Boot ROM Disclaimer
I can not begin to explain how long I attempted to contact Midway, RARE, or Nintendo about this 'mysterious' boot ROM binary to allow any IDE drive to be used. After months of calling and e-mailing I did not receive not ONE reply back from any of the above companies. Most of the people that I spoke to told me that there was no one left working there that originally worked on Killer Instinct.
The boot ROM itself is "v1.5d" which seems to me to be a "release" version of the ROM. I can't imagine that someone hacked it and added the "d" on the end so I'm posting it here. I make NO profit from posting the binary and it is done ONLY as a service so that individuals can keep their Killer Instinct machines running indefinitely.
I will remove this ROM image if I receive 'official' notice to do so, but I do not think this is likely. The actual hard drive image will NEVER be available for download.
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