff ;VCTR x=+0 y=+767 sc=9 b=7 500e: 00 70 .dd2 $7000 5010: 00 90 .dd2 $9000 ;VCTR x=-1023 y=+0 sc=9 b=7 5012: ff 77 .dd2 $77ff 5014: ff 96 .dd2 $96ff ;VCTR x=+0 y=-767 sc=9 b=7 5016: 00 70 .dd2 $7000 5018: ff 92 .dd2 $92ff ;VCTR x=+767 y=+767 sc=9 b=7 501a: ff 72 .dd2 $72ff 501c: 00 86 .dd2 $8600 ;VCTR x=+512 y=-512 sc=8 b=7 501e: 00 72 .dd2 $7200 5020: fe 87 .dd2 $87fe ;VCTR x=-1022 y=-1022 sc=8 b=7 5022: fe 77 .dd2 $77fe 5024: 00 92 .dd2 $9200 ;VCTR x=-512 y=+512 sc=9 b=7 5026: 00 76 .dd2 $7600 5028: fe 81 .dd2 $81fe ;VCTR x=+512 y=+510 sc=8 b=7 502a: 00 72 .dd2 $7200 502c: ff 96 .dd2 $96ff ;VCTR x=+767 y=-767 sc=9 b=7 502e: ff 72 .dd2 $72ff 5030: 7f a3 .dd2 $a37f ;LABS x=1023 y=895 sc=0 5032: ff 03 .dd2 $03ff 5034: 00 70 .dd2 $7000 ;VCTR x=+0 y=+0 sc=7 b=0 5036: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 5038: ff 96 .dd2 $96ff ;VCTR x=-767 y=-767 sc=9 b=7 503a: ff 76 .dd2 $76ff 503c: fe 81 .dd2 $81fe ;VCTR x=-512 y=+510 sc=8 b=7 503e: 00 76 .dd2 $7600 5040: 00 92 .dd2 $9200 ;VCTR x=+512 y=+512 sc=9 b=7 5042: 00 72 .dd2 $7200 5044: fe 87 .dd2 $87fe ;VCTR x=+1022 y=-1022 sc=8 b=7 5046: fe 73 .dd2 $73fe 5048: 00 86 .dd2 $8600 ;VCTR x=-512 y=-512 sc=8 b=7 504a: 00 76 .dd2 $7600 504c: ff 92 .dd2 $92ff ;VCTR x=-767 y=+767 sc=9 b=7 504e: ff 76 .dd2 $76ff 5050: fc a1 .dd2 $a1fc ;LABS x=500 y=508 sc=0 5052: f4 01 .dd2 $01f4 5054: 00 70 .dd2 $7000 ;VCTR x=+0 y=+0 sc=7 b=0 5056: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 5058: db f0 .dd2 $f0db ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=2 b=13 505a: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 505c: cf f0 .dd2 $f0cf ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=2 b=12 505e: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 5060: bb f0 .dd2 $f0bb ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=2 b=11 5062: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 5064: af f0 .dd2 $f0af ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=2 b=10 5066: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 5068: 9b f0 .dd2 $f09b ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=2 b=9 506a: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 506c: 8f f0 .dd2 $f08f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=2 b=8 506e: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 5070: 7b f0 .dd2 $f07b ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=2 b=7 5072: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 5074: 6f f0 .dd2 $f06f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=2 b=6 5076: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 5078: 5b f0 .dd2 $f05b ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=2 b=5 507a: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 507c: 4f f0 .dd2 $f04f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=2 b=4 507e: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 5080: 3b f0 .dd2 $f03b ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=2 b=3 5082: 00 f9 .dd2 $f900 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 5084: 2f f0 .dd2 $f02f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=2 b=2 5086: 7c d0 .dd2 $d07c ;RTSL ; ; Bank error message, for self test. ;
5088: e4 a0 VecBankErr .dd2 $a0e4 ;LABS x=350 y=228 sc=1 508a: 5e 11 .dd2 $115e 508c: 00 70 .dd2 $7000 ;VCTR x=+0 y=+0 sc=7 b=0 508e: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 5090: 80 ca .dd2 $ca80 ;JSRL a=$0a80 ($5500) 5092: 78 ca .dd2 $ca78 ;JSRL a=$0a78 ($54f0) 5094: d8 ca .dd2 $cad8 ;JSRL a=$0ad8 ($55b0) 5096: c7 ca .dd2 $cac7 ;JSRL a=$0ac7 ($558e) 5098: 2c cb .dd2 $cb2c ;JSRL a=$0b2c ($5658) 509a: 9b ca .dd2 $ca9b ;JSRL a=$0a9b ($5536) 509c: f3 ca .dd2 $caf3 ;JSRL a=$0af3 ($55e6) 509e: f3 ca .dd2 $caf3 ;JSRL a=$0af3 ($55e6) 50a0: dd ca .dd2 $cadd ;JSRL a=$0add ($55ba) 50a2: f3 ea .dd2 $eaf3 ;JMPL a=$0af3 ($55e6) ; ; Copyright notice. ;
50a4: 80 a0 VecCredits .dd2 $a080 ;LABS x=400 y=128 sc=0 50a6: 90 01 .dd2 $0190 50a8: 00 70 .dd2 $7000 ;VCTR x=+0 y=+0 sc=7 b=0 50aa: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 50ac: 73 f5 .dd2 $f573 ;SVEC x=+3 y=-1 sc=0 b=7 50ae: 73 f1 .dd2 $f173 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+1 sc=0 b=7 50b0: 78 f1 .dd2 $f178 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=2 b=7 50b2: 77 f1 .dd2 $f177 ;SVEC x=-3 y=+1 sc=0 b=7 50b4: 77 f5 .dd2 $f577 ;SVEC x=-3 y=-1 sc=0 b=7 50b6: 78 f5 .dd2 $f578 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-1 sc=2 b=7 50b8: 80 31 .dd2 $3180 ;VCTR x=+512 y=+384 sc=3 b=0 50ba: 00 02 .dd2 $0200 50bc: 75 f8 .dd2 $f875 ;SVEC x=-1 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 50be: 70 fd .dd2 $fd70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-1 sc=1 b=7 50c0: 71 f8 .dd2 $f871 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 50c2: 02 fd .dd2 $fd02 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-1 sc=1 b=0 50c4: 2e cb .dd2 $cb2e ;JSRL a=$0b2e ($565c) 50c6: 63 cb .dd2 $cb63 ;JSRL a=$0b63 ($56c6) 50c8: 56 cb .dd2 $cb56 ;JSRL a=$0b56 ($56ac) 50ca: 63 cb .dd2 $cb63 ;JSRL a=$0b63 ($56c6) 50cc: 2c cb .dd2 $cb2c ;JSRL a=$0b2c ($5658) 50ce: 78 ca .dd2 $ca78 ;JSRL a=$0a78 ($54f0) 50d0: 02 cb .dd2 $cb02 ;JSRL a=$0b02 ($5604) 50d2: 78 ca .dd2 $ca78 ;JSRL a=$0a78 ($54f0) 50d4: f3 ca .dd2 $caf3 ;JSRL a=$0af3 ($55e6) 50d6: ba ca .dd2 $caba ;JSRL a=$0aba ($5574) 50d8: 2c cb .dd2 $cb2c ;JSRL a=$0b2c ($5658) 50da: ba ca .dd2 $caba ;JSRL a=$0aba ($5574) 50dc: d8 ca .dd2 $cad8 ;JSRL a=$0ad8 ($55b0) 50de: 8d ea .dd2 $ea8d ;JMPL a=$0a8d ($551a) ; ; Exploding ship pieces. Parts are copied into RAM. ; 50e0: c6 ff ShipExpPtrTbl .dd2 $ffc6 ;SVEC x=-2 y=-3 sc=1 b=12 50e2: c1 fe .dd2 $fec1 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-2 sc=1 b=12 50e4: c3 f1 .dd2 $f1c3 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+1 sc=0 b=12 50e6: cd f1 .dd2 $f1cd ;SVEC x=-1 y=+1 sc=2 b=12 50e8: c7 f1 .dd2 $f1c7 ;SVEC x=-3 y=+1 sc=0 b=12 50ea: c1 fd .dd2 $fdc1 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-1 sc=1 b=12 ; ; Ship explosion velocity (X,Y). ; 50ec: d8 1e ShipExpVelTbl .bulk $d8,$1e 50ee: 32 ec .bulk $32,$ec 50f0: 00 c4 .bulk $00,$c4 50f2: 3c 14 .bulk $3c,$14 50f4: 0a 46 .bulk $0a,$46 50f6: d8 d8 .bulk $d8,$d8 ; ; Shrapnel Patterns. This is used when the player's shot hits something. Notice ; that all four patterns are the same just slightly spread out. This is ; extremely clever. You could use one pattern and vary the scale to make it look ; like it is spreading out. But the scale jumps are powers-of-two. These ; slightly-scaled patterns can be used to take up the gaps in the large scaling ; doubles! ; ; JSRLs to four shrapnel patterns. ; 50f8: d0 c8 SharpPatPtrTbl .dd2 $c8d0 ;JSRL a=$08d0 ($51a0) 50fa: b5 c8 .dd2 $c8b5 ;JSRL a=$08b5 ($516a) 50fc: 96 c8 .dd2 $c896 ;JSRL a=$0896 ($512c) 50fe: 80 c8 .dd2 $c880 ;JSRL a=$0880 ($5100) ; ; Shrapnel pattern 1. ;
