Subject: Re: does some body know "doctor who" pinball Date: 13 Apr 2000 00:52:12 GMT From: (Peter A. Castro) Organization: Castro Household Newsgroups: wrote: : In article , : "SEB" wrote: : > I'm looking for some information about it : > like : motor type : > and ditital to analogic converter (ym3012) : Not sure what you would be really asking about, but a : page about the DW Pinball and a few links is at : Since I've been doing mechanical work on DW lately, I might be able to answer some of your questions. The only motor in DW is part of the Time Expander. It's a 12 Volt DC motor which is connected to a gear box which moves the Expander up and down. The motor is not sold separately; it and the gear box are one piece. The motor+gearbox is manufactured by a company named Multi-Products in Racine, Wisconsin (262-554-3700). The Spec number is on the gearbox itself (#3228). Cost: $65. Older versions of the gearbox have a flaw in that they don't deal very well with the Time Expander getting stuck. If that happens then either the gears tend to strip or the gear on the central shaft disconnects itself from the shaft. In either case, the box is mostly useless after that. Later versions have reinforced the design to be more resiliant. As for the ym3012, what did you want to know? Oh, BTW, that webpage up above is Great! I'm gonna build me a moving head !-) -- Peter A. Castro ( or (