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Deathmaze5000 Disassembly

                   * Deathmaze 5000 for the Apple II                                              *
                   * By Frank Corr, Jr.                                                           *
                   * (some sources also credit William F. Denman, Jr.)                            *
                   * Copyright 1980 by Med Systems Software                                       *
                   * Disassembly by Andy McFadden, using 6502bench SourceGen v1.7.5               *
                   * Last updated 2021/08/14                                                      *
                   FN_DESTROY_OBJ  .eq     $00    {const}    ;destroy an item
                   FN_DESTROY_OBJ1 .eq     $01    {const}    ;destroy an item
                   FN_GET_BOX_OBJ  .eq     $02    {const}    ;get object, still in box
                   FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ .eq     $03    {const}    ;activate object (e.g. light torch)
                   FN_GET_OBJ      .eq     $04    {const}    ;pick up object (not in box)
                   FN_DROP_OBJ     .eq     $05    {const}    ;drop an object (becomes a box)
                   FN_GET_OBJ_INFO .eq     $06    {const}    ;get object info
                   FN_DRAW_INV     .eq     $07    {const}    ;draw player inventory on screen
                   FN_COUNT_INV    .eq     $08    {const}    ;count inventory items; result in $19
                   FN_RESET_STATE  .eq     $09    {const}    ;reset all player state
                   FN_FIND_BOXES   .eq     $0a    {const}    ;find 1-4 boxes in view on floor
                   FN_OBJ_HERE     .eq     $0b    {const}    ;find item on floor at current posn
                   FN_FIND_FOOD    .eq     $0c    {const}    ;find food obj in inventory
                   FN_FIND_LIT_T   .eq     $0d    {const}    ;find lit torch
                   FN_FIND_UNLIT_T .eq     $0e    {const}    ;find unlit torch
                   FIRST_NOUN      .eq     $1d    {const}    ;index of first noun in word list
                   VERB_FWD        .eq     $5b    {const}    ;verb value for "move forward"
                   VERB_LEFT       .eq     $5c    {const}    ;verb value for "turn left"
                   VERB_RIGHT      .eq     $5d    {const}    ;verb value for "turn right"
                   VERB_180        .eq     $5e    {const}    ;verb value for "turn around"
                   char_horiz      .eq     $06               ;text output horizontal position (0-39)
                   char_vert       .eq     $07               ;text output vertical position (0-23)
                   char_row_ptr    .eq     $08    {addr/2}   ;hi-res address for top line of text
                   string_ptr      .eq     $0c    {addr/2}   ;pointer to text string
                   blink_timer     .eq     $17    {addr/2}   ;timer for blinking apple cursor
                   MON_A1L         .eq     $3c               ;general purpose
                   MON_A1H         .eq     $3d               ;general purpose
                   MON_A2L         .eq     $3e               ;general purpose
                   MON_A2H         .eq     $3f               ;general purpose
                   DOS_RWTS        .eq     $03d9             ;RWTS entry point
                   MON_USRADDR     .eq     $03f8  {addr/3}   ;jump to function that handles monitor Ctrl-Y
                   TEXT_PAGE_1     .eq     $0400  {addr/1024} ;text screen, page 1
                   HIRES_PAGE_2    .eq     $4000  {addr/8192} ;hi-res graphics, page 2
                   KBD             .eq     $c000             ;R last key pressed + 128
                   KBDSTRB         .eq     $c010             ;RW keyboard strobe
                   TXTCLR          .eq     $c050             ;RW display graphics
                   TXTSET          .eq     $c051             ;RW display text
                   MIXCLR          .eq     $c052             ;RW display full screen
                   TXTPAGE1        .eq     $c054             ;RW display page 1
                   TXTPAGE2        .eq     $c055             ;RW display page 2 (or read/write aux mem)
                   LORES           .eq     $c056             ;RW display lo-res graphics
                   HIRES           .eq     $c057             ;RW display hi-res graphics
                   MON_WRITE       .eq     $fecd             ;write data to cassette
                   MON_READ        .eq     $fefd             ;read data from cassette
                   MON_MONZ        .eq     $ff69             ;reset and enter monitor

                                   .org    $0805
0805: 58           Start           cli                       ;enable interrupts (why?)
0806: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
0808: 86 17                        stx     blink_timer       ;init cursor blink timer to zero
080a: 86 18                        stx     blink_timer+1
080c: 20 00 3f     Restart         jsr     Setup             ;relocate last part of program above hi-res page 2
080f: 86 06                        stx     char_horiz        ;set horizontal position to zero
0811: 2c 55 c0                     bit     TXTPAGE2          ;set page 2
0814: 2c 52 c0                     bit     MIXCLR            ;full screen
0817: 2c 57 c0                     bit     HIRES             ;hi-res mode
081a: 2c 50 c0                     bit     TXTCLR            ;enable graphics
081d: 20 55 08                     jsr     ClearScreen       ;clear screen
0820: ea                           nop
0821: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr         ;set hi-res address for text output
0824: a9 94                        lda     #$94              ;"do you wish to continue a game?"
0826: 20 e2 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN          ;draw the message
0829: 20 f7 0f                     jsr     GetYesNo          ;get answer
082c: c9 59                        cmp     #‘Y’              ;affirmative?
082e: d0 13                        bne     :NoLoad           ;no, skip load
0830: 20 3f 7c                     jsr     LoadDiskOrTape
0833: a9 96                        lda     #$96              ;"when ready, press any key"
0835: ea                           nop
0836: ea                           nop
0837: 20 a4 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN_Row23
083a: 20 e9 0f                     jsr     WaitKeyCursor     ;wait for key
083d: 20 72 08                     jsr     LoadFromTape      ;do tape load
0840: 4c 4a 08                     jmp     GetStarted

                   ]func_cmd       .var    $0f    {addr/1}

0843: a2 09        :NoLoad         ldx     #FN_RESET_STATE
0845: 86 0f                        stx     ]func_cmd
0847: 20 34 1a                     jsr     ObjMgmtFunc       ;init player state
                   ; Start the game, first showing the instruction page.
084a: a2 1b        GetStarted      ldx     #$1b
084c: 8e 9c 61                     stx     parsed_verb       ;pretend the user typed "instructions"
084f: 20 40 26                     jsr     ExecParsedInput   ;execute command
0852: 4c 2b 09                     jmp     MainLoop

                   ; Clears hi-res page 2 to black.
                   ]ptr            .var    $0e    {addr/2}

0855: a2 00        ClearScreen     ldx     #<HIRES_PAGE_2    ;init pointer
0857: 86 0e                        stx     ]ptr
0859: a2 40                        ldx     #>HIRES_PAGE_2
085b: 86 0f                        stx     ]ptr+1
085d: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
085f: 98           :ClearLoop1     tya
0860: 91 0e        :ClearLoop      sta     (]ptr),y
0862: e6 0e                        inc     ]ptr              ;advance pointer
0864: d0 fa                        bne     :ClearLoop
0866: e6 0f                        inc     ]ptr+1
0868: a5 0f                        lda     ]ptr+1
086a: c9 60                        cmp     #>HIRES_PAGE_2+$2000 ;done yet?
086c: d0 f1                        bne     :ClearLoop1       ;no, keep going
086e: 60                           rts

086f: ea ea ea                     .junk   3

                   ; Loads a saved game from tape.
0872: a2 93        LoadFromTape    ldx     #<plyr_facing     ;set load address to $6193
0874: 86 3c                        stx     MON_A1L
0876: a2 61                        ldx     #>plyr_facing
0878: 86 3d                        stx     MON_A1H
087a: a2 62                        ldx     #$62              ;set end to $6292 (start + 255)
087c: 86 3f                        stx     MON_A2H
087e: a2 92                        ldx     #$92
0880: 86 3e                        stx     MON_A2L
0882: 20 fd fe                     jsr     MON_READ          ;read data from cassette
0885: 20 55 08                     jsr     ClearScreen
0888: 20 15 10                     jsr     DrawMaze          ;redraw maze
088b: 20 1c 7d                     jsr     VerifySave        ;pops return addr
                   ; (can't actually get here?)
088e: ea                           nop
088f: 4c 34 1a                     jmp     ObjMgmtFunc

                   ; Draws message N at the second-to-last line.  The message text is also copied
                   ; into a buffer.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: message index
                   ]save_ptr       .var    $0a    {addr/2}

0892: a2 00        DrawMsgN_Row22  ldx     #$00
0894: 86 06                        stx     char_horiz        ;set horizontal position to zero
0896: a2 16                        ldx     #22
0898: 86 07                        stx     char_vert         ;set vertical position to row 22 (one up from bottom)
089a: a2 7a                        ldx     #<text_row22
089c: 86 0a                        stx     ]save_ptr
089e: a2 0c                        ldx     #>text_row22
08a0: 86 0b                        stx     ]save_ptr+1
08a2: d0 10                        bne     :DrawMsg

08a4: a2 00        DrawMsgN_Row23  ldx     #$00
08a6: 86 06                        stx     char_horiz        ;set horizontal position to zero
08a8: a2 17                        ldx     #23
08aa: 86 07                        stx     char_vert         ;set vertical position to row 23 (last line)
08ac: a2 a2                        ldx     #<text_row23
08ae: 86 0a                        stx     ]save_ptr
08b0: a2 0c                        ldx     #>text_row23
08b2: 86 0b                        stx     ]save_ptr+1
08b4: 20 00 09     :DrawMsg        jsr     FindMsgN          ;set pointer to Nth message
08b7: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr         ;configure the hi-res screen pointer
08ba: 20 21 09                     jsr     ClearToSpaces     ;clear text buffer to spaces
08bd: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
08bf: b1 0c                        lda     (string_ptr),y    ;get byte from message
08c1: 29 7f                        and     #%01111111        ;strip high bit
08c3: 91 0a        :DrawLoop       sta     (]save_ptr),y     ;save in buffer
08c5: 20 a4 11                     jsr     DrawGlyph         ;draw on screen
08c8: ee 0c 00                     inc:    string_ptr        ;advance text pointer
08cb: d0 03                        bne     :NoInc
08cd: ee 0d 00                     inc:    string_ptr+1
08d0: e6 0a        :NoInc          inc     ]save_ptr         ;advance save buffer pointer
08d2: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc
08d4: e6 0b                        inc     ]save_ptr+1
08d6: a0 00        :NoInc          ldy     #$00
08d8: b1 0c                        lda     (string_ptr),y    ;get next byte from message
08da: 10 e7                        bpl     :DrawLoop         ;if we haven't hit the start of next message, branch
08dc: a9 1e                        lda     #$1e
08de: 20 92 11                     jsr     PrintSpecialChar
08e1: 60                           rts

                   ; Draws message #N, at the current text position.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: message index
                   • Clear variables
                   ]msg_ptr        .var    $0c    {addr/2}

08e2: 20 00 09     DrawMsgN        jsr     FindMsgN          ;get pointer to the Nth message
                   ; Draws the pointed-to message, at the current text position.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $0c-0d: pointer to text
08e5: 20 ef 11     DrawMsg         jsr     SetRowPtr         ;set hi-res row pointer
08e8: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
08ea: b1 0c                        lda     (]msg_ptr),y      ;get first char
08ec: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;clear the high bit
08ee: 20 a4 11     :DrawLoop       jsr     DrawGlyph         ;draw it
08f1: ee 0c 00                     inc:    string_ptr        ;advance pointer
08f4: d0 03                        bne     :NoInc
08f6: ee 0d 00                     inc:    string_ptr+1
08f9: a0 00        :NoInc          ldy     #$00
08fb: b1 0c                        lda     (]msg_ptr),y      ;get next char
08fd: 10 ef                        bpl     :DrawLoop         ;if we haven't hit next string, branch
08ff: 60                           rts

                   ; Finds the Nth string in the message table.
                   ; The first character in each string has its high bit set.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $11: string index (0-?)
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   $0c-0d: pointer to string
                   ;   $11: zero
                   ]ptr            .var    $0c    {addr/2}
                   ]string_num     .var    $11    {addr/1}

0900: 85 11        FindMsgN        sta     ]string_num
0902: a2 29                        ldx     #<msg_strings     ;init to start of list
0904: 8e 0c 00                     stx:    string_ptr
0907: a2 68                        ldx     #>msg_strings
0909: 8e 0d 00                     stx:    string_ptr+1
090c: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
090e: b1 0c        :Find1          lda     (]ptr),y          ;get a character
0910: 30 0a                        bmi     :FoundStart       ;hi bit set at start of string, branch
0912: ee 0c 00     :Find2          inc:    string_ptr        ;advance pointer
0915: d0 f7                        bne     :Find1            ;didn't roll, branch
0917: ee 0d 00                     inc:    string_ptr+1      ;increment high byte
091a: d0 f2                        bne     :Find1            ;(always)

091c: c6 11        :FoundStart     dec     ]string_num       ;decrement count
091e: d0 f2                        bne     :Find2            ;not there yet
0920: 60                           rts

                   ; Sets 40 spaces ($20) at the target address.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $0a-0b: pointer
                   ]ptr            .var    $0a    {addr/2}

0921: a0 27        ClearToSpaces   ldy     #39
0923: a9 20                        lda     #‘ ’
0925: 91 0a        :Loop           sta     (]ptr),y
0927: 88                           dey
0928: 10 fb                        bpl     :Loop
092a: 60                           rts

                   ; Main game loop.
092b: 20 ca 0c     MainLoop        jsr     GetInput
092e: ad 9c 61                     lda     parsed_verb
0931: c9 5a                        cmp     #$5a              ;written verb (not movement key)?
0933: 30 0e                        bmi     :WrittenVerb      ;yes, branch
0935: 20 49 09                     jsr     HandleImmCmd      ;no, handle key immediately
0938: ad a5 61     MainLoop2       lda     special_zone      ;something special here?
093b: f0 ee                        beq     MainLoop          ;no, loop
093d: 20 47 33                     jsr     HandleSpecialZone ;do the special thing
0940: 4c 2b 09                     jmp     MainLoop          ;back to the grind

0943: 20 40 26     :WrittenVerb    jsr     ExecParsedInput
0946: 4c 38 09                     jmp     MainLoop2

                   ; Handles "immediate" actions: move forward or change direction.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: verb
                   ]tmp_facing     .var    $1a    {addr/1}

0949: ae 93 61     HandleImmCmd    ldx     plyr_facing       ;copy the player's current facing direction
094c: 86 1a                        stx     ]tmp_facing
094e: c9 5b                        cmp     #VERB_FWD         ;did they try to move forward?
0950: f0 4b                        beq     HndMoveFwd        ;yes, handle it
0952: 20 56 09                     jsr     DirectionChange   ;no, try the other stuff
0955: 60                           rts

0956: c9 5c        DirectionChange cmp     #VERB_LEFT        ;turn left?
0958: f0 1b                        beq     HndTurnLeft       ;yes, branch
095a: c9 5e                        cmp     #VERB_180         ;turn around?
095c: f0 29                        beq     HndTurn180        ;yes, branch
                   ; Must be "turn right".
095e: a5 1a                        lda     ]tmp_facing       ;get facing
0960: c9 04                        cmp     #$04              ;currently at 4?
0962: f0 05                        beq     :RollOver         ;yes, branch
0964: ee 93 61                     inc     plyr_facing       ;update facing
0967: d0 05                        bne     :Finish           ;(always)

0969: a2 01        :RollOver       ldx     #$01              ;reset to 1
096b: 8e 93 61                     stx     plyr_facing
                   ; Finish up by redrawing the maze and reporting low resources.
096e: 20 15 10     :Finish         jsr     DrawMaze          ;redraw maze
0971: 20 77 0b                     jsr     ReportLowRsrc     ;report hunger / torch issues
0974: 60                           rts

0975: a5 1a        HndTurnLeft     lda     ]tmp_facing       ;get facing
0977: c9 01                        cmp     #$01              ;currently at 1?
0979: f0 05                        beq     :RollUnder        ;yes, branch
097b: ce 93 61                     dec     plyr_facing       ;update facing
097e: 10 ee                        bpl     :Finish           ;(always)

0980: a2 04        :RollUnder      ldx     #$04              ;reset to 4
0982: 8e 93 61                     stx     plyr_facing
0985: d0 e7                        bne     :Finish           ;(always)

0987: a5 1a        HndTurn180      lda     ]tmp_facing
0989: c9 03                        cmp     #$03              ;< 3?
098b: 30 08                        bmi     L0995             ;yes, inc twice
098d: ce 93 61                     dec     plyr_facing       ;no, dec twice
0990: ce 93 61                     dec     plyr_facing
0993: 10 d9                        bpl     :Finish           ;(always)

0995: ee 93 61     L0995           inc     plyr_facing
0998: ee 93 61                     inc     plyr_facing
099b: 10 d1                        bpl     :Finish
                   ; Handles forward movement, including travel into special areas.
099d: ad 94 61     HndMoveFwd      lda     plyr_floor        ;get current floor
09a0: c9 03                        cmp     #$03              ;3rd floor?
09a2: d0 25                        bne     :NotPerfSq        ;not the Perfect Square special, branch
09a4: ad 95 61                     lda     plyr_xpos
09a7: c9 07                        cmp     #$07              ;X pos = 7?
09a9: d0 1e                        bne     :NotPerfSq        ;not special, branch
09ab: ad 96 61                     lda     plyr_ypos
09ae: ae 93 61                     ldx     plyr_facing       ;copy facing to ZP
09b1: 86 1a                        stx     ]tmp_facing
09b3: c9 08                        cmp     #$08              ;Y pos = 8?
09b5: f0 0c                        beq     :ChkPQNorth       ;yes, branch
09b7: c9 09                        cmp     #$09              ;Y pos = 9?
09b9: d0 0e                        bne     :NotPerfSq        ;not special, branch
09bb: a5 1a                        lda     ]tmp_facing       ;check facing
09bd: c9 04                        cmp     #$04              ;looking south?
09bf: d0 08                        bne     :NotPerfSq        ;no, not special
09c1: f0 1c                        beq     :MoveForward      ;yes, allow movement through wall

09c3: a5 1a        :ChkPQNorth     lda     ]tmp_facing
09c5: c9 02                        cmp     #$02              ;facing north?
09c7: f0 16                        beq     :MoveForward      ;yes, allow movement through wall
                   ; Player is not facing the perfect square wall.  Test to see if there is a wall
                   ; right in front of us.
09c9: ad 9a 61     :NotPerfSq      lda     maze_walls_rt
09cc: 29 e0                        and     #%11100000        ;strip low bits, keeping only distance
09ce: d0 0f                        bne     :MoveForward      ;nonzero, allow movement
09d0: 20 7e 12                     jsr     EraseMaze         ;facing a wall, splat the player
09d3: a9 09                        lda     #9
09d5: 85 06                        sta     char_horiz
09d7: 85 07                        sta     char_vert
09d9: a9 7c                        lda     #$7c              ;"splat"
09db: 20 e2 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN
09de: 60                           rts

09df: ae 93 61     :MoveForward    ldx     plyr_facing       ;get facing
09e2: ca                           dex
09e3: f0 15                        beq     :MoveWest
09e5: ca                           dex
09e6: f0 0d                        beq     :MoveNorth
09e8: ca                           dex
09e9: f0 05                        beq     :MoveEast
09eb: ce 96 61                     dec     plyr_ypos         ;move south (-Y)
09ee: 10 0d                        bpl     :MoveCommon       ;(always)

09f0: ee 95 61     :MoveEast       inc     plyr_xpos         ;move east (+X)
09f3: 10 08                        bpl     :MoveCommon       ;(always)

09f5: ee 96 61     :MoveNorth      inc     plyr_ypos         ;move north (+Y)
09f8: 10 03                        bpl     :MoveCommon       ;(always)

09fa: ce 95 61     :MoveWest       dec     plyr_xpos         ;move west (-X)
09fd: 20 10 0a     :MoveCommon     jsr     CheckSpecialCell  ;check to see if the new cell is special
0a00: ad a5 61                     lda     special_zone      ;find anything?
0a03: f0 01                        beq     :NoSpecial        ;no, do the usual
0a05: 60                           rts

0a06: 20 19 0b     :NoSpecial      jsr     ReduceResources   ;reduce torch and satiation levels
0a09: 20 15 10                     jsr     DrawMaze          ;redraw maze at new position
0a0c: 20 77 0b                     jsr     ReportLowRsrc     ;report hunger / torch issues
0a0f: 60                           rts

                   ; Checks to see if we're now standing in a cell with special properties.
                   ]ypos_copy      .var    $19    {addr/1}
                   ]xpos_copy      .var    $1a    {addr/1}

0a10: ad 96 61                     lda     plyr_ypos         ;copy X/Y position to ZP
0a13: 85 19                        sta     ]ypos_copy
0a15: ad 95 61                     lda     plyr_xpos
0a18: 85 1a                        sta     ]xpos_copy
0a1a: ad 94 61                     lda     plyr_floor
0a1d: c9 03                        cmp     #$03              ;on 3rd floor?
0a1f: d0 01                        bne     :Not3rd           ;no, branch
0a21: 60                           rts                       ;yes, nothing further here

0a22: 30 03        :Not3rd         bmi     :OneOrTwo
0a24: 4c bc 0a                     jmp     :FourOrFive

0a27: c9 02        :OneOrTwo       cmp     #$02              ;2nd floor?
0a29: f0 32                        beq     :FloorTwo         ;yes, branch
0a2b: a5 1a                        lda     ]xpos_copy
0a2d: c9 03                        cmp     #$03              ;X pos = 3?
0a2f: f0 05                        beq     :CheckCalcY       ;yes, check for calc
0a31: c9 06                        cmp     #$06              ;X pos = 6?
0a33: f0 0e                        beq     :ChkGuillotine    ;yes, check for guillotine
0a35: 60                           rts

0a36: a5 19        :CheckCalcY     lda     ]ypos_copy
0a38: c9 03                        cmp     #$03              ;Y pos = 3?
0a3a: f0 01                        beq     :IsCalcRoom       ;yes, in the calculator room
0a3c: 60           :Return         rts

0a3d: a2 02        :IsCalcRoom     ldx     #$02              ;calculator special
0a3f: 8e a5 61                     stx     special_zone
0a42: 60                           rts

0a43: a5 19        :ChkGuillotine  lda     ]ypos_copy
0a45: c9 0a                        cmp     #$0a              ;Y pos = 10?
0a47: f0 01                        beq     ReportGuillotine  ;yes, off with his head
0a49: 60                           rts

0a4a: 20 55 08                     jsr     ClearScreen       ;clear hi-res screen
0a4d: a9 00                        lda     #0                ;column 0
0a4f: 85 06                        sta     char_horiz
0a51: a9 09                        lda     #9                ;row 9
0a53: 85 07                        sta     char_vert
0a55: a9 29                        lda     #$29              ;"the invisible guillotine beheads you"
0a57: 20 e2 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN
0a5a: 4c b9 10                     jmp     HandleDeath

0a5d: a5 19        :FloorTwo       lda     ]ypos_copy
0a5f: c9 05                        cmp     #$05              ;Y pos = 5?
0a61: f0 24                        beq     :Check2Y5
0a63: ad a4 61     :CheckDog1      lda     floor_move_lo     ;check number of moves made
0a66: c9 3c                        cmp     #60               ;at least 60?
0a68: b0 05                        bcs     :GtEq60           ;yes, branch
0a6a: ad a3 61                     lda     floor_move_hi
0a6d: f0 cd                        beq     :Return
0a6f: ad ae 61     :GtEq60         lda     dog1_alive        ;is dog #1 alive?
0a72: 29 01                        and     #$01              ;(?)
0a74: f0 c6                        beq     :Return           ;no, bail
0a76: ad a5 61                     lda     special_zone      ;already in a special zone (e.g. no light)?
0a79: d0 06                        bne     :InsertDogSpec    ;yes, branch
0a7b: a2 06                        ldx     #$06              ;encounter with dog #1
0a7d: 8e a5 61                     stx     special_zone      ;set special zone
0a80: 60                           rts

0a81: a2 06        :InsertDogSpec  ldx     #$06
0a83: 8e a6 61                     stx     special_zone1     ;add to special zone stack
0a86: 60                           rts

0a87: a5 1a        :Check2Y5       lda     ]xpos_copy
0a89: c9 05                        cmp     #$05              ;X pos = 5?
0a8b: f0 22                        beq     :Dog2
0a8d: c9 08                        cmp     #$08              ;X pos = 8?
0a8f: d0 d2                        bne     :CheckDog1        ;no, do other dog thing
                   ; Stepped into pit on 2nd floor.  Move to 3rd.
0a91: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
0a93: 8e 93 61                     stx     plyr_facing       ;rotate to face east
0a96: 8e 94 61                     stx     plyr_floor        ;3rd floor
0a99: a2 08                        ldx     #8                ;set X=8 Y=5
0a9b: 8e 95 61                     stx     plyr_xpos
0a9e: a2 05                        ldx     #5
0aa0: 8e 96 61                     stx     plyr_ypos
0aa3: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
0aa5: 8e a3 61                     stx     floor_move_hi     ;reset step counter
0aa8: 8e a4 61                     stx     floor_move_lo
0aab: 20 7c 10                     jsr     FallIntoPit       ;down we go
0aae: 60                           rts

                   ; Set up dog #2 (the one near the middle of the 2nd floor, which you can skip).
0aaf: ad af 61     :Dog2           lda     dog2_alive        ;is dog #2 alive?
0ab2: 29 01                        and     #$01
0ab4: f0 05                        beq     :Return           ;no, bail
0ab6: a2 07                        ldx     #$07              ;encounter with dog #2
0ab8: 8e a5 61                     stx     special_zone
0abb: 60           :Return         rts

0abc: c9 04        :FourOrFive     cmp     #$04              ;4th floor?
0abe: f0 40                        beq     :Floor4
                   ; Special areas on 5th floor.
0ac0: a5 1a                        lda     ]xpos_copy
0ac2: c9 04                        cmp     #$04              ;X pos = 4?
0ac4: f0 24                        beq     :CheckFiveX4
0ac6: ad a4 61     :Not5_44        lda     floor_move_lo
0ac9: c9 32                        cmp     #50               ;made at least 50 moves?
0acb: b0 05                        bcs     :CheckMother      ;yes, check on mom
0acd: ad a3 61                     lda     floor_move_hi
0ad0: f0 e9                        beq     :Return
0ad2: ad ac 61     :CheckMother    lda     monster2_alive    ;is monster's mother alive?
0ad5: 29 04                        and     #$04
0ad7: f0 e2                        beq     :Return           ;no, bail
0ad9: ad a5 61                     lda     special_zone      ;currently in a special zone?
0adc: d0 06                        bne     :InSpec           ;yes, branch
0ade: a2 09                        ldx     #$09              ;monster's mother lair
0ae0: 8e a5 61                     stx     special_zone
0ae3: 60                           rts

0ae4: a2 09        :InSpec         ldx     #$09              ;monster's mother lair
0ae6: 8e a6 61                     stx     special_zone1
0ae9: 60                           rts

0aea: a5 19        :CheckFiveX4    lda     ]ypos_copy
0aec: c9 04                        cmp     #$04              ;Y pos = 4?
0aee: d0 d6                        bne     :Not5_44          ;no, branch
                   ; Found the bat cell.
0af0: ad ab 61                     lda     bat_alive         ;is bat alive?
0af3: 29 02                        and     #$02
0af5: f0 cf                        beq     :Not5_44          ;no, no bat for you
0af7: 20 dc 10                     jsr     PushSpecialZone1
0afa: a2 04                        ldx     #$04
0afc: 8e a5 61                     stx     special_zone      ;into the bat zone
0aff: 60                           rts

                   ; In the monster's lair area on floor 4.  Monster shows up after 80 moves.
0b00: ad a4 61     :Floor4         lda     floor_move_lo
0b03: c9 50                        cmp     #80               ;has player taken 80+ forward steps?
0b05: b0 05                        bcs     :EnoughSteps      ;yes, branch
0b07: ad a3 61                     lda     floor_move_hi
0b0a: f0 af                        beq     :Return
0b0c: ad ad 61     :EnoughSteps    lda     monster1_alive    ;is monster alive?
0b0f: 29 02                        and     #$02
0b11: f0 05                        beq     :Return           ;no, bail
0b13: a2 08                        ldx     #$08              ;encounter with monster in lair
0b15: 8e a5 61                     stx     special_zone
0b18: 60           :Return         rts

                   ; Updates number of moves left on torches and hunger level.  This is called
                   ; after every forward movement (but not on turns or commands).
                   ; Also, increases the movement counter.
0b19: ad a4 61     ReduceResources lda     floor_move_lo     ;increment 16-bit move counter
0b1c: c9 ff                        cmp     #$ff              ;(in a really awkward way)
0b1e: f0 06                        beq     :LowFull
0b20: ee a4 61                     inc     floor_move_lo
0b23: 4c 2e 0b                     jmp     :DoTorch

0b26: a2 00        :LowFull        ldx     #$00
0b28: 8e a4 61                     stx     floor_move_lo
0b2b: ee a3 61                     inc     floor_move_hi
0b2e: ad 94 61     :DoTorch        lda     plyr_floor
0b31: c9 05                        cmp     #$05              ;5th floor?
0b33: f0 1a                        beq     :NoDecTorch       ;must be using ring, skip torch check
0b35: ad a1 61                     lda     torch_level       ;is a torch lit?
0b38: f0 15                        beq     :NoDecTorch       ;no, don't reduce torch level
0b3a: ce a1 61                     dec     torch_level
0b3d: d0 10                        bne     :NoDecTorch       ;still more to burn, branch
0b3f: ce 97 61                     dec     num_lit_torches   ;decrement lit torch count
0b42: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
0b44: 8e 9e 61                     stx     illumination_flag ;disable illumination
0b47: 20 dc 10                     jsr     PushSpecialZone1
0b4a: a2 0a                        ldx     #$0a              ;encounter monster in the darkness
0b4c: 8e a5 61                     stx     special_zone
                   ; Check food level.
0b4f: ce a0 61     :NoDecTorch     dec     food_level_lo     ;reduce food level
0b52: ad a0 61                     lda     food_level_lo     ;check food level
0b55: c9 ff                        cmp     #$ff              ;low byte dropped below zero?
0b57: d0 03                        bne     :NoDec            ;no, branch
0b59: ce 9f 61                     dec     food_level_hi     ;yes, decrement high byte
0b5c: ad 9f 61     :NoDec          lda     food_level_hi     ;see if we're out of food
0b5f: 0d a0 61                     ora     food_level_lo
0b62: d0 b4                        bne     :Return           ;have food, branch
                   ; Out of energy.
0b64: 20 55 08     StarvedToDeath  jsr     ClearScreen       ;erase hi-res screen
0b67: a9 35                        lda     #$35              ;"you have died of starvation"
0b69: a2 07                        ldx     #7
0b6b: 86 06                        stx     char_horiz        ;horizontal offset 7
0b6d: a2 02                        ldx     #2
0b6f: 86 07                        stx     char_vert         ;vertical offset 2
0b71: 20 e2 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN          ;give them the bad news
0b74: 4c b9 10                     jmp     HandleDeath       ;jump to general death handling

                   ; Displays a message when resources are running low.
0b77: ad 9f 61     ReportLowRsrc   lda     food_level_hi     ;got energy?
0b7a: d0 0c                        bne     :NotHungry        ;yes, no message
0b7c: ad a0 61                     lda     food_level_lo
0b7f: c9 0a                        cmp     #10               ;10 or more units left?
0b81: b0 05                        bcs     :NotHungry        ;yes, no message
0b83: a9 32                        lda     #$32              ;"your stomach is growling"
0b85: 20 92 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN_Row22
0b88: ad a1 61     :NotHungry      lda     torch_level       ;check torch level
0b8b: f0 25                        beq     :Return           ;already out, no message
0b8d: c9 0a                        cmp     #10               ;10 or more moves left?
0b8f: b0 21                        bcs     :Return           ;no message
0b91: a9 33                        lda     #$33              ;"your torch is dying"
0b93: 20 a4 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN_Row23
0b96: 60                           rts

                   ; Checks to see if an item is in the player's inventory and unboxed.
                   ; NOTE: if the item is not found, this prints a "check your inventory" message
                   ; and then pops the caller off the stack and returns to the caller's caller.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $0e: noun
                   ; On return:
                   ;   A-reg: object index for consumables (torches/food), object state ($07/$08)
                   ; for others
                   ;   $19/$1a: results from inventory query
                   ]func_arg       .var    $0e    {addr/1}
                   ]func_cmd       .var    $0f    {addr/1}
                   ]ret_state      .var    $1a    {addr/1}

0b97: ad 9d 61     CheckInventory  lda     parsed_noun
0b9a: c9 12                        cmp     #$12              ;food, torch, ... ?
0b9c: 10 15                        bpl     :ChkConsumable    ;yes, branch
0b9e: a2 06                        ldx     #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
0ba0: 86 0f                        stx     ]func_cmd
0ba2: 20 34 1a                     jsr     ObjMgmtFunc       ;get object info
0ba5: a5 1a                        lda     ]ret_state        ;check state
0ba7: c9 07                        cmp     #$07              ;is it in inventory and unboxed (active or not)?
0ba9: 10 07                        bpl     :Return           ;yes, bail
0bab: 68           :PopAndMsg      pla                       ;pop return address off stack
0bac: 68                           pla
0bad: a9 7b        CheckInvDolt    lda     #$7b              ;"check your inventory, dolt"
0baf: 20 a4 08     :MsgAndRet      jsr     DrawMsgN_Row23
0bb2: 60           :Return         rts

0bb3: c9 12        :ChkConsumable  cmp     #$12              ;food?
0bb5: f0 10                        beq     :HandleFood       ;yes, branch
0bb7: c9 13                        cmp     #$13              ;torch?
0bb9: f0 18                        beq     :HandleTorch      ;yes, branch
0bbb: a2 0b                        ldx     #FN_OBJ_HERE
0bbd: 86 0f                        stx     ]func_cmd
0bbf: 20 34 1a                     jsr     ObjMgmtFunc
0bc2: c9 00                        cmp     #$00
0bc4: f0 e5                        beq     :PopAndMsg
0bc6: 60                           rts

0bc7: a2 0c        :HandleFood     ldx     #FN_FIND_FOOD
0bc9: 86 0f                        stx     ]func_cmd
0bcb: 20 34 1a                     jsr     ObjMgmtFunc       ;object index in A-reg
0bce: c9 00                        cmp     #$00              ;did we find some?
0bd0: f0 d9                        beq     :PopAndMsg        ;no, snark
0bd2: 60                           rts

0bd3: a2 0e        :HandleTorch    ldx     #FN_FIND_UNLIT_T  ;look for unlit torch
0bd5: 86 0f                        stx     ]func_cmd
0bd7: 20 34 1a                     jsr     ObjMgmtFunc
0bda: c9 00                        cmp     #$00              ;find anything?
0bdc: d0 d4                        bne     :Return           ;yes, we're done
0bde: ad 94 61                     lda     plyr_floor
0be1: c9 05                        cmp     #$05              ;are we on the 5th floor?
0be3: f0 c6                        beq     :PopAndMsg        ;yes, complain and bail
0be5: ad 9e 61                     lda     illumination_flag ;lights off?
0be8: f0 c1                        beq     :PopAndMsg        ;yes, complain and bail
0bea: a2 0d                        ldx     #FN_FIND_LIT_T
0bec: 86 0f                        stx     ]func_cmd
0bee: 20 34 1a                     jsr     ObjMgmtFunc       ;look for lit torch
0bf1: c9 00                        cmp     #$00              ;find anything?
0bf3: d0 bd                        bne     :Return           ;no, bail
0bf5: ad 97 61                     lda     num_lit_torches   ;check lit torch count
0bf8: c9 01                        cmp     #$01              ;is one lit?
0bfa: d0 af                        bne     :PopAndMsg        ;no, complain and bail
0bfc: 68                           pla                       ;pop return address
0bfd: 68                           pla
0bfe: a9 98                        lda     #$98              ;"you will do no such thing"
0c00: d0 ad                        bne     :MsgAndRet        ;print msg and bail

                   ; Copy a block of data.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $0e-0f: src pointer
                   ;   $10-11: dst pointer
                   ;   $19-1a: length
                   ]src_ptr        .var    $0e    {addr/2}
                   ]dst_ptr        .var    $10    {addr/2}
                   ]length         .var    $19    {addr/2}

0c02: a0 00        CopyData        ldy     #$00              ;indirect load requires Y-reg, so set to zero
0c04: b1 0e        :CopyLoop       lda     (]src_ptr),y
0c06: 91 10                        sta     (]dst_ptr),y
0c08: e6 0e                        inc     ]src_ptr          ;increment low byte of src pointer
0c0a: d0 02                        bne     :SrcLowNZ
0c0c: e6 0f                        inc     ]src_ptr+1        ;hit zero, increment high byte
0c0e: e6 10        :SrcLowNZ       inc     ]dst_ptr          ;increment low byte of dst pointer
0c10: d0 02                        bne     :DstLowNZ
0c12: e6 11                        inc     ]dst_ptr+1
0c14: c6 19        :DstLowNZ       dec     ]length           ;decrement the length
0c16: f0 0b                        beq     LenLowZ           ;hit zero, see if we're done
0c18: a5 19                        lda     ]length           ;get the low byte
0c1a: c9 ff                        cmp     #$ff              ;did we just decrement below zero?
0c1c: d0 e6                        bne     :CopyLoop         ;no, branch
0c1e: c6 1a                        dec     ]length+1         ;yes, decrement the high byte
0c20: 4c 04 0c                     jmp     :CopyLoop

0c23: a5 1a        LenLowZ         lda     ]length+1         ;is 16-bit length zero?
0c25: 05 19                        ora     ]length
0c27: d0 db                        bne     :CopyLoop         ;not yet, keep going
0c29: 60                           rts

                   ; Saved copy of messages in rows 22/23.
0c2a: c9 50 90 03+ saved_msgs      .bulk   $c9,$50,$90,$03,$20,$15,$10,$ad,$9e,$61,$f0,$08,$a2,$00,$8e,$b3
                                    +      $61,$4c,$93,$34,$a2,$00,$8e,$a4,$61,$ad,$b3,$61,$d0,$29,$ad,$94
                                    +      $61,$c9,$05,$f0,$0a,$ad,$ad,$61
0c52: 29 02 d0 08+                 .bulk   $29,$02,$d0,$08,$4c,$93,$34,$ad,$ac,$61,$f0,$f8,$20,$26,$36,$a9
                                    +      $43,$20,$92,$08,$a9,$44,$20,$a4,$08,$ee,$b3,$61,$4c,$08,$36,$c9
                                    +      $01,$d0,$13,$20,$26,$36,$ee,$b3
                   ; Message shown in row 22.  This row is also used for input.
0c7a: 61 a9 45 20+ text_row22      .bulk   $61,$a9,$45,$20,$92,$08,$a9,$47,$20,$a4,$08,$4c,$08,$36,$20,$26
                                    +      $36,$ad,$94,$61,$c9,$05,$f0,$0d,$a9,$36,$20,$92,$08,$a9,$37,$20
                                    +      $a4,$08,$4c,$b9,$10,$a9,$48,$20
                   ; Message shown in row 23.
0ca2: 92 08 a9 4b+ text_row23      .bulk   $92,$08,$a9,$4b,$20,$a4,$08,$4c,$b9,$10,$ca,$d0,$6f,$ad,$9d,$61
                                    +      $c9,$11,$f0,$07,$20,$5f,$10,$a9,$20,$d0,$e9,$ad,$9c,$61,$c9,$0e
                                    +      $f0,$52,$c9,$13,$d0,$ee,$a2,$04

                   ; Get and parse a character or a line of input.
                   ; The first character is handled specially, because movement keys react
                   ; immediately.  Once we get a non-movement key, we switch to line-input mode
                   ; with a blinking apple cursor.
                   ; The input is parsed into $619c/619d before returning.
0cca: 2c 10 c0     GetInput        bit     KBDSTRB           ;clear keyboard strobe
0ccd: 2c 00 c0     :WaitForKey     bit     KBD               ;key ready?
0cd0: 10 fb                        bpl     :WaitForKey       ;not yet
0cd2: ad 00 c0                     lda     KBD               ;get key
0cd5: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;strip high bit
0cd7: c9 40                        cmp     #‘@’              ;< '@' ?
0cd9: 30 02                        bmi     :NoConv           ;yes
0cdb: 29 5f                        and     #$5f              ;convert to upper case
0cdd: 48           :NoConv         pha                       ;save key value
                   ; Save previous messages into buffer (can recall with ESC key).
0cde: a9 0c                        lda     #>text_row22
0ce0: 85 0f                        sta     ]src_ptr+1
0ce2: a9 7a                        lda     #<text_row22
0ce4: 85 0e                        sta     ]src_ptr
0ce6: a9 0c                        lda     #>saved_msgs
0ce8: 85 11                        sta     ]dst_ptr+1
0cea: a9 2a                        lda     #<saved_msgs
0cec: 85 10                        sta     ]dst_ptr
0cee: a9 00                        lda     #$00
0cf0: 85 1a                        sta     ]length+1
0cf2: a9 50                        lda     #80               ;copy 80 bytes
0cf4: 85 19                        sta     ]length
0cf6: 20 02 0c                     jsr     CopyData
0cf9: 20 5f 10                     jsr     ClearMessages     ;clear bottom two rows
0cfc: ea                           nop
0cfd: ea                           nop
0cfe: ea                           nop
0cff: ea                           nop
0d00: ea                           nop
0d01: ea                           nop
0d02: ea                           nop
0d03: ea                           nop
0d04: ea                           nop
0d05: ea                           nop
0d06: ea                           nop
0d07: ea                           nop
0d08: ea                           nop
0d09: ea                           nop
0d0a: ea                           nop
0d0b: ea                           nop
0d0c: ea                           nop
0d0d: ea                           nop
0d0e: ea                           nop
0d0f: c6 07                        dec     char_vert         ;back up to row 22
0d11: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr         ;set hi-res pointer
                   ; Clear message area to $80.
                   • Clear variables
                   ]word_count     .var    $10    {addr/1}
                   ]input_count    .var    $11    {addr/1}
                   ]in_buf_ptr     .var    $19    {addr/2}

0d14: a9 0c                        lda     #>text_row22
0d16: 8d 0d 00                     sta:    string_ptr+1
0d19: a9 79                        lda     #<text_row22-1
0d1b: 8d 0c 00                     sta:    string_ptr
0d1e: a9 80                        lda     #$80
0d20: a0 50                        ldy     #80
0d22: 91 0c        :Set80Loop      sta     (string_ptr),y
0d24: 88                           dey
0d25: d0 fb                        bne     :Set80Loop
0d27: a9 00                        lda     #$00
0d29: 85 11                        sta     ]input_count      ;no input yet
0d2b: 85 10                        sta     ]word_count
0d2d: a9 0c                        lda     #>text_row22      ;use row 22 message buffer to hold input
0d2f: 85 1a                        sta     ]in_buf_ptr+1
0d31: a9 79                        lda     #<text_row22-1
0d33: 85 19                        sta     ]in_buf_ptr
0d35: 68                           pla                       ;restore key value
0d36: 4c 4f 0d                     jmp     GotInputKey

                   ; Wait for a key to be hit as part of entering a line of input.
0d39: 2c 10 c0     GetNextKey      bit     KBDSTRB           ;clear keyboard strobe
0d3c: 20 43 12     :WaitLoop       jsr     DrawBlinkingApple ;draw the cursor, if appropriate
0d3f: 2c 00 c0                     bit     KBD
0d42: 10 f8                        bpl     :WaitLoop
0d44: ad 00 c0                     lda     KBD
0d47: 29 7f                        and     #%01111111        ;clear high bit
0d49: c9 40                        cmp     #$40              ;< '@'?
0d4b: 30 02                        bmi     GotInputKey       ;yes, branch
0d4d: 29 5f                        and     #%01011111        ;convert to upper case
                   ; Handle key.  Key value in A-reg (high bit cleared, converted to upper case).
0d4f: 48           GotInputKey     pha                       ;save key value
0d50: a5 11                        lda     ]input_count      ;do we have one or more chars in buffer?
0d52: d0 27                        bne     :ChkBS            ;yes, skip command-key checks
                   ; Check for immediate command keys.
0d54: 68                           pla                       ;restore key value
0d55: c9 5a                        cmp     #‘Z’              ;is it 'Z' (move forward)?
0d57: d0 03                        bne     :ChkX
0d59: 4c d1 0d                     jmp     MoveForward

0d5c: c9 58        :ChkX           cmp     #‘X’              ;is it 'X' (turn around)?
0d5e: d0 03                        bne     :ChkLeft
0d60: 4c dd 0d                     jmp     TurnAround

0d63: c9 08        :ChkLeft        cmp     #$08              ;is it left arrow (turn left)?
0d65: d0 03                        bne     :ChkRight
0d67: 4c d9 0d                     jmp     TurnLeft

0d6a: c9 15        :ChkRight       cmp     #$15              ;is it right arrow (turn right)?
0d6c: d0 03                        bne     :ChkIgnorable
0d6e: 4c d5 0d                     jmp     TurnRight

0d71: c9 20        :ChkIgnorable   cmp     #$20              ;is it ' '?
0d73: f0 c4                        beq     GetNextKey        ;yes, branch (no effect at start of line)
0d75: c9 0d                        cmp     #$0d              ;is it "Return"?
0d77: f0 c0                        beq     GetNextKey        ;yes, branch (no effect at start of line)
0d79: d0 08                        bne     :ChkReturn

0d7b: 68           :ChkBS          pla                       ;restore char
0d7c: c9 08                        cmp     #$08              ;is it left arrow (backspace)?
0d7e: d0 03                        bne     :ChkReturn        ;no, branch
0d80: 4c e8 0d                     jmp     Backspace

0d83: c9 0d        :ChkReturn      cmp     #$0d              ;is it "Return" (execute input)?
0d85: d0 03                        bne     :ChkEsc           ;no, branch
0d87: 4c e5 0d                     jmp     JmpParseInput     ;yes, go parse and execute

0d8a: c9 1b        :ChkEsc         cmp     #$1b              ;is it "Esc" (restore msgs)?
0d8c: d0 3a                        bne     :NotEsc
                   ; ESC hit, clear input and show previous messages.
                   ]src_ptr        .var    $0e    {addr/2}

0d8e: a9 00                        lda     #0                ;move to left column
0d90: 85 06                        sta     char_horiz
0d92: a9 16                        lda     #22               ;row 22
0d94: 85 07                        sta     char_vert
0d96: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr         ;set hi-res pointer
0d99: a9 0c                        lda     #>saved_msgs      ;copy from saved-message buffer
0d9b: 85 0f                        sta     ]src_ptr+1
0d9d: a9 29                        lda     #<saved_msgs-1
0d9f: 85 0e                        sta     ]src_ptr
0da1: a0 50                        ldy     #80               ;80 bytes (both lines)
0da3: b1 0e        :Loop           lda     (]src_ptr),y
0da5: 91 19                        sta     (]in_buf_ptr),y
0da7: 88                           dey
0da8: d0 f9                        bne     :Loop
                   ]count          .var    $0e    {addr/1}
                   ]index          .var    $0f    {addr/1}

0daa: a0 50                        ldy     #80               ;print 80 characters
0dac: 84 0e                        sty     ]count
0dae: a0 01                        ldy     #$01              ;start the count at 1
0db0: 84 0f                        sty     ]index            ;(we set the pointer to buffer-1)
0db2: b1 19        :Loop           lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;get char from buffer
0db4: c9 80                        cmp     #$80              ;high bit set?
0db6: 30 02                        bmi     :ValidChar        ;no, valid char; branch
0db8: a9 20                        lda     #$20              ;yes, use ' ' instead
0dba: 20 92 11     :ValidChar      jsr     PrintSpecialChar
0dbd: e6 0f                        inc     ]index            ;increment index
0dbf: a4 0f                        ldy     ]index            ;load back into Y-reg
0dc1: c6 0e                        dec     ]count            ;have we done all 80?
0dc3: d0 ed                        bne     :Loop             ;not yet, loop
0dc5: 4c ca 0c                     jmp     GetInput          ;done, restart input loop

0dc8: c9 20        :NotEsc         cmp     #$20              ;is it ' ' (separates verb/noun)?
0dca: f0 6b                        beq     HandleSpace
0dcc: b0 3f                        bcs     HandleValidChar   ;non-control char, handle it
0dce: 4c 39 0d                     jmp     GetNextKey        ;control char, ignore it

0dd1: a9 5b        MoveForward     lda     #VERB_FWD
0dd3: d0 0a                        bne     DoImmVerb

0dd5: a9 5d        TurnRight       lda     #VERB_RIGHT
0dd7: d0 06                        bne     DoImmVerb

0dd9: a9 5c        TurnLeft        lda     #VERB_LEFT
0ddb: d0 02                        bne     DoImmVerb

0ddd: a9 5e        TurnAround      lda     #VERB_180
0ddf: 8d 9c 61     DoImmVerb       sta     parsed_verb
0de2: 4c 6e 12                     jmp     DrawSpace         ;erase char (?) and return

0de5: 4c 4d 0e     JmpParseInput   jmp     ParseInput

                   ; Ctrl+H hit after typing letters.  This makes it a backspace rather than a
                   ; turn-left command.
0de8: 20 6e 12     Backspace       jsr     DrawSpace         ;erase apple
0deb: c6 06                        dec     char_horiz        ;back up one
0ded: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr         ;set hi-res pointer
0df0: a9 20                        lda     #$20
0df2: 20 92 11                     jsr     PrintSpecialChar  ;erase char by printing space
0df5: c6 06                        dec     char_horiz        ;back up another
0df7: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr         ;set hi-res pointer
0dfa: a4 11                        ldy     ]input_count
0dfc: b1 19                        lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;get char we backed up over?
0dfe: c9 20                        cmp     #‘ ’              ;was it a space?
0e00: d0 02                        bne     :NotSpc           ;no, branch
0e02: c6 10                        dec     ]word_count       ;yes, decrement word count (back in the verb)
0e04: a9 80        :NotSpc         lda     #$80
0e06: 91 19                        sta     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;replace char in buffer with 0x80
0e08: c6 11                        dec     ]input_count
0e0a: 4c 39 0d                     jmp     GetNextKey