5100: 0d f8 .dd2 $f80d ;SVEC x=-1 y=+0 sc=3 b=0 <<< 5102: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5104: 0d fd .dd2 $fd0d ;SVEC x=-1 y=-1 sc=3 b=0 5106: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5108: 09 fd .dd2 $fd09 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-1 sc=3 b=0 510a: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 510c: 0b f1 .dd2 $f10b ;SVEC x=+3 y=+1 sc=2 b=0 510e: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5110: 0a f5 .dd2 $f50a ;SVEC x=+2 y=-1 sc=2 b=0 5112: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5114: 08 f9 .dd2 $f908 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=3 b=0 5116: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5118: 09 f3 .dd2 $f309 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+3 sc=2 b=0 511a: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 511c: 0d f3 .dd2 $f30d ;SVEC x=-1 y=+3 sc=2 b=0 511e: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5120: 80 54 .dd2 $5480 ;VCTR x=-512 y=-128 sc=5 b=0 5122: 00 06 .dd2 $0600 5124: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5126: 0f f1 .dd2 $f10f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+1 sc=2 b=0 5128: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 512a: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL ; ; Shrapnel pattern 2. ;
512c: 00 30 .dd2 $3000 ;VCTR x=-896 y=+0 sc=3 b=0 <<< 512e: 80 07 .dd2 $0780 5130: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5132: 80 37 .dd2 $3780 ;VCTR x=-896 y=-896 sc=3 b=0 5134: 80 07 .dd2 $0780 5136: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5138: 80 37 .dd2 $3780 ;VCTR x=+896 y=-896 sc=3 b=0 513a: 80 03 .dd2 $0380 513c: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 513e: e0 40 .dd2 $40e0 ;VCTR x=+672 y=+224 sc=4 b=0 5140: a0 02 .dd2 $02a0 5142: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5144: c0 35 .dd2 $35c0 ;VCTR x=+896 y=-448 sc=3 b=0 5146: 80 03 .dd2 $0380 5148: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 514a: 80 33 .dd2 $3380 ;VCTR x=+0 y=+896 sc=3 b=0 514c: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 514e: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5150: a0 42 .dd2 $42a0 ;VCTR x=+224 y=+672 sc=4 b=0 5152: e0 00 .dd2 $00e0 5154: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5156: a0 42 .dd2 $42a0 ;VCTR x=-224 y=+672 sc=4 b=0 5158: e0 04 .dd2 $04e0 515a: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 515c: e0 44 .dd2 $44e0 ;VCTR x=-896 y=-224 sc=4 b=0 515e: 80 07 .dd2 $0780 5160: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5162: e0 40 .dd2 $40e0 ;VCTR x=-672 y=+224 sc=4 b=0 5164: a0 06 .dd2 $06a0 5166: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5168: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL ; ; Shrapnel patern 3. ;
516a: 07 f8 .dd2 $f807 ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=1 b=0 <<< 516c: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 516e: 07 ff .dd2 $ff07 ;SVEC x=-3 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 5170: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5172: 03 ff .dd2 $ff03 ;SVEC x=+3 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 5174: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5176: c0 40 .dd2 $40c0 ;VCTR x=+576 y=+192 sc=4 b=0 5178: 40 02 .dd2 $0240 517a: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 517c: 80 35 .dd2 $3580 ;VCTR x=+768 y=-384 sc=3 b=0 517e: 00 03 .dd2 $0300 5180: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5182: 00 fb .dd2 $fb00 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=0 5184: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5186: 40 42 .dd2 $4240 ;VCTR x=+192 y=+576 sc=4 b=0 5188: c0 00 .dd2 $00c0 518a: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 518c: 40 42 .dd2 $4240 ;VCTR x=-192 y=+576 sc=4 b=0 518e: c0 04 .dd2 $04c0 5190: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5192: c0 44 .dd2 $44c0 ;VCTR x=-768 y=-192 sc=4 b=0 5194: 00 07 .dd2 $0700 5196: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5198: c0 40 .dd2 $40c0 ;VCTR x=-576 y=+192 sc=4 b=0 519a: 40 06 .dd2 $0640 519c: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 519e: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL ; ; Shrapnel pattern 4. ;
51a0: 00 30 .dd2 $3000 ;VCTR x=-640 y=+0 sc=3 b=0 <<< 51a2: 80 06 .dd2 $0680 51a4: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 51a6: 80 36 .dd2 $3680 ;VCTR x=-640 y=-640 sc=3 b=0 51a8: 80 06 .dd2 $0680 51aa: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 51ac: 80 36 .dd2 $3680 ;VCTR x=+640 y=-640 sc=3 b=0 51ae: 80 02 .dd2 $0280 51b0: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 51b2: 40 31 .dd2 $3140 ;VCTR x=+960 y=+320 sc=3 b=0 51b4: c0 03 .dd2 $03c0 51b6: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 51b8: 40 35 .dd2 $3540 ;VCTR x=+640 y=-320 sc=3 b=0 51ba: 80 02 .dd2 $0280 51bc: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 51be: 80 32 .dd2 $3280 ;VCTR x=+0 y=+640 sc=3 b=0 51c0: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 51c2: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 51c4: c0 33 .dd2 $33c0 ;VCTR x=+320 y=+960 sc=3 b=0 51c6: 40 01 .dd2 $0140 51c8: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 51ca: c0 33 .dd2 $33c0 ;VCTR x=-320 y=+960 sc=3 b=0 51cc: 40 05 .dd2 $0540 51ce: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 51d0: a0 44 .dd2 $44a0 ;VCTR x=-640 y=-160 sc=4 b=0 51d2: 80 06 .dd2 $0680 51d4: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 51d6: 40 31 .dd2 $3140 ;VCTR x=-960 y=+320 sc=3 b=0 51d8: c0 07 .dd2 $07c0 51da: 78 f8 .dd2 $f878 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 51dc: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL ; ; Asteroid patterns. ; 51de: f3 c8 AstPtrnPtrTbl .dd2 $c8f3 ;JSRL a=$08f3 ($51e6) 51e0: ff c8 .dd2 $c8ff ;JSRL a=$08ff ($51fe) 51e2: 0d c9 .dd2 $c90d ;JSRL a=$090d ($521a) 51e4: 1a c9 .dd2 $c91a ;JSRL a=$091a ($5234)
