Battlantis, Konami 1987 Pinout = JAMMA --------------------------------------------- Dip sw.1 -------- | Coin 1 | Coin 2 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - 1Coin/1Play - - - + - - - + 1Coin/2Play - - + - - - + - 1Coin/3Play - - + + - - + + 1Coin/4Play - + - - - + - - 1Coin/5Play - + - + - + - + 1Coin/6Play - + + - - + + - 1Coin/7Play - + + + - + + + 2Coin/1Play + - - - + - - - 2Coin/3Play + - - + + - - + 2Coin/5Play + - + - + - + - 3Coin/1Play + - + + + - + + 3Coin/2Play + + - - + + - - 3Coin/4Play + + - + + + - + 4Coin/1Play + + + - + + + - 4Coin/3Play + + + + + + + + | Free Play | Void | Dip sw.2 -------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------------------------------------------------------- Player - - 2 + - 3 - + 5 + + 7 Type - Table + Upright Bonus - - 30000, Every 70000 + - 40000, Every 80000 - + 40000 Only + + 50000 Only Difficulty - - Easy + - Normal - + Hard + + Hardest Demosound - Off + On Dip sw.3 -------- 1 2 3 4 ----------------------------------------------------------- Screen - Normal + Reverse Alternating Play - Single Upright Control + Dual Upright Control Mode - Game Mode + Test Mode Continue - Up to 3 Times + Up to 5 Times