GOTTLIEB INFORMATION: Q*BERT BOOTLEG PINOUTS ---------------------------------------------- CPU SOLDER SIDE____COMPONENT SIDE +5V | 1| GND +5V | 2| GND +5V | 3| GND +12V | 4| +12V -5V | 5| -5V | 6| | 7| Audio Out Test Mode* | 8| Select Switch | 9| Coin 1 |10| P1 Start Coin 2 |11| P2 Start P2 Down-Left |12| P1 Up-Left P2 Up-Right |13| P1 Down-Right P2 Up-Left |14| P1 Down-Left P1 Up-Right |15| P2 Down-Right Video Sync |16| Red |17| Blue |18| Green |19| +5V |20| Video GND +5V |21| GND +5V |22| GND ---- *Test Mode: Game mode is to ground, Test Mode is open; Select is used to cycle through the test mode; HOLD the select switch to select a specific test function; Wire a toggle switch for the test mode/game mode function and jumper the "select" to player 2 start switch (for test mode) ----------------------------------------------------------------- | BOOTLEG Q*BERT WITH A MODERN JOYSTICK | ----------------------------------------------------------------- The below modification will allow a Normally oriented Joystick to function like the off-set Q*Bert Joystick. (this can be used in a normal-verticle Jamma cabinet with a jamma adaptor) INGREDIENTS: ------------ 1 - Working Bootleg Q*Bert Board 1 - 74LS32 (14 pin Quad 2 Input OR gate) 1 - Standard 4-position leaf switch or microswitch joystick 1 - spool of jumper wire First, jumper the 74LS32 as follows: Connect pin 1 to pin 12 Connect pin 2 to pin 9 Connect pin 4 to pin 10 Connect pin 5 to pin 13 Connect Pin 7 to GND Connect Pin 14 to +5V Next, connect the 74LS32 to the bootleg Q*Bert board as follows: Connect Pin 3 to logic Up-Left Connect Pin 6 to logic Down-Right Connect Pin 8 to logic Down Left Connect Pin 11 to logic Up-Right Finally, connect the 74LS32 to your "normal" joystick or JAMMA harness as follows: Connect Pin 9 to JAMMA Left Connect Pin 10 to JAMMA Down Connect Pin 12 to JAMMA Up Connect Pin 13 to JAMMA Right STANDARD DISCLAIMER: -------------------- REMEMBER, NO WARRANTEES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE GIVEN. USE THIS INFORMATION AT YOUR OWN RISK. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES THAT MAY OCCUR TO YOUR PERSON OR PROPERTY. ----------------------------------------------------------------- | END | -----------------------------------------------------------------