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Unenh_IIe_80col Disassembly

                   * Apple //e Video Firmware                                                     *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Rick Auricchio 08/81                                                         *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * (C) 1981, Apple Computer Inc.  All Rights Reserved                           *
                   * This is a disassembly of the 80-column firmware in the original              *
                   * ("unenhanced") Apple //e monitor ROM.  The labels and comments come from the *
                   * "80-Column Firmware Listing" in _Reference Manual Addendum: Monitor ROM      *
                   * Listings For //e Only_.  This is a fairly direct translation -- operands are *
                   * generally formatted as they appear in the original listing.  Comments have   *
                   * been converted to mixed-case, but are otherwise unchanged (typographical     *
                   * errors and all).                                                             *
                   * Project created by Andy McFadden, using 6502bench SourceGen v1.7.4.          *
                   * Last updated 2021/06/10                                                      *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Notes on $047b - $07fb ...                                                   *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Permanent data in screenholes                                                *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * NOTE: these reside in page 1 of the 80-column screen pair; any routine which *
                   * sets page2 *must* restore back to page1 so that we can correctly access      *
                   * these perms.  Under *NO* circumstances is any routine to be called while we  *
                   * have page2 banked in!                                                        *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Values for MODE:                                                             *
                   *  0....... - ESC-R inactive                                                   *
                   *  1....... - ESC-R active                                                     *
                   *  .0...... - BASIC print                                                      *
                   *  .1...... - BASIC input                                                      *
                   *  ..0..... - language=BASIC                                                   *
                   *  ..1..... - language=Pascal                                                  *
                   *  ...0.... - U/C restrict mode                                                *
                   *  ...1.... - literal UC/LC mode                                               *
                   *  ....0... - GOTOXY N/A                                                       *
                   *  ....1... - GOTOXY in progress                                               *
                   *  .....0.. - normal video (Pascal)                                            *
                   *  .....1.. - inverse video (Pascal)                                           *
                   *  ......0. - Pascal 1.1 F/W active                                            *
                   *  ......1. - Pascal 1.0 interface                                             *
                   *  .......0 - caller SEI'd (BASIC)                                             *
                   *  .......1 - caller CLI'd (BASIC)                                             *
                   *  .......0 - normal mode (Pascal)                                             *
                   *  .......1 - transparent mode (Pascal)                                        *
                   M_IRQ           .eq     $01    {const}    ;IRQ enabled (BASIC only)
                   M_TRANS         .eq     $01    {const}    ;transparent mode if F/W protocol
                   M_PAS1_0        .eq     $02    {const}    ;Pascal 1.0 mode
                   M_VMODE         .eq     $04    {const}    ;Pascal video mode
                   GOODF8          .eq     $06    {const}    ;ROM signature byte
                   M_GOXY          .eq     $08    {const}    ;GOTOXY in progress
                   M_LIT           .eq     $10    {const}    ;literal UC/LC input
                   ESCNUM          .eq     $11    {const}    ;table size, from $C983
                   M_PASCAL        .eq     $20    {const}    ;Pascal running
                   M_BINPUT        .eq     $40    {const}    ;BASIC inputting
                   M_ESCR          .eq     $80    {const}    ;ESC-R active
                   CN00            .eq     $c300  {const}    ;slot address
                   YSAV1           .eq     $1f               ;safe place in all environs
                   MON_WNDLEFT     .eq     $20               ;left column of scroll window
                   MON_WNDWDTH     .eq     $21               ;width of scroll window
                   MON_WNDTOP      .eq     $22               ;top of scroll window
                   MON_WNDBTM      .eq     $23               ;bottom of scroll window
                   MON_CH          .eq     $24               ;cursor horizontal displacement
                   MON_CV          .eq     $25               ;cursor vertical displacement
                   MON_BASL        .eq     $28               ;base address for text output (lo)
                   MON_BASH        .eq     $29               ;base address for text output (hi)
                   BAS2L           .eq     $2a               ;base addr for scroll
                   BAS2H           .eq     $2b
                   MON_INVFLAG     .eq     $32               ;text mask (255=normal, 127=flash, 63=inv)
                   MON_CSWL        .eq     $36               ;character output hook (lo)
                   MON_CSWH        .eq     $37               ;character output hook (hi)
                   MON_KSWL        .eq     $38               ;character input hook (lo)
                   MON_KSWH        .eq     $39               ;character input hook (hi)
                   MON_A1L         .eq     $3c               ;general purpose
                   MON_A1H         .eq     $3d               ;general purpose
                   MON_A2L         .eq     $3e               ;general purpose
                   MON_A2H         .eq     $3f               ;general purpose
                   MON_A4L         .eq     $42               ;general purpose
                   MON_A4H         .eq     $43               ;general purpose
                   MON_RNDL        .eq     $4e               ;low byte of KEYIN "random" value
                   MON_RNDH        .eq     $4f               ;high byte of KEYIN "random" value
                   TEMP1           .eq     $0478             ;A temp
                   OLDCH           .eq     $047b             ;old CH set for user
                   MODE            .eq     $04fb  {addr/1}   ;operating mode
                   OURCH           .eq     $057b             ;80-col CH
                   OURCV           .eq     $05fb             ;cursor vertical
                   CHAR            .eq     $067b  {addr/1}   ;in/out char
                   XCOORD          .eq     $06fb             ;X-coord (GOTOXY)
                   OLDBASL         .eq     $077b             ;Pascal saved BASL
                   ACTV_PERIP_SLOT .eq     $07f8             ;slot num ($Cn) of active peripheral card
                   OLDBASH         .eq     $07fb             ;Pascal saved BASH
                   CLR80COL        .eq     $c000             ;W use $C002-C005 for aux mem (80STOREOFF)
                   KBD             .eq     $c000             ;R last key pressed + 128
                   SET80COL        .eq     $c001             ;W use PAGE2 for aux mem (80STOREON)
                   RDMAINRAM       .eq     $c002             ;W if 80STORE off: read main mem $0200-BFFF
                   RDCARDRAM       .eq     $c003             ;W if 80STORE off: read aux mem $0200-BFFF
                   WRMAINRAM       .eq     $c004             ;W if 80STORE off: write main mem $0200-BFFF
                   WRCARDRAM       .eq     $c005             ;W if 80STORE off: write aux mem $0200-BFFF
                   SETSTDZP        .eq     $c008             ;W use main stack and zero page
                   SETALTZP        .eq     $c009             ;W use aux stack and zero page
                   SETSLOTC3ROM    .eq     $c00b             ;W use external slot 3 ROM
                   CLR80VID        .eq     $c00c             ;W disable 80-column display mode
                   SET80VID        .eq     $c00d             ;W enable 80-column display mode
                   CLRALTCHAR      .eq     $c00e             ;W use primary char set
                   SETALTCHAR      .eq     $c00f             ;W use alternate char set
                   KBDSTRB         .eq     $c010             ;RW keyboard strobe
                   RDLCBNK2        .eq     $c011             ;R bit 7: reading from LC bank 2 ($Dx)?
                   RDLCRAM         .eq     $c012             ;R bit 7: reading from LC RAM?
                   RDRAMRD         .eq     $c013             ;R bit 7: reading from aux/alt 48K?
                   RDRAMWRT        .eq     $c014             ;R bit 7: writing to aux/alt 48K?
                   RD80COL         .eq     $c018             ;R bit 7: 80STORE is on?
                   RDTEXT          .eq     $c01a             ;R bit 7: using text mode?
                   RDPAGE2         .eq     $c01c             ;R bit 7: using page 2?
                   RD80VID         .eq     $c01f             ;R bit 7: using 80 columns?
                   SPKR            .eq     $c030             ;RW toggle speaker
                   TXTPAGE1        .eq     $c054             ;RW display page 1
                   TXTPAGE2        .eq     $c055             ;RW display page 2 (or read/write aux mem)
                   CLRAN2          .eq     $c05d             ;RW annunciator 2 on
                   CLRAN3          .eq     $c05f             ;RW annunciator 3 on
                   BUTN0           .eq     $c061             ;R switch input 0 / open-apple
                   BUTN1           .eq     $c062             ;R switch input 1 / closed-apple
                   LCBANK2_RW      .eq     $c080             ;RW read RAM bank 2, write off
                   ROMIN           .eq     $c081             ;RWx2 read ROM, write RAM bank 2
                   LCBANK1_RW      .eq     $c088             ;RW read RAM bank 1, write off
                   ROMIN1          .eq     $c089             ;RW read ROM, write RAM bank 1
                   CLRROM          .eq     $cfff             ;disable slot C8 ROM
                   MON_VERSION     .eq     $fbb3
                   MON_VTAB        .eq     $fc22             ;tab to row specified in Acc
                   MON_VTABZ       .eq     $fc24
                   MON_SNIFFIRQ    .eq     $fc75
                   MON_FUNCEXIT    .eq     $fd29  {addr/4}
                   MON_SETKBD      .eq     $fe89             ;reset char input handler to ROM
                   MON_SETVID      .eq     $fe93             ;reset char output handler to ROM
                   MON_IORTS       .eq     $ff58             ;JSR here to find out where one is

                                   .org    $c100
                   * Basic function hook.                                                         *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * This routine is called by the patched F8 ROM.  This code will always perform *
                   * the function here and return to the caller.                                  *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Note: F8 ROM disables I/O to get us running here.  We return to F8 space.    *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Input: Y=function as follows:                                                *
                   *   0=CLREOP                                                                   *
                   *   1=HOME                                                                     *
                   *   2=SCROLL                                                                   *
                   *   3=CLREOL                                                                   *
                   *   4=CLEOLZ                                                                   *
                   *   5=init & reset                                                             *
                   *   6=KEYIN                                                                    *
                   *   7-fix escape char                                                          *
                   *   8=SETWND                                                                   *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Stk has PHP for status of bank & IRQ bit                                     *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Volatile: AC, Y                                                              *
                   * NOTE: if we have a card installed, then use the video routines, since we     *
                   * 'own' slot3 screenholes.  If not, duplicate F8ROM routines and avoid slot3   *
                   * interference.                                                                *
                   * Vector to KEYIN/ESCFIX immediately to avoid AC destruction.                  *
c100: c0 06        B_FUNC          cpy     #6                ;is it KEYIN?
c102: d0 03                        bne     B_FUNCNK          ;no
c104: 4c 88 c2                     jmp     B_KEYIN

c107: c0 07        B_FUNCNK        cpy     #7                ;is it escape-fix?
c109: d0 03                        bne     B_FUNCNE          ;no
c10b: 4c 6e c2                     jmp     B_ESCFIX          ;=>yes!

c10e: 98           B_FUNCNE        tya                       ;save Y
c10f: 48                           pha
c110: 20 24 cb                     jsr     TESTCARD          ;do we have a card?
c113: d0 0a                        bne     B_OLDFUNC         ;=>no
                   ; Note: this test could turn out wrong on power-up, since the modebyte is
                   ; undefined.  However, since the monitor is doing a simple 'SETWND' call, we
                   ; won't get into trouble even if we make the wrong decision.
c115: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;is mode valid?
c118: 29 28                        and     #$28              ;for BASIC [AND #M.PASCAL+M.GOXY]
c11a: d0 03                        bne     B_OLDFUNC         ;=>definitely not!
c11c: 4c a4 c1                     jmp     B_FUNC0           ;->yes, go new way

                   ; No card.  Do things the old way.
c11f: 68           B_OLDFUNC       pla
c120: a8                           tay                       ;restore Y
c121: a9 c1                        lda     #>B_FUNC          ;transfer via
c123: 48                           pha                       ; the RTS-trick
c124: b9 ea cf                     lda     F_TABLE,y         ;get lo address
c127: 48                           pha
c128: 60                           rts                       ;transfer to routine

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c129: a4 24        F_CLREOP        ldy     MON_CH            ;ESC F is clr to end of page
c12b: a5 25                        lda     MON_CV
c12d: 48           CLEOP1          pha
c12e: 20 24 fc                     jsr     MON_VTABZ
c131: 20 f4 c2                     jsr     X_CLEOLZ
c134: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
c136: 68                           pla
c137: 69 00                        adc     #$00
c139: c5 23                        cmp     MON_WNDBTM
c13b: 90 f0                        bcc     CLEOP1
c13d: 20 22 fc                     jsr     MON_VTAB
c140: 4c eb c2                     jmp     F_RETURN          ;done

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c143: a5 22        F_HOME          lda     MON_WNDTOP
c145: 85 25                        sta     MON_CV
c147: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
c149: 84 24                        sty     MON_CH
c14b: f0 e0                        beq     CLEOP1            ;(always taken)

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c14d: a5 22        F_SCROLL        lda     MON_WNDTOP
c14f: 48                           pha
c150: 20 24 fc                     jsr     MON_VTABZ
c153: a5 28        SCRL1           lda     MON_BASL
c155: 85 2a                        sta     BAS2L
c157: a5 29                        lda     MON_BASH
c159: 85 2b                        sta     BAS2H
c15b: a4 21                        ldy     MON_WNDWDTH
c15d: 88                           dey
c15e: 68                           pla
c15f: 69 01                        adc     #$01
c161: c5 23                        cmp     MON_WNDBTM
c163: b0 0d                        bcs     SCRL3
c165: 48                           pha
c166: 20 24 fc                     jsr     MON_VTABZ
c169: b1 28        SCRL2           lda     (MON_BASL),y
c16b: 91 2a                        sta     (BAS2L),y
c16d: 88                           dey
c16e: 10 f9                        bpl     SCRL2
c170: 30 e1                        bmi     SCRL1

c172: a0 00        SCRL3           ldy     #$00
c174: 20 f4 c2                     jsr     X_CLEOLZ
c177: 20 22 fc                     jsr     MON_VTAB
c17a: 4c eb c2                     jmp     F_RETURN          ;=>done

c17d: a4 24        F_CLREOL        ldy     MON_CH
c17f: a9 a0                        lda     #$a0
c181: 91 28        CLEOL2          sta     (MON_BASL),y
c183: c8                           iny
c184: c4 21                        cpy     MON_WNDWDTH
c186: 90 f9                        bcc     CLEOL2
c188: b0 17                        bcs     F_GORET           ;done (always taken)

