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                   * Starship Commander for the Apple II, by Gilman Louie                         *
                   * Copyright 1981 Voyager Software                                              *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Disassembly of "SUBROUTINES".                                                *
                   * Three short assembly-language routines:                                      *
                   *                                                                              *
                   *   Make sound: POKE 2048,pitch : POKE 2049,duration : CALL 2050               *
                   *   Clear screen: POKE 2072,color1 : POKE 2073,color2 : CALL 2074              *
                   *   Invert screen colors: CALL 2115                                            *
                   * Disassembly by Andy McFadden, using 6502bench SourceGen v1.5.                *
                   * Last updated 2020/01/22                                                      *
                   pitch           .eq     $0800
                   duration        .eq     $0801
                   SPKR            .eq     $c030             ;RW toggle speaker

                                   .org    $0802
                   ; Makes a tone of the specified pitch and duration.
                   ; (I've seen nearly identical code elsewhere, e.g. in Galactic Trilogy's TONE,
                   ; so there's probably a common source.)
0802: ad 30 c0     SOUND           lda     SPKR              ;click
0805: 88           L0805           dey                       ;on entry from a CALL, Y will be $02 (addr low)
0806: d0 05                        bne     L080D
0808: ce 01 08                     dec     duration          ;are we done yet?
080b: f0 09                        beq     :done             ;yes
080d: ca           L080D           dex                       ;pausing between clicks?
080e: d0 f5                        bne     L0805             ;yes
0810: ae 00 08                     ldx     pitch
0813: 4c 02 08                     jmp     SOUND

0816: 60           :done           rts

0817: 00                           .junk   1
0818: d5           color0          .dd1    $d5               ;even color for fill
0819: aa           color1          .dd1    $aa               ;odd color for fill

                   ; Clears the hi-res screen to the colors in color0/color1.
081a: a2 00        CLEAR           ldx     #$00              ;start at $2000
081c: a0 20                        ldy     #$20
081e: 8e 2b 08     :loop           stx     :_store_even+1
0821: 8c 2c 08                     sty     :_store_even+2
0824: 8c 36 08                     sty     :_store_odd+2
0827: ad 18 08                     lda     color0
082a: 8d fe 3f     :_store_even    sta     $3ffe
082d: e8                           inx
082e: 8e 35 08                     stx     :_store_odd+1
0831: ad 19 08                     lda     color1
0834: 8d ff 3f     :_store_odd     sta     $3fff
0837: e8                           inx
0838: e0 00                        cpx     #$00              ;(unnecessary)
083a: d0 e2                        bne     :loop
083c: c8                           iny
083d: c0 40                        cpy     #$40              ;reached end of hi-res page 1?
083f: d0 dd                        bne     :loop             ;not yet
0841: 60                           rts

0842: 20                           .junk   1

                   ; Inverts bytes from $1F9D to $3FFF.
0843: a0 1f        INVERT          ldy     #$1f
0845: 8e 52 08     :loop           stx     :_load+1          ;on entry from a CALL, X will be $9D
0848: 8e 57 08                     stx     :_store+1
084b: 8c 53 08                     sty     :_load+2
084e: 8c 58 08                     sty     :_store+2
0851: ad ff 3f     :_load          lda     $3fff             ;get the hi-res byte
0854: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff              ;invert the colors
0856: 8d ff 3f     :_store         sta     $3fff             ;write it back
0859: e8                           inx
085a: d0 e9                        bne     :loop
085c: c8                           iny
085d: c0 40                        cpy     #$40              ;reached end of hi-res page 1?
085f: d0 e4                        bne     :loop             ;not yet
0861: 60                           rts

0862: e4 60 60                     .junk   3

Symbol Table