                   ; Store the character in the input buffer and echo it to the screen.  Letters
                   ; have been converted to upper case, but we convert to mixed-case on the screen.
                   ]tmp            .var    $13    {addr/1}

0e0d: 85 13        HandleValidChar sta     ]tmp              ;save key (which was converted to upper case)
0e0f: c9 41                        cmp     #‘A’              ;was it a letter?
0e11: 90 10                        bcc     :Regular          ;no, branch
0e13: a4 11                        ldy     ]input_count      ;are we at the start of the buffer?
0e15: f0 0c                        beq     :Regular          ;yes, branch
0e17: b1 19                        lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;get previous char
0e19: c9 20                        cmp     #‘ ’              ;was it a space?
0e1b: f0 06                        beq     :Regular          ;yes, we're at start of word; branch
0e1d: a5 13                        lda     ]tmp              ;get value
0e1f: 09 20                        ora     #%00100000        ;convert to lower case
0e21: d0 02                        bne     :DrawKey          ;(always)

0e23: a5 13        :Regular        lda     ]tmp              ;get key value
0e25: 48           :DrawKey        pha                       ;save it
0e26: 20 92 11                     jsr     PrintSpecialChar  ;print it
0e29: 68                           pla                       ;restore it
0e2a: e6 11                        inc     ]input_count      ;advance to next spot in buffer
0e2c: a4 11                        ldy     ]input_count
0e2e: 91 19                        sta     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;store char
0e30: c0 1e                        cpy     #30               ;reached max input length?
0e32: f0 19                        beq     ParseInput        ;yes, go parse it
0e34: 4c 39 0d                     jmp     GetNextKey        ;no, get another key

                   ; Handles entry of ' ' anywhere other than the start of the line.
0e37: a4 11        HandleSpace     ldy     ]input_count
0e39: 88                           dey
0e3a: b1 19                        lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;get previous character
0e3c: c9 20                        cmp     #‘ ’              ;was it also a space?
0e3e: d0 03                        bne     :NotSpc           ;no, branch
0e40: 4c 39 0d                     jmp     GetNextKey        ;yes, ignore this one

0e43: a5 10        :NotSpc         lda     ]word_count       ;get word count
0e45: d0 06                        bne     ParseInput        ;nonzero, this terminates noun; branch to parser
0e47: e6 10                        inc     ]word_count       ;was zero, this terminates verb; increment
0e49: a9 20                        lda     #‘ ’              ;go handle like any other input char
0e4b: d0 c0                        bne     HandleValidChar   ;(always)

                   ; Parse the line of input.
                   ; At this point:
                   ;   $11: number of bytes in input buffer
                   ;   $19-1a: input buffer pointer
0e4d: 20 6e 12     ParseInput      jsr     DrawSpace         ;erase the blinking cursor char
0e50: a9 20                        lda     #‘ ’
0e52: e6 11                        inc     ]input_count
0e54: a4 11                        ldy     ]input_count      ;we want to terminate the input line by
0e56: 91 19                        sta     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ; sticking a space character on the end
0e58: e6 19                        inc     ]in_buf_ptr       ;advance buffer pointer
0e5a: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc
0e5c: e6 1a                        inc     ]in_buf_ptr+1
                   ; Parse the verb.
                   ]word_index     .var    $10    {addr/1}

0e5e: 20 6b 0f     :NoInc          jsr     ParseWord         ;parse the first word; result in $10
0e61: a5 10                        lda     ]word_index
0e63: 8d 9c 61                     sta     parsed_verb       ;save it off
                   ; Find the next ' ' in the buffer.
0e66: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
0e68: e6 19        :FindSpcLoop    inc     ]in_buf_ptr       ;advance buffer pointer
0e6a: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc1
0e6c: e6 1a                        inc     ]in_buf_ptr+1
0e6e: b1 19        :NoInc1         lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;get char
0e70: c9 20                        cmp     #‘ ’              ;space?
0e72: d0 f4                        bne     :FindSpcLoop      ;no, branch
0e74: e6 19                        inc     ]in_buf_ptr       ;advance pointer past space
0e76: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc2
0e78: e6 1a                        inc     ]in_buf_ptr+1
0e7a: b1 19        :NoInc2         lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y
0e7c: c9 80                        cmp     #$80              ;did we run off the end?
0e7e: f0 04                        beq     :NoNoun           ;yes, no noun follows
0e80: c9 20                        cmp     #‘ ’              ;is it another space?
0e82: d0 07                        bne     :ParseNoun        ;no, go parse noun
0e84: a9 00        :NoNoun         lda     #$00
0e86: 8d 9d 61                     sta     parsed_noun
0e89: f0 08                        beq     :GotWords         ;(always)

0e8b: 20 6b 0f     :ParseNoun      jsr     ParseWord         ;parse the second word; result in $10
0e8e: a5 10                        lda     ]word_index
0e90: 8d 9d 61                     sta     parsed_noun       ;save it off
                   ; We've got the words.  See if they make basic sense.
0e93: ad 9c 61     :GotWords       lda     parsed_verb       ;get verb
0e96: c9 1d                        cmp     #FIRST_NOUN       ;is it from the noun list?
0e98: 90 28                        bcc     :IsVerb           ;no, it's a verb; branch
                   ; Complain about verbing a noun.
0e9a: a9 8d                        lda     #$8d              ;"I'm sorry, but I can't"
0e9c: 20 a4 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN_Row23
0e9f: a9 7a                        lda     #<text_row22      ;reset input pointer
0ea1: 85 19                        sta     ]in_buf_ptr
0ea3: a9 0c                        lda     #>text_row22
0ea5: 85 1a                        sta     ]in_buf_ptr+1
0ea7: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
0ea9: 98           :Loop           tya
0eaa: 48                           pha
0eab: b1 19                        lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;print characters
0ead: c9 20                        cmp     #‘ ’              ; up to the first space
0eaf: f0 08                        beq     :NounEnd
0eb1: 20 92 11                     jsr     PrintSpecialChar
0eb4: 68                           pla
0eb5: a8                           tay
0eb6: c8                           iny
0eb7: d0 f0                        bne     :Loop
0eb9: 68           :NounEnd        pla
0eba: a9 2e                        lda     #‘.’              ;finish sentence with punctuation
0ebc: 20 a4 11                     jsr     DrawGlyph
0ebf: 4c ca 0c                     jmp     GetInput          ;try again

0ec2: c9 14        :IsVerb         cmp     #$14              ;does this verb need a noun?
0ec4: b0 50                        bcs     :NoNoun           ;no, branch
                   ; Check the noun.
0ec6: ad 9d 61                     lda     parsed_noun       ;get noun index
0ec9: f0 4b                        beq     :NoNoun           ;none provided, branch
0ecb: c9 40                        cmp     #$40              ;is noun an invalid word?
0ecd: f0 0b                        beq     :InvalidNoun      ;yes, branch
0ecf: c9 1d                        cmp     #FIRST_NOUN       ;was the noun a verb word?
0ed1: 90 07                        bcc     :InvalidNoun      ;yes, branch
0ed3: 38                           sec
0ed4: e9 1c                        sbc     #FIRST_NOUN-1     ;change $1d-3f to $01-23
0ed6: 8d 9d 61                     sta     parsed_noun
0ed9: 60           :Return         rts

0eda: a9 8f        :InvalidNoun    lda     #$8f              ;"what in tarnation is a"
0edc: 20 a4 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN_Row23
0edf: a9 7a                        lda     #<text_row22      ;get pointer to input buffer
0ee1: 85 19                        sta     ]in_buf_ptr
0ee3: a9 0c                        lda     #>text_row22
0ee5: 85 1a                        sta     ]in_buf_ptr+1
0ee7: a0 00                        ldy     #$00              ;search for the first space
0ee9: b1 19        :Loop           lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y
0eeb: c9 20                        cmp     #‘ ’
0eed: f0 08                        beq     :GotSpace
0eef: e6 19                        inc     ]in_buf_ptr       ;advance pointer
0ef1: d0 f6                        bne     :Loop
0ef3: e6 1a                        inc     ]in_buf_ptr+1
0ef5: d0 f2                        bne     :Loop             ;(always)

0ef7: e6 19        :GotSpace       inc     ]in_buf_ptr       ;advance pointer past the space
0ef9: d0 02                        bne     :PrintNoun        ; which is guaranteed to be non-space
0efb: e6 1a                        inc     ]in_buf_ptr+1
0efd: 98           :PrintNoun      tya                       ;preserve Y-reg
0efe: 48                           pha
0eff: b1 19                        lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;get character
0f01: c9 20                        cmp     #‘ ’              ;is it a space?
0f03: f0 08                        beq     :PrintQ           ;yes, branch
0f05: 20 92 11                     jsr     PrintSpecialChar  ;output character
0f08: 68                           pla
0f09: a8                           tay                       ;restore Y-reg
0f0a: c8                           iny
0f0b: d0 f0                        bne     :PrintNoun        ;loop
0f0d: a9 3f        :PrintQ         lda     #‘?’
0f0f: 20 92 11                     jsr     PrintSpecialChar  ;print a question mark
0f12: 68                           pla                       ;remove saved Y-reg from stack
0f13: 4c ca 0c                     jmp     GetInput          ;go get more input

                   ; Player entered a verb without a noun.  Check it.
0f16: ad 9c 61     :NoNoun         lda     parsed_verb
0f19: c9 14                        cmp     #$14              ;is verb in set that doesn't require a noun?
0f1b: b0 bc                        bcs     :Return           ;yes, input is valid
0f1d: c9 0e                        cmp     #$0e              ;"exam"?
0f1f: f0 39                        beq     :HndExamNoN       ;yes, handle that specially
                   ; Verb has no noun but needs one.  We want to print the verb they used, followed
                   ; by "what" (as in "Eat what?").
0f21: a9 0c                        lda     #>text_row22      ;set pointer to text input
0f23: 85 1a                        sta     ]in_buf_ptr+1
0f25: a9 7a                        lda     #<text_row22
0f27: 85 19                        sta     ]in_buf_ptr
0f29: a9 00                        lda     #0                ;set position to start of bottom line
0f2b: 85 06                        sta     char_horiz
0f2d: a9 17                        lda     #23
0f2f: 85 07                        sta     char_vert
0f31: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr         ;set hi-res row addr
0f34: a9 1e                        lda     #$1e              ;clear to end of line
0f36: 20 92 11                     jsr     PrintSpecialChar
0f39: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
0f3b: 84 11                        sty     ]input_count
0f3d: b1 19                        lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;get first char
0f3f: 29 5f                        and     #%01011111        ;convert to upper case
0f41: d0 06                        bne     :CharOk
0f43: b1 19        :Loop           lda     (]in_buf_ptr),y   ;get next char
0f45: c9 20                        cmp     #‘ ’
0f47: f0 09                        beq     :WeirdChar        ;not space, weird
0f49: 20 92 11     :CharOk         jsr     PrintSpecialChar  ;print char
0f4c: e6 11                        inc     ]input_count
0f4e: a4 11                        ldy     ]input_count
0f50: d0 f1                        bne     :Loop
0f52: a9 56        :WeirdChar      lda     #$56              ;"what?"
0f54: 20 e2 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN
0f57: 4c ca 0c                     jmp     GetInput          ;back to input loop

0f5a: ad 9e 61     :HndExamNoN     lda     illumination_flag
0f5d: f0 04                        beq     :NoLight
0f5f: a9 8b                        lda     #$8b              ;"look at your monitor"
0f61: d0 02                        bne     :PrintMsg

0f63: a9 8a        :NoLight        lda     #$8a              ;"it's awfully dark"
0f65: 20 a4 08     :PrintMsg       jsr     DrawMsgN_Row23
0f68: 4c ca 0c                     jmp     GetInput

                   ; Parses a verb or noun.
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   $10: word index ($00-3f)
                   • Clear variables
                   ]table_ptr      .var    $0e    {addr/2}
                   ]word_index     .var    $10    {addr/1}
                   ]cmd_len_ctr    .var    $11    {addr/1}
                   ]tmp_char       .var    $13    {addr/1}
                   ]input_ptr      .var    $19    {addr/2}

0f6b: a5 1a        ParseWord       lda     ]input_ptr+1      ;preserve input pointer
0f6d: 48                           pha
0f6e: a5 19                        lda     ]input_ptr
0f70: 48                           pha
0f71: a9 66                        lda     #>verb_list       ;set pointer to start of word list
0f73: 85 0f                        sta     ]table_ptr+1
0f75: a9 94                        lda     #<verb_list
0f77: 85 0e                        sta     ]table_ptr
0f79: a9 00                        lda     #$00
0f7b: 85 10                        sta     ]word_index       ;init word index to zero
0f7d: a0 01        :CompareStr     ldy     #$01              ;start at +1 so we can look back to check for alias
0f7f: b1 0e        :ScanLoop       lda     (]table_ptr),y    ;get value from table
0f81: 29 80                        and     #$80              ;check high bit
0f83: d0 08                        bne     :HiSet            ;set, we're at the start of a word
0f85: e6 0e                        inc     ]table_ptr        ;not set, scan forward to find start
0f87: d0 f6                        bne     :ScanLoop         ; (we might have stopped early on previous mismatch)
0f89: e6 0f                        inc     ]table_ptr+1
0f8b: d0 f2                        bne     :ScanLoop
0f8d: 88           :HiSet          dey
0f8e: b1 0e                        lda     (]table_ptr),y
0f90: c9 2a                        cmp     #‘*’              ;is this an alias for previous entry?
0f92: f0 02                        beq     :IsAlias          ;yes, don't increment index
0f94: e6 10                        inc     ]word_index       ;not alias
0f96: e6 0e        :IsAlias        inc     ]table_ptr        ;advance pointer (counteracts DEY)
0f98: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc
0f9a: e6 0f                        inc     ]table_ptr+1
0f9c: a9 04        :NoInc          lda     #$04              ;test first 4 letters of word
0f9e: 85 11                        sta     ]cmd_len_ctr
0fa0: b1 0e        :CmpLoop        lda     (]table_ptr),y    ;get value from table
0fa2: 29 5f                        and     #%01011111        ;convert to upper case
0fa4: 85 13                        sta     ]tmp_char
0fa6: b1 19                        lda     (]input_ptr),y    ;get value from input line
0fa8: 29 5f                        and     #%01011111        ;convert to upper case
0faa: c5 13                        cmp     ]tmp_char         ;does it match?
0fac: d0 17                        bne     :NotMatch         ;no, move on
0fae: e6 19                        inc     ]input_ptr        ;match, advance to next char
0fb0: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc1
0fb2: e6 1a                        inc     ]input_ptr+1
0fb4: e6 0e        :NoInc1         inc     ]table_ptr        ;advance table pointer
0fb6: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc2
0fb8: e6 0f                        inc     ]table_ptr+1
0fba: c6 11        :NoInc2         dec     ]cmd_len_ctr      ;have we checked 4 chars?
0fbc: d0 e2                        bne     :CmpLoop          ;not yet, keep going
                   ; Matched, return with word index in $10.
0fbe: 68           :Return         pla                       ;restore input pointer
0fbf: 85 19                        sta     ]input_ptr
0fc1: 68                           pla
0fc2: 85 1a                        sta     ]input_ptr+1
0fc4: 60                           rts

0fc5: a5 10        :NotMatch       lda     ]word_index       ;check the index
0fc7: c9 3f                        cmp     #$3f              ;reached end of cmd/obj list?
0fc9: f0 0d                        beq     :NoMatches        ;yes, give up
0fcb: 68                           pla                       ;reset input pointer
0fcc: 85 19                        sta     ]input_ptr
0fce: 68                           pla
0fcf: 85 1a                        sta     ]input_ptr+1
0fd1: 48                           pha                       ;and save it again
0fd2: a5 19                        lda     ]input_ptr
0fd4: 48                           pha
0fd5: 4c 7d 0f                     jmp     :CompareStr

0fd8: e6 10        :NoMatches      inc     ]word_index       ;increment to $40 to indicate failure
0fda: d0 e2                        bne     :Return           ;(always)

                   ; Pauses for a moderate amount of time.
                   ]counter        .var    $0e    {addr/2}

0fdc: a2 90        MediumPause     ldx     #$90
0fde: 86 0f                        stx     ]counter+1
0fe0: c6 0e        :Loop           dec     ]counter
0fe2: d0 fc                        bne     :Loop
0fe4: c6 0f                        dec     ]counter+1
0fe6: d0 f8                        bne     :Loop
0fe8: 60                           rts

                   ; Wait for a key to be hit.  Draws a blinking cursor.  (Caller is expected to
                   ; get the key from KBD.)
0fe9: 2c 10 c0     WaitKeyCursor   bit     KBDSTRB           ;clear keyboard strobe
0fec: 20 43 12     :WaitLoop       jsr     DrawBlinkingApple
0fef: 2c 00 c0                     bit     KBD
0ff2: 10 f8                        bpl     :WaitLoop
0ff4: 4c 6e 12                     jmp     DrawSpace         ;erase apple

                   ; Waits for 'Y' or 'N' to be hit.  Draws a blinking cursor.
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   A-reg: key hit
0ff7: 2c 10 c0     GetYesNo        bit     KBDSTRB
0ffa: 20 43 12     :WaitLoop       jsr     DrawBlinkingApple
0ffd: 2c 00 c0                     bit     KBD
1000: 10 f8                        bpl     :WaitLoop
1002: ad 00 c0                     lda     KBD
1005: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
1007: c9 59                        cmp     #‘Y’
1009: f0 04                        beq     :IsY
100b: c9 4e                        cmp     #‘N’
100d: d0 e8                        bne     GetYesNo
100f: 48           :IsY            pha
1010: 20 6e 12                     jsr     DrawSpace
1013: 68                           pla
1014: 60                           rts

                   ; Draws the maze portion of the screen.
                   • Clear variables
                   ]feature_dist   .var    $0e    {addr/1}
                   ]feature_index  .var    $0f    {addr/1}

1015: 20 7e 12     DrawMaze        jsr     EraseMaze
1018: 20 bf 17                     jsr     ProcessMazeWalls
101b: ad 9e 61                     lda     illumination_flag ;is there light?
101e: f0 24                        beq     :Return           ;no, draw nothing
1020: 20 a6 12                     jsr     DrawVisWalls
1023: 20 df 1d                     jsr     FindFeature       ;see if there are interesting features ahead
1026: a5 0f                        lda     ]feature_index
1028: 05 0e                        ora     ]feature_dist
102a: f0 03                        beq     :NoFeature
102c: 20 5a 1e                     jsr     DrawFeature       ;found one, draw it
                   ]func_arg       .var    $0e    {addr/1}
                   ]func_cmd       .var    $0f    {addr/1}

102f: a2 0a        :NoFeature      ldx     #FN_FIND_BOXES
1031: 86 0f                        stx     ]func_cmd
1033: 20 34 1a                     jsr     ObjMgmtFunc       ;find boxes on floor
1036: ad 9b 61                     lda     vis_box_flags     ;find any?
1039: f0 09                        beq     :Return           ;no, done
103b: 85 0e                        sta     ]func_arg         ;yes, set up call
103d: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
103f: 86 0f                        stx     ]func_cmd
1041: 20 5a 1e                     jsr     DrawFeature       ;draw all boxes
1044: 60           :Return         rts

                   ; Pause longishly.
                   ]counter3       .var    $0e    {addr/1}
                   ]counter2       .var    $0f    {addr/1}
                   ]counter1       .var    $10    {addr/1}

1045: a2 05        LongDelay       ldx     #$05
1047: 86 10                        stx     ]counter1
1049: a2 00        :Delay1         ldx     #$00
104b: 86 0f                        stx     ]counter2
104d: c6 0e        :Delay2         dec     ]counter3
104f: d0 fc                        bne     :Delay2
1051: c6 0f                        dec     ]counter2
1053: d0 f8                        bne     :Delay2
1055: c6 10                        dec     ]counter1
1057: d0 f0                        bne     :Delay1
1059: 60                           rts

105a: a9 55                        lda     #$55              ;"you are making little sense"
105c: 4c a4 08                     jmp     DrawMsgN_Row23

                   ; Erases the message area (text rows 22 and 23) to spaces.
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   A-reg: preserved
                   ;   text row set to 23 (bottom row)
105f: 48           ClearMessages   pha                       ;preserve A-reg
1060: a2 00                        ldx     #0                ;set column to zero
1062: 86 06                        stx     char_horiz
1064: a2 16                        ldx     #22               ;set row to 22
1066: 86 07                        stx     char_vert
1068: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr         ;set hi-res pointer
106b: a9 1e                        lda     #$1e              ;output clear-to-EOL char
106d: 20 92 11                     jsr     PrintSpecialChar
1070: e6 07                        inc     char_vert         ;set to row 23
1072: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr         ;set hi-res pointer
1075: a9 1e                        lda     #$1e              ;output clear-to-EOL char
1077: 20 92 11                     jsr     PrintSpecialChar
107a: 68                           pla                       ;restore A-reg
107b: 60                           rts

                   ; Informs the player that they have fallen into a pit.
107c: 20 7e 12     FallIntoPit     jsr     EraseMaze
107f: a2 05                        ldx     #5
1081: 86 06                        stx     char_horiz
1083: a2 08                        ldx     #8
1085: 86 07                        stx     char_vert
1087: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr
108a: a9 a7                        lda     #$a7              ;"oh no! a pit"
108c: 20 e2 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN
108f: 20 dc 0f                     jsr     MediumPause
1092: a2 05                        ldx     #5
1094: 86 06                        stx     char_horiz
1096: e6 07                        inc     char_vert
1098: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr
109b: a9 2c                        lda     #$2c              ;"aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh"
109d: 20 e2 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN
10a0: 20 45 10                     jsr     LongDelay
10a3: 20 7e 12                     jsr     EraseMaze
10a6: a2 09                        ldx     #9
10a8: 86 06                        stx     char_horiz
10aa: a2 08                        ldx     #8
10ac: 86 07                        stx     char_vert
10ae: 20 ef 11                     jsr     SetRowPtr
10b1: a9 2d                        lda     #$2d              ;"wham"
10b3: 20 e2 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN
10b6: 4c 45 10                     jmp     LongDelay

10b9: 20 45 10     HandleDeath     jsr     LongDelay         ;pause so they can read cause of death
10bc: 20 5f 10                     jsr     ClearMessages     ;clear message area
10bf: a9 34                        lda     #$34              ;"you are another victim of the maze"
10c1: 20 92 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN_Row22
10c4: a9 39        AskPlayAgain    lda     #$39              ;"do you want to play again?"
10c6: 20 a4 08                     jsr     DrawMsgN_Row23
10c9: 20 f7 0f                     jsr     GetYesNo
10cc: c9 59                        cmp     #‘Y’
10ce: d0 03                        bne     ExitToMon         ;no, exit
10d0: 4c 0c 08                     jmp     Restart           ;yes, restart game

10d3: 2c 54 c0     ExitToMon       bit     TXTPAGE1
10d6: 2c 51 c0                     bit     TXTSET
10d9: 4c 69 ff                     jmp     MON_MONZ

                   ; Push the special zone stack to make room for a new item.  Does not alter the
                   ; current zone.
10dc: ad a6 61                     lda     special_zone1
10df: 8d a7 61                     sta     special_zone2
10e2: ad a5 61                     lda     special_zone
10e5: 8d a6 61                     sta     special_zone1
10e8: 60                           rts

10e9: 95 61 20 7c+                 .junk   121
                   ; Hi-res line addresses for 24 lines of text.
1162: 40 00        line_addr       .dbd2   $4000             ;line 0
1164: 40 80                        .dbd2   $4080             ;line 8
1166: 41 00                        .dbd2   $4100
1168: 41 80                        .dbd2   $4180
116a: 42 00                        .dbd2   $4200
116c: 42 80                        .dbd2   $4280
116e: 43 00                        .dbd2   $4300
1170: 43 80                        .dbd2   $4380
1172: 40 28                        .dbd2   $4028
1174: 40 a8                        .dbd2   $40a8
1176: 41 28                        .dbd2   $4128
1178: 41 a8                        .dbd2   $41a8
117a: 42 28                        .dbd2   $4228
117c: 42 a8                        .dbd2   $42a8
117e: 43 28                        .dbd2   $4328
1180: 43 a8                        .dbd2   $43a8
1182: 40 50                        .dbd2   $4050
1184: 40 d0                        .dbd2   $40d0
1186: 41 50                        .dbd2   $4150
1188: 41 d0                        .dbd2   $41d0
118a: 42 50                        .dbd2   $4250
118c: 42 d0                        .dbd2   $42d0
118e: 43 50                        .dbd2   $4350
1190: 43 d0                        .dbd2   $43d0             ;line 184

                   ; Prints a character on the screen, with special handling for a few:
                   ;   $0a: perform newline + carriage return
                   ;   $1e: clear to end of line
                   ;   $c0-ff: emit (N-$c0) spaces
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: character to print
1192: c9 0a                        cmp     #$0a              ;newline / carriage return?
1194: f0 76                        beq     NewLineCR         ;yes, branch
1196: c9 1e                        cmp     #$1e              ;clear to EOL?
1198: d0 03                        bne     :NotClear         ;no, branch
119a: 4c 1e 12                     jmp     ClearToEol

119d: c9 c0        :NotClear       cmp     #$c0              ;>= $c0?
119f: 90 03                        bcc     DrawGlyph         ;no, draw as glyph
11a1: 4c 26 12                     jmp     DrawSpaces        ;yes, output N-$c0 spaces

                   ; Draws a glyph on the hi-res screen.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: glyph index (0-127)
                   ;   $08-09: pointer to first row on hi-res screen
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   horiz/vert position advanced by 1; $08-09 updated
                   • Clear variables
                   ]glyph_ptr      .var    $13    {addr/2}
                   ]line_ctr       .var    $15    {addr/1}

11a4: 85 13        DrawGlyph       sta     ]glyph_ptr        ;store index
11a6: a9 00                        lda     #$00
11a8: 85 14                        sta     ]glyph_ptr+1      ;make it a 16-bit value
11aa: 06 13                        asl     ]glyph_ptr        ;multiply by 8
11ac: 26 14                        rol     ]glyph_ptr+1
11ae: 06 13                        asl     ]glyph_ptr
11b0: 26 14                        rol     ]glyph_ptr+1
11b2: 06 13                        asl     ]glyph_ptr
11b4: 26 14                        rol     ]glyph_ptr+1
11b6: 18                           clc
11b7: a9 94                        lda     #<font_glyphs     ;add to font base address
11b9: 65 13                        adc     ]glyph_ptr
11bb: 85 13                        sta     ]glyph_ptr        ;save as pointer
11bd: a9 62                        lda     #>font_glyphs
11bf: 65 14                        adc     ]glyph_ptr+1
11c1: 85 14                        sta     ]glyph_ptr+1
                   ; Draw it.
11c3: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
11c5: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
11c7: a9 08                        lda     #$08              ;glyphs are 8 lines high
11c9: 85 15                        sta     ]line_ctr
11cb: 18                           clc
11cc: b1 13        :DrawLoop       lda     (]glyph_ptr),y    ;get glyph data
11ce: 81 08                        sta     (char_row_ptr,x)  ;store on hi-res screen
11d0: a9 04                        lda     #$04              ;next row is +$0400
11d2: 65 09                        adc     char_row_ptr+1
11d4: 85 09                        sta     char_row_ptr+1
11d6: c8                           iny                       ;advance to next byte in glyph data
11d7: c6 15                        dec     ]line_ctr         ;copied all 8?
11d9: d0 f1                        bne     :DrawLoop         ;not yet
                   ; Advance horizontal / vertical position.
11db: e6 06                        inc     char_horiz        ;advance horizontal position
11dd: a9 28                        lda     #40
11df: c5 06                        cmp     char_horiz        ;at end of line?
11e1: d0 0c                        bne     SetRowPtr         ;no, don't update
11e3: a9 00                        lda     #$00
11e5: 85 06                        sta     char_horiz        ;yes, set horiz posn to zero
11e7: a9 17                        lda     #23
11e9: c5 07                        cmp     char_vert         ;at bottom of screen?
11eb: f0 02                        beq     SetRowPtr         ;yes, don't advance
11ed: e6 07                        inc     char_vert         ;no, move to next line
                   ; Sets the hi-res row pointer for the current vertical text position.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $07: vertical position (0-23)
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   $08-09: address of top row on hi-res page 2
                   ]ind_ptr        .var    $13    {addr/2}

11ef: a5 07        SetRowPtr       lda     char_vert
11f1: 0a                           asl     A
11f2: 18                           clc
11f3: 69 62                        adc     #<line_addr
11f5: 85 13                        sta     ]ind_ptr
11f7: a9 00                        lda     #$00
11f9: 69 11                        adc     #>line_addr
11fb: 85 14                        sta     ]ind_ptr+1
11fd: a0 01                        ldy     #$01
11ff: 18                           clc
1200: b1 13                        lda     (]ind_ptr),y
1202: 65 06                        adc     char_horiz
1204: 85 08                        sta     char_row_ptr
1206: 88                           dey
1207: b1 13                        lda     (]ind_ptr),y
1209: 85 09                        sta     char_row_ptr+1
120b: 60                           rts

120c: 20 6e 12     NewLineCR       jsr     DrawSpace
120f: a9 17                        lda     #23
1211: c5 07                        cmp     char_vert
1213: f0 02                        beq     :NoInc
1215: e6 07                        inc     char_vert
1217: a9 00        :NoInc          lda     #$00
1219: 85 06                        sta     char_horiz
121b: 4c ef 11                     jmp     SetRowPtr

                   ; Clear the screen to the end of the current line by drawing spaces.
121e: a9 28        ClearToEol      lda     #40               ;compute 40 - horiz posn
1220: 38                           sec
1221: e5 06                        sbc     char_horiz
1223: 4c 29 12                     jmp     DrawSpaces1       ;draw that many spaces

                   ; Output (N - $c0) spaces.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: number of spaces to draw, +$C0
                   ]count          .var    $16    {addr/1}

1226: 38           DrawSpaces      sec
1227: e9 c0                        sbc     #$c0
1229: 85 16        DrawSpaces1     sta     ]count
122b: a5 06                        lda     char_horiz        ;save text position
122d: 48                           pha
122e: a5 07                        lda     char_vert
1230: 48                           pha
1231: a9 20        :Loop           lda     #‘ ’
1233: 20 a4 11                     jsr     DrawGlyph         ;draw space
1236: c6 16                        dec     ]count
1238: d0 f7                        bne     :Loop             ;not done, branch
123a: 68                           pla                       ;restore text position
123b: 85 07                        sta     char_vert
123d: 68                           pla
123e: 85 06                        sta     char_horiz
1240: 4c ef 11                     jmp     SetRowPtr         ;reset text pointer

                   ; Draws a blinking apple glyph for the input cursor.  Only updates the screen
                   ; when the state changes.
1243: e6 17                        inc     blink_timer
1245: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc
1247: e6 18                        inc     blink_timer+1
1249: a5 18        :NoInc          lda     blink_timer+1
124b: c9 18                        cmp     #$18
124d: f0 05                        beq     :DrawApple
124f: c9 30                        cmp     #$30
1251: f0 1b                        beq     DrawSpace
1253: 60           :Return         rts

1254: a9 00        :DrawApple      lda     #$00
1256: c5 17                        cmp     blink_timer
1258: d0 f9                        bne     :Return
125a: a5 06                        lda     char_horiz
125c: 48                           pha
125d: a5 07                        lda     char_vert
125f: 48                           pha
1260: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;solid apple glyph
1262: 20 a4 11     DoDrawGlyph     jsr     DrawGlyph
1265: 68                           pla                       ;restore previous position
1266: 85 07                        sta     char_vert
1268: 68                           pla
1269: 85 06                        sta     char_horiz
126b: 4c ef 11                     jmp     SetRowPtr

126e: a5 06        DrawSpace       lda     char_horiz        ;save position
1270: 48                           pha
1271: a5 07                        lda     char_vert
1273: 48                           pha
1274: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;reset blink timer
1276: 85 17                        sta     blink_timer
1278: 85 18                        sta     blink_timer+1
127a: a9 20                        lda     #‘ ’              ;space character
127c: d0 e4                        bne     DoDrawGlyph       ;(always)

                   ; Clears the part of the screen covered by the maze (rows 0-20, columns 0-22).
                   ; Same effect as printing lots of spaces, but much faster.
                   • Clear variables
                   ]counter        .var    $19    {addr/1}

127e: a9 00        EraseMaze       lda     #0
1280: 85 06                        sta     char_horiz
1282: a9 14                        lda     #20
1284: 85 07                        sta     char_vert         ;start on row 20 (1 blank + 2 msg lines below)
1286: 20 ef 11     :ChunkLoop      jsr     SetRowPtr
1289: 18                           clc
128a: a9 08                        lda     #$08
128c: 85 19                        sta     ]counter
128e: a9 00        :Loop8          lda     #$00
1290: a0 16                        ldy     #22               ;start in column 22
1292: 91 08        :RowLoop        sta     (char_row_ptr),y  ;set to zero
1294: 88                           dey
1295: 10 fb                        bpl     :RowLoop
1297: a9 04                        lda     #$04              ;for each set of 8, we can incr high ptr by 4
1299: 65 09                        adc     char_row_ptr+1
129b: 85 09                        sta     char_row_ptr+1
129d: c6 19                        dec     ]counter          ;have we done 8 rows?
129f: d0 ed                        bne     :Loop8            ;not yet, loop
12a1: c6 07                        dec     char_vert         ;decrement vertical position
12a3: 10 e1                        bpl     :ChunkLoop        ;branch if >= 0
12a5: 60                           rts