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c18a: a9 28        F_SETWND        lda     #40
c18c: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH
c18e: a9 18                        lda     #24
c190: 85 23                        sta     MON_WNDBTM
c192: a9 17                        lda     #23
c194: 85 25                        sta     MON_CV
c196: 20 22 fc                     jsr     MON_VTAB
c199: 4c eb c2                     jmp     F_RETURN

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c19c: a4 1f        F_CLEOLZ        ldy     YSAV1             ;restore horiz position
c19e: 20 f4 c2                     jsr     X_CLEOLZ          ;do it
c1a1: 4c eb c2     F_GORET         jmp     F_RETURN          ;done

c1a4: 68           B_FUNC0         pla                       ;restore Y
c1a5: a8                           tay
                   ; Set IRQMODE
c1a6: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;assume IRQ is disabled
c1a9: 29 fe                        and     #$fe              ;[AND #255-M.IRQ]
c1ab: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
c1ae: 68                           pla                       ;pull CXBANK status
c1af: 8d 78 04                     sta     TEMP1             ; off stack
c1b2: 68                           pla                       ;get user's pstatus
c1b3: 48                           pha                       ; (leave alone on stack)
c1b4: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;move 'I' bit to
c1b5: 4a                           lsr     A                 ; the carry
c1b6: 4a                           lsr     A
c1b7: ad 78 04                     lda     TEMP1             ;put CXBANK status
c1ba: 48                           pha                       ; back on stack
c1bb: b0 08                        bcs     NOI               ;=>he's inhibited
c1bd: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE
c1c0: 09 01                        ora     #M_IRQ
c1c2: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
c1c5: a5 25        NOI             lda     MON_CV            ;copy user CV
c1c7: 8d fb 05                     sta     OURCV             ; to ours
c1ca: 4c ff c1                     jmp     B_VECTOR          ;continue

                   ; Note: this keeps B_XXXX routines all in the C100 page...
c1cd: 20 a4 cc     B_SCROLL        jsr     SCROLLUP          ;do it for caller
c1d0: 4c eb c2                     jmp     F_RETURN          ; and return directly

c1d3: 20 48 cd     B_CLREOL        jsr     X_GS              ;clear to EOL
c1d6: 4c eb c2                     jmp     F_RETURN          ;return directly to caller

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c1d9: a4 1f        B_CLEOLZ        ldy     YSAV1             ;restore horiz position
c1db: 20 4e cd                     jsr     X_GSEOLZ          ;do it to EOL
c1de: 4c eb c2                     jmp     F_RETURN

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c1e1: 20 23 cd     B_CLREOP        jsr     X_VT              ;clear to EOB
c1e4: 4c eb c2                     jmp     F_RETURN          ;return directly to caller

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c1e7: 4c 19 c2     B_SETWND        jmp     B_SETWNDX

c1ea: 4c 34 c2     B_RESET         jmp     B_RESETX          ;must be in BFUNC page

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c1ed: 20 42 cd     B_HOME          jsr     X_FF              ;home & clear
c1f0: ad 7b 05                     lda     OURCH
c1f3: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH            ;copy CH/CV for caller
c1f5: 8d 7b 04                     sta     OLDCH             ;remember what we set
c1f8: ad fb 05                     lda     OURCV
c1fb: 85 25                        sta     MON_CV
c1fd: 10 2f                        bpl     GOBACK            ;(always taken)
                   ; Copy user's cursor if it differs from ours (and we're running in 80-column
                   ; mode).  If we are not in 80-mode, then always use the user's CH value since
                   ; ours is probably invalid.
c1ff: 20 51 cb     B_VECTOR        jsr     BASCALC
c202: a5 24                        lda     MON_CH            ;get user CH value
c204: 2c 1f c0                     bit     RD80VID           ;displaying 80-cols?
c207: 10 05                        bpl     B_GETCH           ;=>no, user CH is it
c209: cd 7b 04                     cmp     OLDCH             ;is it different?
c20c: f0 03                        beq     B_FUNC1           ;=>no, use ours
c20e: 8d 7b 05     B_GETCH         sta     OURCH             ;use his CH
c211: a9 c1        B_FUNC1         lda     #>B_FUNC          ;transfer to routine
c213: 48                           pha                       ; via RTS-trick
c214: b9 f3 cf                     lda     B_TABLE,y         ;get lo address
c217: 48                           pha
c218: 60                           rts

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c219: a9 50        B_SETWNDX       lda     #80               ;assume 80-cols
c21b: 2c 1f c0                     bit     RD80VID           ;which mode?
c21e: 30 01                        bmi     B_SETWND2         ;=>it's 80
c220: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;make it 40
c221: 85 21        B_SETWND2       sta     MON_WNDWDTH
c223: a9 18                        lda     #24               ;set bottom
c225: 85 23                        sta     MON_WNDBTM
c227: a9 17                        lda     #23               ;vtab to bottom
c229: 8d fb 05                     sta     OURCV
c22c: 85 25                        sta     MON_CV
c22e: 20 51 cb     GOBACK          jsr     BASCALC
c231: 4c eb c2                     jmp     F_RETURN

                   ; Handle reset for monitor.
c234: a9 ff        B_RESETX        lda     #$ff              ;destroy mode byte
c236: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
c239: ad 5d c0                     lda     CLRAN2            ;setup
c23c: ad 5f c0                     lda     CLRAN3            ; annunciators
                   ; If the Open Apple key (always paddle buttons 0) is depressed, coldstart the
                   ; system after destroying memory.
c23f: ad 62 c0                     lda     BUTN1             ;get button 1 (solid)
c242: 30 1d                        bmi     DIAGS             ;=>down, do diags
c244: ad 61 c0                     lda     BUTN0             ;get button 0 (open)
c247: 10 1b                        bpl     RESETRET          ;=>not jive or diags
                   ; Blast 2 bytes of each page, including the reset vector.
c249: a0 b0                        ldy     #$b0              ;let it precess down
c24b: a9 00                        lda     #$00
c24d: 85 3c                        sta     MON_A1L
c24f: a9 bf                        lda     #$bf              ;start from BFxx down
c251: 38                           sec                       ;for subtract
c252: 85 3d        BLAST           sta     MON_A1H
c254: 91 3c                        sta     (MON_A1L),y
c256: 88                           dey
c257: 91 3c                        sta     (MON_A1L),y
c259: e9 01                        sbc     #1                ;back down to next page
c25b: c9 01                        cmp     #1                ;stay away from stack!
c25d: d0 f3                        bne     BLAST
c25f: f0 03                        beq     RESETRET          ;(always)

c261: 4c 01 c4     DIAGS           jmp     $c401             ;run diags

c264: 20 24 cb     RESETRET        jsr     TESTCARD          ;card plugged in?
c267: f0 14                        beq     GORETN            ;=>yes
c269: 8d 0b c0                     sta     SETSLOTC3ROM      ;no, disable ROM
c26c: d0 0f                        bne     GORETN            ;(always taken)

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c26e: 29 df        B_ESCFIX        and     #$df              ;force to uppercase
c270: a0 03                        ldy     #3                ;scan for a match
c272: d9 80 c2     ESCFIX2         cmp     ESCIN,y           ;is it?
c275: d0 03                        bne     ESCFIX3           ;=>naw
c277: b9 84 c2                     lda     ESCOUT,y          ;yes, translate it
c27a: 88           ESCFIX3         dey
c27b: 10 f5                        bpl     ESCFIX2
c27d: 4c eb c2     GORETN          jmp     F_RETURN          ;return:char in AC

c280: 88 95 8a 8b  ESCIN           .bulk   $88,$95,$8a,$8b
c284: ca cb cd c9  ESCOUT          .str    “JKMI”            ;the arrows

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c288: 8d 78 04     B_KEYIN         sta     TEMP1             ;save original char
c28b: 68                           pla                       ;hold onto
c28c: a8                           tay                       ; CXBANK status
c28d: 68                           pla                       ;get user's
c28e: 48                           pha                       ; IRQ state
c28f: 6a                           ror     A                 ;move IRQ bit to
c290: 6a                           ror     A                 ; the
c291: 6a                           ror     A                 ;  carry
c292: 98                           tya                       ;put CXBANK status
c293: 48                           pha                       ; back on stack
c294: 8a                           txa                       ;save
c295: 48                           pha                       ; X reg
c296: b8                           clv                       ;assume not interruptible
c297: b0 03                        bcs     B_KEYIN2          ;=>we were right
c299: 2c 00 cf                     bit     SEV               ;say "interruptible"
c29c: a9 ff        B_KEYIN2        lda     #$ff              ;cursor=normal delete
c29e: a4 24                        ldy     MON_CH
c2a0: 91 28                        sta     (MON_BASL),y
c2a2: 20 c6 c2                     jsr     KEYDLY            ;wait for a key
c2a5: b0 0e                        bcs     GOTKEY            ;=>got one
c2a7: ad 78 04                     lda     TEMP1             ;replace orig char
c2aa: a4 24                        ldy     MON_CH
c2ac: 91 28                        sta     (MON_BASL),y
c2ae: 20 c6 c2                     jsr     KEYDLY            ;wait for a key
c2b1: b0 02                        bcs     GOTKEY            ;=>got one
c2b3: 90 e7                        bcc     B_KEYIN2          ;(always taken)

c2b5: ad 78 04     GOTKEY          lda     TEMP1             ;restore original
c2b8: a4 24                        ldy     MON_CH
c2ba: 91 28                        sta     (MON_BASL),y      ; character
c2bc: 68                           pla                       ;restore
c2bd: aa                           tax                       ; X reg
c2be: ad 00 c0                     lda     KBD               ;get the new keystroke
c2c1: 8d 10 c0                     sta     KBDSTRB           ;cancel the strobe
c2c4: 30 25                        bmi     F_RETURN          ;(always taken)

                   ; Input: V-flag set if interruptible
c2c6: a2 0c        KEYDLY          ldx     #$0c              ;short delay for IRQ
c2c8: 70 02                        bvs     IK1               ;->interruptible
c2ca: a2 31                        ldx     #$31              ;long delay for no IRQ
c2cc: a0 00        IK1             ldy     #0
c2ce: 50 05        IK2             bvc     IK2A              ;=>not interruptible
c2d0: 08                           php                       ;save oflow
c2d1: 20 75 fc                     jsr     MON_SNIFFIRQ      ;allow IRQ
c2d4: 28                           plp                       ;restore oflow
c2d5: e6 4e        IK2A            inc     MON_RNDL
c2d7: d0 02                        bne     IK3
c2d9: e6 4f                        inc     MON_RNDH
c2db: ad 00 c0     IK3             lda     KBD               ;keypress?
c2de: 30 09                        bmi     KDRETY            ;=>yes
c2e0: 88                           dey
c2e1: d0 eb                        bne     IK2
c2e3: ca                           dex
c2e4: d0 e6                        bne     IK1
c2e6: 18           KDRETN          clc
c2e7: 90 01                        bcc     KDRET

c2e9: 38           KDRETY          sec
c2ea: 60           KDRET           rts

                   ; Exit.  Either exit with or without enabling I/O space.
c2eb: 28           F_RETURN        plp                       ;get prior I/O disable
c2ec: 30 03                        bmi     F_RET1            ;=>leave it disabled
c2ee: 4c 29 fd                     jmp     MON_FUNCEXIT      ;=>exit & enable I/O

c2f1: 4c 2c fd     F_RET1          jmp     MON_FUNCEXIT+3    ;exit disabled

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
c2f4: a9 a0        X_CLEOLZ        lda     #$a0
c2f6: 91 28        X_CLEOL2        sta     (MON_BASL),y
c2f8: c8                           iny
c2f9: c4 21                        cpy     MON_WNDWDTH
c2fb: 90 f9                        bcc     X_CLEOL2
c2fd: 60                           rts

c2fe: 00 00        ZSPAREC2        .align  $0100 (2 bytes)

                   *                                                                              *
                   * This is the $C3xx ROM space.                                                 *
                   *                                                                              *
c300: 2c 58 ff     BASICINT        bit     MON_IORTS         ;set V-flag (init)
c303: 70 12                        bvs     BASICENT          ;(always taken)
c305: 38           BASICIN         sec
c306: 90                           bcc ▼   LC320             ;(never taken)
c307: 18           BASICOUT        clc
c308: b8                           clv                       ;clear V-flag (not init)
c309: 50 0c                        bvc     BASICENT          ;(always taken)

                   ; Pascal 1.1 firmware protocol table.
c30b: 01                           .dd1    $01               ;generic signature byte
c30c: 88                           .dd1    $88               ;device signature byte
c30d: 4b                           .dd1    <JPINIT           ;Pascal INIT
c30e: 51                           .dd1    <JPREAD           ;Pascal READ
c30f: 57                           .dd1    <JPWRITE          ;Pascal WRITE
c310: 5d                           .dd1    <JPSTAT           ;Pascal STATUS

