Super Shanghai Pinout = JAMMA ------------------------------- Dip sw.1 -------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------------------------------------------------------- Demo Sound - Yes + No Screen - Normal + Reverse Mode - Game Mode + Test Mode Coin A - - - 1Coin/1Play - + - 1Coin/2Play - - + 2Coin/1Play - + + 2Coin/3Play + - - 1Coin/1Play + + - 1Coin/4Play + - + 3Coin/1Play + + + 4Coin/1Paly Coin B - - - 1Coin/1Play - + - 1Coin/2Play - - + 2Coin/1Play - + + 2Coin/3Play + - - 1Coin/1Play + + - 1Coin/4Play + - + 3Coin/1Play + + + 4Coin/1Play Dip sw.2 -------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------------------------------------------------------- Difficulty - - Normal + - Easy - + Hard + + Hardest Not Used - - Not Used Tile Animation - With + Without Mah-Jong Tile - Used + Not Used * Paradise Course - With + Without Quest Coures - With + Without * This game comes with various levels of play. The ADVANCED course is for normal play, while the PARADISE course is for mature players and QUEST course for inexperience players. PARADISE course and QUEST are selectable.