                   ; Draws the visible maze walls with glyphs and horizontal lines, using the bit
                   ; flags in $6199/619a.
                   vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis
vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis
vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis vis 12a6: ad 9a 61 DrawVisWalls lda maze_walls_rt 12a9: 4a lsr A ;right-shift 5x to get distance to facing wall 12aa: 4a lsr A 12ab: 4a lsr A 12ac: 4a lsr A 12ad: 4a lsr A 12ae: 48 pha ;push distance on stack ; Start by drawing the horizontal lines at the top and bottom of the facing ; wall, or just the "infinity" glyph. 12af: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;at "infinity"? 12b1: 90 10 bcc :ChkDst4 ;no, branch 12b3: a9 33 lda #$33 ;$4133 = row 80 col 11 12b5: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 12b7: a9 41 lda #$41 12b9: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 12bb: a9 05 lda #$05 ;'X' glyph, for "infinite" distance 12bd: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 12c0: 4c 5c 13 jmp :DrawLeft4 12c3: c9 04 :ChkDst4 cmp #$04 ;4 squares away? 12c5: d0 19 bne :ChkDst3 ;no, branch 12c7: a9 32 lda #$32 ;$4132+1 = row 80 col 11 12c9: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 12cb: a9 41 lda #$41 12cd: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 12cf: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1 12d1: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 12d4: a9 5d lda #$5d ;$5d32+1 = row 87 col 11 12d6: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 12d8: a0 01 ldy #1 12da: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 12dd: 4c 5c 13 jmp :DrawLeft4 12e0: c9 03 :ChkDst3 cmp #$03 ;3 squares away? 12e2: d0 19 bne :ChkDst2 ;no, branch 12e4: a9 40 lda #$40 ;$40b1+1 = row 72 col 10 12e6: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 12e8: a9 b1 lda #$b1 12ea: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 12ec: a0 03 ldy #3 ;len=3 12ee: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 12f1: a9 5d lda #$5d ;$5db1+1 = row 95 col 10 12f3: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 12f5: a0 03 ldy #3 12f7: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 12fa: 4c 30 14 jmp :DrawLeft3 12fd: c9 02 :ChkDst2 cmp #$02 ;2 squares away? 12ff: d0 1d bne :ChkDst1 ;no, branch 1301: a9 43 lda #$43 ;$4387+1 = row 56 col 8 1303: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1305: a9 87 lda #$87 1307: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1309: a0 07 ldy #7 ;len=7 130b: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 130e: a9 5e lda #$5e ;$5eaf+1 = row 111 col 8 1310: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1312: a9 af lda #$af 1314: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1316: a0 07 ldy #7 1318: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 131b: 4c 18 15 jmp :DrawLeft2 131e: c9 01 :ChkDst1 cmp #$01 ;1 square away? 1320: d0 1d bne :CloseWall ;no, branch 1322: a9 42 lda #$42 ;$4204+1 = row 32 col 5 1324: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1326: a9 04 lda #$04 1328: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 132a: a0 0d ldy #13 ;len=13 132c: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 132f: a9 5c lda #$5c ;$5c54+1 = row 135 col 5 1331: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1333: a9 54 lda #$54 1335: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1337: a0 0d ldy #13 1339: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 133c: 4c 00 16 jmp :DrawLeft1 133f: a9 40 :CloseWall lda #$40 ;$4000+1 = row 0 col 1 1341: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1343: a9 00 lda #$00 1345: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1347: a0 15 ldy #21 ;len=21 1349: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 134c: a9 5e lda #$5e ;$5e50+1 = row 167 col 1 (just above 3-line msg area) 134e: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1350: a9 50 lda #$50 1352: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1354: a0 15 ldy #21 1356: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 1359: 4c e8 16 jmp :DrawCloseWalls 135c: ad 99 61 :DrawLeft4 lda maze_walls_lf ;check left wall 135f: 29 10 and #$10 1361: d0 39 bne :LeftWall4 ;left side is a wall, branch ; Left side of cell at dist=4 is open, draw side hallway. 1363: 68 pla ;get max view dist 1364: 48 pha 1365: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;is there a facing wall at dist=4? 1367: f0 0d beq :NotAtEnd4lo ;no, branch 1369: a9 41 lda #$41 ;$4132 = row 80 col 10 136b: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 136d: a9 32 lda #$32 136f: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1371: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 1373: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 1376: a9 41 :NotAtEnd4lo lda #$41 ;$4131+1 = row 80 col 10 1378: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 137a: a9 31 lda #$31 137c: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 137e: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1 1380: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 1383: a9 5d lda #$5d ;$5d32 = row 87 col 10 1385: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1387: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len = 1 1389: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 138c: a9 09 lda #9 138e: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1390: 85 07 sta char_vert 1392: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 1394: a0 03 ldy #3 ;len=3 1396: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1399: 4c c5 13 jmp :DrawRight4 ; Left side of cell at dist=4 is wall, draw wall. 139c: 68 :LeftWall4 pla ;get max view dist 139d: 48 pha 139e: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;is there a facing wall at dist=4? 13a0: d0 0d bne :NotAtEnd4lw ;no, branch 13a2: a9 41 lda #$41 ;$4132 = row 80 col 10 13a4: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 13a6: a9 32 lda #$32 13a8: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 13aa: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 13ac: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 13af: a9 0a :NotAtEnd4lw lda #10 13b1: 85 06 sta char_horiz 13b3: a9 09 lda #9 13b5: 85 07 sta char_vert 13b7: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1 13b9: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight ;draw diagonal lines 13bc: c6 06 dec char_horiz 13be: e6 07 inc char_vert 13c0: a0 01 ldy #$01 13c2: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft ; 13c5: ad 9a 61 :DrawRight4 lda maze_walls_rt ;check right wall 13c8: 29 10 and #$10 13ca: d0 3b bne :RightWall4 ;right side is a wall, branch ; Right side of cell at dist=4 is open, draw side hallway. 13cc: 68 pla ;get max view dist 13cd: 48 pha 13ce: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;is there a facing wall at dist=4? 13d0: f0 0d beq :NotAtEnd4ro ;no, branch 13d2: a9 41 lda #$41 ;$4134 = row 80 col 12 13d4: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 13d6: a9 34 lda #$34 13d8: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 13da: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 13dc: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 13df: a9 41 :NotAtEnd4ro lda #$41 ;$4133+1 = row 80 col 12 13e1: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 13e3: a9 33 lda #$33 13e5: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 13e7: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1 13e9: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 13ec: a9 5d lda #$5d ;$5d33+1 = row 87 col 12 13ee: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 13f0: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len = 1 13f2: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 13f5: a9 0d lda #13 13f7: 85 06 sta char_horiz 13f9: a9 09 lda #9 13fb: 85 07 sta char_vert 13fd: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 13ff: a0 03 ldy #3 1401: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1404: 4c 30 14 jmp :DrawLeft3 ; Left side of cell at dist=4 is wall, draw wall. 1407: 68 :RightWall4 pla ;get max view dist 1408: 48 pha 1409: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;is there a facing wall at dist=4? 140b: d0 0d bne :NotAtEnd4rw ;no, branch 140d: a9 41 lda #$41 ;$4134 = row 80 col 12 140f: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1411: a9 34 lda #$34 1413: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1415: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 1417: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 141a: a9 0c :NotAtEnd4rw lda #12 141c: 85 06 sta char_horiz 141e: a9 09 lda #9 1420: 85 07 sta char_vert 1422: a0 01 ldy #1 1424: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft ;draw diagonal lines 1427: e6 06 inc char_horiz 1429: e6 07 inc char_vert 142b: a0 01 ldy #1 142d: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight ; ; Repeat the process for the cell at dist=3. ; 1430: ad 99 61 :DrawLeft3 lda maze_walls_lf 1433: 29 08 and #$08 1435: d0 3d bne L1474 1437: 68 pla 1438: 48 pha 1439: c9 03 cmp #$03 143b: f0 0d beq L144A 143d: a9 09 lda #$09 143f: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1441: 85 07 sta char_vert 1443: a9 04 lda #$04 1445: a0 03 ldy #$03 1447: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 144a: a9 40 L144A lda #$40 144c: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 144e: a9 af lda #$af 1450: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1452: a0 02 ldy #$02 1454: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 1457: a9 5d lda #$5d 1459: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 145b: a9 af lda #$af 145d: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 145f: a0 02 ldy #$02 1461: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 1464: a9 07 lda #$07 1466: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1468: 85 07 sta char_vert 146a: a9 04 lda #$04 146c: a0 07 ldy #$07 146e: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1471: 4c a1 14 jmp :DrawRight3 1474: 68 L1474 pla 1475: 48 pha 1476: c9 03 cmp #$03 1478: d0 0d bne L1487 147a: a9 09 lda #$09 147c: 85 06 sta char_horiz 147e: 85 07 sta char_vert 1480: a9 04 lda #$04 1482: a0 03 ldy #$03 1484: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1487: a9 08 L1487 lda #$08 1489: 85 06 sta char_horiz 148b: a9 07 lda #$07 148d: 85 07 sta char_vert 148f: a0 02 ldy #$02 1491: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight 1494: a9 09 lda #$09 1496: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1498: a9 0c lda #$0c 149a: 85 07 sta char_vert 149c: a0 02 ldy #$02 149e: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft ; 14a1: ad 9a 61 :DrawRight3 lda maze_walls_rt 14a4: 29 08 and #$08 14a6: d0 41 bne L14E9 14a8: 68 pla 14a9: 48 pha 14aa: c9 03 cmp #$03 14ac: f0 0f beq L14BD 14ae: a9 0d lda #$0d 14b0: 85 06 sta char_horiz 14b2: a9 09 lda #$09 14b4: 85 07 sta char_vert 14b6: a9 03 lda #$03 14b8: a0 03 ldy #$03 14ba: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 14bd: a9 40 L14BD lda #$40 14bf: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 14c1: a9 b4 lda #$b4 14c3: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 14c5: a0 02 ldy #$02 14c7: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 14ca: a9 5d lda #$5d 14cc: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 14ce: a9 b4 lda #$b4 14d0: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 14d2: a0 02 ldy #$02 14d4: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 14d7: a9 0f lda #$0f 14d9: 85 06 sta char_horiz 14db: a9 07 lda #$07 14dd: 85 07 sta char_vert 14df: a9 03 lda #$03 14e1: a0 07 ldy #$07 14e3: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 14e6: 4c 18 15 jmp :DrawLeft2 14e9: 68 L14E9 pla 14ea: 48 pha 14eb: c9 03 cmp #$03 14ed: d0 0f bne L14FE 14ef: a9 0d lda #$0d 14f1: 85 06 sta char_horiz 14f3: a9 09 lda #$09 14f5: 85 07 sta char_vert 14f7: a9 03 lda #$03 14f9: a0 03 ldy #$03 14fb: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 14fe: a9 0e L14FE lda #$0e 1500: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1502: a9 07 lda #$07 1504: 85 07 sta char_vert 1506: a0 02 ldy #$02 1508: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft 150b: a9 0d lda #$0d 150d: 85 06 sta char_horiz 150f: a9 0c lda #$0c 1511: 85 07 sta char_vert 1513: a0 02 ldy #$02 1515: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight ; ; Repeat the process for the cell at dist=2. ; 1518: ad 99 61 :DrawLeft2 lda maze_walls_lf 151b: 29 04 and #$04 151d: d0 3d bne L155C 151f: 68 pla 1520: 48 pha 1521: c9 02 cmp #$02 1523: f0 0d beq L1532 1525: a9 07 lda #$07 1527: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1529: 85 07 sta char_vert 152b: a9 04 lda #$04 152d: a0 07 ldy #$07 152f: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1532: a9 43 L1532 lda #$43 1534: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1536: a9 84 lda #$84 1538: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 153a: a0 03 ldy #$03 153c: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 153f: a9 5e lda #$5e 1541: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1543: a9 ac lda #$ac 1545: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1547: a0 03 ldy #$03 1549: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 154c: a9 04 lda #$04 154e: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1550: 85 07 sta char_vert 1552: a9 04 lda #$04 1554: a0 0d ldy #$0d 1556: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1559: 4c 89 15 jmp :DrawRight2 155c: 68 L155C pla 155d: 48 pha 155e: c9 02 cmp #$02 1560: d0 0d bne L156F 1562: a9 07 lda #$07 1564: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1566: 85 07 sta char_vert 1568: a9 04 lda #$04 156a: a0 07 ldy #$07 156c: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 156f: a9 05 L156F lda #$05 1571: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1573: a9 04 lda #$04 1575: 85 07 sta char_vert 1577: a0 03 ldy #$03 1579: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight 157c: a9 07 lda #$07 157e: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1580: a9 0e lda #$0e 1582: 85 07 sta char_vert 1584: a0 03 ldy #$03 1586: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft ; 1589: ad 9a 61 :DrawRight2 lda maze_walls_rt 158c: 29 04 and #$04 158e: d0 41 bne L15D1 1590: 68 pla 1591: 48 pha 1592: c9 02 cmp #$02 1594: f0 0f beq L15A5 1596: a9 0f lda #$0f 1598: 85 06 sta char_horiz 159a: a9 07 lda #$07 159c: 85 07 sta char_vert 159e: a9 03 lda #$03 15a0: a0 07 ldy #$07 15a2: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 15a5: a9 43 L15A5 lda #$43 15a7: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 15a9: a9 8e lda #$8e 15ab: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 15ad: a0 03 ldy #$03 15af: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 15b2: a9 5e lda #$5e 15b4: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 15b6: a9 b6 lda #$b6 15b8: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 15ba: a0 03 ldy #$03 15bc: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 15bf: a9 12 lda #$12 15c1: 85 06 sta char_horiz 15c3: a9 04 lda #$04 15c5: 85 07 sta char_vert 15c7: a9 03 lda #$03 15c9: a0 0d ldy #$0d 15cb: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 15ce: 4c 00 16 jmp :DrawLeft1 15d1: 68 L15D1 pla 15d2: 48 pha 15d3: c9 02 cmp #$02 15d5: d0 0f bne L15E6 15d7: a9 0f lda #$0f 15d9: 85 06 sta char_horiz 15db: a9 07 lda #$07 15dd: 85 07 sta char_vert 15df: a9 03 lda #$03 15e1: a0 07 ldy #$07 15e3: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 15e6: a9 11 L15E6 lda #$11 15e8: 85 06 sta char_horiz 15ea: a9 04 lda #$04 15ec: 85 07 sta char_vert 15ee: a0 03 ldy #$03 15f0: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft 15f3: a9 0f lda #$0f 15f5: 85 06 sta char_horiz 15f7: a9 0e lda #$0e 15f9: 85 07 sta char_vert 15fb: a0 03 ldy #$03 15fd: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight ; ; Repeat the process for the cell at dist=1. ; 1600: ad 99 61 :DrawLeft1 lda maze_walls_lf 1603: 29 02 and #$02 1605: d0 3d bne L1644 1607: 68 pla 1608: 48 pha 1609: c9 01 cmp #$01 160b: f0 0d beq L161A 160d: a9 04 lda #$04 160f: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1611: 85 07 sta char_vert 1613: a9 04 lda #$04 1615: a0 0d ldy #$0d 1617: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 161a: a9 42 L161A lda #$42 161c: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 161e: a9 00 lda #$00 1620: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1622: a0 04 ldy #$04 1624: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 1627: a9 5c lda #$5c 1629: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 162b: a9 50 lda #$50 162d: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 162f: a0 04 ldy #$04 1631: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 1634: a9 00 lda #$00 1636: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1638: 85 07 sta char_vert 163a: a9 04 lda #$04 163c: a0 15 ldy #$15 163e: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1641: 4c 71 16 jmp :DrawRight1 1644: 68 L1644 pla 1645: 48 pha 1646: c9 01 cmp #$01 1648: d0 0d bne L1657 164a: a9 04 lda #$04 164c: 85 06 sta char_horiz 164e: 85 07 sta char_vert 1650: a9 04 lda #$04 1652: a0 0d ldy #$0d 1654: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1657: a9 01 L1657 lda #$01 1659: 85 06 sta char_horiz 165b: a9 00 lda #$00 165d: 85 07 sta char_vert 165f: a0 04 ldy #$04 1661: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight 1664: a9 04 lda #$04 1666: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1668: a9 11 lda #$11 166a: 85 07 sta char_vert 166c: a0 04 ldy #$04 166e: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft ; 1671: ad 9a 61 :DrawRight1 lda maze_walls_rt 1674: 29 02 and #$02 1676: d0 41 bne L16B9 1678: 68 pla 1679: 48 pha 167a: c9 01 cmp #$01 167c: f0 0f beq L168D 167e: a9 12 lda #$12 1680: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1682: a9 04 lda #$04 1684: 85 07 sta char_vert 1686: a9 03 lda #$03 1688: a0 0d ldy #$0d 168a: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 168d: a9 42 L168D lda #$42 168f: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1691: a9 11 lda #$11 1693: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1695: a0 04 ldy #$04 1697: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 169a: a9 5c lda #$5c 169c: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 169e: a9 61 lda #$61 16a0: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 16a2: a0 04 ldy #$04 16a4: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 16a7: a9 16 lda #$16 16a9: 85 06 sta char_horiz 16ab: a9 00 lda #$00 16ad: 85 07 sta char_vert 16af: a9 03 lda #$03 16b1: a0 15 ldy #$15 16b3: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 16b6: 4c e8 16 jmp :DrawCloseWalls 16b9: 68 L16B9 pla 16ba: 48 pha 16bb: c9 01 cmp #$01 16bd: d0 0f bne L16CE 16bf: a9 12 lda #$12 16c1: 85 06 sta char_horiz 16c3: a9 04 lda #$04 16c5: 85 07 sta char_vert 16c7: a9 03 lda #$03 16c9: a0 0d ldy #$0d 16cb: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 16ce: a9 15 L16CE lda #$15 16d0: 85 06 sta char_horiz 16d2: a9 00 lda #$00 16d4: 85 07 sta char_vert 16d6: a0 04 ldy #$04 16d8: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft 16db: a9 12 lda #$12 16dd: 85 06 sta char_horiz 16df: a9 11 lda #$11 16e1: 85 07 sta char_vert 16e3: a0 04 ldy #$04 16e5: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight ; ; Draw a little bit of the viewer's cell. The horizontal lines at the top and ; bottom were already drawn. ; 16e8: 68 :DrawCloseWalls pla ;get max view dist 16e9: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;are we right up against a wall? 16eb: f0 5f beq :NoseToWall ;yes, branch ; We're not flush with the wall, so either there's a wall to the side (which we ; ignore since the diagonal has already reached the top/bottom of the screen), ; or there's a hallway there, which we want to draw as a vertical line to show ; the corner. 16ed: ad 99 61 lda maze_walls_lf ;check left side 16f0: 29 01 and #$01 16f2: d0 27 bne :LeftWall0 ;it's a wall, skip it ; Right side of current cell is open, draw hallway. 16f4: a9 00 lda #0 ;top-left corner 16f6: 85 06 sta char_horiz 16f8: 85 07 sta char_vert 16fa: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 16fc: a0 15 ldy #21 ;full height of maze area 16fe: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1701: a9 3f lda #$3f ;$3fff+1 = row 0 col 0 1703: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1705: a9 ff lda #$ff 1707: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1709: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1 170b: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 170e: a9 5e lda #$5e ;$5e4f+1 = row 167 col 0 1710: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1712: a9 4f lda #$4f 1714: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1716: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1 1718: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 171b: ad 9a 61 :LeftWall0 lda maze_walls_rt ;check right side 171e: 29 01 and #$01 1720: d0 29 bne :Return ;it's a wall, we're done 1722: a9 16 lda #22 ;top-right corner 1724: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1726: a9 00 lda #$00 1728: 85 07 sta char_vert 172a: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 172c: a0 15 ldy #21 ;full height of maze area 172e: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1731: a9 40 lda #$40 ;$4015+1 = row 0 col 22 1733: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1735: a9 15 lda #$15 1737: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1739: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1 173b: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 173e: a9 5e lda #$5e ;$5e65+1 = row 167 col 22 1740: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1742: a9 65 lda #$65 1744: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1746: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1 1748: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 174b: 60 :Return rts ; We're flush with the facing wall. Draw a rectangle, leaving left/right open ; if there's a hallway there. 174c: ad 99 61 :NoseToWall lda maze_walls_lf ;check left edge 174f: 29 01 and #$01 1751: f0 0d beq :NoseNoLeft ;no wall, branch 1753: a9 00 lda #0 ;top-left corner 1755: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1757: 85 07 sta char_vert 1759: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge of glyph 175b: a0 15 ldy #21 ;full height of maze area 175d: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1760: ad 9a 61 :NoseNoLeft lda maze_walls_rt ;check right edge 1763: 29 01 and #$01 1765: f0 e4 beq :Return ;no wall, we're done 1767: a9 16 lda #22 ;top-right corner 1769: 85 06 sta char_horiz 176b: a9 00 lda #0 176d: 85 07 sta char_vert 176f: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge of glyph 1771: a0 15 ldy #21 ;full height of maze area 1773: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1776: 60 rts ; ; Draws a white horizontal line. The Y-reg holds the number of segments. ; ; Note the location pointed to is NOT drawn to. If the address is $4000, and Y- ; reg is 8, addresses $4001-4008 will be written to. ; ; On entry: ; $08-09: pointer to address on hi-res screen ; Y-reg: number of 7-pixel segments to draw ; DrawLineHorizontal 1777: a9 ff lda #$ff ;solid white line (with high bit set) 1779: 91 08 :Loop sta (char_row_ptr),y 177b: 88 dey 177c: d0 fb bne :Loop 177e: 60 rts ; ; Draws a diagonal line with glyphs, down and to the left. ; ; On entry: ; $06: horizontal position (0-39) ; $07: vertical position (0-23) ; Y-reg: number of iterations ; ]counter .var $1a {addr/1} DrawDiagDownLeft 177f: 98 tya ;(why?) 1780: 85 1a sta ]counter ;set number of iterations 1782: 20 ef 11 :Loop jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer 1785: a9 02 lda #$02 ;line segment, looks like forward slash 1787: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw glyph, move right 178a: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;return to initial horizontal position 178c: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;back up one 178e: e6 07 inc char_vert ;move down one line 1790: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet? 1792: d0 ee bne :Loop ;no, loop 1794: 60 rts ; ; Draws a diagonal line with glyphs, down and to the right. ; ; On entry: ; $06: horizontal position (0-39) ; $07: vertical position (0-23) ; Y-reg: number of iterations ; DrawDiagDownRight 1795: 98 tya ;(why?) 1796: 85 1a sta ]counter ;set number of iterations 1798: 20 ef 11 :Loop jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer 179b: a9 01 lda #$01 ;line segment, looks like backslash 179d: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw glyph, move right 17a0: e6 07 inc char_vert ;move down one line 17a2: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet? 17a4: d0 f2 bne :Loop ;no, loop 17a6: 60 rts ; ; Draws the same character multiple times, moving down one line each time. Set ; the initial horizontal/vertical text position before calling. Can be used to ; draw a vertical line. ; ; On entry: ; $06: horizontal position (0-39) ; $07: vertical position (0-23) ; A-reg: glyph index to draw ; Y-reg: number of times to draw ; 17a7: 48 DrawGlyphsDown pha ;push char index 17a8: 98 tya ;(why?) 17a9: 85 1a sta ]counter ;save counter in $1a 17ab: 68 pla ;pull char index 17ac: 48 :Loop pha ;push char index 17ad: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer for current text posn 17b0: 68 pla ;pull char index 17b1: 48 pha ;push char index 17b2: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ;draw glyph, move right 17b5: 68 pla ;pull char index 17b6: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;return to original horizontal position 17b8: e6 07 inc char_vert ;increment vertical position 17ba: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet? 17bc: d0 ee bne :Loop ;no, loop 17be: 60 rts ; ; Walks through the maze wall data to determine what the corridor ahead looks ; like. Sets values for the distance to the opposite wall (1-5, where 5 is ; "infinity"), and bit flags for the left and right walls for five cells, ; starting with the one the player is standing in. ; ; Because of limitations placed on the maze structure, e.g. there are no 2x2 ; rooms, this is sufficient information to draw the scene. ; ; On exit: ; $6199 and $619a hold the results ; • Clear variables ]maze_ptr .var $0a {addr/2} ProcessMazeWalls 17bf: a0 00 ldy #$00 17c1: a9 00 lda #<maze_wall_data 17c3: 85 0a sta ]maze_ptr 17c5: a9 60 lda #>maze_wall_data 17c7: 85 0b sta ]maze_ptr+1 ; Find the start of the wall data for the current floor. 17c9: ae 94 61 ldx plyr_floor 17cc: a9 00 lda #$00 17ce: 18 clc 17cf: ca :Loop dex 17d0: f0 05 beq :GotFloor 17d2: 69 21 adc #$21 ;each floor is 33 bytes 17d4: 4c cf 17 jmp :Loop 17d7: 65 0a :GotFloor adc ]maze_ptr ;add to pointer 17d9: 85 0a sta ]maze_ptr ; Find the offset and bit mask for the current cell. The maze floor data uses ; two bits per cell (south and west walls). The mask is set for the south-wall ; bit; shift once to the right for the west-wall bit. 17db: ae 95 61 ldx plyr_xpos 17de: ca :XLoop dex 17df: f0 09 beq :GotX 17e1: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr 17e3: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr 17e5: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr 17e7: 4c de 17 jmp :XLoop 17ea: ad 96 61 :GotX lda plyr_ypos 17ed: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;1-4? 17ef: 30 0e bmi :YPos04 ;yes, branch 17f1: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;5-8? 17f3: 30 05 bmi :YPos58 ;yes, branch 17f5: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;no, 9-12; ptr++ 17f7: 38 sec 17f8: e9 04 sbc #$04 ;Ypos -= 4 (now 5-8) 17fa: e6 0a :YPos58 inc ]maze_ptr ;ptr++ 17fc: 38 sec 17fd: e9 04 sbc #$04 ;Ypos -= 4 (now 1-4) 17ff: aa :YPos04 tax ;save in X-reg as shift count 1800: a9 80 lda #$80 ;set bit 7 (Y-coord=1 is two high bits) 1802: ca :YLoop dex ;count it down 1803: f0 05 beq :GotY 1805: 4a lsr A ;$80/$20/$08/$04 for 1-4 1806: 4a lsr A 1807: 4c 02 18 jmp :YLoop ]dist_ctr .var $11 {addr/1} ]end_dist .var $19 {addr/1} ]bit_mask .var $1a {addr/1} 180a: 85 1a :GotY sta ]bit_mask 180c: 86 19 stx ]end_dist ;init values to zero (X-reg=0) 180e: 86 11 stx ]dist_ctr 1810: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf 1813: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt ; Execute different code for each of the 4 directions. 1816: ae 93 61 ldx plyr_facing ;1=W, 2=N, 3=E, 4=S 1819: ca dex 181a: d0 03 bne :ChkNorth 181c: 4c 10 19 jmp :FaceWest 181f: ca :ChkNorth dex 1820: d0 03 bne :ChkEast 1822: 4c 7c 19 jmp :FaceNorth 1825: ca :ChkEast dex 1826: f0 7f beq :FaceEast ; ; Handle south-facing player. Start by finding the next perpendicular wall. ; Keep looking until we hit a wall or reach maximum distance. ; ; The maze data guarantees that we will hit a wall eventually, so we don't need ; to step carefully around the edge of the maze. ; 1828: b1 0a :FaceSouth lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get current cell 182a: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;south wall here? 182c: d0 1e bne :SFoundSouth ;yes, branch 182e: e6 19 inc ]end_dist ;no, increment end distance 1830: a5 19 lda ]end_dist 1832: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;have we reached max? 1834: f0 16 beq :SFoundSouth ;yes, branch ; Move to the next cell to the south. 1836: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask 1838: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;at the end of the byte? 183a: d0 09 bne :SNotHighBit ;not yet, branch 183c: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr ;yes, decrement pointer 183e: a9 02 lda #$02 1840: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask ;reset mask 1842: 4c 28 18 jmp :FaceSouth 1845: 06 1a :SNotHighBit asl ]bit_mask ;left-shift twice to move south 1847: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask 1849: 4c 28 18 jmp :FaceSouth ; We found a wall on the south side of a cell. We want to shift the mask from ; testing the south wall ($80/20/08/02) to the west wall ($40/10/04/01). ; ; Note we're walking from the farthest point back toward the viewer. Thus, the ; last thing we test will always end up in the low bit of the left/right masks, ; even if we stop early. 184c: a5 19 :SFoundSouth lda ]end_dist ;get distance to end point 184e: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;do fancy swap maneuver 1851: 46 1a lsr ]bit_mask ;right shift to mask west wall bit 1853: b1 0a :SSideLoop lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get maze data 1855: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask west wall bit 1857: f0 03 beq :SNotSet1 1859: ee 9a 61 inc maze_walls_rt ;set low bit 185c: a0 03 :SNotSet1 ldy #$03 ;index over to next column (to east) 185e: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get wall data there 1860: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;reset Y-reg 1862: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;get west wall bit 1864: f0 03 beq :SNotSet2 ;not set, branch 1866: ee 99 61 inc maze_walls_lf ;set low bit 1869: 20 10 1a :SNotSet2 jsr SwapEndDist ;swap back (A-reg = end_dist) 186c: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;have we reached the end? 186e: f0 2a beq :Finish ;yes, finish up 1870: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;no, swap end dist back out 1873: a9 04 lda #$04 1875: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;have we done the nearest 4 walls? 1877: f0 1e beq :FinishSwap ;yes, finish up 1879: 0e 99 61 asl maze_walls_lf ;shift result bits to make room 187c: 0e 9a 61 asl maze_walls_rt 187f: e6 11 inc ]dist_ctr ; Move to the next cell to the north. 1881: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask 1883: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;at the end of the byte? 1885: f0 07 beq :SNextByte ;yes, branch 1887: 46 1a lsr ]bit_mask ;right-shift twice to move north 1889: 46 1a lsr ]bit_mask 188b: 4c 53 18 jmp :SSideLoop 188e: a9 40 :SNextByte lda #$40 1890: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask ;reset mask 1892: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;move to next byte in column 1894: 4c 53 18 jmp :SSideLoop ; ; Finish up by merging the end distance with the right wall mask. Used for all ; four directions. ; 1897: 20 10 1a :FinishSwap jsr SwapEndDist ;swap end distance back in 189a: 0a :Finish asl A ;shift it left 5x 189b: 0a asl A 189c: 0a asl A 189d: 0a asl A 189e: 0a asl A 189f: 18 clc ;(ORA) 18a0: 6d 9a 61 adc maze_walls_rt ;merge with right wall flags 18a3: 8d 9a 61 sta maze_walls_rt 18a6: 60 rts ;and we're done ; ; Handle east-facing player. Start by finding the next perpendicular wall. We ; store the west wall for each cell, so we need to move one cell east to see if ; the current cell has a wall on its east side. ; 18a7: 46 1a :FaceEast lsr ]bit_mask ;adjust mask to get west wall bit 18a9: 18 :EFarLoop clc 18aa: a5 0a lda ]maze_ptr ;move to next column to the east 18ac: 69 03 adc #$03 18ae: 85 0a sta ]maze_ptr 18b0: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get wall data 18b2: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask west wall bit 18b4: d0 08 bne :EFoundWest ;found wall, branch 18b6: e6 19 inc ]end_dist ;increment view distance 18b8: a5 19 lda ]end_dist 18ba: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;have we reached max? 18bc: d0 eb bne :EFarLoop ;no, loop 18be: a5 19 :EFoundWest lda ]end_dist ;get distance 18c0: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;swap distance out ; We have a west-wall bit mask ($40/10/04/01). We want to create two south-wall ; bit masks ($80/20/08/02), one for the row of cells we're in, one for the row ; of cells to the north (right shift). This is a little tricky because we might ; need to shift down one byte. ]bit_mask2 .var $19 {addr/1} 18c3: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask ;get mask 18c5: 85 19 sta ]bit_mask2 ;use end_dist local var as second mask 18c7: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask ;shift mask for south wall bit 18c9: 18 clc ;(LSR?) 18ca: 66 19 ror ]bit_mask2 ;shift mask to be south wall of cell to north 18cc: 90 02 bcc :ESideLoop ;branch if we stayed within byte 18ce: 66 19 ror ]bit_mask2 ;shift again to set it to $80 18d0: c6 0a :ESideLoop dec ]maze_ptr ;move one column west 18d2: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr 18d4: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr 18d6: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get wall data (Y-reg=0 here) 18d8: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask south wall bit 18da: f0 03 beq :ENotSet1 ;not set, branch 18dc: ee 9a 61 inc maze_walls_rt ;set low bit 18df: a5 19 :ENotSet1 lda ]bit_mask2 ;get mask for other wall 18e1: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;did we roll over? 18e3: f0 05 beq :EOtherByte ;yes, get a different byte 18e5: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y ;no, get wall data 18e7: 4c ee 18 jmp :EGet2 18ea: c8 :EOtherByte iny ;move north 18eb: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y 18ed: 88 dey ;restore Y-reg to zero 18ee: 25 19 :EGet2 and ]bit_mask2 ;mask south wall bit 18f0: f0 03 beq :ENotSet2 ;not set, branch 18f2: ee 99 61 inc maze_walls_lf ;set low bit 18f5: a5 11 :ENotSet2 lda ]dist_ctr 18f7: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;have we done the nearest 4 walls? 18f9: f0 9c :ZFinish2 beq :FinishSwap ;yes, finish up 18fb: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist 18fe: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;compare view range to counter 1900: f0 98 :ZFinish3 beq :Finish ;reached view end, finish up 1902: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist 1905: e6 11 inc ]dist_ctr 1907: 0e 99 61 asl maze_walls_lf ;shift results to make room 190a: 0e 9a 61 asl maze_walls_rt 190d: 4c d0 18 jmp :ESideLoop ; ; Handle west-facing player. Start by finding the next perpendicular wall. ; ]end_dist .var $19 {addr/1} 1910: 46 1a :FaceWest lsr ]bit_mask ;shift mask for west wall 1912: b1 0a :WFarLoop lda (]maze_ptr),y ;check current cell 1914: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;has west wall? 1916: d0 11 bne :WFoundWest ;yes, branch 1918: e6 19 inc ]end_dist ;increment view distance 191a: a5 19 lda ]end_dist 191c: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;reached max? 191e: f0 09 beq :WFoundWest ;yes, branch 1920: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr ;move to previous column (westward) 1922: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr 1924: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr 1926: 4c 12 19 jmp :WFarLoop 1929: a5 19 :WFoundWest lda ]end_dist 192b: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ; We have a west-wall bit mask ($40/10/04/01). We want to create two south-wall ; bit masks ($80/20/08/02), one for the row of cells we're in, one for the row ; of cells to the north (right shift). This is a little tricky because we might ; need to shift down one byte. ]bit_mask2 .var $19 {addr/1} 192e: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask ;get mask 1930: 85 19 sta ]bit_mask2 ;use end_dist local var as second mask 1932: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask ;shift mask for south wall bit 1934: 18 clc ;(LSR?) 1935: 66 19 ror ]bit_mask2 ;shift mask to be south wall of cell to north 1937: 90 02 bcc :WSideLoop ;branch if we stayed within byte 1939: 66 19 ror ]bit_mask2 ;shift again to set it to $80 193b: b1 0a :WSideLoop lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get wall data (Y-reg=0 here) 193d: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask south wall bit 193f: f0 03 beq :WNotSet1 ;not set, branch 1941: ee 99 61 inc maze_walls_lf ;set low bit 1944: a5 19 :WNotSet1 lda ]bit_mask2 ;get mask for other wall 1946: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;did we roll over? 1948: d0 02 bne :WNoRoll ;no, use same byte 194a: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;move one row north 194c: b1 0a :WNoRoll lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get wall data 194e: 25 19 and ]bit_mask2 ;mask south wall bit 1950: f0 03 beq :WNotSet2 1952: ee 9a 61 inc maze_walls_rt ;set low bit 1955: a5 19 :WNotSet2 lda ]bit_mask2 ;check second mask to see if we already 1957: c9 80 cmp #$80 ; incremented once 1959: f0 02 beq :DidInc ;yes, skip first inc 195b: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;move one column to the east 195d: e6 0a :DidInc inc ]maze_ptr 195f: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr 1961: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;swap end_dist back in 1964: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;reached the end? 1966: f0 98 beq :ZFinish3 ;yes, finish up 1968: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist 196b: a9 04 lda #$04 196d: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;have we done the nearest 4 walls? 196f: f0 88 :ZFinish1 beq :ZFinish2 ;yes, finish up 1971: e6 11 inc ]dist_ctr 1973: 0e 99 61 asl maze_walls_lf ;shift results to make room 1976: 0e 9a 61 asl maze_walls_rt 1979: 4c 3b 19 jmp :WSideLoop ; ; Handle north-facing player. Start by finding the next perpendicular wall. We ; store the south wall for each cell, so we need to move one cell north to see ; if the current cell has a wall on its north side. ; ]end_dist .var $19 {addr/1} 197c: a5 1a :FaceNorth lda ]bit_mask ;check current mask 197e: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;on lowest bit pair (Y=4/8/12)? 1980: d0 09 bne :NNotLowBitA ;no, can just shift 1982: a9 80 lda #$80 ;start at top of next byte 1984: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask 1986: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;move to next byte 1988: 4c 8f 19 jmp :NFarLoop 198b: 46 1a :NNotLowBitA lsr ]bit_mask ;shift mask one step toward +Y 198d: 46 1a lsr ]bit_mask 198f: b1 0a :NFarLoop lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get value 1991: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask south wall bit 1993: d0 1e bne :NFoundSouth ;found a wall, stop here 1995: e6 19 inc ]end_dist ;increment distance 1997: a5 19 lda ]end_dist 1999: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;have we reached "infinity"? 199b: f0 16 beq :NFoundSouth ;yes, stop here ; Move to the next cell to the north. 199d: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask 199f: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;at the end of the byte? 19a1: d0 09 bne :NNotLowBitB ;not yet, branch 19a3: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;move to next byte 19a5: a9 80 lda #$80 ;reset mask 19a7: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask 19a9: 4c 8f 19 jmp :NFarLoop ;loop 19ac: 46 1a :NNotLowBitB lsr ]bit_mask ;right-shift twice to move north 19ae: 46 1a lsr ]bit_mask 19b0: 4c 8f 19 jmp :NFarLoop ; We found a wall on the south side of a cell. The player can't see into this ; cell, so back up one step. 19b3: a5 1a :NFoundSouth lda ]bit_mask 19b5: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;at edge of bit mask? 19b7: f0 05 beq :NHighBit ;yes, branch 19b9: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask ;no, just shift mask for west wall bit 19bb: 4c c4 19 jmp :NAdjCommon 19be: c6 0a :NHighBit dec ]maze_ptr ;back up to previous byte 19c0: a9 01 lda #$01 ;set mask to low bit 19c2: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask ; 19c4: a5 19 :NAdjCommon lda ]end_dist ;get distance to end point 19c6: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;do fancy swap maneuver 19c9: b1 0a :NSideLoop lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get chunk of maze data 19cb: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask off everything but the west-wall bit 19cd: f0 03 beq :NNotSet1 ;not set, branch 19cf: ee 99 61 inc maze_walls_lf ;set, add to left wall mask 19d2: a0 03 :NNotSet1 ldy #$03 ;read one column to east 19d4: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get chunk 19d6: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;restore Y-reg 19d8: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask off west wall bit 19da: f0 03 beq :NNotSet2 ;not set, branch 19dc: ee 9a 61 inc maze_walls_rt ;set, add to right wall mask 19df: a9 04 :NNotSet2 lda #$04 19e1: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;was this the 5th wall (0-4)? 19e3: f0 8a beq :ZFinish1 ;yes, swap and finish 19e5: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;swap end_dist back in 19e8: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;have we reached the end of the visible area? 19ea: d0 03 bne :NNext ;not yet, branch 19ec: 4c 9a 18 jmp :Finish ;yes, finish 19ef: 20 10 1a :NNext jsr SwapEndDist ;swap end_dist back out 19f2: 0e 99 61 asl maze_walls_lf ;prep for next cell by shifting wall masks 19f5: e6 11 inc ]dist_ctr ;update the counter 19f7: 0e 9a 61 asl maze_walls_rt 19fa: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask ;update the bit mask 19fc: c9 40 cmp #$40 19fe: f0 07 beq :NNextByte 1a00: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask ;same byte, shifted over 1a02: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask 1a04: 4c c9 19 jmp :NSideLoop 1a07: a9 01 :NNextByte lda #$01 ;start in next byte 1a09: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask 1a0b: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr 1a0d: 4c c9 19 jmp :NSideLoop ; ; Swaps A-reg with $61f7, using $13 as temporary storage. Does not touch X-reg ; / Y-reg. ; ; (It's unclear why the code does this, instead of just storing the value ; somewhere.) ; ]tmp .var $13 {addr/1} 1a10: 85 13 SwapEndDist sta ]tmp ;save A-reg 1a12: ad f7 61 lda acc_swap_stash ;get value from memory 1a15: 48 pha ;preserve it 1a16: a5 13 lda ]tmp ;restore A-reg 1a18: 8d f7 61 sta acc_swap_stash ;save it 1a1b: 68 pla ;restore value from memory 1a1c: 60 rts 1a1d: 00 00 00 00+ .junk 23 ; ; Object management function handler. Pass in a function command index and ; optional argument. Some functions return a result in various ways. ; ; State-modification functions assume the caller has already confirmed that the ; action is legal, e.g. that there is enough room in the player's inventory ; before picking up something new. ; ; Commands: ; (for $00-$06, arg=object index ($01-17)) ; $00/01 - delete object ; $02 - pick up object, still in box ; $03 - activate object in inventory (light torch, raise ring) ; $04 - pick up object ; $05 - drop object ; $06 - retrieve object info from inventory ; values returned in $19 (X/Y) and $1a (floor/state) ; ; $07 - draw player inventory ; $08 - count the number of items in inventory ; returned in $19 ; $09 - reset player state ; $0a - find boxes on floor in front of player ; $0b - find boxed item at current location, or in inventory ; object index returned in A-reg ; $0c - find food in inventory ; object index returned in A-reg ; $0d - find lit torch in inventory ; object index returned in A-reg ; $0e - find unlit torch in inventory ; object index returned in A-reg ; ; On entry: ; $0e: argument (optional) ; $0f: function to execute ($00-$0e) ; ; On exit: ; $0e-0f: pointer into inventory area ; • Clear variables ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} ]ret_xy .var $19 {addr/1} ]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1} 1a34: a5 0f ObjMgmtFunc lda ]func_cmd ;check command 1a36: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;is it an object operation? 1a38: 10 59 bpl DoCmd7Plus ;no, branch ; Functions 0-6 operate on inventory-able objects. Convert the object index ; argument in $0e (value $01-17) to a pointer into the object location table in ; $0e-0f. 1a3a: 06 0e asl ]func_arg ;double the object index 1a3c: 48 pha ;save function index ]obj_ptr .var $0e {addr/2} 1a3d: a9 00 lda #$00 ;form pointer to object data 1a3f: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1 1a41: 18 clc 1a42: a9 b9 lda #<object_status 1a44: 65 0e adc ]obj_ptr ;add shifted index to address 1a46: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr 1a48: a9 61 lda #>object_status 1a4a: 65 0f adc ]obj_ptr+1 ;("ADC #$00" would've saved a bit) 1a4c: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1 1a4e: 68 pla ;restore function index 1a4f: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;was it 5 or 6? 1a51: 10 1b bpl Func0506 ;yes, branch ; Remap function index from {0-4} to {0,6-8}, with 0/1 --> 0. 1a53: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;no, 0-4... is it zero? 1a55: f0 08 beq Func00 ;yes, branch with A-reg=0 1a57: 38 sec ;no, it's 1-4 1a58: e9 01 sbc #$01 ;subtract 1 (now 0-3) 1a5a: f0 03 beq Func00 ;if was 1, handle as equivalent to func 0 1a5c: 18 clc ;now 1-3 (originally 2-4) 1a5d: 69 05 adc #$05 ;change to 6/7/8 and fall through ; ; Function $00-04: set object state to value in A-reg. ; ; Possible values for A-reg: ; $00: (func $00/$01) destroy object ; $06: (func $02) put object in inventory, still in box ; $07: (func $03) put object in inventory, activated ; $08: (func $04) put object in inventory ; 1a5f: a0 00 Func00 ldy #$00 1a61: 91 0e sta (]obj_ptr),y ;set state to zero 1a63: e6 0e inc ]obj_ptr ;(INY is used a few lines down... why not here?) 1a65: d0 02 bne :NoInc 1a67: e6 0f inc ]obj_ptr+1 1a69: a9 00 :NoInc lda #$00 1a6b: 91 0e sta (]obj_ptr),y ;clear second byte too 1a6d: 60 rts 1a6e: c9 05 Func0506 cmp #$05 ;function 5 or 6... was it 5? 1a70: f0 0c beq Func05 ;yes, branch ; ; Function $06: get object info. ; ; Copies object location data to $19/1a. ; 1a72: a0 00 ldy #$00 1a74: b1 0e lda (]obj_ptr),y ;get state (floor or inventory state) 1a76: 85 1a sta ]ret_state ;copy to ZP 1a78: c8 iny 1a79: b1 0e lda (]obj_ptr),y ;same for X/Y position 1a7b: 85 19 sta ]ret_xy ;(will be zero for held item) 1a7d: 60 rts ; ; Function $05: drop object. ; 1a7e: ad 94 61 Func05 lda plyr_floor ;get current floor 1a81: a0 00 ldy #$00 1a83: 91 0e sta (]obj_ptr),y ;store that 1a85: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;get X position 1a88: 0a asl A ;multiply by 16 1a89: 0a asl A 1a8a: 0a asl A 1a8b: 0a asl A 1a8c: 0d 96 61 ora plyr_ypos ;combine with Y position 1a8f: c8 iny 1a90: 91 0e sta (]obj_ptr),y ;store that 1a92: 60 rts 1a93: 38 DoCmd7Plus sec ;func index is 7+ 1a94: e9 07 sbc #$07 ;reduce to 0+ 1a96: f0 03 beq DrawInventory ;if == 7, branch 1a98: 4c b5 1b jmp ChkFunc08 ;go check 8+ ; ; Function $07: draw inventory. ; ]counter .var $1a {addr/1} 1a9b: a9 0f DrawInventory lda #15 ;erasing 15 lines 1a9d: 85 1a sta ]counter 1a9f: a9 19 lda #25 ;start in column 25 1aa1: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1aa3: a9 03 lda #3 ;row 3 1aa5: 85 07 sta char_vert 1aa7: 20 ef 11 :ClearLoop jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res addr 1aaa: a9 1e lda #$1e ;clear to EOL 1aac: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 1aaf: e6 07 inc char_vert ;advance to next line 1ab1: c6 1a dec ]counter 1ab3: d0 f2 bne :ClearLoop ; 1ab5: a9 14 lda #$14 ;object $01-14 can be carried 1ab7: 85 1a sta ]counter 1ab9: a9 bb lda #<object_status2 ;set pointer to object state data 1abb: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr 1abd: a9 61 lda #>object_status2 1abf: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1 1ac1: a9 1a lda #26 ;horizontal pos 26 (3 spaces over from maze) 1ac3: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1ac5: a9 03 lda #3 ;text row 3 1ac7: 85 07 sta char_vert 1ac9: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res addr 1acc: a9 01 lda #$01 ;"inventory:" 1ace: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 1ad1: a9 1b lda #27 ;indent one space 1ad3: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1ad5: a9 04 lda #4 ;start on text row 4 1ad7: 85 07 sta char_vert 1ad9: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res addr ; Draw unboxed held items. 