Mostly ripped off from

  paper arcade - now with staff!  


Kun-Tor, Xbox Boy, Ron Jeremy and 'change boy' Mario are ready to work - FOR YOU! That's right, at last the team are back together again - no arcade is complete without them.

Paper Arcade.

Go to the following links (click on the picture of the cab you want to make) using the internet and print out the – if you will – paper-engineered blueprints (should scale to fit any paper size* see bottom of this page for more help on printing). Cut, fold, make, be proud of. That is all.

Paper models by: Fuseball, with additional models by Blind Voyer, KOWORLD and Etokle.

PA Staff

Change Booth (sheet 1)

Change Booth (sheet 2)


Dragons Lair

Ms Pac-Man

Donkey Kong








*printing help:

The images will scale to fit pretty much any paper size: A4, Legal, Letter - whatever suits. The easiest way to do this is to either insert or drag the image into a word-processing, or presentation package (Word and Powerpoint work well - so will Open Office etc).

1 Click on the Paper Arcade image you want to make

2 When the large image loads right-click on it and save that onto your computer

3 Open a blank Word (or similar package) document

4 Insert the saved picture into this document

5 Set the page margins to the smallest your package/paper-size will allow

6 Stretch (or shrink) your Paper Arcade image to fit within these margins (in Word dragging a corner of the image while holding down 'shift' will keep your picture in the correct scaled proportions)

7 When you're happy that you've got things where you want them - print away!

8 For those of you in certain US states and in Hull - we must, by law, point out that, once printed, these models require cutting-out and glueing together

Ian gets profiled in FHM Magazine!

(click to enlarge)