Asteroids Deluxe Hints and Tricks --------------------------------- Contributors: Roger Bonine, Rajeev Gantela and Tim C When the Killsat ("snowflake") ship comes out near the end of the level, DO NOT attack it head-on. Shoot at it, turn around, get further away, and then turn back towards it and keep firing. This way you are moving backwards, but you keep firing at it. Your shields have a maximum life expectancy of 17 seconds. Each collision with a rock takes away about six seconds of shield time. Once your shield runs down, it can not be recharged. In other words: use your shields as little as possible. In the original Asteroids game, the large UFO shot in a random direction. In Deluxe, it shoots at rocks 75 percent of the time and in the general direction of your ship 25 percent of the time. If no rocks are nearby, all shots go towards your ship. This renders the "save and hunt" strategy from original Asteroids useless. Also, the small UFO can now shoot aimed wrap-around shots, and at the 60,000 point mark, both UFOs shoot with greatly improved accuracy. Some advanced players hunt Killsats in Asteroids Deluxe as they hunted small UFOs in the original Asteroids. As the Killsat pieces chase you about (after the snowflake is broken apart of course), you may use this to your advantage - if you maneuver so that the pieces are between you and an attacking UFO, this makes an effective shield, without having to waste your shields on the annoyingly accurate UFO shots. Unfortunately, you don't get the points for this, and similarly the pieces shield the UFO from you as well. I find this tactic primarily useful when you still have lots of rocks left, and don't have the maneuvering room to deal with the pesky UFO.