1adc: a0 00 :UnboxLoop ldy #$00 1ade: b1 0e lda (]obj_ptr),y ;get item state 1ae0: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;in inventory, unboxed? 1ae2: d0 03 bne :Not8 ;no, branch 1ae4: 4c 76 1b jmp :DrawInvItem ;yes, draw it 1ae7: c9 07 :Not8 cmp #$07 ;in inventory, unboxed, activated? 1ae9: d0 03 bne :Not7 ;no, branch 1aeb: 4c 76 1b jmp :DrawInvItem ;yes, draw it 1aee: e6 0e :Not7 inc ]obj_ptr ;advance pointer 2 bytes 1af0: d0 02 bne :NoInc1 1af2: e6 0f inc ]obj_ptr+1 1af4: e6 0e :NoInc1 inc ]obj_ptr 1af6: d0 02 bne :NoInc2 1af8: e6 0f inc ]obj_ptr+1 1afa: c6 1a :NoInc2 dec ]counter ;done yet? 1afc: d0 de bne :UnboxLoop ;no, loop ; Draw boxed held items. 1afe: a9 bb lda #<object_status2 ;reset pointer to start of object list 1b00: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr 1b02: a9 61 lda #>object_status2 1b04: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1 1b06: a9 17 lda #$17 ;walk through boxed food and torches too 1b08: 85 1a sta ]counter 1b0a: a0 00 :BoxLoop ldy #$00 1b0c: b1 0e lda (]obj_ptr),y ;get state 1b0e: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;in inventory, boxed? 1b10: d0 03 bne :NotInBox ;no, branch 1b12: 4c 9c 1b jmp :DrawBoxedItem ;yes, draw it 1b15: e6 0e :NotInBox inc ]obj_ptr ;advance pointer 2 bytes 1b17: d0 02 bne :NoInc1 1b19: e6 0f inc ]obj_ptr+1 1b1b: e6 0e :NoInc1 inc ]obj_ptr 1b1d: d0 02 bne :NoInc2 1b1f: e6 0f inc ]obj_ptr+1 1b21: c6 1a :NoInc2 dec ]counter ;done yet? 1b23: d0 e5 bne :BoxLoop ;no, loop ; Print lit/unlit torches. 1b25: a9 1a lda #26 ;set text position 1b27: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1b29: a9 10 lda #16 1b2b: 85 07 sta char_vert 1b2d: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 1b30: a9 02 lda #$02 ;"torches:" 1b32: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 1b35: a9 1b lda #27 1b37: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1b39: a9 11 lda #17 1b3b: 85 07 sta char_vert 1b3d: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 1b40: a9 03 lda #$03 ;"lit:" 1b42: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 1b45: e6 06 inc char_horiz ;3 spaces, so numbers line up 1b47: e6 06 inc char_horiz 1b49: e6 06 inc char_horiz 1b4b: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer 1b4e: ad 97 61 lda num_lit_torches ;get number of lit torches 1b51: 18 clc 1b52: 69 30 adc #‘0’ ;convert to ASCII 1b54: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw it 1b57: a9 1b lda #27 1b59: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1b5b: a9 12 lda #18 ;down one line 1b5d: 85 07 sta char_vert 1b5f: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer 1b62: a9 04 lda #$04 ;"unlit:" 1b64: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 1b67: a9 20 lda #‘ ’ 1b69: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print one space ("INC char_horiz" would also work) 1b6c: ad 98 61 lda num_unlit_torches ;get number of unlit torches 1b6f: 18 clc 1b70: 69 30 adc #‘0’ ;convert to ASCII 1b72: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw it 1b75: 60 rts ; Draw the name of an inventory item. ]tmp .var $13 {addr/1} 1b76: a9 15 :DrawInvItem lda #$15 ;convert counter to noun; we're counting down from 1b78: 38 sec ; $14, so noun is ($15 - counter) 1b79: e5 1a sbc ]counter 1b7b: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;is it a food object ($12-$14)? 1b7d: 30 02 bmi :NotFood ;no, branch 1b7f: a9 12 lda #$12 ;noun=food 1b81: 85 13 :NotFood sta ]tmp 1b83: a5 06 lda char_horiz ;save current text position 1b85: 48 pha 1b86: a5 07 lda char_vert 1b88: 48 pha 1b89: a5 13 lda ]tmp ;get noun 1b8b: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun ;draw it 1b8e: 68 pla 1b8f: 85 07 sta char_vert ;restore vertical position 1b91: e6 07 inc char_vert ;move to next line 1b93: 68 pla 1b94: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;restore horizontal position 1b96: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer 1b99: 4c ee 1a jmp :Not7 ;loop 1b9c: a5 06 :DrawBoxedItem lda char_horiz ;save current text position 1b9e: 48 pha 1b9f: a5 07 lda char_vert 1ba1: 48 pha 1ba2: a9 14 lda #$14 ;"box" 1ba4: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun ;print "box" 1ba7: 68 pla 1ba8: 85 07 sta char_vert ;restore vertical position 1baa: e6 07 inc char_vert ;move down one line 1bac: 68 pla 1bad: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;restore horizontal position 1baf: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer 1bb2: 4c 15 1b jmp :NotInBox ;loop ]ret_count .var $19 {addr/1} ]func_cmd_alt .var $1a {addr/1} 1bb5: 85 1a ChkFunc08 sta ]func_cmd_alt ;save function index 1bb7: c6 1a dec ]func_cmd_alt ;was it 8? 1bb9: d0 2d bne ChkFunc09 ;no, branch ; ; Function $08: count inventory items. ; ; Count is returned in $1a. ; ]counter .var $1a {addr/1} 1bbb: a9 61 lda #>object_status2 ;set pointer to object info 1bbd: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1 1bbf: a9 bb lda #<object_status2 1bc1: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr 1bc3: a9 14 lda #$14 ;count objects up to and including foods 1bc5: 85 1a sta ]counter 1bc7: a9 00 lda #$00 1bc9: 85 19 sta ]ret_count ;init counter 1bcb: a0 00 ldy #$00 1bcd: b1 0e :CountLoop lda (]obj_ptr),y ;get object state 1bcf: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;in inventory? 1bd1: 30 02 bmi :NotInv ;no, branch 1bd3: e6 19 inc ]ret_count ;yes, increment count 1bd5: c8 :NotInv iny ;advance pointer to next entry 1bd6: c8 iny 1bd7: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet? 1bd9: d0 f2 bne :CountLoop ;no, branch ; 1bdb: ad a1 61 lda torch_level ;is a torch lit? 1bde: d0 05 bne :TorchLit ;yes, branch 1be0: ad 98 61 lda num_unlit_torches ;do we have unlit torches? 1be3: f0 02 beq :Return ;no, branch 1be5: e6 19 :TorchLit inc ]ret_count ;add one for lit torch 1be7: 60 :Return rts ]func_cmd_alt .var $1a {addr/1} 1be8: c6 1a ChkFunc09 dec ]func_cmd_alt ;was it 9? 1bea: d0 1a bne ChkFunc0a ;no, branch ; ; Function $09: init player data area, copying $613d-6192 to $6193-61e8. ; ]src_ptr .var $0e {addr/2} ]dst_ptr .var $10 {addr/2} 1bec: a0 55 ldy #$55 ;first 55 bytes are overwritten 1bee: a9 61 lda #>init_game_state ;source pointer 1bf0: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1 1bf2: a9 3d lda #<init_game_state 1bf4: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr 1bf6: a9 93 lda #<plyr_facing ;destination pointer 1bf8: 85 10 sta ]dst_ptr 1bfa: a9 61 lda #>plyr_facing 1bfc: 85 11 sta ]dst_ptr+1 1bfe: b1 0e :Loop lda (]src_ptr),y ;copy 1c00: 91 10 sta (]dst_ptr),y 1c02: 88 dey 1c03: 10 f9 bpl :Loop 1c05: 60 rts 1c06: c6 1a ChkFunc0a dec ]func_cmd_alt 1c08: d0 03 bne ChkFunc0b 1c0a: 4c 0e 1d jmp FindVisBoxes 1c0d: c6 1a ChkFunc0b dec ]func_cmd_alt 1c0f: f0 03 beq FuncFindBox 1c11: 4c af 1c jmp ChkFunc0c ; ; Function $0b: find box in maze at current position. If there's no box on the ; ground, search inventory for a boxed object. ; ; On exit: ; A-reg: object index ; ]player_xy .var $11 {addr/1} ]tmp_floor .var $13 {addr/1} ]counter .var $1a {addr/1} 1c14: ad 95 61 FuncFindBox lda plyr_xpos ;get X position 1c17: 0a asl A ;multiply by 16 1c18: 0a asl A 1c19: 0a asl A 1c1a: 0a asl A 1c1b: 18 clc 1c1c: 6d 96 61 adc plyr_ypos ;add Y position 1c1f: 85 11 sta ]player_xy ;save 1c21: a9 61 lda #>object_status2 ;set pointer one byte into data area 1c23: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1 1c25: a9 bc lda #<object_status2+1 1c27: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr 1c29: a9 17 lda #$17 ;all inventory-able items (including torches) 1c2b: 85 1a sta ]counter ; 1c2d: a0 00 ldy #$00 1c2f: a5 11 lda ]player_xy 1c31: d1 0e :SearchLoop cmp (]src_ptr),y ;does object X/Y position match? 1c33: f0 49 beq :MatchXY ;yes, branch 1c35: c8 :SearchLoop1 iny ;no, advance pointer 1c36: c8 iny 1c37: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet? 1c39: d0 f6 bne :SearchLoop ;no, loop ; Nothing found on ground. 1c3b: a9 61 lda #>object_status2 ;reset pointer 1c3d: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1 1c3f: a9 bb lda #<object_status2 1c41: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr 1c43: a9 10 lda #$10 ;only consider first $10 objects, so we don't find 1c45: 85 1a sta ]counter ; the snake ($11) 1c47: a9 06 lda #$06 1c49: a0 00 ldy #$00 1c4b: d1 0e :InvLoop cmp (]src_ptr),y ;is item held and boxed? 1c4d: f0 45 beq :FoundMatch ;yes, branch 1c4f: c8 iny ;no, advance pointer 1c50: c8 iny 1c51: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet? 1c53: d0 f6 bne :InvLoop ;no, loop ; Do it again, but only looking at food and torches. 1c55: a9 61 lda #>food_torch_loc ;reset pointer 1c57: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1 1c59: a9 dd lda #<food_torch_loc 1c5b: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr 1c5d: a9 06 lda #$06 1c5f: 85 1a sta ]counter ;3 food, 3 torches 1c61: a0 00 ldy #$00 1c63: d1 0e :FoodTorchLoop cmp (]src_ptr),y ;is item held and boxed? 1c65: f0 2d beq :FoundMatch ;yes, branch 1c67: c8 iny ;no, advance pointer 1c68: c8 iny 1c69: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet? 1c6b: d0 f6 bne :FoodTorchLoop ;no, loop ; Finally, open the box with the snake if we have it. 1c6d: a2 61 ldx #>snake_obj_loc ;set pointer to the snake object entry 1c6f: 86 0f stx ]src_ptr+1 1c71: a2 db ldx #<snake_obj_loc 1c73: 86 0e stx ]src_ptr 1c75: a0 00 ldy #$00 1c77: d1 0e cmp (]src_ptr),y ;is item held and boxed? 1c79: f0 19 beq :FoundMatch ;yes, branch 1c7b: a9 00 lda #$00 ;nothing found, return zero 1c7d: 60 rts ; X/Y matched for box on floor, check floor number. 1c7e: c6 0e :MatchXY dec ]src_ptr ;back pointer up to floor/state value 1c80: b1 0e lda (]src_ptr),y ;get floor number 1c82: 85 13 sta ]tmp_floor ;save it 1c84: e6 0e inc ]src_ptr ;change pointer back 1c86: 88 dey ;and decrement Y-reg by one 1c87: a5 13 lda ]tmp_floor ;see if floor matches 1c89: cd 94 61 cmp plyr_floor 1c8c: f0 06 beq :FoundMatch ;it does, we have a winner; branch 1c8e: c8 iny ;restore Y-reg to previous value 1c8f: a5 11 lda ]player_xy ;restore A-reg to value we're comparing against 1c91: 4c 35 1c jmp :SearchLoop1 ;keep looking ; Found a matching object. Get the object's index. 1c94: 18 :FoundMatch clc 1c95: 98 tya 1c96: 10 02 bpl :IsPos ;if we went negative, 1c98: a9 00 lda #$00 ; clamp to zero 1c9a: 65 0e :IsPos adc ]src_ptr ;add Y index to pointer 1c9c: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr 1c9e: a9 00 lda #$00 1ca0: 65 0f adc ]src_ptr+1 1ca2: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1 1ca4: 38 sec 1ca5: a5 0e lda ]src_ptr 1ca7: e9 bb sbc #<object_status2 ;subtract base address to get... index 1ca9: 18 clc ;(equivalent to TYA without the DEY) 1caa: 6a ror A ;halve it and add one 1cab: 18 clc 1cac: 69 01 adc #$01 1cae: 60 rts ;return index of matching item in A-reg 1caf: c6 1a ChkFunc0c dec ]counter 1cb1: d0 35 bne ChkFunc0d ; ; Function $0c: find food in inventory. ; ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} ]desired_state .var $10 {addr/1} ]item_counter .var $11 {addr/1} ]obj_state .var $1a {addr/1} 1cb3: a9 03 lda #3 ;3 instances of food 1cb5: 85 11 sta ]item_counter 1cb7: a9 08 lda #$08 ;wanted: in inventory, unboxed 1cb9: 85 10 sta ]desired_state 1cbb: a9 06 lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 1cbd: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 1cbf: a9 12 lda #$12 ;foods ($12-14) 1cc1: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;...fall through... ; Iterate through inventory, looking for matching item. The function index ; should be $06 (get object info). 1cc3: a5 0f FindConsumable lda ]func_cmd ;save a copy of func index/arg 1cc5: 48 pha 1cc6: a5 0e lda ]func_arg 1cc8: 48 pha 1cc9: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object info 1ccc: a5 10 lda ]desired_state 1cce: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;is it where we want it? 1cd0: f0 0f beq :GotIt ;yes, branch 1cd2: 68 pla ;restore func index/arg values 1cd3: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 1cd5: 68 pla 1cd6: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 1cd8: e6 0e inc ]func_arg ;try next food/torch 1cda: c6 11 dec ]item_counter ;done yet? 1cdc: d0 e5 bne FindConsumable ;no, branch 1cde: a9 00 lda #$00 ;not found 1ce0: 60 rts 1ce1: 68 :GotIt pla ;get object ID 1ce2: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;stash it 1ce4: 68 pla ;pull thing we don't need 1ce5: a5 0e lda ]func_arg ;get object ID 1ce7: 60 rts ;return in A-reg 1ce8: c6 1a ChkFunc0d dec ]obj_state 1cea: d0 0a bne ChkFunc0e ; ; Function $0d: find lit torch in inventory ; 1cec: a9 03 lda #3 ;3 items 1cee: 85 11 sta ]item_counter 1cf0: a9 07 lda #$07 ;in inventory, activated 1cf2: 85 10 sta ]desired_state 1cf4: d0 0c bne :FindTorch ;(always) 1cf6: c6 1a ChkFunc0e dec ]obj_state 1cf8: d0 13 bne :Return ;invalid function index, bail ; ; Function $0e: find unlit torch in inventory. ; 1cfa: a9 03 lda #3 ;3 items 1cfc: 85 11 sta ]item_counter 1cfe: a9 08 lda #$08 ;in inventory 1d00: 85 10 sta ]desired_state 1d02: a9 06 :FindTorch lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 1d04: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 1d06: a9 15 lda #$15 ;torches ($15-17) 1d08: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 1d0a: 20 c3 1c jsr FindConsumable ;jump to common code 1d0d: 60 :Return rts ; ; Function $0a: find all visible boxes (i.e. in the 4 cells directly in front of ; player). ; ; Sets $619b to a bit mask identifying which cells have boxes. ; • Clear variables ]flag_accum .var $0e {addr/1} ]max_dist .var $0f {addr/1} ]player_y .var $10 {addr/1} ]player_x .var $11 {addr/1} ]player_flr .var $19 {addr/1} ]num_cells .var $1a {addr/1} 1d0e: ad 9a 61 FindVisBoxes lda maze_walls_rt ;get wall data 1d11: 29 e0 and #%11100000 ;just want dist to facing wall 1d13: 4a lsr A ;right-shift 5x 1d14: 4a lsr A 1d15: 4a lsr A 1d16: 4a lsr A 1d17: 4a lsr A ;now 0-5 1d18: f0 1b beq :NoseToWall ;if we're right up against wall, no boxes are vis 1d1a: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;is far wall at "infinity"? 1d1c: d0 03 bne :NotInf ;no, branch 1d1e: 38 sec 1d1f: e9 01 sbc #$01 ;reduce to 4 1d21: 85 1a :NotInf sta ]num_cells ;save as number of cells to scan 1d23: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;get local copies of X/Y/floor in ZP 1d26: 85 11 sta ]player_x 1d28: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos 1d2b: 85 10 sta ]player_y 1d2d: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor 1d30: 85 19 sta ]player_flr 1d32: 4c 3b 1d jmp :DoFind 1d35: a9 00 :NoseToWall lda #$00 1d37: 8d 9b 61 sta vis_box_flags ;no boxes visible 1d3a: 60 rts 1d3b: a5 1a :DoFind lda ]num_cells 1d3d: 85 0f sta ]max_dist 1d3f: a9 00 lda #$00 1d41: 85 0e sta ]flag_accum ;box flags initially zero 1d43: ad 93 61 :CellLoop lda plyr_facing ;get facing (1=W 2=N 3=E 4=S) 1d46: 20 c7 1d jsr :MoveOne 1d49: 20 69 1d jsr :FindBox 1d4c: c6 1a dec ]num_cells ;done yet? 1d4e: f0 05 beq :Finish ;yes, bail 1d50: 46 0e lsr ]flag_accum ;no, shift flag result 1d52: 4c 43 1d jmp :CellLoop ;next cell 1d55: a9 04 :Finish lda #$04 ;compute (4 - max dist) 1d57: 38 sec 1d58: e5 0f sbc ]max_dist 1d5a: f0 07 beq :WasDist4 ;was 4, don't shift it down 1d5c: 46 0e :AlignLoop lsr ]flag_accum ;shift down so dist=1 is in low bit 1d5e: 38 sec 1d5f: e9 01 sbc #$01 1d61: d0 f9 bne :AlignLoop 1d63: a5 0e :WasDist4 lda ]flag_accum ;copy result out 1d65: 8d 9b 61 sta vis_box_flags 1d68: 60 rts ; ; Look for a box at the current X/Y position. ; 1d69: 48 :FindBox pha ;push most of the ZP values onto the stack 1d6a: a5 11 lda ]player_x 1d6c: 48 pha 1d6d: a5 10 lda ]player_y 1d6f: 48 pha 1d70: a5 0f lda ]max_dist 1d72: 48 pha 1d73: a5 0e lda ]flag_accum 1d75: 48 pha 1d76: a5 11 lda ]player_x ;combine player's X and Y position 1d78: 0a asl A 1d79: 0a asl A 1d7a: 0a asl A 1d7b: 0a asl A 1d7c: 18 clc 1d7d: 65 10 adc ]player_y 1d7f: 48 pha ;...and push that too ]obj_ptr .var $0e {addr/2} ]xy_tmp .var $10 {addr/1} ]counter .var $11 {addr/1} 1d80: a9 61 lda #>object_status2 ;set pointer to object data + 1 1d82: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1 ;(trampling our own ZP state) 1d84: a9 bc lda #<object_status2+1 1d86: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr 1d88: a9 17 lda #$17 ;check all inventory-able objects 1d8a: 85 11 sta ]counter 1d8c: 68 pla ;get the combined X/Y position 1d8d: a0 00 ldy #$00 1d8f: d1 0e :FindLoop cmp (]obj_ptr),y ;does it match? 1d91: f0 14 beq :MatchXY ;yes, branch 1d93: c8 :FindLoop2 iny ;advance pointer 1d94: c8 iny 1d95: c6 11 dec ]counter ;done yet? 1d97: d0 f6 bne :FindLoop ;no, loop 1d99: 68 pla 1d9a: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr 1d9c: 68 pla 1d9d: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1 1d9f: 68 :FindLoopEnd pla ;restore $10/$11 1da0: 85 10 sta ]xy_tmp 1da2: 68 pla 1da3: 85 11 sta ]counter 1da5: 68 pla 1da6: 60 rts 1da7: 85 10 :MatchXY sta ]xy_tmp ;save combined X/Y 1da9: c6 0e dec ]obj_ptr ;decrement pointer (low byte only!) 1dab: b1 0e lda (]obj_ptr),y ;get floor 1dad: e6 0e inc ]obj_ptr ;increment pointer back where it was 1daf: c5 19 cmp ]player_flr ;does the floor match? 1db1: f0 05 beq :MatchAll ;yes, branch 1db3: a5 10 lda ]xy_tmp ;restore combined X/Y value 1db5: 4c 93 1d jmp :FindLoop2 ;loop ]flag_accum .var $0e {addr/1} ]max_dist .var $0f {addr/1} 1db8: 68 :MatchAll pla ;restore ZP values 1db9: 85 0e sta ]flag_accum 1dbb: 68 pla 1dbc: 85 0f sta ]max_dist 1dbe: a5 0e lda ]flag_accum 1dc0: 18 clc 1dc1: 69 08 adc #%00001000 ;set flag in bit 4 1dc3: 85 0e sta ]flag_accum 1dc5: d0 d8 bne :FindLoopEnd ;(always) ; ; Update X/Y based on player facing. ; ]player_y .var $10 {addr/1} ]player_x .var $11 {addr/1} 1dc7: c9 01 :MoveOne cmp #$01 ;west? 1dc9: f0 0b beq :MoveWest 1dcb: c9 02 cmp #$02 1dcd: f0 0a beq :MoveNorth 1dcf: c9 03 cmp #$03 1dd1: f0 09 beq :MoveEast 1dd3: c6 10 dec ]player_y 1dd5: 60 rts 1dd6: c6 11 :MoveWest dec ]player_x 1dd8: 60 rts 1dd9: e6 10 :MoveNorth inc ]player_y 1ddb: 60 rts 1ddc: e6 11 :MoveEast inc ]player_x 1dde: 60 rts ; ; Finds a maze feature (such as a pit in the floor) visible from this position ; and facing. ; ; (Drawn below, at $1e5a.) ; ; On exit: ; $0e: feature distance (0-4) ; $0f: feature index (1-10) ; ; If nothing was found, both values will be zero. ; • Clear variables ]data_ptr .var $0e {addr/2} ]xy_posn .var $10 {addr/1} ]facing_floor .var $11 {addr/1} ]counter .var $19 {addr/1} 1ddf: ad 93 61 FindFeature lda plyr_facing ;get facing (1-4) 1de2: 0a asl A ;shift into high nibble 1de3: 0a asl A 1de4: 0a asl A 1de5: 0a asl A 1de6: 18 clc ;(could ORA here) 1de7: 6d 94 61 adc plyr_floor ;merge with floor 1dea: 85 11 sta ]facing_floor ;save it 1dec: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;get X position 1def: 0a asl A ;shift into high nibble 1df0: 0a asl A 1df1: 0a asl A 1df2: 0a asl A 1df3: 18 clc ;(could ORA here too) 1df4: 6d 96 61 adc plyr_ypos ;merge with Y position 1df7: 85 10 sta ]xy_posn ;save it ; 1df9: a9 60 lda #>maze_features ;init pointer to maze features table 1dfb: 85 0f sta ]data_ptr+1 1dfd: a9 a5 lda #<maze_features 1dff: 85 0e sta ]data_ptr 1e01: a9 26 lda #38 ;#of features in the list 1e03: 85 19 sta ]counter 1e05: a0 00 ldy #$00 1e07: a5 11 lda ]facing_floor ;get facing+floor 1e09: d1 0e :Loop cmp (]data_ptr),y ;match? 1e0b: f0 0f beq :FacFlrMatch ;yes, branch 1e0d: c8 iny ;move on to next entry 1e0e: c8 :RejoinLoop iny 1e0f: c8 iny 1e10: c8 iny 1e11: c6 19 dec ]counter ;done yet? 1e13: d0 f4 bne :Loop ;no loop 1e15: a9 00 lda #$00 1e17: 85 0f sta ]data_ptr+1 ;no match found, return zeroes 1e19: 85 0e sta ]data_ptr 1e1b: 60 rts ; Got match on facing and floor, check X/Y position. 1e1c: a5 10 :FacFlrMatch lda ]xy_posn ;get X/Y position 1e1e: c8 iny 1e1f: d1 0e cmp (]data_ptr),y ;match? 1e21: f0 04 beq :FullMatch ;yes, branch 1e23: a5 11 lda ]facing_floor ;no, rejoin the loop 1e25: d0 e7 bne :RejoinLoop ;(always) 1e27: c8 :FullMatch iny 1e28: b1 0e lda (]data_ptr),y ;get feature index 1e2a: 85 11 sta ]facing_floor ;save in temp storage 1e2c: c8 iny 1e2d: b1 0e lda (]data_ptr),y ;get feature distance 1e2f: 85 0e sta ]data_ptr ;set return value (overwrites pointer) 1e31: a5 11 lda ]facing_floor ;get feature index 1e33: 85 0f sta ]data_ptr+1 ;set return value 1e35: 60 rts ; ; Character glyph matrix for a full-sized keyhole. ; 1e36: 06 0b 0b 07 full_keyhole .bulk $06,$0b,$0b,$07 1e3a: 0b 0b 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b 1e3e: 0b 0b 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b 1e42: 0b 0b 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b 1e46: 08 0b 0b 09 .bulk $08,$0b,$0b,$09 1e4a: 20 0b 0b 20 .bulk $20,$0b,$0b,$20 1e4e: 20 0b 0b 20 .bulk $20,$0b,$0b,$20 1e52: 0b 0b 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b 1e56: 0b 0b 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b ; ; Draw a visual element, such as a box, keyhole, or elevator. ; ; Elements: ; $01: full-sized (facing) keyhole ; $02: elevator (facing) ; $03: animate elevator walls crushing in ; $04: hole in floor (arg=distance) ; $05: hole in roof (arg=distance) ; $06: 1-4 boxes (arg is copy of box flags from $619b) ; $07: Perfect Square (arg=side/distance) ; $08: elevator on side wall (arg=side/distance) ; $09: 1-4 keyholes on side walls (arg=bit mask) ; $0a: elevator (facing), animating open ; ; On entry: ; $0e: argument (usually position) ; $0f: element index ; • Clear variables ]feat_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]feat_index .var $0f {addr/1} 1e5a: a4 0f DrawFeature ldy ]feat_index ;get index of thing to draw 1e5c: 88 dey ;is it a full-sized keyhole? 1e5d: d0 42 bne ChkDrwElevFac ;no, branch ; ; Feature $01: draw full-size keyhole, facing player. ; ]data_ptr .var $0a {addr/2} ]h_count .var $19 {addr/1} ]v_count .var $1a {addr/1} 1e5f: a9 09 lda #9 1e61: 85 1a sta ]v_count ;9 rows of characters 1e63: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;start in text column 9 1e65: a9 06 lda #6 1e67: 85 07 sta char_vert ;text row 6 1e69: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer 1e6c: a9 1e lda #>full_keyhole ;init pointer to keyhole data 1e6e: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1 1e70: a9 36 lda #<full_keyhole 1e72: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr 1e74: a0 00 ldy #$00 1e76: a9 04 :BlockLoop lda #4 ;4 chars per row 1e78: 85 19 sta ]h_count 1e7a: 98 :RowLoop tya 1e7b: 48 pha ;preserve Y-reg 1e7c: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get character 1e7e: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ;draw it 1e81: 68 pla 1e82: a8 tay ;restore Y-reg 1e83: c8 iny ;advance to next char 1e84: c6 19 dec ]h_count ;done with this row? 1e86: d0 f2 bne :RowLoop ;no, branch 1e88: c6 1a dec ]v_count ;done with all rows? 1e8a: f0 14 beq :Return ;yes, bail 1e8c: 98 tya 1e8d: 48 pha ;preserve Y-reg 1e8e: e6 07 inc char_vert ;advance to next row 1e90: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;move back 4 chars 1e92: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1e94: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1e96: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1e98: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer 1e9b: 68 pla 1e9c: a8 tay ;restore Y-reg 1e9d: 4c 76 1e jmp :BlockLoop ;loop 1ea0: 60 :Return rts 1ea1: 88 ChkDrwElevFac dey 1ea2: d0 77 bne ChkDrwWallsAnim ; ; Feature $02: draw elevator, facing. ; 1ea4: a9 03 lda #3 1ea6: 85 07 sta char_vert 1ea8: a9 05 lda #5 1eaa: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1eac: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 1eae: a0 12 ldy #18 1eb0: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1eb3: a9 03 lda #$03 1eb5: 85 07 sta char_vert 1eb7: a9 0a lda #$0a 1eb9: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1ebb: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 1ebd: a0 12 ldy #18 1ebf: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1ec2: a9 03 lda #3 1ec4: 85 07 sta char_vert 1ec6: a9 10 lda #16 1ec8: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1eca: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 1ecc: a0 12 ldy #$12 1ece: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1ed1: a9 5e lda #$5e ;$5e50+1 = row 167 col 1 1ed3: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1ed5: a9 50 lda #$50 1ed7: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1ed9: a0 14 ldy #20 1edb: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal ;draw bottom line 1ede: a9 05 lda #$05 ;$5d05+1 = row 23 col 6 1ee0: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 1ee2: a9 5d lda #$5d 1ee4: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 1ee6: a0 0a ldy #10 1ee8: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal ;draw line near top ; Draw "elevator" string. 1eeb: a9 07 lda #7 ;set text position 1eed: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1eef: a9 01 lda #1 1ef1: 85 07 sta char_vert 1ef3: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 1ef6: a9 1f lda #>msg_elevator ;get pointer to string 1ef8: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1 1efa: a9 13 lda #<msg_elevator 1efc: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr 1efe: a0 00 ldy #$00 1f00: a9 08 lda #$08 1f02: 85 1a sta ]v_count 1f04: 98 :DrawLoop tya ;preserve Y-reg 1f05: 48 pha 1f06: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y 1f08: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ;draw character 1f0b: 68 pla 1f0c: a8 tay 1f0d: c8 iny 1f0e: c6 1a dec ]v_count 1f10: d0 f2 bne :DrawLoop 1f12: 60 rts 1f13: 45 4c 45 56+ msg_elevator .str ‘ELEVATOR’ 1f1b: 88 ChkDrwWallsAnim dey 1f1c: f0 03 beq FeatWallsCrush 1f1e: 4c 6a 20 jmp ChkDrwPit ; ; Feature $03: animate walls closing in (like trash compactor). ; ; Used when you enter the elevator on the second floor. ; ]counter .var $0c {addr/1} 1f21: a9 06 FeatWallsCrush lda #6 ;6 steps in animation 1f23: 85 0c sta ]counter 1f25: a9 00 :Loop lda #0 1f27: 85 07 sta char_vert 1f29: a9 06 lda #$06 1f2b: 38 sec 1f2c: e5 0c sbc ]counter ;compute (6 - counter) 1f2e: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;use that as horizontal position 1f30: 48 pha 1f31: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 1f33: a0 15 ldy #$15 1f35: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;erase vertical column 1f38: 68 pla 1f39: 48 pha 1f3a: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1f3c: e6 06 inc char_horiz 1f3e: a9 00 lda #$00 1f40: 85 07 sta char_vert 1f42: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 1f44: a0 15 ldy #$15 1f46: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column 1f49: 68 pla 1f4a: 48 pha 1f4b: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1f4d: e6 06 inc char_horiz 1f4f: e6 06 inc char_horiz 1f51: a9 01 lda #1 1f53: 85 07 sta char_vert ;back to top 1f55: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 1f58: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 1f5a: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 1f5d: e6 07 inc char_vert 1f5f: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 1f62: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 1f64: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 1f67: 68 pla 1f68: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1f6a: e6 06 inc char_horiz 1f6c: e6 06 inc char_horiz 1f6e: a9 00 lda #0 1f70: 85 07 sta char_vert 1f72: a0 04 ldy #$04 1f74: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight ;draw perspective edge 1f77: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1f79: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1f7b: a5 06 lda char_horiz 1f7d: 48 pha 1f7e: a5 07 lda char_vert 1f80: 48 pha 1f81: c6 07 dec char_vert 1f83: a9 20 lda #$20 1f85: a0 0f ldy #$0f 1f87: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 1f8a: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1f8c: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 1f8f: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 1f91: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 1f94: e6 07 inc char_vert 1f96: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1f98: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1f9a: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 1f9d: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 1f9f: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 1fa2: 68 pla 1fa3: 85 07 sta char_vert 1fa5: 68 pla 1fa6: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1fa8: e6 06 inc char_horiz 1faa: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 1fac: a0 0d ldy #13 1fae: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column 1fb1: a0 04 ldy #$04 1fb3: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft ;draw perspective edge 1fb6: a9 00 lda #0 1fb8: 85 07 sta char_vert 1fba: a9 10 lda #16 1fbc: 18 clc 1fbd: 65 0c adc ]counter 1fbf: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1fc1: 48 pha 1fc2: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 1fc4: a0 15 ldy #21 1fc6: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;erase column 1fc9: 68 pla 1fca: 48 pha 1fcb: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1fcd: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1fcf: a9 00 lda #$00 1fd1: 85 07 sta char_vert 1fd3: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 1fd5: a0 15 ldy #21 1fd7: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column 1fda: 68 pla 1fdb: 48 pha 1fdc: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1fde: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1fe0: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1fe2: a9 01 lda #1 1fe4: 85 07 sta char_vert 1fe6: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 1fe9: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 1feb: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 1fee: e6 07 inc char_vert 1ff0: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1ff2: c6 06 dec char_horiz 1ff4: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 1ff7: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 1ff9: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 1ffc: 68 pla 1ffd: 85 06 sta char_horiz 1fff: c6 06 dec char_horiz 2001: c6 06 dec char_horiz 2003: a9 00 lda #0 2005: 85 07 sta char_vert 2007: a0 04 ldy #4 2009: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft ;draw perspective edge 200c: e6 06 inc char_horiz 200e: e6 06 inc char_horiz 2010: a5 06 lda char_horiz 2012: 48 pha 2013: a5 07 lda char_vert 2015: 48 pha 2016: c6 07 dec char_vert 2018: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 201a: a0 0f ldy #15 201c: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;erase column 201f: e6 06 inc char_horiz 2021: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 2024: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 2026: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2029: e6 07 inc char_vert 202b: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 202e: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 2030: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2033: 68 pla 2034: 85 07 sta char_vert 2036: 68 pla 2037: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2039: c6 06 dec char_horiz 203b: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 203d: a0 0d ldy #13 203f: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column 2042: a0 04 ldy #4 2044: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight ;draw perspective edge 2047: c6 0c dec ]counter ;are we done yet? 2049: f0 06 beq :Return ;yes, bail 204b: 20 17 26 jsr ShortPause ;pace animation 204e: 4c 25 1f jmp :Loop 2051: 60 :Return rts ; ; Data for drawing a pit in the floor at different distances. Each definition ; takes 12 bytes: 3 bytes each for right edge, left edge, top edge, and bottom ; edge. ; The right/left edges are: ; +$00: horiz char position (0-22) ; +$01: vert char position (0-20) ; +$02: number of chars (1-20) ; The top/bottom edges are: ; +$01-02: hi-res address (big-endian) ; +$03: number of chars (1-20) ; 2052: 11 11 04 05+ pit_data .bulk $11,$11,$04,$05,$11,$04,$40,$d4,$0d,$5e,$50,$15 ;1 space away 205e: 0e 0e 03 08+ .bulk $0e,$0e,$03,$08,$0e,$03,$43,$2f,$07,$5c,$54,$0d ;2 spaces away 206a: 88 ChkDrwPit dey 206b: d0 7a bne ChkDrwRoofHole ; ; Feature $04: draw pit in floor. ; ; Argument: ; $00: one space away ; $01: two spaces away ; ]glyph_ctr .var $19 {addr/1} ]tmp .var $1a {addr/1} 206d: a9 52 lda #<pit_data ;set pointer to pit data 206f: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr 2071: a9 20 lda #>pit_data 2073: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1 2075: a9 02 lda #$02 2077: 85 19 sta ]glyph_ctr ;two lines (left/right) 2079: a5 0e lda ]feat_arg ;check distance 207b: f0 02 beq PitHoleCommon ;zero, branch (note Y-reg=0 here) 207d: a0 0c ldy #12 ;use second half ; ; Common code for drawing a pit in the floor or a hole in the roof. Y-reg ; determines starting offset in table pointed to by $0a-0b. Each entry is 12 ; bytes long, so Y-reg will be 0, 12, or 24. 207f: b1 0a PitHoleCommon lda (]data_ptr),y ;first byte is horizontal position 2081: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2083: c8 iny 2084: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;second byte is vertical position 2086: 85 07 sta char_vert 2088: c8 iny 2089: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;third byte is number of chars to output 208b: c8 iny 208c: 85 1a sta ]tmp ;save height 208e: 98 tya 208f: 48 pha ;save Y-reg 2090: a5 1a lda ]tmp ;get height 2092: a8 tay ;copy to Y-reg (could just "LDY") 2093: a9 02 lda #$02 ;compute glyph value by adding 2 to parameter 2095: 18 clc ;first pass will be vertical/right, second pass 2096: 65 19 adc ]glyph_ctr ; will be vertical/left 2098: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw vertical line of glyphs 209b: 68 pla 209c: a8 tay ;restore Y-reg 209d: c6 19 dec ]glyph_ctr ;decrement counter / glyph adjustment 209f: d0 de bne PitHoleCommon ;loop ; 20a1: a9 02 lda #$02 20a3: 85 19 sta ]glyph_ctr ;reset counter 20a5: b1 0a :HLoop lda (]data_ptr),y ;get high byte of hi-res pointer 20a7: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 20a9: c8 iny 20aa: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get low byte of pointer 20ac: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 20ae: c8 iny 20af: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get width, in character units 20b1: 85 1a sta ]tmp ;save width 20b3: c8 iny 20b4: 98 tya 20b5: 48 pha ;save Y-reg 20b6: a5 1a lda ]tmp ;get width 20b8: a8 tay 20b9: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal ;draw horizontal line 20bc: 68 pla 20bd: a8 tay ;restore Y-reg 20be: c6 19 dec ]glyph_ctr ;decrement counter 20c0: d0 e3 bne :HLoop ;loop if not done 20c2: 60 rts ; ; Data for drawing a hole in the roof. Same format as the pit data, above. 20c3: 11 00 04 05+ roof_hole_data .bulk $11,$00,$04,$05,$00,$04,$40,$00,$15,$42,$04,$0d ;1 space away 20cf: 0e 04 03 08+ .bulk $0e,$04,$03,$08,$04,$03,$42,$04,$0d,$43,$87,$07 ;2 spaces away 20db: 0c 07 02 0a+ .bulk $0c,$07,$02,$0a,$07,$02,$43,$87,$07,$40,$b1,$03 ;3 spaces away 20e7: 88 ChkDrwRoofHole dey 20e8: d0 1d bne ChkDrwBoxes ; ; Feature $05: hole in roof. ; ; Argument (a little wonky): ; $00: 3 spaces away ; $01: 1 space away ; $02: 2 spaces away ; 20ea: a9 c3 lda #<roof_hole_data ;set pointer to the roof hole data 20ec: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr 20ee: a9 20 lda #>roof_hole_data 20f0: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1 20f2: a9 02 lda #$02 20f4: 85 19 sta ]glyph_ctr ;init glyph draw counter 20f6: a4 0e ldy ]feat_arg ;check distance 20f8: f0 08 beq :ThreeSpcAway ;arg is zero, branch 20fa: 88 dey 20fb: f0 82 beq PitHoleCommon ;arg was 1, jump to common code with Y-reg=$00 20fd: a0 0c ldy #12 ;offset for dist=2 20ff: 4c 7f 20 jmp PitHoleCommon 2102: a0 18 :ThreeSpcAway ldy #24 ;offset for dist=3 2104: 4c 7f 20 jmp PitHoleCommon 2107: 88 ChkDrwBoxes dey 2108: f0 03 beq FeatBoxes 210a: 4c 72 22 jmp ChkDrwPrfSq ; ; Feature $06: draw 0-4 visible boxes. ; ; There can be up to four (large, medium, small, tiny) as we look into the ; distance. ; 210d: ad 9b 61 FeatBoxes lda vis_box_flags ;get box visibility flags 2110: 29 08 and #$08 ;is there a tiny box in the distance? 2112: f0 0e beq :ChkSmall ;no, branch 2114: a9 0b lda #11 2116: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2118: 85 07 sta char_vert 211a: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 211d: a9 0c lda #$0c ;tiny box 211f: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw it ; 2122: ad 9b 61 :ChkSmall lda vis_box_flags ;get flags 2125: 29 04 and #$04 ;is there a small box? 2127: f0 34 beq :ChkMedium ;no, branch ; Draw small box. 2129: a9 0a lda #10 212b: 85 06 sta char_horiz 212d: a9 0c lda #12 212f: 85 07 sta char_vert 2131: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 2134: a9 0d lda #$0d ;box top left 2136: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2139: a9 10 lda #$10 ;double horizontal line, middle/bottom 213b: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 213e: a9 0e lda #$0e ;box top right 2140: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2143: a9 0a lda #10 2145: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2147: a9 0d lda #13 2149: 85 07 sta char_vert 214b: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 214e: a9 12 lda #$12 ;left/bottom 'L' 2150: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2153: a9 13 lda #$13 ;horizontal line bottom 2155: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2158: a9 0f lda #$0f ;box bottom right 215a: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ; 215d: ad 9b 61 :ChkMedium lda vis_box_flags ;get flags 2160: 29 02 and #$02 ;is there a medium box? 2162: f0 67 beq :ChkLargeBox ;no, branch ; Draw medium box. 2164: a9 09 lda #9 2166: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2168: a9 0e lda #14 216a: 85 07 sta char_vert 216c: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 216f: a9 0d lda #$0d ;draw top of box 2171: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2174: a9 10 lda #$10 2176: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2179: a9 10 lda #$10 217b: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 217e: a9 10 lda #$10 2180: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2183: a9 0e lda #$0e 2185: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2188: a9 09 lda #9 218a: 85 06 sta char_horiz 218c: a9 0f lda #15 218e: 85 07 sta char_vert 2190: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 2193: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, right edge 2195: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw, move right one 2198: e6 06 inc char_horiz ;move over 3 more 219a: e6 06 inc char_horiz 219c: e6 06 inc char_horiz 219e: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 21a1: a9 11 lda #$11 ;double vertical line, left and middle 21a3: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw and move right 21a6: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;back up left 21a8: e6 07 inc char_vert ;move down 21aa: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 21ad: a9 0f lda #$0f ;bottom right corner of box 21af: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 21b2: a9 09 lda #9 21b4: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;back to left edge 21b6: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 21b9: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 21bb: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 21be: a9 40 lda #$40 ;line 136 + 8 21c0: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 21c2: a9 d8 lda #$d8 21c4: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 21c6: a0 04 ldy #4 ;draw 4 horizontal segments 21c8: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal ; 21cb: ad 9b 61 :ChkLargeBox lda vis_box_flags ;get flags 21ce: 29 01 and #$01 ;is there a large box? 21d0: f0 73 beq :Return ;no, branch 21d2: a9 0e lda #14 21d4: 85 06 sta char_horiz 21d6: a9 11 lda #17 21d8: 85 07 sta char_vert 21da: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 21dd: a9 02 lda #$02 ;diagonal line (slash) 21df: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 21e2: a9 07 lda #7 21e4: 85 06 sta char_horiz 21e6: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 21e9: a0 07 ldy #7 21eb: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 21ee: a9 02 lda #$02 ;diagonal line (slash) 21f0: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 21f3: a9 06 lda #6 21f5: 85 06 sta char_horiz 21f7: a9 12 lda #18 21f9: 85 07 sta char_vert 21fb: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 21fd: a0 03 ldy #3 ;draw 3 of them 21ff: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 2202: a9 0d lda #13 2204: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2206: a9 12 lda #18 2208: 85 07 sta char_vert 220a: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 220c: a0 03 ldy #3 ;draw 3 of them 220e: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 2211: c6 07 dec char_vert 2213: e6 06 inc char_horiz 2215: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 2218: a9 02 lda #$02 221a: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 221d: a9 41 lda #$41 ;line 144 + 6 221f: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 2221: a9 56 lda #$56 2223: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 2225: a0 07 ldy #7 2227: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 222a: a9 0f lda #15 222c: 85 06 sta char_horiz 222e: a9 11 lda #17 2230: 85 07 sta char_vert 2232: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 2234: a8 tay ;draw 3 of them 2235: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 2238: a2 5e ldx #$5e ;line 167 + 6 223a: 86 09 stx char_row_ptr+1 223c: a2 56 ldx #$56 223e: 86 08 stx char_row_ptr 2240: a0 07 ldy #7 2242: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 2245: 60 :Return rts ; Perfect Square graphics data, used when drawing on a side wall. Two chars per ; line, 7 lines high. 2246: 07 20 psq_left_data .bulk $07,$20 2248: 0b 07 .bulk $0b,$07 224a: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b 224c: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b 224e: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b 2250: 0b 09 .bulk $0b,$09 2252: 09 20 .bulk $09,$20 2254: 20 06 psq_right_data .bulk $20,$06 2256: 06 0b .bulk $06,$0b 2258: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b 225a: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b 225c: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b 225e: 08 0b .bulk $08,$0b 2260: 20 08 .bulk $20,$08 2262: 54 48 45 50+ perfect_square .str ‘THEPERFECTSQUARE’ ;written on the wall 2272: 88 ChkDrwPrfSq dey 2273: f0 03 beq FeatPerfectSq 2275: 4c 47 23 jmp ChkDrwElevSide ; ; Feature $07: The Perfect Square. ; ; Argument: ; $01: right side, 1 space away ; $02: facing, 0 spaces away ; $04: left side, 1 space away ; 2278: a5 0e FeatPerfectSq lda ]feat_arg 227a: c9 01 cmp #$01 227c: f0 7a beq :DrawRightWall 227e: c9 04 cmp #$04 2280: d0 03 bne :DrawFacing 2282: 4c 32 23 jmp :DrawLeftWall ; Draw when facing the square directly. The "square" is 7 characters high and 7 ; wide, which fails to take into account that glyphs are 7x8. (Perhaps ; "perfect" is meant ironically?) 2285: a9 08 :DrawFacing lda #8 ;set text position 2287: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2289: 48 pha ;push position on stack 228a: a9 07 lda #7 228c: 85 07 sta char_vert 228e: 48 pha 228f: a9 0b :SquareLoop lda #$0b ;solid block 2291: a0 07 ldy #7 ;(change to 6 to improve squareness) 2293: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column of 7 2296: 68 pla ;reset text position 2297: 85 07 sta char_vert 2299: 68 pla 229a: 85 06 sta char_horiz 229c: e6 06 inc char_horiz ;move over one character 229e: a5 06 lda char_horiz 22a0: c9 0f cmp #15 ;have we reached column 15? 22a2: f0 07 beq :DrawText ;yes, branch to draw text 22a4: 48 pha ;no, push text position 22a5: a5 07 lda char_vert 22a7: 48 pha 22a8: 4c 8f 22 jmp :SquareLoop ;loop ; Draw "the perfect square" text on the wall. ]counter .var $1a {addr/1} 22ab: a9 62 :DrawText lda #<perfect_square ;get pointer to data 22ad: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr 22af: a9 22 lda #>perfect_square 22b1: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1 22b3: a9 0a lda #10 ;set text position 22b5: 85 06 sta char_horiz 22b7: a9 04 lda #4 22b9: 85 07 sta char_vert 22bb: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res addr 22be: a9 03 lda #3 ;"the" = 3 chars 22c0: 85 1a sta ]counter ;set counter 22c2: 20 e6 22 jsr :DrawLoop ;draw it 22c5: a9 08 lda #8 ;set position for next line 22c7: 85 06 sta char_horiz 22c9: a9 05 lda #5 22cb: 85 07 sta char_vert 22cd: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 22d0: a9 07 lda #7 ;"perfect" = 7 chars 22d2: 85 1a sta ]counter 22d4: 20 e6 22 jsr :DrawLoop ;draw it 22d7: a9 09 lda #9 22d9: 85 06 sta char_horiz 22db: a9 06 lda #6 22dd: 85 07 sta char_vert 22df: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 22e2: a9 06 lda #6 ;"square" = 6 chars 22e4: 85 1a sta ]counter ;set counter and fall through ; 22e6: a0 00 :DrawLoop ldy #$00 22e8: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get char 22ea: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it 22ed: e6 0a inc ]data_ptr ;advance pointer 22ef: d0 02 bne :NoInc 22f1: e6 0b inc ]data_ptr+1 22f3: c6 1a :NoInc dec ]counter ;decrement counter 22f5: d0 ef bne :DrawLoop ;loop if not done 22f7: 60 rts 22f8: a9 54 :DrawRightWall lda #<psq_right_data ;set up data for right side 22fa: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr 22fc: a9 22 lda #>psq_right_data 22fe: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1 2300: a9 13 lda #19 ;set text position 2302: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2304: a9 07 lda #7 2306: 85 07 sta char_vert 2308: 85 1a sta ]counter ;init counter ; 230a: 20 ef 11 :DrawArray jsr SetRowPtr 230d: a0 00 ldy #$00 230f: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get character 2311: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it 2314: e6 0a inc ]data_ptr ;advance pointer 2316: d0 02 bne :NoInc1 2318: e6 0b inc ]data_ptr+1 231a: a0 00 :NoInc1 ldy #$00 231c: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get character 231e: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it 2321: e6 0a inc ]data_ptr ;advance pointer 2323: d0 02 bne :NoInc2 2325: e6 0b inc ]data_ptr+1 2327: e6 07 :NoInc2 inc char_vert ;move down one line 2329: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;back up two 232b: c6 06 dec char_horiz 232d: c6 1a dec ]counter ;are we done? 232f: d0 d9 bne :DrawArray ;not yet, loop 2331: 60 rts 2332: a9 46 :DrawLeftWall lda #<psq_left_data ;set up data for left side 2334: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr 2336: a9 22 lda #>psq_left_data 2338: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1 233a: a9 02 lda #2 ;set text position 233c: 85 06 sta char_horiz 233e: a9 07 lda #7 2340: 85 07 sta char_vert 2342: 85 1a sta ]counter ;init counter 2344: 4c 0a 23 jmp :DrawArray 2347: 88 ChkDrwElevSide dey 2348: f0 03 beq FeatElevSide 234a: 4c 10 24 jmp ChkDrwKeyholes ; ; Feature $08: draw elevator on left or right wall. ; ; Argument: ; $01: right side, 2 spaces away ; $02: right side, 1 space away ; $04: left side, 1 space away ; 234d: a5 0e FeatElevSide lda ]feat_arg 234f: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;on left side? 2351: d0 03 bne :DrawRight 2353: 4c dd 23 jmp :DrawLeftNear 2356: c9 02 :DrawRight cmp #$02 2358: f0 4e beq :DrawRightNear ; Draw on right side, two steps away. 235a: a9 10 lda #16 235c: 85 06 sta char_horiz 235e: a9 08 lda #8 2360: 85 07 sta char_vert 2362: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 2365: a9 14 lda #$14 ;angled elevator top piece 2367: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 236a: e6 07 inc char_vert 236c: c6 06 dec char_horiz 236e: c6 06 dec char_horiz 2370: a9 0a lda #$0a ;double vertical line 2372: a0 05 ldy #5 2374: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 2377: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 237a: a9 17 lda #$17 ;angled elevator bottom piece 237c: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 237f: e6 07 inc char_vert 2381: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 2384: a9 15 lda #$15 ;angled elevator bottom piece 2386: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2389: a9 10 lda #16 238b: 85 06 sta char_horiz 238d: a9 09 lda #9 238f: 85 07 sta char_vert 2391: a9 16 lda #$16 ;vertical line, middle 2393: a0 06 ldy #6 2395: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 2398: a9 11 lda #17 239a: 85 06 sta char_horiz 239c: a9 08 lda #8 239e: 85 07 sta char_vert 23a0: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 23a2: a0 08 ldy #$08 23a4: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 23a7: 60 rts 23a8: a9 14 :DrawRightNear lda #20 23aa: 85 06 sta char_horiz 23ac: a9 04 lda #4 23ae: 85 07 sta char_vert 23b0: a0 02 ldy #2 23b2: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft 23b5: e6 06 inc char_horiz 23b7: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 23b9: a0 0c ldy #12 23bb: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 23be: a9 14 lda #20 23c0: 85 06 sta char_horiz 23c2: a9 05 lda #5 23c4: 85 07 sta char_vert 23c6: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 23c8: a0 0e ldy #14 23ca: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 23cd: a9 15 lda #$15 ;angled elevator bottom piece 23cf: 85 06 sta char_horiz 23d1: a9 04 lda #4 23d3: 85 07 sta char_vert 23d5: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge 23d7: a0 10 ldy #16 23d9: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 23dc: 60 rts 23dd: a9 02 :DrawLeftNear lda #2 23df: 85 06 sta char_horiz 23e1: a9 04 lda #4 23e3: 85 07 sta char_vert 23e5: a0 02 ldy #2 23e7: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight 23ea: c6 06 dec char_horiz 23ec: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 23ee: a0 0c ldy #12 23f0: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 23f3: a9 02 lda #2 23f5: 85 06 sta char_horiz 23f7: a9 05 lda #5 23f9: 85 07 sta char_vert 23fb: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 23fd: a0 0e ldy #14 23ff: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 2402: a9 01 lda #1 2404: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2406: a9 04 lda #4 ;(also used as char value) 2408: 85 07 sta char_vert 240a: a0 10 ldy #16 240c: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 240f: 60 rts 2410: 88 ChkDrwKeyholes dey 2411: f0 03 beq FeatKeyholes 2413: 4c 4c 25 jmp ElevOpenAnim ; ; Feature $09: draw 1-4 keyholes on the left or right side of the hall. ; ; Argument is a bit mask with 4 bits for left side and 4 for right, with lower ; bits for nearer cells. Four keyholes on left is $f0, four on right is $0f, ; and if you stand at (10,10) and look west you can see a blank wall followed by ; 3 keyholes on the left (arg=$0e). ; 2416: a5 0e FeatKeyholes lda ]feat_arg 2418: 29 0f and #$0f 241a: f0 33 beq :DrawKHOnLeft ; Draw keyholes on right-side walls. 