51e6: 08 f9 .dd2 $f908 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=3 b=0 <<< 51e8: 79 f9 .dd2 $f979 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+1 sc=3 b=7 51ea: 79 fd .dd2 $fd79 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-1 sc=3 b=7 51ec: 7d f6 .dd2 $f67d ;SVEC x=-1 y=-2 sc=2 b=7 51ee: 79 f6 .dd2 $f679 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-2 sc=2 b=7 51f0: 8f f6 .dd2 $f68f ;SVEC x=-3 y=-2 sc=2 b=8 51f2: 8f f0 .dd2 $f08f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=2 b=8 51f4: 7d f9 .dd2 $f97d ;SVEC x=-1 y=+1 sc=3 b=7 51f6: 78 fa .dd2 $fa78 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+2 sc=3 b=7 51f8: 79 f9 .dd2 $f979 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+1 sc=3 b=7 51fa: 79 fd .dd2 $fd79 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-1 sc=3 b=7 51fc: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
51fe: 0a f1 .dd2 $f10a ;SVEC x=+2 y=+1 sc=2 b=0 <<< 5200: 7a f1 .dd2 $f17a ;SVEC x=+2 y=+1 sc=2 b=7 5202: 7d f9 .dd2 $f97d ;SVEC x=-1 y=+1 sc=3 b=7 5204: 7e f5 .dd2 $f57e ;SVEC x=-2 y=-1 sc=2 b=7 5206: 7e f1 .dd2 $f17e ;SVEC x=-2 y=+1 sc=2 b=7 5208: 7d fd .dd2 $fd7d ;SVEC x=-1 y=-1 sc=3 b=7 520a: 79 f6 .dd2 $f679 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-2 sc=2 b=7 520c: 7d f6 .dd2 $f67d ;SVEC x=-1 y=-2 sc=2 b=7 520e: 79 fd .dd2 $fd79 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-1 sc=3 b=7 5210: 79 f1 .dd2 $f179 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+1 sc=2 b=7 5212: 8b f5 .dd2 $f58b ;SVEC x=+3 y=-1 sc=2 b=8 5214: 8a f3 .dd2 $f38a ;SVEC x=+2 y=+3 sc=2 b=8 5216: 7d f9 .dd2 $f97d ;SVEC x=-1 y=+1 sc=3 b=7 5218: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
521a: 0d f8 .dd2 $f80d ;SVEC x=-1 y=+0 sc=3 b=0 <<< 521c: 7e f5 .dd2 $f57e ;SVEC x=-2 y=-1 sc=2 b=7 521e: 7a f7 .dd2 $f77a ;SVEC x=+2 y=-3 sc=2 b=7 5220: 7a f3 .dd2 $f37a ;SVEC x=+2 y=+3 sc=2 b=7 5222: 78 f7 .dd2 $f778 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=2 b=7 5224: 79 f8 .dd2 $f879 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 5226: 7a f3 .dd2 $f37a ;SVEC x=+2 y=+3 sc=2 b=7 5228: 78 f9 .dd2 $f978 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=3 b=7 522a: 7e f3 .dd2 $f37e ;SVEC x=-2 y=+3 sc=2 b=7 522c: 7f f0 .dd2 $f07f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=2 b=7 522e: 7f f7 .dd2 $f77f ;SVEC x=-3 y=-3 sc=2 b=7 5230: 7a f5 .dd2 $f57a ;SVEC x=+2 y=-1 sc=2 b=7 5232: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5234: 09 f0 .dd2 $f009 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+0 sc=2 b=0 <<< 5236: 7b f1 .dd2 $f17b ;SVEC x=+3 y=+1 sc=2 b=7 5238: 68 f1 .dd2 $f168 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+1 sc=2 b=6 523a: 7f f2 .dd2 $f27f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+2 sc=2 b=7 523c: 7f f0 .dd2 $f07f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=2 b=7 523e: 69 f6 .dd2 $f669 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-2 sc=2 b=6 5240: 7f f0 .dd2 $f07f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=2 b=7 5242: 78 f7 .dd2 $f778 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=2 b=7 5244: 7a f7 .dd2 $f77a ;SVEC x=+2 y=-3 sc=2 b=7 5246: 7b f1 .dd2 $f17b ;SVEC x=+3 y=+1 sc=2 b=7 5248: 69 f5 .dd2 $f569 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-1 sc=2 b=6 524a: 69 f9 .dd2 $f969 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+1 sc=3 b=6 524c: 7f f2 .dd2 $f27f ;SVEC x=-3 y=+2 sc=2 b=7 524e: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL ; ; Flying saucer. The same shape is used for big and small versions. ; 5250: 29 c9 ScrPtrnPtrTbl .dd2 $c929 ;JSRL a=$0929 ($5252)
5252: 0e f1 .dd2 $f10e ;SVEC x=-2 y=+1 sc=2 b=0 <<< 5254: ca f8 .dd2 $f8ca ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=3 b=12 5256: 0b f6 .dd2 $f60b ;SVEC x=+3 y=-2 sc=2 b=0 5258: 00 60 .dd2 $6000 ;VCTR x=-640 y=+0 sc=6 b=13 525a: 80 d6 .dd2 $d680 525c: db f6 .dd2 $f6db ;SVEC x=+3 y=-2 sc=2 b=13 525e: ca f8 .dd2 $f8ca ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=3 b=12 5260: db f2 .dd2 $f2db ;SVEC x=+3 y=+2 sc=2 b=13 5262: df f2 .dd2 $f2df ;SVEC x=-3 y=+2 sc=2 b=13 5264: cd f2 .dd2 $f2cd ;SVEC x=-1 y=+2 sc=2 b=12 5266: cd f8 .dd2 $f8cd ;SVEC x=-1 y=+0 sc=3 b=12 5268: cd f6 .dd2 $f6cd ;SVEC x=-1 y=-2 sc=2 b=12 526a: df f6 .dd2 $f6df ;SVEC x=-3 y=-2 sc=2 b=13 526c: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL ; ; Pointers to ship and thrust vector shape data. ; ; The code doesn't perform rotations, so there is a different shape for each ; direction in the first quadrant. Other quadrants are handled by flipping ; about the X and/or Y axis. ; ; Each ship shape is paired with a matching thrust cone. The thrust is only ; drawn if the player is accelerating. ; 526e: 90 52 ShipDirPtrTbl .dd2 ShipDir0 5270: a8 52 .dd2 ShipDir4 5272: cc 52 .dd2 ShipDir8 5274: f0 52 .dd2 ShipDir12 5276: 14 53 .dd2 ShipDir16 5278: 36 53 .dd2 ShipDir20 527a: 5a 53 .dd2 ShipDir24 527c: 7e 53 .dd2 ShipDir28 527e: a2 53 .dd2 ShipDir32 5280: c6 53 .dd2 ShipDir36 5282: ea 53 .dd2 ShipDir40 5284: 0e 54 .dd2 ShipDir44 5286: 32 54 .dd2 ShipDir48 5288: 56 54 .dd2 ShipDir52 528a: 7a 54 .dd2 ShipDir56 528c: 9e 54 .dd2 ShipDir60 528e: c2 54 .dd2 ShipDir64 ;
5290: 0f f6 ShipDir0 .dd2 $f60f ;SVEC x=-3 y=-2 sc=2 b=0 5292: c8 fa .dd2 $fac8 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+2 sc=3 b=12 5294: bd f9 .dd2 $f9bd ;SVEC x=-1 y=+1 sc=3 b=11 5296: 00 65 .dd2 $6500 ;VCTR x=+768 y=-256 sc=6 b=12 5298: 00 c3 .dd2 $c300 529a: 00 65 .dd2 $6500 ;VCTR x=-768 y=-256 sc=6 b=12 529c: 00 c7 .dd2 $c700 529e: b9 f9 .dd2 $f9b9 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+1 sc=3 b=11 52a0: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
52a2: ce f9 ThrustDir0 .dd2 $f9ce ;SVEC x=-2 y=+1 sc=3 b=12 52a4: ca f9 .dd2 $f9ca ;SVEC x=+2 y=+1 sc=3 b=12 52a6: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
52a8: 40 46 ShipDir4 .dd2 $4640 ;VCTR x=-704 y=-576 sc=4 b=0 52aa: c0 06 .dd2 $06c0 52ac: 00 52 .dd2 $5200 ;VCTR x=-48 y=+512 sc=5 b=12 52ae: 30 c4 .dd2 $c430 52b0: c0 41 .dd2 $41c0 ;VCTR x=-544 y=+448 sc=4 b=12 52b2: 20 c6 .dd2 $c620 52b4: b0 64 .dd2 $64b0 ;VCTR x=+792 y=-176 sc=6 b=12 52b6: 18 c3 .dd2 $c318 52b8: 48 65 .dd2 $6548 ;VCTR x=-736 y=-328 sc=6 b=12 52ba: e0 c6 .dd2 $c6e0 52bc: 20 42 .dd2 $4220 ;VCTR x=+448 y=+544 sc=4 b=12 52be: c0 c1 .dd2 $c1c0 52c0: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
52c2: d0 50 ThrustDir4 .dd2 $50d0 ;VCTR x=-528 y=+208 sc=5 b=12 52c4: 10 c6 .dd2 $c610 52c6: 60 42 .dd2 $4260 ;VCTR x=+960 y=+608 sc=4 b=12 52c8: c0 c3 .dd2 $c3c0 52ca: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
