As noted in the project description, the Elite binaries are split into pieces and scrambled. The game occupies about 45KB of RAM, which doesn't leave room for much else (it does not use any RAM in the Language Card).
There are five files on the disk:
Some of the filenames have a Ctrl+E in them in an apparent attempt to confuse people examining the disk.
When ELB1 gets control at $4000, it copies $200-9FF to $2000-27FF, in a mostly-successful attempt to restore the damage done to the hi-res screen by SEC3. (This is necessary because the graphics for everything outside the viewport aren't stored anywhere else -- much of the title screen is there for the entire game.) It then calls $459F, which is where things get ugly: the code performs a rolling subtraction on the bytes from $B60-1FFF and $45EA-BFFE. This obfuscation was probably done to deter prying eyes, and prevents us from from disassembling most of the code. (They did a second obfuscation pass on the text strings, which is part of why you won't spot many in the listing.)
It's annoying to have the program spread across two files, and we need to descramble the data, so the best thing to do is to write a program that assembles the various pieces into a single binary that we can work on. What we're trying to put together is:
There are no gaps, which is convenient. SEC3 is just a file loader, and is overwritten when the hi-res screen is redrawn, so we don't need anything from that. Experiments showed that SCRN is strictly cosmetic, and so does not need to be included since we're not trashing the screen with SEC3.
A short C program, descram_elite.cpp, does all of the necessary work when provided with copies of ELA and ELB1 extracted with CiderPress (make sure to select "configure to preserve Apple II formats" when extracting the files).
Normally the game starts with a call to $4000, but that would do the SCRN memory move and repeat the descrambling step, which we don't want. Instead, we want to start execution at $4592.
Testing it is a little tricky because there's very little space left in
memory. You can either write a custom loader, or use an AppleWin debugger
feature: start the emulator and get to a BASIC prompt. Hit F7 to enter
the debugger, then BLOAD "ELITE",A00
to pull the whole thing
into memory. Hit F7 again to exit the debugger, then
CALL 17810
Copyright 2020 by Andy McFadden