241c: 29 08 and #$08 ;need tiny? 241e: f0 07 beq :ChkSmall ;no, branch 2420: a9 0c lda #12 2422: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2424: 20 3f 25 jsr DrawTinyKeyhole ;draw tiny 2427: a5 0e :ChkSmall lda ]feat_arg 2429: 29 04 and #$04 ;need small? 242b: f0 07 beq :ChkMedium ;no, branch 242d: a9 0d lda #13 242f: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2431: 20 2d 25 jsr DrawSmallKeyhole ;draw small 2434: a5 0e :ChkMedium lda ]feat_arg 2436: 29 02 and #$02 ;need medium? 2438: f0 07 beq :IsLarge ;no, branch 243a: a9 0f lda #15 243c: 85 06 sta char_horiz 243e: 20 e2 24 jsr DrawMediumKeyhole ;draw medium 2441: a5 0e :IsLarge lda ]feat_arg 2443: 29 01 and #$01 ;need large? 2445: f0 07 beq :Return ;no, branch 2447: a9 13 lda #19 2449: 85 06 sta char_horiz 244b: 20 84 24 jsr DrawLargeKeyhole ;draw large 244e: 60 :Return rts ; Draw keyholes on left-side walls. 244f: a5 0e :DrawKHOnLeft lda ]feat_arg 2451: 29 10 and #$10 ;need large? 2453: f0 07 beq :ChkMedium ;no, branch 2455: a9 02 lda #2 2457: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2459: 20 84 24 jsr DrawLargeKeyhole ;draw large 245c: a5 0e :ChkMedium lda ]feat_arg 245e: 29 20 and #$20 ;need medium? 2460: f0 07 beq :ChkSmall ;no, branch 2462: a9 05 lda #5 2464: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2466: 20 e2 24 jsr DrawMediumKeyhole ;draw medium 2469: a5 0e :ChkSmall lda ]feat_arg 246b: 29 40 and #$40 ;need small? 246d: f0 07 beq :ChkTiny ;no, branch 246f: a9 08 lda #8 2471: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2473: 20 2d 25 jsr DrawSmallKeyhole ;draw small 2476: a5 0e :ChkTiny lda ]feat_arg 2478: 29 80 and #$80 ;need tiny? 247a: f0 07 beq :Return ;no, branch 247c: a9 0a lda #10 247e: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2480: 20 3f 25 jsr DrawTinyKeyhole ;draw tiny 2483: 60 :Return rts DrawLargeKeyhole 2484: a9 08 lda #8 2486: 85 07 sta char_vert 2488: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 248b: a9 7c lda #$7c ;keyhole top left 248d: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2490: a9 7d lda #$7d ;keyhole top right 2492: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2495: e6 07 inc char_vert 2497: c6 06 dec char_horiz 2499: c6 06 dec char_horiz 249b: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 249e: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block 24a0: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 24a3: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block 24a5: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 24a8: e6 07 inc char_vert 24aa: c6 06 dec char_horiz 24ac: c6 06 dec char_horiz 24ae: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 24b1: a9 7e lda #$7e ;keyhole mid bottom left 24b3: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 24b6: a9 7f lda #$7f ;keyhole mid bottom right 24b8: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 24bb: e6 07 inc char_vert 24bd: c6 06 dec char_horiz 24bf: c6 06 dec char_horiz 24c1: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 24c4: a9 1f lda #$1f ;keyhole bottom top left 24c6: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 24c9: a9 7b lda #$7b ;keyhole bottom top right 24cb: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 24ce: e6 07 inc char_vert 24d0: c6 06 dec char_horiz 24d2: c6 06 dec char_horiz 24d4: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 24d7: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block 24d9: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 24dc: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block 24de: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 24e1: 60 rts DrawMediumKeyhole 24e2: a9 09 lda #9 24e4: 85 07 sta char_vert 24e6: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 24e9: a9 1e lda #$1e ;top left part 24eb: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph 24ee: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block 24f0: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 24f3: a9 1d lda #$1d ;top right part 24f5: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 24f8: e6 07 inc char_vert 24fa: c6 06 dec char_horiz 24fc: c6 06 dec char_horiz 24fe: c6 06 dec char_horiz 2500: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 2503: a9 5f lda #$5f ;mid-bottom left part 2505: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph 2508: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block 250a: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 250d: a9 60 lda #$60 ;mid-bottom right part 250f: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph 2512: e6 07 inc char_vert 2514: c6 06 dec char_horiz 2516: c6 06 dec char_horiz 2518: c6 06 dec char_horiz 251a: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 251d: a9 1c lda #$1c ;bottom left part (half block) 251f: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2522: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block 2524: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2527: a9 1b lda #$1b ;bottom right part (half block) 2529: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 252c: 60 rts DrawSmallKeyhole 252d: a9 0a lda #10 252f: 85 07 sta char_vert 2531: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 2534: a9 19 lda #$19 ;small keyhole, left 2536: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2539: a9 1a lda #$1a ;small keyhole, right 253b: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 253e: 60 rts 253f: a9 0a DrawTinyKeyhole lda #10 2541: 85 07 sta char_vert 2543: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 2546: a9 18 lda #$18 ;tiny keyhole 2548: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 254b: 60 rts ; ; Feature $0a: show animated elevator opening ; • Clear variables ]left_posn .var $0c {addr/1} ]width .var $10 {addr/1} ]counter .var $11 {addr/1} ]right_posn .var $19 {addr/1} 254c: a9 0a ElevOpenAnim lda #10 ;set text position 254e: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2550: a9 03 lda #3 ;(also glyph: $03 vertical line, left edge) 2552: 85 07 sta char_vert 2554: a0 12 ldy #18 2556: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column 2559: a9 0b lda #11 255b: 85 06 sta char_horiz 255d: a9 03 lda #3 255f: 85 07 sta char_vert 2561: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 2563: a0 12 ldy #18 2565: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown 2568: a9 40 lda #$40 ;$40d9+1 = row 136 col 10 256a: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1 256c: a9 d9 lda #$d9 256e: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr 2570: a0 02 ldy #$02 2572: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal 2575: a9 0a lda #10 2577: 85 0c sta ]left_posn 2579: a9 0b lda #11 257b: 85 19 sta ]right_posn 257d: a9 04 lda #4 257f: 85 11 sta ]counter ;4 steps 2581: a9 02 lda #2 2583: 85 10 sta ]width ;initial door separation 2585: 20 17 26 :Loop jsr ShortPause ; Erase left/right verticals. 2588: a5 0c lda ]left_posn ;erase left edge 258a: 85 06 sta char_horiz 258c: a9 03 lda #3 258e: 85 07 sta char_vert 2590: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 2592: a0 12 ldy #18 2594: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;erase column 2597: a5 19 lda ]right_posn 2599: 85 06 sta char_horiz 259b: a9 03 lda #3 259d: 85 07 sta char_vert 259f: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space 25a1: a0 12 ldy #18 25a3: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;erase column ; Advance left/right edges and draw. 25a6: c6 0c dec ]left_posn 25a8: e6 19 inc ]right_posn 25aa: a5 0c lda ]left_posn 25ac: 85 06 sta char_horiz 25ae: a9 03 lda #3 ;(also glyph $03 vertical line, left edge) 25b0: 85 07 sta char_vert 25b2: a0 12 ldy #18 25b4: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column 25b7: a5 19 lda ]right_posn 25b9: 85 06 sta char_horiz 25bb: a9 03 lda #3 25bd: 85 07 sta char_vert 25bf: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge 25c1: a0 12 ldy #18 25c3: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column ; Draw horizontal component. 25c6: a9 11 lda #17 25c8: 85 07 sta char_vert 25ca: c6 0c dec ]left_posn ;back up one 25cc: a5 0c lda ]left_posn ;get value 25ce: e6 0c inc ]left_posn ;restore value 25d0: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;save value (could be LDA/STA/DEC?) 25d2: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 25d5: e6 10 inc ]width ;increase width by 2 25d7: e6 10 inc ]width 25d9: a4 10 ldy ]width ;get width 25db: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal ;draw line 25de: c6 11 dec ]counter ;are we done yet? 25e0: d0 a3 bne :Loop ;no, loop 25e2: 60 rts ; ; Prints a string from the list of nouns. ; ; On entry: ; A-reg: noun index ($01-23) ; • Clear variables ]noun_index .var $13 {addr/1} 25e3: 85 13 PrintNoun sta ]noun_index ;save index 25e5: a9 73 lda #<noun_list ;get pointer to text strings 25e7: 85 0c sta string_ptr 25e9: a9 67 lda #>noun_list 25eb: 85 0d sta string_ptr+1 25ed: a0 00 ldy #$00 25ef: b1 0c :ScanLoop lda (string_ptr),y 25f1: 30 08 bmi :FoundStart ;found start of word, branch 25f3: e6 0c :Loop1 inc string_ptr ;advance pointer 25f5: d0 f8 bne :ScanLoop 25f7: e6 0d inc string_ptr+1 25f9: d0 f4 bne :ScanLoop ;(always) 25fb: c6 13 :FoundStart dec ]noun_index 25fd: d0 f4 bne :Loop1 ;nouns are 2+ letters, so skip next read ; Print noun. 25ff: b1 0c lda (string_ptr),y ;get char 2601: 29 7f and #%01111111 ;strip high bit 2603: 20 92 11 :PrintLoop jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it 2606: e6 0c inc string_ptr ;advance to next char 2608: d0 02 bne :NoInc 260a: e6 0d inc string_ptr+1 260c: a0 00 :NoInc ldy #$00 260e: b1 0c lda (string_ptr),y ;get char 2610: 10 f1 bpl :PrintLoop ;if not start of next word, branch 2612: a9 20 lda #‘ ’ 2614: 4c 92 11 jmp PrintSpecialChar ;print a space ; ; Pause briefly. ; ]counter1 .var $0e {addr/1} ]counter2 .var $0f {addr/1} 2617: a2 28 ShortPause ldx #40 2619: 86 0f stx ]counter2 261b: c6 0e :Loop dec ]counter1 261d: d0 fc bne :Loop 261f: c6 0f dec ]counter2 2621: d0 f8 bne :Loop 2623: 60 rts 2624: 10 ad 09 01+ .junk 28 ; ; Execute parsed input. Does not handle movement commands (see $0949). ; ; Verbs $01-0d are things like "eat" and "drop", operating on inventory objects. ; Verbs $0e-1c are more general, and may apply to object in the inventory or ; environment ("open"), or may not need a noun ("charge"). ; ; Note nouns were adjusted, from word $1d-3f to noun $01-23. Nouns $01-13 are ; names of inventory objects, $14-23 aren't exactly (box, dog, calculator ; buttons, etc). ; ; On entry, the results of parsing the verb and noun are at $619c and $619d. ; • Clear variables ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} ]inv_obj_data .var $11 {addr/1} 2640: ad 9d 61 ExecParsedInput lda parsed_noun ;copy noun/verb to ZP 2643: 85 0e sta ]noun_index 2645: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 2648: 85 0f sta ]verb_index 264a: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;is verb $00-0d (requires inventory-able object)? 264c: 30 03 bmi :InvObjReq ;yes, branch 264e: 4c 1b 2b jmp ChkMoreVerbs ;no, jump to additional handlers 2651: a5 0e :InvObjReq lda ]noun_index 2653: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;is noun a suitable object? 2655: 30 03 bmi :IsInvObj ;yes, branch 2657: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense ;no, complain ; Check to see if the item is in the inventory. If not, print an error message ; and pop this address off the stack. The return value in A-reg is either the ; object state ($07/08) or, for food/torches, the object index ($12-17). 265a: 20 97 0b :IsInvObj jsr CheckInventory ;find object, or error and pop 265d: 85 11 sta ]inv_obj_data ;save state or index 265f: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;copy noun to ZP, again (trashed by inventory check) 2662: 85 0e sta ]noun_index 2664: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb ;copy verb to ZP, again 2667: 85 0f sta ]verb_index 2669: c6 0f dec ]verb_index ;decrement to see if value = 1 266b: d0 3e bne ChkVerbBlow ;no, branch to check next verb ; ; Verb $01: RAISe. ; 266d: a9 0b lda #$0b ;ring? 266f: c5 0e cmp ]noun_index 2671: f0 0f beq :IsRing ;yes, branch 2673: a9 0d lda #$0d ;staff? 2675: c5 0e cmp ]noun_index 2677: f0 05 beq :IsStaff ;yes, branch 2679: a9 1f :HavingFun lda #$1f ;no; "having fun?" 267b: 4c a4 08 :MsgAndReturn jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 267e: a9 73 :IsStaff lda #$73 ;"the staff begins to quake" 2680: d0 f9 bne :MsgAndReturn ;(always) ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} ]inv_obj_state .var $1a {addr/1} 2682: ad 94 61 :IsRing lda plyr_floor ;check what floor we're on 2685: c9 05 cmp #$05 2687: d0 f0 bne :HavingFun ;not five, ring does nothing; branch 2689: a9 07 lda #$07 268b: c5 1a cmp ]inv_obj_state ;already activated? 268d: f0 ea beq :HavingFun ;yes, nothing to do 268f: a9 0b lda #$0b ;ring 2691: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2693: a9 03 lda #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ 2695: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2697: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;activate ring 269a: a9 01 lda #$01 269c: 8d 9e 61 sta illumination_flag ;fiat lux 269f: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze 26a2: a9 71 lda #$71 ;"the ring is activated and" 26a4: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 26a7: a9 72 lda #$72 ;"shines light everywhere" 26a9: d0 d0 bne :MsgAndReturn ;(always) ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 26ab: c6 0f ChkVerbBlow dec ]verb_index 26ad: d0 32 bne ChkVerbBrea ; ; Verb $02: BLOW. ; 26af: a5 0e lda ]noun_index 26b1: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;flute? 26b3: f0 28 beq :BlowFlute ;yes, branch 26b5: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;horn? 26b7: d0 c0 bne :HavingFun ;no, branch 26b9: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor ;get current floor 26bc: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;5th floor? 26be: d0 12 bne :NoSpec ;no, nothing special for the horn to do 26c0: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;check zone 26c3: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;monster mother active? 26c5: d0 0b bne :NoSpec ;no, branch 26c7: a9 08 lda #$08 ;horn 26c9: 85 0e sta ]noun_index 26cb: a9 03 lda #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ 26cd: 85 0f sta ]verb_index 26cf: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc 26d2: a9 7f :NoSpec lda #$7f ;"a deafening roar evelopes" 26d4: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 26d7: a9 80 lda #$80 ;"you. Your ears are ringing" 26d9: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 26dc: 60 rts 26dd: a9 09 :BlowFlute lda #$09 ;PLAY ($0b - 2) 26df: 85 0f sta ]verb_index 26e1: c6 0f ChkVerbBrea dec ]verb_index 26e3: d0 71 bne ChkVerbBurn ; ; Verb $03: BREAk. ; ]zp10 .var $10 {addr/1} ]noun_tmp .var $13 {addr/1} 26e5: a5 0e lda ]noun_index 26e7: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;ring? 26e9: d0 03 bne :NotRing 26eb: 20 1d 28 jsr RingGone ;do special handling 26ee: c9 12 :NotRing cmp #$12 ;food or torch? 26f0: 30 1b bmi :NotFoodTorch ;no, branch 26f2: 85 13 sta ]noun_tmp 26f4: a5 10 lda ]zp10 ;preserve $10/$11 26f6: 48 pha 26f7: a5 11 lda ]inv_obj_data ;get object index 26f9: 48 pha 26fa: a5 13 lda ]noun_tmp ;check the noun 26fc: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch? 26fe: d0 03 bne :NotTorch ;no, branch 2700: 20 23 27 jsr DiscardTorch ;yes, discard a torch ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 2703: 68 :NotTorch pla ;restore $10/$11 2704: 85 11 sta ]inv_obj_data 2706: 68 pla 2707: 85 10 sta ]zp10 2709: a5 11 lda ]inv_obj_data ;get object index 270b: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;pass as argument ; In the common case, $0f has been counted down to zero, so this call will ; delete the object with the matching noun index. For food/torches we need the ; object index, which requires special handling. ; ; For those cases, however, $0f has not been set, so this next call may not ; actually do what is expected. For example, "break torch" while holding an ; unlit torch had $0f=$61. (BUG) 270d: 20 34 1a :NotFoodTorch jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy object 2710: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze 2713: a9 4e lda #$4e ;"you break the" 2715: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2718: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun 271b: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun ;(should be a ' ' before this) 271e: a9 4f lda #$4f ;"and it disappears" 2720: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 ; ; Handles situations where we lose a torch (eat torch, throw torch, etc). Use ; an unlit torch if we have one, otherwise use the lit torch. ; 2723: ad 98 61 DiscardTorch lda num_unlit_torches ;do we have any unlit torches 2726: d0 1b bne :UseUnlit ;yes, branch 2728: ce 97 61 dec num_lit_torches ;decrement lit torches 272b: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor ;check floor 272e: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;are we on the 5th? 2730: f0 10 beq :Return ;yes, torches don't work here; we're done 2732: a9 00 lda #$00 2734: 8d a1 61 sta torch_level ;set light level to zero 2737: 8d 9e 61 sta illumination_flag 273a: 20 88 27 jsr PushSpecialZone 273d: a9 0a lda #$0a ;monster in the dark 273f: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone 2742: 60 :Return rts 2743: ce 98 61 :UseUnlit dec num_unlit_torches ;decrement unlit torches 2746: a9 0e lda #FN_FIND_UNLIT_T 2748: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 274a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find an unlit torch item 274d: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 274f: a9 00 lda #FN_DESTROY_OBJ 2751: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2753: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy it 2756: c6 0f ChkVerbBurn dec ]func_cmd 2758: d0 3f bne ChkVerbEat ; ; Verb $04: BURN. ; 275a: ad 97 61 lda num_lit_torches ;do we have a lit torch? 275d: f0 25 beq :NoneLit ;no, branch 275f: a5 0e lda ]func_arg ;get noun index 2761: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;ring? 2763: d0 03 bne :NotRing ;no, branch 2765: 20 1d 28 jsr RingGone ;yes, destroy ring 2768: c9 12 :NotRing cmp #$12 ;inventory object? 276a: 30 08 bmi :BurnObj ;yes, trash it 276c: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch? 276e: f0 25 beq BurnTorch ;yes, handle with LIGHT 2770: a5 11 lda ]inv_obj_data ;must be food; get object index 2772: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2774: 20 34 1a :BurnObj jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy ($0f holds zero) 2777: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 277a: a9 52 lda #$52 ;"it vanishes in a" 277c: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 277f: a9 53 lda #$53 ;"burst of flames" 2781: 4c a4 08 :PrintMsg jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 2784: a9 88 :NoneLit lda #$88 ;"you have no fire" 2786: d0 f9 bne :PrintMsg ;(always) ; ; Push the special zone stack to make room for a new item. Does not alter the ; current zone. ; 2788: ad a6 61 PushSpecialZone lda special_zone1 278b: 8d a7 61 sta special_zone2 278e: ad a5 61 lda special_zone 2791: 8d a6 61 sta special_zone1 2794: 60 rts ; Change BURN TORCH to LIGHT TORCH. ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 2795: a9 06 BurnTorch lda #$06 ;set verb to LIGH ($0a - 4) 2797: 85 0f sta ]verb_index ; and fall through into verb switch ; 2799: c6 0f ChkVerbEat dec ]verb_index 279b: f0 03 beq HndVerbEat 279d: 4c 39 28 jmp ChkVerbThro ; ; Verb $05: CHEW / EAT. ; 27a0: a5 0e HndVerbEat lda ]noun_index ;get noun index 27a2: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;ring? 27a4: d0 03 bne :EatThing ;no, branch 27a6: 20 1d 28 jsr RingGone ;do special stuff then fall through ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 27a9: c9 12 :EatThing cmp #$12 ;non-food inventory object? 27ab: 30 0a bmi :EatObj ;yes, destroy it 27ad: f0 3c beq :EatFood ;food, handle that 27af: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch? 27b1: f0 26 beq :EatTorch ;yes, go eat a torch (always?) 27b3: a5 11 :EatTorch2 lda ]inv_obj_data ;get torch object index 27b5: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;pass as argument ; $0e holds either the noun index or, for food/torch, the object index. ; $0f holds $00 if we got here for a non-torch object, or a useless value ($61) ; if we jumped here from $27e8 after discarding the torch. (This might be ; considered a bug, but we don't want the function to do anything and $61 does ; nothing... so it's wasting time but it's not incorrect.) 27b7: 20 34 1a :EatObj jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy object ($0f == 0) 27ba: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze 27bd: a9 7d lda #$7d ;"You eat the" 27bf: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 27c2: a9 20 lda #‘ ’ 27c4: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 27c7: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get noun index 27ca: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun ;print the noun 27cd: a9 7e lda #$7e ;"and you get heartburn" 27cf: 20 a4 08 :DrawMsgInv jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 27d2: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV 27d4: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 27d6: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 27d9: a5 10 :EatTorch lda ]zp10 ;if player has 1 lit torch and 0 unlit torches, 27db: 48 pha ; they got a "you will do no such thing" earlier 27dc: a5 11 lda ]inv_obj_data ;preserve $10/$11 27de: 48 pha 27df: 20 23 27 jsr DiscardTorch 27e2: 68 pla 27e3: 85 11 sta ]inv_obj_data ;restore $10/$11 27e5: 68 pla 27e6: 85 10 sta ]zp10 27e8: 4c b3 27 jmp :EatTorch2 ;(torch already destroyed; should JMP $27ba) 27eb: a5 11 :EatFood lda ]inv_obj_data ;get food object index 27ed: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 27ef: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy object ($0f == 0) ]tmp1 .var $0e {addr/2} ]tmp2 .var $19 {addr/2} 27f2: ad 9f 61 lda food_level_hi ;add 170 to food level 27f5: 85 0f sta ]tmp1+1 ; (in a really convoluted way) 27f7: ad a0 61 lda food_level_lo 27fa: 85 0e sta ]tmp1 27fc: a9 aa lda #170 27fe: 85 19 sta ]tmp2 2800: a9 00 lda #0 2802: 85 1a sta ]tmp2+1 ; 2804: 18 clc 2805: a5 19 lda ]tmp2 2807: 65 0e adc ]tmp1 2809: 85 0e sta ]tmp1 280b: a5 1a lda ]tmp2+1 280d: 65 0f adc ]tmp1+1 280f: 85 0f sta ]tmp1+1 2811: 8d 9f 61 sta food_level_hi 2814: a5 0e lda ]tmp1 2816: 8d a0 61 sta food_level_lo 2819: a9 58 lda #$58 ;"the food is being digested" 281b: d0 b2 bne :DrawMsgInv ;(always) ; ; Handle the consequences of losing the ring (e.g. eating it), which may be the ; current source of light. ; ; On exit: ; A-reg: $0b (noun index for "ring") ; 281d: ad 94 61 RingGone lda plyr_floor 2820: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;5th floor? 2822: d0 12 bne :Done ;no, nothing special to do 2824: a9 00 lda #$00 ;yes, remove illumination 2826: 8d 9e 61 sta illumination_flag ;extinguish light 2829: ad ac 61 lda monster2_alive ;is monster's mother still alive? 282c: f0 08 beq :Done ;no, chill 282e: a9 0a lda #$0a ;darkness 2830: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone 2833: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;clear maze from screen 2836: a9 0b :Done lda #$0b ;set A-reg back to "ring" 2838: 60 rts ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 2839: c6 0f ChkVerbThro dec ]verb_index 283b: f0 03 beq HndVerbThro 283d: 4c 3d 29 jmp ChkVerbClim ; ; Verb $06: ROLL / CHUCk / HEAVe / THROw ; 2840: a5 0e HndVerbThro lda ]noun_index ;check the noun index 2842: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;ring? 2844: d0 03 bne :NotRing 2846: 20 1d 28 jsr RingGone ;do special handling for ring, then fall through 2849: c9 06 :NotRing cmp #$06 ;frisbee? 284b: d0 03 bne :NotFrisbee 284d: 4c 12 29 jmp ThrowFrisbee 2850: c9 0f :NotFrisbee cmp #$0f ;wool? 2852: f0 31 beq :ThrowWool 2854: c9 10 cmp #$10 ;yoyo? 2856: f0 61 beq :ThrowYoYo 2858: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;food or torch? 285a: 30 0d bmi :DoSail ;no, do general "sail around corner" handling 285c: f0 68 beq :ThrowFood ;food, branch 285e: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch? 2860: d0 03 bne :NotTorch ;(never taken?) 2862: 20 23 27 jsr DiscardTorch ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 2865: a5 11 :NotTorch lda ]inv_obj_data ;get object index for food or torch 2867: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ; $0e is either the noun index, or the object index for food/torch. ; $0f will be $00 in the common case, or $61 if we discarded a torch. 2869: 20 34 1a :DoSail jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy object ($0f == 0) 286c: 20 d9 28 jsr SailAroundCorner 286f: 20 2f 33 jsr CheckThrowTarget ;see if monster is around (and handle "throw ball") 2872: ea nop ;computes $61ad & $02 2873: ea nop 2874: d0 05 bne :EatThrownObj ;monster is alive, eat it 2876: a9 97 lda #$97 ;no monster... "and it vanishes" 2878: 4c 92 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row22 287b: a9 5c :EatThrownObj lda #$5c ;"and is eaten by" 287d: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2880: a9 5d lda #$5d ;"the monster" 2882: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 2885: ad 94 61 :ThrowWool lda plyr_floor 2888: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;4th floor? 288a: d0 dd bne :DoSail ;no, do nothing special 288c: ad a4 61 lda floor_move_lo ;check number of moves 288f: c9 29 cmp #41 ;41+? 2891: 90 d6 bcc :DoSail ;no, nothing special 2893: 20 88 27 jsr PushSpecialZone 2896: a9 0e lda #$0e 2898: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone ;tangle the monster 289b: a9 0f lda #$0f ;wool 289d: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 289f: a9 00 lda #FN_DESTROY_OBJ 28a1: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 28a3: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy wool 28a6: 20 d9 28 jsr SailAroundCorner 28a9: a9 5e lda #$5e ;"and the monster grabs it," 28ab: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 28ae: a9 5f lda #$5f ;"gets tangled, and topples over" 28b0: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 28b3: a9 00 lda #$00 28b5: 8d b2 61 sta monster1_dist ;set distance to zero 28b8: 60 rts 28b9: 20 d9 28 :ThrowYoYo jsr SailAroundCorner 28bc: a9 6b lda #$6b ;"returns and hits you" 28be: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 28c1: a9 6c lda #$6c ;"in the eye" 28c3: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 28c6: a5 11 :ThrowFood lda ]inv_obj_data ;get food object index 28c8: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 28ca: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;$0f should be zero, so this drops the food 28cd: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV 28cf: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 28d1: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 28d4: a9 81 lda #$81 ;"food fight" 28d6: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 ; ; Tells the player that their thrown object has sailed around a corner. ; SailAroundCorner 28d9: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV 28db: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 28dd: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 28e0: a9 59 lda #$59 ;"the" 28e2: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 28e5: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get noun 28e8: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun ;print it ; It's unclear what this next bit does. $0e-0f was left pointing just past the ; end of the object list ($61e9) by the draw-inventory function. This fiddles ; with the pointer, looks for #$20 in an area that's generally zero, and then ; does nothing with the result. ]inv_ptr .var $0e {addr/2} 28eb: 20 bd 32 jsr Decr0e0f ;decrement pointer 28ee: a9 20 lda #$20 28f0: a0 00 ldy #$00 28f2: d1 0e cmp (]inv_ptr),y 28f4: f0 06 beq :NoInc1 28f6: e6 0e inc ]inv_ptr 28f8: d0 02 bne :NoInc1 28fa: e6 0f inc ]inv_ptr+1 28fc: e6 0e :NoInc1 inc ]inv_ptr 28fe: d0 02 bne :NoInc2 2900: e6 0f inc ]inv_ptr+1 ; 2902: a9 5a :NoInc2 lda #$5a ;"magically sails" 2904: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 2907: a9 5b lda #$5b ;"around a nearby corner" 2909: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 290c: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay ;pause for reading 290f: 4c 5f 10 jmp ClearMessages ;clear text ; Handle flung frisbee. 2912: ad ad 61 ThrowFrisbee lda monster1_alive 2915: 29 02 and #$02 ;is monster alive? 2917: d0 03 bne :MonsterFrisbee ;yes, play catch 2919: 4c 69 28 jmp :DoSail ;no, just destroy frisbee ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 291c: a9 06 :MonsterFrisbee lda #$06 ;frisbee 291e: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2920: a9 00 lda #FN_DESTROY_OBJ 2922: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2924: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy frisbee 2927: 20 d9 28 jsr SailAroundCorner 292a: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 292d: a9 3f lda #$3f ;"the monster grabs the frisbee, throws" 292f: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2932: a9 40 lda #$40 ;"it back, and saws your head off" 2934: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 2937: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 293a: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;bye ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 293d: c6 0f ChkVerbClim dec ]verb_index 293f: d0 03 bne ChkVerbDrop ; ; Verb $07: CLIMb ; 2941: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense ;climb only makes sense in special zone (snake) 2944: c6 0f ChkVerbDrop dec ]verb_index 2946: d0 7f bne ChkVerbFill ; ; Verb $08: DROP / LEAVe / PUT ; ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} ]inv_ret_val .var $1a {addr/1} 2948: 20 74 32 jsr SwapZPValues ;preserve ZP values 294b: a9 0b lda #FN_OBJ_HERE 294d: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 294f: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object index of item at this location 2952: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;did we find anything? 2954: f0 17 beq :SpaceAvail ;no, we're free to drop; branch 2956: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;store object index 2958: a9 06 lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 295a: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 295c: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info for object on ground 295f: a5 1a lda ]inv_ret_val 2961: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;is object on ground also in inventory? (how?) 2963: b0 08 bcs :SpaceAvail ;yes, keep going 2965: a9 82 lda #$82 ;"the hallway is too crowded" 2967: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 296a: 4c 74 32 jmp SwapZPValues ;restore ZP values and bail 296d: 20 74 32 :SpaceAvail jsr SwapZPValues ;restore ZP values ($0e-11 and $19-1a) 2970: a5 0e lda ]func_arg ;get noun index 2972: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;is it food/torch? 2974: 10 15 bpl :IsConsumable ;yes, handle those 2976: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;ring? 2978: d0 03 bne :NotRing ;no, branch 297a: 20 1d 28 jsr RingGone ;yes, do special ring-drop handling 297d: a9 05 :NotRing lda #FN_DROP_OBJ 297f: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2981: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;drop the object (noun index == obj index for these) 2984: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 2986: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2988: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory and bail 298b: c9 13 :IsConsumable cmp #$13 ;torch? 298d: f0 07 beq :IsTorch ;yes, branch 298f: a5 11 lda ]inv_obj_data ;get object index 2991: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2993: 4c 7d 29 jmp :NotRing ;do common handling 2996: a9 0e :IsTorch lda #FN_FIND_UNLIT_T 2998: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 299a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find an unlit torch object in inventory 299d: f0 06 beq :NoUnlit ;not found, branch 299f: ce 98 61 dec num_unlit_torches ;reduce unlit torch count 29a2: 4c 7d 29 jmp :NotRing ;do common handling 29a5: a9 0d :NoUnlit lda #FN_FIND_LIT_T 29a7: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 29a9: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find a lit torch object in inventory 29ac: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 29ae: ce 97 61 dec num_lit_torches ;reduce lit torch count 29b1: 20 88 27 jsr PushSpecialZone ;push whatever we have going on 29b4: a9 00 lda #$00 29b6: 8d 9e 61 sta illumination_flag ;deilluminate 29b9: 8d 97 61 sta num_lit_torches 29bc: a9 0a lda #$0a 29be: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone ;set darkness zone 29c1: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;remove maze from screen 29c4: 4c 7d 29 jmp :NotRing ;do common handling 29c7: c6 0f ChkVerbFill dec ]func_cmd 29c9: d0 0e bne CheckVerbLigh ; ; Verb $09: FILL ; ; Only works with the jar, and only in special zone (newly-slain monster). ; 29cb: a5 0e lda ]func_arg 29cd: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;jar? 29cf: f0 03 beq :IsJar 29d1: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense 29d4: a9 89 :IsJar lda #$89 ;"with what? air?" 29d6: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 29d9: c6 0f CheckVerbLigh dec ]func_cmd 29db: d0 66 bne ChkVerbPlay ; ; Verb $0a: LIGHt ; ]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1} 29dd: 85 11 sta ]inv_obj_data ;save A-reg (verb index... not used) 29df: a5 0e lda ]func_arg ;get noun index 29e1: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch? 29e3: f0 03 beq :LightTorch 29e5: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense 29e8: a5 1a :LightTorch lda ]ret_state ;check object state 29ea: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;is object active? 29ec: d0 03 bne :Inactive ;no, branch 29ee: 4c ad 0b jmp CheckInvDolt ;can't self-light 29f1: ad 9e 61 :Inactive lda illumination_flag ;do we currently have illumination? 29f4: d0 0c bne :HaveLight ;yes, branch 29f6: a9 88 lda #$88 ;"you have no fire" 29f8: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 29fb: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV 29fd: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 29ff: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory (why?) 2a02: a9 0d :HaveLight lda #FN_FIND_LIT_T 2a04: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2a06: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find the lit torch 2a09: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;none? 2a0b: f0 09 beq :NoLit 2a0d: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2a0f: a9 01 lda #FN_DESTROY_OBJ1 2a11: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2a13: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy that one 2a16: a9 0e :NoLit lda #FN_FIND_UNLIT_T 2a18: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2a1a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find an unlit torch 2a1d: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2a1f: a9 03 lda #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ 2a21: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2a23: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;activate it 2a26: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 2a29: a9 65 lda #$65 ;"the torch is lit and the" 2a2b: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2a2e: a9 66 lda #$66 ;"old torch dies and vanishes" 2a30: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 2a33: ce 98 61 dec num_unlit_torches 2a36: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV 2a38: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2a3a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 2a3d: a9 96 lda #150 2a3f: 8d a1 61 sta torch_level ;init torch level to 150 2a42: 60 rts 2a43: c6 0f ChkVerbPlay dec ]func_cmd 2a45: f0 03 beq HndVerbPlay 2a47: 4c df 2a jmp ChkVerbStri ; ; Verb $0b: PLAY ; ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} 2a4a: a5 0e HndVerbPlay lda ]noun_index ;get noun index 2a4c: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;flute? 2a4e: f0 18 beq :PlayFlute 2a50: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;ball? 2a52: f0 0f beq :PlayBall 2a54: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;horn? 2a56: f0 03 beq :PlayHorn 2a58: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense 2a5b: a9 02 :PlayHorn lda #$02 ;change verb to BLOW 2a5d: 8d 9c 61 sta parsed_verb 2a60: 4c 40 26 jmp ExecParsedInput ;start over 2a63: a9 87 :PlayBall lda #$87 ;"with who? the monster?" 2a65: 4c a4 08 :PrintMsgRet jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 ;print message and bail ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} ]ret_xy .var $19 {addr/1} ]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1} 2a68: a9 11 :PlayFlute lda #$11 ;set noun to "snake" 2a6a: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2a6c: a9 06 lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 2a6e: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2a70: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info 2a73: a5 1a lda ]ret_state ;get state / floor 2a75: cd 94 61 cmp plyr_floor ;is the snake on this floor? 2a78: d0 0f bne :NoSnake ;no, branch 2a7a: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos 2a7d: 0a asl A 2a7e: 0a asl A 2a7f: 0a asl A 2a80: 0a asl A 2a81: 18 clc 2a82: 6d 96 61 adc plyr_ypos ;compute X*16 + Y 2a85: c5 19 cmp ]ret_xy ;is the snake in this cell? 2a87: f0 0d beq :AnimateSnake ;yes, do the animation 2a89: 20 5f 10 :NoSnake jsr ClearMessages ;no snake here, just make music 2a8c: a9 83 lda #$83 ;"a high shrill note comes" 2a8e: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2a91: a9 84 lda #$84 ;"from the flute" 2a93: 4c 65 2a jmp :PrintMsgRet 2a96: a9 0a :AnimateSnake lda #10 ;set text position near bottom-center of screen 2a98: 85 06 sta char_horiz 2a9a: a9 14 lda #20 2a9c: 85 07 sta char_vert 2a9e: 20 ef 11 :DrawSnakeSeg jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer 2aa1: a9 1c lda #$1c ;draw snake segment 2aa3: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph 2aa6: a9 05 lda #$05 2aa8: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph 2aab: a9 1b lda #$1b 2aad: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ; Pause briefly. ]delay_ctr .var $10 {addr/2} 2ab0: a9 30 lda #$30 2ab2: 85 11 sta ]delay_ctr+1 2ab4: c6 10 :DelayLoop dec ]delay_ctr 2ab6: d0 fc bne :DelayLoop 2ab8: c6 11 dec ]delay_ctr+1 2aba: d0 f8 bne :DelayLoop 2abc: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;back up 3 chars 2abe: c6 06 dec char_horiz 2ac0: c6 06 dec char_horiz 2ac2: c6 07 dec char_vert ;move up one line 2ac4: 10 d8 bpl :DrawSnakeSeg 2ac6: a9 03 lda #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ 2ac8: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2aca: a9 11 lda #$11 ;snake 2acc: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2ace: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;mark snake as active 2ad1: 20 88 27 jsr PushSpecialZone 2ad4: a9 0f lda #$0f ;snake is out of box 2ad6: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone ;do special stuff (climb or die) 2ad9: a9 00 lda #$00 2adb: 8d b9 61 sta object_status ;set status of object 0 (?) 2ade: 60 rts ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 2adf: c6 0f ChkVerbStri dec ]verb_index 2ae1: d0 16 bne ChkVerbWear ; ; Verb $0c: STRIke(?) ; ; Only meaningful for the staff (and even that's useless). ; 2ae3: a5 0e lda ]noun_index 2ae5: c9 0d cmp #$0d ;staff? 2ae7: f0 03 beq :StrikeStaff 2ae9: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense 2aec: 20 5f 10 :StrikeStaff jsr ClearMessages 2aef: a9 21 lda #$21 ;"thunderbolts shoot out above you" 2af1: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2af4: a9 22 lda #$22 ;"the staff thunders with useless energy" 2af6: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 2af9: c6 0f ChkVerbWear dec ]verb_index 2afb: f0 01 beq HndVerbWear 2afd: 60 rts ;verb out of range, do nothing (BUG) ; ; Verb $0d: WEAR. ; ; Only meaningful for the hat. ; ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 2afe: a5 0e HndVerbWear lda ]noun_index 2b00: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;hat? 2b02: f0 0d beq :WearHat 2b04: 20 5f 10 :PrintMsg jsr ClearMessages 2b07: a9 91 lda #$91 ;"OK...if you really want to" 2b09: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2b0c: a9 23 lda #$23 ;"you are wearing it" 2b0e: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 2b11: a9 03 :WearHat lda #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ 2b13: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2b15: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;activate hat 2b18: 4c 04 2b jmp :PrintMsg ; ; Handles verbs $0e - 1c, which may or may not involve an inventory object. ; • Clear variables ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 2b1b: a5 0f ChkMoreVerbs lda ]verb_index 2b1d: 38 sec 2b1e: e9 0e sbc #$0e ;adjust index so we start at zero 2b20: 85 0f sta ]verb_index 2b22: d0 40 bne ChkVerbWipe ; ; Verb $0e: EXAM / LOOK. ; 2b24: a5 0e lda ]noun_index 2b26: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;hat? 2b28: d0 03 bne :NotHat 2b2a: 4c 19 33 jmp PrintHatMsg ;hat message is printed specially 2b2d: c9 15 :NotHat cmp #$15 ;inventory-able noun? 2b2f: 30 19 bmi :InvObj ;yes, branch 2b31: c9 1a cmp #$1a ;noun that isn't a calculator button? 2b33: 30 03 bmi :NonButton ;yes, branch 2b35: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense ;no, can't "examine three" 2b38: c9 17 :NonButton cmp #$17 ;door / elev? 2b3a: f0 05 beq :DoorElev 2b3c: a9 90 :DontSee lda #$90 ;"i don't see that here" 2b3e: 4c a4 08 :DrawMsg jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 2b41: 20 8e 2c :DoorElev jsr FindDoor ;is there a door here? 2b44: c9 00 cmp #$00 2b46: f0 f4 beq :DontSee ;no, complain 2b48: d0 03 bne :DoExamine ;(always) 2b4a: 20 97 0b :InvObj jsr CheckInventory ;see if it's in inventory (not found = pop stack) 2b4d: 20 5f 10 :DoExamine jsr ClearMessages 2b50: a9 67 lda #$67 ;"a close inspection reveals" 2b52: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2b55: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun 2b58: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;calculator? 2b5a: f0 04 beq :ExamCalc ;yes, branch 2b5c: a9 68 lda #$68 ;"absolutely nothing of value" 2b5e: d0 de bne :DrawMsg 2b60: a9 69 :ExamCalc lda #$69 ;"a smudged display" 2b62: d0 da bne :DrawMsg 2b64: c6 0f ChkVerbWipe dec ]verb_index 2b66: d0 12 bne ChkVerbOpen ; ; Verb $0f: WIPE / CLEAn / POLIsh / RUB ; 2b68: 20 97 0b jsr CheckInventory ;see if we're holding the item; does not return 2b6b: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ; on failure 2b6e: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;calculator? 2b70: f0 04 beq :IsCalc ;yes, branch to handle that 2b72: a9 7a lda #$7a ;"OK...it is clean" 2b74: d0 c8 bne :DrawMsg 2b76: a9 28 :IsCalc lda #$28 ;"it displays 317.2" 2b78: d0 c4 bne :DrawMsg ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 2b7a: c6 0f ChkVerbOpen dec ]verb_index 2b7c: f0 03 beq HndVerbOpen 2b7e: 4c fa 2c jmp ChkVerbPres ; ; Verb $10: OPEN / UNLOck ; ; Can be used on doors and boxes. ; 2b81: a5 0e HndVerbOpen lda ]noun_index 2b83: c9 17 cmp #$17 ;door? 2b85: d0 03 bne :NotDoor ;no, branch 2b87: 4c 26 2c jmp :OpenDoor 2b8a: c9 14 :NotDoor cmp #$14 ;box? 2b8c: f0 03 beq :OpenBox ;yes, branch 2b8e: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense ;no, complain ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} ]noun_index .var $10 {addr/1} ]obj_index .var $11 {addr/1} ]tmp .var $13 {addr/1} ]ret_xy .var $19 {addr/1} ]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1} 2b91: a9 0b :OpenBox lda #FN_OBJ_HERE 2b93: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2b95: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info about box at this location 2b98: 85 11 sta ]obj_index ;save object index 2b9a: f0 a0 beq :DontSee ;branch if zero ; 2b9c: a5 10 lda ]noun_index ;preserve $10/$11 2b9e: 48 pha 2b9f: a5 11 lda ]obj_index 2ba1: 48 pha 2ba2: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2ba4: a9 06 lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 2ba6: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2ba8: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on object 2bab: a5 1a lda ]ret_state ;check object state 2bad: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;object already in inventory (boxed or not)? 2baf: b0 03 bcs :InInventory ;yes, branch 2bb1: 4c bf 2b jmp :OnGround ;no, handle box on ground 2bb4: a5 11 :InInventory lda ]obj_index ;get object index 2bb6: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2bb8: a9 04 lda #FN_GET_OBJ 2bba: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2bbc: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;unbox the item 2bbf: a5 11 :OnGround lda ]obj_index 2bc1: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;snake? 2bc3: f0 55 beq :OpenSnake ;yes, branch 2bc5: 30 0a bmi :InsideBox ;is non-consumable object, branch 2bc7: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;$12-14 (food)? 2bc9: 30 04 bmi :IsFood ;yes, branch 2bcb: a9 13 lda #$13 ;must be $15-17 (torch), use noun id $13 2bcd: d0 02 bne :InsideBox ;(always) 2bcf: a9 12 :IsFood lda #$12 ;use noun ID for food 2bd1: 20 5f 10 :InsideBox jsr ClearMessages ;(preserves A-reg) 2bd4: 85 10 sta ]noun_index ;store the noun index 2bd6: 18 clc ;noun + 4 = description text 2bd7: 69 04 adc #$04 ;e.g. "basket of food" 2bd9: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 2bdc: a9 18 lda #$18 ;"inside the box there is a" 2bde: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2be1: a5 10 lda ]noun_index ;get noun 2be3: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;calculator? 2be5: d0 03 bne :NotCalc 2be7: 20 c2 2e jsr UnboxCalcSpecial 2bea: 85 13 :NotCalc sta ]tmp ;save copy of noun_index 2bec: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;snake? 2bee: d0 03 bne :NotSnake ;no, branch 2bf0: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 2bf3: 68 :NotSnake pla ;restore $10/$11 2bf4: 85 11 sta ]obj_index 2bf6: 68 pla 2bf7: 85 10 sta ]noun_index 2bf9: a5 13 lda ]tmp ;load copy of noun_index 2bfb: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch? 2bfd: d0 14 bne :NotTorch ;no, branch ; 2bff: a9 06 lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO ;handle torch 2c01: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2c03: a5 11 lda ]obj_index 2c05: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2c07: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on object 2c0a: a9 08 lda #$08 2c0c: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;in inventory and unboxed? 2c0e: d0 03 bne :NotTorch ;no, branch 2c10: ee 98 61 inc num_unlit_torches ;yes, add to unlit torch count 2c13: a9 07 :NotTorch lda #FN_DRAW_INV 2c15: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2c17: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 2c1a: 20 88 27 :OpenSnake jsr PushSpecialZone 2c1d: a2 0b ldx #$0b ;snake out of the box 2c1f: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone 2c22: a9 11 lda #$11 ;snake object id 2c24: d0 ab bne :InsideBox ;(always) 2c26: 20 8e 2c :OpenDoor jsr FindDoor ;is there a door here? 2c29: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;A-reg nonzero if there is one 2c2b: d0 03 bne :IsDoor ;found a door, branch to open it 2c2d: 4c 3c 2b jmp :DontSee ;no, complain 2c30: c9 05 :IsDoor cmp #$05 ;is it a keyhole? 2c32: b0 03 bcs :OpenKeyhole ;yes, branch 2c34: 4c 83 2c jmp :OpenElev ;no, must be elevator 2c37: 20 67 32 :OpenKeyhole jsr SwapOutAReg ;preserve A-reg (holds keyhole index) 2c3a: a2 0a ldx #$0a ;key 2c3c: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 2c3e: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 2c40: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2c42: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on key 2c45: a5 1a lda ]ret_state 2c47: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;in inventory and unboxed? 