52cc: 80 46 ShipDir8 .dd2 $4680 ;VCTR x=-640 y=-640 sc=4 b=0 52ce: 80 06 .dd2 $0680 52d0: e0 43 .dd2 $43e0 ;VCTR x=-192 y=+992 sc=4 b=12 52d2: c0 c4 .dd2 $c4c0 52d4: a0 41 .dd2 $41a0 ;VCTR x=-608 y=+416 sc=4 b=12 52d6: 60 c6 .dd2 $c660 52d8: 68 64 .dd2 $6468 ;VCTR x=+800 y=-104 sc=6 b=12 52da: 20 c3 .dd2 $c320 52dc: 90 65 .dd2 $6590 ;VCTR x=-704 y=-400 sc=6 b=12 52de: c0 c6 .dd2 $c6c0 52e0: 60 42 .dd2 $4260 ;VCTR x=+416 y=+608 sc=4 b=12 52e2: a0 c1 .dd2 $c1a0 52e4: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
52e6: 90 50 .dd2 $5090 ;VCTR x=-560 y=+144 sc=5 b=12 52e8: 30 c6 .dd2 $c630 52ea: c0 42 .dd2 $42c0 ;VCTR x=+896 y=+704 sc=4 b=12 52ec: 80 c3 .dd2 $c380 52ee: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
52f0: c0 46 ShipDir12 .dd2 $46c0 ;VCTR x=-576 y=-704 sc=4 b=0 52f2: 40 06 .dd2 $0640 52f4: e0 43 .dd2 $43e0 ;VCTR x=-288 y=+992 sc=4 b=12 52f6: 20 c5 .dd2 $c520 52f8: 60 41 .dd2 $4160 ;VCTR x=-640 y=+352 sc=4 b=12 52fa: 80 c6 .dd2 $c680 52fc: 18 64 .dd2 $6418 ;VCTR x=+808 y=-24 sc=6 b=12 52fe: 28 c3 .dd2 $c328 5300: d0 65 .dd2 $65d0 ;VCTR x=-664 y=-464 sc=6 b=12 5302: 98 c6 .dd2 $c698 5304: 80 42 .dd2 $4280 ;VCTR x=+352 y=+640 sc=4 b=12 5306: 60 c1 .dd2 $c160 5308: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 530a: 60 50 .dd2 $5060 ;VCTR x=-560 y=+96 sc=5 b=12 530c: 30 c6 .dd2 $c630 530e: 20 43 .dd2 $4320 ;VCTR x=+832 y=+800 sc=4 b=12 5310: 40 c3 .dd2 $c340 5312: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5314: 0e f7 ShipDir16 .dd2 $f70e ;SVEC x=-2 y=-3 sc=2 b=0 5316: c0 43 .dd2 $43c0 ;VCTR x=-384 y=+960 sc=4 b=12 5318: 80 c5 .dd2 $c580 531a: 20 41 .dd2 $4120 ;VCTR x=-672 y=+288 sc=4 b=12 531c: a0 c6 .dd2 $c6a0 531e: 38 60 .dd2 $6038 ;VCTR x=+808 y=+56 sc=6 b=12 5320: 28 c3 .dd2 $c328 5322: 10 66 .dd2 $6610 ;VCTR x=-608 y=-528 sc=6 b=12 5324: 60 c6 .dd2 $c660 5326: a0 42 .dd2 $42a0 ;VCTR x=+288 y=+672 sc=4 b=12 5328: 20 c1 .dd2 $c120 532a: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 532c: 30 50 .dd2 $5030 ;VCTR x=-576 y=+48 sc=5 b=12 532e: 40 c6 .dd2 $c640 5330: 60 43 .dd2 $4360 ;VCTR x=+736 y=+864 sc=4 b=12 5332: e0 c2 .dd2 $c2e0 5334: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5336: 20 47 ShipDir20 .dd2 $4720 ;VCTR x=-448 y=-800 sc=4 b=0 5338: c0 05 .dd2 $05c0 533a: 80 43 .dd2 $4380 ;VCTR x=-480 y=+896 sc=4 b=12 533c: e0 c5 .dd2 $c5e0 533e: e0 40 .dd2 $40e0 ;VCTR x=-704 y=+224 sc=4 b=12 5340: c0 c6 .dd2 $c6c0 5342: 88 60 .dd2 $6088 ;VCTR x=+800 y=+136 sc=6 b=12 5344: 20 c3 .dd2 $c320 5346: 48 66 .dd2 $6648 ;VCTR x=-560 y=-584 sc=6 b=12 5348: 30 c6 .dd2 $c630 534a: c0 42 .dd2 $42c0 ;VCTR x=+224 y=+704 sc=4 b=12 534c: e0 c0 .dd2 $c0e0 534e: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 5350: 10 54 .dd2 $5410 ;VCTR x=-576 y=-16 sc=5 b=12 5352: 40 c6 .dd2 $c640 5354: a0 43 .dd2 $43a0 ;VCTR x=+672 y=+928 sc=4 b=12 5356: a0 c2 .dd2 $c2a0 5358: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
535a: 60 47 ShipDir24 .dd2 $4760 ;VCTR x=-352 y=-864 sc=4 b=0 535c: 60 05 .dd2 $0560 535e: 60 43 .dd2 $4360 ;VCTR x=-576 y=+864 sc=4 b=12 5360: 40 c6 .dd2 $c640 5362: 80 40 .dd2 $4080 ;VCTR x=-704 y=+128 sc=4 b=12 5364: c0 c6 .dd2 $c6c0 5366: d8 60 .dd2 $60d8 ;VCTR x=+784 y=+216 sc=6 b=12 5368: 10 c3 .dd2 $c310 536a: 80 66 .dd2 $6680 ;VCTR x=-496 y=-640 sc=6 b=12 536c: f0 c5 .dd2 $c5f0 536e: c0 42 .dd2 $42c0 ;VCTR x=+128 y=+704 sc=4 b=12 5370: 80 c0 .dd2 $c080 5372: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 5374: 40 54 .dd2 $5440 ;VCTR x=-560 y=-64 sc=5 b=12 5376: 30 c6 .dd2 $c630 5378: e0 43 .dd2 $43e0 ;VCTR x=+576 y=+992 sc=4 b=12 537a: 40 c2 .dd2 $c240 537c: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
537e: 80 47 ShipDir28 .dd2 $4780 ;VCTR x=-256 y=-896 sc=4 b=0 5380: 00 05 .dd2 $0500 5382: 20 43 .dd2 $4320 ;VCTR x=-640 y=+800 sc=4 b=12 5384: 80 c6 .dd2 $c680 5386: 40 40 .dd2 $4040 ;VCTR x=-736 y=+64 sc=4 b=12 5388: e0 c6 .dd2 $c6e0 538a: 20 61 .dd2 $6120 ;VCTR x=+760 y=+288 sc=6 b=12 538c: f8 c2 .dd2 $c2f8 538e: b0 66 .dd2 $66b0 ;VCTR x=-432 y=-688 sc=6 b=12 5390: b0 c5 .dd2 $c5b0 5392: e0 42 .dd2 $42e0 ;VCTR x=+64 y=+736 sc=4 b=12 5394: 40 c0 .dd2 $c040 5396: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 5398: 80 54 .dd2 $5480 ;VCTR x=-560 y=-128 sc=5 b=12 539a: 30 c6 .dd2 $c630 539c: 10 52 .dd2 $5210 ;VCTR x=+240 y=+528 sc=5 b=12 539e: f0 c0 .dd2 $c0f0 53a0: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
53a2: 80 47 ShipDir32 .dd2 $4780 ;VCTR x=-192 y=-896 sc=4 b=0 53a4: c0 04 .dd2 $04c0 53a6: e0 42 .dd2 $42e0 ;VCTR x=-736 y=+736 sc=4 b=12 53a8: e0 c6 .dd2 $c6e0 53aa: 00 40 .dd2 $4000 ;VCTR x=-736 y=+0 sc=4 b=12 53ac: e0 c6 .dd2 $c6e0 53ae: 68 61 .dd2 $6168 ;VCTR x=+728 y=+360 sc=6 b=12 53b0: d8 c2 .dd2 $c2d8 53b2: d8 66 .dd2 $66d8 ;VCTR x=-360 y=-728 sc=6 b=12 53b4: 68 c5 .dd2 $c568 53b6: e0 42 .dd2 $42e0 ;VCTR x=+0 y=+736 sc=4 b=12 53b8: 00 c0 .dd2 $c000 53ba: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 53bc: b0 54 .dd2 $54b0 ;VCTR x=-544 y=-176 sc=5 b=12 53be: 20 c6 .dd2 $c620 53c0: 20 52 .dd2 $5220 ;VCTR x=+176 y=+544 sc=5 b=12 53c2: b0 c0 .dd2 $c0b0 53c4: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
53c6: a0 47 ShipDir36 .dd2 $47a0 ;VCTR x=-96 y=-928 sc=4 b=0 53c8: 60 04 .dd2 $0460 53ca: 80 42 .dd2 $4280 ;VCTR x=-800 y=+640 sc=4 b=12 53cc: 20 c7 .dd2 $c720 53ce: 40 44 .dd2 $4440 ;VCTR x=-736 y=-64 sc=4 b=12 53d0: e0 c6 .dd2 $c6e0 53d2: b0 61 .dd2 $61b0 ;VCTR x=+688 y=+432 sc=6 b=12 53d4: b0 c2 .dd2 $c2b0 53d6: f8 66 .dd2 $66f8 ;VCTR x=-288 y=-760 sc=6 b=12 53d8: 20 c5 .dd2 $c520 53da: e0 42 .dd2 $42e0 ;VCTR x=-64 y=+736 sc=4 b=12 53dc: 40 c4 .dd2 $c440 53de: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 53e0: f0 54 .dd2 $54f0 ;VCTR x=-528 y=-240 sc=5 b=12 53e2: 10 c6 .dd2 $c610 53e4: 30 52 .dd2 $5230 ;VCTR x=+128 y=+560 sc=5 b=12 53e6: 80 c0 .dd2 $c080 53e8: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
53ea: a0 47 ShipDir40 .dd2 $47a0 ;VCTR x=+0 y=-928 sc=4 b=0 53ec: 00 00 .dd2 $0000 53ee: 40 42 .dd2 $4240 ;VCTR x=-864 y=+576 sc=4 b=12 53f0: 60 c7 .dd2 $c760 53f2: 80 44 .dd2 $4480 ;VCTR x=-704 y=-128 sc=4 b=12 53f4: c0 c6 .dd2 $c6c0 53f6: f0 61 .dd2 $61f0 ;VCTR x=+640 y=+496 sc=6 b=12 53f8: 80 c2 .dd2 $c280 53fa: 10 67 .dd2 $6710 ;VCTR x=-216 y=-784 sc=6 b=12 53fc: d8 c4 .dd2 $c4d8 53fe: c0 42 .dd2 $42c0 ;VCTR x=-128 y=+704 sc=4 b=12 5400: 80 c4 .dd2 $c480 5402: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 5404: 40 46 .dd2 $4640 ;VCTR x=-992 y=-576 sc=4 b=12 5406: e0 c7 .dd2 $c7e0 5408: 30 52 .dd2 $5230 ;VCTR x=+64 y=+560 sc=5 b=12 540a: 40 c0 .dd2 $c040 540c: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