                   ; 128K support routine entries.
c311: 4c 63 c3                     jmp     MOVE              ;memory move across banks

c314: 4c b0 c3                     jmp     XFER              ;transfer across banks

                   ; BASIC I/O entry point.
c317: 8d 7b 06     BASICENT        sta     CHAR              ;save character
c31a: 48                           pha                       ;save AC
c31b: 98                           tya                       ; and Y
c31c: 48                           pha
c31d: 8a                           txa                       ; and X
c31e: 48                           pha
c31f: 08                           php                       ;save carry & V-flag
                   ; Set IRQMODE
c320: ad fb 04     LC320           lda     MODE              ;assume IRQ is disabled
c323: 29 fe                        and     #$fe              ;[AND #255-M.IRQ]
c325: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
c328: 68                           pla                       ;get pstatus
c329: 48                           pha                       ; and leave on stack
c32a: 29 04                        and     #$04              ;is 'I' bit set?
c32c: d0 08                        bne     BASICENT2         ;=>yes, disabled
c32e: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE
c331: 09 01                        ora     #M_IRQ
c333: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE              ;set it enabled
c336: ad ff cf     BASICENT2       lda     CLRROM            ;kick out all C8 ROMs
c339: a5 25                        lda     MON_CV            ;get user CV and
c33b: 8d fb 05                     sta     OURCV             ; stuff it for us
c33e: 20 eb c3                     jsr     SETC8             ;setup C8 indicator
c341: 28                           plp                       ;get V-flag (init)
c342: 08                           php
c343: 70 03                        bvs     JBASINIT          ;=>do the init
c345: 4c 66 c8                     jmp     C8BASIC           ;get out of CN space

c348: 4c 03 c8     JBASINIT        jmp     BASICINIT         ;=>goto C8 space

c34b: 20 eb c3     JPINIT          jsr     SETC8             ;setup C8 indicator
c34e: 4c 4f ca                     jmp     PINIT             ;xfer to Pascal INIT

c351: 20 eb c3     JPREAD          jsr     SETC8             ;setup C8 indicator
c354: 4c 74 ca                     jmp     PREAD             ;xfer to Pascal READ

c357: 20 eb c3     JPWRITE         jsr     SETC8             ;setup C8 indicator
c35a: 4c 8e ca                     jmp     PWRITE            ;xfer to Pascal WRITE

c35d: 20 eb c3     JPSTAT          jsr     SETC8             ;setup C8 indicator
c360: 4c 94 c9                     jmp     PSTATUS           ;xfer to Pascal STATUS

                   * Name    : MOVE                                                               *
                   * Function: perform crossbank memory move                                      *
                   * Input   : A1=source address                                                  *
                   *         : A2=source end                                                      *
                   *         : A4=destination start                                               *
                   *         : carry set=main-->card                                              *
                   *         :       clr=card-->main                                              *
                   * Output  : none                                                               *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : nothing                                                            *
c363: 48           MOVE            pha                       ;save AC
c364: 98                           tya                       ; and Y
c365: 48                           pha
c366: ad 13 c0                     lda     RDRAMRD           ;save state of
c369: 48                           pha                       ; memory flags
c36a: ad 14 c0                     lda     RDRAMWRT
c36d: 48                           pha
                   ; Set flags for crossbank move.
c36e: 90 08                        bcc     MOVEC2M           ;=>card-->main
c370: 8d 02 c0                     sta     RDMAINRAM         ;set for main
c373: 8d 05 c0                     sta     WRCARDRAM         ; to card
c376: b0 06                        bcs     MOVESTRT          ;=>(always taken)

c378: 8d 04 c0     MOVEC2M         sta     WRMAINRAM         ;set for card
c37b: 8d 03 c0                     sta     RDCARDRAM         ; to main
c37e: a0 00        MOVESTRT        ldy     #0
c380: b1 3c        MOVELOOP        lda     (MON_A1L),y       ;get a byte
c382: 91 42                        sta     (MON_A4L),y       ;mvoe it
c384: e6 42                        inc     MON_A4L
c386: d0 02                        bne     NXTA1
c388: e6 43                        inc     MON_A4H
c38a: a5 3c        NXTA1           lda     MON_A1L
c38c: c5 3e                        cmp     MON_A2L
c38e: a5 3d                        lda     MON_A1H
c390: e5 3f                        sbc     MON_A2H
c392: e6 3c                        inc     MON_A1L
c394: d0 02                        bne     C01
c396: e6 3d                        inc     MON_A1H
c398: 90 e6        C01             bcc     MOVELOOP          ;=>more to move
                   ; Restore original flags.
c39a: 8d 04 c0                     sta     WRMAINRAM         ;clear flag2
c39d: 68                           pla                       ;get original state
c39e: 10 03                        bpl     C03               ;=>it was off
c3a0: 8d 05 c0                     sta     WRCARDRAM
c3a3: 8d 02 c0     C03             sta     RDMAINRAM         ;clear flag1
c3a6: 68                           pla                       ;get original state
c3a7: 10 03                        bpl     MOVERET           ;=>it was off
c3a9: 8d 03 c0                     sta     RDCARDRAM
c3ac: 68           MOVERET         pla                       ;restore Y
c3ad: a8                           tay
c3ae: 68                           pla                       ; and AC
c3af: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : XFER                                                               *
                   * Function: transfer control crossbank                                         *
                   * Input   : $03ED=transfer addr                                                *
                   *         : carry set=xfer to card                                             *
                   *         :       clr=xfer to main                                             *
                   *         : V-flag clr=use std ZP/stk                                          *
                   *         :        set=use alt ZP/stk                                          *
                   * Output  : none                                                               *
                   * Volatile: $03ed/03ee in dest bank                                            *
                   * Calls   : nothing                                                            *
                   * Note    : entered via JMP, not JSR                                           *
c3b0: 48           XFER            pha                       ;save AC on current stack
                   ; Copy destination address to the other bank so that we have it in case we do a
                   ; swap.
c3b1: ad ed 03                     lda     $03ed             ;get xferaddr lo
c3b4: 48                           pha                       ;save on current stack
c3b5: ad ee 03                     lda     $03ee             ;get xferaddr hi
c3b8: 48                           pha                       ;save it too
                   ; Switch to appropriate bank.
c3b9: 90 0a                        bcc     XFERC2M           ;=>card-->main
c3bb: 8d 03 c0                     sta     RDCARDRAM         ;set for running
c3be: 8d 05 c0                     sta     WRCARDRAM         ; in card RAM
c3c1: 50 19                        bvc     XFERSZP           ;=>use std ZP/stk
c3c3: 70 08                        bvs     XFERAZP           ;=>use alt ZP/stk

c3c5: 8d 02 c0     XFERC2M         sta     RDMAINRAM         ;set for running
c3c8: 8d 04 c0                     sta     WRMAINRAM         ; in main RAM
c3cb: 50 0f                        bvc     XFERSZP           ;=>use std ZP/stk
                   ; switch to alt ZP/stk
c3cd: 68           XFERAZP         pla                       ;stuff xferaddr
c3ce: 8d ee 03                     sta     $03ee             ; hi and
c3d1: 68                           pla
c3d2: 8d ed 03                     sta     $03ed             ;  lo
c3d5: 68                           pla                       ;restore AC
c3d6: 8d 09 c0                     sta     SETALTZP          ;switch to alt ZP/stk
c3d9: 6c ed 03                     jmp     ($03ed)           ;=>off we go!

c3dc: 68           XFERSZP         pla                       ;stuff xferaddr
c3dd: 8d ee 03                     sta     $03ee             ; hi and
c3e0: 68                           pla
c3e1: 8d ed 03                     sta     $03ed             ;  lo
c3e4: 68                           pla                       ;restore AC
c3e5: 8d 08 c0                     sta     SETSTDZP          ;=>switch to std ZP/stk
c3e8: 6c ed 03                     jmp     ($03ed)           ;off we go!

                   * Name    : SETC8                                                              *
                   * Function: setup IRQ $C800 protocol                                           *
                   * Input   : none                                                               *
                   * Output  : none                                                               *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : nothing                                                            *
c3eb: 48           SETC8           pha                       ;save AC
c3ec: a9 c3                        lda     #>CN00            ;slot number
c3ee: 8d f8 07                     sta     ACTV_PERIP_SLOT   ;stuff it
c3f1: 68                           pla                       ;restore AC
c3f2: 60                           rts

c3f3: 00 00 00 00+                 .align  $0100 (13 bytes)

                                   .org    $c800
                   *                                                                              *
                   * This is the C8XX space.                                                      *
                   *                                                                              *
c800: 4c 4a ca                     jmp     PINIT1_0          ;Pascal 1.0 init

                   ; BASIC initialization.
c803: a9 06        BASICINIT       lda     #GOODF8           ;check F8 ROM
c805: cd b3 fb                     cmp     MON_VERSION       ; is it OK?
c808: f0 0c                        beq     BINIT1            ;=>yes
c80a: 20 78 cf                     jsr     COPYROM           ;try copying to RAM card
c80d: cd b3 fb                     cmp     MON_VERSION
c810: f0 04                        beq     BINIT1            ;=>now it's good
c812: 78                           sei                       ;crash the system!
c813: 4c 13 c8     HANG            jmp     HANG              ;hang forever

c816: a9 c3        BINIT1          lda     #>CN00            ;set hooks for
c818: 85 37                        sta     MON_CSWH
c81a: 85 39                        sta     MON_KSWH          ; in & out
c81c: a9 05                        lda     #<BASICIN
c81e: 85 38                        sta     MON_KSWL
c820: a9 07                        lda     #<BASICOUT
c822: 85 36                        sta     MON_CSWL
c824: a9 00                        lda     #0                ;set full 40-col window
c826: 85 20                        sta     MON_WNDLEFT
c828: a9 00                        lda     #0                ;assume text mode
c82a: 2c 1a c0                     bit     RDTEXT            ;in text mode?
c82d: 30 02                        bmi     BINIT1A           ;=>yes
c82f: a9 14                        lda     #20               ;if gr, set 4 lines
c831: 85 22        BINIT1A         sta     MON_WNDTOP
c833: a9 18                        lda     #24
c835: 85 23                        sta     MON_WNDBTM
c837: a9 28                        lda     #40
c839: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH
c83b: a5 24                        lda     MON_CH            ;copy user CH
c83d: 8d 7b 04                     sta     OLDCH             ; as 'old' setting
c840: a9 01                        lda     #M_IRQ            ;set ready to clear
c842: 2d fb 04                     and     MODE              ;preserve IRQ status
c845: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE              ;clear modes
c848: 4c 50 c8                     jmp     BINIT2            ;=>continue after Pascal 1.0 hook

                   ; Pascal 1.0 input hook.
c84b: 00                           brk

c84c: 00                           brk

c84d: 4c 51 c3                     jmp     JPREAD            ;=>go to standard read

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
                   ; Is there a card?
c850: 20 24 cb     BINIT2          jsr     TESTCARD          ;see if card plugged in
c853: d0 08                        bne     CLEARIT           ;=>it's 40
c855: 06 21                        asl     MON_WNDWDTH       ;set 80-col window
c857: 8d 01 c0                     sta     SET80COL          ;enable 80 store
c85a: 8d 0d c0                     sta     SET80VID          ; and 80 video
                   ; Home & clear.
c85d: 8d 0f c0     CLEARIT         sta     SETALTCHAR        ;set norm/inv lcase
c860: 20 42 cd                     jsr     X_FF              ;clear it
c863: 28                           plp                       ;CLC assures that
c864: 18                           clc                       ; we print this
c865: 08                           php                       ;  initial character
                   ; Compensate for integer BASIC's hitting of $C000 on initial entry.
c866: 2c 1f c0     C8BASIC         bit     RD80VID           ;which mode?
c869: 10 09                        bpl     C8B2              ;=>40, leave alone
c86b: 8d 01 c0                     sta     SET80COL          ;80, enable store
                   ; Make sure scrolling window is an even number for 80-cols.
c86e: a5 21                        lda     MON_WNDWDTH
c870: 29 fe                        and     #$fe
c872: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH       ;round it to lower even
                   ; Copy user's CH if it differs from what we last put there.
c874: a5 24        C8B2            lda     MON_CH            ;get it
c876: cd 7b 04                     cmp     OLDCH             ;is it the same?
c879: f0 03                        beq     C8B3              ;=>yes, use our own
c87b: 8d 7b 05                     sta     OURCH             ;=>no, use his
c87e: a9 06        C8B3            lda     #GOODF8           ;check F8 ROM
c880: cd b3 fb                     cmp     MON_VERSION       ;if different, user
c883: f0 0b                        beq     C8B4              ; has reloaded RAM card
                   ; Copy F8 ROM to lang card.
c885: 20 78 cf                     jsr     COPYROM           ;copy it again
c888: cd b3 fb                     cmp     MON_VERSION       ;is it now correct?
c88b: f0 03                        beq     C8B4              ;=>great
c88d: 4c 13 c8                     jmp     HANG              ;=>we have wrong ROM!

c890: 28           C8B4            plp                       ;recover carry (in/out)
c891: 90 03                        bcc     BOUT              ;=>print a char
c893: 4c f6 c8                     jmp     BINPUT            ;=>input a char

c896: ad fb 04     BOUT            lda     MODE              ;say that we're
c899: 29 bf                        and     #$bf              ; printing [AND #255-M.BINPUT]
c89b: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
c89e: 4c a1 c8                     jmp     BPRINT            ;->output a char

