Asteroids Hints and Tricks -------------------------- Contributors: Roger Bonine and Rajeev Gantela The classic strategy for Asteroids high scores involves saving one or two slow-moving (and highly vertical) rocks, and then waiting in a corner of the screen while killing the 1000-point small saucers with wrap-around shots. To employ this strategy: sit about one inch from the left (or right) edge of the screen, and about three inches from the top (or bottom). If the saucer appears close to you, quickly turn and hit it with a quick burst before it can move. If you can't get it, QUICKLY move to the opposite side of the screen, aim toward the screen's edge, and kill it with the wrap-around shots. This becomes quite easy with practice. ALWAYS stay on the opposite edge of the screen from the little saucer after it starts firing! This strategy depends on the fact that the little saucer in Asteroids is incapable of aiming and firing wrap-around shots at the player. This is NOT! true, however, in Asteroids Deluxe... The Winner's Book of Video Games reported that some players had good success hunting small saucers by moving to the middle of the screen and thrusting upwards at full speed. Supposedly the saucers can't track a ship moving at full speed, and can be easily killed this way. I've never spoken to anyone who's actually tried this, however - it sounds harder than the above method. Asteroids keeps track of up to 255 extra men. If you have too many, the game may slow down, probably due to the processor having to draw all the extra men on the screen. However, on an emulator on a fast computer (Pentium 166 etc.) this may not be a problem. On some ROM versions, it may be possible to "hide" behind the high-score display. (Any more information as to which versions this works on?) In a monumental display of overconfidence on the part of the Atari programmers, Asteroids rolls over at only 99,999 points. Several players, during days-long marathon games, have scored over 100,000,000...