540e: a0 47 ShipDir44 .dd2 $47a0 ;VCTR x=+96 y=-928 sc=4 b=0 5410: 60 00 .dd2 $0060 5412: e0 41 .dd2 $41e0 ;VCTR x=-896 y=+480 sc=4 b=12 5414: 80 c7 .dd2 $c780 5416: e0 44 .dd2 $44e0 ;VCTR x=-704 y=-224 sc=4 b=12 5418: c0 c6 .dd2 $c6c0 541a: 30 62 .dd2 $6230 ;VCTR x=+584 y=+560 sc=6 b=12 541c: 48 c2 .dd2 $c248 541e: 20 67 .dd2 $6720 ;VCTR x=-136 y=-800 sc=6 b=12 5420: 88 c4 .dd2 $c488 5422: c0 42 .dd2 $42c0 ;VCTR x=-224 y=+704 sc=4 b=12 5424: e0 c4 .dd2 $c4e0 5426: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 5428: a0 46 .dd2 $46a0 ;VCTR x=-928 y=-672 sc=4 b=12 542a: a0 c7 .dd2 $c7a0 542c: 40 52 .dd2 $5240 ;VCTR x=+16 y=+576 sc=5 b=12 542e: 10 c0 .dd2 $c010 5430: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5432: 80 47 ShipDir48 .dd2 $4780 ;VCTR x=+192 y=-896 sc=4 b=0 5434: c0 00 .dd2 $00c0 5436: 80 41 .dd2 $4180 ;VCTR x=-960 y=+384 sc=4 b=12 5438: c0 c7 .dd2 $c7c0 543a: 20 45 .dd2 $4520 ;VCTR x=-672 y=-288 sc=4 b=12 543c: a0 c6 .dd2 $c6a0 543e: 60 62 .dd2 $6260 ;VCTR x=+528 y=+608 sc=6 b=12 5440: 10 c2 .dd2 $c210 5442: 28 67 .dd2 $6728 ;VCTR x=-56 y=-808 sc=6 b=12 5444: 38 c4 .dd2 $c438 5446: a0 42 .dd2 $42a0 ;VCTR x=-288 y=+672 sc=4 b=12 5448: 20 c5 .dd2 $c520 544a: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 544c: e0 46 .dd2 $46e0 ;VCTR x=-864 y=-736 sc=4 b=12 544e: 60 c7 .dd2 $c760 5450: 40 52 .dd2 $5240 ;VCTR x=-48 y=+576 sc=5 b=12 5452: 30 c4 .dd2 $c430 5454: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5456: 80 47 ShipDir52 .dd2 $4780 ;VCTR x=+256 y=-896 sc=4 b=0 5458: 00 01 .dd2 $0100 545a: 20 41 .dd2 $4120 ;VCTR x=-992 y=+288 sc=4 b=12 545c: e0 c7 .dd2 $c7e0 545e: 60 45 .dd2 $4560 ;VCTR x=-640 y=-352 sc=4 b=12 5460: 80 c6 .dd2 $c680 5462: 98 62 .dd2 $6298 ;VCTR x=+464 y=+664 sc=6 b=12 5464: d0 c1 .dd2 $c1d0 5466: 28 67 .dd2 $6728 ;VCTR x=+24 y=-808 sc=6 b=12 5468: 18 c0 .dd2 $c018 546a: 80 42 .dd2 $4280 ;VCTR x=-352 y=+640 sc=4 b=12 546c: 60 c5 .dd2 $c560 546e: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 5470: 40 47 .dd2 $4740 ;VCTR x=-800 y=-832 sc=4 b=12 5472: 20 c7 .dd2 $c720 5474: 30 52 .dd2 $5230 ;VCTR x=-96 y=+560 sc=5 b=12 5476: 60 c4 .dd2 $c460 5478: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
547a: 60 47 ShipDir56 .dd2 $4760 ;VCTR x=+352 y=-864 sc=4 b=0 547c: 60 01 .dd2 $0160 547e: c0 40 .dd2 $40c0 ;VCTR x=-992 y=+192 sc=4 b=12 5480: e0 c7 .dd2 $c7e0 5482: a0 45 .dd2 $45a0 ;VCTR x=-608 y=-416 sc=4 b=12 5484: 60 c6 .dd2 $c660 5486: c0 62 .dd2 $62c0 ;VCTR x=+400 y=+704 sc=6 b=12 5488: 90 c1 .dd2 $c190 548a: 20 67 .dd2 $6720 ;VCTR x=+104 y=-800 sc=6 b=12 548c: 68 c0 .dd2 $c068 548e: 60 42 .dd2 $4260 ;VCTR x=-416 y=+608 sc=4 b=12 5490: a0 c5 .dd2 $c5a0 5492: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 5494: 80 47 .dd2 $4780 ;VCTR x=-704 y=-896 sc=4 b=12 5496: c0 c6 .dd2 $c6c0 5498: 30 52 .dd2 $5230 ;VCTR x=-144 y=+560 sc=5 b=12 549a: 90 c4 .dd2 $c490 549c: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
549e: 20 47 ShipDir60 .dd2 $4720 ;VCTR x=+448 y=-800 sc=4 b=0 54a0: c0 01 .dd2 $01c0 54a2: 30 50 .dd2 $5030 ;VCTR x=-512 y=+48 sc=5 b=12 54a4: 00 c6 .dd2 $c600 54a6: c0 45 .dd2 $45c0 ;VCTR x=-544 y=-448 sc=4 b=12 54a8: 20 c6 .dd2 $c620 54aa: e0 62 .dd2 $62e0 ;VCTR x=+328 y=+736 sc=6 b=12 54ac: 48 c1 .dd2 $c148 54ae: 18 67 .dd2 $6718 ;VCTR x=+176 y=-792 sc=6 b=12 54b0: b0 c0 .dd2 $c0b0 54b2: 20 42 .dd2 $4220 ;VCTR x=-448 y=+544 sc=4 b=12 54b4: c0 c5 .dd2 $c5c0 54b6: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 54b8: c0 47 .dd2 $47c0 ;VCTR x=-608 y=-960 sc=4 b=12 54ba: 60 c6 .dd2 $c660 54bc: 10 52 .dd2 $5210 ;VCTR x=-208 y=+528 sc=5 b=12 54be: d0 c4 .dd2 $c4d0 54c0: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
54c2: 0a f7 ShipDir64 .dd2 $f70a ;SVEC x=+2 y=-3 sc=2 b=0 54c4: ce f8 .dd2 $f8ce ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=3 b=12 54c6: cd fd .dd2 $fdcd ;SVEC x=-1 y=-1 sc=3 b=12 54c8: 00 63 .dd2 $6300 ;VCTR x=+256 y=+768 sc=6 b=12 54ca: 00 c1 .dd2 $c100 54cc: 00 67 .dd2 $6700 ;VCTR x=+256 y=-768 sc=6 b=12 54ce: 00 c1 .dd2 $c100 54d0: cd f9 .dd2 $f9cd ;SVEC x=-1 y=+1 sc=3 b=12 54d2: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL 54d4: cd fe .dd2 $fecd ;SVEC x=-1 y=-2 sc=3 b=12 54d6: cd fa .dd2 $facd ;SVEC x=-1 y=+2 sc=3 b=12 54d8: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL ; ; Extra lives vector data. Draw one of these for each remaining life. ;
54da: 0e f7 ExtLivesDat .dd2 $f70e ;SVEC x=-2 y=-3 sc=2 b=0 54dc: 7a f8 .dd2 $f87a ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=3 b=7 54de: 79 fd .dd2 $fd79 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-1 sc=3 b=7 54e0: 00 63 .dd2 $6300 ;VCTR x=-256 y=+768 sc=6 b=7 54e2: 00 75 .dd2 $7500 54e4: 00 67 .dd2 $6700 ;VCTR x=-256 y=-768 sc=6 b=7 54e6: 00 75 .dd2 $7500 54e8: 79 f9 .dd2 $f979 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+1 sc=3 b=7 54ea: c0 60 .dd2 $60c0 ;VCTR x=+640 y=+192 sc=6 b=0 54ec: 80 02 .dd2 $0280 54ee: 9f d0 .dd2 $d09f ;RTSL ; ; Alphanumeric vector data. ; ; Each character leaves the vector pointed a short distance to the right of the ; initial position, so that you can output multiple characters without having to ; explicitly reposition each time. ;
54f0: 70 fa .dd2 $fa70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+2 sc=1 b=7 <<< 54f2: 72 f2 .dd2 $f272 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+2 sc=0 b=7 54f4: 72 f6 .dd2 $f672 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 54f6: 70 fe .dd2 $fe70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-2 sc=1 b=7 54f8: 06 f9 .dd2 $f906 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+1 sc=1 b=0 54fa: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 54fc: 02 f6 .dd2 $f602 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-2 sc=0 b=0 54fe: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5500: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5502: 73 f0 .dd2 $f073 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=0 b=7 5504: 71 f5 .dd2 $f571 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-1 sc=0 b=7 5506: 70 f5 .dd2 $f570 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-1 sc=0 b=7 5508: 75 f5 .dd2 $f575 ;SVEC x=-1 y=-1 sc=0 b=7 550a: 77 f0 .dd2 $f077 ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=0 b=7 550c: 03 f0 .dd2 $f003 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 550e: 71 f5 .dd2 $f571 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-1 sc=0 b=7 5510: 70 f5 .dd2 $f570 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-1 sc=0 b=7 5512: 75 f5 .dd2 $f575 ;SVEC x=-1 y=-1 sc=0 b=7 5514: 77 f0 .dd2 $f077 ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=0 b=7 5516: 03 f8 .dd2 $f803 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=1 b=0 5518: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