                   ; BASIC output.
c8a1: ad 7b 06     BPRINT          lda     CHAR              ;get character
c8a4: c9 8d                        cmp     #$8d              ;is it C/R?
c8a6: d0 18                        bne     NOWAIT            ;=>nope, no vidwait
c8a8: ac 00 c0                     ldy     KBD               ;is key pressed?
c8ab: 10 13                        bpl     NOWAIT            ;no
c8ad: c0 93                        cpy     #$93              ;is it Ctl-S?
c8af: d0 0f                        bne     NOWAIT            ;no, ignore it
c8b1: 2c 10 c0                     bit     KBDSTRB           ;clear strobe
c8b4: ac 00 c0     KBDWAIT         ldy     KBD               ;wait for next keypress
c8b7: 10 fb                        bpl     KBDWAIT
c8b9: c0 83                        cpy     #$83              ;if Ctrl-C, leave it
c8bb: f0 03                        beq     NOWAIT            ; in the kbd buffer
c8bd: 2c 10 c0                     bit     KBDSTRB           ;clear other character
c8c0: 29 7f        NOWAIT          and     #$7f              ;drop possible hi bit
c8c2: c9 20                        cmp     #$20              ;is it control char?
c8c4: b0 06                        bcs     BPNCTL            ;=>nope
c8c6: 20 99 cb                     jsr     CTLCHAR           ;execute possible ctl char
c8c9: 4c e2 c8                     jmp     BIORET            ;=>executed or ignored

                   ; Not a ctl char, print it.
c8cc: ac 7b 05     BPNCTL          ldy     OURCH             ;get CH
c8cf: ad 7b 06                     lda     CHAR              ;get char (all 8 bits)
c8d2: 20 f2 ce                     jsr     STORCHAR          ;stuff onto screen
                   ; Bump the cursor horizontal.
c8d5: ee 7b 05                     inc     OURCH             ;bump it
c8d8: ad 7b 05                     lda     OURCH             ;are we past the
c8db: c5 21                        cmp     MON_WNDWDTH       ; end of the line?
c8dd: 90 03                        bcc     BIORET            ;=>no, no problem
c8df: 20 ec cb                     jsr     X_CR              ;yes, do C/R
c8e2: ad 7b 05     BIORET          lda     OURCH             ;set CH and CV
c8e5: 20 af ce                     jsr     SETCH             ; for BASIC
c8e8: ad fb 05                     lda     OURCV
c8eb: 85 25                        sta     MON_CV
c8ed: 68                           pla                       ;restore
c8ee: aa                           tax
c8ef: 68                           pla                       ;X and Y
c8f0: a8                           tay
c8f1: 68                           pla                       ; and AC
c8f2: ad 7b 06                     lda     CHAR
c8f5: 60                           rts                       ;return to BASIC

                   ; BASIC input.
c8f6: ad fb 04     BINPUT          lda     MODE              ;say that
c8f9: 09 40                        ora     #M_BINPUT         ; we're inputting
c8fb: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
c8fe: ad 7b 06                     lda     CHAR              ;get char at cursor and
c901: a4 24                        ldy     MON_CH            ;get cursor position
c903: 91 28                        sta     (MON_BASL),y      ; repair monitor's silly attempt
c905: 20 dd ce     B_INPUT         jsr     INVERT            ;create our own cursor image
c908: 20 15 cb                     jsr     GETKEY            ;get a key
c90b: 8d 7b 06                     sta     CHAR              ;save it
c90e: 20 dd ce                     jsr     INVERT            ;remove cursor
c911: c9 9b                        cmp     #$9b              ;escape key?
c913: f0 03                        beq     ESCAPING          ;=>yes it is
c915: 4c b7 c9                     jmp     NDESC             ;=>no, it's normal

                   ; Start an escape sequence.  We handle the following ones:
                   ;     @ - home & clear
                   ;     E - clr to EOL
                   ;     F - clr to EOS
                   ;     I - cursor up
                   ;     J - cursor left
                   ;     K - cursor right
                   ;     M - cursor down
                   ;     R - restrict to uppercase
                   ;     T - turn off ESC-R
                   ;     4 - goto 40 column mode
                   ;     8 - goto 80 column mode
                   ; Ctl-Q - quit (PR#0/IN#0)
                   ;     the four arrow keys (as IJKM)
c918: 20 52 cf     ESCAPING        jsr     ESCON             ;escape cursoron
c91b: 20 15 cb                     jsr     GETKEY            ;get escape function
c91e: 20 65 cf                     jsr     ESCOFF            ;replace original character
c921: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;drop hi bit
c923: c9 60                        cmp     #$60              ;is it lowercase?
c925: 90 02                        bcc     ESC1              ;=>no, don't upshift
c927: 29 df                        and     #$df              ;upshift [AND #255-$20]
c929: a0 11        ESC1            ldy     #ESCNUM           ;count/index
c92b: d9 72 c9     ESC2            cmp     ESCTAB,y          ;is it a valid escape?
c92e: f0 05                        beq     ESC3              ;=>yes
c930: 88                           dey
c931: 10 f8                        bpl     ESC2              ;try 'em all...
c933: 30 10                        bmi     ESCSPEC           ;=>maybe it's a special one

c935: b9 83 c9     ESC3            lda     ESCCHAR,y         ;get char to "print"
c938: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;drop hi bit (flag)
c93a: 20 99 cb                     jsr     CTLCHAR           ;execute it
c93d: b9 83 c9                     lda     ESCCHAR,y         ;get flag
c940: 30 d6                        bmi     ESCAPING          ;=>stay in escape mode
c942: 4c 05 c9                     jmp     B_INPUT           ;=>quit escape mode

c945: c9 11        ESCSPEC         cmp     #$11              ;is it ESC-Ctl-Q?
c947: d0 0b                        bne     ESCSPEC2          ;=>no
c949: 20 aa cd                     jsr     QUIT              ;do the quitting stuff
c94c: a9 98                        lda     #$98              ;return Ctl-X as
c94e: 8d 7b 06                     sta     CHAR              ; the character
c951: 4c e2 c8                     jmp     BIORET            ;=>quit the card forever

c954: c9 52        ESCSPEC2        cmp     #‘R’              ;is it Esc-R?
c956: d0 0b                        bne     ESCSPEC3          ;=>no
c958: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;yes, set it
c95b: 09 80                        ora     #M_ESCR
c95d: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
c960: 4c 05 c9     ESCNONE         jmp     B_INPUT           ;quit escape mode

c963: c9 54        ESCSPEC3        cmp     #‘T’              ;is it Esc-T?
c965: d0 f9                        bne     ESCNONE           ;=>nothing
c967: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE
c96a: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;[AND #255-M.ESCR]
c96c: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
c96f: 4c 05 c9                     jmp     B_INPUT           ;quit escape mode

c972: 40           ESCTAB          .dd1    ‘@’
c973: 41                           .dd1    ‘A’               ;handle old escapes
c974: 42                           .dd1    ‘B’
c975: 43                           .dd1    ‘C’
c976: 44                           .dd1    ‘D’
c977: 45                           .dd1    ‘E’
c978: 46                           .dd1    ‘F’
c979: 49                           .dd1    ‘I’
c97a: 4a                           .dd1    ‘J’
c97b: 4b                           .dd1    ‘K’
c97c: 4d                           .dd1    ‘M’
c97d: 34                           .dd1    ‘4’
c97e: 38                           .dd1    ‘8’
c97f: 08                           .dd1    $08               ;left arrow
c980: 0a                           .dd1    $0a               ;down arrow
c981: 0b                           .dd1    $0b               ;up   arrow
c982: 15                           .dd1    $15               ;rite arrow
                   ; ESCNUM EQU *-ESCTAB ;$11
c983: 0c           ESCCHAR         .dd1    $0c               ;@: formfeed
c984: 1c                           .dd1    $1c               ;A: FS
c985: 08                           .dd1    $08               ;B: BS
c986: 0a                           .dd1    $0a               ;C: LF
c987: 1f                           .dd1    $1f               ;D: US
c988: 1d                           .dd1    $1d               ;E: GS
c989: 0b                           .dd1    $0b               ;F: VT
c98a: 9f                           .dd1    $9f               ;I: US (stay ESC)
c98b: 88                           .dd1    $88               ;J: BS (stay ESC)
c98c: 9c                           .dd1    $9c               ;K: FS (stay ESC)
c98d: 8a                           .dd1    $8a               ;M: LF (stay ESC)
c98e: 11                           .dd1    $11               ;4: DC1
c98f: 12                           .dd1    $12               ;8: DC2
c990: 88                           .dd1    $88               ;<-:BS (stay ESC)
c991: 8a                           .dd1    $8a               ;DN:LF (stay ESC)
c992: 9f                           .dd1    $9f               ;UP:US (stay ESC)
c993: 9c                           .dd1    $9c               ;->:FS (stay ESC)

                   ; Pascal STATUS.
c994: aa           PSTATUS         tax                       ;save request code
c995: 20 c8 cf                     jsr     PSETUP            ;setup ZP stuff
c998: 8a                           txa                       ;is it 'ready for output?'
c999: d0 03                        bne     PSTATUS2          ;=>no
c99b: 38                           sec                       ;yes, ready for output
c99c: b0 16                        bcs     PSTATUS4

c99e: c9 01        PSTATUS2        cmp     #$01              ;is it 'any input?'
c9a0: f0 0e                        beq     PSTATUS3          ;=>yes
c9a2: a2 03                        ldx     #$03              ;ioresult='ILGL OPERATION'
c9a4: 18                           clc
c9a5: 60                           rts

                   ; Pascal 1.0 output hook.
c9a6: 00                           brk                       ;padding

c9a7: 00                           brk

c9a8: 00                           brk

c9a9: 00                           brk

c9aa: ad 7b 06                     lda     CHAR              ;get output character
c9ad: 4c 57 c3                     jmp     JPWRITE           ;=>use standard write

c9b0: ad 00 c0     PSTATUS3        lda     KBD               ;is there a keypress?
c9b3: 0a                           asl     A                 ;strobe==>carry
c9b4: a2 00        PSTATUS4        ldx     #$00              ;ioresult='GOOD'
c9b6: 60                           rts

                   ; --------------------------------------------------
                   ; BASIC input, continued: not an escape sequence.
c9b7: c9 95        NDESC           cmp     #$95              ;is it pick?  [Ctrl+U / right arrow]
c9b9: d0 0b                        bne     B_NOPICK          ;=>nope
c9bb: ac 7b 05                     ldy     OURCH             ;you can pick yer friends...
c9be: 20 01 cf                     jsr     PICK              ;yes, pick the char
c9c1: 09 80                        ora     #$80              ;always pick as normal
c9c3: 8d 7b 06                     sta     CHAR              ;save as keystroke
                   ; Track quotation marks for the restrict-uppercase feature.
c9c6: ad fb 04     B_NOPICK        lda     MODE              ;are we doing literal input?
c9c9: 29 10                        and     #M_LIT
c9cb: d0 12                        bne     B_CHKCAN          ;=>yes
                   ; Literal input's inactive.  See if we can start literal input.
c9cd: ad 7b 06                     lda     CHAR              ;get the char
c9d0: c9 a2                        cmp     #$a2              ;is it a double quote?
c9d2: f0 23                        beq     B_FLIP            ;=>yes, flip literal mode
c9d4: c9 88                        cmp     #$88              ;is he moving left?
c9d6: d0 32                        bne     B_FIXCHR          ;=>nope, just reg char
c9d8: 20 27 ca                     jsr     GETPRIOR          ;grab prior char
c9db: d0 2d                        bne     B_FIXCHR          ;=>not deleting a quote
c9dd: f0 18                        beq     B_FLIP            ;(always) hie's[sic] deleted the quote

                   ; Literal input's active.  See if it should be cancelled yet.
c9df: ad 7b 06     B_CHKCAN        lda     CHAR              ;get current char
c9e2: c9 a2                        cmp     #$a2              ;is current char the closing quote?
c9e4: f0 1c                        beq     B_CANLIT          ;=>yes
c9e6: c9 98                        cmp     #$98              ;cancel literal input
c9e8: f0 18                        beq     B_CANLIT          ; if Ctl-X or return
c9ea: c9 8d                        cmp     #$8d              ;  or back over "
c9ec: f0 14                        beq     B_CANLIT
c9ee: c9 88                        cmp     #$88              ;backspace?
c9f0: d0 18                        bne     B_FIXCHR          ;=>no, not deleting quote
c9f2: 20 27 ca                     jsr     GETPRIOR          ;get char he's deleting
c9f5: d0 13                        bne     B_FIXCHR          ;=>not deleting a quote
c9f7: ad fb 04     B_FLIP          lda     MODE              ;flip the mode
c9fa: 49 10                        eor     #M_LIT
c9fc: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
c9ff: 4c 0a ca                     jmp     B_FIXCHR

ca02: ad fb 04     B_CANLIT        lda     MODE
ca05: 29 ef                        and     #$ef              ;cancel literal input [AND #255-M.LIT]
ca07: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
ca0a: ad fb 04     B_FIXCHR        lda     MODE              ;Esc-R facility active?
ca0d: 29 80                        and     #M_ESCR
ca0f: f0 13                        beq     B_INRET           ;=>nope
ca11: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;literal input active?
ca14: 29 10                        and     #M_LIT
ca16: d0 0c                        bne     B_INRET           ;=>yes, no upshift
ca18: ad 7b 06                     lda     CHAR              ;get the char
ca1b: c9 e0                        cmp     #$e0              ;is char lowercase?
ca1d: 90 05                        bcc     B_INRET           ;=>no, no need to shift it
ca1f: 29 df                        and     #$df              ;restrict to U/C
ca21: 8d 7b 06                     sta     CHAR
                   ; --------------------------------------------------
ca24: 4c e2 c8     B_INRET         jmp     BIORET            ;=>return to caller

