REM ***************************************************************** REM * Written by Fredric Rice * REM * * REM * Date started: 27/Mar/84, Date last update: 04/Mar/86. * REM * * REM * Copyright Stargoat Industries, 1984 through 2002, All Rights * REM * are reserved. Distribution and duplication of this product * REM * is granted for noon-commercial use provided the executable, * REM * source code, and documentation is not altered in any way. * REM * * REM * For updates and information contact Fredric L. Rice at The * REM * Skeptic Tank, * REM * * REM ***************************************************************** integer line.control.register, line.status.register integer receive.buffer, transmit.buffer, dlab.value.on integer, baud.rate.lsb, baud.rate.msb integer modem.control.register, byte, baud.lsb, baud.msb integer at.point, option, loop, timeout, baud.assignment serial.number$ = "IBM0001" rem ***************************************************************** rem * Receive a character from the port selected. * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** def receive if (inp(line.status.register) and 1) = 1 then \ byte = inp(receive.buffer): return else \ byte = 0: return fend rem ***************************************************************** rem * Here is the transmit of a byte routine. * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** def transmit if (inp(line.status.register) and 32) <> 32 then \ goto else \ out transmit.buffer, byte: return fend rem ***************************************************************** rem * Here we initialize the communications port serial board. If * rem * the com port is zero, the secondary port is used, else the * rem * com port is one, so the primary one is selected. * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** def initialization.routine line.control.register = 2fbh + (port.assignment * 100h) line.status.register = 2fdh + (port.assignment * 100h) receive.buffer = 2f8h + (port.assignment * 100h) transmit.buffer = 2f8h + (port.assignment * 100h) dlab.value.on = 83h = 3h baud.rate.lsb = 2f8h + (port.assignment * 100h) baud.rate.msb = 2f9h + (port.assignment * 100h) modem.control.register = 2fch + (port.assignment * 100h) rem ***************************************************************** rem * Reset the various things for communication by setting bits * rem * On or Off in the various addresses. * rem * Modem gets data terminal ready and request to send active * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** out line.control.register, 0 out line.status.register, 60h out modem.control.register, 3 rem ***************************************************************** rem * Set the dlab register on with 8 data bits, 1 stop, no parity * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** out line.control.register, dlab.value.on rem ***************************************************************** rem * The most significant and least significant bytes for baud rate* rem * 300 baud is 1, 92 * rem * 600 baud is 0, 192 * rem * 1200 baud is 0, 96 * rem * 2400 baud is 0, 48 * rem * 4800 baud is 0, 24 * rem * 9600 baud is 0, 12 * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** rem ***************************************************************** rem * Set the baud rate to requested baud. * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** baud.lsb = 0: baud.msb = 0 if baud.rate$ = "300" then baud.msb = 1: baud.lsb = 128 if baud.rate$ = "600" then baud.msb = 0: baud.lsb = 192 if baud.rate$ = "1200" then baud.msb = 0: baud.lsb = 96 if baud.rate$ = "2400" then baud.msb = 0: baud.lsb = 48 if baud.rate$ = "4800" then baud.msb = 0: baud.lsb = 24 if baud.rate$ = "9600" then baud.msb = 0: baud.lsb = 12 out baud.rate.lsb, baud.lsb out baud.rate.msb, baud.msb rem ***************************************************************** rem * Turn the dlab off. * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** out line.control.register, fend rem ***************************************************************** rem * Open the ibmfluke.dat file and read what the com port is * rem * assigned to. If the file does not exist, create it. * rem * * rem * Also parse the command$ into various factors, determine is a * rem * file name is valid or not, Append a .FLK if none is offered. * rem * If the file extention type is not .FLK, give an error message * rem * If a value is offered from the command line, append this * rem * value into the option variable and execute without asking * rem * for the value again at the menu input. * rem * * rem *****************************************************************$ = ucase$(command$): print: print if match(",",$, 1) <> 0 then$ =$: \ at.point = match(",",$, 1): \$ = left$($, at.point - 1): \ option = val(mid$($, at.point + 1, 1)) else \ option = 0 if len($) = 0 then \ print "Enter the file name with the transfer request:": \ print "Example: FLUKE MEMTEST [return]": stop if 0 = match(".",$, 1) then \$ =$ + ".FLK" if 0 = match(".FLK",$, 1) then \ print "Invalid file name. Must have .FLK extention": stop if end #1 then open "IBMFLUKE.DAT" as 1 read #1; assignment$ read #1; baud.rate$: close 1 port.assignment = val(assignment$) goto create "IBMFLUKE.DAT" as 1: print using "&"; #1; "1" print using "&"; #1; "2400": close 1 port.assignment = 1: assignment$ = "1": baud.rate$ = "2400" rem ***************************************************************** rem * Here we will be setting up the port assignment and addresses * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** if port.assignment <> 1 then port.assignment = 0 call initialization.routine rem ***************************************************************** rem * Here is where the menu gets printed to the screen. * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** cls$ = chr$(13) + string$(24, chr$(10)): print cls$ print tab(60);"Port: :COM";assignment$ print tab(60);"File: ";$ print tab(60);"Serial: ";serial.number$ print tab(60);"Baud: ";baud.rate$ for loop = 1 to 4: print: next loop print tab(20);"1... Transfer workspace to Fluke": print print tab(20);"2... Transfer workspace to IBM": print print tab(20);"3... Change :COM port assignment": print print tab(20);"4... Transfer to Fluke when called": print print tab(20);"5... Change Baud rate": print for loop = 1 to 5: print: next loop print tab(20);"Please enter your selection:"; if option <> 0 then goto we.have.the.option while not constat% wend option = val(chr$(conchar%)) we.have.the.option: if option = 5 then goto change.the.baud.rate if option = 4 then goto if option = 3 then goto ask.for.port.assignment if option = 2 then goto if option = 1 then goto if option <> 0 then goto print cls$: print "Operation ending": stop rem ***************************************************************** rem * Here we have requested the com port assignment to be changed * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** ask.for.port.assignment: print cls$ print "Do you want :COM port assignment 1 or 2: "; while not constat% wend port.assignment = val(chr$(conchar%)) if port.assignment = 1 or port.assignment = 2 then goto goto ask.for.port.assignment rem ***************************************************************** rem * When port assignment is 0, the secondary address is used, if * rem * the port assignment is 1, the address used is the primary one * rem * We do this by adding 100h to the address if the primary gets * rem * requested. * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** if port.assignment = 1 then assignment$ = "1" else \ assignment$ = "2" open "IBMFLUKE.DAT" as 1: option = 0 print using "&"; #1; assignment$ print using "&"; #1; baud.rate$: close 1 call initialization.routine: goto rem ***************************************************************** rem * Here we will transfer a workspace to the ibm from the fluke * rem * We check to make certain the file does not exist yet. * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** if end #2 then continue.with.transfer open$ as 2: print cls$ print "File: ";$;" is already on your disk!": stop continue.with.transfer: create$ as 2 data.buffer$ = string$(30000, chr$(0)) data.buffer% = 2 + sadd(data.buffer$) old.buffer% = data.buffer%: timeout = 0 print cls$: print "Waiting for data" while byte = 0 call receive wend goto plug.this.byte call receive plug.this.byte: if byte <> 0 then poke data.buffer%, byte: \ data.buffer% = data.buffer% + 1: \ timeout = 0: goto timeout = timeout + 1 if timeout < 22000 then goto print cls$: print "Wait one moment, please... Saving"; print (data.buffer% - old.buffer%);"bytes" for loop = old.buffer% to data.buffer% put 2, peek(loop) next loop print "File has been transfered and saved.": close 2: stop rem ***************************************************************** rem * Here we will transfer a workspace to the fluke from the ibm * rem * We open the file to see if it is a valid file first. * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** if end #2 then open$ as 2: goto print cls$ print "I am unable to locate file: ";$: stop print cls$ print "Sending workspace: ";$ if end #2 then if option = 4 then \ print cls$: \ print "I am waiting for you to hit AUX I/F, READ, and YES": \ print "on the Fluke 9010a keyboard before I transfer the file": \ while byte = 0: \ call receive: \ wend read #2; line record$: record$ = record$ + chr$(13) + chr$(10) for loop = 1 to len(record$) byte = asc(mid$(record$, loop, 1)) call transmit: bc = bc + 1 next loop goto close 2: print cls$ print "File: ";$;" has been sent to the Fluke" print "Total of";bc;"bytes transmitted.": stop rem ***************************************************************** rem * Here we will allow the operator to change the baud rate * rem * * rem ***************************************************************** change.the.baud.rate: print cls$ print tab(20); "1 ... 300 baud": print print tab(20); "2 ... 600 baud": print print tab(20); "3 ... 1200 baud": print print tab(20); "4 ... 2400 baud": print print tab(20); "5 ... 4800 baud": print print tab(20); "6 ... 9600 baud": print print: print: print: print print "Enter selection above, or [ENTER] to abort: "; while not constat% wend baud.assignment = val(chr$(conchar%)) if baud.assignment < 1 or baud.assignment > 6 then goto if baud.assignment = 1 then baud.rate$ = "300" if baud.assignment = 2 then baud.rate$ = "600" if baud.assignment = 3 then baud.rate$ = "1200" if baud.assignment = 4 then baud.rate$ = "2400" if baud.assignment = 5 then baud.rate$ = "4800" if baud.assignment = 6 then baud.rate$ = "9600" open "IBMFLUKE.DAT" as 1: call initialization.routine print using "&"; #1; assignment$: option = 0 print using "&"; #1; baud.rate$: close 1: goto