Sending E-Mail To JROK
I'm always happy to receive e-mail but with the increase I've had lately it's
taking up more of my time, So I'm introducing some ground rules, which I hope anyone
wanting to hear from me will follow :
- Please, do not request the source code for my games or
the simulator.
- I am not a search engine, if you're looking for a specific game
PLEASE try doing a seach on Google
or have a look at my links page Click for links !
- ALL files available on my web pages are verfied 100% perfect, if they fail to un-zip or
give errors, PLEASE re-download them !
- Please refer to the .TXT or .DOC files that come with my games,
they contain the instructions.
- I only know about the games I've written, I can't
answer questions about games there were written by other people.
- I do not email out the games, please visit the download
- Please DO NOT email me asking for game ROMs, visit one of the emulation sites
on the links pages. Click for links !

Send an E-Mail to