TempEd - Tempest Level Editor

TempEd is a Win95/98 level editing utility for Atari's 1980 classic arcade game Tempest. The current version is V0.52.

TempEd TempEd Level Display
Example TempEd Level Example TempEd Level Example TempEd Level

TempEd can create new levels for Tempest, for use in emulators such as MAME. Their use with a real arcade machine is untested - it may be possible to create levels that would damage a vector monitor.

What's New

New in version 0.52:
Ability to change the colours of the player, the levels and the enemies.

New in version 0.51:
Ability to edit text messages.
Can now modify Tempest levels in Hasbro's 'Atari Arcade Hits'.


The following set of levels were created with TempEd. To use them, replace the file '136002.118' in the Tempest ROM set with this file (make a backup first) :-


The development of TempEd was greatly helped by the existence of Duncan Brown's Tempest Tubes. The full story of how this hack was created is told here.

Technical Info

If you want technical information on Tempest's data structures, read this.


If you have any problems with any of these files, or bug reports or suggestions, please mail me. Note that I currently have no plans to write editors for other games. Also, don't forget to look at ThunderCross' Tempest page.

(C) 2000 Simon Mills

mirrored from Thundercross