If you have any suggestions, or bug reports, send me an e-mail at mailto:gamehacker@mchsi.com




This hack replaces the original bios chip on the Nintendo Playchoice 10 Motherboard to display the correct game name on the menu.  The current version is v1.0 and can be downloaded Here.  The binary image will need to be burned into a 27C128 Eprom and placed into location 8T on the motherboard.  The current version is v1.0 and can be downloaded Here.


I have also created a visual basic program that will create the “Name” binary Image that can be burned into a 27C64 or equivalent eprom.  It can be downloaded Here.  And Here are some pre-made name images  GALAGA   DIG DUG   DEFENDER 2   DONKEY KONG CLASSIC



This Eprom will replace the old “name” eprom usually located at U3 or U4 on the cartridge PCB.



*    The menu WILL work with your original non-hacked cartridges without any modifications. 

*    There are no on-screen instructions for each individual game.  (Maybe in the future, but I doubt it)

*    The machine will NOT accept coins.  It will be on free play only.  Sorry, you can’t make money off of this.

*    The ‘attract mode’ sounds can be enabled/disabled with the factory dip switch.  (Switch ‘G’)


This has been tested on the upright versions only (Single and Dual monitor) but not the countertop version.  If someone can do this, let me know how it works.


Here are some screen shots: