Non-Mobile and Misc Enemies

Smooth Bunker

Strength: 1
Points: 200
Weapons: repeating shot
Habits: Shoots rapid fire in 4 directions. Only appears in level 1.

Mitch's advice: Stay at an angle to him, and you're safe.

Pointed Bunker

Strength: 1
Points: 200
Weapons: repeating shot
Habits: Shoots rapid fire in 4 directions.

Mitch's advice: Just like the Smooth Bunker. Stay at an angle to him, and you're safe. A minor anoyance until level 11.

Green Guys

Strength: 1
Points: 1000
Weapons: None
Habits: Just sits there. Normally found near the large cannons.

Mitch's advice: Earlier I said that the Yellow Tanks were the cash cows of Assault. I was wrong - these guys are. At a thousand points each, you WANT to find these. A nuke in the center will take out all 6. That's the same as 60 small orange tanks.

The Lift

Habits: You get 3 lifts per level. After you've used them all, the lift changes from blinking red to solid black. It's possible to fire 8 nukes per lift, but most of the time I aim and get 6.

Mitch's advice: Know when to use it, and when not to. Experts don't use them to avoid waking up distant enemies like the Crunchers and Fly Guys. Beginers use them to learn the layout of a level.
Also note that shots and plasma's can't travel through the lift, but your shots can. Use the lift as a shield when you can.

Trees and Rocks

Strength: 1
Points: 0
Weapons: None
Habits: Worth nothing, and they do nothing. You can run over a shot tree or rock.

Mitch's advice: I like to take them out if I'm headed toward them. That way I won't get stuck on one if things get ugly. Otherwise I ignore them.

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