                   * Name    : GETPRIOR                                                           *
                   * Function: get char before cursor                                             *
                   * Input   : OURCH, OURCV                                                       *
                   * Output  : 'BEQ' if char=dbl quote                                            *
                   *         : 'BNE' if not                                                       *
                   * Volatile: AC, 'TEMP1'                                                        *
                   * Calls   : PICK, X_BS, X_FS                                                   *
ca27: ad fb 05     GETPRIOR        lda     OURCV             ;don't try to look
ca2a: 0d 7b 05                     ora     OURCH             ; back if @ upper-left
ca2d: f0 1a                        beq     GPX               ;  corner of window!!!
ca2f: 98                           tya                       ;save Y
ca30: 48                           pha
ca31: 20 db cb                     jsr     X_BS              ;back up 1 char
ca34: ac 7b 05                     ldy     OURCH             ;get CH and
ca37: 20 01 cf                     jsr     PICK              ; pick prior char
ca3a: 09 80                        ora     #$80              ;pick as normal video
ca3c: 8d 78 04                     sta     TEMP1             ;hold char
ca3f: 20 26 cc                     jsr     X_FS
ca42: 68                           pla                       ;restore
ca43: a8                           tay                       ; Y
ca44: ad 78 04                     lda     TEMP1
ca47: c9 a2                        cmp     #$a2              ;is it dbl quote?
ca49: 60           GPX             rts                       ;return with BEQ/BNE

                   ; Pascal initialization.
ca4a: a9 22        PINIT1_0        lda     #$22              ;[LDA #M.PASCAL+M.PAS1.0]
ca4c: 4c 51 ca                     jmp     PINIT2

ca4f: a9 20        PINIT           lda     #M_PASCAL         ;say we're
ca51: 8d fb 04     PINIT2          sta     MODE              ; running Pascal
ca54: 20 9b cd                     jsr     FULL80            ;set full 24x80 window
ca57: 20 c8 cf                     jsr     PSETUP            ;setup ZP stuff
                   ; Base addr is wrong, but X_FF fixes it below.
                   ;  JSR BASCALC ;force a good BASCALC
                   ; See if the card's plugged in.
ca5a: 20 24 cb                     jsr     TESTCARD          ;is it there?
ca5d: f0 03                        beq     PIGOOD            ;=>yes
ca5f: a2 09                        ldx     #9                ;ioresult='NO DEVICE'
ca61: 60                           rts

ca62: 8d 01 c0     PIGOOD          sta     SET80COL          ;enable 80 store
ca65: 8d 0d c0                     sta     SET80VID          ; and 80 video
ca68: 8d 0f c0                     sta     SETALTCHAR        ;norm+inv lcase
ca6b: 20 42 cd                     jsr     X_FF              ;home & clear it
ca6e: 20 dd ce                     jsr     INVERT            ;put cursor there
ca71: a2 00                        ldx     #0                ;ioresult='GOOD'
ca73: 60                           rts

                   ; Pascal input.
ca74: 20 c8 cf     PREAD           jsr     PSETUP            ;setup ZP stuff
ca77: 20 15 cb                     jsr     GETKEY            ;get a keystroke
ca7a: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;drop hi bit
ca7c: 8d 7b 06                     sta     CHAR              ;save the char
ca7f: a2 00                        ldx     #0                ;ioresult='GOOD'
ca81: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;are we in 1.0-mode?
ca84: 29 02                        and     #M_PAS1_0
ca86: f0 02                        beq     PREADRET2         ;=>nope
ca88: a2 c3                        ldx     #>CN00            ;yes, return CN in X
ca8a: ad 7b 06     PREADRET2       lda     CHAR              ;restore char
ca8d: 60                           rts

                   ; Pascal output.
ca8e: 8d 7b 06     PWRITE          sta     CHAR              ;save character
ca91: 20 c8 cf                     jsr     PSETUP            ;setup ZP stuff
ca94: 20 dd ce                     jsr     INVERT            ;turn cursor off
ca97: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;are we doing GOTOXY?
ca9a: 29 08                        and     #M_GOXY
ca9c: f0 2d                        beq     PWRITE3           ;=>no, print it
                   ; Handle GOTOXY stuff.
ca9e: ad fb 06     PWRITE2         lda     XCOORD            ;are we waiting for X?
caa1: 10 0c                        bpl     GETY              ;=>no, this is Y
caa3: ad 7b 06                     lda     CHAR
caa6: 38                           sec
caa7: e9 20                        sbc     #32               ;make binary
caa9: 8d fb 06                     sta     XCOORD
caac: 4c 0f cb                     jmp     PWRITERET         ;=>now wait for Y

                   ; Now do the GOTOXY.
caaf: ad 7b 06     GETY            lda     CHAR              ;convert YCOORD
cab2: 38                           sec
cab3: e9 20                        sbc     #32
cab5: 8d fb 05                     sta     OURCV
cab8: 20 51 cb                     jsr     BASCALC           ;compute base address
cabb: ad fb 06                     lda     XCOORD
cabe: 8d 7b 05                     sta     OURCH
cac1: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;turn off GOTOXY
cac4: 29 f7                        and     #$f7              ;[AND #255-M.GOXY]
cac6: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
cac9: d0 44                        bne     PWRITERET         ;=>done (always taken)
cacb: ad 7b 06     PWRITE3         lda     CHAR              ;get char to print
cace: c9 1e                        cmp     #$1e              ;is it GOTOXY?
cad0: f0 0a                        beq     STARTXY           ;=>yes
cad2: c9 20                        cmp     #$20              ;is it other ctl?
cad4: b0 15                        bcs     PWRITE4           ;=>no, print it
cad6: 20 99 cb                     jsr     CTLCHAR           ;execute it if possible
cad9: 4c 0f cb                     jmp     PWRITERET         ;=>executed or ignored

                   ; Start the GOTOXY sequence.
cadc: ad fb 04     STARTXY         lda     MODE              ;turn on flag
cadf: 09 08                        ora     #M_GOXY
cae1: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE
cae4: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff              ;set X negative to
cae6: 8d fb 06                     sta     XCOORD            ; show we need it
cae9: 30 24                        bmi     PWRITERET         ;=>exit till coords come by (always)

                   ; Just a printable character.
caeb: 09 80        PWRITE4         ora     #$80              ;force to normal
caed: ac 7b 05                     ldy     OURCH             ;get CH
caf0: 20 f2 ce                     jsr     STORCHAR          ;stuff it!
                   ; Bump cursor horizontal.
caf3: ee 7b 05                     inc     OURCH             ;bump it
caf6: ad 7b 05                     lda     OURCH             ;are we past the
caf9: c5 21                        cmp     MON_WNDWDTH       ; end of the line?
cafb: 90 12                        bcc     PWRITERET         ;=>no, no problem
                   ; If in transparent mode, don't wraparound the right edge...
cafd: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;get mode
cb00: 29 01                        and     #M_TRANS          ;well???
cb02: f0 05                        beq     PWWRAP            ;=>not transparent
cb04: ce 7b 05                     dec     OURCH             ;pin at right edge
cb07: d0 06                        bne     PWRITERET         ;(always taken)

cb09: 20 ec cb     PWWRAP          jsr     X_CR              ;yes, do C/R
cb0c: 20 91 cc                     jsr     X_LF              ; and L/F
cb0f: 20 dd ce     PWRITERET       jsr     INVERT            ;turn cursor on
cb12: a2 00                        ldx     #0                ;ioresult='GOOD'
cb14: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : GETKEY                                                             *
                   * Function: get a keystroke                                                    *
                   * Input   : none                                                               *
                   * Output  : AC=keycode                                                         *
                   * Volatile: none                                                               *
cb15: e6 4e        GETKEY          inc     MON_RNDL          ;bump random seed
cb17: d0 02                        bne     GETK2
cb19: e6 4f                        inc     MON_RNDH
cb1b: ad 00 c0     GETK2           lda     KBD               ;keypress?
cb1e: 10 f5                        bpl     GETKEY            ;=>nope
cb20: 8d 10 c0                     sta     KBDSTRB           ;clear strobe
cb23: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : TESTCARD                                                           *
                   * Function: see if 80col card plugged in                                       *
                   * Input   : none                                                               *
                   * Output  : 'BEQ' if card available                                            *
                   *         : 'BNE' if not                                                       *
                   * Volatile: AC, Y                                                              *
cb24: ad 1c c0     TESTCARD        lda     RDPAGE2           ;remember current video display
cb27: 0a                           asl     A                 ; in the carry
cb28: a9 88                        lda     #$88              ;useful char for testing
cb2a: 2c 18 c0                     bit     RD80COL           ;remember video mode in 'N'
cb2d: 8d 01 c0                     sta     SET80COL          ;enable 80col store
cb30: 08                           php                       ;lock interrupts while
cb31: 78                           sei                       ; screenholes are wrong
cb32: 08                           php                       ;save 'N' and 'C' flags
cb33: 8d 55 c0                     sta     TXTPAGE2          ;set page 2
cb36: ac 00 04                     ldy     $0400             ;get first char
cb39: 8d 00 04                     sta     $0400             ;set to a '*'
cb3c: ad 00 04                     lda     $0400             ;get it back from RAM
cb3f: 8c 00 04                     sty     $0400             ;restore orig char
cb42: 28                           plp                       ;restore 'N' and 'C' flags
cb43: b0 03                        bcs     STAY2             ;stay in page2
cb45: 8d 54 c0                     sta     TXTPAGE1          ;restore page1
cb48: 30 03        STAY2           bmi     STAY80            ;=>stay in 80col mode
cb4a: 8d 00 c0                     sta     CLR80COL          ;turn off 80col store
cb4d: 28           STAY80          plp                       ;allow IRQ again
cb4e: c9 88        TESTFAIL        cmp     #$88              ;was char valid?
cb50: 60                           rts                       ;return result as BEQ/BNE

                   * Name    : BASCALC, BASCALCZ                                                  *
                   * Function: calc base addr for screen line                                     *
                   * Input   : OURCV (BASCALC)                                                    *
                   *         : AC=CV (BASCALCZ)                                                   *
                   * Output  : BASL/BASH                                                          *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : SNIFFIRQ                                                           *
cb51: 18           BASCALC         clc                       ;ripped off from F8 ROM; show entry point
cb52: 90 01                        bcc     BSCLC1

cb54: 38           BASCALCZ        sec                       ;show entry point
cb55: 48           BSCLC1          pha                       ;save AC
cb56: b0 03                        bcs     BSCLC1A           ;=>CV already in AC
cb58: ad fb 05                     lda     OURCV
cb5b: 48           BSCLC1A         pha
cb5c: 4a                           lsr     A
cb5d: 29 03                        and     #$03
cb5f: 09 04                        ora     #$04
cb61: 85 29                        sta     MON_BASH
cb63: 8d fb 07                     sta     OLDBASH           ;save for F/W protocol
cb66: 68                           pla
cb67: 29 18                        and     #$18
cb69: 90 02                        bcc     BSCLC2
cb6b: 69 7f                        adc     #$7f
cb6d: 85 28        BSCLC2          sta     MON_BASL
cb6f: 0a                           asl     A
cb70: 0a                           asl     A
cb71: 05 28                        ora     MON_BASL
cb73: 85 28                        sta     MON_BASL
                   ; Handle the scrolling window.
cb75: a5 20                        lda     MON_WNDLEFT
cb77: 08                           php                       ;preserve carry
cb78: 2c 1f c0                     bit     RD80VID           ;which mode?
cb7b: 10 01                        bpl     BASCLC3           ;=>40, no divide
cb7d: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;divide by 2 for 80col window
cb7e: 28           BASCLC3         plp                       ;restore carry
cb7f: 65 28                        adc     MON_BASL          ;adjust base for WNDLFT
cb81: 85 28                        sta     MON_BASL
cb83: 8d 7b 07                     sta     OLDBASL           ;save for F/W protocol
                   ; Sniff for IRQ if necessary.
cb86: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE
cb89: 29 01                        and     #M_IRQ
cb8b: f0 0a                        beq     BASCLCX           ;=>IRQ disabled, return
cb8d: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;is BASIC running?
cb90: 29 20                        and     #M_PASCAL
cb92: d0 03                        bne     BASCLCX           ;=>don't sniff under Pascal
cb94: 20 75 fc                     jsr     MON_SNIFFIRQ      ;go do it
cb97: 68           BASCLCX         pla                       ;restore AC
cb98: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : CTLCHAR                                                            *
                   * Function: execute ctl char                                                   *
                   * Input   : AC=char                                                            *
                   * Output  : 'BCS' if not ctl                                                   *
                   *         : 'BCC' if ctl executed                                              *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : many things                                                        *
cb99: 8d 78 04     CTLCHAR         sta     TEMP1             ;temp save of char
cb9c: 48                           pha                       ;save AC
cb9d: 98                           tya                       ;save Y
cb9e: 48                           pha
cb9f: ac 78 04                     ldy     TEMP1             ;get char in question
cba2: c0 07                        cpy     #$07              ;is it NUL..ACK?
cba4: 90 05                        bcc     CTLCHARX          ;=>yes, not used
cba6: b9 71 cc                     lda     CTLADH-7,y        ;is it ctl?
cba9: d0 03                        bne     CTLGO             ;=>yes
cbab: 38           CTLCHARX        sec                       ;say 'not ctl'
cbac: b0 04                        bcs     CTLRET            ;=>done

cbae: 20 b6 cb     CTLGO           jsr     CTLXFER           ;execute subroutine
cbb1: 18                           clc                       ;say 'ctl char executed'
cbb2: 68           CTLRET          pla                       ;restore
cbb3: a8                           tay                       ; Y
cbb4: 68                           pla                       ;  and AC
cbb5: 60                           rts

cbb6: 48           CTLXFER         pha                       ;push onto stack for
cbb7: b9 58 cc                     lda     CTLADL-7,y        ;  transfer trick
cbba: 48                           pha
cbbb: 60                           rts                       ;xfer to routine

