 MultiJAMMA Controller
(Click for larger image)
MultiJAMMA is
a system designed to allow multiple JAMMA games
to be installed in a single cabinet and be
instantly selected by the player with the push of
a button. Each
MultiJAMMA "Controller" (shown at left)
is capable of selecting up to 8 different JAMMA
boardsets without needing to turn the power off
or physically switch game boards or connections.
Controller Features:
- Each Controller board
can switch up to 8 JAMMA games with the
push of a button.
- Works for
coin-operated or free-play. (Coin drops
only credit the selected game. Service
switch only credits the selected game.)
- Free-play mode
generates "virtual credits" so
it works with game boards that don't have
a built-in free-play setting. (Early
classic games, etc.)
- New
feature! Allows
boards with or without built-in free-play
settings to be easily mixed and matched
-- just press Start and the game starts!
- New
Game-select switch included on MultiJAMMA
main board for easier installation and
trouble-shooting. (No need to go around
front and hit the game-select button when
working inside the cabinet.
- Microprocessor
controlled for fast, flexible switching.
- No "dead
spots". The Controller will only
cycle through the number of game boards
attached (2 to 8), so if you run with
less than 8 boards you won't see a black
screen when switching over
"empty" slots.
- New
Remembers the last selected game and
automatically powers-up with it selected
the next time the game is turned on.
- Expandable. Start with
a two-game switcher and then add
additional Switch Boards as your needs
and board collection grows.
- Controller board
includes two 12V fan outputs for
additional cabinet cooling if desired.
- All game boards are
powered for instantaneous switching and
no "bootup" time. A must for
location/coin-op use!
- Uses inexpensive and
reliable "PC" type power
(pictured at right) plug into each game's edge
connector and then connect to the MultiJAMMA
Controller by way of an included cable. Switchboards provide power and
signal routing for each game back to the
One switchboard is required
for each game you wish to run in a MultiJAMMA
setup. The base configuration of the MultiJAMMA
includes two switchboards to get you started.
 (JAMMA Switchboard)
Click for larger image
MultiJAMMA Switchboard Features:
- Quick and easy
connection to JAMMA standard games.
- LED indicator to show
when game is selected.
- Uses standard PC
"IDE" hard-drive cables making
it easy to customize cable lengths if the
included cables don't fit your needs.
- Super-high reliability
telecom relays and digital switches route
video and audio signals.
- Power connections
support direct connection to economical
PC power supplies.
- Relays rated at a
minimum of 5,000,000 switches (that's
switching games continuously 24 hours a
day, once every minute for 9.5 years!).
Pricing for MultiJAMMA
is $125 plus $7 shipping in the US which includes support
for switching between two JAMMA games. Additional JAMMA
Switchboards can be added for $22.50 each (cables
included) plus shipping. International shipping charges
are higher.
To order, please go to
the MultiJAMMA
Order Form!
Updated: 2/24/2002