Large Mobile Enemies
Gray 4-Track
Type 1 | Type 2 |
Strength: 8 Points: 800 Weapons: 4 missiles |
Strength: 32 Points: 800 Weapons: 4 missiles |
Habits: Roves the level at random, likes to spin when not moving forward. Pauses briefly before launching a spray of 4 missiles at you.
Mitch's advice: Beware when he pauses. If you can't roll out of the way of his fire, move back. You may fit between the missiles as they spread apart.
Large Orange Spinner
Type 1 | Type 2 |
Strength: 15 Points: 2500 Weapons: spray of shots |
Strength: 15 Points: 2500 Weapons: spray of small plasma |
Habits: When pausing, his head rotates a full 360 degrees, spraying shots in your direction. Shooting him can sometimes interrupt his shot spray.
Mitch's advice: A taker of many lives, especially when in groups. Try very hard to squeze between his shots. Retreat if needed. Lobbing nukes over walls is always a good idea too. When fighting this guy, don't forget about any stray Small Orange Tanks.
Brown Tank
Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 |
Strength: 16 Points: 2500 Weapons: repeating large plasma |
Strength: 32 Points: 2500 Weapons: repeating large plasma |
Strength: 48 Points: 2500 Weapons: repeating large plasma |
Habits: Moves slowly, and completely obvilious to you. Generally fires a long stream of large plasma shots in a single direction. On rare occasion he will slowly turn while firing.
Mitch's advice: You basic big dumb bad guy. A lot of work to kill, but worth the points if you have the time. It's safe to stand right next to him.
Yellow Cruncher
Strength: 16
Points: 2500
Weapons: 1 shot and 2 missiles
Habits: Moves around at average speed, and fires fairly
frequently in your direction. His missile launch makes a
distinctive "crunch" sound.
Mitch's advice: Missiles travel over buildings, so don't leave one behind. Never use a lift near one - his missiles will take you out when you land. Also note that missles accelerate over time. Watch missles as they fly past you- their speed and spread will tell you how far away the Cruncher is.
Red Boss
Strength: 10 Nukes
Points: 5000
Weapons: 4 large plasma and frequent missiles
Habits: Flys randomly in a large area. Must be destroyed before a
level is completed.
Mitch's advice: Large. Big. Huge. You'll know him when you see him. Try to land a nuke exactly in his center hole - that will destroy him instantly
[no photo] Flying Black Boss
Strength: 16 Nukes
Points: 5000
Weapons: 4 large plasma and a steady stream of missiles
Habits: The hardest enemy in the game. Behaves like the Flying
Red Boss, only meaner. Appears on the last level.
Mitch's advice: Again, you'll know him when you see him. Try to land a nuke exactly in his center hole - that will destroy him instantly. Oddly, he seems to be optional to finishing the last level.
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