Atari 720 to Major Havoc

by Jon Raiford

1 Coat of Primer.JPG
1 Coat of Primer.JPG
99.70 Kb
25 inch vector monitor (before sizing and convergence).jpg
25 inch vector monitor (before sizing and convergence).jpg
40.46 Kb
25 Inch Wells Gardner (barely).jpg
25 Inch Wells Gardner (barely).jpg
54.66 Kb
30.29 Kb
52.38 Kb
36.00 Kb
52.23 Kb
Amplifone Yoke.jpg
Amplifone Yoke.jpg
45.87 Kb
AR2 & deflection board mounts.jpg
AR2 & deflection board mounts.jpg
48.04 Kb
Before Convergence.jpg
Before Convergence.jpg
35.28 Kb
CP before roller and art.jpg
CP before roller and art.jpg
44.59 Kb
Main pcb & AR2.jpg
Main pcb & AR2.jpg
53.34 Kb
Monitor Cavity & HV mounts.jpg
Monitor Cavity & HV mounts.jpg
41.08 Kb
Temporary Controls.jpg
Temporary Controls.jpg
37.33 Kb
Working Mess1.jpg
Working Mess1.jpg
38.71 Kb
Working Mess2.jpg
Working Mess2.jpg
56.38 Kb

For those of you who have been following my project, I have finally finished the technical
portion. My Major Havoc now lives in full color (converged pretty good too) in a 25" 720
cabinet complete with custom control panel. There is an awful log of bowing on the display, so
it is probably worth my while to install one of Clay's display correctors (Clay: any chance you
want to donate one to a good cause?)

I do have one question. During the convergence, even though it all went smoothly, it is still
a little off at the top and bottom of the screen. The red and blue are both dead on with each
other, but the green gradually pulls away the further away from the center you get. The
convergence magnets don't seem to fix it, and the yoke appears to be at its optimal location,
yet I still seem to have this problem.

Is this why magnetic shunts are sometimes used? Could it be the location of the magnetic
convergence assembly itself? Or is this just the effect of a yoke not designed for a
particular tube? As it is, it does look pretty good already. I guess I'd just like to make it
perfect. I'll post a picture later tonight showing the effect that I'm seeing.
