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Deathmaze 5000 Words and Messages

Warning: some spoilers here.

Nouns, verbs, and objects are interrelated. A single table of strings includes all nouns and written verbs, but there are "verbs" not in the list (like "move forward" or "turn around"), and there are three separate copies of torch and food boxes.

Nouns and verbs can have aliases that are considered equivalent. To the game, "Unlock Door" and "Open Elevator" are exactly the same.


Verb idx Str idx String
$05$05chew / eat
$06$06roll / chuc / heav / thro
$08$08drop / leav / put
$0e$0eexam / look
$0f$0fwipe / clea / poli / rub
$10$10open / unlo
$12$12get / grab / hold / take
$13$13stab / kill / slas / atta / hack
$16$16say / yell / scre
$1b$1binst / dire
$1c$1chelp / hint
$5b-Z (move forward)
$5c-left-arrow (turn left)
$5d-right-arrow (turn right)
$5e-X (turn around)

Verbs $01 - $0d require an inventory object, verbs $0e - 13 require an object that may or may not be in inventory, and verbs $14 - 1c don't necessarily require an object. Only the first four letters of the verb matter.


Object idx Noun idx Str idx String
-$17$33Door / Elev

The object index identifies the slot used for placement of the object in the maze or in the player's inventory. The noun index is used when parsing commands or printing text. The indices are interchangeable except when dealing with torches or food.

As with verbs, only the first four characters matter. So you can type "Throttle Ringo" to throw the ring.

Message Strings

Index String
$05crystal ball.
$06paintbrush used by Van Gogh.
$07calculator with 10 buttons.
$08jeweled handled dagger.
$0aprecision crafted frisbee.
$0bhat with two ram's horns.
$0ccarefully polished horn.
$0dglass jar complete with lid.
$0egolden key.
$0fdiamond ring.
$10rotted mutilated sneaker.
$11magic staff.
$1290 pound two-handed sword.
$13ball of blue wool.
$15snake !!!
$16basket of food.
$18Inside the box there is a
$19You unlock the door...
$1aand the wall falls on you!
$1band the key begins to tick!
$1cand a 20,000 volt shock kills you!
$1dA 600 pound gorilla rips your face off!
$1eTwo men in white coats take you away!
$1fHaving fun?
$20The snake bites you and you die!
$21Thunderbolts shoot out above you!
$22The staff thunders with useless energy!
$23you are wearing it.
$24To everything
$25There is a season
$27The calculator displays 317.
$28It displays 317.2 !
$29The invisible guillotine beheads you!
$2aYou have rammed your head into a steel
$2bwall and bashed your brains out!
$2eA vicious dog attacks you!
$2fHe rips your throat out!
$30The dog chases the sneaker!
$31A vampire bat attacks you!
$32Your stomach is growling!
$33Your torch is dying!
$34You are another victim of the maze!
$35You have died of starvation!
$36The monster attacks you and
$37you are his next meal!
$38the magic word works! you have escaped!
$39Do you want to play again (Y or N)?
$3aYou fall through the floor
$3bonto a bed of spikes!
$3cBefore I let you go free
$3dwhat was the name of the monster?
$3eit says "the magic word is camelot".
$3fThe monster grabs the frisbee, throws
$40it back, and it saws your head off!
$42The key blows up the whole maze!
$43The ground beneath your feet
$44begins to shake!
$45A disgusting odor permeates
$46the hallway as it darkens!
$47the hallway!
$48It is the monster's mother!
$49She has been seduced!
$4aShe tiptoes up to you!
$4bShe slashes you to bits!
$4cYou slash her to bits!
$4dCorrect! You have survived!
$4eYou break the
$4fand it disappears!
$50What a mess! The vampire bat
$51drinks the blood and dies!
$52It vanishes in a
$53burst of flames!
$54You can't be serious!
$55You are making little sense.
$56 what?
$57all form into darts!
$58The food is being digested.
$5amagically sails
$5baround a nearby corner
$5cand is eaten by
$5dthe monster !!!!
$5eand the monster grabs it,
$5fgets tangled, and topples over!
$60It is now full of blood.
$61The monster is dead and
$62much blood is spilt!
$63You have killed it.
$64The dagger disappears!
$65The torch is lit and the
$66old torch dies and vanishes!
$67A close inspection reveals
$68absolutely nothing of value!
$69a smudged display!
$6aA can of spinach?
$6breturns and hits you
$6cin the eye!
$6dYou are trapped in a fake
$6eelevator. There is no escape!
$6fWith what? Toenail polish?
$70A draft blows your torch out!
$71The ring is activated and
$72shines light everywhere!
$73The staff begins to quake!
$74The calculator vanishes.
$75NEVER, EVER raid a monster's lair.
$77has vanished.
$78The body has vanished!
$7aOK...it is clean.
$7bCheck your inventory, DOLT!
$7dYou eat the
$7eand you get heartburn!
$7fA deafening roar envelopes
$80you. Your ears are ringing!
$82The hallway is too crowded.
$83A high shrill note comes
$84from the flute!
$85The calculator displays
$86You have been teleported!
$87With who? The monster?
$88You have no fire.
$89With what? Air?
$8aIt's awfully dark.
$8bLook at your monitor.
$8cIt looks very dangerous!
$8dI'm sorry, but I can't
$8eYou are confusing me.
$8fWhat in tarnation is a
$90I don't see that here.
$91OK...if you really want to,
$92But you have no key.
$93Do you wish to save the game (Y or N)?
$94Do you wish to continue a game (Y or N)?
$95Please prepare your cassette.
$96When ready, press any key.
$97and it vanishes!
$98You will do no such thing!
$99You are carrying the limit.
$9aIt is currently impossible.
$9bThe bat drains you of your vital fluids!
$9cAre you sure you want to quit (Y or N)?
$9dTry examining things.
$9eType instructions.
$9fInvert and telephone.
$a0Don't make unnecessary turns.
$a1You have turned into a pillar of salt!
$a2Don't say I didn't warn you!
$a3The elevator is moving!
$a4You are deposited at the next level.
$a5Your head smashes into the ceiling!
$a6You fall on the snake!
$a7Oh no! A pit!

The string displayed when examining an inventory object is the noun index + 4. This works for nouns $01 - 14.

There are a few messages that are never displayed. For example, it appears that messages $38 and $3e are intended to confuse people looking through a memory dump.