                   ; Execute bell.
cbbc: a9 40        X_BELL          lda     #$40              ;ripped off from monitor
cbbe: 20 cf cb                     jsr     WAIT
cbc1: a0 c0                        ldy     #$c0
cbc3: a9 0c        BELL2           lda     #$0c
cbc5: 20 cf cb                     jsr     WAIT
cbc8: ad 30 c0                     lda     SPKR
cbcb: 88                           dey
cbcc: d0 f5                        bne     BELL2
cbce: 60                           rts

cbcf: 38           WAIT            sec                       ;ripped off from monitor ROM
cbd0: 48           WAIT2           pha
cbd1: e9 01        WAIT3           sbc     #$01
cbd3: d0 fc                        bne     WAIT3
cbd5: 68                           pla
cbd6: e9 01                        sbc     #$01
cbd8: d0 f6                        bne     WAIT2
cbda: 60                           rts

                   ; Execute backspace.
cbdb: ce 7b 05     X_BS            dec     OURCH             ;back up CH
cbde: 10 0b                        bpl     BSDONE            ;=>done
cbe0: a5 21                        lda     MON_WNDWDTH       ;back up to prior line
cbe2: 8d 7b 05     BS40            sta     OURCH             ;set CH
cbe5: ce 7b 05                     dec     OURCH
cbe8: 20 34 cc                     jsr     X_US              ;now do rev linefeed
cbeb: 60           BSDONE          rts

                   ; Execute carriage return.
cbec: ad fb 04     X_CR            lda     MODE              ;which language?
cbef: 29 20                        and     #M_PASCAL
cbf1: d0 0a                        bne     X_CRPAS           ;=>Pascal, no clr EOL
cbf3: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;input or output?
cbf6: 29 40                        and     #M_BINPUT
cbf8: f0 03                        beq     X_CRPAS           ;=>output, no clearing
cbfa: 20 48 cd                     jsr     X_GS              ;clear to EOL
cbfd: a9 00        X_CRPAS         lda     #0                ;back up ch to
cbff: 8d 7b 05                     sta     OURCH             ; beginning of line
cc02: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE              ;are we in BASIC?
cc05: 29 20                        and     #M_PASCAL
cc07: d0 03                        bne     X_CRRET           ;=>Pascal, avoid auto L/F
cc09: 20 91 cc                     jsr     X_LF              ;execute auto LF for BASIC
cc0c: 60           X_CRRET         rts

                   ; (There's an X.SYN function here that synchronizes with VBL, but it was
                   ; apparently omitted due to space constraints.)
                   ; Execute home:
cc0d: a5 22        X_EM            lda     MON_WNDTOP
cc0f: 8d fb 05                     sta     OURCV             ;stuff CV
cc12: a9 00                        lda     #0
cc14: 8d 7b 05                     sta     OURCH             ;stuff CH
cc17: 4c 51 cb                     jmp     BASCALC           ;return bia BASCALC (ugh!)

                   ; Execute clear line.
cc1a: a4 21        X_SUB           ldy     MON_WNDWDTH
cc1c: 88                           dey
cc1d: a9 a0        X_SUB80         lda     #“ ”              ;blankie blank
cc1f: 20 f2 ce     X_SUBLP         jsr     STORCHAR          ;stuff the blank
cc22: 88                           dey
cc23: 10 fa                        bpl     X_SUBLP           ;=>clear the line
cc25: 60                           rts

                   ; Execute forward space.
cc26: ee 7b 05     X_FS            inc     OURCH             ;bump CH
cc29: ad 7b 05                     lda     OURCH             ;get the position
cc2c: c5 21                        cmp     MON_WNDWDTH       ;off the right side?
cc2e: 90 03                        bcc     X_FSRET           ;=>no, good
cc30: 20 ec cb                     jsr     X_CR              ;yes, wrap around
cc33: 60           X_FSRET         rts

                   ; Execute reverse linefeed.
cc34: ce fb 05     X_US            dec     OURCV             ;back up CV
cc37: 30 07                        bmi     X_US1             ;=>off top of screen
cc39: ad fb 05                     lda     OURCV
cc3c: c5 22                        cmp     MON_WNDTOP        ;off top of window?
cc3e: b0 05                        bcs     X_US2             ;=>no, still in window
                   ; Pin CV to window top.
cc40: ee fb 05     X_US1           inc     OURCV             ;put back where it was
cc43: f0 03                        beq     X_USRET           ;it goes to 0 always
cc45: 20 51 cb     X_US2           jsr     BASCALC           ;recompute base addr
cc48: 60           X_USRET         rts

                   ; Execute "normal video".
cc49: ad fb 04     X_SO            lda     MODE              ;set mode bit
cc4c: 29 fb                        and     #$fb              ;set 'normal'  [AND #255-M.VMODE]
cc4e: a0 ff                        ldy     #255
cc50: d0 07                        bne     STUFFINV          ;(always)

                   ; Execute "inverse video".
cc52: ad fb 04     X_SI            lda     MODE              ;set mode bit
cc55: 09 04                        ora     #M_VMODE          ;set 'inverse'
cc57: a0 7f                        ldy     #127
cc59: 8d fb 04     STUFFINV        sta     MODE              ;set mode
cc5c: 84 32                        sty     MON_INVFLAG       ;stuff flag too
cc5e: 60                           rts

cc5f: bb           CTLADL          .dd1    <X_BELL-1         ;BEL
cc60: da                           .dd1    <X_BS-1           ;BS
cc61: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;HT
cc62: 90                           .dd1    <X_LF-1           ;LF
cc63: 22                           .dd1    <X_VT-1           ;VT
cc64: 41                           .dd1    <X_FF-1           ;FF
cc65: eb                           .dd1    <X_CR-1           ;CR
cc66: 48                           .dd1    <X_SO-1           ;SO
cc67: 51                           .dd1    <X_SI-1           ;SI
cc68: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;DLE
cc69: 58                           .dd1    <X_DC1-1          ;DC1
cc6a: 76                           .dd1    <X_DCI2-1         ;DC2
cc6b: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;DC3
cc6c: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;DC4
cc6d: 8f                           .dd1    <X_NAK-1          ;NAK
cc6e: a9                           .dd1    <SCROLLDN-1       ;SYN
cc6f: a3                           .dd1    <SCROLLUP-1       ;ETB
cc70: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;CAN
cc71: 0c                           .dd1    <X_EM-1           ;EM
cc72: 19                           .dd1    <X_SUB-1          ;SUB
cc73: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;ESC
cc74: 25                           .dd1    <X_FS-1           ;FS
cc75: 47                           .dd1    <X_GS-1           ;GS
cc76: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;RS
cc77: 33                           .dd1    <X_US-1           ;US
cc78: cb           CTLADH          .dd1    >X_BELL           ;BEL
cc79: cb                           .dd1    >X_BS             ;BS
cc7a: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;HT
cc7b: cc                           .dd1    >X_LF             ;LF
cc7c: cd                           .dd1    >X_VT             ;VT
cc7d: cd                           .dd1    >X_FF             ;FF
cc7e: cb                           .dd1    >X_CR             ;CR
cc7f: cc                           .dd1    >X_SO             ;SO
cc80: cc                           .dd1    >X_SI             ;SI
cc81: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;DLE
cc82: cd                           .dd1    >X_DC1            ;DC1
cc83: cd                           .dd1    >X_DCI2           ;DC2
cc84: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;DC3
cc85: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;DC4
cc86: cd                           .dd1    >X_NAK            ;NAK
cc87: cc                           .dd1    >SCROLLDN         ;SYN
cc88: cc                           .dd1    >SCROLLUP         ;ETB
cc89: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;CAN
cc8a: cc                           .dd1    >X_EM             ;EM
cc8b: cc                           .dd1    >X_SUB            ;SUB
cc8c: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;ESC
cc8d: cc                           .dd1    >X_FS             ;FS
cc8e: cd                           .dd1    >X_GS             ;GS
cc8f: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;RS
cc90: cc                           .dd1    >X_US             ;US

                   ; Execute linefeed.
cc91: ee fb 05     X_LF            inc     OURCV             ;bump CV
cc94: ad fb 05                     lda     OURCV             ;see if off bottom
cc97: c5 23                        cmp     MON_WNDBTM        ;off the end?
cc99: b0 03                        bcs     X_LF2             ;=>yes
cc9b: 4c 20 cd                     jmp     X_LFRET           ;=>no, done

cc9e: a4 23        X_LF2           ldy     MON_WNDBTM        ;set to
cca0: 88                           dey
cca1: 8c fb 05                     sty     OURCV             ; the bottom
                   ; Scroll the screen.
cca4: 8a           SCROLLUP        txa                       ;save X
cca5: 48                           pha
cca6: a2 01                        ldx     #1                ;direction=up
cca8: d0 04                        bne     SCROLL1

ccaa: 8a           SCROLLDN        txa                       ;save X
ccab: 48                           pha
ccac: a2 00                        ldx     #0                ;direction=down
ccae: 2c 1f c0     SCROLL1         bit     RD80VID           ;which mode?
ccb1: 10 05                        bpl     SCROLL2           ;=>40, do with existing width
ccb3: a5 21                        lda     MON_WNDWDTH       ;temporarily save
ccb5: 48                           pha                       ; the width and
ccb6: 46 21                        lsr     MON_WNDWDTH       ;  divide it by 2
ccb8: 20 d1 cc     SCROLL2         jsr     SCRLSUB           ;scroll 40 cols
ccbb: 2c 1f c0                     bit     RD80VID           ;are we in 80-mode?
ccbe: 10 51                        bpl     S_SCRLRET         ;=>no, done
                   ; For 80, do the other page.
ccc0: 08                           php                       ;ensure IRQ inhibited
ccc1: 78                           sei                       ; while txtpage2 mapped in
ccc2: ad 55 c0                     lda     TXTPAGE2          ;set page2
ccc5: 20 d1 cc                     jsr     SCRLSUB           ;scroll page2
ccc8: ad 54 c0                     lda     TXTPAGE1          ;restore page1
cccb: 28                           plp                       ;restore IRQ state now
cccc: 68                           pla
cccd: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH
cccf: d0 40                        bne     S_SCRLRET         ;=>done scroll80 (always taken)

                   ; 40-column windowed scroll.
ccd1: bc f9 cf     SCRLSUB         ldy     WNDTAB,x          ;get window top/bot
ccd4: b9 00 00                     lda     0,y
ccd7: e0 01                        cpx     #1                ;scrolling up?
ccd9: b0 02                        bcs     MSCRL0            ;=>yes, no problem
ccdb: e9 00                        sbc     #0                ;-1 if down (src=btm-1)
ccdd: 48           MSCRL0          pha
ccde: 20 54 cb                     jsr     BASCALCZ
cce1: a5 28        MSCRL1          lda     MON_BASL
cce3: 85 2a                        sta     BAS2L
cce5: a5 29                        lda     MON_BASH
cce7: 85 2b                        sta     BAS2H
cce9: a4 21                        ldy     MON_WNDWDTH
cceb: 88                           dey
ccec: 68                           pla
cced: 18                           clc
ccee: 7d f0 cf                     adc     PLUSMINUS1,x      ;up/down
ccf1: d5 22                        cmp     MON_WNDTOP,x      ;at the end?
ccf3: f0 0d                        beq     MSCRLRET
ccf5: 48                           pha
ccf6: 20 54 cb                     jsr     BASCALCZ
ccf9: b1 28        MSCRL2          lda     (MON_BASL),y
ccfb: 91 2a                        sta     (BAS2L),y
ccfd: 88                           dey
ccfe: 10 f9                        bpl     MSCRL2
cd00: 30 df                        bmi     MSCRL1

cd02: e0 00        MSCRLRET        cpx     #0                ;scrolling down?
cd04: d0 0a                        bne     MSCRLRTS          ;=>no
cd06: 20 54 cb                     jsr     BASCALCZ
cd09: b1 28        ONEMORE         lda     (MON_BASL),y
cd0b: 91 2a                        sta     (BAS2L),y
cd0d: 88                           dey
cd0e: 10 f9                        bpl     ONEMORE
cd10: 60           MSCRLRTS        rts

                   ; Done with the scrolling jazz.
cd11: b4 22        S_SCRLRET       ldy     MON_WNDTOP,x      ;clear top or bottom line
cd13: 8a                           txa                       ;if getting top,
cd14: f0 01                        beq     X_SCRLRET2        ; don't decrement!
cd16: 88                           dey
cd17: 98           X_SCRLRET2      tya                       ;temp CV setup
cd18: 20 54 cb                     jsr     BASCALCZ          ;compute base of line to clear
cd1b: 68                           pla                       ;restore
cd1c: aa                           tax                       ; X
cd1d: 20 1a cc                     jsr     X_SUB             ;clear bottom line
cd20: 4c 51 cb     X_LFRET         jmp     BASCALC           ;return via BASCALC (ugh!)