2c49: 30 1e bmi :NoKey ;no, branch 2c4b: 20 67 32 jsr SwapOutAReg ;restore keyhole index (5-9) 2c4e: 18 clc 2c4f: 69 15 adc #$15 ;now $1a-1e 2c51: c9 1b cmp #$1b ;door #2? 2c53: f0 1c beq :Keyhole2 ;yes, start the ticking 2c55: 20 67 32 jsr SwapOutAReg ;preserve modified key value 2c58: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 2c5b: a9 19 lda #$19 ;"you unlock the door" 2c5d: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2c60: 20 67 32 jsr SwapOutAReg ;restore modified key value 2c63: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 ;various msgs: 20,000 volt, gorilla, white coats 2c66: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;all fatal 2c69: 20 67 32 :NoKey jsr SwapOutAReg 2c6c: a9 92 lda #$92 ;"but you have no key" 2c6e: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 2c71: a2 0c :Keyhole2 ldx #$0c 2c73: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone ;start the key ticking 2c76: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 2c79: a9 19 lda #$19 ;"you unlock the door" 2c7b: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2c7e: a9 1b lda #$1b ;"and the key begins to tick" 2c80: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 2c83: 20 88 27 :OpenElev jsr PushSpecialZone 2c86: a2 0d ldx #$0d ;special elevator zone 2c88: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone ;wait for 'Z' to enter 2c8b: 4c 5d 32 jmp OpenElevatorAnim ; ; Finds the door in front of the player, if any. Doors 1-4 are elevators, 5-10 ; are keyholes. ; ; On exit: ; A-reg: index into door table, or $00 if none found ; ]ptr .var $0e {addr/2} ]xy_posn .var $11 {addr/1} ]floor_facing .var $19 {addr/1} ]counter .var $1a {addr/1} 2c8e: a2 e8 FindDoor ldx #<door_loc ;set pointer to door location table 2c90: 86 0e stx ]ptr 2c92: a2 2c ldx #>door_loc 2c94: 86 0f stx ]ptr+1 ; We want one byte with ((floor << 4) | facing), and one byte with ((xpos << 4) ; | ypos). 2c96: ae 94 61 ldx plyr_floor ;copy floor to ZP 2c99: 86 19 stx ]floor_facing 2c9b: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;X position in A-reg 2c9e: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;4 shifts 2ca0: 86 1a stx ]counter 2ca2: 0a :ShiftLoop asl A ;shift X pos 2ca3: 06 19 asl ]floor_facing ;shift floor 2ca5: c6 1a dec ]counter 2ca7: d0 f9 bne :ShiftLoop 2ca9: 18 clc 2caa: 6d 96 61 adc plyr_ypos ;combine X and Y posn 2cad: 85 11 sta ]xy_posn ;save in ZP 2caf: a5 19 lda ]floor_facing ;get shifted floor 2cb1: 18 clc 2cb2: 6d 93 61 adc plyr_facing ;combine with facing 2cb5: 85 19 sta ]floor_facing ;save in ZP ; 2cb7: a2 09 ldx #9 ;4 elevator doors, 5 keyholes 2cb9: 86 1a stx ]counter 2cbb: a0 00 :Loop ldy #$00 2cbd: d1 0e cmp (]ptr),y ;compare floor/facing value 2cbf: d0 12 bne :NotIt 2cc1: a5 11 lda ]xy_posn 2cc3: e6 0e inc ]ptr ;check next byte 2cc5: d0 02 bne :NoInc 2cc7: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1 2cc9: d1 0e :NoInc cmp (]ptr),y ;does it match player X/Y? 2ccb: d0 0c bne :NoInc1 ; Found a match. 2ccd: a9 0a lda #10 2ccf: 38 sec 2cd0: e5 1a sbc ]counter ;return (10 - counter) 2cd2: 60 rts 2cd3: e6 0e :NotIt inc ]ptr ;increment pointer twice 2cd5: d0 02 bne :NoInc1 2cd7: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1 2cd9: e6 0e :NoInc1 inc ]ptr 2cdb: d0 02 bne :NoInc2 2cdd: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1 2cdf: a5 19 :NoInc2 lda ]floor_facing ;load this back into A-reg 2ce1: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet? 2ce3: d0 d6 bne :Loop ;no, loop 2ce5: a9 00 lda #$00 ;no match found, return zero 2ce7: 60 rts ; ; Door/keyhole access locations. First byte is ((floor << 4) | facing), second ; byte is ((xpos << 4) | ypos). The first four entries are the elevators, the ; last 5 are the row of keyholes on level 5. ; ; For example, the first entry is for the second floor elevator, which the ; player must face east to enter while standing at (7,7). 2ce8: 23 77 door_loc .bulk $23,$77 ;elevators on floors 2/3/4/5 2cea: 31 44 .bulk $31,$44 2cec: 42 14 .bulk $42,$14 2cee: 52 35 .bulk $52,$35 2cf0: 52 4a .bulk $52,$4a ;keyholes 1-5, in a row on 5th floor 2cf2: 52 5a .bulk $52,$5a 2cf4: 52 6a .bulk $52,$6a 2cf6: 52 7a .bulk $52,$7a 2cf8: 52 8a .bulk $52,$8a ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 2cfa: c6 0f ChkVerbPres dec ]verb_index 2cfc: f0 03 beq HndVerbPres 2cfe: 4c 2a 2e jmp ChkVerbGet ; ; Verb $11: PRESS ; 2d01: a5 0e HndVerbPres lda ]noun_index 2d03: c9 1a cmp #$1a ;is it a calculator button? 2d05: 10 03 bpl :CalcButton ;yes, branch 2d07: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense ;no, complain ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 2d0a: a2 06 :CalcButton ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 2d0c: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2d0e: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;calculator 2d10: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 2d12: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get calculator info 2d15: a5 1a lda ]counter 2d17: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;in inventory and unboxed? 2d19: f0 03 beq :HaveCalc ;yes, branch 2d1b: 4c ad 0b jmp CheckInvDolt 2d1e: ad ad 61 :HaveCalc lda monster1_alive ;is the monster still alive? 2d21: 29 02 and #$02 2d23: d0 05 bne :NoMagic ;yes, no teleportation; branch 2d25: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;are we in a special zone? 2d28: f0 13 beq :ButtonPressed ;no, go do button fanciness ; If the monster is alive, or we're in a special zone (e.g. darkness), the ; buttons don't do anything useful. 2d2a: a9 85 :NoMagic lda #$85 ;"the calculator displays" 2d2c: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 2d2f: a9 20 lda #‘ ’ ;draw space 2d31: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 2d34: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get noun for pressed button 2d37: 18 clc ;e.g. "zero" is $1a 2d38: 69 16 adc #$16 ;add $16 to get ASCII digit ($1a + $16 = $30 = '0') 2d3a: 4c 92 11 jmp PrintSpecialChar ;draw it and bail ]ptr .var $0e {addr/2} 2d3d: ad 9d 61 :ButtonPressed lda parsed_noun ;get button noun index 2d40: 38 sec ;e.g. "zero" is $1a 2d41: e9 19 sbc #$19 ;subtract so "zero" = $01 2d43: a2 02 ldx #<calc_teleport ;get pointer to teleport destination data 2d45: 86 0e stx ]ptr 2d47: a2 2e ldx #>calc_teleport 2d49: 86 0f stx ]ptr+1 ; 2d4b: 38 :Loop sec 2d4c: e9 01 sbc #$01 ;decrement modified noun index 2d4e: f0 12 beq :Teleport ;if we hit zero, teleport 2d50: 18 clc 2d51: 48 pha ;preserve button counter 2d52: a9 04 lda #$04 ;advance pointer by 4 bytes 2d54: 65 0e adc ]ptr 2d56: 85 0e sta ]ptr 2d58: a5 0f lda ]ptr+1 2d5a: 69 00 adc #$00 2d5c: 85 0f sta ]ptr+1 2d5e: 68 pla ;restore button counter 2d5f: 4c 4b 2d jmp :Loop 2d62: a0 00 :Teleport ldy #$00 2d64: b1 0e lda (]ptr),y ;get facing 2d66: 8d 93 61 sta plyr_facing 2d69: e6 0e inc ]ptr ;(could just INY here) 2d6b: d0 02 bne :NoInc 2d6d: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1 2d6f: b1 0e :NoInc lda (]ptr),y ;get floor 2d71: 8d 94 61 sta plyr_floor 2d74: e6 0e inc ]ptr 2d76: d0 02 bne :NoInc 2d78: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1 2d7a: b1 0e :NoInc lda (]ptr),y ;get X position 2d7c: 8d 95 61 sta plyr_xpos 2d7f: e6 0e inc ]ptr 2d81: d0 02 bne :NoInc 2d83: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1 2d85: b1 0e :NoInc lda (]ptr),y ;get Y position 2d87: 8d 96 61 sta plyr_ypos 2d8a: a2 00 ldx #$00 2d8c: 8e a3 61 stx floor_move_hi ;reset step counter 2d8f: 8e a4 61 stx floor_move_lo 2d92: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get the original noun index 2d95: c9 1c cmp #$1c ;"two"? 2d97: d0 2a bne :NotTwo ;no, skip special stuff 2d99: ad 9e 61 lda illumination_flag ;is there light? 2d9c: d0 07 bne :WasLight ;yes, branch 2d9e: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;no, don't need to extinguish 2da0: 8e a2 61 stx ring_light_flag 2da3: d0 1e bne :NotTwo ;(always) ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 2da5: ce 9e 61 :WasLight dec illumination_flag ;kill the light 2da8: a2 00 ldx #$00 2daa: 8e a2 61 stx ring_light_flag 2dad: ee 98 61 inc num_unlit_torches ;adjust torch inventory, changing 2db0: ce 97 61 dec num_lit_torches ; lit torch to unlit torch 2db3: a2 0d ldx #FN_FIND_LIT_T 2db5: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2db7: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find the first "activated" torch object 2dba: a2 04 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ 2dbc: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2dbe: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;store object index of torch we found 2dc0: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get the torch 2dc3: a2 03 :NotTwo ldx #$03 ;calculator 2dc5: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 2dc7: a2 01 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ1 2dc9: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2dcb: a2 0a ldx #$0a 2dcd: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone ;now in dark, enable "monster near in darkness" 2dd0: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy the calculator 2dd3: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;clear the maze portion of the screen 2dd6: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 2dd8: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2dda: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 2ddd: a9 86 lda #$86 ;"you have been teleported" 2ddf: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 2de2: a9 74 lda #$74 ;"the calculator vanishes" 2de4: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 2de7: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check noun 2dea: c9 1c cmp #$1c ;"two"? 2dec: d0 13 bne :Return 2dee: ad a2 61 lda ring_light_flag ;is ring already lit? 2df1: d0 0e bne :Return ;yes, we're done 2df3: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 2df6: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 2df9: a9 70 lda #$70 ;"a draft blows your torch out" 2dfb: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 2dfe: 4c dc 0f jmp MediumPause 2e01: 60 :Return rts ; ; Calculator teleportation destinations. One entry for each digit on the ; calculator (0-9). ; ; Most of the destinations are to locations that you wouldn't otherwise travel ; to. Since you don't get an in-game indication of which floor you're on, this ; was probably done to make it harder to figure out where you were after the ; teleport: no immediately familiar hallway patterns. The one that drops you ; right in front of the invisible guillotine is sort of mean, but at least it's ; unambiguous. ; ; +$00: facing direction (2=north) ; +$01: floor (1-5) ; +$03: X position (1-10) ; +$04: Y position (1-10) ; 2e02: 02 02 05 04 calc_teleport .bulk $02,$02,$05,$04 ;0 - level 2, near dog #1 2e06: 02 02 07 09 .bulk $02,$02,$07,$09 ;1 - level 2, deep in a dead-end 2e0a: 01 05 03 03 .bulk $01,$05,$03,$03 ;2 - level 5 (only way there) 2e0e: 02 03 04 06 .bulk $02,$03,$04,$06 ;3 - level 3, past perfect square 2e12: 02 01 08 05 .bulk $02,$01,$08,$05 ;4 - level 1, near start 2e16: 03 02 01 03 .bulk $03,$02,$01,$03 ;5 - level 2, near the entry point 2e1a: 02 01 05 05 .bulk $02,$01,$05,$05 ;6 - level 1, near the dagger 2e1e: 01 01 07 0a .bulk $01,$01,$07,$0a ;7 - level 1, facing the invisible guillotine 2e22: 03 04 09 0a .bulk $03,$04,$09,$0a ;8 - level 4, near the flute 2e26: 03 03 07 0a .bulk $03,$03,$07,$0a ;9 - level 3, dead end ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 2e2a: c6 0f ChkVerbGet dec ]verb_index 2e2c: f0 03 beq HndVerbGet 2e2e: 4c 98 2f jmp ChkVerbKill ; ; Verb $12: GET / GRAB / HOLD / TAKE ; ; Note this is NOT in the range that only applies to inventory objects, so you ; can GET DOOR or GET BAT. ; ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} ]obj_index .var $11 {addr/1} ]obj_xy .var $19 {addr/1} ]obj_state .var $1a {addr/1} 2e31: a2 0b HndVerbGet ldx #FN_OBJ_HERE 2e33: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2e35: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find object on ground in this cell 2e38: aa tax ;set flags based on value 2e39: d0 03 bne :FoundObj ;found something, branch 2e3b: 4c 30 2f jmp CurrentlyImposs1 ;nothing here, impossible 2e3e: 85 11 :FoundObj sta ]obj_index ;save object index 2e40: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2e42: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 2e44: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2e46: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object info 2e49: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check what player asked for 2e4c: c9 14 cmp #$14 ;box? 2e4e: d0 03 bne :NotBox 2e50: 4c de 2e jmp DoGetBox 2e53: c9 12 :NotBox cmp #$12 ;food, torch, or non-inventory noun? 2e55: 30 03 bmi :GetOrdinary ;no, branch 2e57: 4c f5 2e jmp GetConsumable ;yes, go handle it 2e5a: c5 11 :GetOrdinary cmp ]obj_index ;compare noun to object index 2e5c: d0 0c bne :WrongItem ;noun doesn't match object in box, branch 2e5e: a6 11 ldx ]obj_index ;copy object index to func arg 2e60: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 2e62: a5 1a lda ]obj_state ;check object state 2e64: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;in inventory, boxed? (possible?) 2e66: d0 32 bne GetThing ;no, get thing 2e68: a5 11 lda ]obj_index ;get object index 2e6a: 85 0e :WrongItem sta ]func_arg 2e6c: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 2e6e: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2e70: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object info 2e73: a9 06 lda #$06 2e75: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;in inventory, boxed? 2e77: f0 03 beq :BoxedInv ;yes, branch 2e79: 4c 30 2f jmp CurrentlyImposs1 2e7c: ae 9d 61 :BoxedInv ldx parsed_noun ;get requested noun 2e7f: 86 0e stx ]func_arg ;use that as thing to get 2e81: 4c 9d 2e jmp :GetOrUnbox ; ; Check inventory count to see if we have room to pick something up. On ; failure, pops stack before returning. ; ]inv_count .var $19 {addr/1} 2e84: 20 74 32 CheckInvCount jsr SwapZPValues 2e87: a2 08 ldx #FN_COUNT_INV 2e89: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2e8b: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc 2e8e: a5 19 lda ]inv_count 2e90: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;have we hit 8 items (including lit torch)? 2e92: 90 03 bcc :HaveRoom ;no, branch 2e94: 4c 35 2f jmp :InvAtLimit ;print error message, don't return 2e97: 4c 74 32 :HaveRoom jmp SwapZPValues ; Continuation of the GET verb handler. 2e9a: 20 84 2e GetThing jsr CheckInvCount ;make sure we have enough room 2e9d: a2 04 :GetOrUnbox ldx #FN_GET_OBJ 2e9f: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2ea1: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;move object to inventory, unboxed 2ea4: a2 07 :RedrawAndCont ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 2ea6: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2ea8: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory ; 2eab: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get noun 2eae: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;"calculator"? 2eb0: d0 03 bne :NotCalc ;no, branch 2eb2: 20 c2 2e jsr UnboxCalcSpecial ;do special calculator puzzle stuff 2eb5: c9 11 :NotCalc cmp #$11 ;snake? 2eb7: d0 08 bne :NotSnake 2eb9: 20 88 27 jsr PushSpecialZone 2ebc: a2 0b ldx #$0b ;snake on the loose 2ebe: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone 2ec1: 60 :NotSnake rts ; ; Slightly special handling for getting the calculator while standing in the ; calculator puzzle room. Called for "OPEN BOX" and "GET CALCULATOR". ; ; On entry: ; $11: object index ($03) ; UnboxCalcSpecial 2ec2: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;are we in the special calculator zone? 2ec5: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;(not true if puzzle solved or we dropped it) 2ec7: d0 12 bne :NotCalcZone ;no, nothing for us to do; branch 2ec9: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb ;check verb 2ecc: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;get? 2ece: f0 03 beq :GetCalc ;yes, skip delay 2ed0: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay ;no, was "open"; pause 2ed3: 20 5f 10 :GetCalc jsr ClearMessages 2ed6: a9 27 lda #$27 ;"the calculator displays 317" 2ed8: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 2edb: a9 03 :NotCalcZone lda #$03 ;return calculator noun ID 2edd: 60 rts ; ; Handle GET BOX. $11 holds the object index, $1a holds the object state from ; the "get object state" function. ; ]obj_index .var $11 {addr/1} ]obj_state .var $1a {addr/1} 2ede: a5 1a DoGetBox lda ]obj_state 2ee0: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;currently in inventory? 2ee2: 10 4c bpl CurrentlyImposs1 ;yes, can't get it again 2ee4: 20 84 2e jsr CheckInvCount ;confirm room in inventory (no return on failure) 2ee7: a6 11 ldx ]obj_index 2ee9: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 2eeb: a2 02 ldx #FN_GET_BOX_OBJ 2eed: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2eef: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;move box to inventory 2ef2: 4c a4 2e jmp :RedrawAndCont ; ; Special handling for consumables (GET FOOD and GET TORCH) and non-inventory ; objects (GET DOG). We can only get here if there is a box on the ground. ; ; A-reg: noun index ($01-$23) ; $11: object index for the object in the current cell ($00 if none) ; $1a: object state ; 2ef5: c9 12 GetConsumable cmp #$12 ;food? 2ef7: f0 1d beq :GetFood ;yes, branch 2ef9: a5 11 lda ]obj_index ;get index of object on ground 2efb: c9 18 cmp #$18 ;in valid range? 2efd: 10 43 bpl :BadObj ;no, branch (not sure this is possible) 2eff: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;is it a torch? 2f01: 30 3f bmi :BadObj ;no, branch ; Pick up a torch. 2f03: a6 11 ldx ]obj_index ;get object index 2f05: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 2f07: a5 1a lda ]obj_state ;get state of object on ground 2f09: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;is it in our inventory? (how?) 2f0b: f0 90 beq :GetOrUnbox ;yes, deal with that 2f0d: 20 84 2e jsr CheckInvCount ;make sure we have enough room 2f10: ee 98 61 inc num_unlit_torches ;increment unlit torch count 2f13: 4c 9d 2e jmp :GetOrUnbox ;pick up the item 2f16: a5 11 :GetFood lda ]obj_index ;get object index 2f18: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;is it out of valid food range? 2f1a: 10 2c bpl :BadObj1 ;yes, branch 2f1c: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;is it out of valid food range? 2f1e: 30 28 bmi :BadObj1 ;yes, branch ; Pick up food. 2f20: a6 11 ldx ]obj_index ;get object index 2f22: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 2f24: a5 1a lda ]obj_state 2f26: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;is it in our inventory? (how?) 2f28: d0 03 bne :NotTorch ;no, do normal pickup 2f2a: 4c 9d 2e jmp :GetOrUnbox ;yes, unbox it 2f2d: 4c 9a 2e :NotTorch jmp GetThing CurrentlyImposs1 2f30: a9 9a lda #$9a ;"it is currently impossible" 2f32: 4c a4 08 :DrawMsg jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 2f35: 68 :InvAtLimit pla ;pull return address 2f36: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;save in ZP (not used?) 2f38: 68 pla 2f39: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2f3b: 20 74 32 jsr SwapZPValues 2f3e: a9 99 lda #$99 ;"you are carrying the limit" 2f40: d0 f0 bne :DrawMsg ;(always) ; Search inventory for a boxed torch or food item. ]counter .var $11 {addr/1} 2f42: a2 14 :BadObj ldx #$14 ;start search at $15 (torches) 2f44: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 2f46: d0 04 bne :search ;(always) 2f48: a2 11 :BadObj1 ldx #$11 ;start search at $12 (foods) 2f4a: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 2f4c: a5 0f :search lda ]func_cmd 2f4e: 48 pha 2f4f: a5 0e lda ]func_arg 2f51: 48 pha 2f52: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;repeat 3x 2f54: 86 11 stx ]counter 2f56: 68 :Loop pla 2f57: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2f59: 68 pla 2f5a: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2f5c: e6 0e inc ]func_arg 2f5e: d0 02 bne :NoInc 2f60: e6 0f inc ]func_cmd 2f62: a5 0f :NoInc lda ]func_cmd 2f64: 48 pha 2f65: a5 0e lda ]func_arg 2f67: 48 pha 2f68: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 2f6a: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2f6c: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object info 2f6f: a9 06 lda #$06 2f71: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;boxed, in inventory? 2f73: f0 0d beq :FoundBoxInv ;yes, branch 2f75: c6 11 dec ]counter ;done yet? 2f77: d0 dd bne :Loop ;no, loop 2f79: 68 pla 2f7a: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2f7c: 68 pla 2f7d: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2f7f: 4c 30 2f jmp CurrentlyImposs1 ;not found, report 2f82: 68 :FoundBoxInv pla 2f83: 85 0e sta ]func_arg 2f85: 68 pla 2f86: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 2f88: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get the noun 2f8b: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch? 2f8d: f0 03 beq :MoreTorch ;yes, do that 2f8f: 4c 9d 2e jmp :GetOrUnbox ;no, just unbox it 2f92: ee 98 61 :MoreTorch inc num_unlit_torches ;increase unlit torch count 2f95: 4c 9d 2e jmp :GetOrUnbox ;unbox the torch ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 2f98: c6 0f ChkVerbKill dec ]verb_index 2f9a: d0 21 bne ChkVerbPain ; ; Verb $13: STAB / KILL / SLASh / ATTAck / HACK ; ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 2f9c: a5 0e lda ]noun_index ;get noun index 2f9e: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;snake? 2fa0: f0 15 beq :KillCritter ;yes, branch 2fa2: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;bat, dog, monster, elevator, etc? 2fa4: 10 03 bpl :CheckMore ;yes, check some more 2fa6: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense 2fa9: c9 1a :CheckMore cmp #$1a ;calculator button? 2fab: 30 03 bmi :NotCalc ;no, keep looking 2fad: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense 2fb0: c9 17 :NotCalc cmp #$17 ;door / elev? 2fb2: d0 03 bne :KillCritter 2fb4: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense 2fb7: a9 90 :KillCritter lda #$90 ;"I don't see that here" 2fb9: 20 a4 08 :DrawMsg jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 ;(would be in special zone if monster present) 2fbc: 60 rts 2fbd: c6 0f ChkVerbPain dec ]verb_index 2fbf: d0 18 bne ChkVerbGren ; ; Verb $14: PAINt ; ; Only works if you have the brush (which does not need to be specified as the ; noun). Just prints a snarky message. ; ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 2fc1: a2 02 ldx #$02 ;brush 2fc3: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 2fc5: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 2fc7: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 2fc9: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on brush 2fcc: a5 1a lda ]obj_state 2fce: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;in inventory, unboxed? 2fd0: f0 03 beq :HaveBrush ;yes, branch 2fd2: 4c ad 0b jmp CheckInvDolt 2fd5: a9 6f :HaveBrush lda #$6f ;"with what? toenail polish?" 2fd7: d0 e0 bne :DrawMsg ]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1} ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 2fd9: c6 0f ChkVerbGren dec ]verb_index 2fdb: d0 03 bne ChkVerbSay ; ; Verb $15: GRENdel. ; ; Only useful in one special zone. ; 2fdd: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense 2fe0: c6 0f ChkVerbSay dec ]verb_index 2fe2: d0 39 bne ChkVerbChar ; ; Verb $16: SAY / YELL / SCREam ; ]dst_ptr .var $0a {addr/2} ]src_ptr .var $0e {addr/2} 2fe4: a9 76 lda #$76 ;"OK..." 2fe6: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 ;this leaves $0a-0b pointed into 2nd line text buf 2fe9: a9 7a lda #<text_row22 ;set pointer to input buffer 2feb: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr 2fed: a9 0c lda #>text_row22 2fef: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1 2ff1: a0 00 ldy #$00 2ff3: a9 20 lda #‘ ’ 2ff5: d1 0e :ScanLoop cmp (]src_ptr),y ;find the space between the verb and noun 2ff7: f0 15 beq :FoundSpace 2ff9: e6 0e inc ]src_ptr 2ffb: d0 f8 bne :ScanLoop 2ffd: e6 0f inc ]src_ptr+1 2fff: d0 f4 bne :ScanLoop ;(always) 3001: a0 00 :DrawLoop ldy #$00 3003: b1 0e lda (]src_ptr),y ;get char 3005: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’ ;reached the end of the noun? 3007: f0 13 beq :Return ;yes, done 3009: 91 0a sta (]dst_ptr),y ;add to "OK..." line 300b: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ;draw on screen 300e: e6 0a :FoundSpace inc ]dst_ptr 3010: d0 02 bne :NoInc 3012: e6 0b inc ]dst_ptr+1 3014: e6 0e :NoInc inc ]src_ptr 3016: d0 e9 bne :DrawLoop 3018: e6 0f inc ]src_ptr+1 301a: d0 e5 bne :DrawLoop 301c: 60 :Return rts ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 301d: c6 0f ChkVerbChar dec ]verb_index 301f: f0 03 beq HndVerbChar 3021: 4c be 30 jmp ChkVerbFart ; ; Verb $17: CHARge ; 3024: a9 02 HndVerbChar lda #$02 3026: cd 93 61 cmp plyr_facing ;facing north? 3029: d0 47 bne :NotSpecWall ;no, branch 302b: aa tax ;set A-reg to $01 302c: ca dex 302d: 8a txa 302e: cd 94 61 cmp plyr_floor ;on first floor? 3031: d0 3f bne :NotSpecWall ;no, branch 3033: cd 95 61 cmp plyr_xpos ;at X=1? 3036: d0 3a bne :NotSpecWall ;no, branch 3038: a9 0b lda #11 303a: cd 96 61 cmp plyr_ypos ;at Y=11? 303d: d0 33 bne :NotSpecWall ;no, branch ; In right place for special charge, check hat. ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 303f: a2 07 ldx #$07 ;hat 3041: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3043: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 3045: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3047: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on hat 304a: a9 07 lda #$07 304c: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;is it in inventory and active (worn)? 304e: d0 55 bne :BashBrains 3050: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze (?) 3053: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause 3056: 20 c5 30 jsr FlashYellow ;do crash and pit fall 3059: 20 7c 10 jsr FallIntoPit 305c: ee 94 61 inc plyr_floor ;move to 2nd floor 305f: a2 03 ldx #$03 3061: 8e 96 61 stx plyr_ypos ;at 3,3 3064: 8e 95 61 stx plyr_xpos 3067: a2 00 ldx #$00 3069: 8e a3 61 stx floor_move_hi ;reset move counters 306c: 8e a4 61 stx floor_move_lo 306f: 4c 15 10 jmp DrawMaze ;redraw maze and bail 3072: ad 9a 61 :NotSpecWall lda maze_walls_rt ;check distance to facing wall 3075: 29 e0 and #$e0 3077: f0 2c beq :BashBrains ;we've reached wall, go bash brains 3079: 20 85 30 jsr :MoveOneStep ;move one step 307c: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause 307f: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw the maze 3082: 4c 24 30 jmp HndVerbChar ;loop until we die or break through wall 3085: ad 93 61 :MoveOneStep lda plyr_facing ;update position based on facing 3088: aa tax ;(in a really awkward way) 3089: ca dex 308a: 8a txa 308b: f0 0c beq :MoveWest 308d: ca dex 308e: 8a txa 308f: f0 0c beq :MoveNorth 3091: ca dex 3092: 8a txa 3093: f0 0c beq :MoveEast 3095: ce 96 61 dec plyr_ypos ;move south 3098: 60 rts 3099: ce 95 61 :MoveWest dec plyr_xpos 309c: 60 rts 309d: ee 96 61 :MoveNorth inc plyr_ypos 30a0: 60 rts 30a1: ee 95 61 :MoveEast inc plyr_xpos 30a4: 60 rts 30a5: 20 15 10 :BashBrains jsr DrawMaze 30a8: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause 30ab: 20 c5 30 jsr FlashYellow ;flash the lo-res screen 30ae: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 30b1: a9 2a lda #$2a ;"you have rammed your head into a steel" 30b3: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 30b6: a9 2b lda #$2b ;"wall and bashed your brains out" 30b8: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 30bb: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;go die ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 30be: c6 0f ChkVerbFart dec ]verb_index 30c0: f0 39 beq HndVerbFart 30c2: 4c 97 31 jmp ChkVerbSave ; ; Shows a yellow screen, by filling the lo-res graphics screen with yellow and ; then flipping to it briefly. ; ; Note this tramples the text page 1 screen holes. ; ]lores_ptr .var $0e {addr/2} 30c5: a2 00 FlashYellow ldx #<TEXT_PAGE_1 ;set pointer to text screen 30c7: 86 0e stx ]lores_ptr 30c9: a2 04 ldx #<TEXT_PAGE_1+4 30cb: 86 0f stx ]lores_ptr+1 30cd: a0 00 ldy #$00 30cf: a9 dd :Loop lda #$dd ;yellow lo/hi 30d1: 91 0e :Loop1 sta (]lores_ptr),y ;store on text screen 30d3: e6 0e inc ]lores_ptr ;advance pointer 30d5: d0 fa bne :Loop1 30d7: e6 0f inc ]lores_ptr+1 30d9: a5 0f lda ]lores_ptr+1 30db: c9 08 cmp #>TEXT_PAGE_1+$400 ;reached the end of the page? 30dd: d0 f0 bne :Loop ;not yet, loop 30df: 2c 54 c0 bit TXTPAGE1 ;page 1 30e2: 2c 52 c0 bit MIXCLR ;full screen 30e5: 2c 56 c0 bit LORES ;lo-res mode 30e8: 2c 50 c0 bit TXTCLR ;graphics on 30eb: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause 30ee: 2c 55 c0 bit TXTPAGE2 ;page 2 30f1: 2c 52 c0 bit MIXCLR ;full screen 30f4: 2c 57 c0 bit HIRES ;hi-res mode 30f7: 2c 50 c0 bit TXTCLR ;graphics on 30fa: 60 rts ; ; Verb $18: FART ; ]food_tmp .var $0e {addr/2} ]tmp .var $19 {addr/2} 30fb: ad a5 61 HndVerbFart lda special_zone ;in a special zone? 30fe: f0 05 beq :NotSpec ;no, branch 3100: a9 98 lda #$98 ;"you will do no such thing" 3102: 4c 92 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row22 3105: 20 c5 30 :NotSpec jsr FlashYellow ;visual effects 3108: 4c 11 31 jmp :InLoop ;skip first pause/redraw 310b: 20 dc 0f :Loop jsr MediumPause 310e: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze 3111: ad 9a 61 :InLoop lda maze_walls_rt ;check distance to facing wall 3114: 29 e0 and #$e0 3116: f0 27 beq :ReachedWall ;we reached it 3118: 20 85 30 jsr :MoveOneStep ; Check for guillotine. This seems redundant with the test in CheckSpecialCell ; ($0a10). 311b: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor 311e: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;on 1st floor? 3120: d0 0e bne :NoGuil ;no, branch 3122: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos 3125: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;X=6? 3127: d0 07 bne :NoGuil ;no, branch 3129: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos 312c: c9 0a cmp #$0a ;Y=10? 312e: f0 06 beq :DeathByG ;yes, branch and die 3130: 20 19 0b :NoGuil jsr ReduceResources ;reduce food/torch 3133: 4c 0b 31 jmp :Loop 3136: 20 15 10 :DeathByG jsr DrawMaze 3139: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause 313c: 4c 4a 0a jmp ReportGuillotine 313f: 20 15 10 :ReachedWall jsr DrawMaze 3142: ae 9f 61 ldx food_level_hi ;copy satiation level to ZP 3145: 86 0f stx ]food_tmp+1 3147: ae a0 61 ldx food_level_lo 314a: 86 0e stx ]food_tmp 314c: a5 0f lda ]food_tmp+1 ;is player too hungry to fart? 314e: d0 0d bne :NotStarving ;no, branch 3150: a5 0e lda ]food_tmp 3152: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;is food level >= 5? 3154: b0 03 bcs :NotStarving1 ;yes, branch 3156: 4c 64 0b jmp StarvedToDeath ;no, food is 1-4, starve now 3159: c9 0f :NotStarving1 cmp #$0f ;food level < 15? 315b: 90 33 bcc :NearlyStarving ;yes, branch ; Reduce energy level by 10 (on top of the per-step cost). 315d: a9 00 :NotStarving lda #$00 ;reduce food level by 10 315f: 85 1a sta ]tmp+1 3161: a9 0a lda #10 3163: 85 19 sta ]tmp 3165: a5 0e lda ]food_tmp 3167: 38 sec 3168: e5 19 sbc ]tmp ;(could SBC #10 on $619f-61a0 directly) 316a: 85 0e sta ]food_tmp 316c: a5 0f lda ]food_tmp+1 316e: e5 1a sbc ]tmp+1 3170: 85 0f sta ]food_tmp+1 3172: 8d 9f 61 sta food_level_hi 3175: a5 0e lda ]food_tmp 3177: 8d a0 61 sta food_level_lo 317a: 20 dc 0f :WhamWall jsr MediumPause ;pause for each step 317d: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;redraw maze after pause 3180: a9 2d lda #$2d ;"wham" 3182: a2 08 ldx #8 3184: 86 06 stx char_horiz 3186: a2 0a ldx #10 3188: 86 07 stx char_vert 318a: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 318d: 4c 10 0a jmp CheckSpecialCell ;check for special (can't run past dog) 3190: a2 05 :NearlyStarving ldx #$05 ;set level to 5 3192: 8e a0 61 stx food_level_lo 3195: d0 e3 bne :WhamWall ;(always) ]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1} 3197: c6 0f ChkVerbSave dec ]verb_index 3199: d0 44 bne ChkVerbQuit ; ; Verb $19: SAVE ; 319b: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;disallow save while in special zone 319e: f0 05 beq AskSaveGame 31a0: a9 9a lda #$9a ;"it is currently impossible" 31a2: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 31a5: 20 5f 10 AskSaveGame jsr ClearMessages 31a8: a9 93 lda #$93 ;"do you wish to save the game?" 31aa: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 31ad: 20 f7 0f jsr GetYesNo 31b0: 29 7f and #$7f 31b2: c9 59 cmp #‘Y’ 31b4: f0 03 beq :DoSaveGame 31b6: 4c 5f 10 jmp ClearMessages 31b9: 4c 66 7c :DoSaveGame jmp SaveDiskOrTape 31bc: a9 95 SaveToTape lda #$95 ;"please prepare your cassette" 31be: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 31c1: a9 96 lda #$96 ;"when ready, press any key" 31c3: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 31c6: 20 e9 0f jsr WaitKeyCursor ;wait for keypress 31c9: a2 93 ldx #<plyr_facing 31cb: 86 3c stx MON_A1L 31cd: a2 61 ldx #>plyr_facing 31cf: 86 3d stx MON_A1H 31d1: a2 92 ldx #<plyr_facing-1 31d3: 86 3e stx MON_A2L 31d5: a2 62 ldx #>plyr_facing+$100 31d7: 86 3f stx MON_A2H 31d9: 20 cd fe jsr MON_WRITE ;write data to tape 31dc: 4c 5f 10 jmp ClearMessages 31df: c6 0f ChkVerbQuit dec ]verb_index 31e1: d0 18 bne ChkVerbInst ; ; Verb $1a: QUIT ; 31e3: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 31e6: a9 9c lda #$9c ;"are you sure you want to quit?" 31e8: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 31eb: 20 f7 0f jsr GetYesNo 31ee: c9 59 cmp #‘Y’ 31f0: f0 03 beq :DoQuit 31f2: 4c 5f 10 jmp ClearMessages 31f5: 20 a5 31 :DoQuit jsr AskSaveGame ;allow player to save game, even if in special zone 31f8: 4c c4 10 jmp AskPlayAgain 31fb: c6 0f ChkVerbInst dec ]verb_index 31fd: d0 39 bne HndVerbHelp ; ; Verb $1b: INSTtructions / DIREctions ; ; Shows full page of instructions. ; ]inst_ptr .var $0e {addr/2} 31ff: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen ;clear hi-res screen 3202: a9 00 lda #$00 3204: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;set text position to top left 3206: 85 07 sta char_vert 3208: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr 320b: a2 bf ldx #<instructions ;get pointer to instruction text 320d: 86 0e stx ]inst_ptr 320f: a2 77 ldx #>instructions 3211: 86 0f stx ]inst_ptr+1 ; Copy text, skipping the first byte. 3213: e6 0e :Loop inc ]inst_ptr 3215: d0 02 bne :NoInc 3217: e6 0f inc ]inst_ptr+1 3219: a0 00 :NoInc ldy #$00 321b: b1 0e lda (]inst_ptr),y ;get char 321d: 29 7f and #$7f ;strip high bit 321f: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it 3222: a0 00 ldy #$00 3224: b1 0e lda (]inst_ptr),y ;get char again 3226: 10 eb bpl :Loop ;branch if not done ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 3228: 20 e9 0f jsr WaitKeyCursor ;wait for any key 322b: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen ;clear and redraw screen 322e: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze 3231: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV 3233: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 3235: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;draw inventory ; ; Verb $1c: HELP / HINT ; 3238: ad a5 61 HndVerbHelp lda special_zone ;check for special zone 323b: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;calculator room? 323d: f0 19 beq :CalcHelp ;yes, show specific help 323f: ad b1 61 lda help_ctr ;no, alternate responses 3242: f0 0b beq :Help0 3244: a9 9d lda #$9d ;"try examining things" 3246: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3249: a2 00 ldx #$00 324b: 8e b1 61 stx help_ctr ;reset counter 324e: 60 rts 324f: a9 9e :Help0 lda #$9e ;"type instructions" 3251: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3254: ee b1 61 inc help_ctr ;change message for next time 3257: 60 rts 3258: a9 9f :CalcHelp lda #$9f ;"invert and telephone" 325a: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 ; Show the elevator-open animation. OpenElevatorAnim 325d: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze 3260: a9 0a lda #$0a ;elevator opening 3262: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd 3264: 4c 5a 1e jmp DrawFeature ;show the animation ; Swaps the accumulator with a value in memory. • Clear variables 3267: 85 13 SwapOutAReg sta $13 3269: ad f7 61 lda acc_swap_stash 326c: 48 pha 326d: a5 13 lda $13 326f: 8d f7 61 sta acc_swap_stash 3272: 68 pla 3273: 60 rts ; ; Swaps zero page values at $0e-11 and $19-1a with saved values in program ; memory. ; 3274: a5 0e SwapZPValues lda $0e 3276: aa tax 3277: ad f8 61 lda saved_0e 327a: 85 0e sta $0e 327c: 8a txa 327d: 8d f8 61 sta saved_0e 3280: a5 0f lda $0f 3282: aa tax 3283: ad f9 61 lda saved_0f 3286: 85 0f sta $0f 3288: 8a txa 3289: 8d f9 61 sta saved_0f 328c: a5 10 lda $10 328e: aa tax 328f: ad fa 61 lda saved_10 3292: 85 10 sta $10 3294: 8a txa 3295: 8d fa 61 sta saved_10 3298: a5 11 lda $11 329a: aa tax 329b: ad fb 61 lda saved_11 329e: 85 11 sta $11 32a0: 8a txa 32a1: 8d fb 61 sta saved_11 32a4: a5 19 lda $19 32a6: aa tax 32a7: ad fc 61 lda saved_19 32aa: 85 19 sta $19 32ac: 8a txa 32ad: 8d fc 61 sta saved_19 32b0: ad fd 61 lda saved_1a 32b3: aa tax 32b4: a5 1a lda $1a 32b6: 8d fd 61 sta saved_1a 32b9: 8a txa 32ba: 85 1a sta $1a 32bc: 60 rts ; ; Decrements $0e/0f as a 16-bit value. Preserves all registers. ; ; Only called from one place, for mysterious reasons. ; ]val .var $0e {addr/2} 32bd: 48 Decr0e0f pha 32be: c6 0e dec ]val 32c0: a5 0e lda ]val 32c2: c9 ff cmp #$ff 32c4: d0 02 bne :NoDec 32c6: c6 0f dec ]val+1 32c8: 68 :NoDec pla 32c9: 60 rts ; ; Inscription on hat. (Not sure why this isn't in the string table.) 32ca: 41 4e 20 49+ hat_inscript .str ‘AN INSCRIPTION READS: WEAR THIS HAT AND CHARGE A WALL NEAR WHE’ + ‘RE YOU FOUND IT!’ 3318: a0 .dd1 $a0 ; ; Prints special message written on hat. ; ]txt_ptr .var $0c {addr/2} 3319: a2 32 PrintHatMsg ldx #>hat_inscript 331b: 86 0d stx ]txt_ptr+1 331d: a2 ca ldx #<hat_inscript 331f: 86 0c stx ]txt_ptr 3321: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 3324: a9 00 lda #0 3326: 85 06 sta char_horiz 3328: a9 16 lda #22 332a: 85 07 sta char_vert 332c: 4c e5 08 jmp DrawMsg ; ; Additional check for THROW. If the player did "throw ball" outside the ; special zone, die in a fiery explosion. Otherwise, returns with Z-flag clear ; if monster #1 is alive. ; CheckThrowTarget 332f: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun 3332: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;ball? 3334: f0 06 beq :ThrowBall 3336: ad ad 61 lda monster1_alive ;do monster check 3339: 29 02 and #$02 333b: 60 rts 333c: 20 c5 30 :ThrowBall jsr FlashYellow ;explosion and death 333f: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen 3342: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath 3345: 07 ea .junk 2 ; ; Handles behavior in special zones, e.g. when encountering the dog, bat, or ; playing the flute to raise the snake. Generally speaking the player must ; either solve the problem (kill the bat, climb the snake, move correctly in the ; calculator room, etc.) before moving on. ; ; The zone is specified by $61a5; see comments there for a list. ; • Clear variables HandleSpecialZone 3347: ae a5 61 ldx special_zone ;in special zone? 334a: d0 01 bne :NonZero ;yes, handle it 334c: 60 rts ;no, bail 334d: ca :NonZero dex ;see if X-reg holds $02 334e: ca dex 334f: f0 03 beq SpecCalcRoom 3351: 4c 57 34 jmp ChkSpec04 ; ; Special $02: calculator room. ; ; Player must turn 5x/4x/3x to escape. ; ]tmp .var $1a {addr/1} 3354: 20 15 10 SpecCalcRoom jsr DrawMaze 3357: 20 22 34 jsr InitCalcMove ;initialize counters 335a: a2 01 ldx #$01 335c: 86 1a stx ]tmp 335e: 20 f3 33 jsr PrintCalcPuzMsg 3361: 20 ca 0c :CalcLoop jsr GetInput 3364: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb ;get action 3367: c9 46 cmp #$46 ;was it movement (>= $40)? 3369: 10 0f bpl :WasMove ;yes, branch 336b: 20 40 26 jsr ExecParsedInput ;not movement, handle it 336e: 20 19 0b :SpendMove jsr ReduceResources ;all actions here diminish resources 3371: 20 77 0b jsr ReportLowRsrc 3374: 20 35 34 jsr ShowCalcPuzMsg 3377: 4c 61 33 jmp :CalcLoop 337a: c9 5b :WasMove cmp #VERB_FWD ;moved forward? 337c: f0 5f beq :SplatAndReset ;yes, branch 337e: 85 1a sta ]tmp ;save verb 3380: ad b6 61 lda calc_prev_move ;first move? 3383: d0 0b bne :NotFirst ;no, branch 3385: a6 1a ldx ]tmp 3387: 8e b6 61 stx calc_prev_move ;save verb 338a: ee b5 61 inc calc_turn_count ;increment first turn counter 338d: 4c d4 33 jmp :DrawAndCont 3390: c5 1a :NotFirst cmp ]tmp ;same as last time? 3392: d0 1d bne :Changed ;no, branch 3394: ee b5 61 inc calc_turn_count ;increment the turn counter 3397: ad b4 61 lda calc_turn_goal ;check the goal 339a: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;are we on the last set? 339c: d0 36 bne :DrawAndCont ;not yet, branch 339e: cd b5 61 cmp calc_turn_count ;on last set; have we turned 3x? 33a1: d0 31 bne :DrawAndCont ;no, branch ; Puzzle complete. 33a3: a2 04 ldx #$04 33a5: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing ;set direction to south 33a8: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze 33ab: 20 22 34 jsr InitCalcMove ;reset counters 33ae: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;done with puzzle 33b1: a6 1a :Changed ldx ]tmp 33b3: 8e b6 61 stx calc_prev_move ;save verb 33b6: ad b4 61 lda calc_turn_goal ;get goal 33b9: cd b5 61 cmp calc_turn_count ;have we reached it? 33bc: d0 0b bne :FailReset ;no, stopped early; reset 33be: a2 01 ldx #$01 33c0: 8e b5 61 stx calc_turn_count ;reset count, counting this move as first 33c3: ce b4 61 dec calc_turn_goal ;next set requires one fewer turn 33c6: 4c d4 33 jmp :DrawAndCont ; We failed; reset movement, counting this move as the first step. 33c9: 20 27 34 :FailReset jsr ResetCalcMove ;reset counters 33cc: ee b5 61 inc calc_turn_count ;add one turn 33cf: a6 1a ldx ]tmp 33d1: 8e b6 61 stx calc_prev_move ;save verb 33d4: 20 15 10 :DrawAndCont jsr DrawMaze 33d7: ee b7 61 inc calc_total_moves 33da: 4c 6e 33 jmp :SpendMove 33dd: 20 7e 12 :SplatAndReset jsr EraseMaze ;do the usual walk-into-walls thing 33e0: a2 09 ldx #9 33e2: 86 06 stx char_horiz 33e4: a2 0a ldx #10 33e6: 86 07 stx char_vert 33e8: a9 7c lda #$7c ;"splat" 33ea: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 33ed: 20 27 34 jsr ResetCalcMove ;reset puzzle movement counters 33f0: 4c 61 33 jmp :CalcLoop ;loop ; ; Prints the calculator puzzle message. ; ; On entry: ; $1a: suppress additional text if set to 1 ; ]suppress_msg .var $1a {addr/1} 33f3: ad 9c 61 PrintCalcPuzMsg lda parsed_verb ;check verb 33f6: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;drop? 33f8: f0 07 beq :NoDelay ;yes, branch 33fa: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement? 33fc: 10 03 bpl :NoDelay ;yes, branch 33fe: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay ;pause briefly so prev msg is viewable 3401: a9 24 :NoDelay lda #$24 ;"to everything" 3403: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 ;draw string 3406: a5 1a lda ]suppress_msg ;check "turn,turn,turn" flag 3408: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;is it 1? 340a: f0 05 beq :NoTurn1 ;yes, don't show msg 340c: a9 26 lda #$26 ;"turn, turn, turn" 340e: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN ;append to previous message 3411: a9 25 :NoTurn1 lda #$25 ;"there is a season" 3413: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3416: a5 1a lda ]suppress_msg ;check "turn,turn,turn" flag 3418: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;is it 1? 341a: f0 05 beq :Return ;yes, don't show msg 341c: a9 26 lda #$26 ;"turn, turn, turn" 341e: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN ;append to previous message 3421: 60 :Return rts ; ; Initializes calculator puzzle counters. ; 3422: a2 00 InitCalcMove ldx #$00 3424: 8e b7 61 stx calc_total_moves ; ; Resets calculator puzzle movement counters. ; 3427: a2 05 ResetCalcMove ldx #$05 ;first set should be 5 turns 3429: 8e b4 61 stx calc_turn_goal 342c: a2 00 ldx #$00 342e: 8e b5 61 stx calc_turn_count 3431: 8e b6 61 stx calc_prev_move 3434: 60 rts ; ; Determines whether or not we should show the ", TURN, TURN, TURN" string, then ; branches to the code that prints the in-puzzle message. ; 3435: ad b7 61 ShowCalcPuzMsg lda calc_total_moves ;check total moves 3438: c9 06 cmp #6 ;0-5? 343a: 90 0d bcc :SetTurnFlag ;yes, set flag and print 343c: c9 0f cmp #15 ;6-14? 343e: 90 e1 bcc :Return ;yes, show nothing 3440: c9 15 cmp #21 ;15-20? 3442: 90 05 bcc :SetTurnFlag ;yes, set flag and print 3444: c9 1a cmp #26 ;21-25? 3446: 90 08 bcc :ClearTurnFlag ;yes, clear flag and print 3448: 60 rts 3449: a2 01 :SetTurnFlag ldx #$01 344b: 86 1a stx ]suppress_msg 344d: 4c f3 33 jmp PrintCalcPuzMsg 3450: a2 00 :ClearTurnFlag ldx #$00 3452: 86 1a stx ]suppress_msg 3454: 4c f3 33 jmp PrintCalcPuzMsg 3457: ca ChkSpec04 dex 3458: ca dex 3459: f0 03 beq BatAttack 345b: 4c f0 34 jmp ChkSpec06 ; ; Special $04: vampire bat. The player must do the correct counter-move, or they ; die. ; • Clear variables ]saved_noun .var $1a {addr/1} 345e: 20 15 10 BatAttack jsr DrawMaze 3461: a9 31 lda #$31 ;"a vampire bat attacks you" 3463: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3466: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 3469: 20 ca 0c :BatInput jsr GetInput ;get a command 346c: ae 9d 61 ldx parsed_noun 346f: 86 1a stx ]saved_noun 3471: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 3474: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;examine? 3476: f0 13 beq :ExamBat ;yes, branch 3478: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;throw? 347a: f0 1d beq :ThrowAtBat ;yes, handle it 347c: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;break? 347e: f0 19 beq :ThrowAtBat ;yes, treat same as throw 3480: 20 5f 10 :DeathByBat jsr ClearMessages 3483: a9 9b lda #$9b ;"the bat drains you of your vital fluids" 3485: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3488: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath 348b: a5 1a :ExamBat lda ]saved_noun 348d: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;bat? 348f: d0 ef bne :DeathByBat ;no, can only look at bad; die 3491: a9 8c lda #$8c ;"it looks very dangerous" 3493: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3496: 4c 69 34 jmp :BatInput ;let them try again ]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1} ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} ]obj_state .var $1a {addr/1} 3499: 20 5f 10 :ThrowAtBat jsr ClearMessages 349c: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;jar 349e: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 34a0: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 34a2: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 34a4: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc 34a7: a5 1a lda ]obj_state 34a9: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;do we have monster blood? 34ab: d0 d3 bne :DeathByBat ;no, die 34ad: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun 34b0: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;throwing or breaking jar? 34b2: d0 cc bne :DeathByBat ;no, die ; 34b4: a9 50 lda #$50 ;"what a mess! the vampire bat" 34b6: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 34b9: a9 51 lda #$51 ;"drinks the blood and dies" 34bb: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 34be: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ ;destroy item 34c0: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 34c2: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;jar 34c4: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 34c6: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy jar 34c9: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 34cb: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 34cd: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 34d0: a2 00 ldx #$00 34d2: 8e ab 61 stx bat_alive ;mark bat as dead ; ; Pops the current special zone off. ; ]tmp .var $1a {addr/1} 34d5: ad a6 61 PopSpecialZone lda special_zone1 ;shift everything up 34d8: 85 1a sta ]tmp 34da: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone 34dd: ae a7 61 ldx special_zone2 34e0: 8e a6 61 stx special_zone1 34e3: a2 00 ldx #$00 34e5: 8e a7 61 stx special_zone2 34e8: a5 1a lda ]tmp ;are we in a special zone now? 34ea: f0 03 beq :Return ;no, bail 34ec: 4c 47 33 jmp HandleSpecialZone ;yes, handle it 34ef: 60 :Return rts 34f0: ca ChkSpec06 dex 34f1: ca dex 34f2: d0 0b bne ChkSpec07 ; ; Special $06: dog #1 (2nd floor, after 60 steps). ; 34f4: 20 10 35 jsr SpecDogCommon ;handle dog; does not return if we die 34f7: a2 00 ldx #$00 34f9: 8e ae 61 stx dog1_alive ;mark dog #1 as dead 34fc: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone 34ff: ca ChkSpec07 dex 3500: f0 03 beq SpecDog2 3502: 4c ea 35 jmp ChkSpec08 ; ; Special $07: dog #2 (2nd floor, X=5 Y=5). ; 3505: 20 10 35 SpecDog2 jsr SpecDogCommon ;handle dog; does not return if we die 3508: a2 00 ldx #$00 350a: 8e af 61 stx dog2_alive ;mark dog #2 as dead 350d: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ; ; Common code for handling encounter with dog. If we die this jumps to the ; death handler, if we kill the dog this returns to the caller. ; ]noun_copy .var $1a {addr/1} 3510: 20 15 10 SpecDogCommon jsr DrawMaze 3513: a9 2e lda #$2e 3515: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 ;"a vicious dog attacks you" 3518: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 351b: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput 351e: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun 3521: 85 1a sta ]noun_copy ;stash a copy of the noun in ZP 3523: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 3526: c9 59 cmp #$59 ;player movement? 