Small Mobile Enemies

Small Orange Tank

Strength: 1
Points: 100
Weapons: 1 shot
Habits: Your basic little enemy, roving anywhere he wants. Known for firing directly at you from a distance.

Don't let this happen to you.Mitch's advice: Keep moving- don't let his distant shots spoil an otherwise perfect level. Always expect one of these guys to be roaming loose ready to cause trouble.


Armored Small Orange Tank

Strength: 4
Points: 100
Weapons: 1 shot
Habits: Same as the Small Orange Tank, only harder to kill.

Mitch's advice: Nuke early, nuke often. Shooting them 4 shots each takes too long. Try to clean them all out not for points, but for self perservation.

Blue Tank

Type 1 Type 2
Strength: 1
Points: 200
Weapons: 2 shots
Strength: 4
Points: 200
Weapons: 1 small plasma

Habits: Roving loose like the Small Orange Tank, but tending to move in straight lines. Watch for rows of 3 on several of the levels.

Mitch's advice: Makes a satisfying boom sound when hit. A happy sound.

Gray Runner

Type 1 Type 2
Strength: 1
Points: 300
Weapons: 1 small plasma
Strength: 4
Points: 300
Weapons: 1 small plasma and
gray bomb

Habits: Dashes quickly across the screen, shooting when he stops to turn.

Mitch's advice: Because of his speed (the fastest enemy in Assault), hitting him can be hard. Don't count on a nuke to take him out- he may be gone by then. Learn to lead with your shots.


Strength: 1 Nuke
Points: 800
Weapons: none, 1 or 2 lightning bolts
Habits: Launches from hidden underground silos. Can only be destroyed with a nuke.

Mitch's advice: It's possible to drive under one, but I wouldn't recommend it. Learn where the missile sites are, and nuke early. If all else fails, roll to the side. Given their point value, a group of these is a good thing.

Sea-Land-Air Tank

Round Head Square Body
Strength: 9
Points: 500
Weapons: 1 large plasma
(sprays gray bombs when airborne)
Strength: 3
Points: 500
Weapons: 1 large plasma

Habits: When hiding completely under water, he can't be hurt. When his body is peeking out of the water, he can be hit. When above water, he can drive up on land. If the body is destroyed first, the head circles overhead launching many gray bombs.

Mitch's advice: Tempting though it be, don't nuke this guy. You'll only destroy his body. If you have time, take out the head first, THEN the body.

Yellow Tank

Strength: 1
Points: 500
Weapons: 1 shot
Habits: They tend to follow paved roads in a straight line. Often in groups side-by-side or single file. They only turn off the road when in a traffic jam with other Yellow Tanks.

Mitch's advice: At 500 points each, these guys are the cash cows of Assault. Easy to destroy, and they come in groups. Chase one down if you see it- extra points equals extra lives. Just remember to stay off the roads so they can't shoot you.

Fly Guy

Strength: 1
Points: 200
Weapons: 1 missile
Habits: These guys fly into view, landing near your tank. They promptly fire a single missile, and after a short delay, repeat the process.

Mitch's advice: Take 'em out early. If all else fails, drive next to the edge of a level. Fly Guy's self-destruct when they land on the rocky border or beyond.

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