The CRT anode voltage is adjustable by means of R905.
This control is accessible through the top perforated
shield of the module. A hex tool 0.1 inch non-metallic
composition should be used for this adjustment.
Nominal H.V. is 14.5 KV @ 0 beam current.
Focusing may be set by means of R909. This control is
accessible through the side shield of the module. It is a
small flat blade (0.125")/ screwdriver adjustment. The
focus voltage is adjustable over the range of O to + 400
volts, and should be set for best overall definition.
When replacing the H.V. module, make certain that the
CRT anode is safely discharged to ground through a 10k
Ohm resistor before removing the anode cap.
Typical input current from the nominal 38V DC supply for
a normal operating, unloaded H.V. module is 0.4 amp. Input current will
increase with loading and higher than
nominal 14.5 KV H.V. This line is fused by F102 located
on Deflection Amplifier Board.
Under a load of 100 ua, H.V. should not change by more
than 300 volts from 14.5 KV. Limit the brightness level on
CRT such that beam current should not exceed 100 ua.
To do otherwise will result in poor H.V. regulation.
The 90V line should be capable of supplying 25 ma output current with
good regulation. The focus and G2
voltages are capable of only very low current drain; they
are potential voltages only.