THREE STOOGES GAME PLAY AND SCORING HOW TO PLAY The object of the "Three Stooges" game is to rescue the three brides, Cora, Nora and Dora from the evil Doctor, I.M. Acad M.D. One, two or three players can choose their favorite Stooge and play either as a team, or against one another. In a one-player game the game is played against the computer. "Three Stooges" consists of seven scenes: (1) The Office; (2) The Parlor; (3) The Kitchen; (4) The Singers; (5) The Art Gallery; (6) The Police Station; and (7) The Laboratory. The players must pick up their respectively colored key in each of the seven scenes, and exit the room. Each scene is repeated in all four levels of difficulty. The game play starts with all three Stooges in the midst of the first scene, the "Office". With the help of the player controlled joystick, the player searches for a hammer. With the hammer the player can either break furniture to find the keys, or hit the cops and villains which are worth points. The player can also pick up pies, which are located on unbreakable tables and throw them at unsuspecting cops and villains. The player must be careful though, because a pie thrown haphazardly will break windows along the sidewalls encouraging more cops to enter the room. Picking up a pie will also cause the player to lose the hammer. If a player chooses to slap a villain by pressing the slap/throw button on the control panel, the villain will be stunned and if a hammer was being carried, it will be dropped. Each scene is completed when all three keys are retrieved and the Three Stooges exit the room. All three keys must be picked up to open the exit door. The players must be very careful during the "Singer" scene-The key for each of the players is located in one of the smaller rooms. When entering the room the player must be quick about retrieving the key because the opera singers "blue note" is lethal. The singers can be silenced by hitting them in the face with a pie. During the first level of the "Laboratory" scene, there are no brides present. The evil Doctor, I.M. Acad M.D., stands atop the laboratory and as the players pick up their keys the Doctor starts leaving the room. The players must exit in time to capture the Doctor or the round begins over again. The first of the three brides, Cora, appears at the start of the second level "Laboratory" game. The players must retrieve the keys to change the color of the cage in which Cora is locked. The cage must then be broken with a hammer, Cora rescued, and exit the room. Nora, the second bride appears during the third "Laboratory" round and Dora, the third bride, appears during the fourth "Laboratory" round. When Dora has been saved, this will complete the first four levels of the game. The game now repeats the order of the first four levels, with the evil Doctor coming out again in the "Laboratory" scene of level five. BREAKING WINDOW = 100 POINTS VILLIANS a. Muffy = 200 POINTS b. Beauregard = 200 POINTS COPS (Flatfoot) = 500 POINTS LOOT a. Key = 500 POINTS b. Oscar = 500 POINTS c. Star = 500 POINTS d. Money bag = 500 POINTS SCIENTIST = 500 POINTS THREE STOOGES a. Larry = 500 POINTS b. Moe = 500 POINTS c. Curly = 500 POINTS