List of Roms Availiable for The Midway Universal Test Fixture. All Roms are 2716's and would be used in location 0 on the Test fixture. It's obvious what games most of the roms are used for, but they are listed just in case! Bluprint.716 - Blueprint Test Rom. Galaxian.716 - Galaxian Test Rom. Gal-Bosc.716 - Galaga / Bosconian Test Rom. Gorf.716 - Gorf Test Rom. Kickman.716 - Kickman Test Rom. Lazarian.716 - Lazarian Test Rom. Pacman.716 - Pacman Test Rom. Pm-MsPM.716 - Pacman / Ms. Pacman Test Rom. RobbyR.716 - Robby Roto Test Rom. Satansh.716 - Satan's Hollow Test Rom. Solarfox.716 - Solarfox Test Rom. Sprpacma.716 - Super Pacman Test Rom. Tron.716 - Tron Test Rom. Wizofwor.716 - Wizard of Wor Test Rom. I'd like to thank Kevin Phillips (aka Tempest) for supplying me with this Test unit. The permanent home for these Roms is located on under Tech Tips. Callan.