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CONTROLS Disassembly

                   * ABM for the Apple II, by Silas Warner                                        *
                   * Copyright 1980 Muse Software                                                 *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * This is a subroutine used to read the joystick or paddles.  The code is      *
                   * modified directly by the Applesoft "ADJUST" program.                         *
                   * Disassembly by Andy McFadden, using 6502bench SourceGen v1.7.1.              *
                   * Last updated 2020/08/06                                                      *
                   BUTN0           .eq     $c061             ;R switch input 0 / open-apple
                   MON_PREAD       .eq     $fb1e             ;read paddle specifed by X-reg, return in Y-reg

                                   .org    $0300
                   * Reads X-axis paddle.                                                         *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * On exit:                                                                     *
                   *   A-reg: paddle value (0-255)                                                *
0300: 4c 0c 03     ReadPdlX        jmp     DoReadPdlX

                   * Reads Y-axis paddle.                                                         *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * On exit:                                                                     *
                   *   A-reg: paddle value (0-255)                                                *
0303: 4c 15 03     ReadPdlY        jmp     DoReadPdlY

                   * Read button that fires outer/center missiles.                                *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * On exit:                                                                     *
                   *   Carry set if button changed state and is pressed                           *
0306: 4c 20 03     GetOuterBtn     jmp     DoGetOuterBtn

                   * Read button that fires inner missiles.                                       *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * On exit:                                                                     *
                   *   Carry set if button changed state and is pressed                           *
0309: 4c 3a 03     GetInnerBtn     jmp     DoGetInnerBtn

030c: a2 00        DoReadPdlX      ldx     #$00              ;0-3 (POKE 781,n)
030e: 20 1e fb                     jsr     MON_PREAD         ;do paddle read
0311: 98                           tya
0312: 49 00                        eor     #$00              ;$00 or $ff (POKE 787,n); flips axis
0314: 60                           rts

0315: a2 01        DoReadPdlY      ldx     #$01              ;0-3 (POKE 790,n)
0317: 20 1e fb                     jsr     MON_PREAD         ;do paddle read
031a: 98                           tya
031b: 49 00                        eor     #$00              ;$00 or $ff (POKE 796,n); flips axis
031d: 60                           rts

031e: 00 00                        .junk   2

0320: a2 00        DoGetOuterBtn   ldx     #$00              ;0-2 (POKE 801,n); determines button #
0322: bd 61 c0                     lda     BUTN0,x           ;read button
0325: 29 80                        and     #$80
0327: a0 00        :_Prev          ldy     #$00
0329: 8d 28 03                     sta     :_Prev+1          ;save for next time
032c: c9 00        :_Press         cmp     #$00              ;$00 or $80 (POKE 813,n); determines pressed state
032e: f0 07                        beq     :NoFire           ;no change, return with carry clear
0330: cc 2d 03                     cpy     :_Press+1         ;is it pressed?
0333: d0 02                        bne     :NoFire           ;no, return with carry clear
0335: 38                           sec
0336: 60                           rts

0337: 18           :NoFire         clc
0338: 60                           rts

0339: 00                           .junk   1

033a: a2 00        DoGetInnerBtn   ldx     #$00              ;0-2 (POKE 827,n); determines button number
033c: bd 61 c0                     lda     BUTN0,x           ;read button
033f: 29 80                        and     #$80
0341: a0 00        :_Prev          ldy     #$00
0343: 8d 42 03                     sta     :_Prev+1          ;save for next time
0346: c9 00        :_Press         cmp     #$00              ;$00 or $80 (POKE 839,n); determines pressed state
0348: f0 07                        beq     :NoFire           ;no change, return with carry clear
034a: cc 47 03                     cpy     :_Press+1         ;is it pressed?
034d: d0 02                        bne     :NoFire           ;no, return with carry clear
034f: 38                           sec
0350: 60                           rts

0351: 18           :NoFire         clc
0352: 60                           rts

0353: 00 00 00 00+                 .junk   13

Symbol Table
