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6502-based Video Arcade Source Listings

This is a list of popular coin-op video games based on the 6502 CPU. The selection was primarily drawn from the list of "Golden Age" arcade games on wikipedia, with a few other games from the same era thrown in.

Most of the popular games of that era were based around the Zilog Z80, with some Motorola 6809 and Intel 8080. Atari was certainly the most prolific user of the 6502.

On 14-Oct-2021, a massive collection of original Atari source code was posted to "Historical Source" repositories on github. A list of the included games can be found in this forum posting. Links to the relevant repositories are included in the table below.

AsteroidsAtari1979 github
Asteroids DeluxeAtari1980 github
Atari BaseballAtari1979 github
Atari FootballAtari1978 github
Atari Mini Golf (prototype)Atari1978 github
BattlezoneAtari1980 github
Canyon BomberAtari1977 github
CentipedeAtari1981 github
Cops 'N RobbersAtari1976 github
Crystal CastlesAtari1983 github
GravitarAtari1982 github
Lunar LanderAtari1979 github
MillipedeAtari1982 github
Missile CommandAtari1980 github
Night DriverAtari1976 github
Red BaronAtari1980 github
Space DuelAtari1980 github
Starship 1Atari1978 github
Super BreakoutAtari1978 github
TempestAtari1981 github
WarlordsAtari1980 github

Some later games used the 6502 in a minor role, e.g. Paper Boy uses it to manage sound and the coin slots. It was also part of the DECO Cassette System, for games like Burger Time.