3528: b0 0c bcs :DeathByDog ;yes, branch (to death) 352a: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;throw? 352c: f0 71 beq :ThrowSomething ;yes, branch 352e: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;kill? 3530: f0 1d beq :KillSomething ;yes, branch 3532: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;examine? 3534: f0 0b beq :ExamSomething ;yes, branch 3536: 20 5f 10 :DeathByDog jsr ClearMessages 3539: a9 2f lda #$2f ;"he rips your throat out" 353b: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 353e: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;ow 3541: a5 1a :ExamSomething lda ]noun_copy ;get noun 3543: c9 16 cmp #$16 ;dog? 3545: d0 ef bne :DeathByDog ;no, branch to pay the price for ADD 3547: a9 28 lda #$28 ;"it displays 317.2" 3549: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 ;(BUG... should be $8c in row 22?) 354c: 4c 10 35 jmp SpecDogCommon 354f: a5 1a :KillSomething lda ]noun_copy ;get noun 3551: c9 16 cmp #$16 ;dog? 3553: d0 e1 bne :DeathByDog ;no, branch (to death) ]obj_state .var $1a {addr/1} 3555: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;dagger 3557: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3559: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 355b: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 355d: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on dagger 3560: a9 08 lda #$08 3562: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;in inventory and unboxed? 3564: f0 1f beq :WithDagger ;yes, branch 3566: a2 0e ldx #$0e ;sword 3568: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 356a: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 356c: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 356e: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on sword 3571: a9 08 lda #$08 3573: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;in inventory and unboxed? 3575: d0 bf bne :DeathByDog ;no, branch to die 3577: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 357a: a9 97 lda #$97 ;"and it vanishes" 357c: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 357f: a9 63 :KilledIt lda #$63 ;"you have killed it" 3581: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3584: 60 rts ;return triumphantly 3585: a2 00 :WithDagger ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ 3587: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3589: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;dagger 358b: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 358d: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy dagger 3590: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 3592: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3594: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 3597: a9 64 lda #$64 ;"the dagger disappears" 3599: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 359c: 4c 7f 35 jmp :KilledIt 359f: a5 1a :ThrowSomething lda ]obj_state ;get noun 35a1: c9 0c cmp #$0c ;sneaker? 35a3: d0 91 bne :DeathByDog ;no, branch to death 35a5: a2 0c ldx #$0c ;sneaker 35a7: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 35a9: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 35ab: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 35ad: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on sneaker 35b0: a9 08 lda #$08 35b2: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;in inventory and unboxed? 35b4: d0 80 bne :DeathByDog ;no, die 35b6: a2 0c ldx #$0c ;sneaker 35b8: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 35ba: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ 35bc: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 35be: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy sneaker 35c1: 20 d9 28 jsr SailAroundCorner 35c4: a9 5c lda #$5c ;"and is eaten by" 35c6: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 35c9: a9 5d lda #$5d ;"the monster" 35cb: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 35ce: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 35d1: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 35d4: a9 30 lda #$30 ;"the dog chases the sneaker" 35d6: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 35d9: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 35dc: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 35df: a9 5c lda #$5c ;"and is eaten by" 35e1: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 35e4: a9 5d lda #$5d ;"the monster" 35e6: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 35e9: 60 rts 35ea: ca ChkSpec08 dex 35eb: f0 03 beq SpecMonster 35ed: 4c 86 36 jmp ChkSpec09 ; ; Special $08: monster has found us (4th floor). ; 35f0: ad 9c 61 SpecMonster lda parsed_verb ;check previous verb 35f3: c9 50 cmp #$50 ;was it movement ($5b-5e)? 35f5: 90 03 bcc :NotMove ;no, branch 35f7: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;update maze view 35fa: ad b2 61 :NotMove lda monster1_dist ;was monster nearby? 35fd: d0 13 bne :MonstNear ;yes, branch 35ff: 20 6c 36 jsr DelayClearMsg ;no, show first message 3602: a9 43 lda #$43 ;"the ground beneath your feet" 3604: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3607: a9 44 lda #$44 ;"begins to shake" 3609: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 360c: ee b2 61 inc monster1_dist ;closer 360f: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput 3612: ad b2 61 :MonstNear lda monster1_dist 3615: c9 01 cmp #$01 3617: d0 10 bne :AttackDie 3619: a9 45 lda #$45 ;"a disgusting odor permeates" 361b: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 361e: a9 46 lda #$46 ;"the hallway as it darkens" 3620: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3623: ee b2 61 inc monster1_dist ;closer 3626: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput 3629: 20 55 08 :AttackDie jsr ClearScreen 362c: a9 36 lda #$36 ;"the monster attacks you and" 362e: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3631: a9 37 lda #$37 ;"you are his next meal" 3633: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3636: ad b8 61 lda wool_msg_flag ;was wool destroyed by "raiding lair"? 3639: d0 03 bne :NeverRaidLair ;yes, add warning 363b: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath 363e: a9 75 :NeverRaidLair lda #$75 ;"never, ever raid a monster's lair" 3640: a2 00 ldx #0 3642: 86 06 stx char_horiz 3644: a2 15 ldx #21 ;row 21 (normally blank) 3646: 86 07 stx char_vert 3648: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 364b: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ; Various monster-handling code branches here. 364e: 20 ca 0c ReqMonstInput jsr GetInput 3651: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 3654: c9 50 cmp #$50 3656: 90 06 bcc :NotMove 3658: 20 49 09 jsr HandleImmCmd 365b: 4c 47 33 jmp HandleSpecialZone 365e: 20 40 26 :NotMove jsr ExecParsedInput 3661: a2 0c ldx #$0c 3663: 8e b2 61 stx monster1_dist ;special value for monster distance 3666: 20 6c 36 jsr DelayClearMsg 3669: 4c 47 33 jmp HandleSpecialZone ; ; If there are messages in rows 22/23, delay briefly, then clear them. If the ; area is already clear, return immediately. ; 366c: ad 7a 0c DelayClearMsg lda text_row22 ;check row 22 366f: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;blank? 3671: f0 04 beq :Blank22 ;yes, branch 3673: c9 20 cmp #$20 ;space (also means blank?)? 3675: d0 08 bne :NotBlank ;no, not blank 3677: ad a2 0c :Blank22 lda text_row23 ;check row 23 367a: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;blank? 367c: d0 01 bne :NotBlank ;no, branch 367e: 60 rts ;all blank, return immediately 367f: 20 45 10 :NotBlank jsr LongDelay ;delay to let them read message 3682: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages ;clear previous message 3685: 60 rts 3686: ca ChkSpec09 dex 3687: f0 03 beq SpecMother 3689: 4c 77 37 jmp ChkSpec0a ; ; Special $09: monster's mother (5th floor). ; 368c: ad 9c 61 SpecMother lda parsed_verb ;check verb 368f: c9 50 cmp #$50 ;movement? 3691: 90 03 bcc :NotMove ;no, branch 3693: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;yes, redraw maze 3696: ad b3 61 :NotMove lda monst_dark_dist ;is movement progress nonzero? 3699: d0 13 bne :Close ;yes, branch 369b: 20 6c 36 jsr DelayClearMsg 369e: a9 43 lda #$43 ;"the ground beneath your feet" 36a0: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 36a3: a9 44 lda #$44 ;"begins to shake" 36a5: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 36a8: ee b3 61 inc monst_dark_dist ;update distance 36ab: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput ]ret_xy .var $19 {addr/1} ]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1} 36ae: aa :Close tax ;is movement progress at 1? 36af: ca dex 36b0: d0 21 bne :SeduceOrDie ;no, we're at 2; do or die time 36b2: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 36b4: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 36b6: a2 08 ldx #$08 ;horn 36b8: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 36ba: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on horn 36bd: a9 07 lda #$07 36bf: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;horn activated? 36c1: f0 10 beq :SeduceOrDie ;yes, branch 36c3: a9 45 lda #$45 ;"a disgusting odor permeates" 36c5: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 36c8: a9 46 lda #$46 ;"the hallway as it darkens" 36ca: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 36cd: ee b3 61 inc monst_dark_dist 36d0: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput 36d3: a9 48 :SeduceOrDie lda #$48 ;"it is the monster's mother" 36d5: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 36d8: a2 08 ldx #$08 ;horn 36da: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 36dc: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 36de: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 36e0: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on horn 36e3: a9 07 lda #$07 36e5: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;horn activated? 36e7: d0 05 bne :NoHorn ;no, branch 36e9: a9 49 lda #$49 ;"she has been seduced" 36eb: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 36ee: a5 1a :NoHorn lda ]ret_state ;preserve $19/$1a 36f0: 48 pha 36f1: a5 19 lda ]ret_xy 36f3: 48 pha 36f4: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput ;get another command from player 36f7: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 36fa: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check what they're acting on 36fd: c9 18 cmp #$18 ;"monster" 36ff: f0 1d beq :CheckAction 3701: c9 19 cmp #$19 ;"mother" 3703: f0 19 beq :CheckAction 3705: 68 :SlashBits pla 3706: 85 19 sta ]ret_xy 3708: 68 pla 3709: 85 1a sta ]ret_state 370b: a9 07 lda #$07 370d: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;horn activated? 370f: d0 05 bne :NoHorn1 ;no, branch 3711: a9 4a lda #$4a ;"she tiptoes up to you" 3713: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3716: a9 4b :NoHorn1 lda #$4b ;"she slashes you to bits" 3718: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 371b: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath 371e: ad 9c 61 :CheckAction lda parsed_verb ;check verb 3721: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;examine? 3723: d0 10 bne :NotExamine ;no, branch 3725: a9 8c lda #$8c ;"it looks very dangerous" 3727: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 372a: aa tax 372b: 68 pla 372c: 85 19 sta ]ret_xy 372e: 68 pla 372f: 85 1a sta ]ret_state 3731: 8a txa 3732: 4c ee 36 jmp :NoHorn ;loop 3735: c9 13 :NotExamine cmp #$13 ;kill? 3737: d0 cc bne :SlashBits ;no, mother wins 3739: a2 0e ldx #$0e ;sword 373b: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 373d: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 373f: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3741: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on sword 3744: a9 08 lda #$08 3746: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;in inventory, unboxed? 3748: d0 bb bne :SlashBits ;no, can't kill with what we got 374a: 68 pla 374b: 85 19 sta ]ret_xy 374d: 68 pla 374e: 85 1a sta ]ret_state 3750: a9 07 lda #$07 3752: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;horn in "active" state? 3754: d0 c0 bne :NoHorn1 ;no, can't kill without blowing horn ; Slay monster's mother (trivia: never named in Beowulf). 3756: a9 4a lda #$4a ;"she tiptoes up to you" 3758: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 375b: a9 4c lda #$4c ;"you slash her to bits" 375d: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3760: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 3763: a9 78 lda #$78 ;"the body has vanished" 3765: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3768: a2 00 ldx #$00 376a: 8e b3 61 stx monst_dark_dist ;reset counters 376d: 8e ac 61 stx monster2_alive 3770: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone ;exit zone 3773: 8e a6 61 stx special_zone1 3776: 60 rts 3777: ca ChkSpec0a dex 3778: f0 03 beq SpecDarkMonst 377a: 4c 02 38 jmp ChkSpec0b ; ; Special $0a: darkness; monster approaching. ; ; We leave the zone when the lights turn on. If the monster is dead (for floors ; 1-4) or the monster's mother is dead (for floor 5), we leave the zone ; immediately. ; 377d: ad 9c 61 SpecDarkMonst lda parsed_verb ;check verb 3780: c9 50 cmp #$50 ;movement? 3782: 90 03 bcc :NotMove 3784: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;erases maze, only redraws if now lit 3787: ad 9e 61 :NotMove lda illumination_flag ;is there illumination? 378a: f0 08 beq :NoLight ;no, branch 378c: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;yes, reset distance 378e: 8e b3 61 stx monst_dark_dist 3791: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;clear flag 3794: a2 00 :NoLight ldx #$00 3796: 8e a4 61 stx floor_move_lo 3799: ad b3 61 lda monst_dark_dist ;check distance 379c: d0 29 bne :GettingClose ;already getting close 379e: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor ;check floor 37a1: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;5th? 37a3: f0 0a beq :Floor5 ;yes, branch 37a5: ad ad 61 lda monster1_alive ;monster still alive? 37a8: 29 02 and #$02 37aa: d0 08 bne :BadMoAlive ;yes, branch 37ac: 4c d5 34 :PopDone jmp PopSpecialZone ;no monster here 37af: ad ac 61 :Floor5 lda monster2_alive ;monster's mother still alive? 37b2: f0 f8 beq :PopDone ;no, nothing to do ; Lights are off and there's a monster nearby. 37b4: 20 6c 36 :BadMoAlive jsr DelayClearMsg 37b7: a9 43 lda #$43 ;"the ground beneath your feet" 37b9: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 37bc: a9 44 lda #$44 ;begins to shake" 37be: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 37c1: ee b3 61 inc monst_dark_dist 37c4: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput 37c7: c9 01 :GettingClose cmp #$01 ;how close? 37c9: d0 13 bne :Arrived ;monster has arrived, branch 37cb: 20 6c 36 jsr DelayClearMsg 37ce: ee b3 61 inc monst_dark_dist ;move closer 37d1: a9 45 lda #$45 ;"a disgusting odor permeates" 37d3: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 37d6: a9 47 lda #$47 ;"the hallway" 37d8: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 37db: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput 37de: 20 6c 36 :Arrived jsr DelayClearMsg 37e1: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor ;check which monster we're fighting 37e4: c9 05 cmp #$05 37e6: f0 0d beq :Mother ;it's mother, branch 37e8: a9 36 lda #$36 ;"the monster attacks you and" 37ea: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 37ed: a9 37 lda #$37 ;"you are his next meal" 37ef: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 37f2: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath 37f5: a9 48 :Mother lda #$48 ;"it is the monster's mother" 37f7: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 37fa: a9 4b lda #$4b ;"she slashes you to bits" 37fc: 20 a4 08 :MsgThenDie jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 37ff: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath 3802: ca ChkSpec0b dex 3803: d0 6f bne ChkSpec0c ; ; Special $0b: snake on the loose. ; 3805: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check what we're interacting with 3808: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;snake? 380a: f0 07 beq SpecSnakeLoose ;yes, branch 380c: 20 5f 10 SnakeBitesYou jsr ClearMessages 380f: a9 20 lda #$20 ;"the snake bites you and you die" 3811: d0 e9 bne :MsgThenDie ;(always) 3813: ad 9c 61 SpecSnakeLoose lda parsed_verb ;check verb 3816: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;examine? 3818: f0 52 beq :LookSnake ;yes, branch 381a: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;kill? 381c: d0 ee bne SnakeBitesYou ;no, die 381e: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;dagger 3820: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3822: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 3824: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3826: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on dagger in inventory 3829: a5 1a lda ]ret_state 382b: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;in inventory (active or not)? 382d: 10 13 bpl :HaveDagger ;yes, we have it 382f: a2 0e ldx #$0e ;sword 3831: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3833: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 3835: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3837: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on sword 383a: a5 1a lda ]ret_state 383c: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;in inventory (active or not)? 383e: 30 cc bmi SnakeBitesYou ;no, die 3840: 10 22 bpl :HaveSword ;yes, swing the sword 3842: a2 04 :HaveDagger ldx #$04 ;dagger 3844: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3846: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ 3848: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 384a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy dagger 384d: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ 384f: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3851: a2 11 ldx #$11 ;snake 3853: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3855: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy snake 3858: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 385a: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 385c: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 385f: a9 64 lda #$64 ;"the dagger disappears" 3861: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3864: a9 63 :HaveSword lda #$63 ;"you have killed it" 3866: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3869: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone 386c: a9 8c :LookSnake lda #$8c ;"it looks very dangerous" 386e: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3871: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput 3874: ca ChkSpec0c dex 3875: f0 03 beq SpecKeyTicking 3877: 4c 6e 39 jmp ChkSpec0d ; ; Special $0c: key is ticking after unlocking door #2. ; ; It takes 9 moves (R ZZZZZ L Z L) to get into position at the new keyhole. ; After the 9th move, they either open the door or detonate. ; 387a: ad 9c 61 SpecKeyTicking lda parsed_verb ;check verb 387d: c9 50 cmp #$50 ;movement? 387f: 90 03 bcc :NotMove ;no, branch 3881: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze 3884: ad b6 61 :NotMove lda calc_prev_move ;zeroed by calc puzzle finish; now counts key ticks 3887: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;out of time? 3889: f0 5f beq :TimesUp ;yes, branch 388b: ee b6 61 inc calc_prev_move ;increment counter 388e: 20 94 38 jsr :ShowNewHole 3891: 4c 2c 39 jmp :GetCmd ; Show the keyhole that appears after unlocking the second door. In theory you ; can see this from X=10 and Y=7-11, but in practice only Y=9-11 are possible ; because the key explodes before you can get farther. ]tmp .var $1a {addr/1} 3894: ad 93 61 :ShowNewHole lda plyr_facing ;get facing 3897: 85 1a sta ]tmp ;save in ZP 3899: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;get X position 389c: c9 0a cmp #10 ;X = 10? 389e: d0 3d bne :PrintTickTick ;no, new keyhole not visible 38a0: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos ;get Y position 38a3: 38 sec 38a4: e9 09 sbc #9 38a6: f0 24 beq :Y9 ;Y=9, branch 38a8: aa tax 38a9: ca dex 38aa: f0 0f beq :Y10 ;Y=10, branch 38ac: ca dex 38ad: d0 2e bne :PrintTickTick ;Y < 9 (not possible due to timer), branch 38af: a9 01 lda #$01 ;Y=11, check facing 38b1: c5 1a cmp ]tmp ;facing west? 38b3: d0 28 bne :PrintTickTick ;no, nothing to see 38b5: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;full-sized facing keyhole 38b7: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 38b9: d0 1f bne :DrawHole 38bb: a9 02 :Y10 lda #$02 38bd: c5 1a cmp ]tmp ;facing north? 38bf: d0 1c bne :PrintTickTick ;no, branch 38c1: a2 10 ldx #$10 ;mask: keyhole on left side wall at dist=1 38c3: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 38c5: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;feature: keyhole on side wall 38c7: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 38c9: 4c da 38 jmp :DrawHole 38cc: a9 02 :Y9 lda #$02 ;facing north? 38ce: c5 1a cmp ]tmp 38d0: d0 0b bne :PrintTickTick ;no, branch 38d2: a2 20 ldx #$20 ;mask: keyhole on left side wall at dist=2 38d4: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 38d6: a9 09 lda #$09 ;feature: keyhole on side wall 38d8: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd ; 38da: 20 5a 1e :DrawHole jsr DrawFeature 38dd: a9 41 :PrintTickTick lda #$41 ;"tick! tick!" 38df: a2 06 ldx #6 38e1: 86 06 stx char_horiz 38e3: a2 02 ldx #2 38e5: 86 07 stx char_vert 38e7: 4c e2 08 jmp DrawMsgN ; They've made 9 moves, do or die. 38ea: 20 94 38 :TimesUp jsr :ShowNewHole ;show the hole if it's visible 38ed: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput 38f0: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb ;check verb 38f3: c9 10 cmp #$10 ;open? 38f5: d0 1f bne :Kaboom ;no, die 38f7: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check noun 38fa: c9 17 cmp #$17 ;door? 38fc: d0 18 bne :Kaboom ;no, die 38fe: ad 93 61 lda plyr_facing ;check facing 3901: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;west? 3903: d0 11 bne :Kaboom ;no, die? 3905: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;check position 3908: c9 0a cmp #10 ;X=10? 390a: d0 0a bne :Kaboom ;no, die 390c: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos 390f: c9 0b cmp #11 ;Y=11? 3911: d0 03 bne :Kaboom ;no, die 3913: 4c 86 3c jmp SpecEndGame ;play the end sequence 3916: 20 c5 30 :Kaboom jsr FlashYellow ;blow up the inside world 3919: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen 391c: a2 00 ldx #0 391e: 86 06 stx char_horiz 3920: a2 15 ldx #21 3922: 86 07 stx char_vert 3924: a9 42 lda #$42 ;"the key blows up the whole maze" 3926: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 3929: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath 392c: 20 ca 0c :GetCmd jsr GetInput 392f: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 3932: c9 59 cmp #$59 ;movement? 3934: 90 06 bcc :ChkOpen ;no, handle typed command 3936: 20 49 09 jsr HandleImmCmd ;yes, handle movement 3939: 4c 47 33 jmp HandleSpecialZone ;loop ; See if they're trying to open the final door. (Only possible to succeed here ; if the timer allows some slack in movement.) 393c: ad 9c 61 :ChkOpen lda parsed_verb 393f: c9 10 cmp #$10 ;open? 3941: d0 1f bne :NotOpenDoor 3943: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun 3946: c9 17 cmp #$17 ;door? 3948: d0 18 bne :NotOpenDoor 394a: ad 93 61 lda plyr_facing 394d: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;west? 394f: d0 11 bne :NotOpenDoor 3951: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos 3954: c9 0a cmp #10 ;X pos = 10? 3956: d0 0a bne :NotOpenDoor 3958: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos 395b: c9 0b cmp #11 ;Y pos = 11? 395d: d0 03 bne :NotOpenDoor 395f: 4c 86 3c jmp SpecEndGame ;enter the final sequence 3962: 20 19 0b :NotOpenDoor jsr ReduceResources ;reduce food/torch 3965: 20 40 26 jsr ExecParsedInput ;execute whatever the command was 3968: 20 77 0b jsr ReportLowRsrc 396b: 4c 47 33 jmp HandleSpecialZone ;loop 396e: ca ChkSpec0d dex 396f: f0 03 beq SpecElevOpen 3971: 4c 20 3a jmp ChkSpec0e ; ; Special $0d: elevator doors have opened, awaiting 'Z'. ; 3974: 20 ca 0c SpecElevOpen jsr GetInput ;wait for an action 3977: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 397a: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;forward movement? 397c: f0 37 beq :EnterElev ;yes, do the elevator stuff 397e: ad a6 61 :PopZone lda special_zone1 ;didn't move forward; pop special zone 3981: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone ; (closes elevator doors) 3984: ad a7 61 lda special_zone2 3987: a2 00 ldx #$00 3989: 8e a7 61 stx special_zone2 398c: 8d a6 61 sta special_zone1 398f: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze 3992: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 3995: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;movement command? 3997: 90 03 bcc :NotMove ;no, handle it 3999: 4c 49 09 jmp HandleImmCmd ;yes, handle it the other way 399c: 4c 40 26 :NotMove jmp ExecParsedInput ;handle command 399f: a9 a3 :ElevMoving lda #$a3 ;"the elevator is moving" 39a1: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 39a4: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 39a7: a9 a4 lda #$a4 ;"you are deposited at the next level" 39a9: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 39ac: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 39af: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;draw new location 39b2: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;exit elevator 39b5: 20 7e 12 :EnterElev jsr EraseMaze 39b8: ae 94 61 ldx plyr_floor ;get floor 39bb: ca dex ;floor 2? 39bc: ca dex 39bd: f0 13 beq :ElevFloor2 ;yes, branch 39bf: ca dex ;floor 3? 39c0: f0 41 beq :ElevFloor3 ;yes, branch 39c2: ca dex ;floor 4? 39c3: f0 48 beq :ElevFloor4 ;yes, branch 39c5: a9 6d lda #$6d ;"you are trapped in a fake" 39c7: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 39ca: a9 6e lda #$6e ;"elevator. There is no escape" 39cc: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 39cf: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ; Handle 2nd-floor elevator (crushes you to death). 39d2: 20 7e 12 :ElevFloor2 jsr EraseMaze ;clear maze from screen 39d5: a2 03 ldx #$03 39d7: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd ;(?) 39d9: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf ;set left walls 39dc: a2 23 ldx #$23 39de: 86 0e stx ]func_arg ;(?) 39e0: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt ;set right walls 39e3: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls 39e6: a2 03 ldx #$03 39e8: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 39ea: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;draw animated walls closing in 39ed: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause 39f0: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze 39f3: a9 79 lda #$79 ;"glitch" 39f5: a2 08 ldx #8 39f7: 86 06 stx char_horiz 39f9: a2 0a ldx #10 39fb: 86 07 stx char_vert 39fd: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 3a00: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ; Handle 3rd floor elevator (moves down to 4th). 3a03: ee 94 61 :ElevFloor3 inc plyr_floor 3a06: a2 01 ldx #$01 3a08: 8e 95 61 stx plyr_xpos ;set X pos = 1 3a0b: d0 08 bne :ElevCommon ;(always) ; Handle 4th floor elevator (moves up to 3rd). 3a0d: ce 94 61 :ElevFloor4 dec plyr_floor 3a10: a2 04 ldx #$04 3a12: 8e 95 61 stx plyr_xpos ;set X pos = 4 3a15: a2 00 :ElevCommon ldx #$00 3a17: 8e a3 61 stx floor_move_hi 3a1a: 8e a4 61 stx floor_move_lo 3a1d: 4c 9f 39 jmp :ElevMoving 3a20: ca ChkSpec0e dex 3a21: f0 03 beq SpecMonsterWool 3a23: 4c ea 3a jmp ChkSpec0f ; ; Special $0e: monster tangled in wool ; ; Player can kill monster and fill jar. ; 3a26: ad b2 61 SpecMonsterWool lda monster1_dist ;check distance 3a29: c9 0c cmp #$0c ;special flag set? 3a2b: d0 03 bne :NoSpec ;no, branch 3a2d: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput ;get command 3a30: a2 00 :NoSpec ldx #$00 3a32: 8e b2 61 stx monster1_dist ;reset distance 3a35: ad 9d 61 :CheckCmd lda parsed_noun ;check noun 3a38: c9 18 cmp #$18 ;monster? 3a3a: f0 03 beq :NounMonster ;yes, branch 3a3c: 4c 29 36 :JmpAttackDie jmp :AttackDie ;no, we're dead 3a3f: ad 9c 61 :NounMonster lda parsed_verb ;check verb 3a42: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;examine? 3a44: d0 03 bne :NoExam ;no, branch 3a46: 4c d4 3a jmp :ExamMonster 3a49: c9 13 :NoExam cmp #$13 ;kill? 3a4b: d0 ef bne :JmpAttackDie ;no, branch and die 3a4d: ad 9e 61 lda illumination_flag ;are we in the dark? 3a50: f0 ea beq :JmpAttackDie ;yes, die 3a52: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;dagger 3a54: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3a56: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 3a58: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3a5a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on dagger 3a5d: a9 08 lda #$08 3a5f: c5 1a cmp ]tmp ;in inventory and unboxed? 3a61: d0 d9 bne :JmpAttackDie ;no, die ; Kill monster. 3a63: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 3a66: a2 04 ldx #$04 3a68: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3a6a: a2 01 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ1 3a6c: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3a6e: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy dagger 3a71: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 3a73: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3a75: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc 3a78: a9 64 lda #$64 ;"the dagger disappears" 3a7a: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3a7d: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 3a80: a9 61 lda #$61 ;"the monster is dead and" 3a82: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3a85: a9 62 lda #$62 ;"much blood is spilt" 3a87: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3a8a: a2 00 ldx #$00 3a8c: 8e ad 61 stx monster1_alive ;mark as dead 3a8f: ad a6 61 lda special_zone1 ;is monster special on stack? 3a92: c9 08 cmp #$08 3a94: d0 09 bne :NotSecondary ;no, branch 3a96: ad a7 61 lda special_zone2 ;yes, remove monster from stack 3a99: 8d a6 61 sta special_zone1 3a9c: 8e a7 61 stx special_zone2 ;set to zero 3a9f: 20 ca 0c :NotSecondary jsr GetInput ;get command 3aa2: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb ;check verb 3aa5: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;fill? 3aa7: d0 36 bne :NotFillJar ;no, branch 3aa9: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun 3aac: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;jar? 3aae: d0 2f bne :NotFillJar 3ab0: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 3ab2: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3ab4: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;jar 3ab6: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3ab8: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on jar 3abb: a9 08 lda #$08 3abd: c5 1a cmp ]tmp ;in inventory, unboxed, inactive? 3abf: d0 1e bne :NotFillJar ;no, branch 3ac1: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;jar 3ac3: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3ac5: a2 03 ldx #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ 3ac7: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3ac9: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;mark jar as active 3acc: a9 60 lda #$60 ;"it is now full of blood" 3ace: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3ad1: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;done with special handling 3ad4: a9 8c :ExamMonster lda #$8c ;"it looks very dangerous" 3ad6: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3ad9: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput ;get another command 3adc: 4c 35 3a jmp :CheckCmd ;loop 3adf: 20 5f 10 :NotFillJar jsr ClearMessages 3ae2: a9 78 lda #$78 ;"the body has vanished" 3ae4: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3ae7: 4c 7e 39 jmp :PopZone ;done with zone 3aea: ca ChkSpec0f dex 3aeb: f0 03 beq SpecSnakeRisen 3aed: 4c 86 3c jmp SpecEndGame ; ; Special $0f: snake has risen. ; ; Besides dealing with the act of climbing the snake, this also drives movement ; while you're in the two-cell area above the snake. (I think this is because ; they didn't want to make the snake vanish while you were standing on it, ; though they could have gone back to "normal" mode after stepping off.) ; 3af0: 20 ca 0c SpecSnakeRisen jsr GetInput ;get command 3af3: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 3af6: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement? 3af8: 90 03 bcc :NotMove ;no, branch 3afa: 4c 0c 38 :SnakeBites jmp SnakeBitesYou ;die 3afd: c9 07 :NotMove cmp #$07 ;climb? 3aff: d0 f9 bne :SnakeBites ;no, die 3b01: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check noun 3b04: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;snake? 3b06: d0 f2 bne :SnakeBites ;no, die ; ]ypos .var $19 {addr/1} ]xpos .var $1a {addr/1} 3b08: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;copy player position to ZP 3b0b: 85 1a sta ]xpos 3b0d: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos 3b10: 85 19 sta ]ypos 3b12: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor ;get current floor 3b15: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;are we on the 3rd? 3b17: f0 13 beq :NotFloor3 ;no, branch 3b19: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;on the 4th? 3b1b: d0 1b bne :NoHole ;definitely not under hole 3b1d: a5 1a lda ]xpos ;under hole at (1,10)? 3b1f: c9 01 cmp #1 3b21: d0 15 bne :NoHole 3b23: a5 19 lda ]ypos 3b25: c9 0a cmp #10 3b27: d0 0f bne :NoHole 3b29: 4c 61 3b jmp :UpFrom4 ;yes, allow climb 3b2c: a5 1a :NotFloor3 lda ]xpos ;under hole at (8,5)? 3b2e: c9 08 cmp #8 3b30: d0 06 bne :NoHole 3b32: a5 19 lda ]ypos 3b34: c9 05 cmp #5 3b36: f0 1e beq :UpFrom3 ;yes, allow climb ; Attempted to climb snake when not below hole in ceiling. 3b38: 20 c5 30 :NoHole jsr FlashYellow 3b3b: a9 2d lda #$2d ;"wham" 3b3d: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3b40: a9 a5 lda #$a5 ;"your head smashes into the ceiling" 3b42: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3b45: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 3b48: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 3b4b: a9 a6 lda #$a6 ;"you fall on the snake" 3b4d: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3b50: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 3b53: 4c 0c 38 jmp SnakeBitesYou ]facing_flag .var $19 {addr/1} 3b56: a2 01 :UpFrom3 ldx #$01 3b58: 86 19 stx ]facing_flag 3b5a: e8 inx 3b5b: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing ;face north 3b5e: 4c 6a 3b jmp :UpCommon 3b61: a2 00 :UpFrom4 ldx #$00 3b63: 86 19 stx ]facing_flag 3b65: a2 03 ldx #$03 3b67: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing ;face east ; We've moved up one floor, and are standing on the pit. Move forward or die. 3b6a: ce 94 61 :UpCommon dec plyr_floor ;climb up one floor 3b6d: a5 1a lda ]xpos ;preserve ZP 3b6f: 48 pha 3b70: a5 19 lda ]facing_flag 3b72: 48 pha 3b73: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze 3b76: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput ;get a command 3b79: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 3b7c: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;step forward? 3b7e: f0 0e beq :MoveFwd ;yes, branch 3b80: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 3b83: a9 54 lda #$54 ;"you can't be serious" 3b85: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3b88: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay 3b8b: 4c 0c 38 jmp SnakeBitesYou 3b8e: 68 :MoveFwd pla ;restore ZP 3b8f: 85 19 sta ]facing_flag 3b91: 68 pla 3b92: 85 1a sta ]xpos 3b94: 48 pha 3b95: a5 19 lda ]facing_flag ;check flag 3b97: 48 pha 3b98: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;are we facing north? 3b9a: f0 06 beq :MoveNorth ;yes, branch 3b9c: ee 95 61 inc plyr_xpos ;move one step east 3b9f: 4c a5 3b jmp :Moved 3ba2: ee 96 61 :MoveNorth inc plyr_ypos ;move one step north 3ba5: 20 15 10 :Moved jsr DrawMaze 3ba8: a9 59 lda #$59 ;"the" 3baa: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3bad: a9 11 lda #$11 ;"snake" 3baf: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun 3bb2: a9 77 lda #$77 ;"has vanished" 3bb4: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 3bb7: a2 11 ldx #$11 ;snake 3bb9: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3bbb: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ 3bbd: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3bbf: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy snake 3bc2: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 3bc4: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3bc6: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory (why?) 3bc9: 68 pla ;restore ZP 3bca: 85 19 sta ]facing_flag 3bcc: 68 pla 3bcd: 85 1a sta ]xpos 3bcf: a5 19 lda ]facing_flag 3bd1: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;facing east? 3bd3: d0 03 bne :SwordZone ;yes, we must be in sword area, branch 3bd5: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;no, just on 2nd floor; done here 3bd8: ad ad 61 :SwordZone lda monster1_alive ;is the monster still alive? 3bdb: f0 26 beq :NoMonster ;no, branch ; For some reason, we delete the wool if the player climbs the snake before ; defeating the monster (which means they can't kill the monster). This happens ; whether or not we're holding the wool. 3bdd: a9 59 lda #$59 ;"the" 3bdf: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3be2: a9 0f lda #$0f ;wool 3be4: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun 3be7: a9 77 lda #$77 ;"has vanished" 3be9: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 3bec: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ 3bee: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3bf0: a2 0f ldx #$0f ;wool 3bf2: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3bf4: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy wool 3bf7: a2 01 ldx #$01 3bf9: 8e b8 61 stx wool_msg_flag ;set flag (msg about monster lair on death) 3bfc: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 3bfe: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3c00: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory ; We're now standing in the cell where the sword is. 3c03: a2 01 :NoMonster ldx #$01 3c05: 8e b9 61 stx object_status ;set status of object 0 (?) 3c08: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 3c0a: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3c0c: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 3c0f: 20 ca 0c :InputLoop jsr GetInput 3c12: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 3c15: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement key? 3c17: b0 12 bcs :WasMove ;yes, branch 3c19: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;"press"? 3c1b: d0 08 bne :HandleCmd ;no, branch 3c1d: a9 98 lda #$98 ;"you will do no such thing" 3c1f: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3c22: 4c 0f 3c jmp :InputLoop ;loop 3c25: 20 40 26 :HandleCmd jsr ExecParsedInput 3c28: 4c 37 3c jmp :Common 3c2b: c9 5b :WasMove cmp #VERB_FWD ;foward move? 3c2d: f0 29 beq :FwdMove 3c2f: ae 93 61 ldx plyr_facing ;copy player facing to ZP (why?) 3c32: 86 1a stx ]xpos 3c34: 20 56 09 jsr DirectionChange ;handle direction-change key 3c37: ad 93 61 :Common lda plyr_facing ;get facing 3c3a: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;hole is right in front 3c3c: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3c3e: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;hole in floor 3c40: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3c42: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;facing west? 3c44: d0 0f bne :FacingWall ;no, that's a wall 3c46: ad 9e 61 lda illumination_flag ;is there light? 3c49: f0 0a beq :FacingWall ;no, don't move 3c4b: ad 9a 61 lda maze_walls_rt ;get wall flags 3c4e: 29 e0 and #%11100000 ;mask off view distance bits 3c50: f0 03 beq :FacingWall ;right up against wall, branch 3c52: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;pit is visible, draw it 3c55: 4c 0f 3c :FacingWall jmp :InputLoop 3c58: ad 93 61 :FwdMove lda plyr_facing ;get facing 3c5b: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;west? 3c5d: f0 13 beq :IntoPit ;yes, walked into pit; branch 3c5f: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;no, walked into a wall 3c62: a2 09 ldx #9 3c64: 86 06 stx char_horiz 3c66: a2 0a ldx #10 3c68: 86 07 stx char_vert 3c6a: a9 7c lda #$7c ;"splat" 3c6c: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 3c6f: 4c 0f 3c jmp :InputLoop 3c72: ee 94 61 :IntoPit inc plyr_floor ;back to floor 3 3c75: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;face east 3c77: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing 3c7a: ce 95 61 dec plyr_xpos ;move one cell west 3c7d: 20 7c 10 jsr FallIntoPit ;notify them of the pit 3c80: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze 3c83: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;done with snakeland ; ; Special $10: endgame. (We jump straight here from the handler for $0c, and ; don't leave until victory or death, so the zone is never actually set to $10.) ; ; The player is not actually in the maze. The visible walls are hard-coded in ; the state machine. ; ]end_move_copy .var $1a {addr/1} 3c86: 20 7e 12 SpecEndGame jsr EraseMaze ;clear maze area 3c89: a9 07 lda #$07 ;3 walls on left 3c8b: 8d 99 61 sta maze_walls_lf 3c8e: a2 47 ldx #$47 ;3 walls on right, dist=2 3c90: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt 3c93: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;redraw maze walls 3c96: a2 08 ldx #$08 ;elevator doors ahead 3c98: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3c9a: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;on right side 3c9c: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3c9e: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;draw it 3ca1: a2 01 ldx #$01 3ca3: 8e a8 61 stx end_state ;count moves down the hallway 3ca6: a9 a0 :Hallway lda #$a0 ;"don't make unnecessary turns" 3ca8: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3cab: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput ;get next move 3cae: ad a8 61 lda end_state 3cb1: 85 1a sta ]end_move_copy ;save copy in ZP 3cb3: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 3cb6: c6 1a dec ]end_move_copy ;was this our first move? 3cb8: d0 2f bne :NotMove1 ;no, branch 3cba: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement key? 3cbc: 10 03 bpl :CheckMove1 ;yes, branch 3cbe: 4c ca 3e jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ;reject all other input ; First move must be forward. 3cc1: c9 5b :CheckMove1 cmp #VERB_FWD 3cc3: f0 03 beq :DoMove1 3cc5: 4c aa 3e jmp SaltPillarDie ;unnecessary turn 3cc8: 20 7e 12 :DoMove1 jsr EraseMaze 3ccb: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;2 walls on left 3ccd: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf 3cd0: a2 23 ldx #$23 ;2 walls on right, dist=1 3cd2: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt 3cd5: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;redraw 3cd8: a2 08 ldx #$08 ;elevator doors ahead 3cda: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3cdc: a2 02 ldx #$02 ;on right side 3cde: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3ce0: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;draw it 3ce3: ee a8 61 inc end_state 3ce6: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway 3ce9: c6 1a :NotMove1 dec ]end_move_copy ;was this our second move? 3ceb: d0 24 bne :NotMove2 ;no, branch 3ced: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement key? 3cef: 10 03 bpl :CheckMove2 ;yes, branch 3cf1: 4c ca 3e jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ;no, no can do ; Second move must be forward. 3cf4: c9 5b :CheckMove2 cmp #VERB_FWD ;foward move? 3cf6: f0 03 beq :DoMove2 ;yes, branch 3cf8: 4c aa 3e jmp SaltPillarDie ;no, get salty 3cfb: 20 7e 12 :DoMove2 jsr EraseMaze 3cfe: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;one wall on left 3d00: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf 3d03: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;no walls on right, dist=0 3d05: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt 3d08: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;redraw 3d0b: ee a8 61 inc end_state ;bump position 3d0e: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway ;loop ; Third move must be right turn. 3d11: c6 1a :NotMove2 dec ]end_move_copy 3d13: d0 2b bne :NotMove3 3d15: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement? 3d17: 10 03 bpl :CheckMove3 ;yes, check it 3d19: 4c ca 3e jmp CurrentlyImposs2 3d1c: c9 5d :CheckMove3 cmp #VERB_RIGHT ;right turn? 3d1e: f0 03 beq :DoMove3 ;yes, all is well 3d20: 4c aa 3e jmp SaltPillarDie ;no, die 3d23: 20 7e 12 :DoMove3 jsr EraseMaze 3d26: a2 01 ldx #$01 3d28: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf 3d2b: a2 00 ldx #$00 3d2d: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt 3d30: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls 3d33: a2 02 ldx #$02 3d35: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3d37: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature 3d3a: ee a8 61 inc end_state 3d3d: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway 3d40: c6 1a :NotMove3 dec ]end_move_copy 3d42: d0 25 bne :NotMove4 3d44: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement? 3d46: 30 03 bmi :CheckMove4 ;no, branch 3d48: 4c aa 3e jmp SaltPillarDie ;can't move from here; die ; Fourth move must be open elevator. 3d4b: c9 10 :CheckMove4 cmp #$10 ;"open"? 3d4d: f0 03 beq :DoMove4 ;yes, continue 3d4f: 4c ca 3e jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ;not allowed 3d52: ad 9d 61 :DoMove4 lda parsed_noun 3d55: c9 17 cmp #$17 ;"door" / "elev"? 3d57: f0 03 beq :DoOpen ;yes, good 3d59: 4c ca 3e jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ;no, can't do that 3d5c: a2 0a :DoOpen ldx #$0a ;elevator opening 3d5e: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3d60: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;animate it 3d63: ee a8 61 inc end_state ;advance 3d66: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway ;loop 3d69: c6 1a :NotMove4 dec ]end_move_copy 3d6b: d0 70 bne :NotMove5 ; Fifth move must be "throw ball". Stepping into the elevator is bad. 3d6d: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;forward movement? 3d6f: d0 1d bne :NotIntoSpikes ;no, branch 3d71: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze 3d74: a2 00 ldx #0 3d76: 86 06 stx char_horiz 3d78: a2 14 ldx #20 3d7a: 86 07 stx char_vert 3d7c: a9 3a lda #$3a ;"you fall through the floor" 3d7e: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 3d81: a9 0a lda #$0a 3d83: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 3d86: a9 3b lda #$3b ;"onto a bed of spikes" 3d88: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 3d8b: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath 3d8e: c9 5a :NotIntoSpikes cmp #$5a ;movement? 3d90: 30 03 bmi :CheckThrow ;no, branch to check it 3d92: 4c aa 3e jmp SaltPillarDie ;yes, die 3d95: c9 06 :CheckThrow cmp #$06 ;throw? 3d97: f0 03 beq :ThrowThing ;yes, branch 3d99: 4c ca 3e :JmpImpossible jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ;can't do that ]inv_result .var $1a {addr/1} 3d9c: ad 9d 61 :ThrowThing lda parsed_noun 3d9f: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;ball? 3da1: d0 f6 bne :JmpImpossible ;no, fail 3da3: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO 3da5: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3da7: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;ball 3da9: 86 0e stx ]func_arg 3dab: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;see if we have it in our inventory 3dae: a5 1a lda ]inv_result 3db0: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;owned and un-boxed? 3db2: d0 e5 bne :JmpImpossible ;no, reject ; Throwing the ball teleports us to another short hallway. 3db4: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze 3db7: 20 c5 30 jsr FlashYellow ;do the explody thing 3dba: a2 07 ldx #$07 ;3 walls on left 3dbc: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf 3dbf: a2 46 ldx #$46 ;2 walls on right (not closest), dist=2 3dc1: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt 3dc4: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;draw them 3dc7: a2 01 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ1 3dc9: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3dcb: 86 0e stx ]func_arg ;ball 3dcd: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;delete ball 3dd0: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 3dd2: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 3dd4: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory 3dd7: ee a8 61 inc end_state 3dda: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway ;loop 3ddd: c6 1a :NotMove5 dec ]inv_result 3ddf: d0 24 bne :NotMove6 3de1: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement? 3de3: 10 03 bpl :CheckHallB ;yes, branch 3de5: 4c ca 3e :JmpImpossible jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ; Moves 6/7 are forward steps. 3de8: c9 5b :CheckHallB cmp #VERB_FWD ;forward movement? 