                   ; Execute clr to EOS.
cd23: 20 48 cd     X_VT            jsr     X_GS              ;clear to EOL
cd26: ad fb 05                     lda     OURCV             ;save CV
cd29: 48                           pha
cd2a: 10 06                        bpl     X_VTNEXT          ;do next line (always taken)

cd2c: 20 51 cb     X_VTLOOP        jsr     BASCALC           ;BASCALC it
cd2f: 20 1a cc                     jsr     X_SUB             ;clear line
cd32: ee fb 05     X_VTNEXT        inc     OURCV             ;bump CV
cd35: ad fb 05                     lda     OURCV
cd38: c5 23                        cmp     MON_WNDBTM        ;off screen?
cd3a: 90 f0                        bcc     X_VTLOOP          ;=>no, keep going
cd3c: 68                           pla                       ;restore
cd3d: 8d fb 05                     sta     OURCV             ; CV
cd40: 10 de                        bpl     X_LFRET           ;return via similar code

                   ; Execute clear.
cd42: 20 0d cc     X_FF            jsr     X_EM              ;home the cursor
cd45: 4c 23 cd                     jmp     X_VT              ;return via CLREOS (ugh!)

                   ; Execute clear to EOL.
cd48: ac 7b 05     X_GS            ldy     OURCH             ;get CH
cd4b: 4c 54 cd                     jmp     X_GS2             ;check for end first!

cd4e: a9 a0        X_GSEOLZ        lda     #“ ”              ;fer U hackers
cd50: 20 f2 ce                     jsr     STORCHAR          ;stuff it
cd53: c8                           iny
cd54: c4 21        X_GS2           cpy     MON_WNDWDTH       ;stop sometime
cd56: 90 f6                        bcc     X_GSEOLZ          ;yasl do more
cd58: 60                           rts

                   ; Execute '40col mode'.
cd59: a9 00        X_DC1           lda     #0                ;assume textmode
cd5b: 85 20                        sta     MON_WNDLEFT
cd5d: 2c 1a c0                     bit     RDTEXT            ;are we in text mode?
cd60: 30 02                        bmi     X_DC1B            ;=>yes
cd62: a9 14                        lda     #20               ;if gr, set splitscreen
cd64: 85 22        X_DC1B          sta     MON_WNDTOP
cd66: a9 18                        lda     #24
cd68: 85 23                        sta     MON_WNDBTM
cd6a: a9 28                        lda     #40
cd6c: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH
cd6e: 2c 1f c0                     bit     RD80VID           ;were we in 80-mode?
cd71: 10 03                        bpl     X_DC1RTS          ;=>no, no cvt needed
cd73: 20 db cd                     jsr     SCRN84            ;cvt 80-->40
cd76: 60           X_DC1RTS        rts

                   ; Execute '80col mode'.
cd77: 20 24 cb     X_DCI2          jsr     TESTCARD          ;is card there?
cd7a: d0 1e                        bne     X_DC2RET          ;=>nope, forget it
cd7c: 20 9b cd                     jsr     FULL80            ;set full window
cd7f: 2c 1a c0                     bit     RDTEXT            ;are we in text mode?
cd82: 30 04                        bmi     X_DC2B            ;=>yes
cd84: a9 14                        lda     #20               ;if gr, set splitscreen
cd86: 85 22                        sta     MON_WNDTOP
cd88: 2c 18 c0     X_DC2B          bit     RD80COL           ;remember prior mode
cd8b: 30 0d                        bmi     X_DC2RET          ;=>no cvt needed if was 80
cd8d: 4c 32 ce                     jmp     SCRN48            ;ret via convert 40-->80

                   ; Execute 'quit'.
cd90: ad fb 04     X_NAK           lda     MODE              ;only valid in BASIC
cd93: 29 20                        and     #M_PASCAL
cd95: d0 03                        bne     X_DC2RET          ;ignore if Pascal
cd97: 20 aa cd                     jsr     QUIT              ;get setup to quit
cd9a: 60           X_DC2RET        rts                       ;done; caller won't return

                   * Name    : FULL80                                                             *
                   * Function: set full 80col window                                              *
                   * Input   : none                                                               *
                   * Output  : window parameters                                                  *
                   * Volatile: AC                                                                 *
cd9b: a9 00        FULL80          lda     #0
cd9d: 85 22                        sta     MON_WNDTOP
cd9f: 85 20                        sta     MON_WNDLEFT
cda1: a9 50                        lda     #80
cda3: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH
cda5: a9 18                        lda     #24
cda7: 85 23                        sta     MON_WNDBTM
cda9: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : QUIT                                                               *
                   * Function: setup to quit the card                                             *
                   * Input   : nothing                                                            *
                   * Ouptut  : nothing                                                            *
                   * Volatile: all regs                                                           *
                   * Calls   : X_FF, FULL80, BASCALC, SETKBD, SETVID                              *
cdaa: a9 00        QUIT            lda     #0                ;set full 40-col window
cdac: 85 22                        sta     MON_WNDTOP
cdae: 85 20                        sta     MON_WNDLEFT
cdb0: a9 18                        lda     #24
cdb2: 85 23                        sta     MON_WNDBTM
cdb4: a9 28                        lda     #40
cdb6: 85 21                        sta     MON_WNDWDTH
cdb8: 2c 1f c0                     bit     RD80VID           ;what width?
cdbb: 10 03                        bpl     QUIT2             ;->no cvt needed if 40
cdbd: 20 db cd                     jsr     SCRN84            ;convert 40-->80
cdc0: a9 17        QUIT2           lda     #23               ;vtab to the
cdc2: 8d fb 05                     sta     OURCV             ; bottom line
cdc5: 20 51 cb                     jsr     BASCALC
cdc8: a9 00                        lda     #0                ;  and place cursor
cdca: 8d 7b 05                     sta     OURCH             ;   at left side
cdcd: 8d 0e c0                     sta     CLRALTCHAR        ;lcase chars off
cdd0: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff              ;destroy the
cdd2: 8d fb 04                     sta     MODE              ; mode byte
cdd5: 20 93 fe                     jsr     MON_SETVID        ;PR#0
cdd8: 4c 89 fe                     jmp     MON_SETKBD        ;return via IN#0 (ugh!)

                   * Name    : SCRN84                                                             *
                   * Function: convert 80vid-->40vid                                              *
                   * Input   : none                                                               *
                   * Output  : none                                                               *
                   * Volatile: all registers                                                      *
                   * Note    : uses 'BAS2H/L' as temps                                            *
cddb: ad fb 05     SCRN84          lda     OURCV             ;save current
cdde: 48                           pha
cddf: ad 7b 05                     lda     OURCH             ; settings
cde2: 48                           pha
cde3: a9 17                        lda     #23
cde5: 85 2a                        sta     BAS2L             ;use as a temp
cde7: 8d 01 c0                     sta     SET80COL
cdea: a5 2a        SCR40           lda     BAS2L
cdec: 20 54 cb                     jsr     BASCALCZ          ;begin at bottom and work up
cdef: 20 0a ce                     jsr     ATEFOR            ;do this line
cdf2: c6 2a                        dec     BAS2L
cdf4: 30 0b                        bmi     SCR40RET          ;=>done (hit top)
cdf6: 2c 1a c0                     bit     RDTEXT            ;are we in midexmode[sic]?
cdf9: 30 ef                        bmi     SCR40             ;=>no, do entire screen
cdfb: a5 2a                        lda     BAS2L             ;if so, only do bottom
cdfd: c9 14                        cmp     #20               ; four (4) lines of window
cdff: b0 e9                        bcs     SCR40
ce01: 8d 00 c0     SCR40RET        sta     CLR80COL
ce04: 8d 0c c0                     sta     CLR80VID
ce07: 4c 58 ce                     jmp     SCRNRET           ;return via similar code

ce0a: 08           ATEFOR          php                       ;lock IRQ while
ce0b: 78                           sei                       ; screenholes are wrong
ce0c: a0 28                        ldy     #40
ce0e: 84 2b                        sty     BAS2H
ce10: 2c 54 c0                     bit     TXTPAGE1
ce13: 20 22 ce     ATEFOR1         jsr     GET84
ce16: 2c 55 c0                     bit     TXTPAGE2
ce19: 20 22 ce                     jsr     GET84
ce1c: a4 2b                        ldy     BAS2H             ;done?
ce1e: d0 f3                        bne     ATEFOR1           ;->no, do whole line
ce20: 28                           plp                       ;restore IRQ now
ce21: 60                           rts

ce22: c6 2b        GET84           dec     BAS2H
ce24: a5 2b                        lda     BAS2H
ce26: 4a                           lsr     A
ce27: a8                           tay
ce28: b1 28                        lda     (MON_BASL),y
ce2a: a4 2b                        ldy     BAS2H
ce2c: 2c 54 c0                     bit     TXTPAGE1
ce2f: 91 28                        sta     (MON_BASL),y
ce31: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : SCRN48                                                             *
                   * Function: convert 40vid-->80vid                                              *
                   * Input   : none                                                               *
                   * Output  : none                                                               *
                   * Volatile: all registers                                                      *
                   * Note    : uses 'BAS2H/L' as temps                                            *
ce32: ad fb 05     SCRN48          lda     OURCV             ;save CV
ce35: 48                           pha
ce36: ad 7b 05                     lda     OURCH             ; and CH
ce39: 48                           pha
ce3a: a9 17                        lda     #23
ce3c: 85 2a                        sta     BAS2L             ;use as a temp
ce3e: a5 2a        SCR80           lda     BAS2L
ce40: 20 54 cb                     jsr     BASCALCZ          ;begin at bottom and work up
ce43: 20 63 ce                     jsr     FORATE            ;do this line
ce46: c6 2a                        dec     BAS2L
ce48: 30 0b                        bmi     SCR80RET          ;=>done (hit top)
ce4a: 2c 1a c0                     bit     RDTEXT            ;are we in mixedmode?
ce4d: 30 ef                        bmi     SCR80             ;no, do full screen
ce4f: a5 2a                        lda     BAS2L             ;if 80, only do bottom
ce51: c9 14                        cmp     #20               ; four (4) lines of window
ce53: b0 e9                        bcs     SCR80
ce55: 8d 0d c0     SCR80RET        sta     SET80VID          ;dispaly in 80-mode
ce58: 68           SCRNRET         pla                       ;used by SCRN84; restore
ce59: 8d 7b 05                     sta     OURCH             ; CH and
ce5c: 68                           pla                       ;  CV
ce5d: 8d fb 05                     sta     OURCV
ce60: 4c 51 cb                     jmp     BASCALC           ;return via BASCALC (ugh!)

ce63: 08           FORATE          php                       ;don't allow IRQ while
ce64: 78                           sei                       ; screenholes are wrong
ce65: a0 00                        ldy     #0
ce67: 84 2b                        sty     BAS2H
ce69: 8c 01 c0                     sty     SET80COL
ce6c: 2c 54 c0                     bit     TXTPAGE1
ce6f: b1 28        FORATE1         lda     (MON_BASL),y
ce71: 2c 55 c0                     bit     TXTPAGE2
ce74: 20 a3 ce                     jsr     DO48
ce77: 2c 54 c0                     bit     TXTPAGE1
ce7a: b1 28                        lda     (MON_BASL),y
ce7c: 20 a3 ce                     jsr     DO48
ce7f: c0 28                        cpy     #40
ce81: 90 ec                        bcc     FORATE1
ce83: 20 91 ce                     jsr     CLRHALF           ;clear right half
ce86: 2c 55 c0                     bit     TXTPAGE2          ; of both pages
ce89: 20 91 ce                     jsr     CLRHALF
ce8c: 2c 54 c0                     bit     TXTPAGE1
ce8f: 28                           plp                       ;OK to allow IRQ now
ce90: 60                           rts

ce91: a0 14        CLRHALF         ldy     #20
ce93: a9 a0                        lda     #“ ”
ce95: 24 32                        bit     MON_INVFLAG       ;which mode?
ce97: 30 02                        bmi     CLRHALF2          ;=>normal
ce99: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;inverse
ce9b: 91 28        CLRHALF2        sta     (MON_BASL),y      ;stuff the blank
ce9d: c8                           iny
ce9e: c0 28                        cpy     #40
cea0: d0 f9                        bne     CLRHALF2
cea2: 60                           rts