551a: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 551c: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 551e: 06 ff .dd2 $ff06 ;SVEC x=-2 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 5520: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5522: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 5524: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5526: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5528: 72 f0 .dd2 $f072 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=7 552a: 72 f6 .dd2 $f672 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 552c: 70 f6 .dd2 $f670 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 552e: 76 f6 .dd2 $f676 ;SVEC x=-2 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 5530: 76 f0 .dd2 $f076 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=0 b=7 5532: 03 f8 .dd2 $f803 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=1 b=0 5534: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5536: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5538: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 553a: 05 f7 .dd2 $f705 ;SVEC x=-1 y=-3 sc=0 b=0 553c: 77 f0 .dd2 $f077 ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=0 b=7 553e: 00 f7 .dd2 $f700 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=0 5540: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5542: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 5544: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5546: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5548: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 554a: 05 f7 .dd2 $f705 ;SVEC x=-1 y=-3 sc=0 b=0 554c: 77 f0 .dd2 $f077 ;SVEC x=-3 y=+0 sc=0 b=7 554e: 00 f7 .dd2 $f700 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=0 5550: 03 f8 .dd2 $f803 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=1 b=0 5552: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5554: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5556: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5558: 70 f6 .dd2 $f670 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 555a: 06 f6 .dd2 $f606 ;SVEC x=-2 y=-2 sc=0 b=0 555c: 72 f0 .dd2 $f072 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=7 555e: 70 f6 .dd2 $f670 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 5560: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5562: 03 f8 .dd2 $f803 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=1 b=0 5564: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5566: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5568: 00 f7 .dd2 $f700 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=0 556a: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 556c: 00 f3 .dd2 $f300 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=0 b=0 556e: 70 ff .dd2 $ff70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 5570: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 5572: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5574: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5576: 06 f0 .dd2 $f006 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 5578: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 557a: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 557c: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 557e: 03 ff .dd2 $ff03 ;SVEC x=+3 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 5580: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5582: 00 f2 .dd2 $f200 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+2 sc=0 b=0 <<< 5584: 72 f6 .dd2 $f672 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 5586: 72 f0 .dd2 $f072 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=7 5588: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 558a: 01 ff .dd2 $ff01 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 558c: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
558e: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5590: 03 f0 .dd2 $f003 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 5592: 77 f7 .dd2 $f777 ;SVEC x=-3 y=-3 sc=0 b=7 5594: 73 f7 .dd2 $f773 ;SVEC x=+3 y=-3 sc=0 b=7 5596: 03 f0 .dd2 $f003 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 5598: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
559a: 00 fb .dd2 $fb00 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=0 <<< 559c: 70 ff .dd2 $ff70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 559e: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 55a0: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 55a2: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
55a4: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 55a6: 72 f6 .dd2 $f672 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 55a8: 72 f2 .dd2 $f272 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+2 sc=0 b=7 55aa: 70 ff .dd2 $ff70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 55ac: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 55ae: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
55b0: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 55b2: 72 ff .dd2 $ff72 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 55b4: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 55b6: 01 ff .dd2 $ff01 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 55b8: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
55ba: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 55bc: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 55be: 70 ff .dd2 $ff70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 55c0: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 55c2: 03 f8 .dd2 $f803 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=1 b=0 55c4: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
55c6: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 55c8: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 55ca: 70 f7 .dd2 $f770 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=7 55cc: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 55ce: 03 f7 .dd2 $f703 ;SVEC x=+3 y=-3 sc=0 b=0 55d0: 03 f0 .dd2 $f003 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 55d2: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
