Subject: Re: Tech: Tempest ROM Revisions (Monitor Specific) Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 22:45:19 -0800 From: "Mouse" Organization: SBC Internet Services Newsgroups: Mike, Here is the breakdown for the PROMs for Tempest (my thanks to the dudes who originally published it) ROM Location File Name Checksum Notes x D1 136002.113 8392 0 E1 136002.114 189b 1 F1 136002.115 ed68 2 H1 136002.116 257f 3 J1 136002.117 5246 4 K1 136002.118 1e3 5 L/M1 136002.119 6340 6 M/N1 136002.120 eac1 7 P1 136002.121 7b1e 8 R1 136002.122 7691 N/P3 136002.111/123 6b4c 111 & 123 are the same R3 136002.112/124 2d05 112 & 124 are the same rev.2 3 J1 136002.217 5244 fixes the score cheat 8 R1 136002.222 82ad in test mode, changes spinner letters to a line (maybe other fixes) rev.3 2 H1 136002.316 25e1 fixes screen collapse between players when using newer deflection board As you can see, the only mention of a monitor specific fix was the Rev 3 PROM 316 that only delt with the screen collapse problem (it would trigger the spot killer) during player's turns in a two player game. I just fixed my recently acquired Tempest machine that had weird problems with the display. The symptoms were that the "Tempest" attract mode text was fine, but all of the other graphics were filled with sporadic lines and junk and the spot killer would kick in periodically (every few seconds). I traced it down to a defective PROM 111 (one of the PROMS that the Mathbox uses). Burned a new PROM and BINGO, back to Tempest heaven. If you have similar symptoms I recommend you checksum the PROMS if you have a PROM programmer and see if you can find a corrupted one Hope this helps any, Steve