cea3: 48           DO48            pha
cea4: 98                           tya
cea5: 4a                           lsr     A
cea6: a8                           tay
cea7: 68                           pla
cea8: 91 28                        sta     (MON_BASL),y
ceaa: e6 2b                        inc     BAS2H
ceac: a4 2b                        ldy     BAS2H
ceae: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : SETCH                                                              *
                   * Function: set OURCH and CH                                                   *
                   * Input   : AC=CH value                                                        *
                   * Output  : OURCH, CH mod 40                                                   *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : nothing                                                            *
ceaf: 8d 7b 05     SETCH           sta     OURCH             ;stuff OURCH
ceb2: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH            ;stuff in case we're 40 mode
ceb4: 8d 7b 04                     sta     OLDCH
ceb7: 2c 1f c0                     bit     RD80VID           ;in 80-mode?
ceba: 10 1d                        bpl     SETCHRTS          ;=>no, done
                   ; If we're near the end of our 80col line, move CH up.  If not, leave CH pinned
                   ; at zero...
cebc: a9 00                        lda     #0                ;ping CH at zero
cebe: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH
cec0: 8d 7b 04                     sta     OLDCH             ;remember the setting
cec3: a5 21                        lda     MON_WNDWDTH       ;check if near the end
cec5: 38                           sec
cec6: ed 7b 05                     sbc     OURCH             ;get abs CH
cec9: c9 08                        cmp     #8                ;near the end?
cecb: b0 0c                        bcs     SETCHRTS          ;=>nope
cecd: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH            ;yes, move CH up near right
cecf: a9 28                        lda     #40
ced1: 38                           sec
ced2: e5 24                        sbc     MON_CH
ced4: 85 24                        sta     MON_CH            ;BASIC will see that now
ced6: 8d 7b 04                     sta     OLDCH             ;remember the setting
ced9: ad 7b 05     SETCHRTS        lda     OURCH             ;restore AC
cedc: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : INVERT                                                             *
                   * Function: invert char at CH/CV                                               *
                   * Input   : nothing                                                            *
                   * Output  : char at CH/CV inverted                                             *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : PICK, STORCHAR                                                     *
cedd: 48           INVERT          pha                       ;save AC
cede: 98                           tya                       ; and Y
cedf: 48                           pha
cee0: ac 7b 05                     ldy     OURCH             ;get CH
cee3: 20 01 cf                     jsr     PICK              ;get character
cee6: 49 80                        eor     #$80              ;flip inverse/normal
cee8: 2c 00 cf                     bit     SEV               ;put directly back
ceeb: 20 06 cf                     jsr     SCREENINIT        ; onto screen
ceee: 68                           pla                       ;restore Y
ceef: a8                           tay                       ;and AC
cef0: 68                           pla
cef1: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : STORECHAR                                                          *
                   * Function: store a char on screen                                             *
                   * Input   : AC=char                                                            *
                   *         :  Y=CH position                                                     *
                   * Output  : char on screen                                                     *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : SCREENINIT                                                         *
cef2: 48           STORCHAR        pha                       ;save AC
cef3: 24 32                        bit     MON_INVFLAG       ;normal or inverse?
cef5: 30 02                        bmi     LCEF9             ;=>normal
cef7: 49 80                        eor     #$80              ;inverse
cef9: 2c 00 cf     LCEF9           bit     SEV               ;V set for store
cefc: 20 06 cf                     jsr     SCREENINIT        ;=>do it!
ceff: 68                           pla                       ;restore AC
cf00: 60           SEV             rts

                   * Name    : PICK                                                               *
                   * Function: get a char from screen                                             *
                   * Input   : V clr for pick                                                     *
                   *         : V set for store                                                    *
                   *         : AC=char for store                                                  *
                   *         :  Y=ch position                                                     *
                   * Output  : AC=char (pick)                                                     *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : SCREENINIT                                                         *
cf01: b8           PICK            clv                       ;V clear for pick
cf02: 20 06 cf                     jsr     SCREENINIT        ;do it!
cf05: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : SCREENINIT                                                         *
                   * Function: store or pick char                                                 *
                   * Input   : V clr for pick                                                     *
                   *         : V set for store                                                    *
                   *         : AC=char for store                                                  *
                   *         :  Y=ch position                                                     *
                   * Output  : AC=char (pick)                                                     *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : nothing                                                            *
cf06: 84 1f        SCREENINIT      sty     YSAV1             ;save Y
cf08: 48                           pha                       ;save character if storing
                   ; Avoid changing V-flag via BIT!
cf09: ad 1f c0                     lda     RD80VID           ;what display mode?
cf0c: 10 32                        bpl     SCRN40            ;=>40-col mode
                   ; 80-column mode.
cf0e: a5 1f                        lda     YSAV1             ;get cursor horiz
cf10: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;divide by two for page
cf11: a8                           tay                       ;ch to Y-reg
cf12: 70 16                        bvs     STOR80            ;=>gonna store the char
                   ; 80-col pick.
cf14: 08                           php                       ;lock interrupts while
cf15: 78                           sei                       ; screenholes are wrong
cf16: ad 55 c0                     lda     TXTPAGE2          ;assume page 2 (evens)
cf19: 90 03                        bcc     SCRN2             ;=>it is
cf1b: ad 54 c0                     lda     TXTPAGE1          ;odds go to page1
cf1e: b1 28        SCRN2           lda     (MON_BASL),y      ;pick the character
cf20: a8                           tay                       ;hold char temporarily
cf21: ad 54 c0                     lda     TXTPAGE1          ;restore page1
cf24: 28                           plp                       ; and allow IRQ again
cf25: 68                           pla                       ;trash saved AC
cf26: 98                           tya
cf27: 48                           pha                       ;make char get restored to AC
cf28: 50 24                        bvc     STPKEXIT          ;=>done (always taken)

cf2a: 68           STOR80          pla                       ;restore character
cf2b: 48                           pha                       ;(leave on stack)
cf2c: 08                           php                       ;lock interrupts while
cf2d: 78                           sei                       ; the screenholes are wrong
cf2e: 48                           pha                       ;hold the char temporarily
cf2f: ad 55 c0                     lda     TXTPAGE2          ;assume page2 (evens)
cf32: 90 03                        bcc     SCRN3             ;=>it is
cf34: ad 54 c0                     lda     TXTPAGE1          ;odds go to page1
cf37: 68           SCRN3           pla                       ;get char to be stored
cf38: 91 28                        sta     (MON_BASL),y      ;stuff onto screen
cf3a: ad 54 c0                     lda     TXTPAGE1          ;restore page1
cf3d: 28                           plp                       ; and allow IRQ again
cf3e: 70 0e                        bvs     STPKEXIT          ;=>done (always taken)

                   ; 40-column mode.
cf40: a4 1f        SCRN40          ldy     YSAV1             ;get cursor horiz
cf42: 70 06                        bvs     STOR40            ;=>store it
cf44: 68                           pla                       ;trash saved char
cf45: b1 28                        lda     (MON_BASL),y      ;pick the character
cf47: 48                           pha                       ;save char for restore
cf48: 50 04                        bvc     STPKEXIT          ;done (always taken)

cf4a: 68           STOR40          pla                       ;get the character
cf4b: 48                           pha                       ;(leave on stack)
cf4c: 91 28                        sta     (MON_BASL),y      ;stuff onto screen
cf4e: 68           STPKEXIT        pla                       ;restore AC
cf4f: a4 1f                        ldy     YSAV1             ;restore Y
cf51: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : ESCON                                                              *
                   * Function: turn on 'escape' cursor                                            *
                   * Input   : none                                                               *
                   * Output  : 'char'=original char                                               *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : PICK, STORCHAR                                                     *
cf52: 48           ESCON           pha                       ;save AC
cf53: 98                           tya                       ; and Y
cf54: 48                           pha
cf55: ac 7b 05                     ldy     OURCH             ;get CH
cf58: 20 01 cf                     jsr     PICK              ;get original character
cf5b: 8d 7b 06                     sta     CHAR              ; and remember for ESCOFF
cf5e: 29 80                        and     #$80              ;save normal/inverse bit
cf60: 49 ab                        eor     #$ab              ;make it an inverse '+'
cf62: 4c 6e cf                     jmp     ESCRET            ;return via similar code

                   * Name    : ESCOFF                                                             *
                   * Function: turn off 'escape' cursor                                           *
                   * Input   : 'char'=original char                                               *
                   * Output  : none                                                               *
                   * Volatile: nothing                                                            *
                   * Calls   : STORCHAR                                                           *
cf65: 48           ESCOFF          pha                       ;save AC
cf66: 98                           tya                       ; and Y
cf67: 48                           pha
cf68: ac 7b 05                     ldy     OURCH             ;get CH
cf6b: ad 7b 06                     lda     CHAR              ;get original character
cf6e: 2c 00 cf     ESCRET          bit     SEV               ; and put it back
cf71: 20 06 cf                     jsr     SCREENINIT        ;  exactly as it was
cf74: 68                           pla                       ;restore Y
cf75: a8                           tay
cf76: 68                           pla                       ; and AC
cf77: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : COPYROM                                                            *
                   * Function: copy F8 ROM to LCARD                                               *
                   * Input   : nothing                                                            *
                   * Volatile: X, Y                                                               *
                   * Calls   : nothing                                                            *
cf78: 48           COPYROM         pha                       ;save AC
cf79: 08                           php                       ;ensure IRQ inhibited
cf7a: 78                           sei                       ; while copying ROM
cf7b: ad 11 c0                     lda     RDLCBNK2          ;get bank2
cf7e: 48                           pha
cf7f: ae 12 c0                     ldx     RDLCRAM           ; and RAM flags
cf82: ad 81 c0                     lda     ROMIN             ;set read-ROM
cf85: ad 81 c0                     lda     ROMIN             ; write-RAM mode
cf88: a0 00                        ldy     #0
cf8a: a9 f8                        lda     #$f8
cf8c: 85 37                        sta     MON_CSWH          ;use hook for move
cf8e: a5 36                        lda     MON_CSWL          ;preserve lo byte
cf90: 48                           pha
cf91: a9 00                        lda     #0
cf93: 85 36                        sta     MON_CSWL
cf95: b1 36        COPYROM2        lda     (MON_CSWL),y      ;copy only patched pages
cf97: 91 36                        sta     (MON_CSWL),y      ;move the ROM
cf99: c8                           iny
cf9a: d0 f9                        bne     COPYROM2
cf9c: e6 37                        inc     MON_CSWH
cf9e: d0 f5                        bne     COPYROM2
cfa0: 68                           pla                       ;restore the
cfa1: 85 36                        sta     MON_CSWL          ; hook
cfa3: a9 c3                        lda     #>CN00
cfa5: 85 37                        sta     MON_CSWH
cfa7: 68                           pla                       ;which LC bank?
cfa8: 10 0f                        bpl     LCB1              ;=>bank1
cfaa: 8a                           txa                       ;RAM or ROM read?
cfab: 10 06                        bpl     LCB2ROM           ;=>ROM
cfad: ad 80 c0                     lda     LCBANK2_RW        ;bank2, RAM
cfb0: 4c c5 cf                     jmp     COPYRET

cfb3: ad 81 c0     LCB2ROM         lda     ROMIN             ;bank2, ROM
cfb6: 4c c5 cf                     jmp     COPYRET

cfb9: 8a           LCB1            txa                       ;RAM or ROM read?
cfba: 10 06                        bpl     LCFC2             ;=>ROM
cfbc: ad 88 c0                     lda     LCBANK1_RW        ;bank1, RAM
cfbf: 4c c5 cf                     jmp     COPYRET

cfc2: ad 89 c0     LCFC2           lda     ROMIN1            ;bank1, ROM
cfc5: 28           COPYRET         plp                       ;restore IRQ state now
cfc6: 68                           pla                       ; and AC
cfc7: 60                           rts

                   * Name    : PSETUP                                                             *
                   * Function: setup ZP for Pascal                                                *
                   * Input   : none                                                               *
                   * Output  : none                                                               *
                   * Volatile: AC                                                                 *
                   * Calls   : nothing                                                            *
cfc8: ad fb 04     PSETUP          lda     MODE              ;transparent mode?
cfcb: 29 01                        and     #M_TRANS
cfcd: d0 03                        bne     PSETUP2           ;=>yes, trust window
cfcf: 20 9b cd                     jsr     FULL80            ;set full 80col window
cfd2: a9 ff        PSETUP2         lda     #255
cfd4: 85 32                        sta     MON_INVFLAG       ;assume normal mode
cfd6: ad fb 04                     lda     MODE
cfd9: 29 04                        and     #M_VMODE
cfdb: f0 02                        beq     PSETUPRET         ;=>it's normal
cfdd: 46 32                        lsr     MON_INVFLAG       ;make it inverse
cfdf: ad 7b 07     PSETUPRET       lda     OLDBASL           ;set up base address
cfe2: 85 28                        sta     MON_BASL
cfe4: ad fb 07                     lda     OLDBASH
cfe7: 85 29                        sta     MON_BASH
cfe9: 60                           rts

                   ; Note: entries 6-7 of these tables are not used.  Thus there are some other
                   ; values stuffed in.
cfea: 28           F_TABLE         .dd1    <F_CLREOP-1
cfeb: 42                           .dd1    <F_HOME-1
cfec: 4c                           .dd1    <F_SCROLL-1
cfed: 7c                           .dd1    <F_CLREOL-1
cfee: 9b                           .dd1    <F_CLEOLZ-1
cfef: e9                           .dd1    <B_RESET-1        ;use same reset
cff0: ff           PLUSMINUS1      .dd1    $ff               ;scroll uses this
cff1: 01                           .dd1    $01
cff2: 89                           .dd1    <F_SETWND-1
cff3: e0           B_TABLE         .dd1    <B_CLREOP-1
cff4: ec                           .dd1    <B_HOME-1
cff5: cc                           .dd1    <B_SCROLL-1
cff6: d2                           .dd1    <B_CLREOL-1
cff7: d8                           .dd1    <B_CLEOLZ-1
cff8: e9                           .dd1    <B_RESET-1        ;use same reset
cff9: 23           WNDTAB          .dd1    MON_WNDBTM        ;scroll uses this
cffa: 22                           .dd1    MON_WNDTOP
cffb: e6                           .dd1    <B_SETWND-1
cffc: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;avoid CFFF pipelining
cffd: 00 00        ZZEND           .junk   2

Symbol Table