55d4: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 55d6: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 55d8: 70 fe .dd2 $fe70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-2 sc=1 b=7 55da: 76 f6 .dd2 $f676 ;SVEC x=-2 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 55dc: 76 f0 .dd2 $f076 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=0 b=7 55de: 02 f2 .dd2 $f202 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+2 sc=0 b=0 55e0: 72 f6 .dd2 $f672 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 55e2: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 55e4: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
55e6: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 55e8: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 55ea: 70 f7 .dd2 $f770 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=7 55ec: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 55ee: 01 f0 .dd2 $f001 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 55f0: 73 f7 .dd2 $f773 ;SVEC x=+3 y=-3 sc=0 b=7 55f2: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 55f4: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
55f6: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 <<< 55f8: 70 f3 .dd2 $f370 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=0 b=7 55fa: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 55fc: 70 f3 .dd2 $f370 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=0 b=7 55fe: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5600: 01 ff .dd2 $ff01 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 5602: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5604: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 <<< 5606: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 5608: 06 f0 .dd2 $f006 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 560a: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 560c: 01 ff .dd2 $ff01 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 560e: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5610: 00 fb .dd2 $fb00 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=0 <<< 5612: 70 ff .dd2 $ff70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 5614: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5616: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 5618: 01 ff .dd2 $ff01 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 561a: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
561c: 00 fb .dd2 $fb00 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=0 <<< 561e: 71 ff .dd2 $ff71 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 5620: 71 fb .dd2 $fb71 ;SVEC x=+1 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 5622: 01 ff .dd2 $ff01 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 5624: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5626: 00 fb .dd2 $fb00 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=0 <<< 5628: 70 ff .dd2 $ff70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 562a: 72 f2 .dd2 $f272 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+2 sc=0 b=7 562c: 72 f6 .dd2 $f672 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 562e: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 5630: 01 ff .dd2 $ff01 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 5632: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5634: 72 fb .dd2 $fb72 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5636: 06 f8 .dd2 $f806 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=0 5638: 72 ff .dd2 $ff72 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 563a: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 563c: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
563e: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 <<< 5640: 70 fa .dd2 $fa70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+2 sc=1 b=7 5642: 76 f2 .dd2 $f276 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+2 sc=0 b=7 5644: 02 f8 .dd2 $f802 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=0 5646: 76 f6 .dd2 $f676 ;SVEC x=-2 y=-2 sc=0 b=7 5648: 02 fe .dd2 $fe02 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-2 sc=1 b=0 564a: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
564c: 00 fb .dd2 $fb00 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=0 <<< 564e: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5650: 76 ff .dd2 $ff76 ;SVEC x=-2 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 5652: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5654: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 5656: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5658: 03 f8 .dd2 $f803 ;SVEC x=+3 y=+0 sc=1 b=0 <<< 565a: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
565c: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 <<< 565e: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 5660: 02 ff .dd2 $ff02 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 5662: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5664: 00 fb .dd2 $fb00 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=0 <<< 5666: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5668: 70 f7 .dd2 $f770 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=7 566a: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 566c: 70 f7 .dd2 $f770 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=7 566e: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5670: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 5672: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5674: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5676: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 5678: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 567a: 00 f7 .dd2 $f700 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=0 567c: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 567e: 02 f7 .dd2 $f702 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-3 sc=0 b=0 5680: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5682: 00 fb .dd2 $fb00 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=0 <<< 5684: 70 f7 .dd2 $f770 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=7 5686: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5688: 00 f3 .dd2 $f300 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=0 b=0 568a: 70 ff .dd2 $ff70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 568c: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 568e: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
