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AppleVision Disassembly

In 1977, Bob Bishop wrote a clever little Apple II demo called "APPLE-VISION". It was initially distributed on cassette tape, and was included by Apple on DOS System Master disks.


The program uses a clever trick to embed machine-language code inside an Integer BASIC program. When the program first loads it looks like a couple of lines of HIMEM/LOMEM/POKE statements followed by garbage:

    0 LOMEM:1800
    1 HIMEM:8192: POKE 202,165: POKE
      203,27: LOMEM:6144: CLR : GOTO
 8264, RUN LOMEM:*2664439008, ^ ,
       RUN ,  ABS *2664439008, ^
      , RUN ABS *266438288; RUN ^
      , RUN 6164,=58882/42004#2112
 2052 HIMEM: ^ $2577,"<42261 LOMEM:

After you run it once you can see the actual program.

The disassembly is split into Integer BASIC and assembly-language components.

AppleVision is copyright 1978 by Apple Computer, Inc. (and, according to the cassette label, copyright 1977 by R. Bishop).

Copyright 2020 by Andy McFadden