MCR2 Arcade Multigame

Up to 7 Games Are Supported:  Tron, Satan's Hollow, Two Tigers Dedicated, Wacko, Domino Man, Kozmik Krooz'r, Two Tigers Upgrade. Each game has it's own illuminated marquee when the game is active.

Requirements:  Simtek 16c88 NVSRAM, 2 X PIC16F877's, 6 X 27c512 EPROMs, 27c040 EPROM, 27c010 EPROM, 1 7408 ,1 7411, a device programmer to dump the orignial ROM images from your arcade PCB's and to program the ROM compilation onto the new EPROMs.

For Specifics on the Hardware Hack, see the file.  

This hack is about 5 times more involved than the williams multigame. Extensive soldering is involved and many signals have to be routed to the hack board. This has to do with the fact that the MCR hardware is using many of the ROMS simultaneously. There are 6 ROMS that hold only graphics information that are always selected, and thus there must be 6 EPROMs in the hack for these functions. The sound ROMS can be consolidated into one EPROM and the program roms into another. Add this up and each bit becomes a wire, and suddenly you have a bit of a rat's nest.




The added hardware to accomplish the multigame:
In the process of testing and debugging...

I added/corrected some information in the mcr pinout. Enjoy.

You'll need the Two Tigers Dedicated Patch to run it with the other games. Get it here. Special thanks to KLOV and to MAME. These were VERY valuable resources in the multigame. I used the MAME debugger for at least 50 hours to get the Two Tigers patch finished. If you would like to undertake this multigame and have some specific questions, email me.

Questions: Email



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