5690: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 <<< 5692: 70 f3 .dd2 $f370 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=0 b=7 5694: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 5696: 70 f3 .dd2 $f370 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=0 b=7 5698: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 569a: 01 ff .dd2 $ff01 ;SVEC x=+1 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 569c: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
569e: 00 f3 .dd2 $f300 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=0 b=0 <<< 56a0: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 56a2: 70 f7 .dd2 $f770 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=7 56a4: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 56a6: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 56a8: 03 ff .dd2 $ff03 ;SVEC x=+3 y=-3 sc=1 b=0 56aa: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
56ac: 00 fb .dd2 $fb00 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=0 <<< 56ae: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 56b0: 70 ff .dd2 $ff70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 56b2: 02 f0 .dd2 $f002 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=0 b=0 56b4: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
56b6: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 <<< 56b8: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 56ba: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 56bc: 70 ff .dd2 $ff70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=1 b=7 56be: 00 f3 .dd2 $f300 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=0 b=0 56c0: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 56c2: 02 f7 .dd2 $f702 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-3 sc=0 b=0 56c4: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL
56c6: 02 f8 .dd2 $f802 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=0 <<< 56c8: 70 fb .dd2 $fb70 ;SVEC x=+0 y=+3 sc=1 b=7 56ca: 76 f8 .dd2 $f876 ;SVEC x=-2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 56cc: 70 f7 .dd2 $f770 ;SVEC x=+0 y=-3 sc=0 b=7 56ce: 72 f8 .dd2 $f872 ;SVEC x=+2 y=+0 sc=1 b=7 56d0: 02 f7 .dd2 $f702 ;SVEC x=+2 y=-3 sc=0 b=0 56d2: 00 d0 .dd2 $d000 ;RTSL ; ; JSRL commands to access the characters above. ; 56d4: 2c cb CharPtrTbl .dd2 $cb2c ;JSRL a=$0b2c ($5658) ' ' 56d6: dd ca .dd2 $cadd ;JSRL a=$0add ($55ba) '0' 56d8: 2e cb .dd2 $cb2e ;JSRL a=$0b2e ($565c) 56da: 32 cb .dd2 $cb32 ;JSRL a=$0b32 ($5664) 56dc: 3a cb .dd2 $cb3a ;JSRL a=$0b3a ($5674) 56de: 41 cb .dd2 $cb41 ;JSRL a=$0b41 ($5682) 56e0: 48 cb .dd2 $cb48 ;JSRL a=$0b48 ($5690) 56e2: 4f cb .dd2 $cb4f ;JSRL a=$0b4f ($569e) 56e4: 56 cb .dd2 $cb56 ;JSRL a=$0b56 ($56ac) 56e6: 5b cb .dd2 $cb5b ;JSRL a=$0b5b ($56b6) 56e8: 63 cb .dd2 $cb63 ;JSRL a=$0b63 ($56c6) '9' 56ea: 78 ca .dd2 $ca78 ;JSRL a=$0a78 ($54f0) 'A' 56ec: 80 ca .dd2 $ca80 ;JSRL a=$0a80 ($5500) 56ee: 8d ca .dd2 $ca8d ;JSRL a=$0a8d ($551a) 56f0: 93 ca .dd2 $ca93 ;JSRL a=$0a93 ($5526) 56f2: 9b ca .dd2 $ca9b ;JSRL a=$0a9b ($5536) 56f4: a3 ca .dd2 $caa3 ;JSRL a=$0aa3 ($5546) 56f6: aa ca .dd2 $caaa ;JSRL a=$0aaa ($5554) 56f8: b3 ca .dd2 $cab3 ;JSRL a=$0ab3 ($5566) 56fa: ba ca .dd2 $caba ;JSRL a=$0aba ($5574) 56fc: c1 ca .dd2 $cac1 ;JSRL a=$0ac1 ($5582) 56fe: c7 ca .dd2 $cac7 ;JSRL a=$0ac7 ($558e) 5700: cd ca .dd2 $cacd ;JSRL a=$0acd ($559a) 5702: d2 ca .dd2 $cad2 ;JSRL a=$0ad2 ($55a4) 5704: d8 ca .dd2 $cad8 ;JSRL a=$0ad8 ($55b0) 5706: dd ca .dd2 $cadd ;JSRL a=$0add ($55ba) 5708: e3 ca .dd2 $cae3 ;JSRL a=$0ae3 ($55c6) 570a: ea ca .dd2 $caea ;JSRL a=$0aea ($55d4) 570c: f3 ca .dd2 $caf3 ;JSRL a=$0af3 ($55e6) 570e: fb ca .dd2 $cafb ;JSRL a=$0afb ($55f6) 5710: 02 cb .dd2 $cb02 ;JSRL a=$0b02 ($5604) 5712: 08 cb .dd2 $cb08 ;JSRL a=$0b08 ($5610) 5714: 0e cb .dd2 $cb0e ;JSRL a=$0b0e ($561c) 5716: 13 cb .dd2 $cb13 ;JSRL a=$0b13 ($5626) 5718: 1a cb .dd2 $cb1a ;JSRL a=$0b1a ($5634) 571a: 1f cb .dd2 $cb1f ;JSRL a=$0b1f ($563e) 571c: 26 cb .dd2 $cb26 ;JSRL a=$0b26 ($564c) 'Z' ; ; English message offsets. ; 571e: 0b EnglishTextTbl .dd1 $0b ;HIGH SCORES 571f: 13 .dd1 $13 ;PLAYER 5720: 19 .dd1 $19 ;YOUR SCORE IS ... 5721: 2f .dd1 $2f ;PLEASE ENTER YOUR ... 5722: 41 .dd1 $41 ;PUSH ROTATE TO ... 5723: 55 .dd1 $55 ;PUSH HYPERSPACE WHEN ... 5724: 6f .dd1 $6f ;PUSH START 5725: 77 .dd1 $77 ;GAME OVER 5726: 7d .dd1 $7d ;1 COIN 2 PLAYS 5727: 87 .dd1 $87 ;1 COIN 1 PLAY 5728: 91 .dd1 $91 ;2 COINS 1 PLAY ; ; Message text. This uses 5 bits per character, storing 3 characters in 2 ; bytes. The character index mapping is: ; ; 1 - space ; 2 - '0' ; 3 - '1' ; 4 - '2' ; [5,30] - [A,Z] ; ; For example, the first message begins with "HIG", which is stored: ; ; H I G ; 01100 01101 01011 0 = 01100011 01010110 = $63 $56 ; ; The end of the string is identified by index zero, or (if all three characters ; are present) by setting the low bit of the word to 1. ; 5729: 63 56 60 6e+ .bulk $63,$56,$60,$6e,$3c,$ec,$4d,$c0 ;HIGH SCORES 5731: a4 0a ea 6c+ .bulk $a4,$0a,$ea,$6c,$08,$00 ;PLAYER 5737: ec f2 b0 6e+ .bulk $ec,$f2,$b0,$6e,$3c,$ec,$48,$5a,$b8,$66,$92,$42,$9a,$82,$c3,$12 ;YOUR SCORE IS ONE OF THE TEN BEST + $0e,$12,$90,$4c,$4d,$f1 574d: a4 12 2d d2+ .bulk $a4,$12,$2d,$d2,$0a,$64,$c2,$6c,$0f,$66,$cd,$82,$6c,$9a,$c3,$4a ;PLEASE ENTER YOUR INITIALS + $85,$c0 575f: a6 6e 60 6c+ .bulk $a6,$6e,$60,$6c,$9e,$0a,$c2,$42,$c4,$c2,$ba,$60,$49,$f0,$0c,$12 ;PUSH ROTATE TO SELECT LETTER + $c6,$12,$b0,$00 5773: a6 6e 60 58+ .bulk $a6,$6e,$60,$58,$ed,$12,$b5,$e8,$29,$d2,$0e,$d8,$4c,$82,$82,$70 ;PUSH HYPERSPACE WHEN LETTER IS CORRECT + $c2,$6c,$0b,$6e,$09,$e6,$b5,$92,$3e,$00 578d: a6 6e 60 6e+ .bulk $a6,$6e,$60,$6e,$c1,$6c,$c0,$00 ;PUSH START 5795: 59 62 48 66+ .bulk $59,$62,$48,$66,$d2,$6d ;GAME OVER 579b: 18 4e 9b 64+ .bulk $18,$4e,$9b,$64,$09,$02,$a4,$0a,$ed,$c0 ;1 COIN 2 PLAYS 57a5: 18 4e 9b 64+ .bulk $18,$4e,$9b,$64,$08,$c2,$a4,$0a,$e8,$00 ;1 COIN 1 PLAY 57af: 20 4e 9b 64+ .bulk $20,$4e,$9b,$64,$b8,$46,$0d,$20,$2f,$40 ;2 COINS 1 PLAY ; ; Sine lookup table, for vertical thrust. Offset by 64 to get cosine for ; horizontal thrust. ; 57b9: 00 03 06 09+ ThrustTbl .bulk $00,$03,$06,$09,$0c,$10,$13,$16,$19,$1c,$1f,$22,$25,$28,$2b,$2e + $31,$33,$36,$39,$3c,$3f,$41,$44,$47,$49,$4c,$4e,$51,$53,$55,$58 + $5a,$5c,$5e,$60,$62,$64,$66,$68,$6a,$6b,$6d,$6f,$70,$71,$73,$74 + $75,$76,$78,$79,$7a,$7a,$7b,$7c,$7d,$7d,$7e,$7e,$7e,$7f,$7f,$7f + $7f 57fa: 00 00 00 00+ .junk 6 ;unused .adrend ↑ $5000
No exported symbols found.