3dea: f0 03 beq :IntoHallB ;yes, step down the hallway 3dec: 4c aa 3e :JmpSaltDie jmp SaltPillarDie ; Took first step forward in hallway B. 3def: 20 7e 12 :IntoHallB jsr EraseMaze 3df2: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;2 walls on left 3df4: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf 3df7: a2 23 ldx #$23 ;2 walls on right, dist=2 3df9: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt 3dfc: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;draw walls 3dff: ee a8 61 inc end_state ;advance counter 3e02: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway ;loop 3e05: c9 5a :NotMove6 cmp #$5a ;movement? 3e07: 30 dc bmi :JmpImpossible ;no, impossible 3e09: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;forward movement? 3e0b: d0 df bne :JmpSaltDie ;no, was rotation; die 3e0d: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ; Took second step in hallway B, reached the end. 3e10: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;1 wall on left, 1 on right, dist=0 3e12: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf 3e15: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt 3e18: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;draw walls ; Final move: literature quiz time. 3e1b: a9 3c :AskMonsterName lda #$3c ;"before i let you go free" 3e1d: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 3e20: a9 3d lda #$3d ;"what was the name of the monster" 3e22: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3e25: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput 3e28: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb 3e2b: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement key? 3e2d: 10 bd bpl :JmpSaltDie ;yes, die 3e2f: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;grendel? 3e31: f0 56 beq Victory ;yes, branch to victory 3e33: 4c 49 3e jmp :BeowulfDisagree ;no, give a hint 3e36: 42 45 4f 57+ :msg_beowulf .str ‘BEOWULF DISAGREES!’ 3e48: 80 .dd1 $80 :BeowulfDisagree 3e49: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 3e4c: a2 00 ldx #0 ;set text position to top text line 3e4e: 86 06 stx char_horiz 3e50: a2 16 ldx #22 3e52: 86 07 stx char_vert 3e54: a2 36 ldx #<:msg_beowulf ;get pointer to hint message 3e56: 86 0c stx string_ptr 3e58: a2 3e ldx #>:msg_beowulf 3e5a: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1 3e5c: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg ;draw hint 3e5f: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay ;pause 3e62: 4c 1b 3e jmp :AskMonsterName ;loop 3e65: 52 45 54 55+ msg_sanity .str ‘RETURN TO SANITY BY PRESSING RESET!’ 3e88: 80 .dd1 $80 ; ; Reports escape from the maze. ; 3e89: 20 55 08 Victory jsr ClearScreen 3e8c: a2 00 ldx #0 ;top left corner 3e8e: 86 06 stx char_horiz 3e90: 86 07 stx char_vert 3e92: a9 4d lda #$4d ;"correct! you have survived" 3e94: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 3e97: a9 0a lda #$0a ;linefeed 3e99: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 3e9c: a2 65 ldx #<msg_sanity ;get pointer to final message 3e9e: 86 0c stx string_ptr 3ea0: a2 3e ldx #>msg_sanity 3ea2: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1 3ea4: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg ;"return to sanity by pressing reset" 3ea7: 4c a7 3e :Loop jmp :Loop ;spin forever ; ; Informs player that they are now seasoning. These are drawn in rows 20/21, ; partly overlapping the maze; this allows them to be on the screen at the same ; time as the "you're another victim / play again?" text. ; 3eaa: 20 7e 12 SaltPillarDie jsr EraseMaze 3ead: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages 3eb0: a2 00 ldx #0 3eb2: 86 06 stx char_horiz 3eb4: a2 14 ldx #20 3eb6: 86 07 stx char_vert 3eb8: a9 a1 lda #$a1 ;"you have turned into a pillar of salt" 3eba: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 3ebd: a9 0a lda #$0a ;linefeed 3ebf: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 3ec2: a9 a2 lda #$a2 ;"don't say I didn't warn you" 3ec4: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 3ec7: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;go be dead CurrentlyImposs2 3eca: a9 9a lda #$9a ;"it is currently impossible" 3ecc: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 3ecf: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway 3ed2: 86 e6 c3 d0+ .junk 46 ; ; Does initial setup. ; ; On exit: ; X-reg: zero ; • Clear variables ]src_ptr .var $0e {addr/2} ]dst_ptr .var $10 {addr/2} ]length .var $19 {addr/2} 3f00: ad ff 3f Setup lda reloc_flag ;have we already copied the data out? 3f03: f0 2b beq :SkipCopy ;yes, skip copy 3f05: a2 00 ldx #$00 3f07: 86 0e stx ]src_ptr 3f09: 86 10 stx ]dst_ptr 3f0b: 8e ff 3f stx reloc_flag ;clear flag ; Copy $4000-5ffe to $6000-7ffe. 3f0e: a2 40 ldx #$40 3f10: 86 0f stx ]src_ptr+1 3f12: a2 60 ldx #$60 3f14: 86 11 stx ]dst_ptr+1 3f16: a2 ff ldx #$ff 3f18: 86 19 stx ]length 3f1a: a2 1f ldx #$1f 3f1c: 86 1a stx ]length+1 3f1e: 20 02 0c jsr CopyData ; Point Ctrl+Y vector at $3f4e. 3f21: a2 4c ldx #$4c ;JMP 3f23: 8e f8 03 stx MON_USRADDR 3f26: a2 4e ldx #<CtrlY 3f28: 8e f9 03 stx MON_USRADDR+1 3f2b: a2 3f ldx #>CtrlY 3f2d: 8e fa 03 stx MON_USRADDR+2 ; Init a few things. 3f30: a2 44 :SkipCopy ldx #‘D’ ;set "DEATH" magic value in game state 3f32: 8e 00 62 stx save_magic ; so we can identify our saved games 3f35: a2 45 ldx #‘E’ 3f37: 8e 01 62 stx save_magic+1 3f3a: a2 41 ldx #‘A’ 3f3c: 8e 02 62 stx save_magic+2 3f3f: a2 54 ldx #‘T’ 3f41: 8e 03 62 stx save_magic+3 3f44: a2 48 ldx #‘H’ 3f46: 8e 04 62 stx save_magic+4 3f49: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;init vertical text position 3f4b: 86 07 stx char_vert 3f4d: 60 rts ; ; Ctrl+Y jumps here, presumably for use by the developer. ; 3f4e: 2c 55 c0 CtrlY bit TXTPAGE2 ;page 2 3f51: 2c 52 c0 bit MIXCLR ;full screen 3f54: 2c 57 c0 bit HIRES ;hi-res 3f57: 2c 50 c0 bit TXTCLR ;show graphics 3f5a: 4c 38 09 jmp MainLoop2 ;jump into the game 3f5d: a0 00 98 91+ .junk 162 3fff: ff reloc_flag .dd1 $ff ;relocation flag, set to zero after data moved .org $6000 ; ; Maze wall data. There are five floors, with 11x12 cells in each. ; ; The wall data uses two bits per cell, indicating the presence or absence of ; walls on the south and west sides of the cell. Adjoining cells provide the ; other two walls. The data is stored in column-major order, 3 bytes per ; column. Column 0 comes first; row 0 is in the high bits of the first byte. ; ; To hold 11 columns requires 33 bytes per floor. The last row and column must ; be filled with the outer walls, so the the map uses an 11x12 grid to represent ; a 10x11 map. ; ; The coordinate system used by most of the code starts at (1,1) rather than ; (0,0). vis vis vis vis vis 6000: d5 7d 57 a6+ maze_wall_data .bulk $d5,$7d,$57,$a6,$95,$d3,$b6,$56,$9c,$a5,$da,$48,$96,$13,$6f,$cb + $94,$af,$b8,$57,$2f,$a9,$da,$6f,$a3,$49,$2f,$94,$95,$0f,$ff,$ff + $ff 6021: df 77 5f c8+ .bulk $df,$77,$5f,$c8,$aa,$cf,$9d,$1a,$df,$cd,$4a,$6f,$9b,$68,$8f,$a2 + $a4,$df,$96,$96,$af,$d8,$4e,$cf,$b7,$76,$9f,$88,$88,$4f,$ff,$ff + $ff 6042: d5 d5 7f 9c+ .bulk $d5,$d5,$7f,$9c,$bd,$af,$cb,$a2,$9f,$99,$b6,$2f,$cd,$99,$2f,$a2 + $55,$af,$b5,$5a,$bf,$8d,$e2,$6f,$a2,$37,$2f,$95,$54,$4f,$ff,$ff + $ff 6063: d7 f7 7f b2+ .bulk $d7,$f7,$7f,$b2,$66,$af,$a5,$28,$af,$97,$0c,$8f,$c8,$bb,$df,$9b + $22,$2f,$ea,$d9,$6f,$92,$2d,$af,$d3,$22,$2f,$94,$55,$4f,$ff,$ff + $ff 6084: d7 55 df 9a+ .bulk $d7,$55,$df,$9a,$cc,$4f,$da,$b9,$5f,$a0,$f6,$6f,$b1,$9b,$2f,$ac + $e0,$6f,$bd,$9d,$af,$aa,$4a,$af,$a2,$52,$2f,$9c,$9d,$07,$ff,$ff + $ff ; ; Visible maze features, like pits, elevators, and holes in the ceiling. ; ; Instead of starting with a list of positions and features, and determining ; facing, distance, and whether there are intervening walls, the code has a ; complete list of every position/facing from which a feature is visible. ; Features are drawn at $1e5a (see comment there for explanation). ; ; +$00 (facing << 4) | floor ; +$01 (X-coord << 4) | Y-coord ; +$02 result: feature ; +$03 result: argument ; ; Facing: 1=W 2=N 3=E 4=S 60a5: 42 34 05 01 maze_features .bulk $42,$34,$05,$01 ;facing S on lv 2 at (3,4), hole in ceiling, arg=1 60a9: 42 35 05 02 .bulk $42,$35,$05,$02 ;... 60ad: 42 36 05 00 .bulk $42,$36,$05,$00 60b1: 22 83 04 01 .bulk $22,$83,$04,$01 60b5: 22 84 04 00 .bulk $22,$84,$04,$00 60b9: 42 86 04 00 .bulk $42,$86,$04,$00 60bd: 22 75 08 01 .bulk $22,$75,$08,$01 60c1: 22 76 08 02 .bulk $22,$76,$08,$02 60c5: 32 77 02 00 .bulk $32,$77,$02,$00 60c9: 23 43 08 04 .bulk $23,$43,$08,$04 60cd: 13 44 02 00 .bulk $13,$44,$02,$00 60d1: 13 95 05 01 .bulk $13,$95,$05,$01 60d5: 33 68 07 04 .bulk $33,$68,$07,$04 60d9: 23 78 07 02 .bulk $23,$78,$07,$02 60dd: 13 88 07 01 .bulk $13,$88,$07,$01 60e1: 24 14 02 00 .bulk $24,$14,$02,$00 60e5: 14 24 08 02 .bulk $14,$24,$08,$02 60e9: 14 2a 05 01 .bulk $14,$2a,$05,$01 60ed: 14 3a 05 02 .bulk $14,$3a,$05,$02 60f1: 14 4a 05 00 .bulk $14,$4a,$05,$00 60f5: 35 25 08 04 .bulk $35,$25,$08,$04 60f9: 25 35 02 00 .bulk $25,$35,$02,$00 60fd: 35 3a 09 f0 .bulk $35,$3a,$09,$f0 ;keyholes... 6101: 35 4a 09 f0 .bulk $35,$4a,$09,$f0 6105: 35 5a 09 70 .bulk $35,$5a,$09,$70 6109: 35 6a 09 30 .bulk $35,$6a,$09,$30 610d: 35 7a 09 10 .bulk $35,$7a,$09,$10 6111: 15 5a 09 01 .bulk $15,$5a,$09,$01 6115: 15 6a 09 03 .bulk $15,$6a,$09,$03 6119: 15 7a 09 07 .bulk $15,$7a,$09,$07 611d: 15 8a 09 0f .bulk $15,$8a,$09,$0f 6121: 15 9a 09 0f .bulk $15,$9a,$09,$0f 6125: 15 aa 09 0e .bulk $15,$aa,$09,$0e 6129: 25 4a 01 00 .bulk $25,$4a,$01,$00 612d: 25 5a 01 00 .bulk $25,$5a,$01,$00 6131: 25 6a 01 00 .bulk $25,$6a,$01,$00 6135: 25 7a 01 00 .bulk $25,$7a,$01,$00 6139: 25 8a 01 00 .bulk $25,$8a,$01,$00 ; ; Initial player state. This is copied to $6193. ; 613d: 02 init_game_state .dd1 $02 ;facing north 613e: 01 .dd1 $01 ;floor 1 613f: 0a .dd1 $0a ;X=10 6140: 06 .dd1 $06 ;Y=6 6141: 01 .dd1 $01 ;1 lit torch 6142: 00 .dd1 $00 ;0 unlit torches 6143: 07 bf 00 00+ .bulk $07,$bf,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$a0,$c8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 + $00,$00,$02,$04,$02,$01,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 6163: 00 00 init_obj_state .bulk $00,$00 6165: 01 35 .bulk $01,$35 ;$01 ball 6167: 03 a5 .bulk $03,$a5 ;$02 brush 6169: 01 33 .bulk $01,$33 ;$03 calculator 616b: 01 46 .bulk $01,$46 ;$04 dagger 616d: 04 58 .bulk $04,$58 ;$05 flute 616f: 01 64 .bulk $01,$64 ;$06 frisbee 6171: 01 1b .bulk $01,$1b ;$07 hat 6173: 04 71 .bulk $04,$71 ;$08 horn 6175: 02 11 .bulk $02,$11 ;$09 jar 6177: 05 72 .bulk $05,$72 ;$0a key 6179: 01 23 .bulk $01,$23 ;$0b ring 617b: 01 72 .bulk $01,$72 ;$0c sneaker 617d: 02 86 .bulk $02,$86 ;$0d staff 617f: 03 2a .bulk $03,$2a ;$0e sword (area up snake) 6181: 03 6a .bulk $03,$6a ;$0f wool 6183: 04 57 .bulk $04,$57 ;$10 yoyo 6185: 02 39 .bulk $02,$39 ;$11 snake (in box) 6187: 02 26 .bulk $02,$26 ;$12 food #1 6189: 03 56 .bulk $03,$56 ; food #2 618b: 04 72 .bulk $04,$72 ; food #3 618d: 02 82 .bulk $02,$82 ; torch #1 618f: 03 26 .bulk $03,$26 ; torch #2 6191: 04 96 .bulk $04,$96 ; torch #3 ; ; All game state is collected here. The next 256 bytes are saved/restored to ; disk or tape. The data is initialized from init_game_state (above). ; ; ; Player facing. East is 1, north is 2, west is 3, south is 4. 6193: 02 plyr_facing .dd1 $02 ;facing direction (1-4), right turn increments ; ; Player's position within the maze. On a given floor, the bottom-left corner ; is (1,1), and the NE corner is usually (10,10). 6194: 05 plyr_floor .dd1 $05 ;which floor we're on (1-5) 6195: 04 plyr_xpos .dd1 $04 ;X position (1-10) 6196: 0a plyr_ypos .dd1 $0a ;Y position (1-10) ; ; Number of lit and unlit torches. Shown in inventory. 6197: 00 num_lit_torches .dd1 $00 ;lit torches in inventory num_unlit_torches 6198: 01 .dd1 $01 ;unlit torches in inventory ; ; Results of maze wall processing. The low 5 bits of each byte have the form ; ---43210 ; indicating the presence of a wall on the left or right of the viewer at that ; distance. ; ; In addition, the high 3 bits of the right wall flag byte hold the distance to ; the next perpendicular wall, which will be 0-5 (where 5 represents ; "infinity"). 6199: 00 maze_walls_lf .dd1 $00 619a: 00 maze_walls_rt .dd1 $00 619b: 00 vis_box_flags .dd1 $00 ;boxes visible; $01/02/04/08 into distance ; ; Results of input processing. 619c: 10 parsed_verb .dd1 $10 ;last verb entered 619d: 17 parsed_noun .dd1 $17 ;last noun entered ($00 if none) ; ; Player state flags and counters. illumination_flag 619e: 01 .dd1 $01 ;0=no light, 1=light (torch or ring) 619f: 00 food_level_hi .dd1 $00 ;16-bit food level, in big-endian order 61a0: 80 food_level_lo .dd1 $80 61a1: 80 torch_level .dd1 $80 ;moves before torch goes out 61a2: 00 ring_light_flag .dd1 $00 ;$01=ring providing light, $00=not 61a3: 00 floor_move_hi .dd1 $00 ;number of steps taken on current floor (16-bit 61a4: 29 floor_move_lo .dd1 $29 ; big-endian value) ; ; Special room stuff. Sometimes it's a special occurrence in a specific ; location, sometimes we're just locked in after a specific action (like raising ; the snake). While this is nonzero, we're executing in a separate state ; machine. ; ; Sometimes we need to push/pop the zone, e.g. we're in the calculator room and ; the torch went out, so there are two additional slots. ; ; $00 = (nothing special) ; $02 = calculator room (1st floor 3,3) [$0a3d] ; $04 = attacked by bat (5th floor 4,4) [$0afa] ; $06 = attacked by dog #1 (60+ moves on 2nd floor) [$0a7b] ; $07 = attacked by dog #2 (2nd floor 5,5) [$0ab6] ; $08 = monster in lair (80+ moves on 4th floor) [$0b13] ; $09 = monster mother in lair (5th floor) [$0ade] ; $0a = monster nearby in darkness (torch went out) [$0b4a, $273f, etc.] ; $0b = opened box with snake [$2c1d, $2ebc] ; $0c = keyhole #2 unlocked, key ticking [$2c71] ; $0d = elevator doors have been opened, awaiting 'Z' [$2c86] ; $0e = monster tangled [$2896] ; $0f = snake risen from box [$2ad4] ; $10 = endgame 61a5: 00 special_zone .dd1 $00 61a6: 00 special_zone1 .dd1 $00 61a7: 00 special_zone2 .dd1 $00 ; 61a8: 00 end_state .dd1 $00 ;endgame state machine state 61a9: 00 00 .junk 2 ; ; Hostile creature flags. Each is in its own byte, though much of the code ; tests for a specific bit rather than zero/nonzero. 61ab: 00 bat_alive .dd1 $00 ;$02=alive, $00=dead 61ac: 04 monster2_alive .dd1 $04 ;$04=alive, $00=dead (monster's mother) 61ad: 00 monster1_alive .dd1 $00 ;$02=alive, $00=dead (monster) 61ae: 00 dog1_alive .dd1 $00 ;$01=alive, $00=dead 61af: 01 dog2_alive .dd1 $01 ;$01=alive, $00=dead 61b0: 00 .dd1 $00 ; 61b1: 00 help_ctr .dd1 $00 ;help msg cycle counter (0=$9e, 1=$9d) ; ; Monster distance. Affects the messages displayed if we perform an action. ; (Starts with ground shaking, then bad odor, then death.) ; ; $00 = not near, $01 = near, $02 = death ; ; The monster special handler at $3661 also uses $0c. 61b2: 0c monster1_dist .dd1 $0c ;monster approaching lair 61b3: 00 monst_dark_dist .dd1 $00 ;monster approaching while in darkness ; ; Calculator room puzzle tracking. 61b4: 05 calc_turn_goal .dd1 $05 ;calc puzzle: current turn goal 61b5: 00 calc_turn_count .dd1 $00 ;calc puzzle: current turn count 61b6: 00 calc_prev_move .dd1 $00 ;calc puzzle: previous verb (also key counter) calc_total_moves 61b7: 00 .dd1 $00 ;calc puzzle: total moves made ; ; Special wool message. 61b8: 00 wool_msg_flag .dd1 $00 ;nonzero if wool destroyed by "raiding lair" ; ; Object location and status. There are 24 entries, one for every object, but ; entry zero is unused. ; ; Each entry specifies either a position within the maze or inclusion in the ; player's inventory. For the former, the first byte is the floor of the maze ; on which it's located, the second holds the X/Y position (X*16+Y). For an ; inventory item, the first byte indicates the object's state, the second is ; $00. ; ; For example, the dagger is item $04, initially in a box at floor=1 X=4 Y=6. ; There will be an entry at $61b9+(4*2)=$61c1 with the values $01 $46. When the ; box is picked up, the entry changes to $06 $00. ; ; Non-floor state values are: ; $00 - destroyed ; $06 - in inventory, in box ; $07 - in inventory, activated (torch/ring lit) ; $08 - in inventory ; ; Note the inventory state values are outside the range [1,5] so as not to ; overlap with valid floor numbers. ; ; Entries before the first food item correspond directly to the noun index. ; Starting with the entry for $12 (noun="food"), there are 3 entries for food, ; followed by 3 entries for torches. ; 61b9: 01 00 object_status .bulk $01,$00 ;object $00 (which doesn't exist) 61bb: 08 00 object_status2 .bulk $08,$00 ;object $01 (ball) 61bd: 03 a5 .bulk $03,$a5 61bf: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 61c1: 04 a9 .bulk $04,$a9 61c3: 08 00 .bulk $08,$00 61c5: 01 64 .bulk $01,$64 61c7: 02 33 .bulk $02,$33 61c9: 08 00 .bulk $08,$00 61cb: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 61cd: 05 72 .bulk $05,$72 61cf: 07 00 .bulk $07,$00 61d1: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 61d3: 02 86 .bulk $02,$86 61d5: 08 00 .bulk $08,$00 61d7: 04 a8 .bulk $04,$a8 61d9: 04 57 .bulk $04,$57 61db: 00 00 snake_obj_loc .bulk $00,$00 ;$11 snake (in box) 61dd: 00 00 food_torch_loc .bulk $00,$00 ;$12 food #1 61df: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 ; food #2 61e1: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 ; food #3 61e3: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 ; torch #1 61e5: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 ; torch #2 61e7: 08 00 .bulk $08,$00 ; torch #3 ; (end of region initialized by data copy) 61e9: 00 00 00 00+ .junk 14 61f7: 44 acc_swap_stash .dd1 $44 ;temp storage ; ; Temporary storage for some zero-page data. 61f8: 45 saved_0e .dd1 $45 61f9: 41 saved_0f .dd1 $41 61fa: 54 saved_10 .dd1 $54 61fb: 48 saved_11 .dd1 $48 61fc: 07 saved_19 .dd1 $07 61fd: 00 saved_1a .dd1 $00 61fe: 00 00 .junk 2 ; (end of useful state) 6200: 44 45 41 54+ save_magic .str ‘DEATH’ ;magic value, tested by saved game restore 6205: 00 00 00 00+ .junk 143 ;unused vis 6294: 10 08 3e 7f+ font_glyphs .bulk $10,$08,$3e,$7f,$ff,$ff,$be,$1c,$01,$02,$04,$08,$08,$10,$20,$40 + $40,$20,$10,$08,$08,$04,$02,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01 + $40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$41,$22,$14,$08,$14,$22,$41,$41 + $40,$60,$70,$78,$78,$7c,$7e,$7f,$01,$03,$07,$0f,$0f,$1f,$3f,$7f + $7f,$7e,$7c,$78,$78,$70,$60,$40,$7f,$3f,$1f,$0f,$0f,$07,$03,$01 + $41,$41,$41,$41,$41,$41,$41,$41,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff + $00,$78,$64,$5e,$52,$32,$1e,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$78,$04,$02,$7f + $00,$00,$00,$00,$0f,$0c,$0a,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$05,$03,$01 + $00,$00,$00,$00,$7f,$00,$00,$7f,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09 + $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$7f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$7f + $40,$20,$10,$08,$08,$0c,$0a,$09,$09,$0a,$0c,$08,$08,$10,$20,$40 + $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$41,$42,$44,$48,$48,$50,$60,$40 + $00,$00,$00,$1c,$08,$1c,$00,$00,$60,$70,$70,$60,$60,$70,$70,$70 + $03,$07,$07,$03,$03,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07 + $70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$01,$03,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07 + $40,$60,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$78,$78,$78,$78,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f + $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$00,$08,$00 + $14,$14,$14,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$14,$14,$3e,$14,$3e,$14,$14,$00 + $1c,$2a,$0a,$1c,$28,$2a,$1c,$00,$26,$26,$10,$08,$04,$32,$32,$00 + $04,$0a,$0a,$04,$2a,$12,$2c,$00,$08,$08,$08,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 + $10,$08,$04,$04,$04,$08,$10,$00,$04,$08,$10,$10,$10,$08,$04,$00 + $08,$2a,$1c,$08,$1c,$2a,$08,$00,$00,$08,$08,$3e,$08,$08,$00,$00 + $00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$10,$08,$00,$00,$00,$00,$3e,$00,$00,$00,$00 + $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0c,$0c,$00,$20,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$02,$00 + $1c,$22,$32,$2a,$26,$22,$1c,$00,$08,$0c,$08,$08,$08,$08,$1c,$00 + $1c,$22,$20,$1c,$02,$02,$3e,$00,$1e,$20,$20,$1c,$20,$20,$1e,$00 + $10,$18,$14,$12,$3e,$10,$10,$00,$3e,$02,$1e,$20,$20,$20,$1e,$00 + $18,$04,$02,$1e,$22,$22,$1c,$00,$3e,$20,$10,$08,$04,$04,$04,$00 + $1c,$22,$22,$1c,$22,$22,$1c,$00,$1c,$22,$22,$3c,$20,$10,$0c,$00 + $00,$0c,$0c,$00,$0c,$0c,$00,$00,$00,$0c,$0c,$00,$0c,$0c,$04,$00 + $10,$08,$04,$02,$04,$08,$10,$00,$00,$00,$3e,$00,$3e,$00,$00,$00 + $04,$08,$10,$20,$10,$08,$04,$00,$1c,$22,$10,$08,$08,$00,$08,$00 + $1c,$22,$3a,$2a,$3a,$02,$3c,$00,$08,$14,$22,$22,$3e,$22,$22,$00 + $1e,$24,$24,$1c,$24,$24,$1e,$00,$1c,$22,$02,$02,$02,$22,$1c,$00 + $1e,$24,$24,$24,$24,$24,$1e,$00,$3e,$02,$02,$1e,$02,$02,$3e,$00 + $3e,$02,$02,$1e,$02,$02,$02,$00,$3c,$02,$02,$02,$32,$22,$3c,$00 + $22,$22,$22,$3e,$22,$22,$22,$00,$1c,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$1c,$00 + $20,$20,$20,$20,$22,$22,$1c,$00,$22,$12,$0a,$06,$0a,$12,$22,$00 + $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$7e,$00,$22,$36,$2a,$2a,$22,$22,$22,$00 + $22,$26,$2a,$32,$22,$22,$22,$00,$1c,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$1c,$00 + $1e,$22,$22,$1e,$02,$02,$02,$00,$1c,$22,$22,$22,$2a,$12,$2c,$00 + $1e,$22,$22,$1e,$0a,$12,$22,$00,$1c,$22,$02,$1c,$20,$22,$1c,$00 + $3e,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$00,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$1c,$00 + $22,$22,$22,$14,$14,$08,$08,$00,$22,$22,$2a,$2a,$2a,$36,$22,$00 + $22,$22,$14,$08,$14,$22,$22,$00,$22,$22,$22,$1c,$08,$08,$08,$00 + $3e,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$3e,$00,$08,$1c,$2a,$08,$08,$08,$08,$00 + $08,$08,$08,$08,$2a,$1c,$08,$00,$00,$04,$02,$7f,$02,$04,$00,$00 + $00,$10,$20,$7f,$20,$10,$00,$00,$70,$60,$40,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 + $07,$03,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$1c,$20,$3c,$22,$3c,$00 + $02,$02,$1a,$26,$22,$22,$1e,$00,$00,$00,$1c,$22,$02,$22,$1c,$00 + $20,$20,$2c,$32,$22,$22,$3c,$00,$00,$00,$1c,$22,$3e,$02,$1c,$00 + $18,$24,$04,$0e,$04,$04,$04,$00,$00,$00,$2c,$32,$22,$3c,$20,$1e + $02,$02,$1a,$26,$22,$22,$22,$00,$08,$00,$0c,$08,$08,$08,$1c,$00 + $20,$00,$20,$20,$20,$20,$22,$1c,$02,$02,$12,$0a,$06,$0a,$12,$00 + $00,$0c,$08,$08,$08,$08,$1c,$00,$00,$00,$16,$2a,$2a,$2a,$2a,$00 + $00,$00,$1a,$26,$22,$22,$22,$00,$00,$00,$1c,$22,$22,$22,$1c,$00 + $00,$00,$1e,$22,$22,$1e,$02,$02,$00,$00,$3c,$22,$22,$3c,$20,$20 + $00,$00,$1a,$26,$02,$02,$02,$00,$00,$00,$3c,$02,$1c,$20,$1e,$00 + $04,$04,$1e,$04,$04,$24,$18,$00,$00,$00,$22,$22,$22,$32,$2c,$00 + $00,$00,$22,$22,$14,$14,$08,$00,$00,$00,$2a,$2a,$2a,$2a,$14,$00 + $00,$00,$22,$14,$08,$14,$22,$00,$00,$00,$22,$22,$22,$3c,$20,$1c + $00,$00,$3e,$10,$08,$04,$3e,$00,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f + $70,$78,$7c,$7e,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$07,$0f,$1f,$3f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f + $7f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7e,$7c,$78,$70,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$3f,$1f,$0f,$07 ; ; Recognized words, verbs first. The first character has the high bit set. ; ; Each verb name is 4 letters long, the last of which may be a space. Anything ; past that on the input line is ignored, so "clim" and "climb" are equivalent. ; The letters 'Z' and 'X' cause movement, and so may not start a verb. ; ; If two entries are separated by a '*', the next entry is an alias for the ; previous entry (roll/chuck/heave/throw are identical, as are door/elevator). ; The table starts with $ff because the scanner looks backward to see if the ; current word is an alias for the previous one. ; 6694: ff verb_list .dd1 $ff 6695: f2 .dd1 “r” ;$01 6696: 61 69 73 .str ‘ais’ 6699: e2 .dd1 “b” 669a: 6c 6f 77 .str ‘low’ 669d: e2 .dd1 “b” 669e: 72 65 61 .str ‘rea’ 66a1: e2 .dd1 “b” 66a2: 75 72 6e .str ‘urn’ 66a5: e3 .dd1 “c” 66a6: 68 65 77 2a .str ‘hew*’ 66aa: e5 .dd1 “e” 66ab: 61 74 20 .str ‘at ’ 66ae: f2 .dd1 “r” 66af: 6f 6c 6c 2a .str ‘oll*’ 66b3: e3 .dd1 “c” 66b4: 68 75 63 2a .str ‘huc*’ 66b8: e8 .dd1 “h” 66b9: 65 61 76 2a .str ‘eav*’ 66bd: f4 .dd1 “t” 66be: 68 72 6f .str ‘hro’ 66c1: e3 .dd1 “c” 66c2: 6c 69 6d .str ‘lim’ 66c5: e4 .dd1 “d” 66c6: 72 6f 70 2a .str ‘rop*’ 66ca: ec .dd1 “l” 66cb: 65 61 76 2a .str ‘eav*’ 66cf: f0 .dd1 “p” 66d0: 75 74 20 .str ‘ut ’ 66d3: e6 .dd1 “f” 66d4: 69 6c 6c .str ‘ill’ 66d7: ec .dd1 “l” 66d8: 69 67 68 .str ‘igh’ 66db: f0 .dd1 “p” 66dc: 6c 61 79 .str ‘lay’ 66df: f3 .dd1 “s” 66e0: 74 72 69 .str ‘tri’ 66e3: f7 .dd1 “w” 66e4: 65 61 72 .str ‘ear’ 66e7: e5 .dd1 “e” 66e8: 78 61 6d 2a .str ‘xam*’ 66ec: ec .dd1 “l” 66ed: 6f 6f 6b .str ‘ook’ 66f0: f7 .dd1 “w” 66f1: 69 70 65 2a .str ‘ipe*’ 66f5: e3 .dd1 “c” 66f6: 6c 65 61 2a .str ‘lea*’ 66fa: f0 .dd1 “p” 66fb: 6f 6c 69 2a .str ‘oli*’ 66ff: f2 .dd1 “r” 6700: 75 62 20 .str ‘ub ’ 6703: ef .dd1 “o” ;$10 6704: 70 65 6e 2a .str ‘pen*’ 6708: f5 .dd1 “u” 6709: 6e 6c 6f .str ‘nlo’ 670c: f0 .dd1 “p” 670d: 72 65 73 .str ‘res’ 6710: e7 .dd1 “g” 6711: 65 74 20 2a .str ‘et *’ 6715: e7 .dd1 “g” 6716: 72 61 62 2a .str ‘rab*’ 671a: e8 .dd1 “h” 671b: 6f 6c 64 2a .str ‘old*’ 671f: f4 .dd1 “t” 6720: 61 6b 65 .str ‘ake’ 6723: f3 .dd1 “s” 6724: 74 61 62 2a .str ‘tab*’ 6728: eb .dd1 “k” 6729: 69 6c 6c 2a .str ‘ill*’ 672d: f3 .dd1 “s” 672e: 6c 61 73 2a .str ‘las*’ 6732: e1 .dd1 “a” 6733: 74 74 61 2a .str ‘tta*’ 6737: e8 .dd1 “h” 6738: 61 63 6b .str ‘ack’ 673b: f0 .dd1 “p” 673c: 61 69 6e .str ‘ain’ 673f: e7 .dd1 “g” 6740: 72 65 6e .str ‘ren’ 6743: f3 .dd1 “s” 6744: 61 79 20 2a .str ‘ay *’ 6748: f9 .dd1 “y” 6749: 65 6c 6c 2a .str ‘ell*’ 674d: f3 .dd1 “s” 674e: 63 72 65 .str ‘cre’ 6751: e3 .dd1 “c” 6752: 68 61 72 .str ‘har’ 6755: e6 .dd1 “f” 6756: 61 72 74 .str ‘art’ 6759: f3 .dd1 “s” 675a: 61 76 65 .str ‘ave’ 675d: f1 .dd1 “q” 675e: 75 69 74 .str ‘uit’ 6761: e9 .dd1 “i” 6762: 6e 73 74 2a .str ‘nst*’ 6766: e4 .dd1 “d” 6767: 69 72 65 .str ‘ire’ 676a: e8 .dd1 “h” 676b: 65 6c 70 2a .str ‘elp*’ 676f: e8 .dd1 “h” 6770: 69 6e 74 .str ‘int’ ; Nouns start here. 6773: c2 noun_list .dd1 “B” ;$1d 6774: 61 6c 6c .str ‘all’ 6777: c2 .dd1 “B” 6778: 72 75 73 68 .str ‘rush’ 677c: c3 .dd1 “C” 677d: 61 6c 63 75+ .str ‘alculator’ 6786: c4 .dd1 “D” ;$20 6787: 61 67 67 65+ .str ‘agger’ 678c: c6 .dd1 “F” 678d: 6c 75 74 65 .str ‘lute’ 6791: c6 .dd1 “F” 6792: 72 69 73 62+ .str ‘risbee’ 6798: c8 .dd1 “H” 6799: 61 74 20 .str ‘at ’ 679c: c8 .dd1 “H” 679d: 6f 72 6e .str ‘orn’ 67a0: ca .dd1 “J” 67a1: 61 72 20 .str ‘ar ’ 67a4: cb .dd1 “K” 67a5: 65 79 20 .str ‘ey ’ 67a8: d2 .dd1 “R” 67a9: 69 6e 67 .str ‘ing’ 67ac: d3 .dd1 “S” 67ad: 6e 65 61 6b+ .str ‘neaker’ 67b3: d3 .dd1 “S” 67b4: 74 61 66 66 .str ‘taff’ 67b8: d3 .dd1 “S” 67b9: 77 6f 72 64 .str ‘word’ 67bd: d7 .dd1 “W” 67be: 6f 6f 6c .str ‘ool’ 67c1: d9 .dd1 “Y” 67c2: 6f 79 6f .str ‘oyo’ 67c5: d3 .dd1 “S” 67c6: 6e 61 6b 65 .str ‘nake’ 67ca: c6 .dd1 “F” 67cb: 6f 6f 64 .str ‘ood’ 67ce: d4 .dd1 “T” 67cf: 6f 72 63 68 .str ‘orch’ 67d3: c2 .dd1 “B” ;$30 67d4: 6f 78 20 .str ‘ox ’ 67d7: c2 .dd1 “B” 67d8: 61 74 20 .str ‘at ’ 67db: c4 .dd1 “D” 67dc: 6f 67 20 .str ‘og ’ 67df: c4 .dd1 “D” 67e0: 6f 6f 72 2a .str ‘oor*’ 67e4: c5 .dd1 “E” 67e5: 6c 65 76 .str ‘lev’ 67e8: cd .dd1 “M” 67e9: 6f 6e 73 74+ .str ‘onster’ 67ef: cd .dd1 “M” 67f0: 6f 74 68 65+ .str ‘other’ 67f5: da .dd1 “Z” 67f6: 65 72 6f .str ‘ero’ 67f9: cf .dd1 “O” 67fa: 6e 65 20 .str ‘ne ’ 67fd: d4 .dd1 “T” 67fe: 77 6f 20 .str ‘wo ’ 6801: d4 .dd1 “T” 6802: 68 72 65 65 .str ‘hree’ 6806: c6 .dd1 “F” 6807: 6f 75 72 .str ‘our’ 680a: c6 .dd1 “F” 680b: 69 76 65 .str ‘ive’ 680e: d3 .dd1 “S” 680f: 69 78 20 .str ‘ix ’ 6812: d3 .dd1 “S” 6813: 65 76 65 6e .str ‘even’ 6817: c5 .dd1 “E” 6818: 69 67 68 74 .str ‘ight’ 681c: ce .dd1 “N” ;$3f 681d: 69 6e 65 .str ‘ine’ 6820: ff .dd1 $ff ;end of list 6821: ff 00 00 ff+ .junk 8 ; ; Messages displayed to user. ; ; The first character in each message has its high bit set. Entries are ; addressed by index, which is determined by walking the table. ; 6829: c9 msg_strings .dd1 “I” ;$01 682a: 6e 76 65 6e+ .str ‘nventory:’ 6833: d4 .dd1 “T” 6834: 6f 72 63 68+ .str ‘orches:’ 683b: cc .dd1 “L” 683c: 69 74 3a .str ‘it:’ 683f: d5 .dd1 “U” 6840: 6e 6c 69 74+ .str ‘nlit:’ 6845: e3 .dd1 “c” 6846: 72 79 73 74+ .str ‘rystal ball.’ 6852: f0 .dd1 “p” 6853: 61 69 6e 74+ .str ‘aintbrush used by Van Gogh.’ 686e: e3 .dd1 “c” 686f: 61 6c 63 75+ .str ‘alculator with 10 buttons.’ 6889: ea .dd1 “j” 688a: 65 77 65 6c+ .str ‘eweled handled dagger.’ 68a0: e6 .dd1 “f” 68a1: 6c 75 74 65+ .str ‘lute.’ 68a6: f0 .dd1 “p” 68a7: 72 65 63 69+ .str ‘recision crafted frisbee.’ 68c0: e8 .dd1 “h” 68c1: 61 74 20 77+ .str ‘at with two ram's horns.’ 68d9: e3 .dd1 “c” 68da: 61 72 65 66+ .str ‘arefully polished horn.’ 68f1: e7 .dd1 “g” 68f2: 6c 61 73 73+ .str ‘lass jar complete with lid.’ 690d: e7 .dd1 “g” 690e: 6f 6c 64 65+ .str ‘olden key.’ 6918: e4 .dd1 “d” 6919: 69 61 6d 6f+ .str ‘iamond ring.’ 6925: f2 .dd1 “r” ;$10 6926: 6f 74 74 65+ .str ‘otted mutilated sneaker.’ 693e: ed .dd1 “m” 693f: 61 67 69 63+ .str ‘agic staff.’ 694a: b9 .dd1 “9” 694b: 30 20 70 6f+ .str ‘0 pound two-handed sword.’ 6964: e2 .dd1 “b” 6965: 61 6c 6c 20+ .str ‘all of blue wool.’ 6976: f9 .dd1 “y” 6977: 6f 79 6f 2e .str ‘oyo.’ 697b: f3 .dd1 “s” 697c: 6e 61 6b 65+ .str ‘nake !!!’ 6984: e2 .dd1 “b” 6985: 61 73 6b 65+ .str ‘asket of food.’ 6993: f4 .dd1 “t” 6994: 6f 72 63 68+ .str ‘orch.’ 6999: c9 .dd1 “I” 699a: 6e 73 69 64+ .str ‘nside the box there is a’ 69b2: d9 .dd1 “Y” 69b3: 6f 75 20 75+ .str ‘ou unlock the door...’ 69c8: e1 .dd1 “a” 69c9: 6e 64 20 74+ .str ‘nd the wall falls on you!’ 69e2: e1 .dd1 “a” 69e3: 6e 64 20 74+ .str ‘nd the key begins to tick!’ 69fd: e1 .dd1 “a” 69fe: 6e 64 20 61+ .str ‘nd a 20,000 volt shock kills you!’ 6a1f: c1 .dd1 “A” 6a20: 20 36 30 30+ .str ‘ 600 pound gorilla rips your face off!’ 6a46: d4 .dd1 “T” 6a47: 77 6f 20 6d+ .str ‘wo men in white coats take you away!’ 6a6b: c8 .dd1 “H” 6a6c: 61 76 69 6e+ .str ‘aving fun?’ 6a76: d4 .dd1 “T” ;$20 6a77: 68 65 20 73+ .str ‘he snake bites you and you die!’ 6a96: d4 .dd1 “T” 6a97: 68 75 6e 64+ .str ‘hunderbolts shoot out above you!’ 6ab7: d4 .dd1 “T” 6ab8: 68 65 20 73+ .str ‘he staff thunders with useless energy!’ 6ade: f9 .dd1 “y” 6adf: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are wearing it.’ 6af1: d4 .dd1 “T” 6af2: 6f 20 65 76+ .str ‘o everything’ 6afe: d4 .dd1 “T” 6aff: 68 65 72 65+ .str ‘here is a season’ 6b0f: ac .dd1 “,” 6b10: 20 54 55 52+ .str ‘ TURN,TURN,TURN’ 6b1f: d4 .dd1 “T” 6b20: 68 65 20 63+ .str ‘he calculator displays 317.’ 6b3b: c9 .dd1 “I” 6b3c: 74 20 64 69+ .str ‘t displays 317.2 !’ 6b4e: d4 .dd1 “T” 6b4f: 68 65 20 69+ .str ‘he invisible guillotine beheads you!’ 6b73: d9 .dd1 “Y” 6b74: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have rammed your head into a steel’ 6b99: f7 .dd1 “w” 6b9a: 61 6c 6c 20+ .str ‘all and bashed your brains out!’ 6bb9: c1 .dd1 “A” 6bba: 41 41 41 41+ .str ‘AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!’ 6bca: d7 .dd1 “W” 6bcb: 48 41 4d 21+ .str ‘HAM!!!’ 6bd1: c1 .dd1 “A” 6bd2: 20 76 69 63+ .str ‘ vicious dog attacks you!’ 6beb: c8 .dd1 “H” 6bec: 65 20 72 69+ .str ‘e rips your throat out!’ 6c03: d4 .dd1 “T” ;$30 6c04: 68 65 20 64+ .str ‘he dog chases the sneaker!’ 6c1e: c1 .dd1 “A” 6c1f: 20 76 61 6d+ .str ‘ vampire bat attacks you!’ 6c38: d9 .dd1 “Y” 6c39: 6f 75 72 20+ .str ‘our stomach is growling!’ 6c51: d9 .dd1 “Y” 6c52: 6f 75 72 20+ .str ‘our torch is dying!’ 6c65: d9 .dd1 “Y” 6c66: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are another victim of the maze!’ 6c88: d9 .dd1 “Y” 6c89: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have died of starvation!’ 6ca4: d4 .dd1 “T” 6ca5: 68 65 20 6d+ .str ‘he monster attacks you and’ 6cbf: f9 .dd1 “y” 6cc0: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are his next meal!’ 6cd5: f4 .dd1 “t” 6cd6: 68 65 20 6d+ .str ‘he magic word works! you have escaped!’ 6cfc: c4 .dd1 “D” 6cfd: 6f 20 79 6f+ .str ‘o you want to play again (Y or N)?’ 6d1f: d9 .dd1 “Y” 6d20: 6f 75 20 66+ .str ‘ou fall through the floor’ 6d39: ef .dd1 “o” 6d3a: 6e 74 6f 20+ .str ‘nto a bed of spikes!’ 6d4e: c2 .dd1 “B” 6d4f: 65 66 6f 72+ .str ‘efore I let you go free’ 6d66: f7 .dd1 “w” 6d67: 68 61 74 20+ .str ‘hat was the name of the monster?’ 6d87: e9 .dd1 “i” 6d88: 74 20 73 61+ .str ‘t says "the magic word is camelot".’ 6dab: d4 .dd1 “T” 6dac: 68 65 20 6d+ .str ‘he monster grabs the frisbee, throws ’ 6dd1: e9 .dd1 “i” ;$40 6dd2: 74 20 62 61+ .str ‘t back, and it saws your head off!’ 6df4: d4 .dd1 “T” 6df5: 49 43 4b 21+ .str ‘ICK! TICK!’ 6dff: d4 .dd1 “T” 6e00: 68 65 20 6b+ .str ‘he key blows up the whole maze!’ 6e1f: d4 .dd1 “T” 6e20: 68 65 20 67+ .str ‘he ground beneath your feet’ 6e3b: e2 .dd1 “b” 6e3c: 65 67 69 6e+ .str ‘egins to shake!’ 6e4b: c1 .dd1 “A” 6e4c: 20 64 69 73+ .str ‘ disgusting odor permeates’ 6e66: f4 .dd1 “t” 6e67: 68 65 20 68+ .str ‘he hallway as it darkens!’ 6e80: f4 .dd1 “t” 6e81: 68 65 20 68+ .str ‘he hallway!’ 6e8c: c9 .dd1 “I” 6e8d: 74 20 69 73+ .str ‘t is the monster's mother!’ 6ea7: d3 .dd1 “S” 6ea8: 68 65 20 68+ .str ‘he has been seduced!’ 6ebc: d3 .dd1 “S” 6ebd: 68 65 20 74+ .str ‘he tiptoes up to you!’ 6ed2: d3 .dd1 “S” 6ed3: 68 65 20 73+ .str ‘he slashes you to bits!’ 6eea: d9 .dd1 “Y” 6eeb: 6f 75 20 73+ .str ‘ou slash her to bits!’ 6f00: c3 .dd1 “C” 6f01: 6f 72 72 65+ .str ‘orrect! You have survived!’ 6f1b: d9 .dd1 “Y” 6f1c: 6f 75 20 62+ .str ‘ou break the’ 6f28: e1 .dd1 “a” 6f29: 6e 64 20 69+ .str ‘nd it disappears!’ 6f3a: d7 .dd1 “W” ;$50 6f3b: 68 61 74 20+ .str ‘hat a mess! The vampire bat’ 6f56: e4 .dd1 “d” 6f57: 72 69 6e 6b+ .str ‘rinks the blood and dies!’ 6f70: c9 .dd1 “I” 6f71: 74 20 76 61+ .str ‘t vanishes in a’ 6f80: e2 .dd1 “b” 6f81: 75 72 73 74+ .str ‘urst of flames!’ 6f90: d9 .dd1 “Y” 6f91: 6f 75 20 63+ .str ‘ou can't be serious!’ 6fa5: d9 .dd1 “Y” 6fa6: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are making little sense.’ 6fc1: a0 .dd1 “ ” 6fc2: 77 68 61 74+ .str ‘what? ’ 6fda: e1 .dd1 “a” 6fdb: 6c 6c 20 66+ .str ‘ll form into darts!’ 6fee: d4 .dd1 “T” 6fef: 68 65 20 66+ .str ‘he food is being digested.’ 7009: d4 .dd1 “T” 700a: 68 65 20 .str ‘he ’ 700d: ed .dd1 “m” 700e: 61 67 69 63+ .str ‘agically sails’ 701c: e1 .dd1 “a” 701d: 72 6f 75 6e+ .str ‘round a nearby corner’ 7032: e1 .dd1 “a” 7033: 6e 64 20 69+ .str ‘nd is eaten by’ 7041: f4 .dd1 “t” 7042: 68 65 20 6d+ .str ‘he monster !!!!’ 7051: e1 .dd1 “a” 7052: 6e 64 20 74+ .str ‘nd the monster grabs it,’ 706a: e7 .dd1 “g” 706b: 65 74 73 20+ .str ‘ets tangled, and topples over!’ 7089: c9 .dd1 “I” ;$60 708a: 74 20 69 73+ .str ‘t is now full of blood.’ 70a1: d4 .dd1 “T” 70a2: 68 65 20 6d+ .str ‘he monster is dead and’ 70b8: ed .dd1 “m” 70b9: 75 63 68 20+ .str ‘uch blood is spilt!’ 70cc: d9 .dd1 “Y” 70cd: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have killed it.’ 70df: d4 .dd1 “T” 70e0: 68 65 20 64+ .str ‘he dagger disappears!’ 70f5: d4 .dd1 “T” 70f6: 68 65 20 74+ .str ‘he torch is lit and the’ 710d: ef .dd1 “o” 710e: 6c 64 20 74+ .str ‘ld torch dies and vanishes!’ 7129: c1 .dd1 “A” 712a: 20 63 6c 6f+ .str ‘ close inspection reveals’ 7143: e1 .dd1 “a” 7144: 62 73 6f 6c+ .str ‘bsolutely nothing of value!’ 715f: e1 .dd1 “a” 7160: 20 73 6d 75+ .str ‘ smudged display!’ 7171: c1 .dd1 “A” 7172: 20 63 61 6e+ .str ‘ can of spinach?’ 7182: f2 .dd1 “r” 7183: 65 74 75 72+ .str ‘eturns and hits you’ 7196: e9 .dd1 “i” 7197: 6e 20 74 68+ .str ‘n the eye!’ 71a1: d9 .dd1 “Y” 71a2: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are trapped in a fake’ 71ba: e5 .dd1 “e” 71bb: 6c 65 76 61+ .str ‘levator. There is no escape!’ 71d7: d7 .dd1 “W” 71d8: 69 74 68 20+ .str ‘ith what? Toenail polish?’ 71f1: c1 .dd1 “A” ;$70 71f2: 20 64 72 61+ .str ‘ draft blows your torch out!’ 720e: d4 .dd1 “T” 720f: 68 65 20 72+ .str ‘he ring is activated and’ 7227: f3 .dd1 “s” 7228: 68 69 6e 65+ .str ‘hines light everywhere!’ 723f: d4 .dd1 “T” 7240: 68 65 20 73+ .str ‘he staff begins to quake!’ 7259: d4 .dd1 “T” 725a: 68 65 20 63+ .str ‘he calculator vanishes.’ 7271: ce .dd1 “N” 7272: 45 56 45 52+ .str ‘EVER, EVER raid a monster's lair.’ 7293: cf .dd1 “O” 7294: 4b 2e 2e 2e .str ‘K...’ 7298: e8 .dd1 “h” 7299: 61 73 20 76+ .str ‘as vanished.’ 72a5: d4 .dd1 “T” 72a6: 68 65 20 62+ .str ‘he body has vanished!’ 72bb: c7 .dd1 “G” 72bc: 4c 49 54 43+ .str ‘LITCH!’ 72c2: cf .dd1 “O” 72c3: 4b 2e 2e 2e+ .str ‘K...it is clean.’ 72d3: c3 .dd1 “C” 72d4: 68 65 63 6b+ .str ‘heck your inventory, DOLT!’ 72ee: d3 .dd1 “S” 72ef: 50 4c 41 54+ .str ‘PLAT!’ 72f4: d9 .dd1 “Y” 72f5: 6f 75 20 65+ .str ‘ou eat the’ 72ff: e1 .dd1 “a” 7300: 6e 64 20 79+ .str ‘nd you get heartburn!’ 7315: c1 .dd1 “A” 7316: 20 64 65 61+ .str ‘ deafening roar envelopes’ 732f: f9 .dd1 “y” ;$80 7330: 6f 75 2e 20+ .str ‘ou. Your ears are ringing!’ 734a: c6 .dd1 “F” 734b: 4f 4f 44 20+ .str ‘OOD FIGHT!! FOOD FIGHT!!’ 7363: d4 .dd1 “T” 7364: 68 65 20 68+ .str ‘he hallway is too crowded.’ 737e: c1 .dd1 “A” 737f: 20 68 69 67+ .str ‘ high shrill note comes’ 7396: e6 .dd1 “f” 7397: 72 6f 6d 20+ .str ‘rom the flute!’ 73a5: d4 .dd1 “T” 73a6: 68 65 20 63+ .str ‘he calculator displays’ 73bc: d9 .dd1 “Y” 73bd: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have been teleported!’ 73d5: d7 .dd1 “W” 73d6: 69 74 68 20+ .str ‘ith who? The monster?’ 73eb: d9 .dd1 “Y” 73ec: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have no fire.’ 73fc: d7 .dd1 “W” 73fd: 69 74 68 20+ .str ‘ith what? Air?’ 740b: c9 .dd1 “I” 740c: 74 27 73 20+ .str ‘t's awfully dark.’ 741d: cc .dd1 “L” 741e: 6f 6f 6b 20+ .str ‘ook at your monitor.’ 7432: c9 .dd1 “I” 7433: 74 20 6c 6f+ .str ‘t looks very dangerous!’ 744a: c9 .dd1 “I” 744b: 27 6d 20 73+ .str ‘'m sorry, but I can't ’ 7461: d9 .dd1 “Y” 7462: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are confusing me.’ 7476: d7 .dd1 “W” 7477: 68 61 74 20+ .str ‘hat in tarnation is a ’ 748d: c9 .dd1 “I” ;$90 748e: 20 64 6f 6e+ .str ‘ don't see that here.’ 74a3: cf .dd1 “O” 74a4: 4b 2e 2e 2e+ .str ‘K...if you really want to,’ 74be: c2 .dd1 “B” 74bf: 75 74 20 79+ .str ‘ut you have no key.’ 74d2: c4 .dd1 “D” 74d3: 6f 20 79 6f+ .str ‘o you wish to save the game (Y or N)?’ 74f8: c4 .dd1 “D” 74f9: 6f 20 79 6f+ .str ‘o you wish to continue a game (Y or N)?’ 7520: d0 .dd1 “P” 7521: 6c 65 61 73+ .str ‘lease prepare your cassette.’ 753d: d7 .dd1 “W” 753e: 68 65 6e 20+ .str ‘hen ready, press any key.’ 7557: e1 .dd1 “a” 7558: 6e 64 20 69+ .str ‘nd it vanishes!’ 7567: d9 .dd1 “Y” 7568: 6f 75 20 77+ .str ‘ou will do no such thing!’ 7581: d9 .dd1 “Y” 7582: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are carrying the limit.’ 759c: c9 .dd1 “I” 759d: 74 20 69 73+ .str ‘t is currently impossible.’ 75b7: d4 .dd1 “T” 75b8: 68 65 20 62+ .str ‘he bat drains you of your vital fluids!’ 75df: c1 .dd1 “A” 75e0: 72 65 20 79+ .str ‘re you sure you want to quit (Y or N)?’ 7606: d4 .dd1 “T” 7607: 72 79 20 65+ .str ‘ry examining things.’ 761b: d4 .dd1 “T” 761c: 79 70 65 20+ .str ‘ype instructions.’ 762d: c9 .dd1 “I” 762e: 6e 76 65 72+ .str ‘nvert and telephone.’ 7642: c4 .dd1 “D” ;$a0 7643: 6f 6e 27 74+ .str ‘on't make unnecessary turns.’ 765f: d9 .dd1 “Y” 7660: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have turned into a pillar of salt!’ 7685: c4 .dd1 “D” 7686: 6f 6e 27 74+ .str ‘on't say I didn't warn you!’ 76a1: d4 .dd1 “T” 76a2: 68 65 20 65+ .str ‘he elevator is moving!’ 76b8: d9 .dd1 “Y” 76b9: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are deposited at the next level.’ 76dc: d9 .dd1 “Y” 76dd: 6f 75 72 20+ .str ‘our head smashes into the ceiling!’ 76ff: d9 .dd1 “Y” 7700: 6f 75 20 66+ .str ‘ou fall on the snake!’ 7715: cf .dd1 “O” ;$a7 7716: 68 20 6e 6f+ .str ‘h no! A pit!’ 7722: ff .dd1 $ff ;end of string table ; 7723: 46 45 d2 85+ .junk 156 77bf: 60 20 20 20+ instructions .str ‘` Deathmaze 5000 Location is constant’ + ‘ly displayed via 3-D graphics. To move forward one step, pre’ + ‘ss Z. To turn to the left or right, press the left or right a’ + ‘rrow. To turn around, press X. Only Z actually changesyour po’ + ‘sition. Additionally, words such as CHARGE may be helpful in m’ + ‘ovement. At any time, one and two word commands may be ente’ + ‘red. Some useful commands areOPEN BOX, GET BOX, DROP and HELP.’ + ‘ Many more exist. To manipulate an object, youmust be on top ’ + ‘of it, or be carrying it. To save a game in progress, enter SA’ + ‘VE.This is encouraged. Deathmaze is huge. It will take some t’ + ‘ime to escape. The five levels of Deathmaze are con- n’ + ‘ected by elevators, pits, and science. Connections are not alw’ + ‘ays obvious. Good Luck! ’ + ‘ Copyright 1980 by Med Syste’ + ‘ms Software All rights reserved. ’ 7b56: a0 .dd1 $a0 7b57: 80 52 54 d3+ .align $0100 (169 bytes) 7c00: 53 61 76 65+ msg_save_dort .str ‘Save to DISK or TAPE (T or D)?’ 7c1e: 80 .dd1 $80 7c1f: c7 msg_load_dort .dd1 “G” 7c20: 65 74 20 66+ .str ‘et from DISK or TAPE (T or D)?’ 7c3e: 80 .dd1 $80 ; ; Loads a saved game from disk or tape. ; ; On failure, does not return (jumps back to Start). ; 7c3f: 20 55 08 LoadDiskOrTape jsr ClearScreen ;clear hi-res screen 7c42: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;set text position to upper left 7c44: 86 06 stx char_horiz 7c46: 86 07 stx char_vert 7c48: a2 1f ldx #<msg_load_dort ;get pointer to disk-or-tape string 7c4a: 86 0c stx string_ptr 7c4c: a2 7c ldx #>msg_load_dort 7c4e: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1 7c50: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg ;"get from disk or tape (T or D)?" 7c53: 20 94 7c jsr GetKeyTD ;get answer 7c56: c9 44 cmp #‘D’ 7c58: d0 03 bne :LoadTape ;go do tape 7c5a: 4c 0c 7d jmp LoadFromDisk ;go do disk 7c5d: 20 55 08 :LoadTape jsr ClearScreen 7c60: a9 95 lda #$95 ;"please prepare your cassette" 7c62: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 7c65: 60 rts ; ; Saves a game to disk or tape. ; 7c66: 20 55 08 SaveDiskOrTape jsr ClearScreen 7c69: a2 00 ldx #$00 7c6b: 86 06 stx char_horiz ;top left corner 7c6d: 86 07 stx char_vert 7c6f: a2 00 ldx #<msg_save_dort ;get pointer to disk-or-tape string 7c71: 86 0c stx string_ptr 7c73: a2 7c ldx #>msg_save_dort 7c75: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1 7c77: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg ;"save to disk or tape (T or D)?" 7c7a: 20 94 7c jsr GetKeyTD ;get answer 7c7d: c9 54 cmp #‘T’ 7c7f: f0 03 beq :RedrawSaveTape ;go do tape 7c81: 4c ef 7c jmp SaveToDisk ;go do disk ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 7c84: 20 55 08 :RedrawSaveTape jsr ClearScreen 7c87: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;draw maze 7c8a: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 7c8c: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 7c8e: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;draw inventory 7c91: 4c bc 31 jmp SaveToTape ;do save to tape ; ; Gets the next keystroke, looping until we see 'T' or 'D'. ; 7c94: 2c 10 c0 GetKeyTD bit KBDSTRB 7c97: 20 43 12 :Loop jsr DrawBlinkingApple 7c9a: 2c 00 c0 bit KBD 7c9d: 10 f8 bpl :Loop 7c9f: ad 00 c0 lda KBD 7ca2: 29 7f and #%01111111 ;strip high bit 7ca4: c9 54 cmp #‘T’ ;was it a 'T'? 7ca6: f0 04 beq :GotTorD ;yes, bail 7ca8: c9 44 cmp #‘D’ ;was it a 'D'? 7caa: d0 e8 bne GetKeyTD ;no, try again 7cac: 48 :GotTorD pha ;save value 7cad: 20 6e 12 jsr DrawSpace ;erase cursor 7cb0: 68 pla ;restore value 7cb1: 60 rts ; ; DOS 3.3 RWTS parameter block. ; 7cb2: 00 .dd1 $00 ;looks like a DCT 7cb3: 01 .dd1 $01 7cb4: ef d8 .dd2 $d8ef 7cb6: 01 rwts_iob .dd1 $01 ;table type (must be $01) 7cb7: 60 .dd1 $60 ;slot x16 7cb8: 01 .dd1 $01 ;drive (1/2) 7cb9: 00 .dd1 $00 ;vol num expected (0=any) 7cba: 02 .dd1 $02 ;track # 7cbb: 0f .dd1 $0f ;sector # 7cbc: 00 3f .dd2 Setup ;DCT address (incorrect address, should be $7cb2) 7cbe: 93 61 .dd2 plyr_facing ;buffer 7cc0: 00 .dd1 $00 7cc1: 00 .dd1 $00 ;partial sector byte count 7cc2: 01 rwts_cmd .dd1 $01 ;cmd: $01=read, $02=write 7cc3: 00 rwts_ret .dd1 $00 ;error code: $00=no error 7cc4: 00 .dd1 $00 ;last access vol 7cc5: 60 .dd1 $60 ;last access slot 7cc6: 01 .dd1 $01 ;last access drive ; 7cc7: d0 msg_place_disk .dd1 “P” 7cc8: 6c 61 63 65+ .str ‘lace data diskette in DRIVE 1, SLOT 6.’ 7cee: 80 .dd1 $80 • Clear variables 7cef: a2 02 SaveToDisk ldx #$02 ;WRITE 7cf1: 8e c2 7c stx rwts_cmd 7cf4: 20 4f 7d jsr DoDiskIO ;write the sector 7cf7: 90 06 bcc DrawAndReturn ;no error, branch to run game 7cf9: 20 74 7d jsr ConvertRWTSErr ;failed, convert code to message 7cfc: 4c 23 7e jmp HandleWriteErr ;report and handle the error ]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1} 7cff: 20 55 08 DrawAndReturn jsr ClearScreen 7d02: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;draw maze 7d05: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV 7d07: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd 7d09: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;draw inventory and return 7d0c: a2 01 LoadFromDisk ldx #$01 ;READ 7d0e: 8e c2 7c stx rwts_cmd 7d11: 20 4f 7d jsr DoDiskIO ;read the sector 7d14: 90 06 bcc VerifySave ;no error, branch to check magic value 7d16: 20 74 7d jsr ConvertRWTSErr ;failed, convert code to message 7d19: 4c 1d 7e jmp HandleReadErr ;report and handle the error ; ; Checks to see if the saved game data has the word "DEATH". ; ; On success or failure, the caller's return address is popped off before ; returning. (The I/O failure code pops the return address before returning ; after a "load" failure.) ; 7d1c: a0 00 VerifySave ldy #$00 7d1e: b9 00 62 lda save_magic,y 7d21: c9 44 cmp #‘D’ 7d23: d0 25 bne :BadMagic 7d25: c8 iny 7d26: b9 00 62 lda save_magic,y ;(why not "lda save_magic+1"?) 7d29: c9 45 cmp #‘E’ 7d2b: d0 1d bne :BadMagic 7d2d: c8 iny 7d2e: b9 00 62 lda save_magic,y 7d31: c9 41 cmp #‘A’ 7d33: d0 15 bne :BadMagic 7d35: c8 iny 7d36: b9 00 62 lda save_magic,y 7d39: c9 54 cmp #‘T’ 7d3b: d0 0d bne :BadMagic 7d3d: c8 iny 7d3e: b9 00 62 lda save_magic,y 7d41: c9 48 cmp #‘H’ 7d43: d0 05 bne :BadMagic 7d45: 68 pla ;pop return address 7d46: 68 pla 7d47: 4c 4a 08 jmp GetStarted ;start the game 7d4a: a9 05 :BadMagic lda #$05 7d4c: 4c 1d 7e jmp HandleReadErr ; ; Prompts the user to insert a disk, then invokes RWTS to read or write. ; 7d4f: a9 0a DoDiskIO lda #$0a ;linefeed 7d51: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 7d54: a2 c7 ldx #<msg_place_disk ;get pointer to message string 7d56: 86 0c stx string_ptr ;"place data disk..." 7d58: a2 7c ldx #>msg_place_disk 7d5a: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1 7d5c: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg 7d5f: a9 0a lda #$0a ;linefeed 7d61: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar 7d64: a9 96 lda #$96 ;"when ready, press any key" 7d66: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN 7d69: 20 e9 0f jsr WaitKeyCursor 7d6c: a9 7c lda #>rwts_iob 7d6e: a0 b6 ldy #<rwts_iob 7d70: 20 d9 03 jsr DOS_RWTS ;read or write sector 7d73: 60 rts ; ; Converts an RWTS error code to a message index. ; ; On exit: ; A-reg: error message index (1-4) ; 7d74: ad c3 7c ConvertRWTSErr lda rwts_ret ;get RWTS error code 7d77: c9 10 cmp #$10 ;write protect error? 7d79: d0 03 bne :Not10 ;no, branch 7d7b: a9 01 lda #$01 7d7d: 60 rts 7d7e: c9 20 :Not10 cmp #$20 ;volume mismatch error? 7d80: d0 03 bne :Not20 ;no, branch 7d82: a9 02 lda #$02 7d84: 60 rts 7d85: c9 40 :Not20 cmp #$40 ;drive error? 7d87: d0 03 bne :Not40 ;no, branch 7d89: a9 03 lda #$03 7d8b: 60 rts 7d8c: a9 04 :Not40 lda #$04 ;generic read error 7d8e: 60 rts ; ; I/O error messages. ; 7d8f: 44 49 53 4b+ msg_io_err .str ‘DISKETTE WRITE PROTECTED!’ ;$01, +$00 7da8: 80 .dd1 $80 7da9: 56 4f 4c 55+ .str ‘VOLUME MISMATCH!’ ;$02, +$1a 7db9: 80 .dd1 $80 7dba: 44 52 49 56+ .str ‘DRIVE ERROR! CAUSE UNKNOWN!’ ;$03, +$2b 7dd5: 80 .dd1 $80 7dd6: 52 45 41 44+ .str ‘READ ERROR! CHECK YOUR DISKETTE!’ ;$04, +$47 7df6: 80 .dd1 $80 7df7: 4e 4f 54 20+ .str ‘NOT A DEATHMAZE FILE! INPUT REJECTED!’ ;$05, +$68 7e1c: 80 .dd1 $80 ; ; Handles an I/O error. ; ; We start by converting the IO error code (1-5) to a pointer into the string ; table. (For some reason this is done with direct offsets, rather than walking ; through the strings as is done elsewhere.) ; ; When we finish, we either resume the game (if this was a failed write), or go ; back to the start (if this was a failed read). ; ; On entry: ; A-reg: error code (1-5) ; ]write_flag .var $10 {addr/1} ]tmp .var $19 {addr/2} 7e1d: a2 00 HandleReadErr ldx #$00 ;clear flag 7e1f: 86 10 stx ]write_flag 7e21: f0 04 beq :Handle1 ;(always) ; Alternate entry point, used when a write operation failed. (We can continue ; playing after a failed write, but not after a failed read.) 7e23: a2 ff HandleWriteErr ldx #$ff ;set flag 7e25: 86 10 stx ]write_flag 7e27: a8 :Handle1 tay ;put error index in Y-reg 7e28: 88 dey ;decrement 7e29: d0 02 bne :Not1 7e2b: f0 17 beq :ShowError ;show, with offset $00 7e2d: 88 :Not1 dey 7e2e: d0 04 bne :Not2 7e30: a0 1a ldy #$1a 7e32: d0 10 bne :ShowError 7e34: 88 :Not2 dey 7e35: d0 04 bne :Not3 7e37: a0 2b ldy #$2b 7e39: d0 09 bne :ShowError 7e3b: 88 :Not3 dey 7e3c: d0 04 bne :Not4 7e3e: a0 47 ldy #$47 7e40: d0 02 bne :ShowError 7e42: a0 68 :Not4 ldy #$68 ;offset to "bad save" message ; The message offset is in the Y-reg. Form pointer by adding to table address. 7e44: 84 19 :ShowError sty ]tmp 7e46: a2 00 ldx #$00 7e48: 86 1a stx ]tmp+1 7e4a: a2 8f ldx #<msg_io_err 7e4c: 86 0c stx string_ptr 7e4e: a2 7d ldx #>msg_io_err 7e50: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1 7e52: 18 clc 7e53: a5 19 lda ]tmp 7e55: 65 0c adc string_ptr 7e57: 85 0c sta string_ptr 7e59: a5 1a lda ]tmp+1 7e5b: 65 0d adc string_ptr+1 7e5d: 85 0d sta string_ptr+1 ; 7e5f: a9 0a lda #$0a 7e61: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print newline 7e64: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg ;draw error string 7e67: 20 e9 0f jsr WaitKeyCursor 7e6a: a5 10 lda ]write_flag ;was this a write operation? 7e6c: f0 03 beq :NotWrite ;no, jump back to start 7e6e: 4c ff 7c jmp DrawAndReturn ;yes, resume game 7e71: 68 :NotWrite pla ;pop caller's return address 7e72: 68 pla 7e73: 4c 05 08 jmp Start 7e76: ad a5 61 d0+ .junk 393

Symbol Table
